Nebraska Angus News - March/April 2015

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March-April 2015 Inside this issue 2015 Nebraska Angus Queen 2015 Member Sale Calendar 2014-15 Sale Results

Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

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HEADLINERS Hd/Dts MW MH CE W RRADG A DG YYH H SC DOC DO C HP CE M M IL K Hd/Dts CEDD BW WW YYW CEM MILK +16 -2.2 +63 +107 +.20 +0.2 +1.18 +14 +9.2 +15 +25 +26 +0.5 .56 .68 .56 .49 .34 .39 .42 .42 .15 .17 .23 .32 .18

CCW W M A RB RE AT CCARCASS A R C A S S SSTEER T EER TTOTAL O TA L MARB REAA FFAT +66 +.85 +.61 +.081 0 0 8 .22 .33 .32 .32 0 0 49

$E N $EN




-13.55 +61.83 +27.58 +126.73 TOP 35%

Hd/Dts MW MH CE W RRADG A DG YYH H SC DOC DO C HP CE M M IL K Hd/Dts CEDD BW WW YYW CEM MILK +17 -1.8 +59 +106 +.18 +0.6 +.34 +13 +13.1 +17 +26 1 +41 +0.7 .59 .81 .72 .64 .38 .47 .65 .34 .21 .23 .32 7 .37 .26

CCW A RB RE AT CCARCASS A R C A S S SSTEER T EER TTOTAL W M O TA L MARB REAA FFAT +41 +.54 +.80 +.054 0 0 23 0 0 .30 .41 .40 .40 106

$E N $EN




-18.06 +53.32 +31.26 +102.87 TOP 35%

CE D BW WW YW Y W RADG R A DG YH Y H SC DOC DO C HP CE M M IL K HHd/Dts d / D ts MW MH CED CEM MILK +13 -0.1 +61 +108 +.20 +0.5 +1.80 +16 +12.0 +11 +24 +70 +0.7 2 .74 .88 .82 .75 .47 .69 .76 .71 .36 .24 .31 8 .43 .28 C W MARB M A RB REA RE A FAT FAT CARCASS C A R C A S S STEER S T EER TTOTAL O TA L CW +43 +.56 +1.45 -.014 9 0 46 .56 .62 .59 .58 23 0 171

$E N $EN




-19.22 +48.18 +44.91 +113.77 TOP 35%

DO C HP CE M M IL K HHd/Dts d / D ts MW MH CE W RRADG A DG YYH H SC DOC CED CEM MILK D BW WW YYW +16 +0.4 +12 -0.2 +61 +109 +.22 +0.5 +.04 +25 +13.4 +15 +27 .34 .23 .35 .39 .32 .34 .37 .49 .49 .42 .19 .18 .24 CCW M A RB REA RE A FAT FAT CARCASS C A R C A S S STEER S T EER TTOTAL W MARB O TA L +69 +.62 +.92 +.027 0 0 0 .26 .37 .31 .34 0 0 0

$E $EN N




-13.22 +61.00 +33.38 +130.76 TOP 35%




W By:

Suzy Hebbert, NAA Secretary

On the Job…

Official Publication of the Nebraska Angus Association SIZE MEMBER NON MEMB. Full page $375 $550 2/3 Page $300 $440 1/2 Page $250 $360 1/3 Page $190 $275 1/4 Page $160 $220 1/8 Page $90 $125 COLOR RATES

$55 per color up to three colors on full page and 2/3 page ads - total cost on three additional colors is $165. For 1/2 page ads or smaller, the cost is $30 per color up to three colors



Suzy Hebbert, Editor ~ 308/577-6700 Jessamyn Voss, Production ~ 308/282-0312 Jan/Feb Issue ~ Deadline: Dec. 1

March/April Issue ~ Deadline: Feb 1 Aug/Sept Issue ~ Deadline: July 1 Holiday Issue ~ Deadline: Oct 15

Inside this Issue President Speaks ..............................6 AAA Board Update ..........................12 Junior Viewpoint ............................14 2015 Queen Spotlight ....................20 Sale Report ................................26,28 Sale Calendar ................................30

On the Cover: “Are you my Mother?”


ril 2015

Inside thi s issue 2015 Nebra

ska Angus Queen 2015 Memb er Sale Calen dar 2014-1 5 Sale Resul ts

Photo by Debra Sitz of Burwell, NE.

