June Planner Template Kit

Page 1

faith can move mountains

This Christian Planner belongs to

Religious Denomination

I can do everything

through Christ who gives me strength

table of contents

01 | How To Use This Planner

02 | Declare a Christian Rule of Life 03 | Choose A Christian Denomination 04 | Liturgical Calendar 05 | Advent Calendar 06 | Lent Calendar 07 | Ordinary Time Calendar 08 | Prayer Journal 09 | Bible Study Methods 10 | Church Log

without rain, nothing grows

learn to embrace the storms of your life


How To Use This Planner

what order should i go in -

you can go in any order

what sections would you like to make sure you cover first?

print + reference later -

many sections are more for reference what are some different traditions, important dates and other details you’d like to print, post and share with others?

who is this for


- everyone is welcome

there is no special secret password or initiation process - if you enjoy learning about Christianity, God, Jesus and incoporating that into your life, then you’re in the right place. still here?

who is this not for

it’s still for everyone

it is the evangelical mission of all christians to help spread the word and teachings of jesus christ

dogs are God’s way of saying

he didn’t want us to walk alone


Declare a Christian Rule Of Life

what is a rule of life -

your commitment with God

on how you will live your life, conduct yourself and what your intentions are - your pattern of living make an intentional and conscious plan for your life in fellowship with God in each area - begin with the end in mind this of this as a restatement of your typical new year’s resolutions









a friend loves

at all times ~ proverbs 17:17


Choose a Christian Denomination

do you have to choose -

not at all

non-denominational is always a great choice but if you were curious...there may be some denominations that speak to you more or less than others

source: Wikipedia

finding a church

you can also use the next few questions to help you to find a particular place of worship to join, not just a denomination if you wish to stay non-denominational

how to choose

step 1 - research

yes, look online but how about visiting different churches and showing up in person to attend a Sunday service what are some local churches you could visit

how to choose

step 2 - favorite sermons

who are some of your favorite pastors and how do you like your spiritual guidance delivered - in a hopeful and helping manner or more of a strong-willed and my way or the highway type of lecture. what fits your personality best?

how to choose -

step 3 -

ensure its beliefs align with yours

ensure they believe that Jesus is the son of God, that God is part of the Holy Trinity, is all-knowing, all-powerful and good. ask for the church’s doctinal statements - review them. do you agree with what they believe?

how to choose

step 4 - meet congregation members

what are some questions you want to ask current members

catholic -1.3 billion

largest branch of christianity

Founded in the 1st century CE in the Roman Empire based on the teachings of Jesus what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

protestant - 900 million

2nd largest branch of christianity

Founded in 1517 when Martin Luther published his 95 Theses as a

reaction against the sale of Indulgences by the Catholic Church

what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

eastern orthodoxy - 230 million

based on the Nicene Creed

Split from the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 East-West Schism which disputed the authority of the Pope what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

oriental orthodoxy - 62 million

based on miaphysite christology Split from the Roman Catholic Church in Council of Chalcedon in 451AD after the excommunicating bishops for refusing the accept the “in two natures” teaching that the divine and human natures of Jesus do not exist beside one another but are joined in a personal unity misphysite is one nature

what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

anglicanism - 110 million

part of Protestantism Founded in 1534 Act of Supremacy + English Reformation break from the Roman Catholic Church which declared King Henry VIII the Supreme Head on earth of the Church of England when the Church of England what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

baptist church - 75 million

part of Protestantism Founded in 1609 in Amsterdam by John Smyth who rejected infant baptism in favor of believing adult baptism

what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

lutheran - 90 million

part of Protestantism Founded in 1517 when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church opposing the sale of indulgences what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

calvin aka reformed - 80 million

part of Protestantism Founded in 1609 in Amsterdam by John Smyth who rejected infant baptism in favor of believing adult baptism

what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

methodist - 80 million

part of Protestantism Founded in 18th century revival moment in the Church of England based on the teachings of John Wesley, George Whitefield and Charles Wesley what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

seventh-day adventist - 21 million

observes saturday as sabbath Founded in 1863 in the US from the Millerite movement, adhering to Kosher food laws, vegetarianism, and its emphasis on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and rejection of pagan traditions such as birthday celebrations - they also believe the dead sleep in their grave until their bodies are resurrected

what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing


description what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing


description what’s appealing

Potential Churches to visit

what’s not appealing

i believe

God will make a way ~ lauryn hill


Liturgical Calendar

what is a liturgical calendar -

it’s a christian calendar!

aka ecclesiastical calendar, based on the lunisolar cycle to indicate days and seasons for fasts and festivals

what is a liturgical calendar -

it’s a christian calendar!

