"The Beddington Beds"// MLA Landscape architecture// Bartlett sch. of architecture

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THE BEDDINGTON BEDS MLA Y2 Lifeng Lin BARC0113 - Advanced Landscape Design 2 Design Tutors: Doug Miller & Katya Larina Module Coordinator: Laura Allen & Mark Smout Date: 30/8/2022

The global economy requires a large and uninterrupted flow of energy daily. In the context of the gradual depletion of non-renewable resources, I propose a new landscape form - the energy production park. At the same time, this landscape form is becoming more critical within the global energy crisis exacerbated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The international price of natural gas is soaring, and the price increase will hit lower and middle-class families hard. The idea is based on the site's history, the poverty level in Croydon, and a response to the reuse of abandoned resources and land within site. The ultimate goal is to continue providing energy for the community and the park and suitable habitats for people and wildlife. I have proposed different landscape elements, such as biofuel farms and algae ponds. In the design, I divided the site into three main areas: wetland, landfill, and algae farms. The combination of wastewater treatment and algae farming could amplify energy production, while clean water could be used for wetland water and urban water supply. At the same time, the landscape could offset Carbon emissions. Landfill areas are transformed into water storage wetlands and future fuel farms. The potential leachate from the waste could accelerate the growth of algae and fuel crops and clean up landfill pollution through Thesevegetation.three designs are integrated through the design of the water system. In summary, the project envisages the development of a consistent alternative landscape energy approach for the site, building on existing renewable energy sources and through larger-scale bioenergy recovery, simultaneously promoting an ecological corridor within the Wandle Valley. The project has the potential to help tackle climate change, responding to the call for 'Croydon City Council to declare a climate emergency. At the same time, it aims to create a biodiversity park for wildlife, particularly birds, and to increase public participation.

Project Summary The Energy Crisis Urban and Social Context Of Wandle Valley Industrial Landscape Of Wandle Valley Local Context Of Wandle Valley Site Condition Of Beddington Farmland Detail Analysis Of Beddington Farmland Hydrological System Anaysis Beddington Farmland - Existing Problems Stake Holders Engagment Masterplan Of Beddington Test bed Phasing Of Energy Landscape Future Energy Landscape Strategies Circulation Of The Internal Resources Planting Map Wetland & Floating Islands Re-engage community to the energy park Energy Landfill Detail Explanation Energy Landfill: Activity options on the energy hill Algae Farm As Filter Attraction: New Algae Farm Future Expansion Strategies Experience of the Park Bibliography 37-3835-3633-3431-3229-3027-2825-2623-24222119-2017-1815-1613-1411-129-107-85-64321




THE ENERGY CRISIS General context

government has been clear that investment in renewable energy is key to mitigating against price rises(British

THE WANDLE VALLEY. Urban and Social Context Sutton and Croydon have a high level of poverty. Some households cannot afford the high cost of energy. And the public use of green spaces is not high.


news, 2022) RUSSIA UK 66% - 100% 33% - 66% 0% - 33%0% 1

KEY Regional parks Adjcent StategicIndustrialparksareahousing land availability Indicative tidal flooding Public access of open space(High) Public access of open space(Medium) Public access of open space(Low) Walking/River cycling/ bridleway

100% Different types of energy are created through direct firing, co-firing, pyrolysis, gasification, and anaerobic decomposition. (methane/ ethanol/ biodiesel/ Hydrogen fuel)

Population:SUTTON: 207,707Area: 43.85km2 Area:Population:CROYDON:388,56383.52km

"The UK chambers of commerce, 2022)." (britishchambers, 2022) (Sky

Gas storage Gas pipeline



N 3 4


Biodiversity Decline Invasive Species INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES OF WANDLE VALLEY 3

The aim for wandle valley: Building on existing sources of renewable energy, aim to develop a consistent alternative energy approach for the whole of the Regional Park. (Wandle Valley Regional Park A Vision for the Future, 2016) KEY Green area Wandle valley area Polluted river Borough boundary Key sites Polluted River Incinerator Burning 300,000 tons of rubbish every year, and generating greenhouse gas CO2 on an industrial scale. Planting 500 million trees

Wandle valley has a large resource of unused green space. As well as a large number of energy landscapes.

