Aspire Summer 2015

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Always shining whatever the climate

South West London’s Leading Estate Agent

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Fulham South 122 Wandsworth Bridge Road London SW6 2TF 020 7736 6110

Clapham High Street 44 Clapham High Street London SW4 7UR 020 7840 3700

Head Office 242 Battersea Bridge Road London SW11 3AA 020 7801 3406

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Aspire Riverside Battersea, Upper Floor 242 Battersea Bridge Road London SW11 3AA 020 7801 3400

Furzedown/Tooting 58 Moyser Road London SW16 6SQ 020 8769 7900


aspire estate agents

Welcome to the summer edition of the Aspire magazine... As is usual in any election year the sales market has been cautious for the first part of 2015 but there has still been strong activity up to about £1.25m. In the main the lettings market has been `business as usual’ with positive movement across all price sectors. Important changes to Section 21 are explained later in the magazine as the Deregulation Bill, which came into effect in March, has some important implications for landlords. With the election now firmly in the past, the country has its first full Conservative government for 18 years winning a clear majority, albeit narrow. We therefore should now have a stable government for another five years which will allow those buyers and landlords, who have been holding back in their decision-making, to move on with plans with much greater clarity as to the outlook for the property market in London over the rest of 2015 and 2016. There is currently a good level of available homes to sell and, whilst we don’t expect a sudden flood of buyers to absorb this stock immediately, the future is certainly much more positive. Among the local businesses included in this edition is the oldest pub in Chelsea, The Cross Keys, now fully refurbished and run by the same team that have brought you the excellent Brown Cow and The Sands End in Fulham. We have two delightful local specialist food outlets in Tart, which is a bakery-café nestled amongst the shops and eateries of The Pavement by Clapham Common, and Plum, an independent family run business with its roots firmly planted in the local Fulham community. If you prefer eating at home or need to organise a work event then Doppiozero, an Italian Pasta Atelier and Catering company, may be the obvious answer. This growing team make everything by hand as only true Italian grandmothers can do. Over in Battersea we are delighted to feature a local theatre that is ‘arguably the most important theatre in Britain today’. Theatre503 produces work that is game-changing, relevant, surprising, mischievous, visually thrilling and of course theatrical. With quality local toy shops hard to find these days it is great to be able to highlight an award-winning treasure trove of new and traditional toys available in the heart of Battersea, namely Marmalade 250. Our interior design feature this issue is a new company, Temple & Ivy, who are poised to light up the British design scene with their simply stunning Game birds of Africa lamps. The ‘Agent profile’ features the Lettings Manager at our Clapham High Street office, Jade Rose. In ‘Ask the expert’ Tom Ward, Sales Director, gives his top tips for preparing your property for market. We hope you enjoy reading this magazine but as always we couldn’t produce it without your help. It has already proved immensely successful in assisting our teams in the letting or sale of the properties featured and in publicising what a fantastic array of successful entrepreneurs we live amongst. Such businesses are often the lifeblood of our local high streets so please do support them. If you would like to see your property featured in the next edition or if you are a local business with a story to tell then do get in touch with one of our offices.

© Aspire 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be copied, imitated or reproduced without the prior consent of the Publisher. The content of this magazine is believed to be correct but its accuracy is not guaranteed and it does not form part of any offer or contract. Responsibility cannot be accepted for any omissions or errors. Please recycle this magazine.


Landlord update 4 Mark Howell MARLA, one of Aspire’s Directors, on the implications for landlords of the Deregulation Bill Agent profile 6 Lettings Manager of Aspire’s Clapham High Street office, Jade Rose shares with us her passion for sport, travel and property Aspire in the community 8 News and events in your area Inspired by nature 10 Temple & Ivy take inspiration from Africa’s game birds to light up the British design scene 300 years young 14 Chelsea’s oldest pub, The Cross Keys, re-opens its doors following an extensive refurbishment under new owners DM Group Flagship fringe 16 Paul Robinson, artistic director of Theatre503 in Battersea, tells us the philosophy behind this small but hugely impressive theatre A cut above 18 Elhachemi Sadiki, owner of Head Honcho barbers, talks about his value for money offering A treasure trove of toys 20 Marmalade 250 is an award-winning treasure trove of new and traditional toys in the heart of Battersea Simple food expertly prepared 22 Café Plum is an independent family run business with its roots firmly planted in the local Fulham community From banking to baking 24 Silvia di Luzio, founder and owner of Doppiozero catering, finally follows her true passion Not a pie, not a quiche, just terribly tasty tarts 26 Tart, the latest exciting independent café in Clapham, offers a wonderful range of tarts Property 28 Aspire’s guide to the finest homes in South West London Ask the expert 64 Tom Ward, Director of Aspire’s Fulham office, gives his top tips for getting a property ready for market

Landlord update

Landlord update Section 21 - Important changes to section 21 explained. Mark Howell MARLA, one of Aspire’s Directors, says that landlords need to understand the implications of the Deregulation Bill. Imagine if a failure to carry out repairs meant that you could not regain possession of your property at the end of a tenancy. On 26 March 2015 the grant of Royal Assent to the Deregulation Act marked a large step in that direction. What happens now? Until 26 March, unless a tenant was at fault their landlord had to follow a prescribed process to regain possession of their property. This process involved serving a notice pursuant to section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 (S21 Notice). What is changing? In broad terms a landlord will not be able to validly serve a s21 Notice to regain possession of their property if their tenant has made a complaint about the condition of their property; and the landlord or their agent has not provided an adequate response within 14 days; and the local authority serves an improvement notice (Cat 1 or 2 Hazard) or an emergency remedial action notice. Fixflo, an excellent tenant repair reporting system, has produced this useful and easy to understand infographic showing the changes. What does this mean for you? First, in order to benefit from protection from retaliatory eviction, a tenant must submit their complaint about the condition of their property in writing unless they do not have an effective method to communicate in writing with their landlord or their landlord’s agent. Having a complaint in writing is of benefit to both the tenant and whoever manages their property as it provides a clear record of the exact complaint and the trigger point for providing an adequate response. This means that it is in your interest as a landlord [or their agent] that your tenant knows how to contact you in writing. Secondly, a landlord (or their agent) must provide an


adequate response to a complaint within 14 days. An adequate response is one that states the remedial action that will be taken and sets out a reasonable period for that remedial action. This means that it is crucial that the tenant’s written complaint contains sufficient detail for the landlord (or their agent) to understand the issue in order be able to provide that adequate response. Without the legislation having any obligation on a tenant to provide this level of detail, it is of increased importance for landlords and their agents] to equip their tenants with the tools they need to provide them with this information. This means that it is crucial that the tenant’s written complaint contains sufficient detail for the landlord (or their agent) to understand the issue in order be able to provide that adequate response. Without the legislation having any obligation on a tenant to provide this level of detail, it is of increased importance for landlords (and their agents) to equip their tenants with the tools they need to provide them with this information. What are the limitations? In order to protect landlords from vexatious complaints a tenant a s21 notice will not be invalid if: the tenant failed to use the property in a tenant like manner; OR the disrepair is due to a breach of a tenant’s obligation in their tenancy agreement; OR a mortgagee is seeking recovery of a property under a mortgage that was in place before the tenancy commenced; OR when the s21 notice is served the property is genuinely on the market for sale. In addition by using the local authority as the arbiter for the materiality of the disrepair landlords should be protected from being unable to regain possession for minor issues of disrepair.

