Names of Group Leader and Recorder:
Telling the story with images, headline and captions
Class Period:
Your storywith photos
Photographer moved in close to capture this image
Headline ties spread together using one idea
Exercise 5: Photo stories Close-up photo
Photos taken before the field trip
Pictures showing students after field trip ends
Part 1: Brainstorm for ideas
Divide the class into groups of two or three students each. Select an upcoming event or activity to cover for the yearbook. Discuss ideas for telling the story using photos from before, during and after the event. Also think of photos that will work well in horizontal or vertical spaces. In addition, list ideas for wide, medium and close-up images to help you tell the complete story in photos.
Part 2: Photograph the event
Photos taken during the field trip
Photo taken at regular/medium range
Photo taken at wide range
With your team, cover the event. Take photos before, during and after the activity. Take a variety of horizontal and vertical images. Also photograph wide, medium and close-up shots. In addition, take images of people engaged in the event featuring these composition techniques: • Rule of thirds • Framing • Leading Lines • Selective focus • Peak moment of action • Repetition of patterns or objects • Negative space • Close-up • Bird’s eye view (high angle) • Worm’s eye view (low angle) Also include photos featuring these lighting techniques: • Side lighting • Back lighting • Top lighting • Under lighting Submit photos: Label your photos with your name, composition and lighting sources and submit them to your adviser in a Google folder, using the link below:
Names of Group Members: CORE Standards for Theme - Speaking and Listening: - 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 - page 24; Reading Standards: 5.7 - page 12; 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 - page 21
Confidential and Proprietary Information Property of Lifetouch
PowerPoint Video Curriculum: Photography Chapter 5- pages 1-29 Grading rubric