Tests from beginner to master ranks in Vovinam

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Light Blue to Light Blue I Total Score:

Student:_________________________________ Date:______________ Examiner/Rank:______________________________________________ A.

Philosophy Questions (50 %, 5 pts possible)

 

What does VOVINAM stand for? VOVINAM stands for martial arts of Vietnam. What is the full name of the Founding Master of VOVINAM? The Founding Master’s full name is LOC NGUYEN.

What is the full name of the current Grand Master of VOVINAM? There is no current Grand Master of VOVINAM; the last Grand Master was LE SANG.

 

What year was VOVINAM introduced to the public? VOVINAM was first introduced in 1939, but was founded in 1938. What are the four (4) basic rules of the martial arts classroom? The basic rules of the martial arts classroom are: • BE ON-TIME • PAY ATTENTION • SALUTE BEFORE ENTERING & LEAVING • SALUTE TO INSTRUCTORS/MASTERS

Score: _______ x 10 = _______%


Technical Skills (50%, 137 pts possible) Stances (18 pts) Stance Middle / Trung bình tấn Forward / Ðinh tấn Triangle / Tam giác tấn Bow / Cung tấn Kneeling / Quì

Terminology (1 pt)

Foot Placement (1 pt)

Arm Placement (1 pt)

Ready / Lập & Hồi tấn Punch Straight / đấm thẳng Hook / đấm móc Long / đấm lao Upper Cut / đấm múc Kick Straight / Đá thẳng Edge / Ðá cạnh Round / Ðá tạt Side / Ðá đạp

Four Basic Punches (đấm) (12 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Arm Placement (1 pt)

Four Basic Kicks (đá) (20 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Execution (0-3)

Four Basic Cuts (chém) (9 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Cut Arm Placement (1 pt) Power (1 pt) 1 2 3 4

Power (1 pt)

Block (1 pt)

Four Basic Elbow Strikes (chỏ) (9 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Elbow Arm Placement (1 pt) Power (1 pt) 1 2 3 4

Blocks (gạt) (9 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Block Arm Placement Power (1 pt) (1 pt) 1 2 3 4 Roll Fall (té ngã) (6 pts) Roll Execution (0-3) Forward Backward

Self-Defense Techniques / Đòn tự vệ căn bản (54 pts) Technique Front Choke Side Choke Rear Choke Collar Grab Pull Collar Grab Push Wrist Grab Same Wrist Grab Opposite Hair Grab Pull Hair Grab Push

Score: _______ x 0.37 = _______%

Knowledge (0-3)

Execution (0-3)

Light Blue I to Light Blue II

Total Score:

Student:____________________________ Date: _______ Examiner/Rank:__________________________________ A.

Philosophy Questions (50%, 15 pts possible) Q. What is the first principle of VOVINAM? Explain and give an example. (2 pts) A. I shall strive to reach the height of the martial arts in order to serve mankind. Q. What is the second principle of VOVINAM? Explain and give an example. (2 pts) A. I shall faithfully build up my martial arts discipline and develop a new generation of Vovinam youth. Q. Please explain the meaning of the VOVINAM salute. Is the salute a religious act or an act of submission? (4 pts) A. The *RIGHT HAND—the hand of steel represents strength and power, and when placed below the *HEART—the heart of love and kindness, *this act represents that the use of a Vovinam disciple’s martial arts skills or any exercise of power should only be done with the thought of being kind and loving towards others first. *The salute is neither a religious act nor an act of submission. It is an act out of self-respect, respect for peers and superiors. Q. Please define “self-discipline”. How do you apply self-discipline to your martial arts training and your life? (2 pts) A. Self-discipline is the ability to train and control one’s skills and power toward personal improvement. →

Your attendance and behavior in Vovinam activities as observed by the instructor/master in charge on a scale of 1 to 5. (5 pts) Score: ______ x 3.33 = ______%

For Extra Credit:

 If your GPA is 3.50 or above, you will get extra credit(s) accordingly for a maximum of 6 points. *** For children ONLY  Extra credit can be earned through community service hours. Community service activities include the following examples: Demonstrations, civic projects, helping at soup kitchens, helping-out the elderly (other than your relatives), etc. Every ½ hour earns you 1 credit for a maximum of 10 credits.

