Cattlemen's Choice Sale

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1 0 2 , 3 1 l i r p A Saturday, 1 pm

Britt Angus Farm Hartwell,Georgia •

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e Parke Doug & Debbi 23) 506-8844 atmaker • (4 361 H li ol H & 40 Drew KY • Paris

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’s nual Cattlemen ia, the 13th An rg eo e G th t in ou ts l even ve come e of the specia netics that ha gus ur family to on k of all the ge in yo d th held at Britt An We st an be ju u , ill yo w by te le ne vi sa go in e y. Th ve to lit e d. ha ci s lik ee fa at 13 year this sale mental br We would rd to believe th th nefited the Sim Alford welcome everyone to ha bo be is in cs It ti . ke ne le ta ge sa to e Choice and Holly d how thos re. Be sure tu dd an fu To le d e s sa th an er ce ag in ils oi n ta an with his m ditional de participatio Cattlemen’s Ch acey and long his increased web site for ad St s to . gu d s™ ar An t gu rw it fo An Br and Sim y and look ease go to ey’s hospitalit on Sunday. Pl appreciate Stac oice and the Partisover sale ce. ’s Ch ttlemen’s Choi the Cattleman ways at the Ca al e y. lik it . al es ns qu ili io m in direct nsistent ite cow fa from many el ith all being co with all categories ch division w be impressive ea in ill in w ng s le ro tt st en ca is op e of ng t th ri se ve years n, fe t el ai of ea tw Ag le gr . st The sa st ever with ell in the pa omer money be w st e cu ne th e do is th ve u ng ri ha yo juniors the prospects ty to make This years offe don’t over look vision. Georgia with the abili di or rs ni be s™ ju ies. m gu ia nu An rg m in eo and pregnanc Strength ed and Si u are a G shes, embryo’s l in the purebr ns. different. If yo flu ia io no ct nt om le te be fr se po ld cs ur ti of ou s yo ne load this year sh and make onal top ge d e ti m an na s co e se th so ha s, rc om al to fr Nation e want with their pu unity to select ’s or the Junior ’s Choice sales. This year w A u have opport stern Regional an rth American. Ea m e No le th e tt here. Also, yo th to Ca d e go th an to of rn y t te ad ou es re d W e se al ar ha s rc e Nation The fall open s have been pu r success at th any champion success on thei r ei th on Remember m ily m or the Cooper fa show, Denver congratulate Junior heifer champion. al at on e ti th th Na l to al s, lls ke to se eepsta lations full sister tal Breeders Sw well. Congratu ne extremely at the Simmen do le sell again plus tt ve rs ca ha be t ng em ti en m bi ev were exhi last years veral family om Se fr s. d le se sa ha . ve rc Whether you ce el pu other tw en’s Choi ate show cattle s sale and the in the Cattlem the Georgia St from last year cated breeders d di ol d de an of g t se un ograms. Please the strong supporters yo r respective pr families from ei w th co d e be of it an el d r ee from othe or myself can mental br ture of the Sim d Shipman, Drew Hatmaker fu adline e de th e t th ou g in ab s. If Jere hases mak on are excited rc ti ed pu es lv qu ur vo y yo e you in h an Se rs it . if you have problem w All breede ur calendar ders involved forget it is no e to put on yo ee ’t on br itality on e is sp D th e ho k. of on e ee y is w Th call an sale day. to call sale on in the past th ee n le fr ai sa el ag is fe d th se an to ea the sale assistance pl u haven’t been e night before Nationals. If yo in the food th ke Ta y. lit for the Junior ci fa the Britt sale in Hartwell at rgia. the top in Geo er ov is always


DP Sales Manag

The Cattlemen’s Choice Group

Britt Farm

Stacey Britt, Hartwell, GA (770) 318-9809 Todd Alford, (706) 207-9454

C & C Farms

Dwight Cooper, Jefferson, GA (706) 215-1251

Dillon Simmental Farm & Tyler Diffey David Dillon

Lexington, MS

(662) 955-3457, cell • (662) 834-2928

Elrod Farms

Cole Elrod, Talmo, GA (678) 410-1312

David Gazada Athens, GA (706) 296-7846

Oleo Ranch

Todd & Holly Alford, Bowman, GA (706) 270-3994 • (706) 207-9454

Pickerel Farms

Troy Pickerel, Athens, GA (706) 621-2223

Woodlawn Farms

Rick Wood, Clarkesville, GA (706) 754-3755

Rolling Acres Farm Phil Page, Winder, GA (770) 616-6232

Lacoda Farm

Marty Seagraves & Family Nicholson, GA (706) 757-3959

NEW!!! Scan this code with your smart phone to get email updates from DP Sales Management!


A Select Simmental Offering Sale Day Phones

Doug Parke cell (859) 421-6100 Drew Hatmaker cell (423) 506-8844

Motels Motel Headquaters... Best Western Lake Hartwell (706) 376-4700 1357 E Franklin St, Hartwell, Georgia Call early for Cattlemen’s Choice block. Jameson Inn (706) 376-7298 1091 E Franklin St, Hartwell, Georgia

Air Transportation

1 pm (EDT), Saturday, April 13, 2013

Britt Farm is a 2 hour drive from Atlanta, Georgia

Britt Angus Farm 724 E and M Dairy Rd Hartwell, Georgia 30643

Sale Staff

Jered Shipman, Auctioneer (806) 983-7226 Steve Sellers, EDJE Technologies (770) 546-1307 Todd Alford (706) 207-9454

The sale cattle will be on display Friday, afternoon, April 12th. Come early and look over the entire offering at Britt Farm.


70 Lots Sell

DP Sales Management Doug Parke (859) 421-6100 Dalton Lundy (502) 727-6898

Association Representatives

Bred Females • Bulls Select Embryo Matings Open show & Brood Cow Prospects Spring & Fall Cow/Calf pairs

Andy Marston, ASA Area Field Rep. (931) 335-0303 Josh White, Executive Vice President GA Cattlemen’s Assoc. (478) 474-6560


Mark Howard (865) 300-3636 Brent Williams, Bovine Bus (812) 453-7548


Sale Host:

Jame Secondino, American Livestock (765) 832-2697

Britt Farm

Stacey Britt • (770) 318-9809 Todd and Holly Alford, managers (706) 207-9454, Todd • (706) 270-3994, Holly 724 E and M Dairy Rd., Hartwell, GA 30643 770-318-9809 • Directions:

From Atlanta: Head North on I085 N/GA-403 N towar GA-400/Greenville. Exit GA-77 S (Exite 177) toward Harwell/Elberton and to 0.3 miles. Turn right onto GA-366/GA-77. Continue to follow GA-77 from 10.5 miles. Turn left onto GA-366/GA-51/GA-77. Continue to follow GA-51/GA-77. Keep right at the fork to go on GA-77S. Turn right onto GA-172 and go 4.5 miles. Turn left onto E and M Dairy Road.

Sale Managed By: Doug & Debbie Parke Drew & Holli Hatmaker • (423) 506-8844 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile • e-mail:

Sale Terms & Conditions

All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 20 days of date of sale. Any person not complying with that guideline will be pursued legally. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. Cattle will sell under Suggested Sale Terms and

Conditions of the American Simmental Association.

Sexed Heifer Semen

Sexed semen is not 100% accurate, therefore the Cattlemen’s Choice group can not guarantee gender of resulting calves.

Announcements All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners nor any other person connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property. As the sale manager, DP Sales Management acts only as an agent for the sellers and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Sheza Looker Family

Miss CCF Sheza Looker - reference

Miss CCF Sheza Looker Embryos

1A 1B

3 or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P RC Club King 040R Proj. EPDs CE 12 BW 2.1 WW69 YW 105 MCE 8 MM 18 MWW 52 Marb 0.11 REA 0.53 API 119 P RC Club King - reference

Hot Rod x Sheza Looker- reference

Gambles Hot Rod Proj. EPDs CE 13 BW 1.9 WW 56 YW 91 MCE 2 MM 20 MWW 48 Marb 0.25 REA 0.38 API 106

P Selling choice of 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy by RC Club King and 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies on Gambles Hot Rod if work is done by a certified embryologist. P It is always exciting to imagine what champion females will produce, but it is even more exciting when those females start producing champions. The possibilities of these matings are endless. Looker’s most recent success proves that she is an elite donor in the Simmental breed. We knew that Looker was good but when her daughters achieved the level of success they did at the 2012 North American & The 2013 National Western, we knew she was great. A Hot Rod x Sheza Looker was crowned Reserve Champion Percentage Female at the 2012 NAILE, as well as being Reserve Champion Percentage in the 2013 National Western junior percentage show. Another daughter who is a Shocking Dream x Sheza Looker won the Senior Calf Division in the Junior Show at the 2012 NAILE, and was also the Reserve Senior Calf Champion female in the 2013 National Western Open Show. Looker has done everything that we have asked and more. We feel that this is a unique opportunity to dive into the heart of C&C Genetics. Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Miss CCF Y51


SimAngus P BD: 9-10-11 P ASA# 2702855 P Tattoo: Y51

Consignor: C&C Farms

Gambles Hot Rod

Famous 7001 Champion Hill Lady 703

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Looker SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-12-12 to Duracell T52, ASA# 2392068. P Y51 is a full sib to Cindy Coopers Miss CCF Sheza

CE 13 BW 1.9 WW 56 YW 91 MCE 2 MM 20 MWW 48 Marb 0.24 REA 0.38 API 106

Bonnie, the Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Female in the NAILE Open Show, and the NWSS Junior Percentage Show. Not only was she awarded these honors but she received these honors just as a fall heifer calf. Y51 has the same potential as her sister with the smooth shoulders, long and extended neck, structural correctness and tying all of this together with having spring of rib. The potential in the cow family are endless! Sexed bull calf.

