Link Design, Case: Congrex

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Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit Link Design, Amsterdam

Taking care of business

Opdrachtgever Congrex Opdracht Ontwikkeling van nieuwe visuele identiteit Oplossing Element uit het bestaande logo vormt basis voor de visuele identiteit Merkconcept Let’s meet

Geleverd: nieuwe huisstijl, manual met richtlijnen voor meeste huisstijldragers, formats voor correspondentiereeks, nieuwe brochures, factsheets, whitepapers, banieren, desksigns, uniformen, e-mailing intern & extern en de website. Aanleiding: vernieuwde kernwaarden van het Congrex merk en een organisatie die enorm gegroeid is, vooral door overnames. Uitgangspunt: Ontwikkel een visuele identiteit voor Congrex, die wereldwijd bruikbaar is in diverse talen. Gebruik als uitgangspunt het bestaande logo. Payoff van Congrex luidt: ‘Let’s meet’. Start: juli 2009 Introductie: april 2010 © 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 3

Nieuwe organisatiestructuur, brandmanagement en huisstijl zijn onlosmakelijk verbonden

Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

“We zochten een middelgroot bureau, een omvang die past bij de opdracht. Een eenpitter zou dit niet aankunnen en in een groot bureau hadden we geen zin. We wilden direct met de designers aan de telefoon kunnen zitten.�

Sander Beunk (L) (Sr. Group Marketing Manager Congrex) in gesprek met Marc de Roo (R) (Strategie directeur Link Design).

4 / Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

Een nieuwe visuele identiteit kost geld. Veel geld soms. In euro’s, maar ook in uren en denkwerk. Voor sommige organisaties reden om een huisstijl die past bij de organisatie voor zich uit te schuiven. Want wat levert het op? Is het de investering waard? Vragen die we bij Link Design vaak horen. En waarop wij natuurlijk volmondig ‘ja’ zeggen. Visuele identiteiten van Link Design leveren tastbare resultaten. Eén van de bewijzen vinden we bij Congrex. De wereldwijde event organisator met de marketing organisatie gevestigd in Amsterdam schreef halverwege 2009 een pitch uit. Vraag: een nieuwe wereldwijde identiteit ontwikkelen die de vernieuwde kernwaarden van het Congrex merk zou weergeven. De aanleiding was helder. “Onze organisatie was enorm gegroeid, vooral door overnames”, zegt Sander Beunk (Senior Group Marketing Manager ). “Het was een aaneenschakeling van bedrijven en nieuwe services. Daardoor ontstond onduidelijkheid. Wat is onze productportfolio? Wat stralen we momenteel uit? De oude huisstijl bood voor niemand handvatten.” De afdeling Marketing nam het initiatief

© 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 5


elements, such as the buttons, are only to be used online and nowhere else. all content on our website passes through the marketing team. if you wish to add content or have any suggestions please contact the webmaster via the web site.

Oude situatie

all brochures should be produced in a template size spread of 420x291 mm, folded 210x291 mm. brochures production can be designed and coordinated through Group Marketing.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR ASSOCIATIONS Peace of mind, delivered, world-wide.

on- site

At our client’s events

every event we organise is an opportunity to not only demonstrate our serv

Peace of mind, delivered, world-wide. Contact our staff for more information on how we help associations to

communicate our name as the organiser to potential clients. always ensure

grow, develop and succeed. Together, 430 Congrex Group staff delivers association

approval from the client and that any onsite branding does not interfere wi

management services to more than 170 associations world-wide, organising more than 250 association meetings annually, from 27 operational centres across the globe.

congress or event itself.

We understand associations, let’s talk

Contact: For Association Management Services:

For Events:

BRIAN GORG – Washington DC, USA

+1 202 962 3930


+49 174 2151529

COLM CLARKE – Brussels, Belgium

+32 2 645 2670

JOHAN MENSO – Gothenburg, Sweden

+46 708 693777

possible examples of branding include using a banner onsite, congrex bran

speakers, adding a flyer in the delegate bag or a putting a poster behind th CONGREX@CONGREX.COM CONGREX.COM

Amsterdam – Basel – Berlin –Brussels – Cape Town – Caracas – Copenhagen – Edinburgh – Glasgow – Gothenburg – London – Lund – Noordwijk Panama – Rome – San José – São Paulo – Shanghai – Singapore – Stockholm – Sydney – Uppsala – Washington DC – Weil am Rhein


Discover how we can help you and your

We help organisations thrive in the age of

members to realise your vision, mission and

globalisation, sharing knowledge, professional

strategic objectives.

practices and human communication. Congrex

The Congrex Group’s knowledge and experience

for associations that want to improve, grow and

encompasses the full range of association

succeed globally.

