April 2023 GO Sandpoint Magazine

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APRIL 2023 MAGAZINE MONTHLY LOCAL GUIDE SANDPOINT’S YOUR GUIDE TO ALL THINGS LOCAL TOP 10 THINGS TO DO IN SANDPOINT, IDAHO HEAD COACH FOR SANDPOINT BULLDOGS GIRLS BASKETBALL, 2023 IDAHO STATE CHAMPIONS with William Love 12 12pg. Q&A DECADES OF SERVICE AND COMMUNITY Sandpoint Lions Club celebrates its 70th anniversary serving Bonner County Where to stay, what to do, seasonal activities and more Experience Sandpoint, Idaho, like a local
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Nedra Kanavel


Photographer: Adair Media Group pg. 1, 14

Courtesy Photos: Jason Duchow Photography pg. 12, 14, The Bonner County Historical Society pg. 38, Brad Frerkson pg. 16, 38


Sandpoint Magazine is published monthly and distributed freely throughout North Idaho. Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Go Sandpoint Magazine is not responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. Go Sandpoint Magazine is produced and published by Like Media, and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without the permission of the publisher.
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Time for Financial ‘Spring Cleaning’

12 Q&A

William Love: Head Coach for Sandpoint Bulldogs Girls Basketball, 2023 Idaho State Champions


A&A Agency Bail Bonds: Need Bail? Call Dale!


Sandpoint Lions Club celebrates its 70th anniversary serving Bonner County


22 26 30

Spring has Emerged Market Report Sandpoint Real Estate Trends


Calendar of great local events, arts and entertainment


Discover the meaning of Easter and some of its traditions



Main Street: The slanted Sandpoint street



THIS MONTH’S COVER OF GO SANDPOINT MAGAZINE FEATURES COACH WILLIAM LOVE AND THE SANDPOINT HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM, who recently walked away as the 4A Idaho State Champions this past February. Read more about Coach Love, his championship team, coaching philosophy and more in our April Q&A, which can be found on page 12.

Cover Photo by Adair Media Group.

APRIL2023 MAGAZINE MONTHLY LOCAL GUIDE SANDPOINT’S YOUR GUIDETO ALLTHINGS LOCAL TOP 10THINGSTO DO IN SANDPOINT, IDAHO HEAD COACH FOR SANDPOINT BULLDOGS GIRLS BASKETBALL, 2023 IDAHO STATE CHAMPIONS with William Love 12 12pg. Q&A DECADES OF SERVICE AND COMMUNITY Sandpoint Lions Club celebrates its 70th anniversary serving Bonner County Where to stay, what to do, seasonal activities and more Experience Sandpoint, Idaho, local
LOCAL GUIDE 40 Places to Stay 40 Real Estate 42 Venues 42 Health & Beauty 42 Services 44 Things To Do 44 Top 10 Activities 46 Local Eats 12 10
38 46
Map, Photos & Information

Time for Financial ‘Spring Cleaning’

Now that we’ve put winter behind us—at least on the calendar—it’s time for us to think about sprucing up our homes, inside and out. But it also may be time to do some financial spring cleaning.

Some of the same ideas involved in tidying up your home can also be used to help put your financial house in order. Here are a few suggestions:

• Dust off your investment strategy. As you look around your home, you might find that many items—tables, desks, bookshelves, and computer and television screens—could benefit from a good dusting. And, once you’ve accomplished this, you’ll get a clearer view of all these objects. Similarly, your investment strategy needs to be “dusted off” every so often, so you can see if it’s still working to help you move toward your financial goals, such as a comfortable retirement. Over time, your personal circumstances and risk tolerance can change, and these changes may lead you to reexamine your future financial and investment decisions.

• Declutter your portfolio. If you took a survey of your home, would you find duplicates or even triplicates of some things—brooms, vacuum cleaners, toasters, and so on? If so, it may be time to do some decluttering. And the same could be true of your portfolio—you might have several identical, or substantially identical, investments taking up space. If so, you might want to replace these redundancies with investments that can improve your diversification. While diversification can’t guarantee profits or protect against losses in a declining market, it may help reduce the impact of market volatility on your holdings.

• Get organized. If your closets are overstuffed, with clothes and miscellaneous items crammed on shelves and the floor, you may well have trouble finding what you’re looking for—both with a little straightening up, your searches will become much easier. And when you’re trying to locate financial documents, such as investment statements or insurance policies, you’ll also benefit from having everything organized in one central location. Even if you get most of these documents online, you can save what you need and keep them in a file on your desktop, laptop or tablet. (And it’s also a good idea to tell your spouse, adult child or another close relative how these documents can be accessed, just in case something happens to you.)

• Protect yourself from dangers. If you look around your garage, shed or other storage area, you may well find some objects—such as gardening tools, paint thinners, engine fluids and leaning ladders—that could be dangerous if they aren’t stored properly. As part of your spring cleaning, you’ll want to remove these hazards to safeguard yourself and your family. But have you addressed the various financial risks that could threaten your loved ones? For example, if something were to happen to you, could your family members maintain their lifestyle? Could your children still go to college? To guard against this risk, you may want to discuss protection strategies with a financial professional.

Spring cleaning can pay off—in a cleaner, safer home environment and in helping ensure your financial strategy continues to work hard for you.

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Go Sandpoint Magazine
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illiam Love grew up in Sandpoint and graduated from Sandpoint High School (SHS). He played basketball, which has always been his favorite sport, for the Bulldogs, though he recalls he “was not very good.” He spent several years working as a journalist before moving back to Sandpoint in 2009 to take the journalism teaching position at SHS.

A year after he started teaching, Will joined Tyler Haynes’ staff as a JV basketball coach for the boys. He had spent four years as an assistant when Duane Ward, who had taken over as the girls head coach, asked him to be his assistant. Will was hesitant but Duane persistent, and Will eventually agreed to join him. “It was one of the best decisions I’ve made,” he shares.

Will took over as head coach five years ago, and for the first time in Sandpoint High School history, he led his team to win the state championship in February.

Q.The Bulldogs Girls Basketball Team won the 4A Idaho State Championship—the first to do so in school history. What does that mean to you as a coach and to your team?

A. This has been a barrier that hopefully we’ve punched a hole through for future SHS girls’ and boys’ teams. Winning the school’s first basketball title was something we talked about regularly with our players, so it was definitely emotional after the game and then when we returned to Sandpoint with the police escort. So many people were involved in making this happen, we made it a point to play for them and our community in the championship game.

Q.Sandpoint competed at state for the ninth time in 10 years. What do you believe has given this year's team that extra edge to win?

A. So many things have to go right to win a state title. We were battling injuries and other things at the end of the season, but based on the way we were competing with different lineups against some good teams, we knew this team had a chance to win a state title.

The main reason was that we could score. We averaged nearly 57 points per game this season compared to 36 points per game last year. With Kelsey Cessna, Daylee Driggs, Karlie Banks and Aliya Strock, we essentially had four players average double figures in scoring this season, so we knew this team could compete with the state’s best teams on both ends of the floor.

Q.When it comes to the 2022-2023 girls’ basketball season, what are you most proud of when it comes to your players?

