www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au I 1300 36 2170
LIVERPOOL CIVIC PLACE REACHES ANOTHER MILESTONE Liverpool City Council and jointventure partner Built are proud to announce that Liverpool Civic Place has reached another critical milestone. The Sydney Western City Planning Panel (SWCPP) has approved the Development Application for Phase A, Council Works component, of construction of the biggest public project in Liverpool’s CBD.
ct Mayor Wendy Waller and Built Proje Barry Teeling
The Council Works component of Liverpool Civic Place will anchor and activate the southern end of Liverpool’s CBD, providing new
PARKS WORKS CONTINUE THROUGH PANDEMIC Works to build Lillian Bratkovic Park in Edmondson Park have kicked off, and the redevelopment of Lurnea Community Hub and Phillips Park is underway. Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller said Lillian Bratkovic Park has been named after a well-known pioneer
of Edmondson Park and one of the earliest landowners in the suburb, who passed away in 2011. “These major projects offer a muchneeded space for residents to use for fitness, social gatherings, recreation and leisure,” Mayor Waller said.
Council offices and chambers, a public library, childcare, public plaza and parking. Demolition is complete with excavation works, for the Council Works component of Liverpool Civic Place, expected to be finished in September 2021 and construction estimated to be complete by the end of 2022 or early in 2023.
VISIT www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/civicplace for project information.
Mayor Wendy Waller at the Lurnea Community Hub, Lurnea
VISIT www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/ development/ current-major-works for more on major projects across Liverpool
WHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED THIS TERM Mayor of Liverpool Wendy Waller has overseen the work of Liverpool City Council from 2016 to 2021. During this term, Liverpool has evolved as an even better place to live, work and play.
Bigge Park Water Playground, Liverpool
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Council welcomed the Federal Government’s final approval to build the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek which will future-proof economic prosperity in South West Sydney.* Council won the 2016 NSW Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) award for Planning Excellence in the Improving Planning Processes and Practices category for its eDA (Electronic Development Application) project.* Council’s New Year’s Eve celebrations at Chipping Norton Lake went from strength to strength, headlined by 2015 X-Factor winner Cyrus Villanueva.* Council spent $1 million a week on building and maintaining Bigge Park, Macquarie Mall and other parks and sporting facilities. Council signed the Skills Exchange agreement and set up social enterprise Pepper’s Place and the Rising Collective in conjunction with Liverpool Neighbourhood Connections. WSA, the Federal Government organisation that will build and operate the $5.3 billion Western Sydney International Airport, opened its headquarters in Liverpool. Council hosted a delegation from Toda, Japan, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Sister City relationship between the cities.
An artist’s impression of the Fifteenth Ave Smart Transit (FAST) Corridor - a rapid service from Liverpool CBD to the new Western Sydney International Airport.
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*Since Mayor Waller’s appointment in September 2016.
Capital expenditure (including $187.4 million dedicated works)
Data collected between 2017-2021.
We processed
on roads
Section 10.7 Planning Certificates
Council undertook a historic rezoning of 25 hectares in the heart of the city to encourage new businesses and grow the residential population – the most significant planning advancement since Liverpool city was first designed. The Western Sydney City Deal was signed which committed to: • Delivering a Metro rail service and a rapid transit service linking Liverpool to the future Western Sydney International Airport; and • An education precinct at the future Aerotropolis featuring a STEM high school and multi-versity; and creating 200,000 jobs. Council released its vision for a Rapid Transit Corridor, a powerful transport spine linking Liverpool’s CBD with the future Western Sydney International Airport. The Liverpool Campus of Western Sydney University (WSU) opened and a collaborative, ideas-based relationship with Council began. A $740 million upgrade of Liverpool Hospital was announced, part of the Liverpool Innovation Precinct.
Approved Development Applications worth
On all building and community facility upgrades
Development Applications Processed
(excluding modification applications )
More than
visits to Council leisure and aquatic centres
Infrastructure projects completed
More than
Library visitors
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Liverpool Sculpture Walk along the Georges River
All seven of Council’s Early Education and Care Centres were rated as ‘Exceeding National Standards’ by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. The $4 million Casula Parklands adventure playground opened. The first Liverpool on a Roll, South West Sydney’s premier food event, kicked off at Greenway Park, West Hoxton. Council opened the inaugural Liverpool Sculpture Walk with Sculpture by the Sea founder David Handley featuring ten sculptures along the Georges River. Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Cirillo Reserve, Middleton Grange
The Liverpool City Centre Public Domain Master Plan.
