GLOVES MINISTRY don’t know? I started breaking down an easy opening statement for students to use when sharing their story, and it looked something like this: “Hi, my name is ______. Once I was _____ and _____, but Jesus gave me _____ and _____. Do you have a story like that?” The first two blanks are a representation of emotions, feelings, or struggles that you’ve faced before Jesus. For example, before I met Jesus, I was lonely and hopeless. The second two blanks are a representation of how Jesus stepped into our life and replaced those feeling, emotions or struggles. So, for example, Jesus took my loneliness and hopelessness, and gave me a place to belong, and a hope for a future. The last sentence is an invitation for someone to share their story, which gives us an opportunity for us to step into their life and speak love, hope, and truth. Being vulnerable and sharing about our life takes confidence, but it’s not our confidence that we lean on. We have confidence in a God who brings hope to the hopeless, provides a future for those who feel lost, and sets free the captive to sin. IF WE ARE TRULY GOING TO BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD LIKE JESUS CALLS US TO BE, WE HAVE TO BE WILLING TO SPEAK UP!
A Community of Grace and Faith. Been wrestling chemical dependency issues? Do you want to stop? Would you like some help in staying clean? Come join us on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in Room #2 for REFUGE! Our REFUGE Group is a Christ Centered Support Group helping people who struggle with addiction. REFUGE is a unique blend of instruction, support encouragement and accountability.The teaching and sharing that takes place within our group is very helpful and what we teach is often life changing! If you wrestle with addiction issues or are tying to help someone who is, we are here to assist you on your journey to life recovery! Your questions about our REFUGE Ministry can be
answered by calling our Church Office at 664-4801 or email me @brosam17@
ur Gloves Ministry is composed of men and women who have a skill set to build and repair things and a heart to help others. Recently we got a call from Michael whose mother had become disabled and was no longer able to navigate the steps into her house. Our Gloves Ministry Team went out and evaluated the situation, secured the materials and built a ramp. Yet, another need met. I can’t express to you how grateful I am for our Gloves Ministry Team and their selfless service to God’s Kingdom!
Most of our Gloves Ministry Team members are retired. They, along with others have served our Watson community tirelessly for years. Our Gloves Ministry Director is Greg Hooper. Potential projects are to come to me, Bro. Sam, as the staff member assigned oversight of Special Ministries. You can reach me by calling the Church Office at 664-4801 or emailing me at If you are interested in serving on our Gloves Ministry Team please contact me. Our Gloves Team can sure use your helping hands!