Liliana Viveros Portfolio 2012

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Liliana Viveros Diaz CV / Portfolio 2012



M.ARCH. LILIANA VIVEROS DÍAZ Personal information Age: 24 years old Civil Status: Single Nacionality: Mexican Date Of Birth: February 13, 1987 Birthplace: Veracruz, México Mobile: +52 1 229 928 18 60 Email: Academic Formation Post Graduate Master in Advanced Architecture 2010-2011 Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalunya (IaaC-UPC) Barcelona, España. 2005-2010

Bachelor Degree in Architecture Universidad Cristóbal Colón Veracruz, México.


Bachelor’s Degree Centro de Estudios Cristóbal Colón Veracruz, México.



Other Studies, Specialties and Awards · Bachelor Thesis “Agritecture” · International TOEFL test iBT version (Internet Based Test) with 96 points of score, equal to 593 points in the PBT version (Paper Based Test). · Intermediate course in 3D max modeling. · Universidad Veracruzana Language Center (French) Intermediate course. · Speaker at “Production of Architecture Research 2” at Cristóbal Colón 3 University.

Work Experiencie 2008 Social Service. Architecture Buffet at Cristóbal Colón University “Integrated Development Project for the community of Villa Azueta, Veracruz.” Activities:

· Plans, elevations and sections of the current situation of the site. · Elaboration of the diagnosis of “Damage Assessment” which consists in the verification and classification of the different artistic property damage. · Listing of materials indicating their finishes: beginning, middle and end. · Developed the restoration Project for the building of the former railway station of Villa Azueta, Veracruz, through sheets of deterioration. · Landscape proposal. · Completion of the architectural program.


G+G Arquitectos Activities:

· Designer. · Support in administrative and accounting area. · Pre-Design area. · Development of executive projects. 2011 (November)


. Main Tutor in the Workshop: Parametric Architecture and Grasshopper


Software ADVANCED · Autocad · 3D Studio Max · Sketch up · Rhino · Ecotect · Grasshopper · Office · Corel Draw INTERMEDIATE

· Impure · Photoshop · Illustrator · InDesign


· Processing . Revit



Languages Spanish English French Italian


INDEX Research 2011 Calculation Tool ...........................................................................8 2011 Design Associavity ....................................................................10 2011 Materials System ......................................................................11 Digital Fabrication 2011 ChaiseLongue Prototype............................................................13 2010 Cnc milling ................................................................................14 2010 Laser cutting .............................................................................15 2010 3d printing ................................................................................16 Work experience 2010 Casa GarcĂ­a-GarcĂ­a ....................................................................18 2010 Casa Millo .................................................................................19 2009 Casa Playas ...............................................................................20 2008 Fracc Tulipanes .........................................................................22 Academic Formation 2011 Proposal of a New vertical urbanism: Urban clouds. ...............25 2009 Competition: Mexican Pavilion of Shanghai Expo 2010 ...........27 2009 Competition: Steel Contest for students ..................................29 2008 Intervention in Veracruz Historic Center: Cecapro building ......30 2008 Intervention in Veracruz Historic Center: La Prueba building ...32 2007 School Project at Tarimoya lagoon ...........................................34


Research 7

2011 Research

Calculation Tool

IACC, Barcelona, Spain.

With: M. Lavayen, R. Stefanelli. Tutor: Luis E. Fraguada. The purpose of this project was to create a calculation tool for obtaining the amount of in a surface, in order to know the efficiency of this surface if it would be full of solar panels, this tool is also useful to provide a shading system according to the amount of insolation that has been receiving by the surface, choosing the location of the (latitud/longitud) place the calculation tool is going to give us the position of the sun according to the hour, so the surface will hace this dynamic shading system that will be changing according to the sun position. Finally with this calculation tool we can also know in wich parts of the surface the amount of insolation is lower and in wich other ones is higher in orden to take design strategies for the future. how to use the tool? 1. In orden to start using the Grasshopper tool, you have to set a series of Control Point curves with the shape that you want to give to your mesh. Then right click on curves from rhino icon and select set multiple curves, go to Rhino and select all the curves and Enter. 2. Next step is to check that the Normals are pointing up, for this you have to go to the Normals icon and turn it on with the Enable Preview on selection. If the normals are pointing up, you can continue with the next step, if not you should go to rhino, select your curves and type Flip with this all normal vector should be pointing up. 8