Our mission is simple: To provide the services and solutions to bring success to your membership-based organisation.

has the ability to deliver an integrated solution

activities. Coupled with a truly global presence, we can deliver wherever you need.

Take your organisation to the next level, consider Congrex for professional management


Congrex is the leading provider of quality


professional management and consulting

services to trade and professional associations world-wide.

Is your association facing:

• Growth

advertising and requirements directory Your growing organisation’s call for new or additional staff and service

important capabilities

making meetings greater


We deliver:

• Flexibility & Skills

25 years of excellence in meetings and events

listings a vital way ofteam being exposed to potential clients. it is Access toare a specialised multi-lingual of highly experienced association managers,

Together we create success

world, providing just those services your

Consider how to leverage one of the most

that the text, format and located images tothe date and communicating the right messages. and offices in keyare cities up around

Congrex offers integrated solutions to

any congrex related advertisements should be approved by Group Marketing. common and most effective tactics to grow • Strategic Change association needs Strategic change in the vision and purpose of your association calls for new services ICCAad CXNL.pdf 2008-03-17 12:29:09

and capabilities to realise the new potential

• Member Dissatisfaction

• Strength in Partnership Your association can leverage the reach and and understanding of competitive markets

Your current services no longer match the expectations or needs of your members

Changes in the environment force your association to consider new approaches and solutions to maintain your current market position or to exploit new opportunities

global organisations provides you with a

There is a need for professional help to

Global Association Meeting Services include: • Venue Sourcing

build your international development. Meetings

• Meeting Planning & Execution

and meeting management strategies should

• Financial Management

feature prominently in your strategic

• Exhibition Management


• VIP & Speakers Handling • Participant Management

brochures production can be designed and coordinated through Group Marketing. • The Top & Bottom Line strategic advantage and tested solutions

Responsible cost management with an

Successful events will;

• Hotel Accommodation Management

• promote your brand & organisation

• Social Events Services

• act as a platform for the delivery of products

• Scientific Programme Management

and services

entrepreneurial approach to grow revenues

• Budget / Finance Issues

exhibitions anywhere in the world.

Seminars, conferences, training workshops; all of these are effective platforms on which to

all brochures should be produced in a template size spread of 420x291 mm, folded 210x291 mm.

• Our Experience, Your Advantage Our experience in creating and growing

• Threats / Competitors

associations. Managing meetings and

internationally; through meetings.

breadth of Congrex network of offices, staff


making meetings greater

• Marketing & PR Services

• serve as a networking and information

• Sponsorship Management & Sales

exchange opportunity for members

• Solutions

• Travel Services

• recruit and retain members

reach the next level of growth or a financial

Staff dedicated to solutions, customer

crisis requires a change in resource

service and quality in everything we do

Our core integrated solutions put the best in the


Your Congrex team has the expertise and

industry within your budget to create memora-

experience to take your plans and ambitions and

ble experiences for your participants.

At trade shows

turn them into reality. We are known for delivering meetings of all sizes, anywhere in the


congrex also actively participates in industry events and tradeshows. it is a

world, from specialised conferences with a few participants to global summits attended by thousands of delegates.

congrex brand comes alive from the print and web communications. every

clients touch, see feel should capture the brand. please contact Group Peace and of mind, delivered, world-wide.


exhibit at an industry trade show or event.

Peace of mind, delivered, world-wide. Contact our staff for more information on how we help associations to grow, develop and succeed. Together, 430 Congrex Group staff delivers association management services to more than 170 associations world-wide, organising more than 250 association meetings annually, from 27 operational centres across the globe. We understand associations, let’s talk


Contact: For Association Management Services:

For Events:

BRIAN GORG – Washington DC, USA

+1 202 962 3930


+49 174 2151529

COLM CLARKE – Brussels, Belgium

+32 2 645 2670

JOHAN MENSO – Gothenburg, Sweden

+46 708 693777



Amsterdam – Basel – Berlin –Brussels – Cape Town – Caracas – Copenhagen – Edinburgh – Glasgow – Gothenburg – London – Lund – Noordwijk Panama – Rome – San José – São Paulo – Shanghai – Singapore – Stockholm – Sydney – Uppsala – Washington DC – Weil am Rhein

Discover how we can help you and your

We help organisations thrive in the age of

members to realise your vision, mission and

globalisation, sharing knowledge, professional

strategic objectives.

practices and human communication. Congrex

The Congrex Group’s knowledge and experience

for associations that want to improve, grow and

encompasses the full range of association

succeed globally.

has the ability to deliver an integrated solution

6 / Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

activities. Coupled with a truly global presence, we can deliver wherever you need.