ow, have you kept track of Angus bull sale reports the past few weeks? The sale prices paid for top Angus genetics continue to be off the charts. You can find our sale reports for member sales on pages 26 & 28in this issue. This is truly a great time to be in the cattle business with outstanding markets for all classes of cattle -feeder calves, fat cattle (although these prices have softened some in recent weeks) even cull cows and weigh up bulls continue to bring top dollars. Check out the many sale listings of our membership on page 30 to find that much needed herd sire for your herd. It appears that cattle herd expansion is beginning and finding those bulls to meet your herd needs will be a priority this year. Our membership sales continue to offer those top genetics. Check out the upcoming sale listing…there are over 35 sales listed in March alone. That special bull you need to fill your herd needs is out there, whether you’re interested in an actual sale or private treaty offering. In this issue is an article on our current Nebraska Angus Queen, Michelle Keyes. She is a hard working, talented, outgoing young lady who has thoroughly enjoyed her tenure as Nebraska Angus Queen. She has taken her role as Queen seriously as she is our Association Ambassador throughout our state. She has set lofty goals for her

Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

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4 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

future in the Ag Industry. Check out her story on page 20. Watch our website for upcoming information on our Annual Angus Tour to be held in the Southeast district. We’re celebrating our 75th Anniversary as an association at this year’s tour. Our President Trevor Lienemann and Southeast Director Brett Weers will serve as co-chairs for this year’s event. Planning is currently underway for an outstanding tour. As soon as more details are available, they will be listed on our website. Here are just a few events coming on our calendar in the next few months. April 15 – Nebraska Angus Queen applications DUE May 15 – Nebraska Annual Directory ad space reservations DUE May 30-31 – Nebraska Jr. Preview Show/Banquet & Queen Contest in Broken Bow July 10th – Nebraska Angus Annual 2015-2016 Directory published July 13-18 – 2015 National Junior Angus Show – Tulsa, Oklahoma July 20 – 2015 Husker Harvest Days Pen reservations DUE September 15-17 – 2015 Husker Harvest Days exhibit

Until next time....

There is some interest in getting an Angus Auxiliary group in Nebraska. If you are interested please contact Laurie Dethlefs at or Heather Smith at by April 25th, 2015.

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President Speaks Trevor Lienemann NAA President

A By:

Dear Nebraska Angus Friends,

s the song goes, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” No, I’m not talking about Christmas. For cattle producers, bull sale season and calving season make this the most wonderful time of the year. This is the season where we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor. With new calves being born and getting to evaluate (at least initially) how well we did last spring with our breeding selections. It’s an exciting time of year, and an exciting time to be in the cattle business. After years of decline in cattle herd numbers, recent trends indicate herd numbers are on the rise. With beef prices reaching historic highs, cattle producers are retaining and breeding more females. The optimism beef producers demonstrate by holding on to their cattle for breeding purposes rather than selling them for market beef is a true indicator of assurance in this industry. This is good news for anyone involved in the cattle industry and we see this in recent sales. We are well into the bull sale season, and although we have seen a slight decline in fed cattle prices, we are still enjoying a “bull market.” Angus genetics are dominant, and highly sought after by both seed

Nebraska Angus Association stock producers, as well as commercial programs. The validation Angus producers receive during bull sale season is second to none. Congratulations to all who have wrapped up their sales, and good luck to those of you who have sales in your future. As you are reading this, the 2015 Cattlemen’s Classic will be in the books. This is an event that brings cattlemen from across the state to display the best they have to offer. The Angus breed continues to bring a lot of excitement to this event and is highly competitive in both the show and sale ring. I’m sure this year will be no different. I invite you to consider all the Angus breed has to offer by reading this and other related periodicals, attending shows and sales, and visiting with fellow Angus enthusiasts. As an organization of Angus breeders we are have a lot to offer as a collective group, and additionally we have a lot to offer to individual breeders. Anyone interested in learning more about the Nebraska Angus Association, and all we have to offer feel free to contact me, Suzy Hebbert, or any of the board members. I look forward to visiting with many of you at upcoming events, and representing you as this year’s Nebraska Angus Association President.

