Mental Wellness Planner

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Mental Wellness planner

think positive

be positive

this planner belongs to name

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how to use this guide

skip ahead + jump around

Each section is a standalone subject and there is no set order - if you feel compelled to jump to a new section, then gomfor it! Or if a section doesn’t apply, then feel free to skip it You won’t miss out on anything if that section doesn’t apply to you.

what this planner is about

The Mental Wellness Guide is meant to serve as a hopeful, uplifting and positive way to look at different situations and point your thoughts, actions and words in the right direction for positive change.

each section contains

There are 2 parts to each section. The first step is defining what the issue is and determining if this applies to you or not and then the second step is to work on solutions, coping mechanisms and alternate thought and reaction patterns for the better

what this planner is not

This is simply a feel good guide to help redirect your mind towards positive change. It is not meant to serve as medical advice, psychiatric diagnostics, psychotherapy or any other medically related solution. This guide is meant to suggest new and alternative ways of looking at different situations and feelings

table of contents LET’S CONQUER one | anxiety two | victim mentality three | negativity four | worry five | life events

conquer your mind

conquer the world

one | anxiety

so far you’ve survived

100% of your worst days

this too shall pass

definition anxiety

an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure Source: The American Psychological Association (APA)

have you ever experienced anxiety before? circle one






million people worldwide have an anxiety disorder Source: The Anxiety & Depression Association

you’re not alone anxiety is a normal human emotion in certain situations like your first day of school, a first date, a dark empty alley or an upcoming test. it could be beneficial in that it could trigger you to study harder for that upcoming exam or be more alert in dangerous environments but it’s not normal when it’s let’s work on that together!

anxiety triggers who causes you anxiety

solutions | coping mechanisms

what causes you anxiety

solutions | coping mechanisms

places that cause you anxiety

solutions | coping mechanisms

anxiety triggers situations that cause you anxiety

solutions | coping mechanisms

events that cause you anxiety

solutions | coping mechanisms

holidays that cause you anxiety

solutions | coping mechanisms

your resource list positive affirmations to prevent anxiety

powerful practices to prevent anxiety

peace-inducing friends to reach out to when your’e anxious

success log time #1 you conquered anxiety

time #2 you conquered anxiety

time #3 you conquered anxiety

time #3 you conquered anxiety

how it made your feel to win

what you did to celebrate your wins

be a victor

not a victim

~joel osteen, inspirational speaker

two | indignation

take responsibility of your life

and you will take

control of your life

definition victim mentality

personality trait of persons who believe they are constantly the victims of the harmful actions of others, even when made aware of evidence to the contrary Source:

aka Indignation + Righteous Anger

have you ever experienced victim mentality before? circle one






holding onto a victim mentality is like imprisoning yourself to a lifetime of bad situations over which you have no control

eliminate passive aggressive behavior once you understand that passive aggressive behavior is simply a form of emotional manipulation where you’re the victim that needs to be saved, you can identify where you’re exhibiting these types of behaviors and change them for the better. i.e. Your birthday is coming up and instead of telling your partner hwat you’d like to do or receive, you simply wait with an expectation that they’ll forget so you can throw a big pity party, tell all your friends about how awful your partner is and then give them a huge guilt trip. instead, you could set your partner up for success by reminding them that your birthday is coming up, tell them exactly what would make you happy to do that day and give them a list of items you’d love to have as presents

victim triggers who causes you to feel like a victim

why do you like to play the victim

what causes you to complain about your life

what could you do instead

how could you overcome this

what could you talk about instead

victim triggers do you feel powerless at work

is there an unresolved hurt in your past you like to repeat in your head

who do you blame for all your problems

what could you do to empower yourself

how can you give yourself closure

how can you take action to move forward and beyond this

your resource list positive affirmations to empower you as the hero in your own life

powerful practices to strengthen your victor complex

powerful friends that will cut you off from playing the victim

success log time #1 you stopped playing the victim

time #1 you stopped playing the victim

time #1 you reprogrammed your words for victory & not defeat

time #2 you reprogrammed your words for victory & not defeat

how it made your feel to succeed

what you did to celebrate your wins

look for something positive

in each day

three | negativity


the energy you want others

to absorb

definition negativity

Negativity is a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, and skeptical. It’s a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst. Negative outcomes are bad outcomes like losing a game, getting a disease, suffering an injury, or getting something stolen. Source: web definition

have you ever had negative thoughts before? circle one






five minutes of anger can impair your immune system for 6 hours Source: Circulation Magazine