Extra Credit: _______


Technical Knowledge (50%, 121 pts possible) Stance

Cat (trảo mã)

STANCES (15 pts) Snake (xà) Sitting (tọa)

Crane (hạc)

One-Legged (độc cước)

Terminology (1 pt) Foot Placement (1 pt) Arm Placement (1 pt) PUNCHES (12 pts) Low (thấp thẳng) Two-Hands (2 Backhand (bật) tay / tự do)


Cross-hand (bạtngang)

Terminology (1 pt) Arm Placement (1 pt) Power (1 pt)

SELF-DEFENSE (đòn tự vệ căn bản) (21 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Technique Front hug Front hug Rear hug w/ Rear hug w/o w/ hands w/o hands hands hands Knowledge (1 pt) Execution (0-3)

# Knowledge (0-3) Execution (0-3)

ATTACK COMBINATIONS (đòn chiến lược) (61 pts) Terminology (1 pt) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BEGINNING FORM (Nhập Môn quyền) (7 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Knowledge (0-3) Execution (0-3) 5 LOBSTER JUMPS or 15 PUSH-UPS—must complete for credit, all or nothing! (5 pts) Score: ______ x 0.41 = ______%

Side hug



Light Blue II to Dark Blue Belt

Total Score:

Student:____________________________ Date: _______ Examiner/Rank:__________________________________ A.

Philosophy Questions (50%, 18 pts possible) 1. Under what circumstances can a Vovinam disciple use his/her martial arts skills? (3 pts) A Vovinam disciple only uses force *when his/her life is threatened, *when someone’s life and liberty is threatened, or *when he/she must defend his/her nation. 2. What are the meanings of Vovinam belt colors? (10 pts – 2.5 pts each)

1. BLUE: Represents the color of HOPE & WIND. This rank signifies the hope that a new VOVINAM disciple will further discover, study and succeed in VOVINAM.

2. YELLOW: Represents the color of the EARTH. This rank signifies VOVINAM has become an unbreakable part of VOVINAM disciple's body.

3. RED: Represents the color of FIRE. This rank signifies VOVINAM has become the very blood cells of the disciple. He/she is entrusted with the responsibility to be a guiding TORCH for future generation of VOVINAM disciples.

4. WHITE: Represents the color of PURITY. This rank signifies VOVINAM has reached its highest standard; the Patriarch of VOVINAM .

3. Attendance and class activities participation. (5 pts)

Score: _______ x 2.78 = _______% For Extra Credit:

 If your GPA is 3.50 or above, you will get extra credit(s) accordingly for a maximum of 6 points. *** For children ONLY  Extra credit can be earned through community service hours. Community service activities include the following examples: Demonstrations, civic projects, helping at soup kitchens, helping-out the elderly (other than your relatives), etc. Every ½ hour earns you 1 credit for a maximum of 10 credits.

Extra Credit: _______

B. Technical Skill (50%, 179 possible points) Roll Fall (té ngã) (15 pts) Side Fall: Right (0-3) Side Fall: Left (0-3) Front Jump Fall (0-3) Jump Roll Over Objects: Right (0-3) Jump Roll Over Objects: Left (0-3) Soft Internal Form I (Nhu Khí Công Quyền I) (7 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Knowledge (0-3) Performance (0-3) Counter Attack Level I (Phản Đòn Căn Bản Trình Độ I) (97 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Technique Knowledge (0-3) Performance (0-3) R Straight Punch L Straight Punch R Hook Punch L Hook Punch R Long Punch L Long Punch R Upper-cut L Upper-cut R Low Punch L Low Punch Two-hand #1 Two-hand #2 Straight Kick Edge Kick Round House Side Kick

Kick (45 pts)

Terminology (1 pt)

Block (1 pt)

Right Execution (0-3)

