Names of Group Leader and Recorder: Class Period: Composition technique(s):
Composition technique(s):
Artistic touch to your photos Adding an
Exercise 3: Photo composition Part 1: Composition technique(s):
Oftentimes, photographers feature several artistic techniques in one photo. In the blank spaces to the left, identify composition techniques you see in each image.
Part 2:
With a DSLR or smartphone (or both), take candid photos featuring these composition elements: • Rule of thirds • Framing • Leading Lines • Selective focus • Peak moment of action • Repetition of patterns or objects • Negative space • Close-up • Bird’s eye view (high angle) • Worm’s eye view (low angle) Submit photos: Label your photos with your name and composition elements/techniques and submit them to your adviser in a Google folder, using the link below:
Grading rubric and answers
Composition technique(s):
Composition technique(s):
Composition technique(s):
Names of Group Members: CORE Standards for Theme - Speaking and Listening: - 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 - page 24; Reading Standards: 5.7 - page 12; 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 - page 21
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