Budget Planner Pop Up Shop

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Don’t wait for someone

to bring you flowers

Plant your own garden

& decorate your own soul

budget planner FINANCIAL FREEDOM


Financial Freedom

I’m going to give you exact blueprints on how to become financial free from debt, worry, stress, overwhelm and simply live within your means and enjoy doing so. Because despite what everyone is saying, being billionaire is not the end goal - feeling like one is.

are you ready? let’s get started!

table of contents FINANCIAL FREEDOM ROADMAP overview 4 pillars of financial freedom your financial goals

PILLAR ONE: DEBT ELIMINATION what do you owe how should you pay it off fixed vs variable expenses what can you eliminate or reduce making more income

PILLAR TWO: MONTHLY BUDGET monthly budget trackers annual wrap up

PILLAR THREE: WEALTH CREATION your assets appreciation vs depreciation

PILLAR FOUR: SAVING UP Your kids Your dream vacation Your retirement Your gift-giving season

Saving a small amount

soon builds up to A large amount

financial freedom roadmap

What’s inside

Debt Elimination

Monthly Budget

Wealth Creation

Saving Up

Guided advice to get you on the road to financial freedom





Your financial theme word for the year In 2020, the financial theme I am going to live and spend by is... Choose a theme word, phrase, person or ideal to help reframe your financial actions, goals, dreams and attitude for 2020 examples could be determination, minimalism, profit first, perseverance, survival, debt elimination, wealth creation, saving up for a rainy day, house down payment fund.....

I want to...

long-term goals

list out your big long-term revenue goals

list out the amazing trips you plan to take list out the incredible experiences you want to curate list out features of the dream house you want to purchase...

what will that feel like

Once I achieve my long-term goals

list out how amazing it will feel to be debt-free, wealthy, retirement ready, able to afford your dream vacation, tow purchase your second home, to buy a Ferrari for your kid

Debt Elimination

Current Situation

1 Future Dream Situation

Monthly Budget

Current Situation

2 Future Dream Situation

Wealth Creation

Current Situation

3 Future Dream Situation

Saving Up

Current Situation

4 Future Dream Situation

1st quarter goals

• Quarterly Goals for Jan/Feb/Mar • List out 3 Major Financial Goals you want to focus on for this

next quarter • Then list the action to complete them

Quarterly Goal #1

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #2

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #3

Action Steps

2nd quarter goals


• Quarterly Goals forApr/May/June • List out 3 Major Goals you want to focus on for this next quarter • Then list the action to complete them

Quarterly Goal #1

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #2

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #3

Action Steps


3rd quarter goals

• Quarterly Goals forJuly/Aug/Sept • List out 3 Major Goals you want to focus on for this next quarter • Then list the action to complete them

Quarterly Goal #1

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #2

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #3

Action Steps

4th quarter goals


• Quarterly Goals for Oct/Nov/Dec • List out 3 Major Goals you want to focus on for this next quarter • Then list the action to complete them

Quarterly Goal #1

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #2

Action Steps

Quarterly Goal #3

Action Steps

Having loads of money

does not make you a better person Spending it wisely does

pillar one: debt elimination

Debt Elimination

Who do you owe money to & how much


how should you pay it off

List your loan amounts from smallest to LARGEST This is the order you want to pay them off in

fixed expenses

• List out all of your fixed monthly expenses • Examples include: car payments, mortgage payments, rent, property

taxes, gas, electric, water, etc.



Due Date

variable expenses

• List out all of your variable monthly expenses • Examples include: entertainment like Netflix, HBO, manicures, spa day,

eating out, hosting parties



Due Date

what can you eliminate

• Trim the excess - list out expenses you can EITHER eliminate

Vendor How much will Starting Elimination you save when?

can you make more income

• Do you have extra time to get a second job

• Examples would inclue Uber, online virtual assistant, dog-sitting, cat-

sitting, selling your extra clothes, shoes, accessories, providing cleaning servides

New Job

How much will Starting you make when?

Don’t wait for someone

to bring you flowers

Plant your own garden

& decorate your own soul

pillar two: monthly budget

January Bills Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total




Paid Y/N

February Bills Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total




Paid Y/N

March Bills


Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total



Paid Y/N

April Bills


Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total



Paid Y/N

May Bills


Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total



Paid Y/N

June Bills


Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total



Paid Y/N

July Bills


Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total



Paid Y/N

August Bills Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total




Paid Y/N

September Bills Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total




Paid Y/N

October Bills Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total




Paid Y/N

November Bills Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total




Paid Y/N

December Bills


Mortgage/Rent Car/Transportation Insurance (Home/Car/ Phone) Electricity Gas Water Trash Cable Internet Phone Groceries Eating Out Gym Spa & Hair Clothing Maintenance (Car, House repairs) Pets (Cat/Dog food and vet bills) Travel Other Total



Paid Y/N

annual wrap up - what went well

annual wrap up - what went NOT so well


is the worst poverty

pillar three: wealth creation

list out all of your major assets

make a list of future dream assets


• List out all your assets that will appreciate over time - increase in

value that you want to hold on to and insure


current value

future value


• What are some assets that are depreciating in value that you could

consider getting rid off or trading in • Depreciating assets are totally worth it if you enjoy them and

understand that they will not increase your overall wealth and are just for fun and pleasure


current value

future value

save money

and money will save


pillar four: saving up

saving up for kids

• You want your children to have the best dream childhood ever but

can you afford the price tag that goes with it? And oops - what if your fertility treatments work so great - you have twins, triplets or septulets!! • Let’s plan for your kid’s perfect childhood • $233K - average cost o raise a child to age 18 - DOES NOT INCLUDE

COLLEGE OR KIDS TAHT REMAIN LIVING AT HOME INTO ADULTHOOD • How will you come up with an extra $2K per year

where will the extra $12K/year come from

how will you save for college

the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2019–2020 school year was $41,426 at private colleges, $11,260 for state residents at public colleges and $27,120 for out-of-state students at state school Source: US News & World Reports

saving up for retirement

• The average over 65 year old household spends $50K/year • Will you have enough saved up to pay your expenses • Will you need to keep working • Will you still be able to go on vacation • Are you planning to spoil your grandchildren

• What if your children move back home or need signifant financial

assitance from you

where will the $50K/year come from

how will you save for it

don’t forget about emergency expenses - just because you’re retired doesn’t mean there won’t be emergencies in your future

saving up for vacation

• The average vacation costs $4,580 for a family of four • Do you take more than one vacation per year

• Do you need to finance separate vacations like spring break and

summer trips through Europe for your children • Do you need to pay for extra kids that your children want to bring

along or an older relative that wants to join too?

where will the $4,580/vacation come from

how will you save for it

don’t forget about unforseen expenses like obtaining or renewing a passport, upgrading to first class, lost luggage, cancelled flights

saving up for gift-giving

• The average Christmas gift-giving season costs you $942

• Do you have bridal showers, baby showers, weddings, bar mitzvahs

and other celebrations that you need to provide gifts for? • What about decorations • Are you hosting the event • Will you need to travel to these events

where will the $942/Christmas come from

how will you save for it

don’t forget about unforseen expenses like obtaining or renewing a passport, upgrading to first class, lost luggage, cancelled flights

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