complete file visit: ol?viewMode=magazine

Research 2011

3. Go to the Diva Vector group and type the Latitude and the Longitude where your project is located. Also you have to set the day, month and specific hour in which you want to have the amount of radiation. 4. To proceed, you should go to the Turn on Ecotect group and set the Toggle into True with a double click. 5. In order to load the mesh into Ecotect you have to go to the Export Mesh to Ecotect icon and set the toggle into True. 6. Go to the Weather File icon and set the Weather file of the country in which your project is located. 7. If you have a different amount of Photovoltaic solar panel efficiency, you can change it and your total calculation of KwH produced by mesh/day will change. 8. Once you have run the Ecotect, all the calculations should appear on the top of the Rhino mesh, and the total amount of KwH produce by mesh/ day and compare it with the amount of energy consumed by the iaac existing buildings.


2011 Research

Designing Associavity

IACC, Barcelona, Spain.

With: M. Lavayen, R. Stefanelli. Tutor: Luis E. Fraguada. The goal of the assignment was to study the relationship between information, design and fabrication and implement that data flow into a physical object. We developed a definition to create a data machine that influences a design informed by external climatic or ambient data. More specifically, we worked with a building component (a skin) that changes its behavior based on climatic forces such as solar radiation. In this example, we tried to figure out the best orientation for solar radiation capture/absorbance of the skin according to its shape and surface. This eventually would help calculate wich is the best posibility for greater amount of energy production (kwk). This research is very important and useful to our group because we are working with this type of data in the Self Sufficient Studio. The tools used where Rhino, Grasshopper, Kangaroo, Weaverbird, Geco and Ecotec. complete file visit: 11?viewMode=magazine


Research 2011

Materials System

IACC, Barcelona, Spain.

With: Renata Stefanelli, Nasim Sehat, Duygu Kirisoglu. Tutors: Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto.




The aim of this research Project was to search for a material that accomplished a series of requirements, fist it has to pass from a liquid state to a solid one. This specific condition its useful in order to replicate the minimal path structures experiment of Frei Otto and make it perdurable in order to make a couple of test to proof the strength of the material. Several proofs were made but at the end the most successful material was the caramel, that accomplished all the requirements: it can pass from liquid applying heat and then when it dries it became very strength and its biodegradable.


Digital Fabrication 12

2011 Digital Fabrication

ChaiseLongue Prototype Veracruz, MĂŠxico.

Costumization of the shape

Costumization of the shape

Waffle definition

Real Scale model

Scale 1:100 model

Freelance IDEA OF THE DESIGN The main idea was to make a chair that can change according to phisiological parameters, this means that the shape of the chair is going to change according to the weight, height and measures of the person for which is being designed, this is possible through a Grasshopper definition which every of this parameters can be controlled. Then with another definition (for the waffle) we control the amount of pieces and the thickness of the material. The aim of this process is to automate the design process but always making it very personal TECHNICAL ASPECTS This piece was made with a waffle structure techinique, that allow us to decompose whatever shape into X and Y axis pieces. The chair is made of 12 pieces in the X axis (longitudinal) and 16 pieces in the Y axis (transversal) giving us a total amount of 28 pieces. The piece was fabricated with a CNC milling machine and the pieces and shape were designed with Rhinoceros + Grasshopper + RhinoNest. The material is 9 mm Mahogany triplay, the thickness of the material can variate according with the number of pieces. 13

Digital Fabrication

Cnc Milling

IACC, Barcelona, Spain. With: Maria Margariti, Renata Stefanelli. Tutor: TomĂĄs Diez. As an overall analysis of Design Studio I “zero barâ€? project, the assignment claimed for a 3D model of Barcelona. Following the admistrative subdivisions of the city, a digital 2D CAD format map was created by tracing closed polylines for streets, blocks and buildings. It was decided that the entire city would be considered flat and only the topography of the most important mountains (Montjuic, Collserola, El Carmel) would be shown since the scale is 1:2000 and not all details would be seen. The aim of this task was to learn the process to prepare a file in order to send it to the CNC Milling machine and also using the Rhino Cam tool in order to send the file to print. The manufacturing process aims to successively reduce material from the stock model until it reaches the final shape of the designed part. To accomplish this, the typical machining strategy is to first use large tools to perform bulk removal from the stock, then use progressively smaller tools to remove smaller amounts of material. When the part has a uniform amount of stock remaining, a small tool is used to remove this uniform stock layer



2010 Digital Fabrication

Bench Laser Cutting

IACC, Barcelona, Spain. With: Maria Margariti. Tutor: Tomรกs Diez.

