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November 27th - 29th, 2015


Friday 27th: 4pm - 9pm Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th: 11am - 7pm FREE ENTRANCE


Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico Rua da Palma, Nº 246 1100-394 Lisboa Portugal

THE 6th EDITION OF LISBON’S PHOTOBOOK FAIR Between November 27th and 29th will take place at Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico, the 6th edition of Lisbon Photobook Fair, a yearly event which gathers authors, independent publishers and booksellers, specialized in photographic publishings, photobooks and photozines. Organized by an informal group, Os Novos Suspeitos, and having for the first time the official support of Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico, this event is conceived as an experimental space for exhibition, sales, talks and debates around the photobook and the diverse forms that it can assume. In this year’s edition several micro-events will be available to the public, giving the unique opportunity to watch and participate in conferences, talks and other presence moments with artists, photographers and specialists, whom will invoke the current photobook context. The Brazilian Photobook is highlighted in the 2015 edition. These initiatives, of free access, will be complemented by other activities targeted to the general public, youngest and adult. A workshop about the photobook and self-publishing, targeted to a specialized audience, ends the content for this 6th Lisbon’s Photobook Fair.

PRESENTATION Meeting point for professionals, photography enthusiasts and the general public, highlighted by a proximity environment, informal and intergenerational, around the photobook, where communication and sharing is eased, Lisbon’s Photobook Fair has been constituting as an initiative in growth, a dynamic and value creator hub for the editorial creation in the photographic domain in Portugal, having a significant public support. In the 6th edition, we propose some novelties which will certainly contribute for a constructive evolution of this event. In first place, the event will benefit from a new location in the heart of the city, well known by all by its former name of Arquivo Fotográfico de Lisboa, at Rua da Palma. This space, very cherished by photography lovers, is the current Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico. Being the single public entity in Lisbon completely dedicated to photography, partner of the event since the first time, we found natural this approach. The new space, structurally thought for photography and of great relevance in Lisbon’s cultural context, will not only dignify as also goes towards the Fair’s mission. The second impulse goes for strengthening one of the project roots, which is to give visibility to authors and their respective publishing projects. Arquivo’s entry hall is going to receive the maquettes/dummies showcase and certainly at this place dialogues with the authors will take place, which also can present their projects at Arquivo’s reading room. It’s our intention to favor editorial creativity close to authors and enable in some cases the encounter of opinions making its materialization easier, as it was verified in previous years. In the room destinated to exhibitors, the main desk is dedicated to authors and used as a collective space for selling their self-publishing editions. This year Brazil will be present with some relevance. This first approach to a different cultural context will enable the knowledge of other authorial and editorial realities related to the photobook, currently less accessible in Portugal. This first “invitee” will initiate a cycle of attractive findings that are hoped to expand in the next editions of this event. Within the implemented novelties, we will dedicate the first day of the Fair to the teaching of photography. The doors will open at 4pm, as to be available to students and their respective schools. Two debates dedicated to the relationship between the photobook and the editorial practice in curricular context will kick off the beginning of this 6th edition. During the weekend, there will also take place two workshops both organized by Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico: “The blank book…” targeted to

families and destined to youngest, from 6 to 12 years old, and “Looking to albums - Intervention in photo albums” destined to adults. The workshop “The photobook work: photography, book and self-publishing”, which will last for three days, will explore perspectives, strategies and less conventional ways to think and build a photobook and is targeted to artists and professionals, students, teachers and researchers in the photographic arts context. Finally, we want to highlight the extension of the Fair schedule, in a way to please and involve all publics. The definitive program of the event will be announced at the end of October. In addition to the divulgation and commercialization aspects, the intention is to keep Lisbon’s Photobook Fair as an aggregator and facilitator in the creation, transmission and distribution of the photobook, in order to generate the interest of the community keen to the photographic language, but also to support new projects and to continue to promote the creation of new publics. While invoking the photobook, we are also invoking the photography produced in Portugal nowadays and its relationship with the international context. We hope that this year’s edition continues to give a positive contribute for the desirable development of the photographic art.

EXHIBITORS PUBLISHERS: Avarie (IT) http://www.avarie-publishing.com/ Homem do Saco (PT) http://sacoman.tumblr.com/ Ghost Editions (PT) http://www.ghost.pt/ SCOPIO Network (PT) http://www.scopionetwork.com/ Pierre Von Kleist (PT) http://www.pierrevonkleist.com/ BOOKSELLERS: 1359 Serviços artísticos-Livraria (PT) https://www.facebook.com/umtrescinconove Alexandria Livros - Alfarrabista (PT) http://alexandrialivros.pt/pt Bookhouse (PT) https://www.facebook.com/livrariabookhouse Dispara Xestión Cultural (ES) http://dispara.org/ STET-Livros & Fotografias (PT) http://stet-livros-fotografias.com/ XYZ Bookshop Lisbon (PT) http://www.xyzbooks.pt/

ONLINE BOOKSELLERS: Photo Book Corner http://www.photobookcorner.com/ ENTITIES Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico (PT) http://arquivomunicipal.cm-lisboa.pt/

PROGRAM | PRESENTATIONS AND TALKS: November 27th, 2015 Hours: 4pm to 9pm, Photography Schools day November 28th and 29th, 2015, Authors and Publishers day

The definitive program for the event will be announced at the end of October.

PARTNERS: Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa | Fotográfico http://arquivomunicipal.cm-lisboa.pt/ Pianofuzz Design Studio http://portfolio.pianofuzz.com/ For more informations, feel free to contact us.

ORGANIZATION: Os Novos Suspeitos https://www.facebook.com/pages/Feira-do-Livro-Fotografia/181493571866935 Fair’s General Coordination: Fabrice Ziegler Contacto: lisbonphotobookfair@gmail.com Project Coordination and authors management: João Miguel Baptista - jmmsbaptista@gmail.com Maria Lopes - smlxlxxl@gmail.com Miguel Henriques - arqhenriques@gmail.com Pedro dos Reis - m0rph3u@gmail.com

Follow us at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Feira-do-Livro-Fotografia/181493571866935

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Feira-do-Livro-Fotografia/181493571866935 Fair’s General Coordination: lisbonphotobookfair@gmail.com

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