2015 Officers & Directors Front row: Left to Right: Vince Bickel, Vice President – Gordon; Suzy Hebbert, Sec/Mgr – Ashby; Trevor Lienemann, President – Princeton. Back Row: Left to Right: Dave Nichols, North Director – Chambers; Danny Poss, Central Director – Scotia; Brett Weers, Southeast Director – Beatrice; Chris Fryzek, Commercial DirectorMadrid; Brandon Meyer, South Director – Blue Hill. 6 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Sincerely, Trevor Lienemann

President Trevor Lienemann, Princeton 402/560-5385 Vice President Vince Bickel, Gordon 308/282-0416

Secretary/Manager Suzy Hebbert, Ashby 308/577-6700 Past President Dru Uden, Franklin 402/470-0740

Commercial Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Chris Fryzek, Madrid 308/353-6317 West Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Matt Dolezal, Rushville 308/ 327-2039 North Director (Term Expires 12/16)

Dave Nichols, Chambers 402/340-3810 Central Director (Term Expires 12/16)

Danny Poss, Scotia 308/245-3143 South Director (Term Expires 12/16)

Brandon Meyer, Blue Hill 402/756-2488 Northeast Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Brock Foxhoven, Crofton 402/388-2478 Southeast Director (Term Expires 12/15)

Brett Weers, Diller 402/806-1627

Material appearing in this issue may be reprinted only with written permission of the Nebraska Angus Association. The Nebraska Angus News and the Nebraska Angus Association is obligated and reserves the right to reject any request for advertising space which would not serve the best interest of our membership. Any rejection is not intended as a reflection upon the subject of the advertisement.


TER • KASSE S E K • F LD EOU Monday, March 23, 2015 • 1 p.m. Burwell Livestock Market • Burwell, NE


100 BULLS • 20 HEIFERS • 6 BRED COWS Volume Discounts • Performance Data • First Season Guarantee • Fertility Tested • Ultrasound Data • Industry Leading Genetics

• 20 Yearling Bulls • 16 Fall Angus Bulls • 6 Bred Cows April/May

• 30 Yearling Bulls • 15 Yearling Heifers • 6 F1 Heifers






Ericson, NE

Clearwater, NE

Ericson, NE

Adam & Christy (308) 750-8369 • (308) 653-5409

Tyler (402) 750-6163 Cody (402) 750-3419

Ken & Ann (308) 653-3148 • (308) 201-0788 www.kasselderangus


• 40 Yearling Bulls

“Bulls Selected by Cattlemen for Cattlemen”

Wednesday • March 25, 2015 • 1 pm (CT) At Broken Bow Livestock • Broken Bow, NE 52 years of performance testing to give you, the buyer, some of the top genetics in the nation!

Selling: 70 growth Angus bulls 40 calving-ease Angus bulls

Summitcrest Focus 2U66 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK $W $F $G $B +12 -1.3 +54 +95 +16 +28 +55.18 +46.41 +29.65 +84.83

SAV Pioneer 7301 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK $W $F $G $B +3 +2.1 +61 +110 +6 +29 +68.51 +58.59 +27.40 +91.90

AAR Ten X 7008 SA CED BW WW YW CEM MILK $W $F $G $B +8 +.4 +68 +129 +8 +22 +74.01 +80.24 +51.21 +145.44 EPDs as of 01/14/2015

SAV Bismarck 5682 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK $W $F $GF $B +13 +.3 +58 +97 +16 +23 +66.16 +50.30 +45.08 +75.24 Mick’s Sale Day Phone: 308-764-7255 Randy Rasby : 308-539-6195 Levi Landers 308-730-1396 Jay Nordhausen : 308-289-1548 Auctioneer: Matt Lowery 308-750-6119

Plus many other AI and Natural Sires Represented.

For Progress Reports or Sale Book Contact: Mick Phillips 205 Phillips Drive Arthur, NE 69121 308-764-2378 * E-mail:

These bulls were handled with the bull’s future use in mind. You can buy with confidence and more. Live Cattle Auctions This year Cattle USA will be hosting the sale over the internet. When you plan on bidding be sure to get approval several days in advance. You can go to they will show you how on their web site.

Visit the website for video samples of the bulls:

2015 Nebraska Cattlemens Classic

Grand Champion SB Omaha 413, Grand Champion Bull, Reg#17846731, a 2/2/14 son of S A V Brilliance 8077, owned by Sisco Bros Cattle Co. of Syracuse, NE. Sold to Mick Peterson of Gothenburg, NE for $10,250.