Important changes to Section 21 Tenant complains in writing about the condition of their property*

Landlord defences against these changes: The tenant failed to use the property in a tenant-like manner Disrepair is due to a breach of the tenant's obligations in the tenancy agreement A mortgagee is seeking possession under a mortgage that was in place before the tenancy commenced When the s21 notice is served the property is genuinely on the market for sale

Complaint received by Landlord or Agent

No Adequate Response provided within 14 days

Adequate Response provided within 14 days** Work carried out

Tenant complains to local authority

Work not carried out

No Impact on Section 21 Notice Local authority has not decided whether to issue a Relevant Notice

Local Authority does not issue a Relevant Notice***

Section 21 Notice can be successfully defended by a tenant

No Impact on Section 21 Notice

Local authority issues a Relevant Notice * If the landlord or agent provides an effective method of communication in writing - if they do not a tenant can trigger the process with a verbal complaint meaning that an agent or landlord will face difficulty in evidencing whether or not a complaint was received and what that complaint stated

Section 21 Notice cannot be served for 6 months from the date of that notice

** An adequate response is one which states what remedial work will take place and a reasonable timeframe for completion of the work *** A relevant notice is an improvement notice (Cat 1 or Cat 2 hazard) or an emergency remedial action notice

What’s The Upshot? Any failure to deal with repairs properly could become a lot more expensive. As a landlord, unless your property is properly maintained you may not be able to re-let the property for six months from the date on which a local authority serves an improvement notice (Cat 1 or 2 Hazard) or an emergency remedial action notice. There is also a high level of public awareness of retaliatory eviction with over 17,000 signatories in favour of a recent (but unsuccessful) Bill to prohibit retaliatory eviction and widespread press coverage. What can you do? Don’t panic but do prepare. If you currently manage your property yourself you should review your repair management processes. Alternatively it may be

time to consider using a professional and proficient property management team from your local agent. Aspire have ARLA qualified Lettings and management teams in both our North and South Management departments and are extremely well versed in all aspect of lettings and property management. By all means contact either office today for more information.

Property Management North Office T020 7736 6110 Property Management South Office T020 8772 6300 Fixflo

Agent profile


ight from an early age, Jade Rose, Lettings Manager of Aspire’s Clapham High Street office, has always had an interest in property. Growing up in a family of property developers – her father is a builder turned property developer – Jade always knew she wanted to be involved in property when she grew up. She attended Stamford High School in her home town of Lincolnshire and, whilst it was a very happy time of her life, she was more interested in the sporting and social scene of her school days than the academia. During those years she played for local Cambridge County Hockey Club and relished the challenge of competitive sport. After leaving school, Jade spent a number of years pursuing her passion for sport and property by working as a chalet host and ski guide during the ski seasons “I really enjoy what I in resorts such as Val do. No two days are d’Isere and the same which suits Chamonix, and the me as I would not like summer a standard nine-to-five months job. Every day brings working alongside a different situation or her mother problem, the work is fast managing properties paced and varied and in Marbella. there is a big turnover of “I loved my clients as well as repeat experiences abroad and custom and referrals. learnt a lot I love meeting people about myself during that – some are easy, some time and are not so easy, but that knew that I makes the challenge all still wanted to work in the more interesting.” the property market in some form or other. After four years I also recognised that I had to knuckle down and get some roots back in the UK.” Jade returned to her home county of Lincolnshire and worked for a while at a local lettings and property management company. It was during that time that a friend who worked at Aspire told her there was an opening in lettings in the Clapham High Street office. Jade was thrilled to have been approached; “not only because I saw it as a good career move to work for an established yet


growing South West London estate agency, but I had also had the pleasure of meeting some of the senior team when they were on a corporate incentive trip to Mallorca whilst I was working out there. They drew up in a speed boat and were clearly having fun – it looked like a very dynamic and happy company, so when the opportunity came up to join the Aspire team I knew it was one I couldn’t pass on.” Jade is now firmly established in the Clapham High Street office and has recently been promoted to Lettings Manager. “I really enjoy what I do. No two days are the same which suits me as I would not like a standard nine-to-five job. Every day brings a different situation or problem, the work is fast paced and varied and there is a big turnover of clients as well as repeat custom and referrals. I love meeting people – some are easy, some are not so easy, but that makes the challenge all the more interesting.” Jade is also quick to mention that the team is highly supportive and great fun to be with, “everyone mucks in and we all are able to have a good laugh together which makes the working day fly by.” She has settled back into British life remarkably well and maintains she will always go the extra mile for applicants and landlords to ensure a fast, professional service. Plus she knows she has the backing of a friendly and vastly experienced team. The commute to work is also easy as Jade lives just round the corner with her partner and two small dogs – making it ideal for popping home at lunchtime for feeding and letting them out for a quick walk. Living in Clapham is also great on the social front with the plethora of bars and restaurants right on her doorstep. Weekends and holidays often find Jade travelling back to Lincolnshire to visit family and friends and summers are particularly enjoyable as they gather at a local lake to picnic. Jade enjoys cooking and entertaining, as well as spending time with friends and family. And property continues to be very much on the agenda for the future, not only helping to grow the lettings side of the Aspire business but also, “I hope I can get on the property ladder some time in the near future, maybe with my own renovation project, and then another one, and then maybe another one after that. My dream is to be a property tycoon!” Jade Rose Lettings Manager of Aspire Clapham High Street

Agent profile Jade Rose talks about her passion for sport, travel and property.

Aspire in the community

Aspire in the community From the hustle and bustle of Whitehall to family intrigue in a rural village... Clapham based author Julie J Anderson launches a collection of short stories. Local author and long-time Clapham resident, Julie J Anderson, will be talking about her new collection of short stories ‘The Village; A Year in Twelve Tales’ at an evening event on the 16th July at Clapham Books, 26 The Pavement, Clapham. The launch of the book comes after years of writing in her spare time for family and friends, whilst pursuing a fulfilling and successful career in the British Civil Service. Taking early retirement and deciding ‘the fun mustn’t end’, Julie became a writer and publisher. “I have written stories all of my life particularly for my godson and nephew whilst they were growing up and who are now 27 and 21 respectively! Now I am retired I am as busy as ever and I hope to bring the same level of commitment and professionalism to my writing and publishing as I did to my civil service career.” Following a very energetic life in Whitehall, Julie has used an equal measure of vigour to set up ‘The Story Bazaar’ publishing imprint, in 2015, enabling her to publish her own writing and take advantage of the freedom offered by digital technology, print on demand and access to market via numerous online retailers and booksellers. Its first publication is Julie’s own work ‘The Village; A Year in Twelve Tales’ which chronicles the life of a modern, rural English village over the course of one calendar year. It has a wide cast of characters, as four generations of the Marshall family negotiate the hazards of living, while, around them babies are born, plots are hatched, matches are made and marriages founder and death, both anticipated and unlooked for, pays a call. Julie herself grew up in Wordsley, a semi-rural village in the West Midlands, but she is keen to point out that the novel is neither autobiographical nor based on her childhood village. “It is rather an amalgam of villages and life in those villages which has created the landscape for my short story collection.” Living with her husband (and cats) for most of her adult life