A. It was a great group to coach, with some strong leadership from the players. They took ownership of a lot of things on and off the court and really pushed each other since last summer to achieve their goal of winning a state title.

The girls dedicated all this time to basketball— we started the season on October 31 and returned from state on February 19—but they still got it done in the classroom. The varsity team finished with a 3.4 GPA for the first semester and not one girl was below 3.0. The success in the classroom coupled with a state title is something to be proud of!

Q.What is your coaching philosophy?

A. First, I will say my philosophy is always evolving. I’ve grown a lot over the past five seasons as a head coach and still know I have a lot to learn. I started a podcast a few years ago, and I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from great coaches across the globe who have helped shape what we do on and off the court.

Essentially, we run a conceptual system that relies on the players to make most of the decisions on the court. For the most part, nothing is set, especially within the flow of the game. A lot of people say kids don’t play pickup basketball anymore, but we kind of organize our practices and player development through a pick-up style environment that emphasizes decision-making through a constraint-led approach in a lot of small-sided games.

The beauty of the state championship game is that the coaching staff hardly made any calls during the game. The girls made almost all of the decisions on the court based on concepts we implemented during the season and the scouting report we gave them on Shelley.

Q.What expectations do you have of the players on your team, and what can they expect from you as a coach?

A. A couple of expectations we have for the players is that they are competitive and take pride in what we do as a program. Sandpoint Girls Basketball has had a lot of success over the past decade. Except for one season when Lakeland went, we are the only school from the 4A Inland Empire League to qualify for state in the last 10 years, and we’ve played in five state semifinal games during that time. A lot of people, especially former players, put in a lot of time and hard work to build that success, and we always want to honor them by working hard to keep the success going.

As my wife Debbie can tell you, rarely a day goes by where I’m not spending at least an hour or two doing something related to basketball coaching. So the players can expect with everything we do, I’ve spent a lot of time

researching and talking to fellow coaches about it. They can also expect a lot of bad dad jokes.

Q.What do you believe is key to being a great basketball coach?

A. Having a great coaching and support staff around you. I’m lucky to work with some great assistant coaches in Madi Schoening, Joe Fata and Audra Driggs. I value their input when it comes to on-court and off-court matters, and I’m so appreciative of the hard work they’ve put in to make this happen. Our administration and secretaries have been instrumental in all of this too.

It really takes a village. The program could not have had this level of success without all of the support we receive, especially from the parents.

Q.What makes a great basketball player? Individually and as a team?

A. The girls’ game is being played at such a high level these days, especially at the higher classifications, that players need to have a combination of skill and athleticism. Thanks to several opportunities available in our community, including Sandpoint Furniture, the girls entering SHS are more skilled than we’ve ever seen and have played a lot of basketball. Also, Coach (George) Yarno does a tremendous job with building faster and stronger athletes in his female strength and conditioning class.

With that being said, decision-making plays such an important role in success on the court that we treat that as a skill right up there with shooting, passing and dribbling. This year’s team did a great job with their decisionmaking. This led to a selflessness from the players that allowed them to gel as a team— especially during regionals and state.

Q.What life lessons to you hope are learned on the court that these girls can use off the court as well?

A. Somebody highly involved in the high school game emailed me recently this thought, “Youth sports are not successful if our student athletes are not walking off the floor with life lessons of greater significance than the game itself.” I agree. There are so many lessons from sports that apply to life that it is hard to list them all. Hopefully for this group, as they get older, they will reflect back on this experience and remember what can be accomplished from hard work—and a belief in themselves and their teammates.

Q.Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

A. We really appreciate all of the support from everybody and the opportunity to represent our school and community at this level.



Guiding clients out of jail and onto the path of recovery and healing


has a passion for helping people heal. Though one might not be quick to correlate a bail bondsman with this role, Dale is also an addiction counselor and utilizes his skills in both fields to not only help people get out of jail but to help direct them on a positive path moving forward.

“I am educated as a social worker and have worked in the mental health field a couple of different times,” shares Dale. “I’ve been a bail bondsman since 2005 and an addiction counselor since 2019. Addiction and mental health are extremely closely related, and both rooted in chaotic, stressful, repressive early age childhood environments.”

Today, Dale manages A&A Agency Bail Bonds in Sandpoint, which was purchased by Quick Release Bail Bonds in June of 2022. What sets Dale apart from others in the industry is his dual role as bail bondsman and addiction counselor. “Though I don’t work as a counselor for any treatment facility, I’m an educator about addiction and hope to create awareness with clients as they’re released from custody. I want to empower and inspire people to take the information I can provide and then ultimately find their own path out of addiction as I did. I strongly believe anyone, with proper guidance, can ultimately and effectively become their own counselor because they already have the answers to their pain inside of them. A good counselor simply assists a client in initially finding those answers, and it builds from there.”

Dale firmly believes that his role as an addiction counselor complements the work he does as a bail bondsman, as he realized a vast majority of those who are arrested are either committing crimes to get money to feed an addiction or are in active addiction. Dale has experienced addiction firsthand.


“I was once a partner in Quick Release Bail Bonds, and in 2015 I drank my way out of the business,” he reflects. “That led me back to my hometown of Hamilton, Montana, where I was able to find my way out of my addiction to alcohol. It was there that I became inspired to pursue an addiction counseling degree. I can relate to so many of my clients and feel I have something more to offer than simply getting them out of jail.”

For those who are unfamiliar with bail bonds and the role of a bail bondsman, it is this: A bail bond is a surety bond, which is posted by a bail bond company to the court as a guarantee for an arrestee’s appearance at all court dates, or the bail bond company will put the arrestee back in custody. The court will release an arrestee from detention upon posting the bail bond. Bail bonds are underwritten and issued by licensed bail agents who act as the appointed representatives of licensed surety insurance companies. Bail bond companies are an extension of the court system and operate at no cost to the taxpayer.

Through his work, Dale finds it rewarding to have the opportunity to give back to others. “There was a day when I was trying to figure out a way to kill myself to stop drinking. Having survived that period of my life, I hope to let people know there is nothing ‘wrong’ with them; they don’t have a ‘disease’ or an inherited ‘genetic disorder.’ Most traditional addiction treatment agencies make addiction seem so complicated, which I don’t believe it is. Traditional treatment facilities run all their clients through the same program, which is why I feel the success rate isn’t very high percentage wise in terms of people staying free of addiction long term. My approach is more focused on the individual and the root cause of their pain because it’s unique to them.”

According to Dale, “Addiction is nothing more than a survival mechanism, a disconnect from and loss of true authentic self, an inability to manage emotions in certain situations most often bore out of childhood psychological wounds which affect us emotionally— commonly referred to as ‘trauma,’ which is indeed the Greek word for wound. I really like to simplify my approach to healing from emotional pain—which is at the root of any addiction, be it a substance or behavior. Addiction is addiction be it alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, etc. When the root cause of the individual’s pain is unearthed and subsequently healed, the person no longer ‘has’ to use or act out. It’s a process that takes some time and difficult inner work, but the effort is very worthwhile in the end. For me, this

vocation is not about the money, it’s about the individuals. That isn’t true of all bail bond companies.”

