Let’s Get Tagging!
Tagging is a useful feature of the Lifetouch Yearbook website. In an effort to help you get organized check out the template we created for you! Use this to start ideas, learn best practices and have fun building your yearbook.
How to name tags?
Four tips for tag naming success:
For Example: Soccer, Game 3, Loyd James Math Class, Grade 4, Laura Olson Homecoming, Royalty, Donny Webber
2. Upload common events at one time so the user can apply the tag to all images at one time.
We recommend following a naming convention similar to this: Event, number (if applicable), photographer
Best practice: If an event takes place and was not on the original tag list, the Yearbook staff should add the events name to the list before images are uploaded. This will prevent students from creating their own names for images. By getting organized this process prevents duplication.
1. It’s best to create tag names before you begin to upload images to the Yearbook website.
3. Recommend max 500 images per tag. 4. These special characters &, @, -, #, and _ are recognized with tags.
Fall Events:
Classroom Events:
Other Events:
Winter Events:
Sporting Events:
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
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Spring Events:
Holiday Events:
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
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Looking for more information? Check out our Training and Tools section on the yearbook website.
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