Linh N.
P o r t f o l i o
R e v i e w .
“The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.�
A film photography pr
Be out the
Be out there
Errors This particular body of works which combines photography and graphic design discusses the complexity of identity. To my observation, individuals have very few opportunities to express themselves as a single unit. The society as a whole is like a structured system which does everything in order to keep its maximum performance, including exploiting people’s energy and metal awareness. Individuals who are different are often considered as the system’s errors - something that needs to be corrected. Drawing from this idea, I want to portray individuals as errors.
Design Language #Shape #Geometry #Symmetry #Color
Social media Ads #Samsung #Mobile #Facebook #Post #Concept
Hi besties! #Friends #Bestie #BFF #Live
“Art is useless because its aim is simply to create a mood. It is not mean to instruct, or to influence action in any way. A work of art is useless as a flower is useless. A flower blossoms for its own joy. We gain a moment of joy by looking at it [...] Of course man may sell the flower, and so make it useful to him, but this has nothing to do with the flower. It is not part of its essence. It is accidental. It is a misuse.�
Oh, Craft! #Art #Sketch #Oilpainting #Printmaking
Let’s say hi.