Miss CCF Y51

Miss CCF Y207


Purebred P BD: 1-05-11 P ASA# 2702852 P Tattoo: Y207

Consignor: C&C Farms

RC Club King 040R

HC Hummer 12M RC Miss Griffey 038N

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Looker SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P Bred AI on 6-03-12 to 7-24-12 to Mr CCF Time to Work, ASA# 2702066.

P The Club King Looker daughters always make good

CE 12 BW 2.1 WW 70 YW 105 MCE 8 MM 18 MWW 52 Marb 0.11 REA 0.53 API 119

cows. Y207 has balanced EPDs with good growth numbers plus strong on the ribeye department.

Miss CCF Y207

Mr CCF Y70

Mr CCF Y74

Purebred Bull P BD: 9-15-11 P ASA# 2656432 P Tattoo: Y70 Consignor: C&C Farms STF Dominique R170 CE 10 STF Dominance T171 BW 2.8 MMP Kiss This 37L WW 58 YW 84 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Looker MCE 6 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 MM 20 MWW 49 P Birth Wt. 88 lbs. Marb -0.02 P Y70 is a product of a past Denver champion, REA 0.33 Dominance . This bull is striking however is functional as API 99 you can get. Looker is living up to her name. Look this one up sale day.


SimAngus Bull P BD: 11-02-11 P ASA# 2656436 P Consignor: C&C Farms EXAR Lutton 1831 Plainview Lutton E102 Plainview Pride C123


SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Looker SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

P Birth Wt. 81 lbs. P Y74 is a long hipped, clean fronted, structurally

sound bull out of the 2009 Junior Nationals Champion. If you are looking for a bull that can make your cattle have more of a feminine look, then Y74 should do just that.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Tattoo: Y74

CE 11 BW 0.7 WW 57 YW 87 MCE 6 MM 23 MWW 51 Marb 0.28 REA 0.40 API 112

Sheza Babe Family

Selling choice of Z38 and Z314 Miss CCF Babe Z38


SimAngus P BD: 10-12-12 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Z38 Consignor: C&C Farms


Birth Wt. 77 lbs.

Miss CCF Babe Z314


SimAngus P BD: 9-01-12 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Z314 Consignor: C&C Farms


Birth Wt. 83 lbs.

Famous 7001 Gambles Silveiras Hot Hand Champion Hill Lady 703

Miss CCF Babe Z38

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Lady J900

EPDs Available Sale Day.

P Selling Choice of Z38 or Z314 – To offer two high

Miss CCF Babe Z314

quality individuals like this, and for them to be made completely different doesn’t come around very often. In blood these two females are full siblings to Cindy Coopers Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Female at the 2012 NAILE open show, and in the 2013 NWSS junior show. Z38 is as correct as you can make one in her overall makeup, being sound structured, and deadly profiling. Z314 has true brood cow potential written all over her, being stout, structurally sound, with the spring of rib and being smooth shouldered. When you study the genetic lineup on these two females, there are champions on top of champion genetics. An added bonus to these females will be that are some of the first claves to hit the ground out of “Hothand” a full brother to “Hotrod” who are both now deceased.

Mr CCF Y370


Purebred Bull P BD: 9-04-11 P ASA# 2656425 P Tattoo: Y370 Consignor: C&C Farms P Birth Wt. 78 lbs.

P Y370 is a deep bodied, smooth shouldered, big boned wide based bull that will add product and value to your next calf crop. When you view this bull, he has the “herd bull” look written all over him. Also, having “Sheza Babe” in his family line just adds an extra bonus to this powerful bull.

Mr CCF Y270 Mr CCF Y370

Purebred Bull P BD: 9-23-11 P ASA# 2656424 P Tattoo: Y270 Consignor: C&C Farms P Birth Wt. 82 lbs.


P Y270 is a big boned smooth shouldered bull that has genetics

to burn in his pedigree. If you are looking for long striding bull with a stout hip, make sure to look Y270 up on sale day.

BMR Explorer

Westfall Voyager 721P WW Miss My Dream 429R

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Lady J900

Mr CCF Y270

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


CE 11 BW 1.3 WW 53 YW 71 MCE 4 MM 24 MWW 50 Marb -0.02 REA 0.39 API 99

Miss CCF Sheza Babe Y63 SimAngus P BD: 11-07-11 P ASA# 2632245 P Tattoo: Y63


Consignor: C&C Farms

OCC Legend 616L

BC Lookout 7024

Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. P Bred AI on 3-14-13 to High Voltage, ASA# 2571740. P This Lookout daughter has been a stand out since

CE 13 BW 1.1 WW 59 YW 93 MCE 2 MM 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.35 REA 0.64 API 112

birth.Y63 is stout, flawless in her structure, long hipped, feminine fronted, while having the overall maternal look. To walk across females like this everyday is not likely. Studying her background she has the genetics that can make any new owner a profit.

Ms CCF Golden Babe

Miss CCF Sheza Babe Y63

Purebred P BD: 2-08-10 P ASA# 2533841 P Tattoo: X10 Consignor: C&C Farms WLE Power Stroke CE 12 SS Goldmine L42 BW 1.0 GW Miss Lucky Buck 858G WW 53


SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 76 lbs. P If you are looking for a female with a pedigree and the

YW 71 MCE 4 MM 24 MWW 50 Marb 0.01 REA 0.57 API 114

stoutness to back it up, look no further. Golden Babe is a natural daughter out of Miss CCF Babe U2, and shows many of her qualities with her long and extended front end and overall structural soundness. Looking at her STF Bullseye bull calf at side, Golden Babe should pass on the same qualities that the family possess.


BD: 1-04-13

Sex: Bull

BW: 80

Tattoo: A2

Sire: STF Bullseye

Miss CCF Y315


Purebred P BD: 10-31-11 P ASA# 2702844 P Tattoo: Y315 Consignor: C&C Farms Westfall Voyager 721P CE 11 BMR Explorer BW 1.3 WW Miss My Dream 429R WW 53 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 58 lbs. • Weaning Wt. XX lbs. P Bred AI on 12-22-12 to SAV Final Answer, AAA#

Ms CCF Golden Babe

YW 71 MCE 4 MM 24 MWW 50 Marb -0.02 REA 0.39 API 99

135992905. Heifer calf pregnancy P This female is long necked, smooth shouldered and has the genetic back ground of champions. Y315 is carrying a heifer calf pregnancy by SAV Final Answer.

Miss CCF Sheza Babe Y312


Purebred P BD: 12-03-11 P ASA# 2644506 P Tattoo: Y312

Consignor: C&C Farms

STF Fixation W155

STF Dominance T171 GCF Miss Caliente

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 67 lbs. P Bred AI on 2-18-13 to Duracell T52, ASA# 2392068. P Y312 has a strong pedigree to on the top and bottom

CE 7 BW 4.9 WW 60 YW 86 MCE 2 MM 19 MWW 49 Marb 0.04 REA 0.36 API 92

side. On top is STF Fixation who is full sibling to STF Onyx the two time NAILE Champion Simmental female, and also STF Bullseye, on the bottom side is Miss CCF Sheza Babe a direct daughter of SVF Sheza Fantasy, the featured donor here at C&C Farms. Y312 is extremely broody and maternal in her overall makeup, who also reaches out with a long stride on the move.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

Miss CCF Sheza Babe Y312


Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 x Silveiras Style 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy


Consignor: C&C Farms

Silveiras Style 9303


Gambles Hot Rod Silverias Elba 2520

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 - reference dam

Silveiras Style 9303 - reference sire

CE 15 BW 0.6 WW 53 YW 95 MCE 5 MM 21 MWW 48 Marb 0.35 REA 0.44 API 122

P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist. P Babe is an outstanding baldy female from the famed Sheza Fantasy family. Being a full sister to Looker, Wonder and Bandit, Babe sets herself apart from the group as being an extremely broody, wide based and a powerful female. The mating to Silveras Style should add style and balance to this equation, and be a champion in the making. Make sure to look up the two Hot Hand heifer calves out of Babe that will be walking through the sale ring. They will show you why we are excited about the progeny that are coming in the upcoming fall, and will be ones to look for in the upcoming show season. Selling three number one embryos.

CCF Sazerac T43 Family Ms CCF Stealin Hearts Y3


SimAngus P BD: 1-03-11 P ASA# 2583054 P Tattoo: Y3

Consignor: C&C Farms

SVF Steel Force S701 RRJS Steel Force 134U RR Idessa 7375

GLS Frontier N13 Miss CCF Sazerac T43 Myers Queen Sazerac P94

P Birth Wt. 67 lbs. P Stealin Hearts may be one of the top females raised

Ms CCF Stealin Hearts Y3

Miss CCF Sazerac T43 reference dam

CE 9 BW 2.1 WW 61 YW 95 MCE 8 MM 20 MWW 50 Marb 0.39 REA 0.48 API 109

at C&C Farms. Y3 is the complete package, with the maternal look, stoutness, structural soundness, long extended front one third, and to top if off she has just calved with a heifer calf and has a perfect udder. The pedigree to this female is just an extra bonus to this feature. With “Frog” on the tope side, and the Miss CCF Sazeraz T43, the mother of the Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Female at the 2012 National Western Open Show on the bottom side. Pedigree aside we believe this female can take her new owners program to the next level, and at the end of the day be a front pasture donor cow.