Residential Area Green WaterIndustrialParkAreasystem


Sewage ponds Landfill Factories Datacentre Incinerator Watertreatmentplant

Sewage ponds Water treatmengt plant

Edge condition Artificial lake Landfill mounds

The garbage incinerator

2. Viridor cause the ecological collapse of the Beddington farmland by not adjusting the water level, even though they knew it will kill birds.

4 & 5 Half of the site is taken by the old sewage disposal zone. Even though it stops being an area for sewage disposal. The sludge is still present on the site and hasn't been remidiate yet.

There1. is only single path for visitors. Viridor (The local incinerator company) use barbed wire to prevent visitor to get into the site.

The6.incinerator will stop working at 2041. Waste incineration sites can produce harmful substances that affect the air and may affect the health of nearby residents.

The7.site already has an existing energy recovery facility. It provides the basic energy infrastructure for the construction of an energy park.

"I think the work we’re doing with the bird report and the natural history recording is giving a respectability to the Viridor restoration which they use to ‘greenwash’ what is actually an ecological disaster."------------------Alfrey

(2016) 65

Beddington Farmlands IndustrialSchool buildings Grass land SludgeTreeSportsScrubVegetaionForestgroundbufferdrying beds Landfill Worker route Electric tower Bird watching point Tourist route Lake Temperature &Precipitation of Croydon Average Daily Incident Shortwave Solar Energy Calm Prevailing winds Near Gale Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1522 37 32.5 73.7 PrecipitationTemperature (mm) Coldest month Hottest month Wettest month (℃) Dark DarkBright Jan 876543210 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec The site itself is rich and abundant in basic energy facilities such as sewage plants, landfills, algae, power plants, electricity pylons, etc. SITE CONDITION. 1 54 6 732

Energy recovery facility

The3.useful life of the landfill has been extended to 2023. The amount of electricity generated from landfill gas will decrease with each year.

The Garbage Incinerator


The industrial area is on the east side of the site. The local access from west side. And there are 4 large structures (power towers) on the site.

The plant is pumping out three times as much CO2 as other, similar facilities. Because of too much greenhouse gas produced by the incinerator, many passive voices has opposed the development. Dark Jungle Area

There are two reasons for the high level of contamination of the site. One is due to the discharge of wastewater from the industrial area into the site, and also the erosion of the soil by the landfill itself. Those two reasons lead to severe soil contamination on the site. And it ultimately affected water quality.

AvailableResidentialareaslandonsiteIndustrialareas Landfill mounds 6. Soil Condition SewagepondsHorseField&Biker’s FieldWoodland area Lake KartingareaVenueThegarbageincineratorEnergyrecoveryfacility Landfillsite EnclosedBedsCrimedegree(5-6)WorkerrouteExistingTouristrouteBirdwatchingpoint

2. Road System

4. Available Land Land Introduction

The Sewage Ponds

The restoration of the landfill site is not well done. There is still a lot of rubbish on the surface that has not been removed. It is easy for birds to accidentally eat it leading to death. Many landfill sites are not publicly available to Viridor and information on the protection measures below is not known. However, judging from the sharp decline in bird numbers, there is possibilities that landfill leachate seepage might leads wetland water pollution.

Industrial area Power tower Power tower Residential area Residential area

The landfill site occupies an area of 42.84 hectares. The landfill is generating electricity from biogas. The huge waste is covered with a shallow green area. And a large number of oak trees have been cut down around the site to make way for underground water pipes.

The site is inhabited by a large number of birds, but the number of bird species is decreasing every year. This site used to attract many birdwatchers and has several existing bird watching points. Fense The company has fenced off the site, making it impossible for people to get a closer look or get close to the site. The company does not want people to enter the site because of the high level of contamination on the site.

"Alfrey says he has no doubts that some of the activity in the area has broken wildlife and planning laws, in an effort to degrade the habitat and therefore make justification for the land’s development all the easier" (Insidecroydon, 2019).

Artificialdeposit DETAILS ANALYSIS. Layer by layer explanation 7 8 1. Land Function

4. Topography

There are many jungle-dense grey spaces along the side roads. The neighbourhood has a high crime rate and the bush spaces are more likely to increase crime. Bird Watching Point

The current state of the site has different functions. But most of the sites are off-limits to people. Beddington Sewage farm was once an important habitat for birds and the site is now used for industrial units. Because the site is huge, so on this page I have combined all the analysis with photos. The story of beddington will be told more clearly.

