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ENGLISH | V1.0923

LIGHT-POINT has produced innovative lighting of superior quality and craftsmanship since 1995. For over 25 years, it has created an extensive product range in a distinctly Danish, ultra-modern, ever-evolving style. With this dedication to design and quality, LIGHT-POINT offers an extended 7-year warranty to its customers with the following provisions:


1. LIGHT-POINT offers an extended 7-year warranty to end customers based on these terms and conditions for all new luminaires. The extended warranty applies only to products branded under “LIGHT-POINT or “LIGHT-POINT, Design by Studio F.A. Porsche”. The extended warranty does not apply to MTO (make to order) products. Any custom ordered item will have the customary 2 years guarantee period.

2. The warranty requires LIGHT-POINT customers to register the claim on LIGHT-POINT´s online claim portal with all required information such as: customer information, product information, invoice & order numbers, batch number and claim description.

3. The warranty is granted based on prompt reporting of the identified defect. The customer is responsible for providing appropriate evidence in the form of videos, photographs and clearly described descriptions of the claim.

4. In case the faulty product was purchased from a LIGHT-POINT partner or retailer the claim must be reported to this third party with proof of purchase. The partner or retailer then must submit the claim to LIGHT-POINT and handle the claims procedure on behalf of the customer.

5. Under all extended warranty conditions, the customer shall bear the costs for

a. taking or delivering the products to LIGHT-POINT’s partner or retailer where the item was purchased.

b. All costs relating to electricians pertaining to the installation of the luminaires.


1. The warranty includes material, construction and/or manufacturing defects and applies to the entire product including the LED, the driver and other wear parts. Dirt and defects due to acts of nature as well as mechanical damage such as damage incurred during transportation are not covered by the warranty.

2. The warranty requires that the following conditions are met:

a. Intended installation and intended use of the products are in accordance with the respective product and usage specification stipulated in the installation instructions.

b. Limits for external factors of influence such as room temperature and voltage may not be exceeded.

c. No modifications may be made to the product that make it deviate from its condition at delivery without a written consent of the guarantor; the products must be installed as per the instructions and only by a certified electrician.

d. Maintenance requirements are complied with by specialized technicians. The guarantee expires immediately if the customer or third parties make or perform changes, repairs or troubleshooting without the prior written consent of the guarantor.

3. The guarantee does not cover:

a. Normal wear and tear or software errors

b. Intentional or negligent damages by the customer or third party

c. Settings that change due to wear and tear, fatigue, or dirt

d. Deviations of the product from its description or specifications in our catalogs or other marketing materials.

e. Paintwork defects caused by contact with the ground, chemical substances, fertilizers, water containing corrosive agents and stray electrical currents. – or any unintended chemical stresses.


f. Surface damage to less than 5% of the entire surface of the luminaire.

g. Color or surface changes to luminaires mounted outdoors at less than 5 km from a coastline.

h. The color tolerance of LED modules. The luminous flux and performance are subject to a tolerance of ±10% in the case of a new LED module. All relevant technical data are mentioned in the product and application specifications. In the case of subsequent deliveries of LED modules, there may be deviations in light properties regarding the original products´ due to technical progress and usage induced change in the luminous flux and light color of products.


1. If, after evaluating a product presented as a warranty claim, it is determined that it exhibits the defects claimed and these are covered by the warranty declaration, LIGHT-POINT has the option to either repair the defect; replace the product with one similar in form or value chosen by us; or refund the purchase price.

2. When a replacement product is provided, the right for deviations from the original product due to further technical developments, as well as slight deviations in design and characteristics are reserved.

3. LIGHT-POINT assumes no liability beyond this warranty. LIGHT-POINT is not liable for any indirect damages, special or consequential damages, financial losses including the loss of actual or expected profits, interest, income, expected savings or business dealings, injuries to goodwill and damages of any kind occurring to third parties.

4. Replacement products or parts are covered by the warranty to the extent that they do not exhibit any manufacturing and/or material defects for the time remaining in the applicable warranty period for the product that was replaced or in which it is installed.

5. A claim for additional services or payments above the actual amount of damage cannot be derived from this warranty. The Warranty does not cover any extra costs resulting from the work required to repair the defect (e.g., the costs incurred to assemble/disassemble the Product expenses incurred for disposal, daily allowances, travel, lifting devices and scaffolding). Said costs shall be charged to the Customer.



DANSK | V1.0923

LIGHT-POINT har produceret innovativ, eksklusiv belysning siden 1995, og har i dag en omfattende kollektion af ultramoderne, dansk-designede lamper Med høje og ufravigelige krav til kvaliteten tilbyder LIGHT-POINT en udvidet 7-årig garanti til sine kunder under følgende betingelser:


1. LIGHT-POINT tilbyder en udvidet 7-årig garanti til slutkunder baseret på disse vilkår og betingelser for alle nye armaturer. Den udvidede garanti gælder kun for produkter mærket med "LIGHT-POINT" eller "LIGHT-POINT by Studio F.A. Porsche". Den udvidede garanti gælder ikke for MTO (make to order)-produkter. Alle specialbestillinger vil være underlagt den almindelige garanti på 2 år.

