Add a Layout
Steps below outline different layouts to be added to the Yearbook from: Activity, Custom and Portrait layouts.
Looking to add a page number or icon to each page? Use Master Pages versus Custom Layout. Master Pages will provide a cohesive look for a particular image or icon to be set on each page.
Types of Layouts
Custom Layouts-A layout outside of the standard templates already included on the Yearbook website created by the yearbook adviser.
Portrait Layouts-A predesigned layout to use for portraits of students and staff to be flown throughout the yearbook.
Activity Layouts-A predesigned layout to use for student, school or special events that occurred at the school. Can be used for candid images.
Adding a Layout to Page
1. Go to the specific page that a layout needs to be added to.
a. Enter page number at the top in ## box and click Go
b. Click Book Builder select Ladder Diagram from the drop down, then select the specific page to add the layout.
2. On the left-hand side on Page Builder and click on Layouts to expand.
3. Select which layout to use from the options provided:
a. My Favorites
b. Book Favorites
c. Custom Layouts
d. Portrait Layouts
e. Activity Layouts.
4. Selecting the type of layout will open a drop down to select which specific layout.
5. Scroll through the options and drag and drop the layout onto your page.
Checkout Yearbooks Layouts Guide for a full list of layouts for Portraits and Activity.
To have a double page spread layout look for the (b) after the number on the layout. For example: 100 (b).