Hook: Ðá Móc Back Side: Xoay đá đạp Back Hook: Xoay đá móc Axe: Ðá chém bổ Wheel: Ðá vòng 15 Lobster Jumps (15 pts)

Block (1 pt)

Left Execution (0-3)

Score: _______ x 0.28 = _______%

Blue Belt to Blue Belt I Exam

Total Score:

Student:__________________________ Date: _________ Examiner/Rank:___________________________________ A. Philosophy Questions (50%, 18 pts possible) 1. What is the mission of the Vovinam-Việt Võ Đạo USA? (3 pts) Grounded in four core values: Courage, Commitment, Compassion, Community - Our mission is to promote Vietnamese martial arts heritage and practice as a sport and a way of life, to engage in character development and empower individuals to create social change. 2. What are the 10 Principles of Vovinam – Việt Võ Đạo? (10 pts) 1. I shall strive to reach the height of martial arts in order to serve mankind. 2. I shall faithfully build up my martial arts discipline and develop a new generation of Vovinam youth. 3. I shall live in harmony with others, and respect my seniors and love my fellow disciples. 4. I shall conform to Vovinam’s ideals, and shall uphold the honor of a martial artist. 5. I shall respect other disciples of martial arts, and shall only use force for self-defense and defense of justice. 6. I shall work hard for personal and ethical enrichment. 7. I shall live an honest and noble life. 8. I shall develop a strong will to overcome life’s obstacles. 9. I shall make good judgment and act with wisdom. 10. I shall be self-confident, self-controlled, modest and generous, and shall constantly review myself for improvement. 3. Attendance and class activities participation. (5 pts)

Score: _______ x 2.78 = _______% For Extra Credit:

 If your GPA is 3.50 or above, you will get extra credit(s) accordingly for a maximum of 6 points. *** For children ONLY  Extra credit can be earned through community service hours. Community service activities include the following examples:

Demonstrations, civic projects, helping at soup kitchens, helping-out the elders (other than your relatives), etc. Every ½ hour earn you 1 credit for a maximum of 10 credits. Extra Credit: _______

B. Technical Skill (50%, 132 possible pts.) Hand Locks (Khóa tay dắt) 1-6 (37 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Number Knowledge (0-3) Execution (0-3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cross Form (Thập Tự Quyền) (7 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Knowledge (0-3) Performance (0-3)

Number 1 2 3

Under Throw (Xô ẩn) (18 pts) Knowledge (0-3) Execution (0-3)

Knees (4 lối đánh gối) (25 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Number Know Power (3 pts) (3 pts) 1 2 3 4

Advanced Elbows (Các lối chõ từ) (25 pts) Terminology (1 pt) Number Know Power (3 pts) (3 pts) 5 6 7 8

20 Lobster Jumps (20 pts)

Score: _______ x 0.39 = _______%

Blue Belt I to Blue Belt II Exam

Total Score:

Student:__________________________ Date: ________ Examiner/Rank:__________________________________ A. Philosophy Questions (50%, 19 pts possible) 1.

What is self-confidence, self-control, humility, and mercy? (4 pts)

Self-confidence: Belief in one’s ability, just cause, and inner strength. Self-control: The ability to control ones impulsive emotions and behaviors. A Vovinam disciple must minimize his/her weaknesses by focusing on traingin martial arts skills and practicing ethics. Humility: Be humble to peers, seneors or the elderly; listen to what they say, you may learn something from their experience and wisdom. Mercy: Render mercy to your opponents in martial arts and in life; be tolerant to your juniors or younger persons. Remember that they haven’t the experienced what you went through. 2.

What are the 10 Principles of Vovinam – Viet Vo Dao? (10 pts) 1.

I shall strive to reach the height of martial arts in order to serve mankind.


I shall faithfully build up my martial arts discipline and develop a new generation of Vovinam youth.


I shall live in harmony with others, and respect my seniors and love my fellow disciples.


I shall conform to Vovinam’s ideals, and shall uphold the honor of a martial artist.


