04 08 10 12 14 Brick by Brick Introducing our brand-new resource News
The latest news from the Lifewords global family
Designed for Life Reaching refugees in Glasgow
The Heart of the Community Serving Nairobi’s poor
Get Involved Lifewords and you

Issue 87/ 2–2024
Editorial team
Jess Bee
Kris Calver
Steve Bassett
Photographs Lifewords unless otherwise stated
Cover photograph
Kris Calver
S2 design and advertising Ltd
Yeomans Creative
Lifewords is the operating name of Scripture Gift Mission (Inc), registered charity in England and Wales, 219055
Registered office 1A The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY
Interact is free, available three times a year from your nearest member of the Lifewords global family of organisations (see page 15).

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me … you are familiar with all my ways.
Psalm 139:1,3 (NIV)
How wonderful it is to remember that God knows us – knows who we are, what we’ve done, how we operate, and how we feel. And that God loves us, because of and in spite of these things. This sense of being truly known is reflected in the Bible – a book that speaks to us, no matter who we are or where we are from. In God’s Word there is hope, welcome, comfort, and challenge for every person and every situation. At Lifewords, we seek to create resources that will help everyone find a point of connection with the Living God through Scripture.
We had an exciting start to 2024 with the “leap-year” launch of the Little Brick of Little Books, our brand-new tool for all those looking for Bible-centred resources that people will read, re-read, and keep. You can find out about this exciting new resource for chaplains, educators, youth workers, churches, community groups, pastors, and more on pages 4–7, and also find out how you can GIFT A BRICK.
As with the Little Books, all Lifewords resources are designed with a specific audience in mind. On page 10, you can read about how other resources in our range are meeting people’s need for welcome and belonging in Glasgow, and on page 12, discover how Bible resources are offering light and hope to people living in some of Nairobi’s poorer areas.
Thank you for your partnership in helping everyone connect and engage with the Bible.

Brick by Brick
“These Little Books are a great, accessible, modern, and colourful resource. They are full of faith and Bible promises. It’s like having a little pick-me-up, a window into the Bible that you can carry around in your pocket or bag.” Alison Adlum
For years, people all over the world have been using Lifewords Little Books to help others engage with the Bible. Alison Adlum is one of these people. She works with young people in church schools in Manchester, UK, helping them as they make the transition from primary to secondary school. She uses Little Books to help students reflect and discuss this milestone. “The year 6 to year 7 transition is a key focus, a key point for many children in deciding whether to keep seeking a relationship with God,” says Alison.
“We want to help children move up to secondary school with confidence, knowing that God goes with them and that they are not on their own. We asked pupils to flick through Little Book of Faith and choose a verse that jumped out at them. They were then invited to share the verse they had chosen with everyone – we were blown away with how many hands went up! We kept running out of time because so many kids wanted to share. Many of the kids were thankful for Little Book of Faith and said that they loved the quotes.”

Grouping the Little Books in a “brick” offers a sense of solidity that mirrors the concept behind the initiative: “People might wonder why we’ve chosen something so physical when we live in what seems to be an increasingly digital culture,” says Steve. “We embrace and enjoy digital! But we are excited by the potential and interplay between the digital and the analogue, and
“Little Book of Prayer is enlightening, enriching, and inspiring on matters of prayer. It is easy to read, understand, and even carry when travelling. Thanks for such nourishing materials that we can use to disciple others.”
Pastor Salano, Kenya
look forward to creating an array of resources based on the Little Books. The reality is that people still love physical books, and the immediacy and impact that these
Little Books bring just wouldn’t be the same in a different format. Everything doesn’t need to take place on the smartphones in many of our pockets. There is an increasing awareness of the impact of social media and digital culture on our mental health, and so it can be refreshing to offer something tangible as an analogue oasis in an increasingly digital world.”
The Little Brick of Little Books is designed for ministries, chaplaincies, churches, and other ministry groups, giving them the opportunity to provide Biblecentred resources that will be valued and cherished by their recipients. “I’m really looking forward to using the Little Brick of Little Books in the church and across the community,” says Revd Canon Giles Goddard, Vicar of St John’s Waterloo. “These resources enable and equip people to share the vital message of the Bible in today’s world.” The Little Brick can help us build bridges across communities, break down the