on the south side of Clapham, the couple also have a home in the Andalusian region of Spain where Julie does much of her writing, sitting on her patio under a parasol. “In fact, I would like to spend more time there as I find the environment particularly useful when I am at the stage of reviewing the first draft of a book, when I need to focus and be strict about what I retain and what I discard. Discarding is difficult; when I was working on ‘The Village’ I had so many characters and knew that I needed to get rid of some but I had grown very fond of them during the course of writing so it was very hard to let them go.” The Story Bazaar publishing imprint has also grown in concept as Julie found many people just waiting for the opportunity to share their writing, be it fiction, poetry, or a memoir, with a wider audience. So the Bazaar will grow in actuality as others books appear under the imprint. Planned publications for 2015 include a novel for young readers and a novel of adventure stories for all ages. The Bazaar does not distribute its titles but they are available on Amazon, Kobo, Nook and other online retailers, and in physical form at Clapham Books. A limited number of copies will be on sale at Clapham Books’ Literary Evening on 16th July, where Julie will read excerpts from The Village. Not content with publishing or writing, Julie is a keen blogger about cultural events and exhibitions taking place in the capital, places and people of historical interest and life and events in southern Spain. Her work rate appears inexhaustible. “I plan to attend the next London Book Fair and become more involved in publishing events in general.” Meanwhile she is working on her next title ‘On the Frontier’ – an adventure story for young readers (the first in the Al Andalus series). Julie will continue writing until she no longer can and is looking forward to publishing up to 30 books over the next five years by different authors. The Story Bazaar BM6231 London WC1N 3XX


elebrating Fulham 2015 is one of the annual highlights of life in Fulham. Organised by the Fulham Society and the LB Hammersmith & Fulham it aims to give residents an idea of the exciting things that happen in Fulham and open their eyes to what already exists and what is going on in the Borough. Musical events, exhibitions, historical walks, pub quizzes, films and markets are included. This year it takes place from Saturday 27th June to 5th Sunday July. Highlights of this year’s events include, amongst many others, a ‘foraging’ walk in All Saints Churchyard and Fulham Palace Grounds on 29th June which is sponsored by the Aspire Fulham team; an art tour of Charing Cross Hospital, music by the Bridge at All Saints Church, the Parsons Green Fair and a bat walk around the gardens of Fulham Palace. For full information and details of all events contact the website, which should be up and running by late May, or the Fulham Society website, Celebrating Fulham 2015


registered charity, Music’all is a not-for-profit, extra-curricular music school based in southwest London for children age 4-18, from beginner to advanced level. The school was created in 2009 by a group of local parents concerned about lack of access to music in their schools and communities. Fired by the conviction that music should be an essential, life-enhancing ingredient of any child’s education, they set up Music’all. The project immediately struck a chord and local families flocked to sign up. They recently held a family fundraising concert where performances included works by Hotteterre, Shostakovich, Willis and Saint-Saëns. Via the Aspire Scholarship scheme we have been able to support a bursary scheme that enables pupils who could not otherwise afford such a wonderful opportunity to benefit from such a wonderful organisation. Music’all Natalie Lindsay and Audrey Milheres Lady Margaret School Parsons Green London SW6 4UN T0759 069 1265

If you would like Aspire to support your event in 2015, please contact us to make enquiries. Many of our staff live locally and supporting both local schools and charities is, we believe, a vital part of the role we play in the community as a significant local business.

Temple & Ivy

Inspired by nature Game birds of Africa poised to light up the British design scene



nspired by childhood summers in Africa, a new Somerset based partnership has created a world class range of lighting.

Temple & Ivy’s design inspiration was borne of childhood summers in Zimbabwe and a Kenyan safari. Distinct and exclusive, their individually hand-crafted lamps are a creative way to animate spaces and inject personality into interior schemes. The lamps are sculpted and forged in Somerset, using traditional cold cast bronze resin and carbon fibre, and are a beautiful example of design innovation; blending classic and contemporary influences. Founders, business partners and sisters Nicky Boulton and Susan Neville photographed birds in Africa in order to curate their range of products. Travelling through Africa, with a great friend, a BBC Wildlife programme maker, with a passion for ornithology provided the real impetus for setting up Temple & Ivy. Nicky Boulton comments; “I have very fond memories of summers as a child staying with my godmother in Zimbabwe as well as spending a lot of time in the National Parks with her daughter. I returned as an adult to do some volunteering and helped a vet who was also a great bird watcher – and I learnt a great deal from him and this is when my interest and passion for African birds truly started. My sister has also visited many parts of Africa, including Rwanda and Botswana, so both of us, even as children, have been mesmerized by the birdlife. The striking colours and the almost incongruous postures sparked our imagination.” Previously, the sisters had already been in business together in private healthcare in Bath, but as their children began to get older, with some fleeing the nest, both Nicky and Susan were ready for a new challenge. Wanting to do something completely different, they drew on their African experiences and knowledge of birds to set up what is now known as Temple & Ivy. “You see these eccentric looking Jacana with their small bodies and long legs, picking their way through the water with their amazingly capable, ‘Lily Trotting’ feet. It’s a joy to watch,” adds Susan. The two women resolved to capture the form and movement of the birds, and to share it with others. “What was important to us was capturing the feet in motion. This created quite a design challenge, as the lamps had to balance perfectly despite one foot being off the ground,” says Nicky. The birds’ plumage has influenced their range of

colourful handmade shades. Some of the shades are exquisitely feathered, others feature beautiful Maasai beads and can be custom made to suit a client’s colour scheme. “Whilst we were in Kilifi we met with a design co-operative making handbags, shoes, wallets and a variety of goods from local leather and decorated with Maasai beading. Inspired by their design and skills we struck up a partnership and this co-operative of 60 local crafts people produce the beadwork for the colourful African shades range, taking inspiration from their native birdlife.” Inspiration for their designs is not only drawn from African origin but also goes back to Georgian Britain. Collaborating with Neil Mason, who recently won the David Shepherd Wildlife Award for Sculpture, the design team researched how the Georgians used

Temple & Ivy feet on all kinds of household furniture including candelabras and discovered how surrealists explored the use of legs and feet on tables and chairs. “This has become an intrinsic design feature on all products in our range.” Whilst it is still a relatively new business Temple & Ivy has been a few years in the making and now it is up and running the sisters are thoroughly enjoying their latest venture. “We are absolutely loving it. We are particularly relishing working in design and with so many talented people from the sculptor to the bronze castor to the shade maker – everyone is so skilled and fascinating. Our branding agency is local too and has provided us with some great ideas as well.” So what is next for the sisters? “We are going to be at London’s ExCel for the May Design Series and we are very excited to be part of that. We are also hoping to branch out to the US and Canada – particularly to the coastal homes. We are always looking for ideas to extend the range and are planning a visit to Portugal soon to look more closely at the Swamp hen – which is the emblem of the Algarve.” The team frequently travel to Portugal to visit the lakes and sea where wading birds, including flamingos, come and


go throughout the year, to help refine the detailed features of their range. Life is certainly busy and colourful for Nicky and Susan, but they still find time to relax with family and friends and whilst they have enjoyed their previous business ventures, “we are now at an age and stage in our lives when we want to do something we really enjoy.” And the brand name of Temple & Ivy also holds special meaning. Nicky explains; “We were very close to our Grandmothers, Ivy Ellenden and Doris Temple. They were adventurous in spirit, but they worked incredibly hard their whole lives and never had the opportunity to travel beyond the UK. They would have loved the richness and vibrancy of Africa. Taking their names for our brand is our homage to them.” Temple & Ivy Middleton Farmhouse Norton Bavant Wiltshire BA12 0EW Nicky Boulton 07740 623109 Susan Neville 07980 892872 All items made in England and made to order.