BD: 3-01-13

Sex: Heifer

BW: 75

Tattoo: A20

Sire: TWCC Trendsetter

Ms CCF Sazerac Y201


1/2 Blood P BD: 1-11-11 P ASA# 2583055 P Tattoo: Y201 Consignor: C&C Farms GWS Ebonys Trademark6N CE 7 TWCC Trendsetter T71 BW 2.1 JM 3956 WW 59 GLS Frontier N13 Miss CCF Sazerac T43 Meyer Queen Sazerac P94

P Birth Wt. 79 lbs. P PE on 6-03-12 to 7-24-12 to Mr CCF Time To Work, ASA#


P This Trendsetter daughter is huge footed, jet rocket

Ms CCF Sazerac Y201

YW 86 MCE 5 MM 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.34 REA 0.55 API 98

fronted, and large hipped while carrying the depth of rib to complete the package. Y201 will calve to Mr. CCF Time To Work.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


HHF Petal P09 Family Miss LF Priss Z213


SimAngus P BD: 9-25-12 P ASA# 2686685 P Tattoo: Z213 Consignor: Lacoda Farms Famous 7001 CE 10 Gambles Hot Rod BW 3.4 Champion Hill Lady 703 WW 60 Miss HHF Petal P09

BF L112 Trailblazer PF Ringos Black Star

P Birth Wt. 77 lbs. P Perfection. Miss Priss is the perfectly made heifer

YW 94 MCE 5 MM 24 MWW 54 Marb 0.22 REA 0.31 API 97

that will give you an excellent show season and an equally appealing donor cow. You can’t help but appreciate her depth of body, spring of rib, and overall thickness. Miss Priss walks like a cat. You will appreciate her great demeanor as you show and flush her. Her dam, Miss HHF Petal, needs no introduction. Her sibs and dam have won many shows, including: GA State Champion, Reserve Champion National Western Stock Show, Supreme Overall Southeast Empire Stock Show, Missouri State Fair Champion, and many more. The success speaks for itself. Miss Priss is sure to follow in her dam’s footsteps and her sib’s footsteps. As an extremely well made Percentage Simmental female, she is definitely a hot topic. If you are looking for success, look no further. You will be unable to ignore this super cool half blood on sale day!

Miss LLF Priss Z213

Miss HHF Petal P09 - reference dam

Miss LF Sweetness Z40


Purebred P BD: 10-05-12 P ASA# 2686687 P Tattoo: Z40

Consignor: Lacoda Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

KSU Venom 101M Miss LF Venoms Petal Miss HHF Petal P09

P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. P Eye appeal. Those are the two words that best

CE 11 BW 1.8 WW 57 YW 83 MCE 7 MM 23 MWW 51 Marb -0.05 REA 0.36 API 98

describe Sweetness. She is a deep made heifer with plenty of length and thickness, style and appeal. Her dam was a multiple time champion, including 2008 Ag Georgia Farm Credit Champion. Miss HHF Petal P09, her well known granddam, was the 2006 Georgia State Champion Heifer. With her supurb qualities, excellent parentage, and picture perfect white face, her future is limitless. Are you looking for the perfect show heifer and dream donor cow? You have found the one! You won’t be able to ignore Sweetness on sale day.

Miss LF Sweetness Z40

Mr LF Proven Choice Y15


Purebred Bull P BD: 9-15-11 P ASA# 2641891 P Tattoo: Y15

Consignor: Lacoda Farms

CNS Dream On N48 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

Miss HHF Petal P09

BF L112 Trailblazer PF Ringos Black Star

P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. P Proven Choice fits his name to a tee. A solid made

CE 9 BW 2.9 WW 64 YW 92 MCE 5 MM 5 MWW 58 Marb 0.00 REA 0.33 API 99

bull with plenty of thickness, dimension, depth, and growth describes this bull. He is a prime example of your “ideal” bull. His dam, HHF Petal P09 was the 2006 State Champion heifer, and she never fails to produce heifers and bulls of equal outstanding quality. Use this bull to make champion show cattle that will be supurb “front pasture” cattle. If quality and stoutness are on the top of your list when buying a bull, look no further. You’ll be sure to do a double take when you see him on sale day.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

Mr LF Proven Choice Y15


Sheza Fantasy N906 Family Miss CCF Fantasy Z40


Purebred P BD: 1-10-12 P ASA# 2648320 P Tattoo: Z40

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette

HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. P This is the first red Fantasy daughter that we have

Miss CCF Fantasy Z40

CE 12 BW 1.7 WW 59 YW 90 MCE 0 MM 23 MWW 52 Marb 0.01 REA 0.47 API 107

sold here at C&C Farms. Being a full sib to Looker, Babe, Bandit, Built, Right, and Red Head who have all won the Georgia State Show, or have been champions on a National level, Z40 definitely has a huge line of champions in her pedigree. This red Fantasy daughter has not won a national show, but she has the structural correctness, long neck depth of rib and overall striking profile that this family lines carries to each of the progeny. Not only does this red baldy already had the genetic makeup, to be a nice bred, but also has that the look and pedigree to boost her new owners program to the next level.

Miss CCF Y407


Miss CCF Y407

Purebred P BD: 1-12-11 P ASA# 2702956 P Tattoo: Y407

Consignor: C&C Farms

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N CE 6 Mr CCF Saz Trade Up BW 2.2 Myers Queen Sazerac P94 WW 55 YW 78 NLC Fortunate Son 100N Miss CCF U61 MCE 3 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 MM 20 MWW 48 P Birth Wt. 73 lbs Marb 0.10 P PE from 6-03-12 to 7-24-12 to Mr CCF Time to Work, REA 0.54 ASA# 2702066 . API 84 P This red baldy female has the overall depth of rib, structural soundness, and feminine front one third to make an impressive cow. Y407 also has one of the most impressive udders of the group. Her sire Mr. CCF Saz Trade Up has an extremely impressive set of heifers that are hitting the ground and some that are also becoming heavy in calf. Don’t over look this female on sale day, she comes to the top of our cow/calf pairs.

Miss CCF Y408


Purebred P BD: 1-12-11 P ASA# 2702840 P Tattoo: Y408 Consignor: C&C Farms 3C Macho M450 BZ CE 6 HHF Pay Day BW 2.5 KenCo/MF Glamour Girl 11 WW 59 HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P Not only do the “Sheza Fantasy” daughters make

YW 89 MCE 2 MM 25 MWW 55 Marb -0.03 REA 0.59 API 96

exceptional show heifers, they also make phenomenal cow/ calf pairs. This “Pay Day” daughter is fluid in her structure, and just has the overall maternal look that a first calf heifer should have. This may be the most impressive set of pairs out of “Fantasy” yet.

Miss CCF Y408

20A Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


BD: 3-01-13

Sex: Heifer

BW: 72

Tattoo: A25

Miss CCF Y6 Purebred P BD: 1-05-11 P ASA# 2702853 P Tattoo: Y6 Consignor: C&C Farms STF Dominance T171 CE 6 STF Fixation W155 BW 5.1 GCF Miss Caliente WW 59 YW 86 HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 MCE -0.8 SVF Sheza Lady J900 MM 20 MWW 49 P Birth Wt. 79 lbs. Marb 0.00 P Bred AI on 6-03-12 to 7-24-12 to Mr CCF Time to REA 0.45 Work, ASA# 2702066. API 90 P This Fixation daughter is structural sound, smooth shouldered, level in her top line, and has the spring of rib that “Fantasy” sends on to her progeny. Y6 is safe in calf to Mr. CCF Time To Work, a direct son of the well known K205 donor.


Miss CCF Fantasy X64


Miss CCF Y6

Purebred P BD: 12-05-10 P ASA# 2702843 P Tattoo: X64 Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 CE 10 SVF Steel Force S701 BW 1.8 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 WW 64 HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P This ‘Fantasy” daughter may be one of the most

YW 98 MCE 1 MM 21 MWW 52 Marb 0.01 REA 0.68 API 119

impressive females that we have in the sale this year. The way that X64 ties structure, stoutness, depth of rib, smooth shoulder, and long neck in such a feminine will balanced package is impressive. The heifer calf at side of this exceptional female is just an added bonus to this nice package.