wallsandbarriersthatarestopping peoplefromhearingthegoodnews. “Ourchurchhasfoundthesebooks tobesohelpfulforyoungpeopleand thosewhoarecuriousaboutfaith.It’s suchabeautifulwaytosharethelife wordsoftheBible,”saysLauraTreneer fromHollandRoadBaptistChurch.
“Perhapsyou’reachaplain,church worker,teacheroryouthworkerwho wouldbenefitfrommoreresources. Ifso,youcanapplyforaLittleBrick. Wearereallygratefultooursupporters whoensurethatourresourcesare freeatthepointofneed,”saysSteve. “TheLittleBooksspeaktothehuman experiencewhereverandhowever weare.ThroughourLittleBrick,and throughtheLittleBooksheldwithin, wehopetoprovidethought-provoking, conversation-starting,reflectioninducingsmallchinksoflightina challengingworld.”
Give thanks for the Little Books and for the impact they have on the lives of those who read them.
Praise God for Little Book of Joy and the new Little Brick of Little Books.
Pray for ministries who use the Little Books –ask that they would be encouraged as they share God’s Word with others.
Lifewords Little Brick of Little Books is a brand-new tool for ministries that need quality Bible-centred resources that people will read, re-read, and keep. Please help us to equip them!
For just £25 you can GIFT A BRICK to a ministry, church, or worker that will enable them to share Scripture in their context. You can gift as many bricks as you wish – or buy a brick to use yourself!
GIFT A BRICK now at lifewords.global/littlebrick

Little Brick of Little Books
On 29th February Lifewords hosted a “leap year” launch in London for its brand-new Little Brick of Little Books.
This new tool is a creative way to help people experience the Bible for themselves and is designed to equip chaplains, educators, youth workers, church leaders, outreach ministries and more, as they engage people with creative ways to share the Bible. The “brick” comes pre-loaded with 48 Little Books – eight each of the six titles in the popular range, including the brand-new Little Book of Joy Once used, the brick can be re-filled via Lifewords online shop of resources (free, or for donation).
At the launch, Reverend Canon Giles Goddard of St John’s Waterloo shared: “I’m really looking forward to using the Little Brick of Little Books in the church and across the community. These resources enable and equip people to share the vital message of the Bible in today’s world. I’m so pleased that this excellent, vibrant, beautiful resource is available.”

Supporting homeless people

A hostel for the homeless in Buckinghamshire, UK, is using Lifewords resources to support people of all ages. John (left) is a voluntary member of the chaplaincy team at the One YMCA hostel. Many of the residents at the hostel have experienced street-homelessness in the very recent past so John regularly shares One of Us, encouraging them to see their life as a journey towards God and hope. “As I meet with the 140 people living [at the hostel] and we talk together about their life experiences, hopes and fears, and personal faith, a Lifewords booklet seems just right as a little reminder and stimulus for further personal exploration,” says John.

Visit lifewords.global/littlebrick to find out more about the Little Brick and how you can GIFT A BRICK to a ministry, church, or worker that will enable them to share Scripture in their context.
New territories for Pavement Project
Last year, Pavement Project extended its reach into new territories, opening up fresh opportunities to work with partners to bring hope and healing to vulnerable children and their families.
One of these territories is Amazonas in north-west Brazil. “We could consider the Amazonas a country in itself and one of the biggest challenges for Pavement Project to reach,” says Clenir dos Santos, Pavement Project Director. Pavement Project is working with MEAP (Evangelical Mission of Assistance to Fishermen) to train missionaries who work in communities along the Purus River, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon. At the end of last year, the staff of three new partner organisations were also trained to use Pavement Project resources in this region.
Other Lifewords resources meet the different needs that residents have.
“Words for the Journey (one of Lifewords past resources) is a good step-by-step journey, and Daily Strength and Day by Day help [people] continue the journey. Others need to find the first step.
Finding Hope, Living with Loss and Why Me all begin to answer some of the many questions that we all ask, especially those for whom life has dealt severe blows of broken relationships, bereavement, depression, and homelessness.”
Pavement Project also launched in Guinea-Bissau and Panama. So far, 34 children have been profoundly helped. “We have observed that challenges faced by at-risk children, such as loss of relatives, poverty, abandonment, stigmatisation, and parental substance dependence, impact their experiences,” says Clenir. “Our new partners in both countries are immensely grateful for now having a practical resource to address children’s emotional and spiritual pain. Our challenge is to expand the network of educators to meet the high demand from organisations.”