The aim of this assignment was to design a bench that would constitute part of a collaborative furniture project and construct a model of 1:2 scale using the waffle structure and a Laser Cut machine. The bench should be designed by transforming a given model in Rhino within a bounding box of 500mm x 500mm x 350mm but keeping the end sections untouched in order to connect with the different benches. complete file visit:


Digital fabrication 2010

3D Printing

IACC, Barcelona, Spain. With: Maria Margariti. Tutor: TomĂĄs Diez.

The objective of this exercise is to begin with a complete closed Lego brick which has to be carved and transformed but keeping its eight corners and two cylinders untouched in order to allow connection with the other bricks. The result must be something that can’t be done by hand, only with the technology of a 3d printer. The process to prepare a file for the 3D printer is very different; it has a different protocol, so doing this task was very interesting. complete file visit: pdf3dprint?viewMode=magazine


Work Experience 17

2010 Work Experience

Casa García-García

Veracruz, México.

G+G Arquitectos Position: Preliminary Project. Status of the Project: On hold Renders: Liliana Viveros Díaz. The owner of casa García-García wanted a very flexible and modern space with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The first of the 3 floors is “underground” but not completely because the transparency and the greenery makes a big contrast with the massive volume of the upper part. .

Underground Level


Street Level

First Floor

Second Floor

Work Experience

Casa Millo

Veracruz, México. G+G Arquitectos Position: Preliminary Project. Status of the Project: On hold Renders/3d model: Joaquín Domínguez / Liliana Viveros Díaz. This house was designed for a 4 member family in the shore of the river; the concept was to create separate units, so one bedroom with its bathroom and dressing room will be one unit, the kitchen and the dining room another one and so on, this units will be join by a hall that in the roof is going to have a pattern to let the light in. To maintain the relationship between the river and the house an infinite pool will emerge, ending in the beginning of the river.




Work Experience

Casa Playas

Veracruz, MĂŠxico.

Second Floor

First Floor


Section X1

Work Experience


G+G Arquitectos Position: Executive Project, Model Status of the project: Built Renders: JoaquĂ­n DomĂ­nguez. This house was designed for sale is a 3 bedrooms house, kitchen, living room, dining room, 2 cars garage, distributed in 2 floors.

Main Facade

Interior View 21

Work Experience


Fraccionamiento Tulipanes

Veracruz, México.

G+G Arquitectos Position: Executive Project, Model Status of the project: Under Construction Renders: Joaquín Domínguez. This small housing development consist in 3 different houses repeated several times changing the position in order to give an harmonious arrangement between them. The houses are 2 bedrooms with possibilities of growing into 3.

First Floor 22

Work Experience

Second Floor 23


Academic Formation 24

2011 Academic Formation

Proposal of a New vertical urbanism: Urban clouds

Veracruz, México

Tutor: Vicente Guallart, Rodrigo Rubio, Javier Peña. design process: 1.The strategy first was to define the use of the roof of the existing buildings in order to link them with the new uses, but for do that the question was: What do this existing buildings need? What are they missing? 2.- Once that I define the uses of the roofs of the existing buildings I start to put some parameters (like height) in order to accomodate the floors for the architectural program as it can be seen in the diagram below. 3.- This project was developed by stripes and every 10 meters a profile appears with a different shape that responds to the parameter previously mentioned (anchor points and height of the “interspaces”) 4.- Once that I had all the stripes with the profiles and the floors I proceed to locate the architectural program into the floors but again with a set of parameters that are going to indicate the best position in order to respond to all this parameters. 5.- Optimization of the shape in order to have the most adequate, the one that receives the greater amount of insolation, using Galapagos (genetic algorithm plugin for Grasshopper) to obtain the optimization.

complete file visit: 25

Academic Formation


6.- Locating the architectural program into the cloud according to the parameters mentiones in the point number 4. 7.- Definition of the skin. The lower part is going to serve as a new public space full of farming (for the housing and students residence area), gardens and parks (For the cultural center, offices and hotel area) and also an open space auditorium. The upper part of the skin is going to be covered with solar panels in order to gain energy for the block.