BD: 3-02-13

Sex: Heifer

BW: 74

Tattoo: A25

SVF Sheza Fantasy Embryos


Choice - 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy

Consignor: C&C Farms

HC Power Drive 88H

WLE Power Stroke

Miss CCF Fantasy X64

Kappes Lady Irish F88

Hart Black Oasis F301 SVF Sheza Lady J900 JBH Sheza Dandy

23A P

Mr HOC Broker Proj. EPDs CE 9 BW 1.8 WW 61 YW 93 MCE 1 MM 22 MWW 53 Marb -0.04 REA 0.59 API 109

23B P

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Proj. EPDs CE 12 BW 1.7 WW 58 YW 89 MCE 0.05 MM 23 MWW 52 Marb 0.00 REA 0.46 API 105

23C P

K-Ler Make It Rain Proj. EPDs CE 10 BW 1.4 WW 60 YW 92 MCE 0.8 MM 23 MWW 53 Marb 0.00 REA 0.60 API 89

23D P

STF Shocking Dream SJ14 Proj. EPDs CE 14 BW 1.0 WW 59 YW 89 MCE 1 MM 21 MWW 50 Marb 0.07 REA 0.63 API 121

P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist. P Words cannot describe the impact that Sheza Fantasy has had on our program at C&C Farms. Her reputation speaks for itself, her offspring have piled up banner after banner and championship after championship. In the past few years we have witnessed the success of Sheza Looker, Sheza Babe, Sheza Bandit, Sheza Wonder and SVF Right-A-Way. We have traveled many miles and have been hard pressed to find a female than can rival Fantasy’s flawless phenotype and combine it with such an impressive resume. After seeing the success from the progeny of Built Right, Broker (the current triple crown winner), Shocking Dream, and Make it Rain, there was no question to what Fantasy needed to be flushed too. Selling choice of 3 embryos, out of these four great herd sires. Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

SVF Sheza Fantasy - reference dam


Miss CCF Y406


Purebred P BD: 3-05-11 P ASA# 2702854 P Tattoo: Y406

Consignor: C&C Farms

STF Dominique R170 STF Dominance T171 MMP Kiss This 37L

HTP SVF In Dew Time Miss CCF Fantasy U18 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

P Birth Wt. 84 lbs P Y406 is a well balanced, structurally sound made

CE 10 BW 2.7 WW 58 YW 82 MCE 7 MM 18 MWW 46 Marb 0.05 REA 0.37 API 99

female, with a long extended front end, and a picture perfect udder. The “Fantasy U18” donor is doing an very nice job by adding balance, and structure to each one of her progeny. This Dominance female is has a heifer calf at side, with a very promising look to her at a young age. Make sure to look this pair up on sale day.

Miss CCF Y406


BD: 3-02-13

Sex: Heifer

BW: 75

Tattoo: A24

Miss CCF X19


Purebred P BD: 2-06-10 P ASA# 2702847 P Tattoo: X19 Consignor: C&C Farms WLE Power Stroke CE 13 SS Goldmine L42 BW 0.6 GW Miss Lucky Buck 858G WW 53 HTP SVF In Dew Time Miss CCF Fantasy U18 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

P Birth Wt. 75 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-23-12 to FBF1 Combustible Y34, ASA# 2588018. Heifer calf pregnancy.

P X19 is a long and extended made female, that gives

FBF1 Combustible Y34 - reference AI sire

YW 68 MCE 5 MM 21 MWW 47 Marb 0.07 REA 0.67 API 120

you a nice profile look. The genetics on the top and bottom side are ones that you can’t go wrong with. X19 is safe in calf with a heifer by the Reserve Champion Bull at the 2013 National Western FBF1 Combustible Y34.

Miss CCF Fantasy U18 x Mr HOC Broker


3 or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing

Consignor: C&C Farms

Mr HOC Broker

SVF Steel Force S701 JM BF H25

HTP SVF In Dew Time Miss CCF Fantasy U18 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

Miss CCF Fantasy U18 - reference dam

Mr HOC Broker reference sire

PROJ EPDs CE 10 BW 1.4 WW 63 YW 91 MCE 6 MM 19 MWW 50 Marb 0.05 REA 0.55 API 117

P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P This daughter out of In Dew Time has made her home in the front pasture of C&C Farms. She follows the trend of many In Dew Time daughters and is super complete. She combines style and balance while having all the desired maternal characteristics. The progeny out of this female are now hitting the ground and needless to say she has earned her spot in our elite donor battery. Make sure to check out the Dominance x Fantasy U18 cow calf pair that will be selling in this years sale. She is definitely and eye catcher with her overall completeness and design. We have decided to mate U18 to the most recent Triple Crown Winning Bull HOC Broker. From the pasture to the show ring, this will be a can’t miss mating that will be an improvement to anyone’s operation. Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Miss CCF W99


Purebred P BD: 9-10-09 P ASA# 2702841 P Tattoo: W99 Consignor: C&C Farms SVF/NJC Mo Town M216 CE 10 JS Sure Bet 4T BW 1.7 JS Black Magic Woman 13P WW 56 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Shez Right SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

P Birth Wt. 75 lbs. P Sheza Right was a many time champion for Steven

winning many shows in Georgia. Here is a daughter that you will find very appealling. Sure thing on this Sure Bet.


BD: 1-02-13

Sex: Heifer

BW: 76

YW 82 MCE 4 MM 25 MWW 53 Marb -0.14 REA 0.63 API 99

Miss CCF W99

Tattoo: A1 Sire: STF Bullseye

Miss CCF Red Head Z36


Purebred P BD: 9-11-12 P ASA# 2702849 P Tattoo: Z36

Consignor: C&C Farms

Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Redhead W4 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906

P Birth Wt. 76 lbs. P This is a daughter out of Red Head the past Georgia

CE 11 BW 1.9 WW 76 YW 116 MCE 7 MM 24 MWW 62 Marb 0.15 REA 0.83 API 122

State champion, and is a full sibling to Looker, Bandit, Babe, Wonder, and Sheza Built. Red Head offers a little different package by adding a stout rear leg and hind quarter to this young female while also have a jet rocket front end and being strait through her underline. This female will be a little green on sale day, but make sure to study the way this Upgrade daughter is made, and how she blends such unique pieces together. It will be exciting to see this female as she hit’s the show ring.

Miss CCF Red Head Z36

Dew the Stroke Family

Miss CCF Z41


2648316 P BD: 1-06-12 P ASA# 2648316 P Tattoo: Z41

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Dew The Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew

P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P In the past several years at the Cattlemans Choice

CE 11 BW 1.5 WW 66 YW 99 MCE 8 MM 18 MWW 51 Marb 0.15 REA 0.61 API 127

the Dew the Stroke progeny has been popular and the reason they are good with that super desired overall show look. Daughters have been purchased by Toby Beadles, Triple H, and Pleasant Hill plus the Supermacy bull was a Forest Brook purchase as a embryo. Always good property and great breeding pieces

Miss CCF Z41

Miss CCF Dominant Z37


HTP SVF Dew The Stroke - reference dam

Purebred P BD: 9-04-12 P ASA# 2702850 P Tattoo: Z37

Consignor: C&C Farms

STF Dominique R170 STF Dominance T171 MMP Kiss This 37L

WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Dew The Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew

P Birth Wt. 83 lbs. P Z37 is a full sister to the 2011 NAILE Reserve

CE 10 BW 2.8 WW 59 YW 86 MCE 10 MM 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.10 REA 0.36 API 99

Champion Simmental Bull FBF1 Supremacy. The qualities that bring her to the top of our fall pen, are her “freaky” front end, the way she moves around with such freedom and ease off her feet and legs, and with all of this she still manages to carry this with being wide based and having a large center body. You do not find one made like this everyday, so make sure to take notice of Z37 on sale day.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

Miss CCF Dominant Z37


GCF Miss Elsa Family

Miss CCF Elsa Z35


Purebred P BD: 9-12-12 P ASA# 2702848 P Tattoo: Z35 Consignor: C&C Farms Ellingson Legacy M229 CE 12 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 BW 2.2 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B WW 76 GCF Miss Elsa

CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break

P Birth Wt. 81 lbs. P This young Upgrade daughter is deep bodied, femi-

YW 111 MCE 12 MM 23 MWW 61 Marb 0.28 REA 0.79 API 126

nine up through her front one third, and is structurally sounds while standing on a large foot. Elsa has had her share of nice females and bulls walk through this ring, and this one is know exception.

Miss CCF Elsa U43 Purebred P BD: 12-14-08 P ASA# 2702859 P Tattoo: U43 Consignor: C&C Farms Meyer Ranch 734 CE 6 3C Macho M450 BZ BW 3.3 3C Crocus H112 B WW 64 YW 89 CNS Dream On L186 GCF Miss Elsa MCE 10 SS Miss Break MM 21 MWW 53 P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. Marb 0.15 P U43 is stout made, has center bodied, and has a REA 0.50 feminine front one third. This Macho daughter has a Mr. API 100 CCF Saz Trade Up heifer calf at side that is looking very promising.