The Cross Keys

300 years young Chelsea’s oldest pub, The Cross Keys, re-opened its doors on 5th March 2015 following an extensive refurbishment under new owners, DM Group. Publicans Mark Dyer and Eamonn Manson of DM group, the duo behind Fulham pubs The Sands End and The Brown Cow, have restored the iconic 80 cover pub to the local Chelsea hub that it once was. DM Group have emulated their trademark rustic ‘country pub’ vibe at The Cross Keys while maintaining a number of the pub’s original features, including a wood burning fire and exposed brick walls. Adding to its character, handpicked antiques such as original 18th Century Portuguese panelling and a scattering of early 19th Century Parisian street lamps, gives the pub an aged look and The Cross Keys has feel. On entering The Cross Keys, which also preserves the original façade, been part of the a traditional oak bar made with reclaimed wood follows familiar DM Group Chelsea community designs found throughout their other sites. At the rear, antique mirrors and cosy chocolate-brown banquettes run along the back wall of the dining for over 300 years. room, whilst above a vast skylight floods the space with natural light.

Opening in 1708, it fast became a wellknown institution serving the likes of Dylan Thomas, Agatha Christie, Bob Marley and the Rolling Stones.

The menu at The Cross Keys is devised by Head Chef Natasha Cooke, previously Sous Chef at Chelsea’s Michelin-starred Medlar, with support from DM Group Executive Chef, Oliver Marlowe. Quality ingredients are used to create a menu suitable for all occasions, from traditional British pub classics to innovative, seasonal plates with European influences. For those who prefer to sit at the bar, The Cross Keys offers an array of bar snacks including the group’s signature Scotch Egg (£5), Sausage roll (£4.50) and Welsh rarebit (£4). Since opening in March the dining menu has been featuring starters such as Warm cured sea trout with toasted quinoa, pickled fennel and crème fraiche (£8) and Rabbit ravioli with carrot and cumin puree, broad beans, mustard and pea shoots (£9). Main courses include Confit lamb belly with potato gratin, turnip puree, onion rings and salsa Verde (£18); and Cornish mussels with ‘nduja, leeks and samphire (£16.50), alongside more traditional and simple dishes of Oxtail and Stout Pie (£16.50) and Ale battered hake and chips (£15.50). The


dessert menu features Lemon tart with blackberry sorbet (£6.50) and homemade vanilla yoghurt with rhubarb and ginger compote (£6.50). A range of cask ales, fine lager and craft beers are also available along with a wine list that focuses on accessibly priced bottles from wine estates around the globe. Nestled between the King’s Road and Cheyne Walk, The Cross Keys has been part of the Chelsea community for over 300 years. Opening in 1708, it fast became a well-known institution serving the likes of Dylan Thomas, Agatha Christie, Bob Marley and the Rolling Stones. When the pub closed in 2012, following a short term ownership by Andrew Bourne, The Cross Keys attracted large-scale media attention when squatters took over the unused building. Much to the delight of the Chelsea community, a local campaign “We felt that in to overturn the planning application for a residential complex was successfully resurrecting such won, allowing DM Group to come on an iconic pub board and return their local pub to its former glory. we are able to

contribute to our

Over the last 10 years more than 1,000 British heritage pubs have closed in London, with an average of two each year closing in in some way.” Chelsea alone since 1980. The new owners, Dyer and Manson, are eager to reverse this trend by investing in the ‘Great British Pub’ industry through projects such as The Cross Keys. “Pubs are an essential part of British culture,” says Dyer, “and we felt that in resurrecting such an iconic pub that we are able to contribute to our British heritage in some way.” On the re-launch Manson adds, “Our pubs quite simply follow an ethos of attention to the important details of service, food and ambience. We want customers to walk into the new Cross Keys regardless of whether it’s to sit quietly with a pint, a Scotch egg and newspaper or to visit with friends and family to sample an excellently cooked meal in our main dining room.” The Cross Keys 1 Lawrence Street Chelsea SW3 5NB T020 7351 0686 Opening hours: Mon–Sat: 10am to 12am | Sun: 10am to 11pm | Weekend brunch from 10am.


Flagship fringe... Local Battersea based theatre is ‘arguably the most important theatre in Britain today’. Paul Robinson, artistic director of Theatre503 in Battersea, tells us the philosophy behind this small but hugely impressive theatre. Theatre503 has been a flagship fringe venue for over 30 years but during that time it has undergone many changes and is now widely known within the capital as the home of ground-breaking plays. Located above the popular Latchmere Pub, on Battersea Park Road in Battersea, Theatre503 specialises in new writing and claims to offer more opportunities to new writers than any theatre in the country. “We produce work that is game-changing, relevant, surprising, mischievous, visually thrilling and theatrical.” Paul has been sole artistic director for just over two years, during which time the vision for Theatre503 has developed hugely, featuring the work of new artists and emerging productions, and providing that vital launch-pad into public performance. “The vast majority of work on the stage is by first time writers and we present it with the highest production values with a view to thrilling our loyal audience.” Formerly The Grace Theatre at The Latchmere it has survived because of an unswerving commitment to its home, its practice, its audience and its artists. Dennis Kelly – perhaps best known for Matilda The Musical and the six-part Channel 4 drama series Utopia - has recently joined the Board of Directors and it is hoped that writers like him will inspire a new generation of 503 writers to think more boldy and bravely than ever before. Dennis comments; “In 2003 Theatre503 put on my debut play, Debris. The play had been rejected by pretty much every other theatre around but 503 saw something in the play and decided to abandon common sense and produce it.


For me it was one of the most important moments in my life and I will always be grateful that a theatre above a pub in Battersea decided to take a chance… it really is an interesting time to be part of this theatre.” Theatre503 receives around 1500 unsolicited scripts annually and every single one is read. “Reading unsolicited scripts is vital to keep industry access open and led by our brilliant Literary Manager, Steve Harper and a panel of readers we are seen as the best chance for a first-time writer. In so many ways the most suitable organisation to engage with them is the one most likely to produce their work.” New plays from first time writers are the cornerstone of its work. Prior to this it ran for a while with what Paul describes as a ‘mixed ecology of work’. “We birthed a generation of comics in the 80s – showcasing people like Jenny Éclair and Al Murray.” By the end of the last decade the theatre was picking up awards and won the prestigious Olivier Award for The Mountaintop by Katori Hall which started life at Theatre503, transferring to the West End and opening on Broadway the following year starring Samuel Jackson. “It is quite surreal to think that the original production was staged at our little 63-seater in Battersea.” In a more recent move 503 has introduced more established writers to the programme. “Twice a year we revive the second production of a groundbreaking but overlooked play from the 70s, 80s or 90s. Called ‘Second Look’ the thought here is that we establish the future by igniting the past.” Breaking the

mould with this offering has allowed audiences to see another airing of almost forgotten gems such as ‘The Life of Stuff’ by Simon Donald or ‘A Handful of Stars’ by Billy Roche.

© Flavia Fraser Cannon

It certainly appears 503 has many strings to its bow and is offering more and more to up and coming writers as well as its audiences. “We have also launched our 503 Playwriting Award last year for which we received submissions from 41 countries - 1600 plays in total, the culmination of which will be this Autumn when we produce the two winning plays. Do look out for these – ‘And Then Come The Nightjars’ by Bea Roberts and ‘Valhalla’ by Paul Murphy.”

© Flavia Fraser Cannon

“We produce work that is game-changing, relevant, surprising, mischievous, visually thrilling and theatrical.”

The enthusiasm for offering something different continues unabated and more recently Paul has been instrumental in launching the ‘503Five’ – which is geared towards new inhouse writers who become part of 503, learning how theatre works, working with the team on new projects, the next of which is called EleXion. “The training programme is designed in such a way that the in-house candidates work with leading professionals as their introduction to the industry thereby learning ‘on the job’ and leaving, after 18 months, having written a play and hopefully with an enhanced knowledge of the sector. Of the current five, selected from 800 applicants, we promise at least one production and look to promote the rest however we can. In-house writers help us be more artistically led, with their diverse visions energising ours.”

