A STORY WORTH SHARING Annual Review 2023

EvEryonE will sharE thE story of your wondErful goodnEss; thEy will sing with joy about your rightEousnEss.
Psalm 145:7 nlt
A STORY WORTH SHARING Annual Review 2023
EvEryonE will sharE thE story of your wondErful goodnEss; thEy will sing with joy about your rightEousnEss.
Psalm 145:7 nlt
I am delighted to invite you to reflect with us on another year of sharing (as our founder William Walters put it) “the captivating story of God’s love”. In doing so, my fellow trustees and I thank you for your prayers, giving, and ongoing involvement with Lifewords ministry.
2023 was a year of moving forward and looking ahead. While there was still much despair in this world, we found hope and comfort in the light that is far more powerful than the darkness.
In the UK, we introduced Little Book of Jesus – the story of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection told in the Bible’s own words. We also started work on the next Little Book in the series, Little Book of Joy. Our team in Poland completed our three-year 50 languages project. By revitalising Bible resources in 50 pivotal global languages, we have created materials in languages that are spoken globally by over five billion native speakers, rising to eight billion with second-language speakers. We give thanks for this tremendous – potentially very impactful – milestone.
Our colleagues in Brazil, Kenya, India, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand continued to share God’s story in their own contexts – through Pavement Project, printed booklets, or digital resources. We worked alongside and partnered with a variety of organisations and churches, and enjoyed meeting supporters as we introduced our resources in-person at events, assemblies, and celebrations.
2023 was a year where we were privileged to continue in our work of helping people all over the world connect others with the Bible’s powerful and life-changing story. We are grateful for your ongoing partnership in the gospel as we share this story together.
Liz Heyburn Lifewords Chair
In partnership with our faithful supporters, in 2023 we resourced churches and individuals to share God’s story with people from all walks of life. Lifewords resources were used in church events, one-to-one relationships, and evangelistic outreach. Chaplains, church leaders, youth workers and mission workers helped adults,
children, families, the elderly, and people living with disability engage with the Bible in churches and on the streets, in hospitals and prisons, in drop-in centres and schools. We brought the Bible to at-risk children, refugees and displaced people, to those who are vulnerable and exploited, to those who are in prison, and many more.
44 Bible resources were printed in 27 languages. This included 19 new titles1, 10 revisions, and 15 high-demand reprints. In addition to this, one title was produced in Yanomami Xiriana language. We created and launched 38 new animations2 in 19 languages.
We processed 2,420 orders and distributed 421,790 printed Bible resources in 56 languages (including Yanomami Xiriana).
The most widely distributed languages included: English, French, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese Brazilian, Portuguese European, Spanish, Tamil, and Ukrainian. These resources were freely provided to individuals, churches, and mission organisations across 61 countries. The top 10 recipient countries were Brazil, Chile, Colombia, France, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.
Jesus Christ Has Power to Save Us was produced in Yanomami Xiriana language (in which only the Gospel of Mark exists) in partnership with Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil, who prepared the manuscript, while we typeset the booklet and provided the files. The title was printed locally in Brazil (MNT covered the print cost) and is ready for use among the Xiriana people.
1 This includes new translations of existing titles.
2 See footnote 1.
“The Xiriana are a very remote people group living in the jungle. They have had very limited access to discipleship and evangelism, and are in desperate need of materials to help them grow spiritually and expand the reach of the gospel. We are extremely grateful to Lifewords and their partnership with us in reaching the Xiriana.”
Missão Novas Tribos
We completed our three-year 50 languages project to extend and refresh our catalogue of global Bible resources. The two core titles are An Invitation, a popular evangelistic resource, and Finding Hope, our mostpopular global, pastoral resource. Both are available for the global audience as booklets and as digital animations for download, and on YouTube.
We also offer other titles for global use in evangelism and pastoral ministry in selected core languages. Most popular are You Matter (a conversation starter for younger audiences), The Way to Life (outreach title), and Day by Day (a devotional resource for new Bible readers).