Miss CCF Elsa Z35


BD: 2-20-13

Sire: Mr

Sex: Heifer BW: 70 Tattoo: A21 CCF Saz Trade Up

GCF Miss Elsa Embryos


GCF Miss Elsa - reference dam

3 or 5 Embryos

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W GW Lucky Break 047G Zeis Maxine Z231

32A P

Sandeens SOS Proj. EPDs CE 7 BW 2.8 WW 45 YW 64 MCE 4 MM 20 MWW 43 Marb 0.13 REA 0.28 API 85

32B P

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Proj. EPDs CE 10 BW 2.2 WW 60 YW 78 MCE 6 MM 17 MWW 47 Marb 0.15 REA 0.66 API 100

32C P

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Proj. EPDs CE 12 BW 2.2 WW 76 YW 111 MCE 12 MM 23 MWW 61 Marb 0.28 REA 0.79 API 126

Sandeens SOS - reference sire

GWS Ebonys Trademark reference sire

Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 - reference sire

P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy by Trademark and Sandeens SOS and 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P GCF Elsa is a fixture in the donor pen here at C&C Farms. Just taking a look at her previous offspring and the calves in this years offering, we have realized she is one of the most consistently great females we have ever had. The embryos in this years offerings may prove to be the best she has produced. Her recent $6,000 bull sold as a two year old and has made his new owners extremely proud of their purchase. Tingles Farm purchased a Trademark daughter who went on to win the senior calf division at the 2012 National Western. The soundness, smooth shoulder and rocket jet front end that the Elsa donor has put into her progeny make them a sure bet for breeding pieces and will be true game changers in the Simmental business.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


MIss CCF Kisses Y290


Purebred P BD: 9-16-11 P ASA# 2702845 P Tattoo: Y290 Consignor: C&C Farms

P Birth Wt. 86 lbs P Bred AI on 12-22-12 to SAV Final Answer, AAA#

13592905. Bull calf pregnancy

P Sweet Kisses was a C and C early purchase and boy has she done a great job. Her progeny is always are a high light at the Cattlemans Choice sales. Here is a female with great EPDs and solid in calving ease, ribeye and API.

MIss CCF Kisses Y203


Purebred P BD: 9-16-11 P ASA# 2702839 P Tattoo: Y203

Consignor: C&C Farms

P Birth Wt. 78 lbs P PE on 1-05-13 to 3-01-13 to Mr CCF Y273, ASA#

Miss CCF Kisses Y290


P Y203 is long made, with a nice rear leg that sets well to the

ground while on the move. A full sister sold in this sale a few years back, and went on to win some major shows in Texas.

CNS Dream On L186

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W

HC Hummer 12M DS-SS K217 Sweet Kisses LF Kandy Kisses

CE 14 BW 0.8 WW 60 YW 87 MCE 13 MM 19 MWW 49 Marb 0.28 REA 0.66 API 129

DS SS K12 Sweet Kisses Embryos

35 A&B

3 Embryos or 5 Embryos

Consignor: C&C Farms

HC Hummer 12M LF Kandy Kisses

WLE Power Stroke

MIss CCF Kisses Y203

LBR Destinys Dream K830 HC Power Drive 88H NJC TJF Hollye Hunter

P SAV Final Answer 0035 Proj. EPDs CE 16 BW -1.5 WW 66 YW 105 MCE 13 MM 24 MWW 57 Marb 0.45 REA 0.55 API 150 P

CNS Dream On L186 Proj. EPDs CE 14 BW 0.8 WW 60 YW 87 MCE 13 MM 19 MWW 49 Marb 0.28 REA 0.66 API 129

P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy by CNS Dream On and 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies by SAV Final Answer if work is done by a certified embryologist. P We decided to mate Sweet Kisses to Final Answer because of the proven ability of this cow to make functional cattle. SAV Final Answer 0035 is the all time semen seller to ever stand at Genex AI Stud. He is a bull that sires females that are great mothers, breed back quickly, and are calf raising machines. On the other hand, Final Answer sons have been a commodity every commercial and seed stock producer dream of owning. Cross that with the ability of Sweet Kisses to raise a high dollar show female and rugged performance oriented sons is a combination to get us fired up. C&C Farms is offering embryos by the legendary Dream On and the proven Sweet Kisses. Creating this mating was a know brainer for us. When a heifer sold through this very sale and went on to win major shows out in Texas, we knew that this mating was a positive attribution. Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

DS SS K12 Sweet Kisses


Thomas Ester 6445 Flush Flush P AAA# 15365089


Consignor: Elrod and Tolbert

Sitz Traveler 8180 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Boyd Forever Lady 8003

Thomas Ester 3579

Twin Valley Precision E161 Thomas Ester 4123

P “What’s she?” is the most common question asked

Thomas Ester 6445 - reference dam

6455 daughter reference

CE 8 BW 1.6 WW 48 YW 82 MCE 12 MM 30 MWW Marb 0.14 REA 0.42

about 6445. A favorite among visitors, this daughter of 004 backed by the timeless Ester tribe made famous by the Thomas Ranch in Oregon, fits the mold for the ideal Angus female; attractive fronted, well balanced, big ribbed, easy fleshing, beautiful uddered and effortless in her stride. Her daughter was the Tingle family pick of the 2011 sale and went on to be the Senior Champion Angus female at the 2012 Kentucky State Fair. Quality...Functional...Efficient! Guaranteeing 6 transferable eggs with a maximum of 10. Buyer has the option to purchase any over 10 at the prorated amount.

Three Trees Rita U0790 x Mr HOC Broker


3 or 5 Embryos

Consignor: Britt Farm

Mr HOC Broker

SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

Three Trees Next Step Three Trees Rita U0790 GAR 1407 New Design 1494

Three Trees Rita U0790 - reference dam

Mr HOC Broker reference sire


EPDs Available Sale Day.

P Selling 3 or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy from 3 embryos or 2 pregnancies from 5 embryos if work is done by a certified embryologist. P When we saw this female at Deer Valley sale we knew we needed to own her. Rita U0790 is the type of female we think will propel our SimAngus program forward. She is super well built, crazy big bellie, moderate in size, and has a beautiful udder full of milk. We believe mating her to Mr HOC Broker will drive in a product suited for the most discriminating producer. No matter the sex the resulting calves will be easy to sell and a dream to own. Take advantage of our thoughts and put these in your tank.

JMDF Queen Lana x Built Right


3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy

Consignor: Oleo Ranch

JMDF Queen Lana

JMDF Queen Lana - reference dam

SVF NJC Built Right - reference sire


CNS Dream On L186 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W

LMAN King Rob 8621 JMDF Lana 4111

EPDs Available Sale Day.

P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work is done by a certified embryologist. P This Red Angus donor has been fun to own. Queen Lana is one of those cows that everyone ask about when they see her. She is moderate frame, super wide based, huge middled and has a killer look. She has been mated to several different breeds and clicks every time. If you want to play a little different game this mating will be superb. Queen Lana has produce the Reserve Champion Red Angus at the Georgia State show and a son that is a leading sire for a prominent Red Angus program in South Georgia. We can only imagine how maternal a red baldy heifer calf from this mating could be. Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Keystone Radience 13R x Dream On 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies


Consignor: C&C Farms

Nichols Legacy G151

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 Keystone Radience 13R WAR Diva M704

PROJ EPDs CE 11 BW 2.1 WW 69 YW 101 MCE 7 MM 17 MWW 52 Marb 0.16 REA 0.64 API 117

P Selling 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P The Dream On x Keystone Radiance is a proven mating. There have been progeny from this mating sale through sales such as the North American Simmental Sale and the National Western Simmental Sale. The progeny are long hipped, deep bodied, and as sound as you can make one. Buy these embryos with confidence.

Keystone Radience 13R - reference dam

Open Heifers

CNS Dream On reference sire

SHRL Combo SimAngus P BD: 9-08-12 P ASA# 2702064 P Tattoo: 677Z Consignor: Shirley Show Cattle & C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 CE 11 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 BW 1.4 NJC Ebony Antoinette WW 59 YW 93 BC Marathon 7022 Melsons Charmette 921 MCE 5 Meldons Charmette 227 MM 19 MWW 49 P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 604 lbs. Marb 0.20 P We at SSC tend to put a lot of our eggs in one REA 0.42 basket when it comes to breeding for phenotype . We API 101 went and bought an Angus heifer (Meldons Charmette 921).... because we liked how she “looked” (2010 G.J.L.S Res. Angus Female). Turns out she had numbers too. Once you analyze her offspring sired by Built Right( SHRL Combo) maybe you’ll both ends of the spectrum. Study her base width, fleshing ability and volume. Then, notice the potential for lasting “freshness” with her smooth forerib shoulder transition into that elegant head and neck...quite the “COMBO”


SHRL Combo

Melsons Charmette 921 - reference dam

Oleo Going Steady 212Z


SimAngus P BD: 9-11-12 P ASA# 2700557 P Tattoo: 212Z

Consignor: Oleo Ranch

Mr HOC Broker Jacs Tiffany 7304

SVF Steel Force S701 JM BF H25 EXAR New Look 2971 Southern Tiffany 4497

P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. P At Oleo Ranch we are passionate about bringing

CE 11 BW 0.9 WW 60 YW 100 MCE 9 MM 20 MWW 50 Marb 0.38 REA 0.53 API 119

our best to the Cattlemen’s Choice sale. Going Steady is sired by one of the hottest sires on the planet and is backed by one of our best producing young cows. This fall baby is super sound, long bodied, easy going and is destined to be successful in which ever arena you want to stroll in. A maternal sister to 212Z is a pasture favorite bred heifer. We hate to let this one go but believe strongly in offering the best we have. This one is will be “Going Steady” for years to come.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

Oleo Going Steady 212Z


E/T Zoey 236Z SimAngus P BD: 9-22-12 P ASA# 2701628 P Tattoo: 236Z Consignor: Elrod Farms Meyer Ranch 734 CE -0.4 3C Macho M450 BZ BW 2.0 3C Crocus H112 B WW 56 YW 63 7395 MCE 5 MM 22 MWW 50 P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. Marb 0.01 P A powerhouse from the ground up! This maternal REA 0.30 sister to the reigning Champion High % Simmental at the API 61 2013 Georgia State Livestock Show is big footed, heavy boned and offers worlds of dimension and substance from end to end. Additionally this robust cow prospect maintains her female character with length and extension through her front end. Out of a moderate, big ribbed, easy fleshing female purchased from Partisover Ranch in a past Cattlemens Choice sale. Power. Body. Extension.


