5TH LISBON’S PHOTOBOOK FAIR The LISBON PHOTOBOOK FAIR was conceived by both “The Suspects”- a collective of photographers – and the Exhibitions Department of Fábrica Braço Prata. The 1st edition happened in 2010 and since then it has been an annual event. The 5th edition will be held once more at Fábrica Braço Prata, at Lisbon from November 28th to November 30th, 2014. LISBON’S PHOTOBOOK FAIR is a privileged meeting point for photobook authors, publishers and dealers, but also for the public interested or just curious about Photography and Books. During three days Fábrica Braço de Prata becomes the largest Portuguese bookstore specialized in published Photography. The newest editions, rare or out-of-print editions, independent projects, artists’ books and self-published books will be presented and available. In previous editions LISBON’S PHOTOBOOK FAIR attracted hundreds of visitors and offered an informal atmosphere of closeness and dialogue with publishers, booksellers, antiquarians, authors and artists passionate for Photography. Apart from its commercial and promotional dimension, LISBON’S PHOTOBOOK FAIR aims to play a gathering dynamic role in the transmission and distribution of Photography, but also to encourage the publishing world, as well as, to create new audiences. The 5TH LISBON’S PHOTOBOOK FAIR, which is an initiative of the 4TH PHOTOGRAPHY MONTH of Fábrica Braço de Prata, will also host several talks, book releases and book signings with authors. In parallel with this year’s edition, five photo exhibitions can also be visited at Fábrica’s space. Publishers, distributors, booksellers and authors are invited to participate, and to this effect, formalize their registration until November 10th, 2014 [Registration form], mentioning the activities each plan to engage during the event - presentations, book signing, book sales, talks or other initiatives of interest. The cost of participation per entity will be € 5 (for self-publishers with books to sell) or € 20 (for all other participants). As last year’s edition, participation is free of charge for authors who submit only book maquettes. Registration is mandatory for all. The organizers will only provide tables, chairs and signs - given that the required information is sent. A network of partners and facilities for the accommodation in Lisbon can be available, if required. For further information please contact:
General Coordinator, Fabrice Ziegler: exposicoes.bracodeprata@gmail.com | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Feira-do-Livro-Fotografia/181493571866935 Authors’ Space Coordinators, “Os Novos Suspeitos” (“The New Suspects”): João Miguel Baptista - jmmsbaptista@gmail.com (Books/Authors’ Projects) Maria Lopes - smlxlxxl@gmail.com (Books/Authors’ Projects) Miguel Henriques - arqhenriques@gmail.com (Books/Authors’ Projects) Pedro dos Reis - m0rph3u@gmail.com (Editors and Books/Authors’ Projects) Fact sheets: “5ª FEIRA DO LIVRO DE FOTOGRAFIA DE LISBOA” (5th Lisbon’s Photobook Fair, 5éme Foire du Livre de Photographie de Lisbonne) Location: Fábrica de Braço Prata (http://www.bracodeprata.com) Rua da Fábrica de Material de Guerra, Nº 1 1950-128 Lisbon Portugal Date: November 28th, 29th and 30th, 2014 Hours: Friday 28th: 6pm – 11pm Saturday 29th: 3pm – 11pm Sunday 30th: 3pm – 11pm Available exhibition space per exhibitor: 2 tables 70x70cm Participation Fee: 5€ or 20 € Free entrance for the general public. Exhibitors in 2013: Alexandria Livros (Alfarrabista) Almedina (Editor) http://www.almedina.net/ Assírio & Alvim (Editor) http://www.assirio.pt/ A Pequena Galeria (Galeria e Livraria) https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Pequena-Galeria/123071057872262 Banca de Livros de Autor (Maquetes e livros auto-editados) B-Shop Museu Berardo (Livraria do Museu – Colecção Berardo) http://pt.museuberardo.pt/ Dispara (Editor-Galeria-Livraria)(Espanha) http://dispara.org/ Edições 70 (Editor) http://www.edicoes70.pt/site/ Estação Imagem (Associação sem fins lucrativos de valorização do Fotojornalismo) http://www. estacao-imagem.com/ Ghost (Editor) http://www.ghost.pt/ Kamera Photo (Colectivo de Fotojornalismo e Editor) http://www.kameraphoto.com Lomography Portugal (Distribuidor do Sistema Lomo e Editor) http://www.lomografiaportugal. com/ Reuters Pictures (Agência de Fotografia) https://pictures.reuters.com/ Stet (Livraria e Distribuidor) https://www.facebook.com/stet.livros.fotografias” The Portfolio Project (Editor) http://www.theportfolioproject.org/ Pierre von Kleist Edições (Editor) http://www.pierrevonkleist.com Photo Book Corner (Livraria Online) http://www.photobookcorner.com/ XYZ Books & Prints (Livraria) http://www.xyzbooks.pt/main/
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Feira-do-Livro-Fotografia/181493571866935 Coordenação da Feira: exposicoes.bracodeprata@gmail.com