Take your organisation to the next level, consider Congrex for professional management

Congrex is the leading provider of quality professional management and consulting services to trade and professional associations world-wide.


Our mission is simple: To provide the services and solutions to bring success to your

tot de pitch. Sander: “We wilden ons merk goed neerzetten, maar daarvoor moest eerst een raamwerk worden geschetst. Congrex heeft daarom zijn merkwaarden aangescherpt, de strategische aanpak bepaald en het dienstenpakket en de benoeming daarvan opnieuw vastgelegd. Bij het hierdoor ontstane merk hoorde natuurlijk ook een nieuwe visuele identiteit. Strategie en de vertaling daarvan in middelen zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden.”


Link Design won de pitch, niet alleen vanwege de stijl van het bureau, maar ook vanwege de omvang. Sander: “We zochten een middelgroot bureau, een omvang die past bij de opdracht. Een eenpitter zou dit niet aankunnen en in een groot bureau hadden we geen zin. We wilden direct met de designers aan de telefoon kunnen zitten.” De vier kernwaarden van Congrex – caring, imaginative, reliable en efficient – vormden het brandplatform van waaruit de eerste visuele brainstorms kwamen. De nieuwe slogan kwam uit de organisatie zelf: Let’s meet. Het was de spijker op z’n kop. “Caring is onze belangrijkste en meest onderscheidende kernwaarde”, vertelt Sander. “Link Design heeft dat vertaald naar de nieuwe visuele identiteit, ronde vormen (ook in typografie), een eclipsvorm (afgeleide van het logo) die lijkt op een big smile en een beeldlijn waarin de mensen voor wie we het doen een rol spelen en niet wijzelf, zoals in de oude huisstijl. Ze hebben ook een handgeschreven letter toegevoegd, bijvoorbeeld in onze slogan. Dat maakt ons veel persoonlijker.” © 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 7

Meetings & Events, Conferences, Association Management Travel & Accommodation Full service provider for organising meetings, events and conferences Partnership/ teamwork Specialist


Reliable Imaginative EfďŹ cient Caring

Excellence The Orb

Since 1982

Associations Corporations and Governmental organisations Fun

Customer focused and flexible

Open, respectful understanding

Merkmodel, aangeleverd door Congrex.

Link Design herleide uit het bestaande logo een nieuwe vorm, de Congrex-shape. 8 / Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

Vorm is herkenbaar en samen met het handgeschreven lettertype verbeeldt caring.






Warm grey



De kleuren zijn gekozen op de 4 kernwaarden van Congrex.

FF Netto

FF Justlefthand

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 70

De gekozen lettertypen sluiten aan bij de belangrijkste kernwaarde, caring. De FF Netto is een ronde, zachte en open letter. De FF Just Lefthand geeft het idee dat het om een persoonlijke toevoeging gaat. Š 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 9

Intern gedragen Bij de ontwikkeling van de visuele identiteit werden medewerkers regelmatig ‘bijgepraat’ en was er wereldwijd zelfs de mogelijkheid om je mening te geven. Link Design ontwikkelde meerdere concepten die na creatieve sessies met betrokkenen uiteindelijk tot één voorstel zijn teruggebracht, Dit ene voorstel is de organisatie ingestuurd. De CEO deed een roadshow, er werd input verzameld van de staff en de slogan ‘Let’s meet’ werd getest. Alom werd er positief gereageerd. “Je moet je verhaal eerst intern gedragen krijgen. We hebben de visuele identitei t gebruikt om de nieuwe merkwaarden intern op de kaart te zetten. Het werd letterlijk zichtbaar gemaakt. Wereldwijd heeft Congrex nu één boodschap, maar wel met mogelijkheden op lokaal niveau. En dat merk je aan hoe mensen ons merk nu verkopen. De slogan begint een eigen leven te leiden. Relaties kennen ons niet alleen als Congrex, maar ook als die club van ‘Let’s meet’. De sterke visuele stijl koppelt alle middelen veel meer aan elkaar. En dat werkt versterkend voor de sales medewerkers.” Big bang Nadat al het denkwerk was gedaan werd het gehele design traject in vier maanden gerealiseerd. “We hadden als focusdatum 28 april 2010. Op die dag moest de nieuwe huisstijl in 17 kantoren en 11 landen worden geïntroduceerd. De ‘big bang’. Daarvoor heb je vertrouwen nodig en commitment. En planning is natuurlijk cruciaal. Link Design heeft ons daar uitstekend bij geholpen.”