Dale has been posting bonds in Bonner County for Quick Release since 2005. He moved to Sandpoint in November of 2022 because of the purchase of A&A Agency Bail Bonds, giving up his addiction counseling job to run Agency’s office. He credits the previous owner of A&A Agency Bail Bonds, Radd Raynor, in building the company into the honest and ethical business it’s known for. “I’ve known Radd for quite a few years, and Quick Release was interested in taking over for Radd when he retired because of his great reputation in this industry. He was a very honest and ethical bail bondsman who cared about the people in this community. I’d like to continue and build upon this reputation.”

Dale recognizes that, as a bail bondsman, he has a responsibility to the community to keep it safe. “I want to contribute in a positive manner to the community, not to profit off of other people’s pain,” he affirms. “This is my true passion, and this job is what I feel I was put on earth for.”

For those who would like to learn more about addiction and the root cause, Dale encourages them to search for Dr. Gabor Maté on YouTube and watch these two specific videos, which he also has his clients watch: Brain Development and Addiction and The Hungry Ghost, A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Addiction. “Dr. Maté has been a very valuable guide for me and has affirmed many perspectives I intuited in regards to addiction,” says Dale.

If you, or a loved one, is in need of a bail bondsman, Dale will be there to provide guidance, support and compassion.

A&A AGENCY BAIL BONDS 819 Highway 2, Suite 213, Sandpoint, ID 208.265.5746 AgencyBailBonds.com

decades of SERVICE and S


erving the community since 1953, the Sandpoint Lions Club (SLC) has been a vital part of the fabric that makes up this place we call home.

“The Sandpoint Lions Club is a historical part of this community. From the construction of Sandpoint City Beach to our original members refurbishing toys for the kids in 1953, we have been the go-to service club for this community,” smiles Janice Rader, current president of SLC.

Their mission statement reads: “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs.”

Janice and SLC members come together and work closely with the community during several annual events throughout the year. “This helps us build our close relationships with neighbors in our community and gives us insight into what the community needs and helps us meet these needs,” she shares.

The Sandpoint Lions Club is responsible for the annual Easter Egg Hunt, the Fourth of July Celebration (including the parade and fireworks show at City Beach), an annual Halloween Haunted Maze, and Turkey Bingo to kick off the Lions Club’s Toys for Tots program. “By hosting these events, we get to know the community we serve," says Janice. "We grow our friendships with the community members and local businesses to help everyone network our resources.”


The Sandpoint Lions Club has been hosting events locally since 1953, and one tradition that continues, the Saturday prior to Easter, is the Sandpoint Lions Club’s annual Easter Egg Hunt! Each year, approximately 20 volunteers come together to continue this fun-filled morning filled with laughter and smiles; the perfect way to kick off those Easter festivities and celebrations a day early. This year’s Easter Egg Hunt takes place Saturday, April 8, with the egg hunt starting promptly at 9am at Lakeview Park (609 South Ella Avenue) in Sandpoint.

“This is such a fun event for the kids,” affirms Janice. “It’s events like this that bring our community together.”

The annual hunt will happen rain, shine … or snow! Be sure to dress for the weather and be ready for an exciting, fast-paced morning. Each year, around 2,000 children and family members show up to the hunt to search for the hundreds of candy-filled plastic eggs. Hunts are broken down by age categories and, as Janice shares, the hunting is usually over in less than 10 minutes!

For the past two years, there have been special golden eggs hidden, and those lucky kiddos who discovered one of those golden eggs received a free bicycle, courtesy of the Lions Club. This year, there won’t be special golden eggs, but kids will still have the chance to win one of

Go Sandpoint Magazine 18


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approximately 10 bicycles (including two ride-on toys for the babies)! Be sure to check all of your plastic eggs before you leave the hunt to see if you’re a winner.

There will be coffee available, courtesy of Starbucks Ponderay, at the Lions Club parking lot, as well as hot cocoa for the kids thanks to the Lions Club. And for the first time this year, according to Janice, there are plans to have Girl Scout cookies for sale at this event. Keep an eye out as additional details are announced online at Facebook.com/ SandpointLionsClub.

You can join the Sandpoint Lions Club every third Friday of the month for their Monthly Bingo Night. Held at the Sandpoint Community Hall, doors open at 5pm. The games are $1, with proceeds going to benefit the Lions Club programs, such as the Children’s Cancer Foundation, diabetes education, sight and hearing programs, and their Toys for Tots program.

The Sandpoint Lions Club is also looking forward to hosting their annual Fourth of July Parade, which is just a few short months away. Janice and the rest of the Lions Club hopes you, your friends and family can make it out and celebrate with them. Janice adds, “I can’t wait to see everyone’s smiling faces at this year’s 70th anniversary celebration! It makes the long volunteer hours worth every minute!"

The club is currently working toward being able to offer more youthbased events as well as growing the programs currently offered to better suit the community’s needs.

As of January 1 of this year, Janice is excited to share that they have 16 new members—and they’re adding to these numbers every month! “This is exciting for the future of the club. While preserving our club history and respecting the members who came before us, new ideas and new events are being added and explored on a regular basis. Having an open mind and seeing what new members have to offer is a huge step forward for the Sandpoint Lions Club.”

They currently have 26 members, with three more expected to join this month. All that is required of members is to attend meetings when possible and help with the club’s events when available. “We are growing as a club. This growth is helping us to better understand what it takes to have a long-standing club in our area,” notes Janice.

The club invites the community to attend their meetings, which are held on the second and fourth Monday at 6pm, to see what exciting things they have planned for the future. Janice encourages anyone interested in joining to do so. “Being a member of this club fills a social void for many of its members,” she says. “Being able to come together and share ideas and thoughts can be a life-changer.”

They are looking for anyone 18 and older who has the energy to implement new ideas to become a member, and as Janice affirms, “Keeping younger members in our club will help assure the continuity of the club for years to come.”


Janice previously held the position of treasurer within the club and has been involved with the Sandpoint Lions Club since 2015. She was voted as the club’s president in June of 2021. “As president of the club, I love to delegate tasks and run the bi-weekly meetings. You will find me at every event we hold. I enjoy seeing every smiling face at each of our events! My goals are to help our club grow and protect the legacy that is the Sandpoint Lions Club.”

The Rader family are big advocates and supporters of the Sandpoint Lions Club: Janice’s husband Neal serves as vice presidents; their daughter Goldie serves as the club’s secretary; son Derrick and wife Jennifer are members; and daughter Karli is also a member. “My family knows that if they want to spend time with me, I’ll be at the Lions’ events!” Janice laughs.

When it comes to what she finds most rewarding as president of the Sandpoint Lions Club, she says this: “Watching people smile as they realize that the Sandpoint Lions Club is here to help brings me the most joy— especially during the Christmas season. People become nervous when they are expected to provide joy for kids and it isn’t always possible. The SLC is happy and excited to help! Seeing the faces of parents when they realize they can provide something for their family gives me the most fulfillment.”

Thank you, Sandpoint Lions Club, for the decades of commitment, service and fun you’ve provided our community. And here’s to many, many more.

To find out more about the Sandpoint Lions Club, you can visit their website at SandpointLions.wixsite.com/website, email sandpointlions@gmail.com or call 208.263.4118.


