Beautiful Words
New encounters with the beatitudes

Freedom Stories
Pavement Project in Guinea-Bissau
Strength for Each Day
80 years of Daily Strength
04 09 10 12
Beautiful Words
New encounters with the beatitudes News
The latest news from the Lifewords global family
Freedom Stories
Pavement Project in Guinea-Bissau
Strength for Each Day 80 Years of Daily Strength

Get Involved Lifewords and you

Issue 88 / 3–2024
Editorial team
Jess Bee
Kris Calver
Steve Bassett
Photographs Lifewords unless otherwise stated
Cover photograph
Steve Bassett
S2 design and advertising Ltd
Yeomans Creative
Lifewords is the operating name of Scripture Gift Mission (Inc), registered charity in England and Wales, 219055
Registered office 1A The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY
Interact is free, available three times a year from your nearest member of the Lifewords global family of organisations (see page 15).

Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) “
My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Throughout the Bible we witness the power of God’s words –creating, commanding; speaking love and offering forgiveness; admonishing and correcting. God’s word brings transformation –when God speaks, things happen!
In this issue of Interact, you can read about how God’s words and God’s Word – the Bible – are still a catalyst for change, a promise of freedom, and the foundation of our faith. In our main feature, Steve Bassett, Lifewords Creative Director, writes about the power and beauty of Jesus’ beatitudes; we are reminded that these are “the words of Jesus” – words to pay attention to and to live our lives by. You can also read about the timeless words of the Bible found in Daily Strength as we reflect on 80 years of this popular resource, and you can discover how the Bible’s words are banishing fear and shame, and bringing healing and strength in Guinea-Bissau through Pavement Project. And we’re excited to tell you about a new addition to our Little Book series, just in time for Christmas, as we introduce Little Book of Advent
Thank you for your partnership in helping people engage with the words of the Bible – words that go out into the world and do not return empty.
Beautiful Words

Words Steve Bassett
Lifewords believes that the Scriptures can be transformative –for individuals, for relationships, for churches, for communities, for societies, for nations, for the world. That’s why we are so passionate to share “the beatitudes” from Matthew 5.
The beatitudes are attributed to Jesus himself; they are the opening “riff” to the Sermon on the Mount. Here, Jesus sets out God’s way for living our lives, a manifesto for how to be human. Our conviction is that these words are vital to hear afresh in 2024 and beyond.

In our world of immediate gratification, we want things packaged and served fast: instantly downloaded, “liked”, and then we scroll on. Perhaps we have sometimes approached the beatitudes like this, reducing them to a sort of “fridge magnet philosophy” – a “happy meal” of spiritual fast-food. Maybe they pop up here and there as the
next subject for a Bible study or small group, for a “plug and play” style of engagement – a Q&A of quick definitions, all done and dusted in a session or two. But these are the words of Jesus –surely this demands a deeper exploration? If we these words, and put them into practice, then the Way of Jesus becomes a new rhythm for life, a “faith path” to walk.
Across the world, Lifewords offers different styles of engagement to help people encounter the Bible, creating and resourcing the Church and world at large “in print, in person, and online”.

Our multi-language, multicontext literature range is the mainstay – we are thankful and

In the world today, with so many distractions, dangers,

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who came before you.
alternative to the broken systems of the world around us. They are a counter-cultural narrative for our times. A call for people to live life in the Way of Jesus. Definitely not something to be kept to ourselves!
Around the world, Lifewords ministers to those who are poor, who mourn, who are oppressed, who need justice, who seek compassion. To the peacemakers, the meek, the merciful. Not only are we sharing the beatitudes, but we are reaching many who do not yet realise that the Bible sees them as “blessed” – even when the world might say different. NINE BEATS helps people from all walks of life to access these and wider Scriptures. Across three continents, teachers, musicians, artists, theologians, and storytellers collaborated on a journey into the beatitudes –touching on awakening, lament, reflection, peace, and hope. The outputs include live events that are important spaces for people to connect with the Bible through storytelling, music, teaching, reflection, and prayer. Typically, such presentations include heartfelt, critically-acclaimed music from the “Nine Beats to the Bar” album, and other in-person “spiritual formation” events and conversations opening up the Bible’s words to audiences.
“I’m beginning to realise that the beatitudes are one of the only things that make sense in this crazy world.”
Peter, Sheffield
Lifewords has also produced a range of resources for individuals, groups, churches, faith communities and more. The Ninefold Path is a nine-week curriculum / Bible study that can be used church-wide, in small groups, or as an individual spiritual discipline. Many have found it transformative and challenging, drawing them closer to Jesus.
“I really like the invitational and practice-based approach of the Ninefold Path and can see this being a really good way to welcome in people who are not currently part of our church.”
Jade Zerk, Hope Baptist Church, Highbridge