Res Grand Champion JJT Wide Angle 304, Reserve Grand Champion Bull, Reg# +18043197, a 5/18/13 son of Plainview Lutton E102, owned by Tracy Cattle Co. of Wellfleet, NE. Sold to Kearns Cattle Co. of Rushville, NE for $7,750.

Nebraska Application Deadlines Application Deadline for upcoming event for Nebraska Juniors

April 15, 2015 –

Nebraska Angus Queen Applications DUE

Application available on Junior Page

Grand Champion SB Maid Rite 304, Grand Champion Heifer, Reg #17573378, a 1/14/13 daughter of Bushs Unbelievable 423. Bred to Connealy Final Product. Owned by Sisco Bros Cattle Co. of Syracuse, NE. Sold to Hirschfeld Group, Benedict, NE for $28,000

Membership Form


Business or Operation__________________ Address______________________________




State _______________________Zip ______________________________________ Phone___________________________Cell Phone____________________________

E-mail ________________________________________________________________

Website ($25 charge for including on our website)


Please indicate directions for your farm or ranch and any otherinformation you would like printed in the next breeder’s directory


Res Grand Champion ACC Ruth 928 329, Reserve Grand Champion Heifer, Reg #17775982, a 3/19/13 daughter of S A V First Class 0207. Bred to Barstow Cash. Owned by Jelinek Cattle Co. of Osceola, NE. Sold to William Gay, Steamboat Springs, CO for $17,000. 10 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

____________________________________________________________________ Annual dues are $60 plus .50 cents per head for animals registered during the previous year. BASE DUES $60 __________ Plus .50/head __________ Website listed ($25) __________ TOTAL __________ I would like to receive the Nebraska Angus News I already receive the Nebraska Angus News

Please send form and check to: Nebraska Angus Association % Suzy Hebbert, Secretary/Manager, PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333

Thick,, Feeeed Ef Eff ffi ficiencyy Prrov ove ven,, Total Tootal Perf rfo formancee G Genetiics cs ZLWK FRZ KHUG EXLOGLQJ WUDLWV WR SURYLGH PRUH QHW UHWXUQ SRXQGV DQG TXDOLWW\\ SHU DFUH


200 Y Yearling earling A Angus ngus & C Charolais harolais B Bulls ulls $QJXV +HLIHUV )ULGD\ 0DUFK ‡ S P &'7 7UL 6WDWH /LYHVWRFN ‡ 0F&RRN 1HEUDVND

\HDUV RI )HHG (IILFLHQF\ 7HVWLQJ EUHG LQ ‡ \HDUV RI &DUFD FDVV *DLQ 3HUIRUPDQFH 'DWD The majority of our sires are RFI or progeny tested for efficiency for generations


i d by: b Bulls 100% AI sired

Danny Boyy - Sire of Schurrtop RT TA A Business. True muscle, thickness, feed efficiency and tremendous females, –5.63 Residual Feed Intake.



SCHURRTOP SUPREME Homozygous efficiency, efficiencyy,, longevity ‡‡‡ ‡‡‡ IRONWOOD TENDER TEN -4.0 BW EPD / -4 RFI / 16� REA ‡‡‡ ‡‡‡ BR BAND W WARRIOR ARRIOR Thick, calving ease / -2 RFI ‡ ‡‡ ‡‡‡ BASIN YELLOWSTONE R178 Thick, dominating efficiency ‡ ‡‡ ‡‡‡ SCHURRTOP EA TON CHOICE EATON Calving ease, muscle and more ‡ ‡‡ ‡‡‡ GRANGER BLACK CEDAR Huge performance, low RFI ‡‡‡ ‡‡‡ SOXV RWKHUV SOXV RWKHUV

Schurrtop Twenty Twenty One On P

Powerful Muscle, Calving Ease and DoAbility

See our sires at: www


Bulls ultrasound, fertility and nce tested! performance




Long, deep, highly maternal and proven efficient, –8.1 Residual Feed Intake.

www .sch E-mail:

, 86


P f




Free delivery in Nebraska and surrounding states on bulls > $3500 and assistance on all deliveries.