And with it a more healthy, balanced real estate market

As we all watch and wonder about the economy, one thing is for certain. North Idaho continues to attract homeowners and investors from across the country. Rates go up. Rates go down. But what doesn’t change is the fact that we simultaneously have historically low inventory and yet the largest home buying generation coming of age, the Millennials.

Mortgage interest rates are gradually settling down, and with that, buyers are feeling more and more ready to make their move again.

If you’re thinking of selling your property:

•These early days of spring can be a sweet spot for you. Jumping into the market now means much less competition than what we’ll see this summer. This can be an ideal time to stand out with a competitive price and fantastic marketing.

•Speaking of marketing, much of it hinges on your staging. Think about it. Every magazine ad, every photo on Zillow, every social media post of your listing will feature photos and video taken during that all important photo session you have just before listing. Before the photographer arrives, be sure light bulbs are not only working but the same tone (cool or warm). Declutter every room and even your outdoor space. When interviewing agents, ask them about what staging they provide. Their commission checks can easily cover the cost and time for in-person staging (or virtual staging for vacant homes).

•When it comes to price, know the 2023 market value of your property. (Not 2020, 2021, or even early 2022). Prices did not “crash” in North Idaho, but they certainly adjusted for the painful interest rate hikes of last year. Base your pricing on your current competition, not what your neighbor sold for a few months ago. What a buyer was willing to pay for a home in 2022 changed drastically month to month based on interest rate activity.

22 Go Sandpoint Magazine
1832 Moon Shadow, Bonners Ferry 2+ acres, 3 bed/3 bath LISTED LISTED LISTED “The most energetic and professional.” “Smart, hard working and hungry.” “Took the time to listen.” “She loves what she does.” NEDRAKANAVEL Associate Broker Certified Luxury Marketing Specialist Cell: 208.610.4624 nedra@nedrakanavel.com | nedraknowshomes.com Melanie Geaslin Buyer’s Specialist Nedra Knows Homes 1290 Holmes Rd, Bonners Ferry 30 level acres 384 Parallel Run, Sandpoint 4 bed/2.5 bath, Walk to Village! 560 Cascade Creek, Clark Fork 2 acres, 2 bed/2 bath

If you’re a buyer and ready to act:

•Before you even start to search, determine your financing. Will you pay all cash? Do you need financing? If yes to the latter, interview loan officers and banks. Your rate, down payment and how much you qualify for can vary widely from bank to bank. Once you know the price and monthly payment you are comfortable with, then it’s time to start searching!

•Use your search time wisely. North Idaho is a big area to cover! As you’re scrolling through Realtor.com, when a property catches your eye, ask your agent for more details and any private information from the MLS. Do a drive by. Before you take time off from work, you can save yourself time and trouble by narrowing down all of the possibilities to your top three choices for showing day.

•Even with low inventory, now can be a great time to buy. Most listings are priced based on the high interest rates of late 2022. As rates settle down, prices will go up and bidding wars will begin. Remember, your rate is relative. Ask your loan officer to calculate your down payment and monthly payment based on the lower prices we’re seeing now at today’s rates versus higher prices to come this summer at probably slightly lower rates. You’ll most likely be surprised!

There’s no doubt the Fed’s actions last year created a tough environment for both sellers and buyers. Thankfully, along with the sunshine and warmer temps, a more healthy, balanced real estate market is emerging.

Even with low inventory, now can be a great time to buy.

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Spring brings a healthier, more balanced market


THERE’S NO DOUBT THAT LAST YEAR CREATED A TOUGH ENVIRONMENT FOR BOTH SELLERS AND BUYERS. Thankfully, along with the sunshine and warmer temps, a more healthy, balanced real estate market is emerging. Rates go up. Rates go down. But North Idaho continues to attract homeowners and investors from across the country.

Are you curious about current real estate trends in Sandpoint, Idaho? See page 30!



If you’re looking to buy or sell, making sure the right advocate is working for you is more important than ever—so is maintaining our community and preserving the qualities that make Sandpoint, Idaho, such an incredible place to live. With resumes that include careers such as lawyers and psychologists, our dedicated team brings an extra level of professionalism to the table. We pride ourselves in our ability to negotiate and advocate on behalf of our clients, to make sure you are getting the best deal possible, whether you are buying or selling property. Contact us for your real estate needs, and discover why we’ve earned all 5-star ratings!

208.946.827848 | matt.48parallel@gmail.com Ty
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208.610.1486 | 48parallel@proton.me
199 MADERA DRIVE, SANDPOINT 4 Bed | 2.5 Bath | 2,743 sqft | Built in 2021 | $910,000 Matt & Brittany Erickson REALTORS®

"My husband and I relocated to Idaho to be close to our family. We connected with Whitney, and our relationship was comfortable from the first day we met. She is professional and so willing to help us with some uncharted territory. She answered all of our questions, and if she wasn't sure of the answer, she found it out right away! I would really recommend Elite Realty Partners to anyone looking for a home."

I, along with my family, made Sandpoint our forever home in 2011, and I have been serving the local community's real estate needs since early 2018. With a former 13-year career in senior management, I bring a level of attention to detail and thorough communication to my clients, which has resulted in my unbroken 5-star rating. I have always been driven by excellence, which motivated me to earn my Associate Broker License in 2022. I make it a point to treat each client like family, and the best compliment is when clients become friends, and they trust you to take care of their family and friends as well. When I'm not working, you'll find me leading worship at North Summit Church, working out at Sandpoint Strength, skiing and hiking with friends, and spending quality time with my husband and two boys. I love to be a knowledgeable resource for all things Sandpoint, and I can help you find the perfect neighborhood, schools and amenities for your needs. I would be honored to represent you in your next real estate transaction.






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“In this day and age, finding great customer service along with a person who is true to your needs is rare. Ben is that rare blend of everything you want and more when it comes to being your realtor. If you look at his background and his foundation of morals as raising a great family while serving his community, it will leave you with no doubts that he is the guy you want for your real estate needs.”


As a local expert in the real estate industry, my ultimate goal is to ensure that every client’s experience, whether they are buying or selling a property, is an enjoyable one. In 2022, the housing market shifted by falling home prices and rising mortgage rates. However, we are now observing the early stages of a new shift in the housing market, with mortgage rates slowly on the decline. It’s anticipated to stabilize in the mid 5% range. As a result of this shift, we have witnessed an increase in buyer confidence by more mortgage loan applications and loan locks since the start of 2023. This presents a unique opportunity for individuals looking to buy or sell real estate in 2023. I encourage you to reach out to us, as we can work together to develop effective strategies that will place you in the best position to achieve your goals in the current real estate climate.

REALTOR® | TEAM LEADER 208.400.6162 ben@yourelitepartners.com BEN GEANETTA Scan to learn more!