E/T Zoey 236Z 236Z maternal sister - reference

Miss CCF Antoinette Z54 SimAngus P BD: 9-17-12 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Z54 Consignor: C&C Farms Sitz Traveler 8180 CE 15 SAV Final Answer 0035 BW -1.6 SAV Emulous 8145 WW 69 YW 108 Kappes Trailblazer 5516 Miss CCF Antoinette W62 MCE 10 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 MM 23 MWW 57 P Birth Wt. 77 lbs. Marb 0.40 P Here is young lady you fit the bill plus she is excellent REA 0.59 on paper. This a favorite of Cindy’s and you will see why API 141 come sale day. A grand daughter of the legendary K205. The top API heifer in the sale.


Miss CCF Emerald Z52


Purebred P BD: 10-08-12 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Z52

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Duracell T52 HTP SVF Honeydew

Harkers Emerald

STF Dominance T171 GCF Miss Caliente

P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P Z52 is an extremely broody made female, that

CE 10 BW 2.7 WW 57 YW 84 MCE 8 MM 20 MWW 48 Marb 0.18 REA 0.56 API 108

combines stoutness and structural soundness. The mother of this heifer was the Supreme Champion Female overall breeds at the 2011 Wisconsin State Fair, and is also a full sib to STF Onyx, STF Fixation, and STF Bullseye. Adding this quality female with the maternal look and genetic background would be a positive attribute to any ones herd.

E/T Zea 254Z


1/4 Blood P BD: 10-10-12 P ASA# 2701630P Tattoo: 254Z

Consignor: Elrod Farms

3C Macho M450 BZ Oleo Withstand 932W KAF Blackcap 112

High Valley 9R34 of 3D22 Irvington 3602 9834 401Z Irvington 1695 7D7 3602

P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P This is why we breed 1/4 bloods! A full sister to

E/T Zea 254Z

CE 11 BW -0.6 WW 46 YW 77 MCE 8 MM 21 MWW 44 Marb 0.28 REA 0.37 API 113

Hunter Armour’s many time Champion and class winner at the 2013 Georgia State Livestock Show, she’s got the rib shape, body capacity and natural sweep to her underline that we LOVE in a female. A square hipped, level topped “Stan” daughter with the white markings everyone is looking for and added hair for extra pop on show day. A functional cow prospect with markings sure to catch the judges eye.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


E/T Zena 267Z


1/4 Blood P BD: 10-21-12 P ASA# 2701629 P Tattoo: 267Z

Consignor: Elrod and Tolbert

3C Macho M450 BZ Oleo Withstand 932W KAF Blackcap 112

Lemmon Finishline P133 LB Blackcap of P133 LB Blackcap 033 of K238

P Birth Wt. 77 lbs. P Another exciting Junior prospect from our senior

CE 8 BW 0.6 WW 51 YW 77 MCE 7 MM 24 MWW 50 Marb 0.34 REA 0.31 API 106

herdsire Oleo Withstand. Stamped with quality here’s one that grabs your eye. She views with elegance and style about her head and neck which ties neatly on top of a smooth and flat shoulder; remaining true in her lines from there back. Produced from a good bodied, easy fleshing, hard working Angus female from Bramblett Angus. Elegance, style and balance backed by a functional cow family, her better days are yet to come.

E/T Zea 267Z Oleo Withstand 932W - reference sire

HTP SVF Sage Z344


3/4 Blood P BD: 3-01-12 P ASA# 2632779 P Tattoo: Z344 Consignor: Pickerel Farms SVF NJC Built Right N48 CE 11 WLE Quota U547 BW 2.6 WLE Sophie WW 63 HTP/SVF Sage X344

SVF Steel Force S701 Bramlet’s Sacajalia

P Birth Wt. 85 lbs. P Sage Z344 is a really cool blaze face female. She is

YW 93 MCE 7 MM 16 MWW 48 Marb 0.07 REA 0.50 API 102

the natural calf of our new donor, HTP SVF Sage, Which has moved up into the top of our donor program. You will see why when you see this heifer! Sage is as clean fronted as you could make one. She is straight in her lines, has plenty of rib and is very soft made. She has a stacked pedigree of great female producers, from Built Right, Steel Force and Dream On and to Wesner’s Sophie donor. This one has the genetic power to do it all.

HTP SVF Sage Z344

Bred Heifers

HTP SVF Sage X344 - reference dam

Britt Rita 1144 Purebred Angus P BD: 9-01-11 P AAA# 17430175 P Tattoo: 1144 Consignor: Britt Farm TC Gridiron 258 CED 5 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 BW 3.1 SAV Madame Pride 3249 WW 57 YW 101 Woodhill Foresight Britt Rita 8190 CEM 8 Bricton Rita 1170 Milk 15 Marb 0.74 P Bred AI on 12-03-12 to SAV Priority 7283, AAA# REA 0.44 15688351. P At Britt Farm our SimAngus program is young and growing. We do not have many SimAngus cattle so we wanted to offer one of our most stylish Angus bred heifers in this sale. Rita 1144 is the kind we want to produce in volume. She has a neat look about her and wide base. This heifer will be a versatile breeding animal if you want to mate her Simmental or Angus she will be profitable. We bred a great deal to SAV Priority 7283 a calving ease superstar at Genex AI stud this season. This Final Answer son is backed by some of the Angus breeds most maternal sires. Rita 1144 is solid built and maternal bred.


Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

Britt Rita 1144


Miss CCF USA Y90


3/4 Blood P BD: 9-05-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y90

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

Miss USA

Meyer Ranch 734 WAG Hairetta 9145J CAX

P Birth Wt. 86 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-22-12 to WLE Uno Mas X549, ASA# 2532016. Heifer calf pregnancy.

P Everyone knows the impact that the “Harietta” cow

Miss CCF USA Y90 Miss USA - reference

CE 4 BW 1.9 WW 62 YW 88 MCE 3 MM 17 MWW 48 Marb 0.08 REA 0.56 API 80

family has had not only on the Simmental Breed, but also in the Club Calf world. As you study USA on sale day, make sure to notice her structural soundness, along with her feminine front one third. When studying this female from behind, she will not disappoint with muscle expression through her lower quarter, and being wide based. Not to mention she has the desired white face that the Simmental producers long for. Y90 has an added bonus by having a heifer calf pregnancy by the Reserve Champion Simmental Bull at the 2012 NAILE, Uno Mas.

Dillons N901Glory 110Y


SimAngus P BD: 9-18-11 P ASA# 2644774 P Tattoo: 110Y

Consignor: Dillon Simmentals & Tyler Diffey

OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Magnitude 805M OCC Pollyanna 878G

KenCo/MF Powerline 204L SVF Sheza Glory N901 SVF Sheza Lady J900

P Birth Wt. 63 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 674 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-20-12 to Top Grade, ASA# 2540315 . P The Magnitude females are great and has done a

Dillons N901 Glory 110Y

CE 8 BW 1.3 WW 63 YW 102 MCE 0.2 MM 18 MWW 49 Marb 0.03 REA 0.57 API 81

excellent job in our small program. 110Y is a favorite of Lee’s and Tyler’s because of her impressive nature and total package. This is a female easy to like, there is no doubt she will be good momma cow. A grand daughter of the famous SVF cow, Sheza Lady J900.

SVF Sheza Glory N901 reference

Dillons Angle 111Y SimAngus P BD: 9-25-11 P ASA# 2643543 P Tattoo: 111Y Consignor: Dillon Simmentals & Tyler Diffey OCC Legend 616L CE 14 BC Lookout 7024 BW -0.3 Gibbett Hill Mignonne E37 WW 57 YW 88 CNS Dream On L186 Welshs She’s The One 53S MCE 8 SVF/NJC Senerita N29 MM 21 MWW 50 P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 628 lbs. Marb 0.44 P Bred AI on 2-09-13 to HTP SVF Packin Heat, ASA# REA 0.65 2536700. API 132 P Here is favorite and a good one from any angle. Lookout always is a home run when producing consistent Sim Angus. 111Y offers completeness is a attractive package. We should be keeping however need to our best. Her dam, Welsh She the One was the high selling pair at the Dixie National and was purchased by Landes Simmental and Double R. From the same family that produced Dew it Right.


Dillons Angle 111Y

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Gazda Annie Y120


1/4 Blood P BD: 10-05-11 P ASA# 2631433 P Tattoo: Y120

Consignor: Taylor Gazda

OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Jest Stream 825J OCC Juanada 968G

3C Macho M450 BZ Gazda Madison U832 Gazda Blackcap 416 018PDB

P Birth Wt. 76 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 587 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-15-12 to Mr NLC Upgrade U8676, ASA#


P PE on 1-11-13 to 2-01-13 to Gazda Emblazon 110 of

CE 12 BW -0.3 WW 54 YW 83 MCE 6 MM 18 MWW 44 Marb 0.22 REA 0.48 API 111

N78, AAA# 17284546 P Deep ribbed and soft made this star faced daughter of OCC Jet Stream 825J from a productive 3C Macho dam stacks the Angus breeds top maternal sires in her pedigree with PAPA Durabull, Leachman Right Time and AAR New Trend. Halter broke and with a super disposition this female will make a solid addition to any percentage breeding program. Bred 12-15-12 to Mr NLC Upgrade.

