To develop a site that will consist of a variety of features to bring more significance to the mountain bike community. A key feature of the project consists of an indoor obstacle course that will allow mountain bikers to continue to challenge themselves and improve their technique on a year round basis.
Parking, welcome center
PROJECT GOAL Pavilion, campground, cabins,
The purpose of this design is to attract mountain bikers from different backgrounds and experiences to come together in one central area. Within this area, mountain bikers will be able to enjoy an exclusive experience which will allow them to enjoy the thrills of mountain biking all year round. EXPERIENCE + CONNECTIONS + ATMOSPHERE = GOAL
Indoor course, social connections, positive, health skills course skills guidance awareness
food court Obstacle course, indoor course, combined trails The program will be divided into three sections which will mainly include: an entrance, pavilion and mountain biking trails. Each of these elements are organized in categories which will allow visitors to ENTER, GATHER and CHALLENGE their skills within the site. The layers allow visitors to move forward throughout the site and have the convenience of having these elements surround them as illustrated above.
Slope percent
Land use
Land value
Most suitable
Least suitable
Most suitable
Least suitable
The different slope percents are crucial in order to construct an engaging outdoor mountain biking trail. Although subtle slopes from 0-5% are favorable for developments, it is important to incorporate slopes ranging from 0-15% in the trail system to create a dynamic experience for users with different experience levels.
Vacant and unused land lots are ideal when searching for a site to establish a development. Although it is a desired feature, the forest is the most ideal environment for mountain biking trails for many reasons. It will provide a shaded site, slope changes and natural obstacles such as branches, roots and rocks. These characteristics provide an authentic experience for bikers riding through the area.
Most suitable
Most suitable
Least suitable
Least suitable Data not available
Similar to land use and forests, existing parks will provide a useful connection to the site. The map above illustrates the proximity of these parks and the clusters it has formed. Connecting the site to an existing park(s) will provide the advantage of traveling to and exploring other features such as hiking trails, playgrounds, and other amenities the parks provide.
Depending on how much funding the site will receive, it is important to maintain a low budget for the site. Land that is relatively inexpensive will help to keep the site design relatively cost effective.
Most suitable
Least suitable
According to Singletracks.com, the most popular age range for mountain bikers is from 30-39. Therefore it is important to locate the areas where this age group resides. The second most popular age range is 19-29. Although the mountain bike retreat is aimed towards all age groups, it will be helpful to locate the site near an area with the vast majority of user groups.
Most suitable
Least suitable
The existing bike trails provides a connection that is similar to the parks. Developing a site that has access to other bike trails will create opportunities of exploring other areas of the Spring Creek watershed. In addition, it will allow bikers from other regions to reach the site by traveling through the existing bike trails.
SUITABILITY After combining all of the important elements, it is evident there are several potential locations for the program element. Key features that are necessary for the design include slope, land use, and median age. Additional elements such as existing parks and bike trails help to add a beneficial factor to the design by creating connections with the existing surrounding environment. This connection allows for a powerful context of the site by intersecting existing features with new design elements. The suitable regions consist of desirable features that have the potential to provide a strong foundation for the program element. Lighter regions indicate these features and the darker regions represent areas that should be avoided. These suitable regions consist of ideal slope ranges that will create engaging bike trails. In addition, other factors such as proximity to the popular age range will help to attract more user groups. By locating an area that has all or most of the desired features will help to create a successful design that will create the experience of ENTERING the site, GATHERING for social connections and CHALLENGING skills and techniques with others.
Most suitable
Least suitable
LINDSEY RULLMAN | LARCH 311 | 10-27-2017