Understanding the current water system of the site is important for the design. The current water systems on sites are not circulating and some sites are prone to stagnant water, which might leads to odours and reduced biodiversity.

Potential ponding point Water flow direction


100m 30500m.6m 28.5m Wetland Landfill Wetland Landfill Sewage ponds Sewage ponds Algal bloom season: June to September. SECTIONA-A' A A' Jan. Jun. July. Sept. 9 10

Landfill waterflow & Algae study Through landfill mound water flow analysis to determine where rainwater can be stored. Basic hydrological informations of the Beddington farmland. Water level seasonal change The Beddington farmland has seasonal water level changes. This can provide a variety of habitats for birds. But Viridor deliberately destroys the ecology of the wetland (by not releasing the water when the water level is too low, causing the birds to be eaten by other animals) to create the illusion of ecological collapse. Sewage ponds


There are also seasonal variations in water quality in the older sewage ponds. From June to September, the entire sewage ponds are subject to a massive growth of algae. This is not only unsightly but also causes a bad smell. Wetland lake The negative impact of landfill and sewage ponds on wetlands (bird habitats) is significant in certain seasons. Birds simultaneously spread the algae brought in from sewage ponds. It might lead to a massive algal bloom in the wetlands. -0.9m -1.1m -3.3m

Hydrological Analysis

The flue gases may contain particulate matter, heavy metals, dioxins, furans, sulfur dioxide, and hydrochloric acid. Biogas collection system mainly can produce energy like methane. But in the meantime, a fraction of the methane in the gas is oxidized microbially to CO2

DESIGN STRATEGIES. Disadvantages to advantages This page highlights the current problems of the site and their corresponding solutions.

* Use the existing algal resources on the site and the existing energy landscape on the site for the energy required for the algal farm. 1 * ALGAE FARM Wildlife will

* The problem of algal blooms is solved by floating islands to catch the algae. while providing habitat for birds.


phosphorus-bearingspread algae to wetland ponds. It will cause algae bloom. Sand and gravels TheClaysSiltsthanet sand formation The upper chalk Groundwater Lambeth GroupPrincipal Aquifer Cr(VI) 2%HgCI3% 19%TNCd5%Pb11% SO11%42Ca 14% TOC10% 16%Cu 7%Ni F8% Glassland Clayliner Biogascollectionsystem + Tragopogon porrifolius Phosphorus + Nitrogen Methane + CO2 + Waste Cr(III) MCrO 4 n+M 11 SO 2 The greenhouse gases that are let off by the waste as it decomposes underground are captured, fed into an on-site power plant which in turn feeds the National Grid. Landfills can produce many toxic substances such as hydrogen sulphide, methyl mercury and other pollutants. 12 London clay High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) CO 2

HCl, CO and NOx CO 2

Landfill layer


Eutrophication occurs when phosphorus levels in water become too high. High phosphorus can lead to algal blooms and an increase in other aquatic plants, a phenomenon that leads to a massive decline in species.

Phosphorus is a water pollutant that growingbodiesphosphorusdamage.environmentalcausesandeconomicTheremovaloffromwaterhasbecomeakeyandconcerninUK.

"Plea to council for action as birds slaughtered at nature reserve(insidecroydon, 2020)."

* Using landfill-generated energy to power the site and addressing soil issues through sustainable landscaping measures such as fertiliser from algae farms.


* In exchange for sufficient funding for the pre-park study, viridor could negotiate with the government for roughly 10 years of use of the power plant.

Essential funding requirements for this project include algae research and the construction of primary roads. However, the design of this project respects the original topography and function of the Beddington farmland. The cost of the project is, therefore, meagre. At the same time, the use of recyclable construction materials, taking advantage of the site's characteristics, has resulted in cost savings. The primary maintenance of the site relies on Viridor's self-monitoring and volunteer supervision.

These are the companies that may sponsor beddington energy park. They are all environmentally and eco-friendly companies and are committed to creating a green wandle valley area.

STAKE HOLDERS ENGAGMENT. Different Stake Holders

*Regular maintenance is carried out on the site—for example, algal sludge recycling.

Viridor landfill credits Westminster+ University Sustrans / SWELTRAC+ London Wildlife Trust Viridor+

To provide the leadership and coordination of an effective subregional partnership.

The successful completion of the beddington Energy Park requires the involvement of a variety of stakeholders. From planning to implementation to site construction. Each participant and company is listed on this page.

