Names of Group Leader and Recorder: Class Period:
Telling the story of your sports teams with images, headline and captions
Ideas for Photo Coverage:
sports storywith photos
Telling the
Note how the photographer tells the visual story of the University of Hartford Big East Champs
We are the
Exercise 6: Sports photography
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam aliquam quiatiat eossime
Part 1: Brainstorm for ideas
of the Big East Tournament
Divide the class into groups of two or three students each. Select an upcoming event or activity to cover for the yearbook. Discuss ideas for telling the story using photos from before, during and after the event. Also think of photos that will work well in horizontal or vertical spaces. In addition, list ideas for wide, medium and close-up images to help you tell the complete story in photos.
Lene doluptas ma corpos etur, occum, que nullam nullab incipis desti debit, volorecate poratur itatior eptatem. Ugiae non cullent ionsequiatem velessum faceped quasitatibus dolest, siminvent es doluptat. Susciae poribus con renihil minima ad quiate nis acerferro te vent, et dollique et odigniamus asimosam, essinim faces sunt untiumeni officatem iscit quia natemo illum quiaesedist, si aut adit aliquidebist estem dolendem cus debitat hicatinturit ius eumet id ut est. Eborepudi simossitisci re volest voluptaturit liquisimi, conse nem fugit, corit int harunti nulpa veles debita peribus aut aci as acesto berorpo riatum eaquibu stioremperis volenda sum harum
“Um dicaerio te vit et qui que nos imos molecta nonectur moluptata quatuscipis minulparum exceperum .” Name Name • Sophomore
Headline Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam aliquam quiatiat
Headline Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Headline Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Headline Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam aliquam quiatiat eossime
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam aliquam quiatiat eossime
Part 2: Instructional video
While your group covers the event, create an instructional video about “how to photograph sports.” Include all aspects of creating a photo story or covering a sport from the beginning of the season to the end. Take pictures before, during and after the game ends. Remember to take wide, medium and close-up pictures. Feature your lighting and composition techniques mentioned earlier. Then “show” your audience how to use these techniques in your video. Submit photos and instructional video: Label your photos and video with your name and descriptions of lighting sources, composition techniques and other details you deem important and submit them to your adviser in a Google folder, using the link below: (Add link to your photos and instructional video here)
Con cor ad quid et ut officillore, ut fugiaeri ipsam
Additional resources: PowerPoint
Names of Group Members:
Video Curriculum: Photography Chapter 5- pages 1-29
CORE Standards for Theme - Speaking and Listening: - 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 - page 24; Reading Standards: 5.7 - page 12; 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 - page 21
Confidential and Proprietary Information Property of Lifetouch
Grading rubrics for photo and video