ANIMALS © Richard Davenport

The trajectory of Theatre503 writers has been exceptional, with work being produced at the National, RSC, Old Vic and Royal Court, as well as other media, including the BBC and Channel 4. With tiny resources, the theatre has successfully proven itself to be locally and internationally significant, yet community spirit is still very much at the heart of Theatre503. “We are proud to live in the community of Battersea and with the regeneration of the Battersea Power Station and the new arrival of the Royal College of Art at Battersea Bridge Road, positioned amongst the many art and design galleries and warehouses, there is a real cultural buzz to the area.” There is a strong core local audience which makes up at least 40 per cent of attendees with a ‘large chunk of people attending up to six shows a year.’ Mindful of their local following, Theatre503 provides offers for those living within the area such as £2 tickets for SW11 first-time attendees. The future of Battersea certainly looks bright and Theatre503 is very much looking forward to being part of it.

THE LIFE OF STUFF © Flavia Fraser Cannon

Theatre503 Theatre503 at The Latchmere 503 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BW T 020 7978 7040

Head Honcho

A cut above From Algeria to Fulham, Elhachemi Sadiki, owner of Head Honcho barbers on Munster Road talks about his value for money offering. It is nearly nine years since Elhachemi Sadiki realised his dream as a young man and opened the doors to his very own business – Head Honcho – a barbers located on the popular Munster Road, Fulham. The business is now thriving and a popular place for local residents and professionals, both young and old, to have a haircut or shave.

“I always knew I

Elhachemi wanted my own comments; “I was working for business. I worked a hairdresser hard for many years, in Fulham Broadway for often working six or many years seven days a week and and whilst I tried to save as much enjoyed what I was doing, I as I could, so that one always knew day I would have my I wanted my own business. very own salon.” I worked hard for many years, often working six or seven days a week and tried to save as much as I could, so that one day I would have my very own salon.” That day came just over nine years ago when Elhachemi saw an empty shop for sale as he was passing by on his way to work. He rang the estate agent, had a viewing and very soon after made an offer, which was accepted. He says; “It was an offlicence before so there was quite a bit of work to do in terms of an interior refit, but I did a lot myself with the help of some good trades people and friends.”


The location has turned out to be a good choice too, as Munster Road has an array of cafes, bars, restaurants and independent shops with a big following. In fact, it is considered to have one of the best community set-ups of a London street. Overlooked when Fulham’s gentrification began, the late blooming Munster Road – named after a large house at the Fulham Road end – has only started to see a change in the last decade or so. Nowadays a real community hub and an attractive area to be in, Head Honcho is perfectly placed to thrive, along with many of the businesses situated on Munster Road. Head Honcho now has two other members of the team and is open seven days a week and until 7pm weekday nights – particularly useful for professional customers. Born in Algeria and arriving in the UK for a holiday when he was just 18 years old, Elhachemi soon made this country his home when he met and fell in love with his wife. The couple now have four

children – the oldest of whom is 23 years old - and live in nearby Kingston. He comments; “I fell in love with my wife here and I love what I do – so I consider myself very lucky.” Elhachemi has been cutting hair for 36 years and he is hoping that he will be able to open another barbers in the not too distant future. He prides himself on offering great value for money - not the typical London prices - with the average price of a haircut at £10-£13. “If I open another salon I hope to be able to offer the same sort of price – I really don’t like to charge too much.” Prices are certainly very reasonable considering the location and the salon offer little touches such as a bowl of sweets at the counter and newspapers and magazines to read whilst you wait. The salon is busy seven days a week and customers are so satisfied that they come back time and time again with comments such as; “I’ve been going to Head Honcho for just under a year now, and they

are always professional and courteous.” The Head Honcho team pride themselves on offering a very clean, modern looking environment and if you engage them in conversation, they will happily oblige to chat but equally if you are one who likes to keep quiet and just get your hair cut, there’s no awkwardness about it at all. They are quick at cutting hair but not hasty and value every customer, making sure each one leaves happy with the service. Whilst the customer is key and his business is important, Elhachemi tries to make time for his busy family life and he has recently returned from a holiday visiting relatives in Algeria. Elhachemi seems to have got the balance right and his customers are full of praise; “I would heartily endorse Head Honcho – I won’t be going anywhere else.” Head Honcho 203 Munster Rd London SW6 6BX T 020 7381 9400

Marmalade 250

A treasure trove of toys Marmalade 250 is an awardwinning treasure trove of new and traditional toys in the heart of Battersea. Nestled in Battersea Park Road, and set up just over two years ago by Jolande Sharp, Marmalade 250 is an award-winning treasure trove of new and traditional toys offering something for everyone; for little ones to grown-ups, from pocket money toys to future heirlooms. Voted by the local residents as the winner of the ‘love your local’ award, Marmalade 250, which was once was simply a dream for owner Jolande, is now very much a reality.


Jolande comments; “I had previously worked in shop display for Oxford Street based Selfridges and whilst I really enjoyed what I was doing I had always wanted to have my very own retail project. I moved to Battersea and noticed a few empty shops on Battersea Park Road – one of which I was living above. I made an enquiry and then an offer and, before long, it had been accepted and I was on my way to realising my dream!” With the demographic of the area geared towards families it made sense to offer something which would appeal to that group and as Jolande had always loved toys – particularly the classic, traditional type – she seized the opportunity to set up a toy shop, but one with a difference. “Marmalade 250 sells classic toys but also vintage ones – some of which have a real history. We don’t sell typical branded toys and whilst our original traditional offering remains at the core of what we sell, we have expanded the range to include outdoor toys, party bags, cards for both kids and adults and a gift wrapping service.” Jolande has exciting plans for the future too. She hopes to offer an adult gift range to her growing customer base and this summer the shop opens its doors wider than ever with the launch of a summer events programme. “I have an area at the back of the shop and I want to provide a fun, safe and relaxed environment for children, helping them enhance their arts and crafts skill base.” Activities range from face painting to superhero mask making to creating finger puppets. The programme starts on July 28th and runs weekly for the month of August. Classes last sixty minutes and parents are free to join in or browse and play with the toys!

Whilst Marmalade 250 is “Marmalade 250 very much Jolande’s baby sells classic toys she does have a friendly ‘sales assistant’ in the form but also vintage of a miniature dachshund ones – some of called Simon. “I got him a which have a year ago primarily to keep me company but he has real history.” turned into a real asset for the shop too. He is so friendly and loves children – so much so that he gets upset if he isn’t getting attention!” And there is a story behind the name too. “Marmalade making has been a long held tradition in my family. My mother and grandmother made marmalade regularly and I have very fond childhood memories of this homemade activity. We sell it in the shop and our orange branding stems from it too.” It certainly seems Marmalade 250 has a winning formula and customers are full of praiseworthy comments, such as the one from regular customer, Phillippa Bullock; “I spend my life in here buying presents for friend’s babies, godchildren, nieces and nephews. It’s a fantastic little gem of a shop and I always find something really unusual and beautifully made. It is my one-stop shop for children’s presents. Jolande also does a brilliant range of cards, some delicious homemade marmalade and of course no trip would be complete without a cuddle with Simon!” Marmalade 250 offers something original and quirky as well as providing a lovely trip down memory lane for adults. As one of the few truly independent shops it is a must visit for people in search of different toys. Marmalade 250 250 Battersea Park Road London SW11 3BP T07810 392 976