Gazda Annie Y120

Dillons 5279 Steelin Force


SimAngus P BD: 10-15-11 P ASA# 2643549 P Tattoo: Y114

Consignor: Dillon Simmentals & Tyler Diffey

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

OCC Loadstar 849L CRCC Queen Mother 5279 E&B Queen Mother 296

P Birth Wt. 64 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 756 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-20-12 to Top Grade, ASA# 2540315 . P Steel in Force is a brood cow in the making. This

CE 13 BW -0.6 WW 55 YW 92 MCE 7 MM 20 MWW 47 Marb 0.16 REA 0.53 API 112

fall female is deep and wide plus is easy keeping. The Loadstar cow continues to produce cattle that are efficient and moderate in their frame. In 2011 sale Queen Mother sold to Bernie Dearman and in the 2012 sale a daughter sold as a pair and was selected by Steve Williams. A Steel Force daughter that will be strong breeding piece.

Dillons 5279 Steelin Force

CRCC Queen Mother 5279 - reference

TMPF Miss Meyer Y57 3/4 Blood P BD: 11-26-12 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y57 Consignor: Pickerel Farms Mr Black GX 6W CE 0.7 Meyer Ranch 734 BW 2.0 Miss GX 728R WW 54 YW 78 CNS Dream On L186 TMPF/HHF Sheza Rose S14 MCE 6 CL11K MM 19 MWW 46 P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 630 lbs. Marb 0.21 P Bred AI on 10-01-12 to In Dew Time, ASA# 2285555. REA 0.55 Due 9-06-13 API 80 P Miss Meyer is straight from the heart of our ET program. This blaze face female is exactly what you expect from Meyer 734 females, she is chizel fronted and moves like a cat. She can be used in a purebred herd or club calf operation. We chose to breed her to the always consistent female make, In Dew Time, for an early fall calf. This one needs to go into someone’s donor pen after she calves.


CT Y282 Purebred P BD: 10-05-11 P ASA# 2663663 P Tattoo: Y282 Consignor: C&C Farms WLE Power Stroke CE 7 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N BW 2.2 NJC Eobny Antoinette WW 61 YW 85 PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker WHCC Carolina PQ1 MCE 3 JM Miss Jillian MM 21 MWW 51 P Birth Wt. 87 lbs. Marb -0.05 P Y282 is a stout made, big footed, long hipped REA 0.86 structurally sound bull that should produce high quality API 95 calves with balance and performance.


Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Woodlawn Connie 3/4 Blood P BD: 12-27-11 P ASA# 2636369 P Tattoo: 260Y Consignor: Woodlawn Farms NLC Payday 16P CE 12 NLC Payday 16P BW 1.3 NLC Mesma LG140 WW 68 YW 106 Ellingson Black Perfector RRR Ms Perfector 12R MCE 4 RRR Ms Full Load 40H MM 16 MWW 50 P Birth Wt. 61 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 649 lbs. Marb 0.19 P Bred AI on 2-12-13 to SVF Allegiance, ASA# 2638036 REA 0.42 P We have used NLC Payday for a couple years. All API 109 his calves are stout and consistent. This baldy female is no exception. Woodlawn Connie is sound, deep and broody along with plenty of style. Her dam is the heaviest milking Simmental cow we have ever owned. This heifer will make an awesome brood cow to raise marketable bulls or heifers. Sells bred to the recent sweepstakes reserve champion SVF Allegiance. Allegiance was top selling bull for $34,000 at the Family Traditions bull sale going to Walnut Creek and Genex.


Woodlawn Connie

SVF Allegiance reference AI Sire

Miss CCF Y208


Purebred P BD: 1-05-11 P ASA# 2702842 P Tattoo: Y208

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP sVF Honeydew

Miss CCF P06

SS Goldmine L42 HF GFI Queen Of Denial C42

P Birth Wt. 78 lbs P PE on 1-05-13 to 3-01-13 to Mr CCF Y273, ASA# 2656428.

P Y208 is a product of one of the most proven mating

CE 14 BW 1.0 WW 57 YW 77 MCE 10 MM 18 MWW 47 Marb 0.25 REA 0.59 API 127

at C&C Farms. Y208 is sired by the Genex calving ease specialist In Dew Time and from a dam that never misses. This female is a full sister to a long list of cattle that have had an impact on where ever they call home. Y208 is long bodied, level made and loose structured. Proven genetics wrapped into a practical package.

Miss CCF Y208

Miss CCF Y238


SimAngus P BD: 1-16-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y238 Consignor: C&C Farms TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 CE 10 SHS Navigator N2B BW 1.3 Rocky Hills Jo WW 59 Twin Valley Precision E161 Chokee Burgess 3123 Partisover Burgess 739

P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-22-12 to Mr CCF Time To Shine, ASA#

Mr CCF Time To Shine - AI reference sire

YW 103 MCE 3 MM 19 MWW 49 Marb 0.25 REA 0.35 API 100

9492957. Heifer calf pregnancy P Y238 is a long made, deep bodied, structurally sound Navigator daughter that has a lot of performance. Y238 is also carrying a heifer calf pregnancy by Mr. CCF Time To Shine.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Britt Rita 103Y


SimAngus P BD: 1-20-11 P ASA# 2702215 P Tattoo: 103Y

Consignor: Britt Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SBP Ria 6181

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W BR Midland Bricton Rita 1170

P Birth Wt. 73 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 706 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-07-12 to W/C United 956Y, ASA# 2614725 .

P Rita 103Y is a picturesque SimAngus bred heifer.

CE 15 BW 0.0 WW 58 YW 91 MCE 11 MM 14 MWW 43 Marb 0.60 REA 0.52 API 146

This Dream On daughter is designed as good as any we own. She is sweet fronted, smooth made, soft middled, and is built really well on all four corners. When you set this one in motion we fall in love with her pattern. Dream On daughters continue to impress the Simmental industry and 103Y is certain to impress. We held this one over to calve in the fall and she has matured into a beauty. If you want to raise percentage Simmentals or crossbred show cattle we believe this bred has an unbelievable future. Bred to one of the most impressive young SimAngus bulls in the business.

Britt Rita 103Y

Pairs Woodlawn Indigo Purebred P BD: 2-13-11 P ASA# 2585976 P Tattoo: 146Y Consignor: Woodlawn Farms HC Hummer 12M CE 12 RC Club King 040R BW 0.9 RC Miss Griffey 038N WW 70 YW 108 KR Western Star S95 HSR Miss Star U647 MCE 11 HSR Reality N38 MM 18 MWW 53 P Birth Wt. 69 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 703 lbs. Marb 0.13 P Fancy, Superb, complete are only a few words REA 0.50 to describe Woodlawn Indigo. This female will be an API 113 outstanding brood cow for many years. it doesn’t matter what you emphasize your program around this first calf cow will meet the need. Outstanding EPD’s along with complete structure. Study this pair ! If your looking for a money making opportunity this is one package you won’t regret buying.



BD: 2-20-13

Sex: Bull

Woodlawn Indigo

BW: 66 Tattoo: 364A Sire: KNH Added Value

Cinderellas Mark W40


1/2 Blood P BD: 9-01-09 P ASA# 2537981 P Tattoo: W40

Consignor: C&C Farms

WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette

UBAR Grand Prix 102 VBCF Prncss Cinderella 12R GMRA Princess 720

P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. P This stout made Trademark daughter is long made, feminine fronted , level topped , and has a near perfect udder design. W40 has a nice heifer calf by Mr. CCF Time To Shine on her side.


BD: 1-05-13

CE 10 BW 0.9 WW 55 YW 75 MCE 1 MM 19 MWW 47 Marb 0.16 REA 0.59 API 93

Cinderellas Mark W40

Sex: Heifer BW: 78 Tattoo: A4

Sire: Mr CCF Time To Shine

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Rew/SS Grace 249U


Purebred P BD: 11-10-06 P ASA# 2444738 P Tattoo: 249U

Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey

PPSR Montana Irish 107D STF Montana Black KF25 STF Desa Rae

WLE Power Stroke TMPF Amazing Grace SNC Sheeza Dream K107W

P Weaning Wt. 708 lbs. P Here is a half sister to the legendary producer of

CE 10 BW 3.7 WW 61 YW 92 MCE 5 MM 14 MWW 45 Marb 0.13 REA 0.36 API 97

all time in the Simmental breed, Dream On. A Montana Black cow that is doing a excellent job with her bull calf at side. You never go wrong adding nice Simmental pair. Always nice pairs at the Cattleman’s Choice.

61A TMPF Amazing Grace - reference dam

BD: 2-02-13 Sire: Top Grade

Sex: Bull

BW: 72 Tattoo: A306

SVF Delightful S429 Purebred P BD: 11-10-06 P ASA# 2387938 P Tattoo: S429 Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey CNS Dream On L186 CE 13 SVF NJC Built Right N48 BW 1.8 NJC Ebony Antoinette WW 60 YW 92 STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF Shes Delightful 532 MCE 8 FHF Miss Pasque F532 MM 21 MWW 51 P Birth Wt. 83 lbs. Marb 0.03 P Delightful is doing a superb job with her bull calf at REA 0.34 side and is a whale of a milker. The Built Right daughters API 114 are some of the breed’s best cows. S429 is a daughter of the many time champion She Delightful that was campaigned by the Fosters Bros. in Texas. A production oriented and money making cow family. Her bull at side could pay for everything this fall.