I shall respect other disciples of martial arts, and only use force for self-defense and defense of justice.


I shall work hard for personal and ethical enrichment.


I shall live an honest and noble life.


I shall develop strong will to overcome life’s obstacles.


I shall make good judgment and act with wisdom.

10. I shall be self-confident, self-controlled, modest and generous, and I shall constantly review myself for improvement. 3.

Attendance and class activities participation. (5 pts)

Score: _______ x 2.63 = _______% For Extra Credit:

 Extra credit can be earned through community service hours. Community service activities include the following examples: Demonstrations, civic projects, helping at soup kitchens, helping-out the elders (other than your relatives), etc. Every ½ hour earn you 1 credit for a maximum of 10 credits. Extra Credit: _______

B. Technical Skill (50%, 95 possible pts.) Roll Fall (Té ngã) (3 pts) Front Flip (0-3) Leg Attack Techniques (Ðòn chân tấn công) (12 pts) Number 1 2 3 Knowledge Execution (0-3) Attack Combinations (Ðòn chiến lược) (30 pts) Number 11 12 13 14 Knowledge (0-3) Execution (0-3)



Self-Defense Techniques (Các thế tự vệ khóa gỡ) (30 pts) Back Hair Grab Wrist Grab 1 2 Two hands on one Two hands on two

Knowledge (0-3) Performance (03)

20 Lobster Jumps (20 pts)

Score: _______ x 0.526 = _______%


Blue Belt II to Blue Belt III Exam

Total Score:

Student Name: ___________________________ Date: ________ Examiner/Rank: ________________________________________ A. Philosophy Questions (50%, 50 pts possible) 1. What are the objectives of Vovinam-VietVoDao? (3 pts) *To LIVE, *To HELP OTHERS LIVE, and *To LIVE FOR OTHERS.

2. Define each objective and give an example in your life? (17 pts; 1 pt each *) LIVE: *A disciple ought to experience life with passion. The disciple must always try to improve on three aspects – *healthy body, *sharp intellect, and *honorable spirit – thus *enable him/her to be successful in his/her career and personal life. EXAMPLE: * HELP OTHERS LIVE: Whenever possible, a Vovinam disciple should *respect, *assist, *share and *create opportunities for others *to achieve comforts and happiness. EXAMPLE: * LIVE FOR OTHERS: *This is the highest and hardest objective to achieve because it asks the disciple *to give up certain spiritual and physical benefits – even risking his/her life for others if deemed necessary. Because our lives are connected with the lives of others, *our successes and achievements are often due to others’ assistance and support, therefore, at times, *we must give up ourselves to help others in time of needs. EXAMPLE: * 3. Please write at least one page to tell us what a good student, a good teacher and a good Vovinam class/family should be? What and how can you help to make this happen? (25 pts) 4. Attendance and activity participation (5 pts)

Score: _______ x 1.0 = _______%

B. Technical Skill (50%, 96 possible points): Leg Attack Techniques / Ðòn chân tấn công (12 pts) Number 4 5 6 Knowledge Execution (0-3) Attack Combinations / Ðòn chiến lược (30 pts) Number 16 17 18 19 Knowledge (0-3) Execution (0-3)


3 Mobile Kicks / 3 lối Ðá Di Ðộng (12 pts) Jump Jump Jump Back Number front Roundhouse sidekick Knowledge Execution (0-3) Dragon-Tiger Form / Long Hổ Quyền (7 pts) Terminology Knowledge (0-3) Performance (0-3) 25 Lobster Jumps (25 pts)

Community Service Hours: include demonstrations, civic projects, helping at soup kitchens, helping out the elderly (other than your relatives), etc. Every ½ hour earns you 1 credit for a maximum of 10 credits (10 pts)

Score: _______ x .53 = _______%

Blue Belt III to Yellow Belt (Blackbelt equivalent) Student:_____________________ Date: _________ Examiner/Rank:_____________________________