2. Garantien kræver, at kunden registrerer kravet på LIGHT-POINTs onlineportal med al nødvendig information, såsom kundeinformation, produktinformation, faktura- og ordrenumre, batchnummer og beskrivelse af kravet.

3. Garantien gives på grundlag af hurtig rapportering af den identificerede defekt. Kunden er ansvarlig for at indsende passende dokumentation i form af foto eller video samt klar beskrivelse af kravet.

4. Hvis det defekte produkt blev købt hos en LIGHT-POINT-partner eller forhandler, skal kravet indberettes til denne tredjepart med købsbevis. Partneren eller forhandleren skal derefter indsende kravet til LIGHT-POINT og håndtere kravsproceduren på kundens vegne.

5. Under alle betingelser for den udvidede garanti skal kunden selv afholde omkostningerne ved

a. at levere produktet til LIGHT-POINTs partner eller forhandler, hvor varen blev købt;

b. alle omkostninger i forbindelse med elektrikere i forbindelse med installation af armaturerne.


1. Garantien dækker materielle, konstruktionsmæssige og/eller produktionsmæssige defekter og gælder for hele produktet, herunder LED'en, driveren og andre sliddele. Snavs og defekter forårsaget af naturbegivenheder samt mekanisk skade, såsom skade under transport, er ikke dækket af garantien.

2. Garantien kræver, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt:

a) Tilsigtet installation og tilsigtet brug af produkterne skal være i overensstemmelse med de respektive produktspecifikationer og brugsanvisninger angivet i installationsvejledningen.

b) Grænser for eksterne påvirkningsfaktorer såsom stuetemperatur og spænding må ikke overskrides.

c) Der må ikke foretages ændringer af produktet, der får det til at afvige fra dets tilstand ved levering, uden skriftligt samtykke fra garantigiveren; produkterne skal installeres i henhold til instruktionerne og kun af en certificeret elektriker.

d) Vedligeholdelseskravene overholdes af specialiserede teknikere. Garantien bortfalder øjeblikkeligt, hvis kunden eller tredjepart foretager ændringer, reparationer eller fejlfinding uden forudgående skriftligt samtykke fra garantigiveren

3. Garantien dækker ikke:

a) Almindeligt slid eller softwarefejl.

b) Forsætlige eller uagtsomme skader forårsaget af kunden eller tredjepart.

c) Indstillinger, der ændres på grund af slid, træthed eller snavs.

d) Afvigelser af produktet fra dets beskrivelse eller specifikationer i vores kataloger eller andre markedsføringsmaterialer.

e) Malingsdefekter forårsaget af kontakt med jorden, kemiske stoffer, gødning, vand indeholdende korrosive midler og strømførende strømme – eller utilsigtede kemiske påvirkninger.

f) Overfladeskade på mindre end 5% af hele overfladen på armaturet.


g) Farve- eller overfladeændringer på armaturer monteret udendørs inden for en afstand af mindre end 5 km fra en kystlinje.

h) Farvetolerancen for LED-moduler. Lysstrømmen og ydeevnen er underlagt en tolerance på ±10% i tilfælde af et nyt LED-modul. Alle relevante tekniske data er angivet i produkt- og anvendelsesspecifikationerne. Ved efterfølgende leverancer af LED-moduler kan der forekomme afvigelser i lysindstillinger i forhold til de originale produkter på grund af tekniske fremskridt og brugsinduceret ændring af lysstrømmen og lysfarven.


1. Hvis det efter evalueringen af et produkt, afgøres at det er omfattet af garantien, har LIGHT-POINT mulighed for enten at reparere defekten, erstatte produktet med et lignende produkt (i form eller værdi) valgt af LIGHT-POINT, eller refundere købsprisen.

2. Når et erstatningsprodukt leveres, forbeholdes retten til afvigelser fra det originale produkt på grund af yderligere teknisk udvikling samt mindre afvigelser i design og karakteristika.

3. LIGHT-POINT påtager sig intet ansvar ud over denne garanti. LIGHT-POINT er ikke ansvarlig for nogen indirekte skader, specielle eller følgeskader, økonomiske tab, herunder tab af faktiske eller forventede indtægter, renter, indkomst, forventede besparelser eller forretningsforhold, skader på goodwill og skader af enhver art, der opstår for tredjeparter.

4. Erstatningsprodukter eller dele er omfattet af garantien i den udstrækning, de ikke viser nogen produktionsog/eller materielle defekter i den tilbageværende tid i den gældende garantiperiode for det produkt, der blev udskiftet, eller hvor det er installeret.

5. Der kan ikke afledes noget krav om yderligere ydelser eller betalinger ud over det faktiske skadesbeløb fra denne garanti. Garantien dækker ikke ekstra omkostninger som følge af det arbejde, der kræves for at reparere defekten (f.eks. omkostningerne ved at samle/skille produktet ad, udgifter til bortskaffelse, dagpenge, rejseomkostninger, løfteudstyr og stilladser). Disse omkostninger pålægges kunden.


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