“We received your booklets with joy, and took them up to the north-east desert region of Brazil. It is a region with lots of illiterate people, and so the vibrant illustrations have been a blessing. Many people have actually heard the story, but to be able to show them the pictures, tell the story and then explain it, has been a blessing.”
Supporter who ordered from the Global Bible Resources website, Brazil
Animations of An Invitation and Finding Hope were played 1.3 million times on YouTube.
The most popular language versions were: Bengali, Croatian, Czech, French, Gujarati, Italian, Malayalam, Marathi, Polish, and Spanish.
61,359 new app installations (145,414 total number of alltime app installations).
47,687 interactions (tags assigned by users to Bible verses).
56,771 shares (text messages and images, all channels).
23,864 (in 202 countries) active users of the LCW email service on the 31st December 2023.
In 2023, Life Changing Words marked 20 years of delivering daily Bible passages in 12 world languages by email, and 10 years of the LCW app. In 2023, we launched a brand-new app, refreshed the email service, and improved the website. With the new app, user growth significantly increased, with an average of 6,000 new installations per month. There was a monthly average of 3,400 interactions with the Bible text and 6,000 shares of Bible verses on social media.
Lifewords became a member of Churches Together England (CTE), opening up opportunities to develop partnerships with churches, organisations, and charities across this 750+ strong network. Through attending Big Church Festival, Baptist Assembly, and the Church of God of Prophecy’s 70th Jubilee Convocation we engaged with a breadth of church contexts, denominations and para-church organisations. Our relationship with individual supporters continued to strengthen connections with many local church communities across the UK.
Working alongside army chaplains, padres, and Army Scripture Readers, we were able to provide Bible resources to individuals in the armed forces. We offered resources to hospital chaplains in a variety of UK healthcare situations, including a number of mental health hospitals and services. Our pastoral resources, along with booklets designed for specific contexts like Little Book of Chaos, proved particularly popular.
“These resources, which are available to stretched budgets for free, provide bite-sized comfort and reassurance for our patients, and are good talking points about faith and spirituality within their recovery. They are accessible at a time when people may feel too overwhelmed or confused to engage with larger texts. They allow individuals to engage at whatever level they are able to, and are perfectly aimed for those of our patients who are seeking a deeper meaning to life.”
Melissa Jack, mental health chaplain
We distributed over 32,000 copies of our new booklet Follow Me, and began work on new additions to our Little Book series: Little Book of Jesus and Little Book of Joy. Little Book of Jesus seeks to engage people of all faiths and none with the life story of Jesus. Between August and December 2023, nearly 9,000 copies were distributed.
For Easter, we promoted Believe the Women and The Easter Journey. And for Christmas, alongside a new version of our OUTSIDE/IN animation on YouTube – this time with subtitles – there were animated videos posted on TikTok to publicise Meet the Cast, The True Light and A Story for the Whole World, and two videos digitising Little Book of Jesus were shared on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Four new blog posts relating to Meet the Cast, The True Light, OUTSIDE/IN and Light Up were published on the Lifewords website.
22,472 WW1 Gospels were distributed – the most since 2019. In the 10 years since its release, over one million copies of the WW1 Active Service St John’s Gospels have been distributed.
“Many of the young Arabic speaking mothers are some of the most socially isolated in our area, they often feel forgotten and alone, and many have found the Who Cares About Me booklet to be very moving.”
Paul Wilson, Parkhead Nazarene Church, working with refugees and asylum seekers
“The new Follow Me booklet has proved extremely popular. It’s beautifully produced, both in its message and graphics. Brilliant!”
Cathryn Read
“Advent and Christmas bring the highest attendance in church by the general public, and we seize the opportunity to let everyone leave with a booklet as a memento of their visit.”
