Create a Portrait Panel

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Creating a Portrait Panel When creating a portrait panel, it is important to consider the portrait size, name placement and spacing between images. You will also want to look through students’ identifications to determine the amount of space needed for the longest names. Name placement to the outside allows designers to include a few more portraits than designs with names under photos. Note the differences below: To create a portrait panel, go to a blank spread in the ladder diagram. In the upper left corner, click on Portrait Panels. Then click on Add Portrait Panel and drag it to the blank spread.AB BASize 9 Rows SpacingColumnsRows Size SizeSizeWith arearerowsspacinglittle-to-nobetweenandcolumns,SizeAaccommodates72portraitsononepagewhennamesplacedontheleftorrightsidesoftheportraitpanel.Withtightspacingbetweenrowsandcolumns,SizeBaccommodates56portraitsononepagewhennamesplacedontheleftorrightsidesoftheportraitpanel. With little spacing between columns and minimal space between rows, Size A accommodates 70 portraits on one page when names are placed under Usingportraits.two points of space selected.photosareacancolumns,betweendesignersfit54portraitsonpagewhennamesplacedunderifSizeBis 8 Columns Horizontalelements Vertical elements Confidential and Proprietary Information. Property of Lifetouch. Related Creatingvideos:aPortrait Panel

D DSize Size With tight spacing between rows and portraitsaccommodatescolumns,SizeD36ononepagewhennamesareplacedoutsidetheportraitpanel. With 11 points of space portraits.arepageportraitsaccommodatesrows,ofcolumnsbetweenand8pointsspacebetweenSizeD35ononewhennamesplacedunder E ESize Size With tight spacing between rows and columns, Size E fits 25 portraits on one page when names are placed outside the portraitpanel. Using 10.3 points of space between col umns and 19.3 points of space between rows, designers can fit 24 portraits on a page when names are placed under photos if Size E is selected. Z ZSize Size Using a minimum of space between rows and includedesignerscolumns,can49portraitsononepagewhenSizeCischosen. With two points of space photosareacancolumns,betweendesignersfit48portraitsonpagewhennamesplacedunderusingSizeC. C CSize Size Using a minimum of space between rows and includedesignerscolumns,can49portraitsononepagewhenSizeCischosen. With two points of space photosareacancolumns,betweendesignersfit48portraitsonpagewhennamesplacedunderusingSizeC. Confidential and Proprietary Information. Property of Lifetouch. More related portrait panel videos

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