13 14

* Collect residents opinions and suggestions of the energy park in community forum

Before the site's construction begins, some research work needs to be prepared. For example, finding various stakeholders is essential for the project. Engage people from all different areas to construct and envisage the sites. It will help to make the site more realistic.

Planning authrities Groundworks Fundings Scientific research

* Crowdfunding funds go towards the park's essential maintenance costs. In return, the Beddington energy park transmits excess energy to the grid, which is used to reduce the community's energy bills.

* Observations to record changes in bird and species diversity

Organising volunteers to collect the rubbish on the site. Investigating the rare fauna & flora on the site. Monitoring ecosystem (Birds survey) with algae research and conducting experiments.

Wandsworth Council Viridor MAINTENANCE CREW South London Partnership + Wandle valley regional park trust(WVRPT)

Wandsworth+ Council Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) + The national Trust(NT)

Office of Viridor in Beddington farmland South representativesPartnershipLondon's Virdor's representatives WestminsterrepresentativesUniversity's LocalOmbudsmanGovernment

* Carry out on-site observation and experiments for algae research

10 11 12 13 1 92 4 5 867 3 14 15 16 18 19 17 16171014714181939613122815511LEGEND Bird watching platform Existing islands Floating islands Storage LeachateLeachatepondsfarmlandsadjustment ponds Educational centre Leachate collection pipes Sunken square Algae lab Algae WasteMarshBiofuelfarmfarmlandincineration plant AlgaeCafé ponds Water treatment plant Camping area Park entrance 400m0 N BEDDINGTON ENERGY LANDSCAPE. Beddington Test Bed Masterplan This plan has 3 important components: the algae farm, the landfill and the wetland. All 3 elements are interlinked by water system and each one of them can generate energy for site. 15 16

1. Garbage continues to produce biogas to provide energy 2. Experimental with algae farms Biogas energy gradually decreases and algal farms gradually become the dominant energy source on the site.

The site is closed and only the outer park roads allow people to see the wetlands from a distance.

Shrub habitat Algae bird habitat



Initial site energy generation through landfill biogas. Biogas quantity(80%) Biogas quantity(60%)

After 50 years, landfills stop producing biogas and a new energy model emerges. Biofuel crop starts to be grown on landfills.


17 18

Start of construction of foundation roads and water system, including underground pipes. Construction of the landfill road system completed. Adding site roads and waterways according to the function of the site.

Various new landscape elements and features being added, such as camping and bird watching points Agroforestry systems are used on a large scale in the site. Also, Increasing the activity element of the site.


The only habitats now available are reeds, meadows and woods. The only habitats now available are reeds, meadows and woods.

Industrial area LEGEND: Residential area Green corridor Algae farm Water RiverBiocropsystemfarm



Viewing point

CIRCULATIONENERGYPROGRAMHABITAT Traffic Workerrouteroute Visitor route UndergroundCanal pipe Bus FarmlandPlaygroundLeachatePlazaEntrancestationpondPhytoremediationAlgaelab

Algae farms and biofuel farms are also starting to bring biodiversity to the site and provide habitat for different bird species. Biodiversity is already thriving at this stage in the Bioenergy Park.

After the success of the Beddington bioenergy park, elements of the energy Wandlegraduallylandscapespreadtovalleyahundred years later. Algae farms are located close to the industrial area and rely on chemical gases produced by the factory. At the same time, the wastewater is purified by the algae farm and provides water for the biofuel farm. Biodiversity has increased significantly in the wandle valley through ecological corridors.

People can only visit 2 bird watching sites, there is no extra programme for people to play or view, except walking along the road.

In the first phase of the park, the green areas of the park are transformed into different functions, such as, playground and plaza.


Biogas quantity(40%) quantity(10%) Biofuelfarmfarm

19 20 'The Beddington Bed's Overall strategies Leachate adjustment ponds/ Future alage ponds Leachate farmlands Train station platform Wetland (Bird nesting area) BIRD NESTING AREA PRIMARY BIRD FORAGING AREA Idea from: The woodberry wetlands (from google map) FUTURE POTENTIAL BIRD FORAGING AREA B B' Sunken roadWater storage pond Alage farmsBridge SECTION B-B' 400m0 N FUTURE ENERGY LANDSCAPE STRATEGIES. Wandle Valley and Beddington Test Bed Diagram & Section This diagram, combined with the section, briefly represents the general design elements of the site in terms of their zoning. LANDFILL AREA WETLANDAREA ALGAESTREETAREAFARMSIDE ALGAE POND AREA MORE NATURAL ALGAE FARM AREA

WATER RUNOFF Wastewater passes through algae farms where heavy elements (harmful substances) are filtered out by algae and then flows into wetlands for final cleaning before being discharged into the river.