Academic Formation

Competition:Mexican Pavilion of Shanghai Expo 2010

Veracruz, MĂŠxico

With: Ligia Franco, Victor Cardoso. Tutors: Jaime GarcĂ­a Lucia.

This project was made with the collaboration of Arq. Victor H. Cardozo and Arq, Ligia Franco, when someone ask the question of how to translate Mexico into a Pavilion, its all about transmiting the feelings that you can experience in this country full of contrasts and diversity, it all begins by making a list of concepts about what its Mexico and we find 5 concepts that are the most representative ones: topography, contrast, tradition, water and overcrownding. For the reinterpretationof this concepts, first we study the architectural program and as you know mexico has 32 states, so we make 32 different blocks as if it were

First Floor


Academic Formation


the Mexican republic and every block represent a different part of the architectural program, to break with the orthogonality we twist the blocks 19 and 32 degrees that corresponds to the altitud and latitud in which MĂŠxico is located. In the elevator and stairs exterior walls we decide to put Francisco Toledo and Rufino Tamayo paints.

Second Floor

Third Floor


Roof Plan


Academic Formation

Competition: Steel Contest for students Veracruz, México With: Ligia Franco, Victor Cardoso. Tutors: Jaime García Lucia. This project was made in collaboration with Victor H. Cardozo and Ligia Franco for the National Steel Contest for students in 2009, all made by steel of course, we propose a new terminal for the Veracruz International Airport “Heriberto Jara”

Second Floor First Floor


Academic Formation


Intervention in Veracruz Historic Center: Cecapro building

Veracruz, MĂŠxico

south facade

Tutors: Oscar GarcĂ­a Lucia. This project was a real challenge because we are designing something that is going to be located next to an historic building. We can see that in the historic building we have many guidelines some are explicit like the horizontal ones and other ones are implicit like the diagonals that are the result of drawing a line from vertex to vertex of a door or window. We can see all this lines reflected on the design of the project even the implicit ones, so thats why the two buildings are related one to the other and can co-exist and keep a relationship between them.

3rd floor 1st floor 30

2nd floor


Academic Formation

west facade

a higher rank to the acces the horizontal lines emerge of the different elements of the historical monument

the diagonals emerge of the opposites vertex of the windows or doors, notice that the first diagonal is different of the others ones, because the size of the window is bigger than the rest of the windows and that give us a different tilt.


Academic Formation


Intervention in Veracruz Historic Center: La Prueba building

Veracruz, México

Tutors: Oscar García Lucia.

Madero street facade

The first thing that I did was to make an analysis of the site, measuring the buildings next to the terrain and their elements such as windows, heights, separation between windows, doors, etc. In order to find a relationship between both buildings and in this way made a grid, once I hadthe building measures (La Prueba and the artistic building) and I discovered that all this antique buildings were built with a proportion called golden section, so I made the grid with this section after making several proposals and I get to a conclusion that tries to reinterpret some of the main elements on the facades of both buildings (La prueba and the artistic building) The integration between the project and the two buildings occurs through the mesh located on the walls project that links tension lines Section A-A’



Academic Formation

First Floor

Lerdo Street Facade

Gutierrez Zamora Street33 Facade

Academic Formation


School Project at Tarimoya lagoon

Veracruz, México

Tutors: Jaime García Lucia.

This project was suposed to be next to a big lagoon called “Tarimoyas Lagoon” the design process begins with taking many floor plans of mexican schools and then made a collage generating new shapes, then with those shapes create all the spaces that a elementary school needs, but

at the same time generate a very nice space at the pedestrian level, not only to create a school but also to create an space where everyone could take a walk or enjoy the view. The material proposed for this project is Panelite because of its thermal performance.

Zenzontle Avenue Facade


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