Data collected from Movoto.com

Sandpoint Real Estate
INVENTORY MEDIAN PRICE PER SQFT MEDIAN HOME SIZE SQFT $320 $360 $460 $440 $420 $400 480 460 500 1.70 30 560 540 580 520 600 $340 $380 2.30 1.90 2.00 2.10 1.80 2.20 Dec 2022 Feb 2023 Jan 2023 Oct 2022 Sept2022 Nov2022 Dec 2022 Feb 2023 Jan 2023 Oct 2022 Sept2022 Nov2022 Dec 2022 Feb 2023 Jan 2023 Oct 2022 Sept2022 Nov2022
W O R L D - C L A S S R E A L E S T A T E P R O F E S S I O N A L J a c k i e S u a r e z


APRIL 2023



Each year, the Saturday prior to Easter, the Sandpoint Lions Club hosts its annual Easter Egg Hunt! Volunteers come together to continue this fun-filled morning filled with laughter and smiles; the perfect way to kick off those Easter festivities and celebrations a day early. This year’s Easter Egg Hunt takes place Saturday, April 8, with the egg hunt starting promptly at 9am at Lakeview Park (609 South Ella Avenue) in Sandpoint. There will be coffee and hot cocoa as well. Keep an eye out as additional details are announced online at Facebook.com/SandpointLionsClub.



Ali Thomas, Denis Zwang and Truck Mills are Global Gumbo, playing world music, blues and jazz. Get your tickets today for their April 14 concert in Little Carnegie, located at the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint (110 Main Street). The show begins at 7pm. Tickets are priced $30 for adults and $15 for students, and are available online at SandpointConservatory. TicketSpice.com/globalgumbocc.



Join the Sandpoint Shopping District on Saturday, April 22, for Let's Go Girls, a shopping event. From noon to 6pm, ladies can enjoy sips and snacks, music and deals at participating businesses, including restaurants and shops! Visit local participants for your "Shopping Passport." And don't miss your chance to win a $500 downtown shopping spree or a pair of tickets to see Shania Twain live in concert! There will be an after-party and grand prize drawing from 6 to 7pm at The Panida, with prizes, refreshments and music, then head to 219 Lounge at 7pm for more prizes and live music. To stay up to date on the event, visit SandpointShopping.com or visit Facebook.com/SandpointShopping.



Join Suzuki String Academy on Friday, April 28, for a stellar performance of young musicians on the historic Panida stage! Bring the whole family for a fun evening of music. Students will be playing in groups together on violin, viola, cello and piano in true Suzuki style. There will be highlighted soloists during the concert, chamber ensembles and duets. Come support these hard-working student artists who are sharing beautiful music with our community. Tickets are priced $10 to $15 for adults, $5 for students ages 4 to 17 and free for those 3 and younger (lap seating only). Doors open at 5pm for this special evening of music, which begins at 6pm. Tickets can be purchased online at DanceTicketing.com/30423.



Proudly connecting local farmers, fine artists, craftspeople and food vendors with the North Idaho community for more than 32 years, the Farmers Market at Sandpoint returns Saturday, April 29! Head downtown to Farmin Park on Third Avenue and Oak Street between 9am and 1pm, where you can treat yourself and family to locally grown fresh produce, baked goods and handcrafted arts and crafts. For additional details, and to view upcoming market entertainment and events, visit SandpointFarmersMarket.com.

*Please note, as of press time, these events were still scheduled to take place as planned. Be sure to visit event websites to stay up to date with current information.

14 08
29 32
300 BONNER MALL WAY, PONDERAY, ID 83852 | 208.215.2060 | SANDPOINTCINEMAS.COM Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 03/31 | Mummies 03/31 The Super Mario Bros Movie 04/05 | Air 04/05 Renfield 04/14 | The Covenant 04/21 Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret 04/28 | Big George Foreman 04/28 NOW PLAYING APRIL




As the arrival of Easter Sunday approaches on April 9 this year, people all over the world are gearing up for one of the most exciting celebrations of the year! This Christian holiday is observed in almost 95 countries, with around 80 percent of the population participating in the festivities.

Get ready for a feast for the senses as Easter Sunday comes alive with vibrant colors, mouthwatering foods, and joyful traditions! From the lively Easter egg hunts to the joyous visits with the Easter Bunny, this holiday is full of delightful surprises and heartwarming moments.

For centuries, Easter Sunday has been celebrated as a tribute to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And as time has passed, numerous traditions have emerged to mark this event, each with its own unique flare. Whether you’re gathering with family or friends, there’s no doubt that the spirit of Easter will fill the air, bringing people together with love, hope, and joy. So, mark your calendars and join in the fun as we honor this sacred holiday in our own special way. Let’s make this year’s Easter Sunday a day to remember!

Sunrise Easter Service

One long-standing tradition is the sunrise Easter service, which dates back to 1732 when the Moravian Church held the first service at dawn in Germany. This practice honors the moment when Mary discovered Jesus’ tomb was empty early in the morning.


Although the choice of what to serve for Easter dinner might come down to taste preference, the menu holds great significance for some. In early Jewish history, lambs were sacrificed as offerings to God and served regularly as part of the Passover feast. Then, when Jesus died during Passover, he represented the ultimate sacrifice for sin, the “lamb of God,” so the animal evolved into a meaningful symbol for Christians. Many Orthodox Christians still follow the Jewish Orthodox customs of not eating any pork, so lamb takes center stage at their Easter meal.

The Easter Bunny and Easter Baskets

The Easter Bunny and Easter baskets are also popular Easter traditions that have evolved over time. The Easter Bunny is believed to have originated from ancient spring and fertility celebrations, while Easter baskets may have originated with Middle Eastern farmers bringing baskets of seedlings to be blessed for a successful harvest.

Hot Cross Buns

These festive rolls have their origins in ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece, where they were considered symbols of honor for their goddesses. Eventually, they gained popularity during Easter in England, where bakers were restricted from selling spiced breads except on special occasions such as the Friday before Easter.

Hot cross buns, baked on Good Friday, were believed by many English people to never grow moldy and were therefore kept as good luck charms. They accompanied sailors on voyages and were buried in piles of grain to prevent rodents. Today, these buns mainly serve as a representation of the Christian symbol of the cross.

Egg Tapping Game

The Easter tradition of egg tapping, also known as egg fighting, egg knocking, egg pacqueing, egg boxing, egg picking or egg jarping, involves two people tapping the pointed ends of eggs together until one cracks, with the winner being the person who cracks the most eggs. This game originated in Medieval Poland and is still played in many parts of the world today. In Louisiana, the town of Marksville holds an annual official egg-tapping competition with stringent rules and regulations, and winners must demonstrate that their eggs are real by cracking and eating them at the end of the event.

Whether you choose to commemorate the holiday with traditions that are centuries-old or create your own new traditions, there are many ways to make this Easter Sunday a memorable one.



Planning is already well underway for a wonderful family event and fundraiser, with 2023 proceeds to benefit Unique Center for Athletes of All Needs (UCAN).

“Sandpoint Leadership, a program of the Chamber of Commerce, looks forward to this event each and every year as an opportunity to bring the local and business community together as a sign of solidarity to support our nonprofits,” affirms Theresa Lindholm, event coordinator. “This year, Sandpoint Leadership is looking forward to continuing that tradition and shedding light on the incredible organization that is UCAN by bringing a fun-filled family event to downtown with the opportunity to win great prizes, eat awesome food and just have a great time.”

The Cinco de Mayo Block Party is scheduled for Friday, May 5, in downtown Sandpoint on Main Street between First and Second streets. From 4 to 8pm, this fundraising event will feature local vendors providing food and drinks; raffle and silent auction; and music, games and fun activities (like face painting and Folk School activities) for all ages. This is certainly a family affair, and all are invited to attend.