A. Philosophy Questions (30 pts): 1. What are the FIVE TENETS of Vovinam-VietVoDao? (5 pts) The FIVE TENETS of Vovinam-Việt Võ Ðạo are: 1. All activities of VOVINAM-VVD must be based on embracing humanity as deliverance – strong ethics as guiding principles, and tempered will as a means of delivery. 2. VOVINAM discipline is a grand family in which all disciples love and respect one another. This love and respect interweave to become the regulations of our discipline; they are the glue that keeps all disciples united to honor our discipline and to help each other to become more perfect human beings. 3. VOVINAM discipline is always proactive in all aspects of youth education. 4. All activities of VOVINAM do not convey political or religious influences. 5. VOVINAM discipline always respects other martial arts disciplines in order to serve common purposes.

2. What are the three “must have” characteristics of a Vovinam Yellow-Belt? (5 pts) 1. In order to maximize the ability to instruct others, a Vovinam Yellowbelt/instructor must not have neither a superiority complex nor an inferiority complex. 2. A Yellowbelt/instructor must have self-confidence in his/her technical competence, ethical competence, and a broad martial arts knowledge. 3. A Yellowbelt/instructor must respect and genuinely care for others.

3. Write a 1 – 2 page biography about yourself – your martial arts experience history. Explain how you came to Vovinam, what benefits have you gained? What and how can you contribute to the preservation of Vovinam? And what/how do you want to change to make Vovinam become more popular? (20 pts) Score: _______ x 1.67 = ________%

B. Technical Skill (70 pts): 1. LEG ATTACK TECHNIQUES 7 – 9 ÐÒN CHÂN TẤN CÔNG 7-9

(10 pts)


(10 pts)


(10 pts)


(10 pts)


(10 pts)


(20 pts)

For Extra Credit: Extra credit can be earned through community service hours. Community service activities include the following examples demonstrations, civic projects, helping at soup kitchens, helping out the elders (other than your relatives), etc. Every ½ hour earn you 1 credit for a maximum of 10 credits. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FROM INSTRUCTOR/MASTER:

Score: _______ x .714 = ________%


Student:_____________________ Date: _________ Examiner/Rank:_____________________________


A. Ethics & Essay (50 %, 50 pts possible)

Essay: Characteristics and styles of leadership (min. 3 pages) – 35 pts. Which leadership style fits you best? How can you bring your leadership qualities to Vovinam’s teaching?

150 hours of assisting instruction - 15 pts.

Score: _______

B. Technical Skills (50%, 106 pts possible) Five-Gate Form (Ngũ Môn Quyền)


now all movements – 5 pts


rformance (grace & spirit) – 5 pts

Counter-Attack level 3 (7 against straight & two-hand 3-7)


now all movements – 11 pts


curate & effective – 11 pts

Attack combinations 21-25 (Ðòn chiến lược 21-25)


ccuracy - 5 pts


rformance – 5 pts 12 defensive techniques against knife attacks


now all movements – 12 pts


curate & effective – 12 pts Double-knife form (Song Dao quyền pháp)

 now all movements – 5 pts


 rformance (grace & spirit) – 5 pts

Leg Attack Techniques 10-12



ccuracy - 5 pts

SPARRING: 2 MATCHES – 10 pts Score: ______X 0.472 = _______

 rformance – 5 pts




Student:_____________________ Date: _________ Examiner/Rank:_____________________________


A. Philosophy Questions (50 %, 50 pts possible)

  

Essay: Initial reflection on being an Instructor ( min. 3 pages) – what do you hope to achieve? What are your goals and what specific steps do you take to achieve them? (20 pts). 300 hours of instruction (30 pts). Extra credit 10 pts – Community service & public performance.

