Our Pets
Heading towards summer with a happy hop By Libby Williams MHAO AHDip Animal Healer and Holistic Therapist www.libbywilliams.co.uk info@libbywilliams.co.uk 07966 639671 Summer is almost upon us once again so it’s an ideal time to give your beloved bunny a health check to ensure that they are happy and healthy.
also be a good source of amusement as well as playing a valuable role in helping to keep their teeth growth under control. Dandelions also have a lot of health benefits as they are high in fibre, antioxidants and a good source of minerals as well as vitamins.
Rabbits actually don’t cope well in hot weather and can overheat and get sunstroke if exposed to direct sunlight for too long. It’s important to keep a careful eye on them particularly on very hot summer days. Always ensure that there is plenty of shade for your little friend and if it gets too hot outside bring them indoors. You could also give your rabbit some fresh vegetable treats to help hydrate them, celery in particular can help keep the little soul hydrated, chop the vegetables in to chunks and only feed small amounts as treats. If you really want to spoil your furry friend, you can give them a tasty piece of strawberry to enjoy, don’t do this too often though as he or she will get a poorly tummy.
At this time of year Flystrike can be a problem for rabbits, many flies are harmless but some, such as the bluebottle will lay their eggs on poor bunnies’ fur. When the eggs hatch the maggots begin to eat the rabbit’s flesh and sadly this can cause shock and death in a very short amount of time. Flies are particularly attracted to soiled or damp fur around bunny’s bottom so it’s good practice to check your rabbit daily throughout the year anyway, but especially in the warmer weather to ensure that they are clean and healthy. Pay particular attention to their behind, keep this area well groomed, clean and dry which will help minimise the risk of Flystrike and ensure that any issues are dealt with immediately. Should you notice any problems, ensure that you contact your Veterinary Surgeon as soon as possible.
Rabbits love company so why not spend some time in your garden with your little friend. While they are safely in their run munching on some lovely grass, you could plan out a little vegetable patch and herb garden so that you and your rabbit can enjoy some lovely fresh home-grown treats. Basil, parsley and oregano for example are all lovely tasty treats for a bunny and are also great to add to your own food. Rabbits absolutely love Dandelions too, they can eat the leaves as well as the flower, these along with twigs can be mixed into the rabbit’s hay and be hidden to make his or her life more interesting. In the wild rabbits would forage for a large percentage of their time. Something for bunny to safely chew on would
It’s a good idea to get an annual check-up with the Vet to ensure that your bunny is heading towards summer with a happy hop! Important always check that your garden plants are non-toxic for rabbits and that vegetables and herbs given to them are clean and not sprayed with chemicals. Do not feed your rabbit lawn mower grass cuttings. If you are ever concerned about your pet always consult your veterinarian.