When it comes to raffle prizes, with more incredible items to be added over the coming weeks, you have the chance to win a

wheelbarrow full of booze, Schweitzer Mountain 2023-2024 season pass, UCAN swag (such as Hydro flasks and UCAN Patagonia embroidered sweatshirts), one-month UFIT nutrition consulting and protein, and one-month membership to UFIT.

Any vendors who are interested in participating, or those looking to donate raffle and auction items, are asked to reach out to Theresa at tlindholm@litehouseinc.com.

“This fundraiser will help UCAN support our special needs community with equipment, sponsorships, classes, and so much more,” shares Gavin Butterfield, who is helping to organize the event. “You can help UCAN by attending this event and donating to this extremely important cause to our community.”

The event is free to attend. Raffle tickets, as well as tickets to purchase food and beer from participating vendors, will be available both in advance by members of the Sandpoint Leadership Class of 2023 and at the event. The community can contact the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce by calling 208.263.2161 or emailing info@sandpointchamber.com to get contact info for class members.

To find out more about UCAN, visit UCANSandpoint.org.

We are here to help! Ready to start your next Excavation & Building project? SCAN THE QR CODE OR CALL TODAY TO GET ON THE BOOKS! 208.610.1486 Hurry - we are filling up fast! Serving the Sandpoint, Ponderay, Sagle and Kootenai areas. Idaho Enhanced CCW classes - second Saturday of each month. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE DETAILS! north idaho’s only full-service indoor range, training facility, firearm servicing/custom work & retail store. ASK US ABOUT OUR CUSTOM SERVICES: • Cerakote • Custom Kydex Holsters don’t let the weather stop you! Take advantage of our indoor shooting range this spring season—eliminate the stress about rainy, unpredictable weather all together! VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR OUR RANGE SPECIALS AND PRICING.

Main Street


brought to you by

In most cities, the streets run perpendicular to each other, cutting perfect squares to contain homes and businesses. The city of Sandpoint is an exception, with its historical Main Street running at a rebellious northwest angle. This street cuts through the north side of town, leaving random triangular patches and interrupting traditional blocks of property.

Though awkward today, this street was once a direct connection between downtown and the Great Northern Railroad depot. A pioneering couple by the name of Ella Mae and L.D. Farmin was on the committee that plotted the town’s streets, and they also happened to work for the Great Northern Railroad.

The town site of Sandpoint was laid out in 1892 and incorporated in 1900. The Great Northern Railroad depot was the heart of Sandpoint at the time; therefore, this street was the main vein making a direct connection between the depot and the aspiring central hub of downtown. The land was raw and there were no rules.

MONTHLY LOCAL GUIDE SANDPOINT’S Your business MATTERS and DESERVES to be recognized. In every edition of Go Sandpoint Magazine, your business can be featured and seen by thousands. Are you ready to be a part of our local guide? Sign up online today to reserve your spot. GoSandpointMagazine.com/Sandpoint-Local-Guide-Sign-Up Contact us for more information! info@like-media.com 38 Go Sandpoint Magazine
fun fact
Photo of Main and Fourth Street in Sand Point, Idaho, circa 1900-1919. Photo courtesy of the Bonner County Historical Society, donated by Loren Evenson. An early scene of Main Street Sandpoint, date unknown. Photo courtesy of the Bonner County Historical Society.

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WATERFRONT SPA/SAUNA POOL RESTAURANT/BAR FREE BREAKFAST KITCHEN/ETTE SUITES PETS FITNESS CENTER MEETING SPACE PRICING Jackie Suarez 208.290.5888 JackieSuarez.com Century 21 Jackie@JackieSuarez.com Eric Skinner 208.290.6314 IdahoRealEstateListings.com Century 21 Eric.Skinner@Sandpoint.com Julina Skinner 208.290.6315 IdahoRealEstateListings.com Century 21 Julina.Skinner@Sandpoint.com Jake Oliver RE/MAX In Action 208.290.5233 Jake@JakeTheRealtor.net JakeTheRealtor.net Best Western Edgewater Resort $$ 800.780.7234 • 208.263.3194 BestWesternEdgewater.com Best Western Plus Ponderay $$ 800.780.7234 • 208.255.4500 BestWestern.com Bottle Bay Resort & Marina $$ 208.263.5916 BottleBayResort.com Dover Bay Waterfront Resort 208.265.159 DoverBayIdaho.com $$ Hotel Ruby Sandpoint/Ponderay $ 208.263.5383 HotelRubyPonderay.com Cedar Street Hotel & Suites $$ 208.263.9581 CedarStreetHotel.com Lodge at Sandpoint $$ 208.263.2211 LodgeAtSandpoint.com Schweitzer Mountain Resort $$ 208.263.9555 Schweitzer.com Sleep’s Cabins $$ 208.255.2122 • 866.302.2122 SleepsCabins.com Seasons at Sandpoint $$$ 877.594.3550 Seasons.life Western Pleasure Guest Ranch 888.863.9066 • 208.263.9066 WesternPleasureRanch.com $$
REAL ESTATE If you are in the market to buy or sell, you can trust you’re in experienced hands with Dave Spencer of Kelly Right Real Estate Team. With a focus on utilizing cutting-edge technologies, Dave looks forward to guiding you in your residential, commercial and investment property needs. Go Sandpoint Vacation Homes 208.610.4416 • GoSandpoint.com Renting out your vacation home can be taxing, stressful, and doesn’t always feel worth it. Go Sandpoint Vacation Homes lets you LIVE BETTER and rent your home stress free because you know it will always be taken care of. $$ 40 Dave Spencer • Kelly Right Real Estate KellyRight.com 208.627.9684 • DSpencer@KellyRight.com

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510311 US-95, Bonners Ferry CALL CASSANDRA TODAY! 212.920.4457 | EventsOnPointSandpoint.com NEED HELP PLANNING YOUR SPECIAL EVENT? Venue Selection & Coordination Day-Of Coordination Event Recap Pre-Event Setup Excursion & Team Bonding Options Lodging Reservations 208.265.2026 • cspears4insurance.com Call today to request a consultation, or visit our website to learn more! YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE OPTIONS Call us for a policy review! THE PERSONAL APPROACH TO SIMPLIFYING

The Wildflower Spa at Seasons is an Aveda Concept Spa and Salon that provides an elegant, relaxing and healing atmosphere for their clients. Their staff is comprised of highly trained massage therapists, estheticians, hair stylists and nail technicians who are committed to making your visit enjoyable and rejuvenating.

