- Assyrian loanwords (w)

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Assyrian/Loanwords Loanwords in Assyrian Neo-Aramaic came about mostly due to the contact between Assyrians and Arabs, Iranians, Kurds and Turks. Unlike other Neo-Aramaic languages, Assyrian has an extensive number of Iranian loanwords. Depending on the dialect, Arabic loanwords are also reasonably present. To note, some of the loanwords are revised (or "Assyrianized"), and therefore would sound somewhat different to the original word. Also, some loanwords may also have a slightly different meaning from the original language.

Contents Arabic Persian Kurdish Turkish Other

Arabic Askari (soldier) 'Alasas (as if) - Some speakers Donyeh (world) Bas (but) - Some speakers Boori (water pipe) Chakooch (hammer) Hookma (government) Ës-Haal (diarrhea) - Some speakers Fendëq (hotel) Ghareeb (strange) - Some speakers Ghëssāla (washing machine) Mistashfa (hospital) Mūḥāmi (lawyer) - Some speakers Ooty (clothes iron) Qëssa (forehead) Sadra (chest) Sākh (healthy) Sejën (jail) - Some speakers Thelaja (fridge) - Some speakers Ṭiyāra (aeroplane) Yëlla (hurry up) - Some speakers

Persian Bush (more) Changal (fork) Charëk (quarter) Dardeh (sorrow)

Dormānah (medicine) Erzan (cheap) Ham (also) Halbat (of course) Hasanay (easy) Hitch (nothing) Janta (purse/backpack) Jëzdan (wallet) Khiyāra (cucumber) Majboor (duty or obligation) Mees (table) Pënjara (window) Ranga (colour) Rāzi (satisfied) Sabab (reason) Tambal (lazy) Zahmat (difficult) Zarda (yellow)

Kurdish Aqlah (leg) Chapleh (left) Choom (close/lock) Hāwar (aid) Hiwi (hope) Qësset (story) Qonya (drain/well) Razël (to shame or scold)

Turkish Balkët (maybe) Dabanja (gun) Doos (straight or flat) Gamee (ship) Hāzir (ready) - Arabic, Hadir (‫)ﺣﺎﺿر‬, "present'" Kësmet (fate) - Arabic, Qisma (‫)ﻗﺳﻣﺔ‬, "division" Pashgër (towel) Rahat (comfortable) - Arabic, Raha (‫)راﺣﺔ‬, "relaxation" Tamëz (clean) - Arabic, Tamy (‫)ﺗﻣﯾﯾز‬, "refinement" Taws (dust) Zengën (rich) - Persian, Sang (‫)ﺳﻧﮕﯾن‬, "precious"

Other These foreign words are borrowed from European languages: Atmābël (automobile/car) - French, English Benzën (petroleum) - German: Benzin Batree (battery) - French: batterie, English: battery Beera (beer) - Old English: beor, from Latin: bibere Bomba (bomb) - English: bomb, French: bombe, from Greek: bombos Bye (bye)

Chayik (to check or inspect) - Middle English; the noun and exclamation from Old French eschec, from medieval Latin scaccus, via Arabic from Persian šāh ("king") Glāss (glass cup) - English Hallao (hello) Jamëka (twin) - Latin]]: geminus, French: jumeau, Portuguese: gêmeo Lōrry (truck) - British English] Māshina (train or car) - English: machine, from Greek: mekhos Maymūn (monkey) - Middle Greek: Mimoun (μῖμων), "imitators, ape, mimicry" Pākët (packet) - English, Anglo-Norman French Sōleh (shoe) - English: sole, Latin: solea, Kurdish: sol Stumkā (stomach) - English, Greek: stómachos; Latin: stomachus Stōp (stove/heater) - English Tëlvizion (television) and Tileefon (telephone) - English, Latin, Greek Retrieved from "" This page was last edited on 2 April 2017, at 04:20. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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