there are some variations among denominations i.e. December 24 is part of Advent for Catholic while other mark sunset on that day as the beginning of Christmastide

when does it start -

4th Sunday before Christmas

if you’ve ever owned an advent calendar, you probably love chocolate but you also believe the liturgical calendar begins on December 1 but it actually begins the 4th Sunday before Christmas

seasons of the liturgical calendar


start of the liturgical year


birth of jesus christ

ordinary time time after epiphany


reflection + preparation


jesus christ’s crucifixion, resurrection + ascension

ordinary time time after pentecost

important holy days to mark down Advent



Palm Sunday

important holy days to mark down Maundy Thursday Good Friday



other holy days to note Holy Cross Day All Saints’ Day Christ The King Sunday Epiphany of the Lord

other holy days to note Baptism of the Lord Presentation of the Lord

Holy Saturday

Trinity Sunday

other holy days to note Transfiguration Sunday Ash Wednesday Ascension of the Lord Visition of Mary to Elizabeth

other holy days to note _________




the quest for God

is the quest for true happiness


Advent Calendar

what is an advent calendar -

it’s a countdown to Christ’s birth

it is a season of hopeful anticipation fun fact: The German printer Gerhard Lang was the first to design cardboard Advent calendars with little doors to hide something for each day

what is christmastide -

the 12 days of christmas

December 25 - January 5 Epiphany on January 6 marks the end, aka Three Kings’ Day when the magi visited May, Joseph + their child

how to prepare for advent -

journaling questions & activities

here are some questions to help you prepare for advent

list yo


ur fav

ea d ch

ite r o

otionals to rea v e d d

sus’s birth

w h en c a n

f Je

yo u

to read th es to o ry


me i t e ak

yo ur



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w h en c a n

sse Tree -




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take time o ff o f

joy the Ch rist ma sS


en o t rk

t for each

of t he ays



sen e r p

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on en

so n


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orn b n

into you,

you r li

+ fe rw you ork

how has C hri st


ponde rw he

Go d

yo e r

e evidence o e s u f


invite frien


ds a


and host a C y l i hri am f st nd

fresco of Jacob’s Ladder Jesse Trees are used to tell the story of

the Bible from creation to the Christmas story

how to create a Jesse Tree

use symbols as ornaments

Isaiah 11:1 refers to Jesus as a shoot coming up from the stump of Jesse, the father of David when will you put together your Jesse Tree? where will you find ornaments? when will you review the stories - set up a schedule?

adam and eve -genesis 3:6-7


summarize the story below + its meaning

noah’s ark - genesis 6:11-14

ark or rainbow

summarize the story below + its meaning

abraham - genesis 22:9-12


summarize the story below + its meaning

isaac - genesis 22:13-14


summarize the story below + its meaning

jacob’s ladder - genesis 28: 12-14


summarize the story below + its meaning

joseph - genesis 37:3-4

colorful coat

summarize the story below + its meaning

moses - exodus 31:18

tablet of the law

summarize the story below + its meaning

david - samuel 16:17-19


summarize the story below + its meaning

isaiah - isaiah 10:10-11

lion and a lamb

summarize the story below + its meaning

mary - luke 1:26-28


summarize the story below + its meaning

elizabeth - luke 1:39-45

small house

summarize the story below + its meaning

joseph - matthew 1:18-21


summarize the story below + its meaning

look deep into nature

and then you will understand everything better ~ albert einstein


Lent Calendar

what is lent -

Easter preparation

it is the 40-day period between Ash Wendesdy and Easter to focus on self-examination and self-denial i.e. fasting just as important as advent

when does it begin -

Ash Wednesday

exactly 46 days before Easter Sunday to allow for 40 fasting days and 6 Sundays during Lent

what is Shrove Tuesday -

last Tuesday before Lent begins day to reflect on your sins, repent and make plans to change your life for spritual growth during Lent

opportunity to use up any items you will forgo for Lent, which morphed into Mardi Gras as Fat Tuesday


pe l os (Mark 1:15)

Ash Wedne sd ay


rgo (luxury) d uri ng


r fasting plan u o s fo y e r r a

nt Le

wh a


wh at

& believe in

n Le


u fo o ll y

: re

t p en

om m


your time e t a du on rin d u g

where c



eighbor ow n fell

what are your

so sea

yo ur

fo s n

msgiving to hel l a r p

s thi




Lent for

pra ye

can you c

o it t

ch s r

le e du

n Ho hrist on E



ay nd


rC o n ho u o


wi ll y

ly Sunday

will you p how rac ti c

e, stillness and d u lit sile so

eo nc



can you

y se ida

ma k



o attend a Go t s n od pla

worry ends when

faith in God begins


Ordinary Time Calendar

what is ordinary time

there are 2 seasons of ordinary time 1 | the season after Epiphany which is a feast day associated with the visiting of the magi and their gifts to the Christ child and turning wine into water 2 | the season after Pentecost (celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’s disciples after his Ascension - 7th day after Easter) is longest and last season in the liturgical calendar