Chrysopogonzizanioides Phragmites Australis. Microalgae Diatoms bioluminescentalgae Algae Grassland/ Shrub Biocrop area

Choose plants of fast-growing and non-invasive plants to consume liquid waste. Also, choosing plants can provide wildlife habitat.

ENERGY RUNOFF The energy generated by the site, in addition to providing biofuel and electricity to the entire site, the rest goes to the national grid.

LEGEND: Algae WaterGreenSwampsfarmsroofsstorage ponds Biofuel farms Water EntrancesElectricityGasInlet/EnergyUndergrounddirectionpipesroutesoutletcollectionwellstowers

Main entrance Algaes Wildflower meadow shrubGrasslandsReeds/small tree BiocropLawn WoodlandOrnamentalareaplantsarea

caerulescensThlaspi Salix viminalisvirgatumPanicummustard plantsHemp

Woodland area


Industrial & domestic wastewater Clean water

This diagram analyses the energy routes and water flow routes of the site. As well as a functional analysis of the site. The planting configuration of the site is roughly divided into three sections. Wetland vegetation, landfill remediation vegetation and algae farm vegetation.

Choose plants can highly tolerant to heavy metals and adverse environmental conditions.


CIRCULATION OF THE INTERNAL RESOURCES Water & Energy & Spatial distribution 21 22

Poplulus hydrids BetulaCorylus heterophylla Fisch. A selection of different species of algae are planted. Diatoms are used to produce fertiliser. bioluminescent algae supply bioluminescence to the site. Microalgae are useful for reducing inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater, etc.

Timber step(150mm)

material & root systems provide valuable surface area for microbes to proliferate & pull pollutants from the water. Nesting rafts provide nest sites for a variety of birds including ducks, grebes, geese, divers and swans. Soil from dredging from roads and canal. Layers of organic matter, sompost and soil, inoculated with microbes to create a good base for the food web.

Reedsislandsbed Captured algae Bridgewalkway TouristRestroadarea

The construction of the road system and the site as a whole involved the use of many stones. These stones can be sourced from the dismantling of abandoned houses on the site and from the nearby industrial area.



The walkway is secured to a stable rock shelf or a large stable boulder. The layer of gravel with rocks (200mm) Stone from landfill Existing soil1.0m0.80m

DETAIL #01 DETAIL #02 #03

When algae bloom in summer, the worker will use the colloction-skiffs to capture algae. For energy production. (In stage1) Rises and falls with fluctuating water levels. + manages algae and removes nutrients, SS metals, COD, BOD. +Submerged and free-floating wetland plants create a true marsh environment. + Protects birds from predation. Image from: Algae as Agents

MATERIAL REUSE OF SITE Recycled plastic material Anchoring option Wood straw Reeds structure Reeds from leachate wetland Combining reeds and plastic to form a floating obstruction to capture algae. Clean sludge from dry reed bed(algae farm) Plastic material from wandle valley 4.0m 1.25m 3:1slope 2:1slope

Holes for plantation material 0.5m 2m Recycled plastic material Wood HoldingMycoboardstrawframe wood chips

Key Details of wetland elements Wetlands are crucial to increasing biodiversity. Habitats for different bird species are expanded through floating wetlands. The construction of the canal also prevents public access to bird breeding areas. (Only a tiny part of the area is accessible.)




This drawing shows the relationship between floating islands, islands, high tide/low tide. Public access to the bird breeding areas was discouraged by the excavation of water channels. Also purifying water from the landfill 2m EarthNails

Rock shelf 23 24 LEGEND: Existing islands FloatingCanal SittingCreekMarshWaterBirdCapturedCapturedislandsalgaealgaewatchingpointoutletarea 0 100m WETLAND & FLOATING ISLANDS. Algae capture & Habitat creation C C' 1 9 10984627351 2 34 8 5 6 SECTION C-C' + detailed section of floating island & roads Train station platform Wood land area Floating island Buffer zone Small canal Wetland & Lake area




DETAIL #02 WETLAND ENTRANCE Recycle of the site




The Energy Park offers a variety of different activities for local schools. At the same time, students can also learn a lot knowledge about sustainability by practising in the energy park volunteering).(e.g.