Designed for Life
In Glasgow’s east end, Lifewords specially designed Bible resources, in different languages, are bringing comfort to refugees and asylum seekers.
“Lifewords booklets are excellent conversation starters”

Located in the east end of Glasgow, UK, Parkhead Nazarene Church welcomes many refugees and asylum seekers through its doors. As part of their outreach, the church offers English lessons to around 50 people, as well as parent and toddler sessions, and other groups specifically to support local refugee communities. “Most of the people who come to our church are not Christian and are keen to learn more about our faith,” says Paul from the church. “Lifewords booklets are excellent conversation starters. Through our outreach, we hope to offer welcome in the name of Jesus, break down barriers between communities, and share about the hope we have in Christ.”
All of Lifewords resources are researched and designed with specific users in mind. Afraid to Leave, Afraid to Stay is an older title that was created especially for those seeking asylum and it continues to resonate today. “Afraid to Leave, Afraid to Stay is so relevant to where many of our refugee friends find themselves. It gives voice to the anxieties that refugees and asylum seekers face, and offers hope with words from Scripture,” says Paul. Written in both Arabic and English to help with language skills, Afraid to Leave, Afraid to Stay shares quotes from asylum seekers, integrated with stories about Jesus, and encourages
The Heart of the Community

As Chris Okoth walks around the Kariobangi slum, he greets people he knows and calls out to a group of children, who respond with delighted shouts. He pauses and shares a Bible story with them, then they pray together. Then he’s off again, eager to check in with more members of the community.
Chris Okoth (above) is a pastor who works with slum and rural communities. He runs a church and a children’s day care centre in Kariobangi, Nairobi, Kenya, and also reaches out to street children from Laki Sama, Baba Ndogo and Dandora (which is home to a huge rubbish tip). The church is a key part of the community, helping those who need food, childcare, schooling, and those who are lost and struggling. “The community has needs and we have the
solution,” says Chris. “When I go there to do evangelism, doorto-door or on the streets, I get a response.”
When a local drinking haunt became vacant Chris saw the opportunity to turn it into a church, so that he could share good news in the community, and have a base for discipleship and practical support: “They need teaching the Word of God and they need follow-up. They also need moral support,” says Chris,
Joy is coming to Big Church Festival

In May we are returning to Big Church Festival, bringing with us Little Books filled with joy!
Come along and say “hello” in the Expo tent and take away a copy of the newest Little Book – Little Book of Joy. Bring your friends, your church, or just yourself, and find out what the Bible says about joy in this sometimes broken, sometimes difficult world.
In the spirit of JOY there will be fun things to do on the stand, and a chance to check out the Little Brick of Little Books. So come and find some joy, and GIFT A BRICK to a chaplaincy, church, or organisation that’s close to your heart.
To order Little Book of Joy and to view the full Little Book range, visit lifewords.global/shop

Share a Lifewords resource today

When I give Daily Strength to a friend, we read in turn a page aloud, each looking for a phrase that strikes us personally … and then turn it into a prayer. When I’ve used it with someone who doesn’t have a faith in God, I might pray for them based on what they’ve said, but sometimes they’ve proclaimed how they’ve felt, or said their own prayer. In some cases, I’ve been able to teach them the prayer I used to start a relationship with Jesus.
For those exploring the Christian faith or new believers, the idea of reading the whole Bible can be overwhelming, but reflecting on a few verses and finding a phrase to turn into prayer is much more achievable. Used in this way, I’ve found the Daily Strength resource has given people a springboard into prayer from the heart.
Suneel, UK
For more inspiration and stories about sharing Bible resources, visit lifewords.global/blog
Get in touch with the Lifewords global family. Find us online at www.lifewords.global, or contact your local office.
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