42 SERVICES Aqua Plumbing 208.265.2782 AquaPlumbingID.com - Plumber C&M Cleaning 208.610.8645 SandpointCleaningService.com - Cleaner Satisfaction Painting Painter 208.290.3753 Office@SatisfactionPainting.com SatisfactionPainting.com VENUES CATERING LODGING MEETING ROOM MAX CAPACITY Best Western Plus Ponderay 208.255.4500 80 Dover Bay Waterfront Resort - 200 80 Heartwood Center - 170 Lodge at Sandpoint - 30 Ponderay Event Center - 65 Schweitzer Mountain Resort - 225 Sandpoint Business & Event Center - 700 Talus Rock Luxury Lodging - 30 The Idaho Club 800.780.7234 208.265.159 208.263.8699 208.263.2211 208.263.0271 208.263.9555 ext.2820 208.263.7770 208.255.8458 208.265.2345BestWestern.com DoverBayIdaho.com HeartwoodSandpoint.com LodgeAtSandpoint.com PonderayEvents.com Schweitzer.com SandpointEventsCenter.com TalusRockRetreat.com TheIdahoClub.com 50 219 Lounge 208.263.5673 • 219.bar Sandpoint’s hometown lounge and live music venue for over 87 years featuring 20 beers on tap, wine and classic cocktails. Enjoy the outdoor patio and bar during the summer months. HEALTH & BEAUTY Wildflower Day Spa TheWildflowerDaySpa.com 208.263.1103 • TheWildflowerDaySpa@gmail.com
Litehouse YMCA 208.263.6633 YMCAINW.org Fitness Center YMCA@YMCAINW.org Kaniksu Community Health 208.265.6252 www.KCHNorthIdaho.org Health Clinic Marketing@kchni.org Sandpoint Super Drug Pharmacy 208.263.1408 SPTSuperDrug@gmail.com SandpointSuperDrug.com Natural Fitness 208.263.0676 NaturalFitnessGym.com Fitness Center Shawn@NaturalFitnessGym.com
2 Discovery 3 Plan & Revise 4 Execute Remodels • Renovations Rental Repairs CALL US TODAY! 208.265.9051 63 McGhee Rd. Suite 105 Sandpoint, ID 83864 Get in Touch 1 NOW HIRING BookedThroughApril! Before & After 424 Sandpoint Ave #300, Sandpoint, ID thewildflowerdayspa@gmail.com | 208.263.1103 Book your service at thewildflowerdayspa.com Sandpoint’s Only Spa & Salon on the Lake Massage | Esthetics | Hair Services | Nail Services Steam Room For Guests | 2 Lake-View Balconies Gift cards make the perfect Mother’s Day gift and can be redeemed for any of the services we offer! Best Day Spa


Sandpoint SummerFest


Schweitzer Fall Fest Schweitzer.com

The Idaho Club TheIdahoClub.com

Sandpoint Elks Golf Course -

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Go Fish! Charters

Lake Pend Oreille Cruises

Bottle Bay Resort & Marina





Dover Bay Resort DoverBayIdaho.com

Sandpoint Marina SandpointWaterfront.com

Western Pleasure Guest Ranch

Action Water Sports

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Sandpoint Watersports



Sandpoint is home to four great breweries. Bike to each, or take a walking tour: Matchood Brewing Co., Utara BrewingCo., MickDuff’s Brewing Co., Laughing Dog Brewing.






Enjoy fun in the sun at the sandy, grassy downtown public beach on the lake. SandpointIdaho.gov

Shop the Sandpoint Shopping District

Explore the many unique shops in charming downtown. DowntownSandpoint.com

Drive The Pend Oreille Scenic Byway

Experience some of North Idaho’s most scenic views along this 33.4-mile drive.


Relax with a Spa Day

Visit the Wildflower Spa at Seasons Resort or Highlands North Day Spa for a day of rejuvenation.


| HighlandsNorthDaySpa.com

Explore Local Galleries

Walk the downtown and stop in at several local galleries to enjoy local and regional art.

Stop in Cedar Street Bridge

Explore various shops and restaurants in the downtown bridge spanning Sand Creek. CedarStreetBridge.com

Do a Tasting at the Local Winery

Enjoy local sips from Pend d’Oreille Winery. POWine.com

Brewery Tour
Day at
City Beach
& Crafts Fair ArtinSandpoint.org/arts-crafts-fair Art Walk ArtinSandpoint.org/artwalk Festival at Sandpoint Tours / Charters Marina Marina Marina Outdoor / Mountain Activities Water Recreation / Rentals Water Recreation / Rentals Water Recreation / Rentals Festival Golf Courses Golf Courses Tours / Charters Tours / Charters Art / Music Event Art / Music Event Art / Music Event Art / Music Event Summer Summer Summer Summer Year-Round Summer Summer Summer Fall Spring / Summer / Fall Spring / Summer / Fall Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 208.255.5253 208.263.5916 208.265.1597 208.263.3083 888.863.9066 208.263.9066 208.255.7100 208.265.9672 208.920.9292 208.263.9555 208.265.2345 208.263.4321 509.795.1311 208.597.5020 208.263.2217 208.263.6139 208.263.6139 208.265.4554 FestivalatSandpoint.com Catch a Show at the Panida Theater Stop in the historic theater for an independent feature or short film. Panida.org Visit Schweitzer Mountain Explore the village dining and shopping and enjoy the adventures in summer and winter. Schweitzer.com
208.597.7597 | SandpointMomentum.com 1013 Lake St., Ste. 100, Sandpoint, ID Join Momentum’s Monthly Wellness program and save! Members receive: • Regular monthly massages • “Member’s only” specials • Discounts on Momentum’s classes or events • Buy our prepaid 1-year massage therapy package for more savings MAINTAIN YOUR WELLNESS Did you know your insurance claim may cover medical massage therapy after a traumatic injury? Call Momentum to see if you qualify, and get your body on the road to recovery faster! ASK US ABOUT MOTOR VEHICLE INJURY RECOVERY • A full range of massage services • Online appointment scheduling • Bemer PEMF sessions • Lifewave Stem Cell Activation patches MOMENTUM ALSO OFFERS Contact us for more information about any of our treatments and special deals. 208.920.6258 | BARREL33SANDPOINT.COM | 100 N. FIRST AVE., SANDPOINT, ID VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR UPCOMING APRIL EVENTS Welcome Spring with Paint & Sips, Live Music, Crafted Libations, and so much more. Patio Seating Now Available! Follow us for additional event information and registration! BARREL33SANDPOINT