Café Plum

Simple food expertly prepared An independent family run business with its roots firmly planted in the local Fulham community. Since graduating from university Ben Smith has always worked in catering with a passion for all things connected with food, so it was only a matter of time before he set up his own independent business. Café Plum opened its doors in Fulham in 1998 and since that time it has not only grown, but has become a well-loved and frequented eaterie in the Munster Road area. Pre Café Plum, Ben worked in a series of bars and cafés eventually landing a job in a fashionable Italian restaurant in Covent Garden. He enjoyed his time there very much, not only because of the great food and ambience but it was also where he met his wife, Karen, who was manageress at the time. Ben comments; “Karen and I often talked in those days about having our own business and we knew it was something we wanted to do together. Karen’s mother handed over to us the running of her tea room in Dorset and for two years we managed it ourselves, getting to grips with the day to day elements of managing such a place and learning a great deal along the way.” The couple moved back to London, living very close to Fulham football ground, and embarked on a serious hunt for premises for their own café. “We weren’t just looking in London but as far afield as Edinburgh and Manchester too. One day Karen spotted an empty unit just around the corner from where we were living and we put in a bid – alongside a few others – and ours was accepted! The unit was, in fact, an empty office and the management company was keen to


have a coffee shop in order to attract businesses to the office block.” Ben and Karen set about fitting out the café with the valuable help of an interior designer friend of theirs. “It was the most basic of décor and we only started with ten items on the menu but it was enough to get people through the door, and gradually we were able to plough more and more into the business and watch it steadily grow over the years.” Café Plum now serves some 3,000 customers a week offering a range of cold and hot food, from sandwiches and salads to homemade cakes and biscuits as well as a corporate and events menu. Their famous toasted sandwiches are prepared on farmhouse white or Italian ciabatta bread with healthy and delicious “The whole fillings. A firm favourite amongst independent regular customers is their home made red pesto and chorizo café market pasta alongside their best seller is evolving of toasted chicken, pesto and mozzarella ciabatta. “We get so fast.” our coffee beans from Allpress roasters, one of the best suppliers of freshly roasted coffee in London, and we get our chorizo from Brindisa foods and use it in our hot pasta dishes and toasted sandwiches.” Café Plum’s aim is to continue to offer simple food, expertly prepared and fairly priced to a thriving local community whilst supporting other independent local businesses. “Our customers are a complete mix from local residents to businesses situated in the area. We feel very much part of the local community – we live and work here and our three children go to schools in Fulham.” Ben is very modest about their success and plays down the opening of two further Café Plums – one in Hammersmith and the other in Putney. However, the

couple are keen to share their experiences – both good and bad – and have set up a ‘how to start a café course’. “After 15 years of running our own three successful cafés, we have accrued many years of useful and practical information that would be of real benefit to anyone who is planning to open a café or start a coffee shop.” Run by Karen, the aim of ‘Café Course’ is to impart every bit of essential information that someone could use to open and run a successful café. In the space of just one day Karen runs through the whole process step by step, explaining every aspect of how to open and run a café that makes profit and importantly allows you a life. Ben explains; “The whole independent café market is evolving so fast – I believe it taps into a need for people to do something with their hands and to do something that pleases others. I am sure it is why so many independent cafés are popping up all over the place.” Whilst the couple could understandably be concerned about ‘helping’ the competition, they see it very much as a sharing of information and an opportunity to talk about the potential pitfalls as well as the positive aspects to running your own business. “Karen firmly believes that people should be open and that competition is healthy, plus we are in a good position to give advice and let people know it is hard work at the same time!” The hard work certainly seems to have paid off although from time to time Ben still works a 14 hour day. But he doesn’t mind at all – after all, it is his own business and a long held dream realised.

Café Plum Plum Fulham 189 Munster Rd London SW6 6AW T020 7381 2344 Plum Hammersmith 17 Crisp Road London W6 9Rl T020 8741 5001 Plum Bedford House Fulham Green 69-79 Fulham High Street London SW6 3JW T020 7736 3170


From banking to baking Silvia di Luzio, founder and owner of Doppiozero catering, finally follows her true passion. Since establishing Doppiozero in 2013, and leaving behind a 15 year career in banking, Silvia di Luzio has been working out of the basement of the Balham home she shares with her partner and two children, and is at last following a life long passion for preparing fresh handmade food. The growing team at this Italian Pasta Atelier and Catering company enjoys sharing their love of food and of making sure each event, whether for local families or city corporates, is catered to perfection. Silvia comments; “At Doppiozero we make everything by hand as true Italian grandmothers would do. When I was growing up in the family home in Milan, my grandmother lived with us and did all the cooking. Everything was homemade – including the bread and pasta - and she always used fresh ingredients. I was brought up with a love of food and I was fascinated from an early age by what my grandmother was able to produce. She has been my ultimate inspiration.” As the creative culinary mastermind behind the company, it appears Silvia is one dish at a time converting all Londoners to her Italian cooking and is always challenging herself and the team to create an even more fabulous dish than the last. “I am attentive to my client’s needs and try to create menus to fit all budgets and occasions.” The business has grown in “At Doppiozero we such a short period of time that there is now make everything by a team of four in place, all of whom share the passion for hand-made dishes. Soushand as true Italian same chef, Daniele, loves making fresh ravioli and is grandmothers constantly looking for new fillings and sauces to make their range even more special, whilst would do.” commis chef, Francesco, presents focaccia as the perfect snack at any time of the day. Catia – also a commis chef – loves making orecchiette by hand as this reminds her of the how-to-make fresh pasta lessons given to her by her grandma when she was a teenager. Doppiozero caters for everything from business breakfasts, office lunches, family parties and evening events. “Whether it is a breakfast brioche, canapés, lasagne or special occasion cakes, we are delighted to make an event the tastiest ever!” The team prides itself on preparing each dish with passion, love and the best ingredients and on not using short cuts or preservatives and certainly no bought in prepared food. As Silvia says; “We do not produce fast food – it is all just great food!” Popular dishes are ‘parmesan aubergine’ and their very own tiramisu. The tasty and different range of finger foods is also a hit for small parties or corporate


events, whilst the pasta dishes remain a firm lunchtime or supper favourite. They also try and take the hassle out of ordering – mindful, in particular, that group orders for example for office lunches can be a hassle. “That’s why we have designed on our website a simple and quick 3-minute long ordering system so that staff can enjoy eating together.”

“Whether it is a breakfast brioche, canapés, lasagne or special occasion cakes, we are delighted to make an event the tastiest ever!”

The success of Doppiozero is clear to see with an impressive client list ranging from Google and Linkedin to UBS, HSBC and Sotheby’s. Silvia has been able to draw on contacts she made during her career in banking and has built a healthy and high profile client base in a relatively short period of time. Doppiozero not only has a good client base in the City but serves people at a local level, as well as in neighbouring areas such as Kensington and Chelsea. Silvia also has exciting plans for the future and hopes to set up a deli and offer her mouth-watering dishes to the local community and businesses. But for now, she has absolutely no regrets about leaving the corporate world behind her.

Doppiozero would love to get to know their community and will be more than happy to help their neighbours organise the catering for their parties.