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The Liverpool City Centre Public Domain Master Plan was approved. This is Council’s 10-year vision to guide the development of public space and pave the way for a greener, more vibrant, and active city centre. Liverpool’s Local Strategic Planning Statement was approved by the Greater Sydney Commission, guiding development for the next 20 years. Council reopened Apex Park following a $1.9 million upgrade which included a new all-ages playground, landscaped gardens, furniture, picnic facilities and shelters, and a memorial area.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council: • • • • •
Lobbied NSW and Federal Governments for more support measures. Established the Business Resilience Program which provided $172,000 in financial support to 50 small businesses. Offered nearly 400 free parking permits and pass cards to essential workers. Became one of the first Local Government Areas to move its monthly meeting online. Arranged NSW Health advice to be translated into popular community languages.
Tonnes of recycling waste collected
222,641 people visited Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
Tonnes of green waste collected
people celebrated Australia Day
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• •
Council lobbied to get COVID-19 vaccines closer to home for Liverpool residents resulting in the installation of four pop-up walk-in AstraZeneca vaccination hubs. The construction and operation of a new marina (Georges Cove Marina) at Moorebank was approved by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel (SWCPP). The Western Sydney City Deal and Resilient Sydney Program is underway creating opportunities to collaborate and coordinate projects with surrounding councils. Council announced the staged opening of Cirillo Reserve - a world-class sports complex and recreational space in Middleton Grange. Council and Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council (GLALC) signed a Deed of Agreement to become co-creators and co-managers of two recreational sites Apex Park in Liverpool and Phillips Park in Lurnea. New communication boards that support inclusive play were installed at parks in the Carnes Hill Community Precinct and Casula Parklands. Work on the Lurnea Community Hub at Phillips Park, a water play park at Stante Reserve, an inclusive playground at Lt Cantello Reserve and Lillian Bratkovic Park are due to be completed by the end of the year and stage 2 works of Schoeffel Park will have commenced.*
*Subject to inclement weather and Public Health Order restrictions.
Household collections in tonnes
30,000 Facebook followers
109,861 Visitors to the Community Recycling Centre
477,620 Customer requests registered
We welcomed
6693 new citizens to Liverpool
Website page views www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au
LOOKING FOR SOMETHING FUN TO DO WITH YOUR KIDS? Explore new worlds with stories on BorrowBox and Storybox Library. Have fun and learn along the way with Literacy Planet, Busy Things, Rainforest Coding and more. Start exploring our eKids Library today!
mylibrary.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/ eLibrary/ekids-library
Local Government Elections across NSW will be held on Saturday 4 December 2021. For Liverpool City Council, there will be an election for the Mayor and a total of 10 Councillors – five Councillors for North Ward and five Councillors for South Ward. Visit our website for further information www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/ council/council-election
With BorrowBox and PressReader you can carry a whole library in your pocket for your reading enjoyment. All you need is your FREE library card, Borrowbox and PressReader apps.
mylibrary.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/eLibrary for more information
If you need this information translated call the interpreter service on 131 450 and ask them to contact Council on 1300 36 2170.
Is someone you know making a real difference in our community? Give them the recognition they deserve by nominating them for Liverpool City Council’s 2022 Australia Day Awards. These annual Awards recognise the outstanding contributions of local citizens, groups, and businesses across several categories including sport, health, arts and culture, and environmental protection.
The next Council meeting will be held according to the Public Health Order at the time. For details on upcoming meetings, please visit: www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/ council/council-meetings
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Nominations close at 4.30pm on Wednesday 22 September 2021. For more information visit www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/australiadayawards
Entries open from Monday 9 August and close Monday 15 November 2021.
Entries open from Monday 30 August and close Monday 11 October 2021.
NEW EXHIBITION Notables & New Discoveries Liverpool Pioneers’ Memorial Park 1821 - 2021 (The ‘old’ Cemetery, 1821 - 1958) 27 July - 23 December 2021 Liverpool Regional Museum