Now, Lifewords is re-doubling its efforts to help people encounter and live these transformational verses. From August to December this year, Lifewords digital platform, VerseFirst, will invite Instagrammers to engage with the beatitudes, and then create their own content in response. It all builds up to the month of December and the “way of radical love” (the ninth beatitude). We will feature the most inspiring contributions on our own Instagram profile, adding to those we create ourselves. Also, for December, we are releasing a new Little Book, Little Book of Advent, which highlights Advent joy, linking it with Little Book of Joy which itself includes the beatitudes (“beatitudes” or “blessings” being another word for joy). We are excited to share the beatitudes in these formats. Please pray with us for all this work – Jesus’ words show a beautiful way to live in this troubled world.

From the VerseFirst beatitudes series (above)

Our curriculum / study guide, the Ninefold Path, is still available and we’d love for more churches and groups to use the resource. With its mix of Bible text, reflection, prayer and practice, the Ninefold Path really is a “transformational nine-week journey into the beatitudes”. If you have not experienced it yet, it is available from ninefoldpath.org.
With churches and groups still, even now, recalibrating after Covid, culture obviously shifts, and new issues and contexts emerge. To reflect the beatitudes in this volatile sea of change, we plan nine new “takes” on the beats. We will be inviting new voices from the spectrum of the Church to write blogs, or other contributions, that we will curate online. Primarily this will be a digital project, adding new perspectives to these eternal words. Watch out for these later in the year.
Sharing the words of Jesus requires a whole family of support and prayer. If you would like to help us share the beatitudes, please do consider making a gift either to specific aspects of this work, or to the broader Lifewords ministry using the cover letter you received with this magazine, or by visiting lifewords.global/donate.
Pray that the beatitudes would move hearts and change lives all over the world as people embrace the Way of Jesus.
Pray for creativity in developing NINE BEATS and Ninefold Path in new ways.
Pray for VerseFirst and other digital expressions as we reach out to younger audiences.
world NEWS Building on success
Thanks to the ongoing generosity of Lifewords supporters, there are a number of gifted Little Bricks of Little Books freely available and ready to be claimed by churches, charities, and organisations.
Since the leap year launch of this boxed collection of Little Books in February, Lifewords has distributed over 300 Little Bricks throughout the UK and beyond. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and many have shared how the resources are bringing hope and transformation to the individuals they work with and support.
The Little Brick of Little Books is helping people engage with the words of the Bible in prisons, schools, debt centres, supported housing, youth groups, rehabilitation centres, and hospital wards. “Thank you so much for gifting the Little Bricks to our clients at the Christians Against Poverty (CAP) debt centre in Kingston and Wimbledon,” says Gayle Hardy from CAP. “For clients to be able to receive words of comfort and encouragement through these books is extremely helpful and uplifting.” Dean Moore from Youth for Christ in Northern Ireland shared: “We work with marginalised and at-risk young people with no or limited church connection. This resource enables us to help them engage with the Bible in a manageable way without them feeling overwhelmed.”
Lifewords Little Books bring hope and comfort across many contexts, helping people find accessible ways into Scripture. “Our donors want to see the Little Bricks being used, treasured and shared, and Lifewords want to honour their generosity,” says Matt Currey from Lifewords in the UK.
“We welcome requests for however many Little Bricks your organisation needs.” Get in touch at uk@lifewords.global and let us know how you could use a Little Brick of Little Books in your context.