Doppiozero T075 5147 8826


Not a pie, not a quiche, just terribly tasty tarts As soon as Jason Smith and Adam Harrison saw the supermarket on the corner of Clapham Common, they knew the location was absolutely perfect for what they were looking for and, with a bit of TLC, it would be the ideal spot for their new business. Opening its doors at the end of last year, Tart is the latest amongst Clapham’s ever growing collection of exciting independent cafés and offers a range of good food from brunch, home baked ‘goodies,’ salads and, of course, a wonderful range of tarts. Adam comments; “Finding Tart a permanent home after our initial success at Herne Hill Farmer’s Market has long been a dream of ours and we feel we have found the perfect place here on Clapham Common – there is a great local community as well as a plethora of businesses and professionals in the area and we are introducing them to our ‘terribly tasty tarts’. We live in nearby Brixton so staying local was important to us and we couldn’t have wished for a better site. When we first set eyes on the shop, the builder said “yeah, you want to double that budget”, our hearts sank but we found the money from somewhere and after big renovations we opened up for business on December 16th last year.” The idea for Tart – a bakery-café nestled amongst the shops and eateries of The Pavement on the corner of Clapham Common – came about when Jason, the head chef from Stationer’s Hall, met Adam, the Head of Partner Marketing for Facebook. Partners now in life and business Jason and Adam spent many evenings thinking; “If Jason can cook and Adam can do the business stuff, surely we should open our own business.” Disappointed by the lack of originality in the quiches and tarts offered in restaurants and supermarkets, and itching to give it a go, the duo set about reinventing the humble tart to make it a much more exciting, appealing and above all a delicious fulfilling dish.


For over two years, the founders tickled customers’ taste buds at Herne Hill Farmer’s Market and on seeing the Worth Retail Foundation’s 2014 funding competition, they decided to give it a go and ended up beating just under 1000 candidates to one of the top three prizes. The pair traded their market stall for bricks and mortar and the picturesque backdrop of Clapham Common is the ideal venue for Jason’s and Adam’s first culinary venture. With the cool industrial chic interior and the fresh delicious ingredients it is fast becoming a big hit with the locals and visitors alike.

“We have found the perfect place here on Clapham Common – there is a great local community as well as a plethora of businesses and professionals in the area and we are introducing them to our ‘terribly tasty tarts’.”

Offering a fresh alternative from the run of the mill breakfast, brunch, lunch or afternoon treat is what Tart is all about and their signature tarts are bursting with colour and flavour and “as it is all about the quantity of fillings and thoughtful ingredient combinations” they are elevated to something really special. Customers are able to enjoy a selection of mouth-watering treats including a hot chorizo, roasted pepper, tomato, pesto and goats cheese tart that goes beautifully with a black rice, mango, coconut and toasted peanut salad. Their brunch menu includes their take on eggs benedict – ‘Tart Benedict’ – which are soft poached eggs, Parma ham and hollandaise sauce on freshly cooked pastry with a tomato salsa garnish – is, not surprisingly, creating queues around the block at the weekend after only a few months of being in business. The food is certainly varied and original but the staff are also friendly and happy to help with the tiniest detail. There are also options for people with specific dietary requirements with plenty of vegetarian and vegan choices. For those who are huge advocates of independent cafés this is a great example of a gem. It seems that Jason’s and Adam’s goal of ‘making terribly tasty tarts’ baked on-site each day has achieved exactly what it set out to do. Food bloggers and critics are already describing Tart as a ‘stand-out amongst Clapham’s independent cafés’ and ‘one to add to your list of things to do when you stop by London for a visit’. Tart 25 The Pavement London SW4 0JA T020 7627 2176


Althea Street SW6 A true gem in the heart of Sands End. This beautifully finished house brings a slice of the countryside to the streets of South Fulham. This is an ideal family home with four bedrooms, a conservatory extension and a 32 ft rear garden.


UNDER OFFER £1,595,000 020 7736 6110 EPC - D

FOR SALE ÂŁ835,000 020 7736 6110 EPC - C

Edenvale Street SW6 Manhattan style living in a ground floor two bedroom garden apartment in Sands End, a stone’s throw from the popular Harbour Club. With open brickwork, a modern and wellthought-out living space and bi-fold doors leading out onto an impressive patio garden.


Fulham Palace Road SW6 A truly fantastic two bed, split level, first and second floor flat in an excellent location in Fulham. Recently refurbished to provide immaculate and stylish living space throughout. Open plan kitchen/dining/living area with large feature arched windows and a lovely cast iron fireplace.

FOR SALE ÂŁ765,000 020 7381 7381 EPC - C

FOR SALE ÂŁ1,750,000 020 7736 6110 EPC - D


Stephendale Road SW6 A stunning six bedroom family home located in the popular Sands End area of South Fulham. With an elegant and sunny open plan kitchen/dining area boasting clean lines and modern finishes and bi-fold doors opening out onto the 30 ft patio garden, this is an absolute must-see.

FOR LET ÂŁ2,540 PW tenant fees apply 020 7736 6110 EPC - C


Lamont Road SW10 A fabulous four bedroom, three bathroom terraced house situated in the heart of Chelsea, moments from the popular King’s Road. Fantastic ceiling heights throughout, fully fitted Gaggenau appliances in the kitchen, ample storage and built in sound system throughout make this an absolute must-see.

Kilkie Street SW6 A fantastic ground floor flat in the heart of the popular Sands End area of South Fulham, which has been beautifully finished and boasting fantastic living and entertaining space with French doors opening onto a stunning south-west facing decked garden.

FOR LET ÂŁ550 PW tenant fees apply 020 7736 6110 EPC - C


Fulham Palace Road SW6 A truly fabulous top floor flat in a great location in Fulham. The property has been newly refurbished to provide immaculate and stylish living space throughout. With two double bedrooms, one of which is a breathtaking space covering most of the third floor.

FOR LET ÂŁ525 PW tenant fees apply 020 7381 7381 EPC - C

Rosenau Crescent SW11 A stunning four bedroom, two bathroom house in one of Battersea Park’s premier roads. Refurbished to exacting standards the property is set over three floors and comprises of over 2,000 sq ft of internal space.


FOR SALE ÂŁ2,000,000 020 7801 3400 EPC - D

Overstrand Mansions SW11 A spacious four bedroom, park facing flat situated on the third floor of this extremely popular mansion block along Prince of Wales Drive. Formerly the home of the artist Francis Bacon, this property is steeped in history. FOR SALE ÂŁ1,650,000 020 7801 3400 EPC - N/A


FOR LET ÂŁ525 PW tenant fees apply 020 7801 3400 EPC - D

Primrose Mansions SW11 A lovely, light and spacious mansion flat which has been recently decorated throughout and boasts fantastic views overlooking the park. The property is located on the desirable Prince of Wales Drive moments from Battersea’s local shops, bars and restaurants.

Baltimore House SW18 A stunning three bedroom wing style apartment on the ninth floor of this popular riverside development. The property enjoys far reaching river views from a wraparound balcony, master bedroom with en-suite, two further double bedrooms both with access to balconies and separate bathroom.

FOR SALE ÂŁ1,250,000 020 7801 3404 EPC - N/A


LET AGREED ÂŁ450 PW tenant fees apply 020 7801 3404 EPC - C

Waterfront House SW11 A stunning one bedroom apartment situated in this well positioned riverside apartment. The property has an internal square footage of over 960 and benefits from a secure underground parking space.

FOR SALE £950,000 020 8675 1222 EPC - C


Northbourne Lofts SW4 Over 1,200 sq ft of luxurious living space in a building that has been transformed from a 1970s office block, the white render, timber cladding and powder coated aluminium lend eye-catching character to this corner of Northbourne Road.