Mr NLC Upgrade - reference sire to 62A


BD: 1-18-13 Sire: Mr NLC Upgrade

Sex: Bull

BW: 78 Tattoo: A302

CCF Ebony W56


SimAngus P BD: 1-15-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W56 Consignor: C&C Farms OCC Kirby 633K CE 5 BC Marathon 7022 BW 3.2 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 WW 63 Black Irish Kansas NJC Ebony Antoinette NJC Betsy Ross

P Here is a nice package of genetics. This Marathon female laid down and had a nice heifer by Bullseye.


BD: 1-06-13

Sire: STF Bullseye

CCF Ebony W56

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Sex: Heifer BW: 82 Tattoo: A3

YW 96 MCE -2 MM 26 MWW 57 Marb 0.20 REA 0.62 API 75

Woodlawn Muskrat Purebred Bull P BD: 1-03-11 P ASA# 2585971 P Tattoo: 712Y Consignor: Woodlawn Farms CNS Dream On L186 CE 8 SVF Steel Force S701 BW 1.8 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 WW 65 YW 95 G&L Blackfoot 716D JM BF H25 MCE 8 YC Miss Blk B80 MM 21 MWW 53 P Birth Wt. 65 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 746 lbs. Marb -0.02 P A full brother to the National Western Champion HC REA 0.54 Mr Broker. This is an opportunity to buy into some of the API 114 most sought after genetics in the country. Muskrat has been impressive since he was a calf due to the tremendous capacity he possesses. We noted him as the best bull of the fall 2010/spring 2011 calf crop. We planned to keep him for a clean up bull but after much thought we decided to sell him just a few weeks ago. Look him up on sale day. There aren’t too many opportunities like this out there.



Woodlawn Muskrat Mr HOC Broker, full brother - reference

MR CCF Y279 Purebred Bull P BD: 9-15-11 P ASA# 2656426 P Tattoo: Y279 Consignor: C&C Farms HTP SVF In Dew Time CE 11 Mr CCF Time To Shine BW 0.6 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 WW 50 YW 70 KSU Venom 101M Miss CCF Southern Jewell MCE 8 NJC Black Jewell MM 20 MWW 45 P Birth Wt. 86 lbs. Marb 0.08 P Y279 is a blazed faced stout made bull, that will add REA 0.47 a well balanced look to your next calf crop. One of the API 107 top selling bulls in the “Beef Builders” sale was a full brother. The genetic lines that run through this 18 month old bull are legendary in the Simmental breed with the “Jewel” cow family on his bottom side, and the “K205” cow family running on the top side.




NJC Black Jewel - reference granddam

SimAngus Bull P BD: 9-25-11 P ASA# 2656428 P Tattoo: Y273

Consignor: C&C Farms

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

Bon View New Design 1407 GAR 1407 New Design 1094 GAR 044 Traveler 2328

P Birth Wt. 92 lbs. P Talk about a blazed face well balanced, stout made

CE 13 BW -0.1 WW 63 YW 106 MCE 8 MM 21 MWW 53 Marb 0.49 REA 0.70 API 132

bull, with an amazing set of numbers. With the Birth Weight of -.01, Milk of 21.4, API of 131.9, and a TI of 75.4. We think that this bull has a lot of potential. Enough so that we have been using this young herd sire as one of our clean up bulls in the open heifer pens. With the pedigree that stands on both sides of this bull, anyone could add Y273 to their herd and it would be beneficial.

Miss CCF Y273

Mr LF Shocking Answer Y6


Purebred Bull P BD: 12-06-11 P ASA# 2642098 P Tattoo: Y6

Consignor: Macy Seagraves

CNS Dream On L186 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 STF Miss J0114

Miss HHF Petal P09

BF L112 Trailblazer PF Ringos Black Star

P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. P Shocking Answer is the full sib to the heifer who sold

CE 12 BW 2.1 WW 63 YW 92 MCE 6 MM 24 MWW 56 Marb 0.05 REA 0.45 API 113

in the Generations of Value Sale last year for $3,500 at only 5 months of age. The potential for this bull is endless. Besides his highly desirable pedigree, he has excellent phenotype and structure. Shocking answer is a highly muscled bull with great docility and ability to give you high performing cattle. Let it not shock you that Shocking Answer is the answer to be the new addition to your herd!

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale

Mr LF Shocking Answer Y6


RAFX Lucy Y051


SimAngus P BD: 10-30-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y051 Consignor: Rolling Acres Farm

P Bred AI on 1-02-13 to HTP SVF Duracell, ASA# 2392068 P Y051 is another great bred heifer from our herd. She is sound, deep

bodied and extended through her front end. To boot, she is bred for an early fall calf to the popular Duracell. This female stems from the same family as the $410,000 valued Basin Lucy 178E. Steel Force needs no introduction and has added value to many animals across the country. We’ve taken the guess work out here. Due to calve 10/10/13 to Duracell.

RAFX Lucy Y031 SimAngus P BD: 12-23-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y031 Consignor: Rolling Acres Farm


P Bred AI on 12-23-12 to HTP SVF Duracell, ASA# 2392068 P Y031 comes from the heart of our replacement females. This is a

RAFX Lucy Y051

moderate, soggy made brood cow in the making. Again this female stems from the same family as $410,000 valued Basin Lucy 178E. Combine the Lucy family with the popular and proven Steel Force and predictability is bred in this pedigree. We think her best days are ahead of her. Due to calve 10/10/13 to Duracell. CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

Basin Lucy 372R

Basin Max 602C Basin Lucy 166N

RAFX Rita Z092

CE 11 BW 0.1 WW 59 YW 96 MCE 6 MM 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.32 REA 0.35 API 113

SimAngus P BD: 11-02-12 P ASA# 2704157 P Tattoo: Z092 Consignor: Rolling Acres Farm STF Dominique R170 CE 12 STF Dominance T171 BW 1.0 MMP Kiss This 37L WW 54 Bon View New Design 1407 YW 88 Maple Crest Rita A213 MCE 12 GAR EXT 327 MM 22 MWW 49 P This female has a bright future ahead of her. I think Marb 0.43 she will find some friends in the show ring but may prove to REA 0.26 be most valuable in production. Her sire, Dominance, had API 128 a successful show career and her dam has a great track record herself. Her dam, A213, produced the 2008 Atlantic National ROV Show Champion along with many other winnings. This female went on to sale for $55,000 for half interest to Double R Bar in Indiana. Many herd bull candidates from A213 have been marketed and we have several other females retained. Don’t let this slip by you on sale day.

69 RAFX Lucy Y031

RAFX Vale Y101 SimAngus P BD: 9-09-11 P ASA# 2704158 P Tattoo: Y101 Consignor: Rolling Acres Farm WLE Power Stroke CE 11 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N BW 0.4 NJC Ebony Antoinette WW 54 YW 82 Rito 6I6 of 4820 6807 Shamrock Vale Rito 6I6 1048 MCE 4 Shamrock Vale Rito 3817-8122 MM 17 MWW 44 P Bred AI on 12-13-12 to HTP SVF Duracell, ASA# Marb 0.27 2392068 REA 0.64 P Y101 will make a great replacement female. API 107 Trademark has females working in herds across the country. This bred heifer is out of a solid producing 6I6 Angus cow in our herd. Calving ease and growth are bred in here. Take this female home and let her make you money. Due to calve 9/21/13 to Duracell.


RAFX Vale Y101

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


ASA Sale Terms & Conditions ...

2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice.

BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale block or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted.

HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED: DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED — An animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED — An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not become affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED — An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurs and still be genetically polled.) 4. SMOOTH POLLED — A smooth-polled individual has no scurs and does not develop scurs later in life.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: 1. All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. 2. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration. AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open female is a non-pregnant animal. 8. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status of breeding status of an female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale.

GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled or polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a nonbreeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sold as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny thereof to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. GENETIC TESTING AND TraitTrac STATUS: Sellers must identify the TraitTrac status and the results of any qualitative genetic testing performed on any animals or genetic material offered for sale. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose the TraitTrac status or qualitative genetic test results of any animal or genetic material. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION: Sellers must disclose all material information concerning any animal or genetic material offered for sale. For the purposes of these Sale Terms and Conditions, “Material Information” is defined as any information which would be likely to affect the value of the animal or genetic material if the information were known to the public. Material Information includes, but is not limited to, information related to genetic tests, blood tests, ultrasound pregnancy results, disease tests, pregnancy and fertility test results, information related to the sex and age of in utero calves or embryos, and information related to the fertilization status of in utero calves, including whether the calf was conceived via artificial insemination or natural service. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose any Material Information concerning an animal or genetic material offered for sale. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: These sale terms and conditions constitute a binding legal obligation between the buyer and seller of any animal or genetic material sold under these terms and conditions. However, the ASA, its directors, officers, employees and agents do not assume any obligation, legal or otherwise, to enforce the sale terms and conditions agreed to between buyer and seller.

Cattlemen’s Choice Sale


Doug & Debbie Parke

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