Helen, St Paul’s Macclesfield
“I just want to truly say thank you for
We developed and trialled a number of different strategies to reach new audiences on social media, including more promoted posts to extend the reach of content beyond established followers. We also started to use TikTok to reach a younger audience, build a more diverse supporter demographic, and grow our understanding of how to best engage with these audiences.
Alongside posting stand-alone verses throughout the year, we ran two campaigns in the build-up to Easter and Christmas, “The Easter People” and “Christmas Journeys: Travellers, Outcasts, Refugees and Kings…”. Both campaigns aimed to increase engagement with the Bible on social media, and to connect with a new generation of supporters and donors.
• 1,160 subscribers
• 287 videos
• 2,500 page visits
• 350 page visits
• 7,215 impressions
In July, we equipped our partner MEAP (Evangelical Mission of Assistance to Fishermen) to train 10 missionaries who work in communities along the Purus River, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon. In December, staff of three new partners, the Association of Riverside Women, The World for Christ Church in Nova Floresta, and the Methodist Church in Mutirão in the Amazonas were also trained.
We launched Pavement Project in two new countries where the need to alleviate children’s suffering is significant. We are partnering with ALEM Guinea-Bissau (Wycliffe) and Iglesia Mision Visión Discipulado in Panama. So far, 34 children have been helped by Pavement Project.
We launched a new version of the Pavement Project app, with enhanced features that give a better experience for both educators and children.
• 5,174 children counselled.
• 5,207 counselling sessions in 2023.
• 28 training sessions in 14 countries trained 151 workers from 61 partner organisations.
• 28 active trainers and 15 trainee trainers covering 12 countries.
• 3 new trainers.
Across Brazil, we continued to work with partners to reach young people and their families through Pavement Project. We held three online meetings for Pavement Project workers, with 109 participants from 11 Latin American countries. Trainers shared their experiences in training others and they also heard the testimony of two young women counselled by Pavement Project as teenagers. The workers prayed together and shared the achievements of their organisations in the care and protection of children.
Choose Life built on a successful trial period with 22 churches and social projects using Choose Life with more than 620 children.
“The majority of our children live in Mutirão, a very poor and violent place, close to our church. Some have parents and brothers in prison for different reasons: alcoholism, drugs, unemployment … which leaves them very vulnerable. The church has fought to provide a more dignified life for each of them using Choose Life. During the Choose Others module we realised that caring about others, and respecting and loving others and oneself are seeds being planted in their lives, minds and hearts. During classes and at the end of the module they showed more care and respect for their classmates.”
Cleide Alabarce, Baptist church in Santa Cruz, Cascavel, Brazil
Over 50,000 booklets were distributed in English, Swahili, and local languages in 13 African countries: Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Pavement Project is active in eight African countries: Angola, DRC, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe through 87 partner organisations and 196 Pavement Project workers. In 2023, over 3,000 children were counselled, and 38 new workers were trained.
866 young people from Kenya engaged with Choose Life, and by the end of 2023, 571 had graduated the programme.
“I gave a gang leader An Invitation a few months ago, little did l know the Holy Spirit would convict him to give his life to Christ. He is totally transformed and serves as an usher in one of the churches here in Nairobi. We give God all the glory!”
Pastor Salano, Kenya
Aboriginal Daily Strength is a partnership project with Wycliffe to help Indigenous Australians more easily access the Bible and read it in a way that is culturally meaningful. The newly translated Plain English Version (PEV) of Daily Strength will be shared across regional Australia.
Mobile missions were a continuing aspect of the work in Indonesia, with a total of 26 to remote communities.
835 people were trained to use The Visible Story, flipcards, and other Lifewords resources. These included pastors, missionaries, Sunday school teachers, seminary lecturers and students, and staff at other Christian organisations.
“In juvenile justice, many boys carry heavy shame and low self-esteem. You Matter is a powerful story, and it is not complicated to read and understand the themes of acceptance, reconciliation and Jesus’ grace. The prodigal son is so relevant.”