Kings Avenue SW4 This bright two bedroom flat is set on the ground floor of an attractive period conversion, which benefits from a large private garden and cellar storage space. The property comprises a spacious reception room, modern bathroom, two bedrooms and separate kitchen area. FOR SALE ÂŁ565,000 020 8675 1222 EPC - D


Clarence Avenue SW4 A beautiful one bedroom apartment in the popular Abbeville Village. The property has been tastefully decorated throughout giving a fresh and modern finish. The local shops, bars and restaurants can be found moments away on the popular Abbeville Road. A must-see!

FOR LET ÂŁ340 PW tenant fees apply 020 8675 1222 EPC - D

Narbonne Avenue SW4 A fantastic top floor flat is available to let in the heart of Abbeville Village. The property is beautifully finished, the kitchen/breakfast room is fully fitted and has granite worktops and space for a large dining table. FOR LET ÂŁ455 PW tenant fees apply 020 8675 1222 EPC - D


Fentiman Road SW8 A magnificent and rarely available early Victorian house situated in this impressive terrace close to both Oval and Vauxhall tube stations. Boasting a stunning kitchen and open plan dining area opening onto a beautiful south-facing garden, the house offers superb entertaining space and is immaculately presented. FOR SALE ÂŁ2,250,000 020 7840 3700 EPC - E


Hargwyne Street SW9 A superb fully extended and refurbished home arranged over four floors and approaching 2,200 sq ft, with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, cinema room and a beautifully landscaped rear garden. FOR SALE ÂŁ1,395,000 020 7840 3700 EPC - D

FOR LET ÂŁ440 PW tenant fees apply 020 7840 3700 EPC - D

Cato Road SW4 A superb and extremely spacious recently refurbished two double bedroom flat located just off Clapham High Street.


Gauden Road SW4 A beautifully presented and character filled two double bedroom apartment of around 1,000 sq ft complete with a split level garden.

FOR LET ÂŁ485 PW tenant fees apply 020 7840 3700 EPC - C

Cambray Road SW12 An astonishing family home over three floors and approaching 1,800 sq ft with five double bedrooms and a beautifully large landscaped rear garden.

FOR SALE ÂŁ1,245,000 020 8673 6111 EPC - D


FOR SALE ÂŁ1,495,000 020 8673 6111 EPC - B

Mayfair Mews SW12 Situated behind private electric gates to provide a quiet sanctuary is this brand new, beautifully presented and highly specified end mews house forming part of an exclusive collection of just three homes in the heart of the Nightingale Triangle.

FOR SALE ÂŁ849,950 020 8673 6111 EPC - D

Parkthorne Road SW12 This bay fronted property enjoys a pleasant outlook as well as a large, private and sunny low maintenance garden screened by walling.


FOR LET ÂŁ450 PW tenant fees apply 020 8673 6111 EPC - C

Balham Grove SW12 A newly built two bedroom raised ground floor garden flat forming part of an attractive period building in the sought-after Nightingale Triangle and very close to the High Road and tube.

FOR LET ÂŁ900 PW tenant fees apply 020 8673 6111 EPC - B

Mayfair Mews SW12 Situated behind private electric gates to provide a quiet sanctuary is this brand new, beautifully presented and highly specified end mews house offering three double bedrooms in the heart of the Nightingale Triangle.


Valley Road SW16 Finished to the highest of standards this two double bedrooms, two bathroom ground floor garden flat will blow you away. FOR SALE ÂŁ475,000 020 8769 7900 EPC - TBC


Moyser Road SW16 Stunning five bedroom family house set within local school catchments. Fully refurbished throughout and 1,800 sq ft. FOR SALE ÂŁ875,000 020 8769 7900 EPC - C

UNDER OFFER £750,000 020 8769 7900 EPC - E


Crowborough Road SW17 Delightful three bedroom family home set within local school catchments. Presented to a high standard throughout and potential to extend further.

Ask the expert

Ask the expert With the SW London property market having become a little more subdued in recent months, Tom Ward, Director of Aspire’s Fulham office, gives his top tips for getting a property ready for market and being one step ahead of the competition. For landlords If you are selling with tenants still in the property you are unlikely to have the luxury of serving notice to suit you, so try and agree with the tenants to keep the property as tidy and presentable as possible. This can be a hard ask as some tenants will have less motivation to keep to the same standard as an owner occupier might, making it much more difficult to present a property in the best possible light. Wherever possible, try and ensure the tenancy is flexible so as to avoid problems when the buyer wants to complete. Manage the process with both buyer and tenants by agreeing, from the outset, on dates for completion in order to avoid a purchase falling through.

Declutter and tidy inside: An obvious one but not only is a good tidy up necessary but making sure all the paintwork is looking good and that there are no visible chips is equally important. Consider giving your walls a fresh lick of paint; neutral paint will make your home seem lighter and bigger but also enables the viewers to more easily imagine how they would adapt the rooms to their needs. Improving on minor things can have a major effect – redoing the grouting in a bath or shower room is a good example. And as with the exterior, make any necessary repairs – broken door knobs, cracked tiles, marks on carpet. Clean everything; get rid of limescale, wax or re-oil wooden floors and hang up fresh towels.

For developers A developer used to be able to sell a property unfurnished. In the current market, in which there is plenty of choice, it is much more important to present a property in the most desirable way. Developers should look to ‘dress’ and furnish in order to present a property in such a way to assist purchasers imagination in how it could be to live there. Positioning certain items of furniture can go a long way to helping prospective purchasers visualise the size of the rooms and how the layout might work. Putting a double bed into a bedroom is particularly worthwhile as it really helps to show how the space will work.

Windows: Surprisingly, windows are very important. Try to make sure all your windows are looking good and obviously clean. Rotting windows definitely need to be sorted. People always think that windows are a pricey thing to replace or renew but they are not as expensive as you think and it is really worth spending the money to get them in ship shape order.

For owner occupiers Make sure the front of a property is looking good: Sellers can sometimes forget how important the outside of the property is and the ‘kerb appeal’ can play a big part of the decision making process. Equally, prospective purchasers may arrive early for a viewing and whilst waiting for the agent, take a good look at the outside of the property. Clean the gutters, power wash a drive, re-paint the front door, trim hedges and pull weeds out of cracks in the driveway or from paving stones. Replace broken roof tiles, put down a new door mat and place a pot of blooming flowers next to the door. All of this helps towards making the entrance and front area look inviting and creating that all important good first impression.


Be organised: Make sure you have a good London based solicitor at the ready. Get a recommendation from friends or ask your estate agent. Having a solicitor in place means you can instruct them as soon as you are ready, so the sale moves as quickly as possible. And arrange your new mortgage if you need one for your next purchase. Delays allow buyers to get cold feet or spot more properties so don’t give them an excuse to back out. From the outset agree the timeframes so that everyone is working to the same goal. If possible, agree to move at a date to suit the buyer, even if you have to rent temporarily while seeking your next home. Any short-term hassle will be worth it to clinch a deal in a more subdued market. And finally... It can take buyers a couple of minutes to sense whether they have a good feeling about a property so it is well worth making a few changes to get a home ready to sell. Purposefully arranging your house to show it in the best light before each viewing is well worth the effort in any market.

“I have never in the last 40 years met an agent as proactive and helpful. Not only did he chase our solicitors, the vendor’s solicitors, the co-freeholder’s solicitors and provide constant quarter backing, his network of contacts made sure I had a great surveyor and damp-proofing specialist when I needed them.” Eryl B.

Our little black book is pretty extensive, so whatever you need to help progress your sale we’ve got it covered. From unearthing approvals for building work to checking your roof tiles, it’s no trouble. Really. #smallthingsbigdifferences

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