when does it begin -


between Christmastide + Lent


between Eastertide + Advent



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an eeds help dn

pray for


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so m e

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tionship with C h ris

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list of diffe ren tw

discover ne ww

involved in y t e ou og t rc ys

munity com rch hu


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create a





ly worship ro k e e uti rw n


r sta o g

rting a b ible


y ud

nin i o




cons ide rj

o list

u can honor o y Go ys a d w


make a


ur yo in


wit h

d family s an

make plan s to

oly Days

nd rie

te H a r b e l e

when the solution is simple

God is answering ~ albert einstein


Prayer Journal

Prayer request log Prayer


For Whom

daily prayer guidance log Lord thank you for Lord teach me to Lord guide me to Lord forgive me for

Favorite Prayer Log Morning Prayer

Meal Time Prayer

Evening Prayer

Prayer of Faith

Prayer of Agreement

Favorite Prayer Log Prayer of Thansgiving

Prayer of Worship

Prayer of Consecration

Prayer of Intercession

Prayer of Inprecation

God can calm

the storms in your life


Bible Study Methods

Lord, teach me

what I cannot see ~job 34:32

there is no one right way

but here are some suggestions

studying the Bible should always be a no-stree, no-judgment activity that you enjoy , look forward to and strengthens your relationship with God - don’t let anyone tell you you’re doing it wrong. maybe you’ve simply discovered a new way to do it!

group study that you join or start one or with 1 accountaiblity partner

individual study by yourself on your own time on your own schedule

bible study supplies -

study aids for you

office supplies you might want to have on hand

colored pens



weighted page holder


paper clips

small post-its

book holder stand


book light

elastic bookmarks


reading guide strips

book darts

choosing a bible - 3 steps

there are many options it’s okay to own more than one! fun fact: the Bible is the #1 bestselling book of ALL TIME with over 5 billion sold it is NOT copyrighted - ANYONE can publish or use content from it It was recently discovered (March 2020) that the Dead Sea Scroll fragments at the Museum of the Bible are forgeries - the original Scrolls are owned by Israel

exception: King James version has an eternal crown copyright owned by the royal monarchy

step 1: what will it be used for study bible

large print bible

reference bible

outreach bible - ministry

devotional bible

collectors item

journaling bible

rare book

gift bible

foreign language

kids bible

latin bible

teen student bible


step 2: choose a translation version

try them all out first!

you want the one that’s most readable to you

christian standard bible - blends accuracy + readability english standard version - literal transation into modern day english original king james version - transation from 1611 new king james version - updated in 1982 for more modern grammar and vocabulary from its original 1611 version

new american standard bible - updated in 1995 for more modern grammar and voacabulary from its original 1881 version

new international version - meant for a wide range of english speaking groups

new living transation - attempts to convey the thoughts behind the text where it deems the literal translation is too difficult to comprehend

step 3: determine logistics + your budget

what’s important

decide what important factors you’d like to have in your bible + how much you’d like to spend



soft binding

b&w vs color


gold foiling

gilded page edges

leather | calfskin

paper weight


margin size

old vs new testament

cover texture

complete vs parts

study method #1: sword

3 question method for bible study simple observation method for studying any passage or verse

what does this passage teach me about god, jesus or the holy spirit

what do I learn about mankind’s and my own actions, thoughts and feelings

what does god want me to do according to this passage

study method #2: person study individuals from the bible choose a person from the bible NOTE: there are multiple people with the same name

find all the passages where they are mentioned

create a timeline of their life

list out their character traits you admire and dislike

what lessons can you learn from their life

study method #3: synthetic

read the bible several times you can read by book, story, verse

1st reading what is the central theme or emphasis of this book, verse or passage

2nd reading how is the theme emphasized and developed + how you can apply it to your life

3rd reading what can I discern about the author + his circumstances when this was written

4th reading what can I learn about the people for whom this book was written. their circumstances, needs or problems

5th reading give a title to each paragraph what words stand out

study method #4: by chapter

each chapter starts a new subject

give each chapter a title that summarizes its main message

create an outline of the chapter

use a concordance to find other mentions of the word or verse + study them together

it’s not about the church meeting your needs

it’s about joining the mission of God to meet the world’s needs


Church Log

church friend log New Friends I Met At Church

Contact Info


church tithing log Church Tithes & Offerings

Date & Amount

Check / Cash/ CC / PayPal

church volunteer log Volunteer Activity


Total Time


church donation log Church Donations

Item Donated

Date Donated

Item Value $

church attendance log Date + Time I attended church

Sermon Message


church social log Church social events I attended

Date & Time

What did I contribute

my church info Church Name | Address | Contact Info (Phone & Social Media)


Service Dates + Times

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