Mike Clark, prison chaplain, Cobham, Australia
10,260 pastoral resources distributed
12 community Ninefold Path Learning Lab events
4,200 seasonal booklets distributed
3,850 resources used with high school students
Enquiries for resources are generally guided to our Global Bible Resources website. A small quantity are distributed from the India office, such as requests from rural areas and other urgent needs. Last year, India distributed 6,400 resources, including around 3,000 copies of old Tamil titles.
“Lifewords provides me with the best booklets. People like to look at your books and it is easier to strike conversation with Lifewords booklets.”
John, hospital evangelist
“I am simply amazed how effective Pavement Project is. The step-by-step process gives children the opportunity and the confidence to share their traumas and challenges with ease. To see them confirming their true identity in Christ and being empowered is the most incredible quality of Pavement Project. I believe this is a programme directly from God.”
Raju, Pavement Project worker
Pavement Project ran a third training session with Navajeevan Seva Mandal (NSM) in May in Chottagagiri, Jharkhand with 17 staff from 13 projects. We will reach around 1,500 children through these 17 certified workers. A new partnership with Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM) was established to train staff and church volunteers in its 42 day care centres.
Surplus Kannada Pavement Project resources were given to South India Assemblies of God (SIAG) who have created an eight-week children’s programme from which 10,000 children from Karnataka and 2,000 from Goa are estimated to benefit. In addition to this, picture cards were donated to Diyaghar, an NGO with nursery and day care centres for children of migrant workers and children from the slums.
Six live events, funded by Jerusalem Trust, saw us connecting with networks keen to work out their faith through “the beatitudes”.
The events, featuring “music, spoken word, and thoughtprovoking conversation around the ancient spiritual wisdom of ‘the beatitudes’” took place in Norwich, Leeds, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Sheffield, and London. Coloradobased contributor Heatherlyn joined UK Collective members, with practical support from UK staff.
The Ninefold Path was promoted as a resource for churches and groups. Print and online ads were run with Reform, Premier Christianity, Idea, Church Times, Keep the Faith, and the Baptist Assembly. Two blogs were featured on Premier Christianity’s website, and on youth platform, NEXGEN. Big Church Festival generated a lot of interest as a different way of engaging communities with the Way of Jesus.
especially with people who are new to faith or thinking what it means to be a Christian.”
Vicki Price
“I’m beginning to realise that the beatitudes are one of the only things that make sense in this crazy world.”
Peter, one of the Sheffield organisers
“The event was absolutely brilliant! It was the first time I had heard the Collective live, and it was a baptism of explosive joy!”
Noel Moules
“Many had not experienced such professional musicianship before and were simple bowled over, not only by the message of the beatitudes, but also the simply incredible music, singing and storytelling. Many thanks once again – it was a very special evening.”
Ian Fifield, Curate, St Stephen’s Norwich
Lifewords Bible resources are designed to open ways into the Bible for you, your church, and your community. With over 135 years’ experience of sharing the Bible’s life words with church and culture, these resources are provided free, and supported by donations, to help you reach out through ministry of all shapes and sizes, in multiple languages, contexts, and countries around the world. Join us and be part of the Lifewords experience today!
These figures are taken from the full audited UK Annual Report and Accounts for 2023.
Please visit lifewords.global/about/annual-reports to view, or contact us if you would like a copy.
As we look back at 2023, we thank God for the privilege of sharing the story that continues to change lives all over the world. We are mindful of and grateful for all those who help us do this: our supporters, donors, partners, and users of the resources we so love creating and sharing. Your sustaining and encouraging prayers, financial support, and fellowship help us persevere.
Conflicts across the globe still ravage and destroy, and many are suffering from poverty, famine, conflict, and abuse. There is always much to respond to, to take action on; there are many waiting for that one person, that one encounter that will reach out to them with the Word that brings life. It is our prayer that we will continue being life words together as we share God’s life-giving story.