Links between wetlands and residential areas

, the UK's first large iscommunity,sustainableislocatedontheedgeofBeddingtonfarmland.Thecostofheatingandelectricityfortheresidentsofthisstreetmuchlowerthanthatofordinaryhousing.

Many community events take place next to the Energy Park. The Energy Park offers the community a richer space for activities. At the same time, residents can also contribute to the Energy Park as volunteers.

Harvest electricity from algae, unkempt wetlands becomemines.gold



There are many areas of the street that have not been renewed. In the future there are plans to connect the energy street to the energy park, which will provide a neighbouringenergysustainableforthestreets.

From June to September, algae from the algae farms will be spread by birds to the wetlands, thus polluting the wetland water. The floating islands are used to capture the algae, and eventually the harvested algae is reused to generate electricity 25 26

ENERGY Cleaning & Energy Production Key details of leachate farm & pond50m N

3. Education Beds Increasing participation.publicPeople can see how the site uses the landscape to produce energy: Algae ponds/ Gas collection wells/ biofule farms Gas collection wells Sunken road Storage ponds Greenwetland&roof C BiofuleC' farm Algae ponds

Landfill leachate water contain pollutants and toxic substances that can inhibit certain plants growth, like algae. Also, Algae can recyclinglow-qualityremediatewaterforandreuse.

1. Constructed with 60- or 80-mil thick high-density polyethylene. To prevent potential leachate leak. Leachatepipe

2. Water Storage Beds


The combination of Storage beds and wetlands facilitates the restoration of groundwater as well as the creation of bird habitat.

1. Leachate Beds


2. Installation of leachate pipes 3. Soil collection & reuse Algae HDPE 4. CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Ponds

The construction of leachate ponds on landfills also allows for rainwater storage. Some Plants being choosed to purify the leachate, and the leachate also helps the plants grow. There are two types of leachate ponds, one of which will be converted into an algae pond at a later stage. One uses reeds to purify the leachate. The leachate is also transported to the agricultural area via underground pipes. 0 20m Storage pond Sunken road Leachate farm Leachate pond Alage channel Stairs DETAIL #01 STORAGE POND Reed buntingLeachatepipelinetransport BentonitesandenhancedGrid of electrodesmonitor Sand protection layer(0.5m)Sandstone Insulating high-density polythylene layer(2.5mm) 1.5m 33m18m 18m 25m 58m 58m58m 15m Viewing PlazaStorage Pond Leachate farm Leachate algae farm Leachate algae farm DETAIL #02 DETAIL #01 27 PROCESS Bioluminescent Algae The road sinks by one metre. Luminous algae along the road Sunken road DETAIL #02 SUNKEN ROAD Collector pipe Gravel substrate Fine gravel Coarse gravel Water transfer pipechannelAlgae



Outlet Clean water

Combine agroforestry with biocrop cultivation "Agroforestry may therefore be a wildlife-friendly solution to the problem of expanding biofuel plantations" (Koh, Levang & Ghazoul, 2009). WATER PURIFICATION PROCESS Linking green space with sunken road There are many steps for people to choose whether walk out of the sunken path. To enjoy the view of the wetlands or take a rest. The perspective of the neighbourhood Sunken Road LeachateCampsiteFarm ENERGY LANDFILL. Activity options on the energy hill Linereffluent outlet Chrysopogon zizanioides Inlet pipe and gravel for waste water distribution Small gravelWet well and cover Slope 1% Inlet Leachate

Leachate can accelerate the growth of purifies

the water, w hich eventually flows into the local river via Water Storage Beds. On the new energy landfill site, people can not only see the sustainable energy landscape but also offers a range of different activities. Such as watching birds, going camping, visiting farmland, etc. 29 30

biocrop. The biocrop farm


The shallow ponds become dry reed beds in winter, providing habitat for different birds and also cleaning up water.waste The deep ponds become wetland in winter, providing habitat for birds and cleaning up waste water. When the algae season comes, the reeds will be harvested and transported to the wetlands to be used as nesting material (floating islands) for the birds.

Microalgae culture offers tertiary biological treatment and the production of potentially valuable biomass. Because of their ability, microalgae cultures provide an elegant solution for tertiary and quaternary treatment using inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus to promote their growth. And because of their ability to remove heavy metals and some toxic organic compounds, algal farms can prevent secondary pollution.