negativity is contagious it’s important not only to eliminate negative thoughts from your own internal brain but from your external environment as well. negative people can be toxic to your mind, your health and your future success. It is not your job to fix others - attempting to do so will only bring you down. Studies have shown that negative people will improve their attitude and mood slightly when in the presence of positive people BUT and this is really, really important: positive people will always be brought down by negative people. the best course of action is to cut out negative people from your circle immediately, if not sooner. Your life depends on it. Negativity leads to heart disease which can kill you

negativity triggers who brings you down

what causes you to think the glass is half empty

when do you feel most hopeless

how can you avoid them

how can you avoid this

how can you change that situation, event or time of day to be more positive

negativity triggers is there a memory that fills you with despair

how can you reframe that into a life lesson

is there a situation that you feel will end badly

how can you give yourself hope it will end positively

where in your life do you feel the least amount of hope

how can you change that situation for the better

your resource list positive affirmations to put you in the right frame of mind

powerful practices to jolt you out of negativity

powerful friends that will raise your vibrational energy

success log time #1 you stopped a negative thought

time #1 you stopped a negative thought

time #1 you eliminated a toxic friend time #2 you eliminated a toxic friend that caused negativity that caused negativity

how it made your feel to think positively

what you did to celebrate your new positive attitude

you can’t look at a sleeping cat

and be tense ~ jane pauley, TV anchor

four | worry

when you focus on the good

the good gets better

definition worry

focusing your thoughts on all the negative outcomes at the opportunity cost of applying that same energy towards problem solving.Source: web definition

how often do you worry about things circle one






85% of what we worry about never happens Source: Michel de Montaigne quote, French philosopher 1520 AD

fear is out of control worry “My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.” — Newt from Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them fear is momentary and designed to keep you safe i.e. being chased by a tiger but worry is prolonging that feeling for an unnatural and extended period of time why do people worry? They have a false belief that it will lessen the impact of the negative outcome from happening or keep them more alert in case it does. This is actually false thinking. And instead focuses all of your actions towards making that negative outcome a reality. There are no benefits or advantages to worrying. Instead, work on the solution. or hope for the best

worry triggers who is your biggest worry right now

how can you solve it

what causes you to worry the most

how can you improve that situation

when do you worry the most

how can you fill that time with positive activities instead

worry triggers is there a particular worry that keeps how can you infuse hope and you up at night positive energy towards that thought

is there a person that causes you the most worry

how can you give work on solutions to make that person a worry-free encounter

where in your life do you feel the most amount of worry

how can you change that situation for the better

your resource list positive affirmations to crush worry before it starts

powerful practices to jolt you out of worrisome thoughts

powerful friends that will crush your worries

success log time #1 you stopped worrying about something you previously obsessed over

time #1 you had a worry-free day

how it made your live better without worrying about anything

time #2 you stopped worrying about something you previously obsessed over

time #2 you had a worry-free day

what you did to celebrate your new worry-free attitude

today i will not stress over things

i cannot control

five | life events

there are 2 things you are in total control of

your attitude + your efforts

definition life events

top 10 stressors: death, divorce, marriage, new job, work, finances, new home, illness, retirement, transition into adulthood.Source:

do you stress about major life events circle one






75 percent of people mispredict when bad things are going to happen,� Dr. Srini Pillay explains. “The uncertainty biases the brain to expect the worst. Source:

allow your brain to adjust both positive and negative major life events cause the same dissonance in our heads and we need to give it time to adjust. many major life events have silver linings like getting married, your first child, a new job, a new house, etc. but it’s simply the unknown that causes the stress make a plan to get organized, do the necessary research and build in brain breaks to give your mind time to assimilate all of the new data and input that are coming in practice lots of self-case and go through the grieving process for unexpected losses in life

major life event triggers what major life events are you worried about

can you prepare a readiness plan now

what major life events have you been through already

how did you deal with it

when will you expect your next major life event

how can you fill the time between now and then preparing for it

major life event triggers is there a major life event that you’re how can you create a positive plan most worried about of action in case that should happen

is there a support system in place for major life events you can tap into

where can you research more about major life event plans

how can you put that support system in place now

can you create a preparedness journal for the future

your resource list positive affirmations to help you through any tough situation

powerful practices to lift your spirits

powerful friends that will support you in tough times

success log time #1 you weathered a major life event

time #2 you weathered a major life event

time #1 you had a back up plan in place

time #2 you had a back up plan in place

how it made feel to be prepared

what you did to celebrate making it through to the other side of your major life event

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