Score: _______

B. Technical Skills (50%, 90 pts possible) Square-Circle Fist Form (Viên Phương quyền)


now all movements – 5 pts


rformance (grace & spirit) – 5 pts 15 basic swords techniques (15 thế kiếm căn bản)


now all movements – 15 pts


curate & effective – 15 pts

Attack combinations 26-30 (Ðòn chiến lược 26-30)


ccuracy - 5 pts


rformance – 5 pts Leg Attack Techniques 13-15 (đòn chân tấn công 13-15)


ccuracy - 5 pts

 rformance – 5 pts

 


(10 pts)



ď ą

30 non-stop lobster jumps (10 pts) Score: ______ X 0.556 = _____


Student:_____________________ Date: _________ Examiner/Rank:_____________________________


A. Philosophy Questions (50 %, 50 pts possible)

ESSAY: Please research and write one of the following choices … (20 pts) 1. School management 101: Basic requirements and overcoming challenges 2. Martial arts and the law: What are legal considerations? How to avoid legal issues and consequences?

 

300 hours of instruction (30 pts). Extra credit 10 pts – Community service & public performance. Score: _______

B. Technical Skills (50%, 60 pts possible) Long-Fist Form (Thập Thế Bát Thức quyền)

Know all movements – 5 pts

rmance (grace & spirit) – 5 pts


Wrestling techniques from 11-20

Know all movements - 5pts

rmance (accurate & effective) – 5pts


Leg Attack Techniques 16-21 (đòn chân tấn công 16-21)

Height - 5 pts

rate (legs lock) – 5 pts

  



(10 pts)

WRESTLING: 2 MATCHES (10 pts) 30 non-stop lobster jumps (10 pts)

Score: ______X 0.84 = _______

YELLOW III TO WARRANT RED All red-belts must be rigorously examined by a Board of Examiners being chaired by at least ONE redbelt III dang (8th degree) and the results must be approved by the current Grand Master of the discipline to maintain a high standard of excellence within the Master level.

A. Philosophy Questions (50 %, 50 pts possible)


ESSAY: Possible subjects for Minor Thesis (min. 5 pages) – 30 pts:  The power of belief in Vovinam: Observations and experience  On being a Vovinam master – Ethical & practical issues

Independently operates a training center of at least 20 students (20 pts).

Score: _______

B. Technical Skills (50%, 116 pts possible) 12 basic long-staff techniques (12 thế côn căn bản)


now all movements - 12 pts


rformance (grace & spirit) – 12 pts Four-Elements Staff Form (Tứ Tượng Côn Pháp)


now all movements – 5 pts


rformance (accurate & effective) – 5 pts

12 defense techniques against machete (12 thế tay không chống mã tấu)


ccuracy - 12 pts


rformance – 12 pts 9 self-defense techniques against bayonet (4 thế tay không chống súng lê)


now all movements – 9 pts

  

 rformance (accurate & effective) – 9 pts

30 non-stop lobster jumps.

- 10 pts


- 15 pts



Score: ______ x 0.435 = _______%

DEPUTY RED TO RED BELT I All red-belts must be rigorously examined by a Board of Examiners being chaired by at least ONE redbelt III dang (8th degree) and the results must be approved by the current Grand Master of the discipline to maintain a high standard of excellence within the Master level. A. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (50 pts): 1.

Solar-Lunar Kwan-Dao / Nhật Nguyệt Ðại Ðao (10 pts)


 Completion  Power and grace 2.

12 Defenses against Axe Attacks / 12 thế tay không chống búa (10 pts)

 Accuracy  Effectiveness 3.

Snake Form / Xà Quyền or Jade Bowl Form/Ngọc Trản Quyền (10 pts)

 Completion  Spirit and grace 4.

9 defensive techniques against the bayonet / 9 thế tự vệ bằng súng lê (10 pts)

 Accuracy  Effectiveness 5.

Bayonet Form/Thương Lê Pháp (10 pts)

 Completion  Power and grace B. ETHICAL & LEADERSHIP REQUIREMENTS (50 pts): Disciples testing at this level must prepare to defend his/her thesis in front of the Board of Examination. 6.

Possible subjects for a Thesis (min. 10 pages) – 30 pts:

 On Cương-Nhu development in martial arts – Theory and practice  On Mind-Body Revolution – Theory and practice  Independent Martial Arts research and Thesis


Independent School(s) of ‌ 20 pts:

ď ą At least 50 active students and 4 active instructors

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