Freedom Stories
Last year, Pavement Project launched in the small country of Guinea-Bissau on the coast of West Africa. Marli Santos Oliveira, a Brazilian missionary working with Evangelical Missionary Linguistic Association / Wycliffe talks about how she and others are seeing children impacted by God’s Word:
“After sharing and praying, Lúcia received a Bible pocket card, and left feeling less afraid”

“Guinea-Bissau has an estimated population of almost two million inhabitants made up of a diversity of ethnic groups, each with its own religious rituals, ethics, festivals, and culture. Children tell us things that are specific to their ethnic group, and in the context of counselling they share the pain and fear that arise from their everyday life, including spiritual practices, abuse, and ill-health.
“In one counselling session, I met Lúcia*, who told me about a leader in her community who is revered to have spiritual knowledge and power. For
Lúcia, he was a confusing and scary figure. During the session, she told me that in her mind, the spiritual leader transforms into a black cat, appearing to her every day on the way to school. After sharing and praying, Lúcia received a Bible pocket card, and left feeling less afraid. A week later, I noticed she was different. I asked her if she was still afraid of the man, and she said: ‘Didn’t you tell me that Jesus would protect me, and I didn’t need to be afraid anymore? Every night, I read my card and put it under my pillow.’ Another challenge for Lúcia is her health – she has advanced kyphosis (hunchback) which means that some in her
Words Jess Bee
Photos Marli Santos Oliveira, Heidi Beatriz, and Mayara Brito
Marli Santos Oliveira

community believe her to be an ‘evil spirit’. But she is seeing her story change. Her dream is to have surgery and to be healthy like other children. With her parents’ permission, we have enrolled Lúcia in a government-partnered NGO project that takes children out of the country to undergo surgery. Lúcia is still waiting for this to happen.
“It’s exciting and encouraging to see Pavement Project changing lives and helping children experience healing and new life. Josefa* and her sister were born on one of the islands of Guinea-Bissau but brought to the capital by a family member 20 years ago, after the death of their father. It was in this new environment that Josefa was sexually abused. Years later, she talked about the abuse for the first time during a counselling session. When Josefa was faced with the truth that Jesus cared about her, she was freed from the pain that prevented her from knowing how much he loved her.
“A few months later, Josefa came to tell me that she was being harassed by a teacher at college, who threatened to sabotage her

degree if she didn’t have sex with him. Already sure of Jesus’ care, she told the teacher: ‘You can fail me, but I will always tell you no!’ She told me that this attitude was only possible because Pavement Project had changed her thinking and the way she saw herself.”
“Marli’s enthusiasm and the results she achieved are so inspiring that she has shared them with other missionaries, igniting a wave of excitement and anticipation for what Pavement Project could contribute in Guinea-Bissau,” says Clenir dos Santos, Pavement Project Director.
“In February this year, I trained three more missionaries: Maria Helena, Heidi Beatriz, and Margarida, who have also been witnessing the incredible power of God in the lives of the people in Guinea-Bissau. By the end of this year, we plan to train more Brazilian missionaries, one of whom has served in Guinea-Bissau for 24 years, and Marli intends to become a Pavement Project trainer, enabling her to train native educators.”

“It’s exciting and encouraging to see Pavement Project changing lives and helping children experience healing and new life”
Give thanks that Pavement Project is being used in Guinea-Bissau.
Thank God for Marli and the other missionaries – for their courage, commitment, and compassion.
Pray for more connections, partners, and relationships so that Pavement Project can flourish in Guinea-Bissau.
*Names have been changed
Heidi Beatriz uses the Pavement Project app in a counselling session (left); scenes from Guinea-Bissau (above)
for Each Day
In 1943 – over 80 years ago – Scripture Gift Mission (now Lifewords) produced the first ever copy of Daily Strength. Since then, it has been encouraging, comforting, and transforming lives.
Today, Daily Strength is as popular as ever, and is being shared by churches, chaplains, ministries, and individuals in many contexts. Comprising 30 daily Scripture readings, these short, simple encouragements bring God’s comfort and peace in a way that reaches across cultures, ages, and needs.
Rajiv*, from India, lost his mother when he was four years old. Then, in 1984, when he was 12, his
family has been reading Daily Strength every day”

