Play in Design

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Play in design

We are four students from different courses: Fashion design, Graphic design and Illustration.

Julia Te Graphic Design

chia-ying lin Illustration

Noelia Gonda Fashion Design

yali chen Illustration

intro duction

At the beginning of generating our design manifesto we came up with four statements of Collaboration, Emotion, Challenge and Innovation which represented what we value the most in design. However, we wanted to demonstrate a much stronger idea in order to send a clear message to our audiences. So in the later stage of the exploring we have the idea of Play. It’s very interesting that Play can include those values in the design process. Then after getting deeper about the relationship between play and creativity, we discovered that there are many theories on how play can be helpful for imagination. Play is a perfect method for us to do experiments and take risks, it helps us jump out of the ordinary way of thinking and cope with providing innovative solutions. By cocreating with others and having fun during the process, it tends to create a virtuous cycle for design. We believe that play is a crucial method in design process. Designers should value the essence of Play.

why play?

Play is more than just an activity for our free time. Dr. Stuart Brown [1], founder of the National Institute for Play, has discovered that play, such as sleep and dreams, has a biological place in our minds and contributes to our survival in our daily lives. Additionally, play not only helps people to be open to new possibilities and changes but also it stimulates exploration, curiosity and creativity. Not playing at an early age generates several negative aspects on our life. Dr. Gwen Dewar in her PhD [2], developed that playing and experimenting trigger a substance that grows in brain cells, called BDNF. This stimulates the growth of the cerebral cortex and improves memory, to name but a few benefits. Thus, this activity is essential to develop as human beings. Being denied play can have negative issues on learning skills, memory, problem solving, developing relationships with others, and having a better life in general. Adults frequently believe that play is just for kids and

once you grow up you must stop and become a serious “grown up”, because they see play as a waste of time and unprofessional. “The opposite of play is not work. It’s depression”, said Brian Sutton Smith [...]. If adults are encouraged to play in an environment free from judgement, they might better recognize how the mechanisms of play improves their trust and stresses levels. In our opinion, play not only is essential in life but also in the first stage of the design process, due to the fact that it allows you to work with your hands and lets your imagination bring new innovative ideas. It essential that one feel free to make mistakes and have ridiculous ideas, because people learn through mistakes. A nonsense idea, in the right moment, could lead to fantastic new openings. It does not matter what type of design are you in, playing in the initial part of your design process always leads to magnificent and unexpected results.

1. T he National Institute for Play (2014) The National Institute for Play. Available at: (Accessed: 9 November 2014) 2. Gwen, D. (2008 – 2014), “Ph.D. The cognitive benefits of play: Effects on the learning brain”, Parenting Science, [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 9 November 2014).

how to play?

How do we, designers utilize PLAY efficiently? IDEO as a Design and Innovation Consulting Firm, their current CEO,Tim Brown provide a constructive mode called Divergence and Convergence. Put simply, it helps us transition from many general ideas to one certain solution. He provides us three useful ways to play in the divergent designing process in his Ted Talk speech [4]: there is playful exploration, playful building, and roleplaying. “Exploration would bring us a quantity of new ideas, building will allow us to think with our hands, while role-playing would help us to have more empathy for the situations we are designing and to create services and experiences authentically.” Designers should have the ability to change from the divergent stage to the convergent stage when they must come out with a certain solution as serious professionals. In addition to these ways of playing, the environment in which play takes place is also important. In the interview of on IDEO: Big Innovation Lives Right on the Edge of Ridiculous Ideas [5], the partner of IDEO, Brendan Boyle, mentions that creating an environment for people to play in is crucial. He said, “You really want to create an environment that allows for innovation. Big innovation is right on the edge of ridiculous ideas. You need an environment that isn’t quite so judgmental about a ridiculous idea.” As long as this comfortable surrounding is created then people might naturally feel confident to play. Hence it encourages more possibilities to be made.

4. TED, Tales of creativity and play (2008) Available at: play (Accessed: 17 November 2014) 5. Cook, J., Big Innovation Lives Right on the Edge of Ridiculous Ideas (2011). Available at: (Accessed: 1 December 2014)

when to play?

Playing is important through the entire life because it helps us to have a better quality and powerful life. However, playing in the design process must only be used in the convergent stage, when designers need a bunch of different and non-sense ideas. After these ideas are developed, it is time to start being serious and play must stop, otherwise they would not be able to create a solution for their design. Moreover, when we refer to play in the design process is not just about play as kids all the times. Most times, rules are set up, also a certain comfortable space and people you can interact with, in order to feel completely relaxed and confident with yourself.

our playing methods

The group experienced the divergent process of Design, in view of all members are from visual subject, the playing creations were mainly images. Due to that fact people from other professions was invited to play with different materials. They did not know previously what they had to do, so they just stood in front of lots of materials and the only obligation was just play. As a results, not only they have created interesting results but also they found themselves enjoying the experience, feeling surprised about what they have generate and increasing their confidence.mpletely relaxed and confident with yourself.

Amadeus Frazier (USA) BA Student, International Business

“I love the game of basketball as it is part of my African American culture. I have been playing for several years, for recreation and high level competition at my previous American High School, and currently at Kingston University. During this experiment, there was a different feeling when I was given the ball and told to “have fun.” The first question I asked was “well, what do you want me to do?” This derives from my participation in organized basketball and always having to play a fixed position for the team as instructed by the coach or my teammates. This experiment has taught me that I have fun when I play basketball, however this is controlled fun where I limit myself in what I do. I “play” basketball based on the successes from my past experiences. Simply, I do what I normally do, how I am comfortable doing it, because I know it is the right thing to do. Contradictive to a kid that plays freely regardless of the rules, I play very limited and controlled.”

“I felt like a 6 years old child again, in my class where it doesn’t matter if I paint the ugliest thing ever, haha.”

Felipe Araya (Chile) BA Business Management

“Great experience, playing has this amazing power to make you believe everything is possible and it makes you feel you are the best artist ever...� LLogari Casas (Spain) MA Student, ComputerAnimation

“It was like coming back in time, feeling like a child without worries.� Jose torrejon (Spain) BA Computer Engineering

Nelida Plaza (Spain) BA Fine Art

“I was so excited at first, hundreds of ideas came to my mind, I felt I am in heaven with all those materials. Although I am doing fine arts we don’t usually have the opportunity to work freely, just letting our imagination be, we always have to follow rules of the brief. Also the idea of failure and to look ridiculous in front of your colleagues, all these restrict us unconsciously. Nevertheless this experience was amazing, I just enjoyed being a part of the process without boundaries, but also on purpose. I think, I have to do this type of activity more often, because great things can come out... And as everybody knows, the best ideas come out when you don’t think about them.”

“I like the feeling of drawing with all kinds of substances without any restriction. It’s been a long time I drew like this.”

Han yi lin (taiwan) MA Film making

mate rials

Gouache Liquid Paint Tempera Paint Ball Wire Balloon PVA glue Q-tips Colour Powder Stick Wooden stick Colourful popsicle stick Sello tape Straw Glitter Bell



Rapping Film




Rope Stone Plasticine Napkin Oil pastel Brush Paint roller Black ink Newspaper

instruc tion

1. Collect many materials 2. Find a place 3. Set up a camera 4. Play!

Recommendation: - Listen to good music - Invite people - Use your body - Use food - Use materials differently - Make mistakes - Laugh - Learn from mistakes - Don’t be afraid - Have fun!

so, let’s play!

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