Edit Portraits Within the Portrait Group

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To edit names, go to Manage Images>Portrait Images and select the group containing the images. Click on the photo and check the box marked “Use a nickname instead.” Change the name and save it. You should unflow the portraits and reflow them after editing the names. Lifetouch.

Edit a portrait within the portrait panel Sometimes the yearbook staff receives portraits of teachers or students who were not at school on picture or retake day. When add the portrait to the portrait flow, the image may look out of place if the face is smaller than the others in the group. To edit those portraits, follow this guide: 31 5 42StepStep Step StepStepClick on the portrait keysDoubletool)pencilblock.imageThenclickonthe(editingabovetheportraits.clickonthatimageandusetheslidertoadjustthesubject’sfacesizetomatchtheotherfacesizes.Youcanalsoclickafterthepercentageintheboxabovetheimageanduseyourarrowtoincreasethefacesize. Click on the image that needs to be adjusted. A red box will correctaroundappearthatimage.Usethismethodtoallfacesizesintheportraitpanel.Youwillneedtocorrecteachoneindividually.

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Related videos: Access and Edit Your Portraits Create a Portrait Group Add or Remove Subjects in a Group Create a New Subject Record Edit a Subject Record Include Teacher Portraits on Class Pages Add a Portrait Group to a Page Edit One Portrait in a Panel

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