10 / Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

& event services

association management services


Caring about your goals

Taking care of business

Association management services for organisations aiming to develop and succeed

Effective meetings and creative events delivered for professionals

Meetings & Events • Conferences • Association Management • Travel & Accommodation

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Meetings & Events • Conferences • Association Management • Travel & Accommodation

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Nieuwe brochure covers voor elke service die Congrex biedt.

Caring about your career

Knowing your conference is in good hands Conference management services tailored to your goals

Let’s meet Sales Manager Associations m/f Congrex Holland BV is part of the Congrex Group a leading, worldwide expert providing integrated solutions for the association services industry and for corporate and governmental meetings and events. Congrex is renowned for delivering meetings of all sizes from smaller conferences with just a few participants through to the world congresses where we can handle tens of thousands of participants in just one event. Congrex Holland has 31 permanent staff members located in two offices, a main Amsterdam office from which all conferences in The Netherlands and worldwide are being organised and the office in Noordwijk, from which Congrex acts as in-house PCO for one of our clients.

Our Values • Caring • Imaginative • Efficient • Reliable

Congrex Holland main office in Amsterdam is looking for a Sales Manager. In this capacity the sales manager will report to the Managing Director of Congrex Holland. The Congrex Holland sales team works closely with the other Congrex sales teams. The main objective is to increase the sales revenue while specifically targeting the National and International Association Market.

Key responsibilities • Responsible for new client acquisition • Responsible for carrying out sales activities and business presentations to (inter)national clients • Responsible for a specific target, cold calling, budgeting, client meetings, writing proposals, drafting contracts and negotiations • Gathering and reporting management information for sales activities and update CRM system. • Responsible for up to date sales reports and reporting to the Managing Director • Responsible for handling and up to date reporting of financial matters such as commissions and revenue for both clients and Congrex Holland • Responsible to establish and maintain good contacts with existing and new clients • Co-operate with the Operations Department

Profile A Bachelors degree / working level and a successful track of 3-5 years of sales within the events Industry are mandatory, whereas experience and a network within the national & international association market will be considered a great asset. We are looking for candidates with a commercial way of thinking, a hands-on mentality and excellent communication and social skills in order to be able to react in a flexible, assertive and creative way to the wide variety of (potential) clients. Excellent oral and written skills of the Dutch and English languages are a necessity, whereas knowledge of French and/or German will be considered as an advantage.


Congrex provides services tailored to our clients’ needs when organising meetings, events, conferences, association management, travel and accommodation. Established in 1982, Congrex serves a variety of industries from our offices and partners located around the globe. Our extensive client base includes national and international associations, governmental organisations and corporations.

Clients’ success is what drives Congrex. We believe the best part of our work is the close relationship we establish with our clients, which allows us to address their challenges and deliver exciting projects.

Let’s meet, visit

Congrex Holland BV F.a.o. Ms L. Marijnen A.J. Ernststraat 595 K 1082 LD Amsterdam Telephone: +31-(0)20-5040200 E-mail:

Additional requirement Helicopter view, strong team player, result-oriented and willingness to travel.

Terms of employment The Congrex Group offers the opportunity to work independently using your self directed skills in a creative and pro-active manner. Congrex offers good conditions of employment and fringe benefits, including possibilities to develop oneself. If you would like to be considered for this position, please e-mail your CV and motivation letter to before 7 September next. All applications and communications will be treated as strictly confidential.

Meetings & Events • Conferences • Association Management • Travel & Accommodation

Meetings & Events • Conferences • Association Management • Travel & Accommodation

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29-03-2010 10:08:57

Nieuwe corporate advertentie en een personeelsadvertentie.

© 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 11

Website: 12 / Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

Meet! Summer edition


Content SpoTTEd

Book Review wElCoME Message from Congrex CEo, layth Bunni

T dESTinATion rEpor


Focus on Bruss

SpECiAl fEATurE Meeting Architecture, a Conversation with Maarten Vanneste


e European Spac Agency

SpoTTEd Mpi futurewatch 2011: The year that Events Get Smart

induSTry inSidEr uS Meetings industry Measured at $263 Billion: A Conversation with deborah Sexton – professional Convention Management Association




ture, Meeting Architec with a Conversation te Maarten Vannes

inforMinG your dECiSionS Marketing an Event in the Age of Social Media: A Brand new Social world

CASE STudy – EuropEAn SpACE AGEnCy 1250th Conference delivered at European Space Agency