American Angus Board Update & Director’s Corner


The Nebraska Angus News is in search of photos from around Nebraska from our fellow Angus Breeders! We would love to see them and publish some in our magazine and maybe on the Cover! If you have a picture of your place or your Angus herd please send to: Photos must be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and at least 8 inches wide.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this issue of the Nebraska Angus News, the Nebraska Angus Association and its officers and directors assume no responsibility for any errors, omissions or incorrect information appearing within. January - Febr uary 2015

Inside this

2014 Produ cer of the Year 2014 Pione er Awar d Winn ers 2014 Past Presi dent Spotl ight 2015 Memb er Sale Calen dar





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Published By: Nebraska Angus Association PO Box 150 • Ashby, NE 69333



2014­2015 Directory Angus Nebraska

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150, Ash

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Jerry Connealy AAA Director

S By:

Dear Nebraska Angus friends,

pring is well underway, and here’s wishing everyone a great spring calving season! We are thrilled that the strong cattle market is holding steady, and the optimism in our industry is fantastic. In December, the new AAA board members were encouraged to travel to the Certified Angus Beef headquarters in Wooster, Ohio for an introduction to that segment of the Angus Association’s enterprise. Certified Angus Beef is extremely influential in the dominance of Angus cattle in today’s market, and that demand for Angus cattle by feeders and packers filters down to each of us in the premium prices paid for our animals. This was a great opportunity to see the headquarters, experience the Culinary and Education Center, and meet the terrific team that comprises Certified Angus Beef’s inner workings. The passion that these bright, motivated folks have for the brand, and for their individual roles in guaranteeing its success, was truly inspiring. At the headquarters, we were shown the original letter that was submitted by Harold Etling, an Angus breeder from Marshallville, OH, in the mid-1970s. It outlined his idea of a franchise for high quality Angus beef. That letter is considered the blueprint for our branded product. It was fascinating to witness how insightful this letter was with regard to the impact this franchise would have on the Angus breed. Mr. Etling, in cooperation with board member Fred


e Req


12 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Johnson and a handful of key industry strategists, were responsible for bringing Certified Angus Beef into existence. Ohio’s Regional Manager at the time, Mick Colvin, brought his legendary enthusiasm to his appointment as the brand’s first executive director, and is credited with giving the program a great jump-start. The Certified Angus Beef story is a wonderful example of how we can all make a difference in this industry. One member articulated his idea, it landed in front of the AAA board, and we are all the beneficiaries of that great vision. With that, I encourage each one of you to share any ideas you may have for the enhancement of our breed. Perhaps the next great idea for our industry could come from a Nebraska member! Additionally, if your travels will be taking you to the Wooster neighborhood, I would encourage you to give them a call and inquire about a visit to that fine place. In the meantime, continue to spread the good word about Certified Angus Beef! Sincerely, Jerry Connealy AAA Director (308) 544-6552

Friday, March 27, 2015 At the Ranch - 26 miles SE of Bassett, NE

Selling: 30 Fall Coming 2-year-old Bulls 80 Yearling Bulls The bulls selling are out of these Outstanding Angus AI Sires:

SA V Thunderbird 9061

Apex Windy 078

Reg. 16237970

Reg. 16396499

Baldridge Waylon

Mogck Sure Shot

Connealy Final Product

Reg. 15899735

Smith Angus Ranch Kent and Faye Smith Bassett, NE 68714 402-244-5440

Reg. 15899735

HF Prowler 43U

Reg. 16476949

Reg. 16894092


Junior Viewpoint By:

Maci M. Lienemann, NJAA President

Hello Angus Friends!

Nebraska Junior Angus Association 2015 Officers & Directors

President Maci Lienemann Princeton, NE • 402/705-3858

1st Vice President Alisha Dethlefs North Platte, NE • 308/368-7660 2nd Vice President Cheyann Lovett Bladen, NE • 402/756-1011

Secretary/Treasurer Michelle Keyes Springfield, NE • 402/677-0512 Historian Sydni Lienemann Princeton, NE • 402/798-0288

Director Taylor Nichols Chambers, NE • 402/482-5794

Director Emily Dethlefs North Platte, NE • 308/368-7660 Director Savannah Schafer Nehawka, NE • 402/235-2658