*Name changed

Words Clare Doughty
father who was an Indian Air Force officer, almost died too, leaving Rajiv feeling even more lost and confused. Rajiv’s father had had a serious accident. He lost a lot of blood, his femur was broken in two places, his left wrist was broken, his right ankle was chipped, and he had a head injury that required 26 stitches. He was flown by an army helicopter to a military hospital in Maharashtra, where he remained for over a year. During this time, a nurse gave Rajiv’s father two Scripture Gift Mission booklets: Words of Comfort and Daily Strength. Later, Rajiv’s father told him and his siblings about the books, and the peace, comfort, and belief that he experienced when reading them. “We felt that by God’s grace my father had been given a second life,” says Rajiv. “After he recovered and left hospital, my sisters and I started reading the two books our father had been given. Since then, my family has been reading Words of Comfort and Daily Strength every day as our prayers. I have always felt as if the Lord Jesus is with me, guiding me and talking to me through
these two books, giving me comfort and strength. It’s as though he is telling me: ‘Don’t worry, I’m with you, I will take care of you.’” After years of daily reading, Rajiv reached out to Lifewords to request new copies of Daily Strength. “I’m now 52 years old, and for 29 years have been reading these booklets daily. It’s my aim that I read these books until my last day on earth.”
Today, Daily Strength is available in different languages, and in large print and digital formats. Claire, a hospital chaplain, talks about the importance of Daily Strength in her ministry: “It is such a help to have the large print edition of Daily Strength in hospital,” she says, “as many patients may be partially sighted, or may not have access to their glasses or contact lenses. The various translations of Daily Strength have also been very useful in a

“My prayer is that as they read each daily verse, they will want to know more about having a real faith”

context where both patients and staff speak a variety of languages.”
Janet from Cranleigh Baptist Church runs Senior Link, a group of senior citizens who meet to make new friends, have fun, and to hear about Jesus. “Over half of these dear folk don’t attend church, so when I was given Daily Strength, I immediately thought what a great resource to give each of our 60 members,” says Janet. “My prayer is that as they read each daily verse, they will want to know more about having a real faith that will keep them going in all the ups and downs of life.”

Give thanks for over 80 years of Daily Strength
Praise God for how the Bible’s words brought healing and hope for Rajiv, his father, and for many others.
Pray that Daily Strength would continue to help people to immerse themselves in the Bible, and to be inspired by its message.

Big Church Festival
It was great to see some of you in May at Big Church Festival in the UK. Thanks for stopping by our circusthemed “Little Nook of Joy” exhibition stand, where we were giving away postcards, badges and stickers, as well as copies of Little Book of Joy. And it was great to see so many people getting involved with blowing bubbles, spinning plates, trying on hats and juggling! We had lots of positive feedback about the stand and Little Book of Joy, with people commenting on the colourful resources, and the integration of the artwork and Bible content.

Hope is coming!

“The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment.” Frederick Buechner
Amid the busyness of the Christmas season, take the time during Advent to wait – hope is coming, is here, and will come again! We’re excited to introduce a brand-new Little Book especially for Christmas – Little Book of Advent is new for 2024 and available to pre-order now.
Also available for Christmas, Meet the Cast is vibrant, fun, and a firm favourite for sharing the story with friends and family. A Story for the Whole World uses patterns inspired by cultures from around the world to invite all into the story of Jesus’ birth. OUTSIDE/IN is designed to be more inclusive and accessible, with larger text and the NIrV used for simplicity, to welcome all into the good news of Christmas. And in the hopes and challenges of our daily lives, The True Light invites people to consider where the “true light” finds them this Christmas.
Visit lifewords.global/shop to view and order from the full range of print and digital Christmas resources.
Get in touch with the Lifewords global family. Find us online at www.lifewords.global, or contact your local office.

+1 905 683 6482 info@sgmcanada.ca KENYA +254 20 2730100
kenya@lifewords.global INDONESIA +62 81294210986
+44 (0) 20 7730 2155 uk@lifewords.global