Welcome The incredibly fast pace of our world today is evidenced at every turn, and it is remarkable how we are already approaching the end of the second quarter of 2011 – the time of the year we release our spring/summer issue of Meet! we have seen some dramatic developments unfold on the global stage – all with far-reaching impact across a wide spectrum of society. politically we watched as governments were overthrown in the Middle East and socioeconomically we witnessed the fragility of life as evidenced by the natural disasters in new Zealand and most notably japan. There were extraordinary lessons from these events of challenges, fortitude and perseverance. Throughout all of it, a common denominator seemed to emerge – the way that these events were conveyed to the world audience points to the emergence of the Social Media tool as one of the most radical innovations of our time. These deep developing changes, in both one-to-one and one-to-many communications during these events are indelibly changing the way we interact and the ability to respond in return. in the Meetings and Events industry, as well as for the rest of all society, the use of Social Media and its influence on the behaviour of communicating is having far reaching implications. we must learn to harness its power and effectiveness if we are to improve the value and efficiency of our meetings. Any information or new innovation that fosters and highlights the importance of the face-to-face meeting is newsworthy, and you will find these themes highlighted in this latest issue of Meet! i am pleased to present the latest issue of our magazine with features covering some of the timeliest issues in this first part of the year. you will find our feature article on the state-of-play of Meeting Architecture; an engaging conversation with pCMA’s deborah Sexton on the landmark quantitative study of the uS Meetings and Events industry; an article on marketing an event using Social Media; as well as our other regular features including the destination report, Spotted and others. it is clear that while the news from the first half of the year has been at times challenging, we can see many positive developments both within our industry and cross-industry. for Congrex the emergence of the continuing significant role of technology is a confirmation to us that we must move forward with developing the systems for our clients that will enable them to communicate reliably and effectively to meet their objectives. in the sphere of new innovations such as Meeting Architecture we can observe that such innovations are important to continue to evolve our industry and the quality and value of service we offer our clients. Congrex has always maintained a hands-on approach and it is therefore our responsibility to ensure that we provide our clients and stakeholders the most up-to-date advances to guarantee success and long-term viability. we will continue to learn so we can best support those we serve. Enjoy the read!

nEwS Congrex in the news

Meetings & Events

• Conferences

ent • Travel

• Association Managem

Best regards,

& Accommodation

dESTinATion rEporT Brussels, the European Village

Dr Layth Bunni CEo Congrex

projECTS new projects for Congrex

Magazine Meet!


Meet! | Summer edition 2011 Summer edition 2011 | Meet!

ents etings nferences nsultancy vel

Events Caring about Meetings your Conferences success Consultancy Travel

Meetings & Events Conferences Association Management Travel & Accommodation

Events Meetings Conferences Consultancy Travel

Banieren © 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 13


Meetbare resultaten “Het is heel veel mensen opgevallen, de nieuwe identiteit. Van relaties horen we dat deze nieuwe huisstijl veel beter bij ons past. Er zat een gat tussen hoe mensen ons zagen en hoe ze ons kenden uit de praktijk. Ik weet zeker dat onze mensen het merk nu enthousiaster uitdragen. Ze zijn trots. Sinds de nieuw vorm­gegeven site in de lucht is, zien we dat de bezoekersaantallen van de website met 100% zijn gestegen, en deze bezoekers blijven twee keer zo lang op de website (page per visit is verdubbeld). Ook is de bounce rate significant lager. Dat zijn mooie, meetbare resultaten. Deze visuele identiteit zien we als een platform, dat nog jaren mee kan groeien met het bedrijf. Zowel vanuit Link Design als onze organisatie komen steeds weer nieuwe ideeën om de identiteit verder uit te rollen.”

Wilt u ook groeien met uw werk! Bel of mail Link Design: T +31 (0)20 670 06 00

14 / Congrex ziet resultaat van nieuwe identiteit

Over Link Design Link Design is gestart in 1996 en gevestigd in Amsterdam. Creatieve strategieën, visuele concepten en tastbare resultaten zijn onze core business. Wij brengen uw merk tot leven met originele ideeën voor visuele identiteiten en logo’s, voor print zoals brochures en jaarverslagen, voor websites en andere online uitingen, voor verpakkingen, presentaties en tentoonstellingen, voor interieurs en exterieurs. Wij ontwikkelen krachtige visuele concepten, geschikt om in een range van (cross) media en middelen in te zetten. Kom langs op het Kraanspoor en werk met ons aan uw nieuwe creatieve strategie, visuele concepten en tastbare resultaten.

merk Link Design

© 2011 / Link Design, Amsterdam / 15

Download onze whitepapers op of vraag ze aan via

Bel voor een gratis intake gesprek Marc de Roo T +31 (0)20 67 00 600 Contactgegegevens Link Design T +31 (0)20 67 00 600

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