e are looking forward to several things in July. The first is our VBS lectures for adults, entitled “As it was in the Days of Noah.” We hope you will join us for this lecture as we look at a variety of subjects that many are asking about. Some of those subjects are Bible prophecy, angels and demons, the Nephilim, spiritual warfare and hyperspaces (just to name a few). These lectures are designed to cover unique areas of the Bible, give information that is often overlooked, and broaden the depth and scope of our understanding of God’s Word. The second thing we are looking forward to is our Nation’s birthday (July 4th). This is a very wonderful time to thank God and celebrate the privilege of living in the greatest nation in the world. We have so much to be thankful for and so many opportunities because God has blessed our nation. The third thing is some of the camps and workshops planned in July. Live Oak has something for everyone and the summertime is such a special season to enjoy the unique ministries offered each summer. We also hope you will join us on Sunday as we begin a new series entitled “Who’s in Charge (of you).” We will be looking at the struggle of the sin within, the advice we give ourselves that often doesn’t go well and the impulses that cause some of the great regrets of life. We will also study how a Spirit-directed life brings blessing and freedom. So come join us this Sunday. You will be glad you did.
God bless, Dr. Mark Crosby
land to the altar of God. So before taking anything for ourselves, we are to give a portion to God. Talk about obedience and trust and love for God. Yet even though this is a very simple concept, it is conflicted by our fear. Seems like the first thought of fear that enters my mind, and perhaps yours too, is “what if there is not enough left over for me?” Somehow we seem to forget that God says “fear not” time after time in Scripture. So the battle is there. God’s instruction is that we trust Him, and His declaration is that we fear not. For many, fear wins out. But the Lord wants none to perish but all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9), which is why it is critical that you and I continue to preach, teach, love, serve, and give. Trust Him and fear not. Be encouraged, trust God in all areas of your life, and ask Him for guidance in your support of Live Oak.