ANGELA PATTEN Angela Patten’s publications include four poetry collections, The Oriole & the Ovenbird (Kelsay Books 2021), In Praise of Usefulness (Wind Ridge Books 2014), Reliquaries (Salmon Poetry, Ireland 2007) and Still Listening (Salmon Poetry, Ireland, 1999), and a prose memoir, High Tea at a Low Table: Stories From An Irish Childhood (Wind Ridge Books 2013). Her work has appeared in many literary journals and in anthologies including The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing; The Breath of Parted Lips Volume II; Birchsong I and II: Poetry Centered in Vermont; and Roads Taken: Contemporary Vermont Poetry. Born and raised in Dublin, she maintains dual citizenship in Ireland and the United States, where she has lived since 1977. She is a Senior Lecturer Emerita in the English Department at the University of Vermont.
The Window I never met my grandfather, a stoker on a steamship who died at 57 of pneumonia. But our mother loved him and she made us feel as if we had known him too.
Her gift was to put us there with her in the tiny house at the top of the cobbled street, kicking her button boots against the rungs of a chair, a ribbon straggling by her ear as she watched for his burly shadow at the window, the outline of his sailor’s cap and the big canvas seabag slung over his shoulder. We could almost hear
his deep-voiced Dublin accent, smell the salt and sweat of him, the wet aroma of his woolen jumper after weeks away at sea. Her sadness when she talked about my poor father, my poor mother.
Only now, among these freshwater lakes and rivers, far from the sea, I understand exactly what she meant.
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