Live Encounters Poetry & Writing January 2024

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MARK ULYSEAS Mark Ulyseas has served time in advertising as copywriter and creative director selling people things they didn’t need, a ghost writer for some years, columnist of a newspaper, a freelance journalist and photo-grapher. In 2009 he created Live Encounters Magazine, in Bali, Indonesia. It is a not for profit (adfree) free online magazine featuring leading academics, writers, poets, activists of all hues etc. from around the world. March 2016 saw the launch of its sister publication Live Encounters Poetry, which was relaunched as Live Encounters Poetry & Writing in March 2017. In February 2019 the third publication was launched, LE Children Poetry & Writing (now renamed Live Encounters Young Poets & Writers). In August 2020 the fourth publication, Live Encounters Books, was launched. He has edited, designed and produced all of Live Encounters’ 289 publications (till January 2024). Mark’s philosophy is that knowledge must be free and shared freely to empower all towards enlightenment. He is the author of three books: RAINY – My friend & Philosopher, Seductive Avatars of Maya – Anthology of Dystopian Lives and In Gethsemane: Transcripts of a Journey.

Mark Ulyseas Point of View

It has been fourteen years traversing the aisles of the lexicon and confabulating with poets and writers from across the world. Love, hope and resignation woven into cloaks for those seeking to embrace the lyrical pitted against the vulgarity of violence. Some taking sides of the absurd and the incomprehensible, of historical hatred and exceptionalism. And yet amidst the shake, rattle and hum, there have survived like blossoms between rocks, voices crying from the rubble of bombed out homes, voices of the dispossessed. They have been heard by scribes that feverishly trace their angst into words to reflect the futility of existing in ‘never’ land, land scarred by hate and cursed by a God who seeks vengeance.

Looking back at 2023 is like peering into the well of inhumanity, a telescopic wall of darkness with the reflection on the surface of its water of a clear blue sky is all that there is to comfort us.

Between the thousands of published pages of Live Encounters thrives the souls of writers and poets who have, in their wisdom, shared shamelessly their own worlds peppered with paradoxes. Their truths have become our awakenings. Their words and lives have become an immersive experience for the readers. An experience that raises, even higher, the point of the view of Life that changes with the rhythm of madness, a smudged painter’s palette. The journey must continue towards nothingness. But on the way there will be forced stops, hesitations when confronted with the words of poets, words that challenge the ape within.

© Mark Ulyseas 2024 January POETRY & WRITING ©

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