TRINITY AT CITY BEACH SWEET LOU’S JALAPEÑOS BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER LOUNGE WATERFRONT KIDS’ MENU PARTIES CATERING PRICING Secret Thai 208.263.9960 $$ Sandpoint Thai Hoot Owl Cafe 208.265.9348 $-$$ Ponderay Cafe Heart Bowls 208.304.7631 $-$$ Sandpoint 219 Lounge 208.263.5673 $$ Sandpoint Bar Baxter’s on Cedar 208.229.8377 $$ Sandpoint New American Pend d’Oreille Winery 208.265.8545 $$ Sandpoint Modern Cuisine Sky House 208.263.9555 $$ Schweitzer American Thai Nigiri 208.265.2587 $$ Sandpoint Thai/Sushi Arlo’s Ristorante 208.255.4186 $$ Sandpoint Italian City Beach Organics 208.265.9919 $$ Sandpoint Organic / Vegan Organic / Vegan Joel’s 208.265.8991 $-$$ Sandpoint Mexican MickDuff’s Brewpub 208.255.4351 $$ Sandpoint Pub / American The Hydra 208.263.7123 $$ Sandpoint Steakhouse Dish at Dover Bay 208.265.6467 $$ Dover Bay American / Seafood Fat Bass Bar & Grill 208.265.8854 $$ Priest River Steakhouse / American Eichardt’s 208.263.4005 $-$$ Sandpoint Pub Jalapeños Mexican Restuarant 208.263.2995 $-$$ Sandpoint Mexican Spuds Waterfront Grill 208.265.4311 $$ Sandpoint American Sweet Lou’s 208.263.1381 $$ Ponderay American Trinity at City Beach Sandpoint 208.255.7558 Seafood $$ Second Avenue Pizza 208.263.9321 Sandpoint Pizza $$ 46
2023-2024 school year enrollment starts now www.sandpointchristian.com 477954 Hwy 95, Ponderay, ID office@sandpointchristian.com SandpointChristian f BONNER COUNTY • KOOTENAI COUNTY BOUNDARY COUNTY 208.304.3883 | TYLERCASE@GMAIL.COM CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR SERVICE ARE YOUR DRAINS CLOGGED OR BACKED UP? SINKS, TUBS & TOILETS 10%OFFALLDRAINCLEANING FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2023 $20 OFF ROCK CHIP REPAIR & AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT* *Expires 04/30/2023. In store only. 208.255.2686 337 Olive Ave. in Sandpoint OPEN ALLDAY OPEN ALLDAY Sunday Sunday Margarita Monday - All Day Taco Tuesday - All Day Magic Sundays - Magic By Star Alexander table-side performance, 5-8pm Call in your to-go order! 208.263.2995 | f | 314 N. Second Ave. Sandpoint, ID SUN-TUES: 11am-8pm | WED -THURS: Closed | FRI-SAT: 11am-8:30pm IT’S TIME TO FIESTA! CINCO DE MAYO
Downtown Sandpoint Presents... Downtown Shopping Spree www.downtownsandpoint.com Visit Local Participants for Shopping Passport to Enter. Must be present to win. Participating Businesses www.downtownsandpoint.com Sponsored by APRIL 22nd from12-6pm 6-7pm 7pm+ After Party & Grand Prize Drawing at The PanidaPrizes, Refreshments, and Music 219 Lounge After Party! Prizes & Live Music! HEART BOWLS • BURLWOOD DREAMS • THE PEPPERED MERCANTILE • WHISKEY JACK BOUTIQUE • STYLE BAR • JALAPENOS • CREATIONS TOYS • TRINITY AT CITY BEACH • GETHSEMANE OIL & VINEGAR PAPILLON BEAUTY BOUTIQUE • BEAUTY BOTANICALS, BATH & BODY SHOP • NORTHERN GRIND COFFEE • LA CHIC BOUTIQUE • YAFAY BEAUTY & WELLNESS • SUGAR TOOTH • GRACE & JOY • PEND D’OREILLE WINERY LARSON’S • ZWAZO NICH • FINAN MCDONALD • SHARON’S HALLMARK • AZALEA • EVE’S LEAVES • UNIQUELY SANDPOINT• 219 LOUNGE • OUT WEST TRADING CO • MEADOWBROOK HOME FURNISHINGS THE DISTRICT • BELLA TERRA BOUTIQUE • CAROUSEL EMPORIUM • MONARCH MOUNTAIN COFFEE • ARTWORKS • NORTHWEST HANDMADE • THE PICKLED KITCHEN • BARREL 33 • 7BIV • THE PANIDA THEATER STOP THE RUST! PRESERVING THE LIFE OF YOUR VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT NORTHIDAHOUNDERCOATING.COM 208.255.8199 • Rustproofing for Cars, Trucks, RVs, Travel Trailers, Equipment and Trailers • Rodent Protection for Classic Cars, RVs, Boats and more • Local and Veteran-Owned
#DreamBigIdaho Start saving today at idsaves.org #DreamBigIdaho Scan to see how! For more information about the Idaho College Savings Program (“IDeal”), call 1.866.433.2533 or visit www.idsaves.org to obtain a Disclosure Statement. The Disclosure Statement discusses investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information. Because investing in IDeal is an important decision for you and your family, you should read and consider the Disclosure Statement carefully before investing. Before you invest, consider whether your or the beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in that state’s qualified tuition program. IDeal is administered by the State College Savings Program Board (Board). Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, LLC (“ABD”), the program manager, and its affiliates, have overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations, including investment advisory and recordkeeping and administrative services. The Vanguard Group, Inc. (Vanguard) serves as Investment Manager for IDeal. Sallie Mae Bank serves as the Savings Portfolio Manager for IDeal. IDeal’s Portfolios invest in either: (i) mutual funds and a separate account offered or managed by Vanguard; or (ii) an FDIC-insured omnibus savings account held in trust by the Board at Sallie Mae Bank. Except for the Savings Portfolio, investments in IDeal are not insured by the FDIC. Units of the Portfolios are municipal securities and the value of units will vary with market conditions. Not FDIC-Insured (except for the Savings Portfolio). No Bank, State or Federal Guarantee. May Lose Value. 1059802AG_ES_ID 0323 Use it to open or add to an IDeal - Idaho 529 College Savings account today. Smile! Your ID tax refund can help a dream come true.
welcoming New Patients STAY AT HOME HOMECARE Skilled. Personal. Caring. All new patients will receive a FREE in-home consultation. Allow me to assist you or your loved one by improving quality of life, encouraging independence and confidence—all while reinforcing you are in control of your life. StayAtHomeHomecareLLC@gmail.com StayAtHomeHomecareLLC.com 208.627.6935 Sandpoint, ID Lisa Olson CNA/Owner/Operator

Murphy Cabinet Bed

The Murphy Cabinet Bed is a truly instant guest bed. Convert it from a handsome cabinet to a comfy queen bed in less than a minute. When all closed up it just takes 10 square feet of floor space with a premium gel memory foam mattress. Perfect for a loft area or bonus room. Easy to use, easy to love.

Rhapsody power reclining sectional with power headrests , custom order in your own configuration

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Rhapsody power reclining sectional with power headrests , custom order in your own configuration

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Bay Bridge Sofa, available in over 1,200 fabrics and over 80 leathers

Kingman swivel glider, available in fabric, Kashmira, Nuvo Leather, and Genuine Leather

Kingman swivel glider, available in fabric, Kashmira, Nuvo Leather, and Genuine Leather

Bay Bridge Sofa, available in over 1,200 fabrics and over 80 leathers

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Pricing subject to configuration and cover choice

Pricing subject to configuration and cover choice

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STORE HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat
401 Bonner Mall Way, Ponderay,
208.263.5138 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm | Sat 9am-5pm | Closed Sundays
Bonner Mall Way, Ponderay,
9am-5pm, Closed
Models $1869 to $2399 23.7” 63.5” 41.1” Visit our Murphy Cabinet Shop at SANDPOINTFURNITURE.COM
Tom Davies, D.D.S. PLLC | 208.263.8514 103 W. Superior | Sandpoint, Idaho | Gentle Care • USC’77 WINNER WINNER Welcome New Patients Mention this ad to receive a New Patient Complete Exam, Full Mouth X-Rays, Oral Cancer Screening and Basic Cleaning for only $89.00! All new patients will receive a free Oxyfresh Cavity Protection Travel Kit! Local Postal Customer *****************ECRWSS**** Please Deliver By April 7, 2023 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Post Falls, ID PERMIT NO. 32

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