1. Anaerobic pond first suspended solids and BOD.


pond system is also intended as a means of attracting birds to support the goal of attracting and engaging with neighbouring wildlife reserves. 0 20m Worker road Algae farm AlgaeCanallabTourist road Dry reeds bed Underground pipe Rock filterHDPECompacted earth 2.80m Also use reeds to clean the dirty water, also provide habitat for birds DETAIL #01 EDGE CONDITION OF FACULTATIVE POND DETAIL #02 DRY REED BED Collection pipe i = 1.5% 1.6m FilterInlet pipe STEP 1 Material reuse (sludge) The reeds bed are responsible for converting domestic sewage sludge into a fundamental and constant earthy substance. BiogasBiogaspipeSlurry ExpansionDigestatechamber STEP 3 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEPSTEP2 4 DETAIL #01 5-8 years later

Landfill area Maturation ponds (0.9-1m) Algae lab Facultative ponds (2.5m) Facultative ponds (1.5m) Unwalkable dam Anaerobic pondsWalkable dam Winter as dry reed beds Ponds at different depths are designed for different type algae some algae prefer shallow water Suspended solids+ BOD

The algae farm also has an educational function.

ALGAE FARM IN ACTION Anaerobic pond3-5m 1. 2. 3. 3.1 1.5-2.5m 0.9m 1m Facultative pond Maturation ponds Maturation ponds D D' Algae bloom time: Jun. - Sept. In winter change its function to reeds bed (Dry bed) WINTER SCENARIO Facultative ponds Maturation ponds Material reuse Build more nests in wetlands to attract birds Key details of algae ponds The open

4 65 98462735

2. Facultative Ponds further treat wastewater through sedimentation of organic matter and aerobic oxidation and also for odour reduction. Algae produced for energy production

The northern farm area is accessible via tourist secondry road for people to closely observe the algae.The southern farm is only accessible to workers. At the same time, the road system is divided into visitor and worker roads. The roads do not interfere with each other.

4. Wastewater is purified and flows into the site's channels.

ALGAE production & education LEGEND: Primary sewage treatment Dry beds (winter) Anaerobic ponds Secondary sewage treatment Maturation ponds Facultative ponds Tourist main road Tourist secondry road Worker road 1 1 7 8 9 2 3 0 200m algal

3. The maturation pond acts as a buffer for temporary pond failures and can be used for nutrient removal.


STORGE ROOM Storage room for some algae gear. Or it can be used as a rest room for the staff, etc.

PORT The port can be used to moor the algae harvestor. Also, as a bird or algae viewing point.



In winter, some shallow ponds turn into dry reed beds. The rocky bottom of the pond is exposed and can provide a different habitat for birds.

AlGAE LAB In the early stages, the algae laboratory was used for scientists to do algae experiments. At later stage, it is transformed into an algae education centre.

The algae farm has several sets of bird watching spots where people can observe birds breeding up close.

33 34

The algae grow quickly and can be harvested by staff every two or three days.

ATTRACTION: NEW ALGAE FARM. farms serve as bird education bases

The landscape elements in Beddington energy park: Algae farm and Biofuel farm. They are spreading out to wandle valley (the area with similar condition) in 100 years later.

Reasons for choose this site as example: The site is located near an industrial area and near a railway track, which generates a lot of carbon dioxide and other substances, as well as being close to a water source.

Existing site condition # SITE 1 BEFORE # SITE FEATURES LEGEND: # SITE 1 SITE 1 SITE 2 SITE 3 # SITE 2 # SITE 3 ResidentialRiver buildingWoodlandFactory area Grassland area Railway 0 40m 35 36 WillowLn DeerParkRd Watersideway Chaucerway

EXPANSION STRATEGIES. Furture growth (100 years later)

There are certain particularities in the choice of locations to create energy landscapes. Algae farms are selected near industrial areas and rivers, which ensure a large amount of carbon dioxide for algae growth. At the same time, there is a water supply. Algae farms can purify water for re-discharge into rivers or provide water for biocrop farms to grow plants.

37 38

Here is the story of a boy who lived in a nearby residential area and entered the Beddington energy park for the first time. While people visit the park, residents and volunteers work together to build the park's infrastructure. And the completion of the park has attracted more birds to settle than before. Ending...

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