Allen & Heather Smith 732 129th Rd., Osceola, NE 68651 402/764-7456

Kevin & Theresa Keyes 16402 S 111TH St, Springfield, NE 68059 402/ 253-8360 Jeff and Sandy Lovett 16310 S Conestoga Ave. Bladen, NE 68928 402/756-1011

y the time you all read this, our next event, the Junior Angus Show and February Meeting at the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic in Kearney, NE, will have come and gone. As spring approaches there are many upcoming opportunities, including conferences, contests and scholarships. Several of these application deadlines are coming soon so keep a close eye out. I hope all the junior members will take the opportunity to apply and strengthen your leadership and career building skills. To help you get a start on the process, please see below for a list of upcoming deadlines and dates. • February 23: Raising the Bar (University of Illinois) Registration Deadline • February 23: Raising the Bar (University of Georgia) Registration Deadline • March 19-22: Raising the Bar – University of Illinois • April 9-12: Raising the Bar – University of Georgia • April 15: NeJAA Officer & Voting Delegates applications due • May 1: Angus Foundation Scholarship applications due • May 1: CAB/NJAA Scholarship applications due • May 1: Gold Award Application due • May 15: CAB Cook-Off – entry & recipe deadline, Entry

14 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

deadline for: NJAA Creative Writing, NJAA/AJ Photography, NJAA Video and NJAA Graphic Design Contest • May 15: Ownership/EARLY entry deadline – NJAS • May 25: Deadline for Career Development Contest Resumes, Deadline for NJAA Public Speaking Contest outlines • May 25: LATE Entry Deadline – NJAS (ONLINE only) • June 1: American Angus Ambassador application due • July 12-18: National Junior Angus Show – Tulsa, OK The Nebraska Junior Angus Show and Banquet will be May 30-31, in Broken Bow, NE. The details are still being finalized, so we will pass the information along as soon as we know more. Additionally, you can check for up-to-date information on the Nebraska Angus Association – Juniors’ page. I hope to see many of you in Kearney! Yours truly, Maci M. Lienemann 26969 US Hwy 77 Princeton, NE 68404 (402) 705-3858

Jnnior Spotlight


KZ George W 4331 won grand champion bred-and-owned bull. Michelle Keyes, Springfield, Neb., owns the February 2014 son of Bear Mtn George W 1069.

Vision Lady 432 won grand champion bred-and-owned female. Austin Vieselmeyer, Amherst, Colo., owns the January 2014 daughter of Visiontopline Royal Stockman.

N F Princess Leya 301 won reserve grand champion bred-and-owned female. Davis Behle, Kearney, Neb., owns the March 2013 daughter of Soo Line Motive 9016.

BAAR USA Wendy 412 won grand champion owned female . Kyra Meyer, Blue Hill, Neb., owns the January 2014 daughter of Silveiras Style 9303. She also won champion overall breeding heifer.

Bear Mtn Lassie 4069 won reserve grand champion owned female. Reagan Skow, Palisade, Neb., owns the February 2014 daughter of WK George. She also claimed reserve champion overall breeding heifer.

RCL Lookout 4410 won grand champion steer. Austin Vieselmeyer, Amherst, Colo., owns the March 2014 son of RCL Lookout 1718.

CCF Steer 1410 won reserve grand champion steer. Cheyann Lovett, Bladen, Neb., owns the February 2014 son of Duff Hobart 8302. Wrex Phipps, Holyoke, Colo., evaluated all show entries. All photos were by Jay Nordhausen, American Angus Association 16 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

These young Angus enthusiasts won top honors in their division of showmanship. Pictured from left are Jennifer Keyes, Springfield, Neb., senior champion; Justine Nelson, Lincoln, Neb., reserve senior champion; Savannah Schafer, Newhawka, Neb., intermediate champion; Austin Vieselmeyer, Amherst, Colo., reserve intermediate champion; Kasey Meyer, Blue Hill, Neb., junior champion; and Mattison Beattie, Sumner, Neb., reserve junior champion.

6TH ANNUAL BULL SALE Sunday, March 1, 2015 • 2:00 p.m. (CST) Fullerton Livestock Market, Fullerton, NE REFERENCE SIRES Baldridge Waylon • Connealy Consensus 7229 • Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor • WMR Timeless Connealy Infocus 4925 • Connealy Calvary • ZKCC Ironman (Sim-Angus)

CCC Consensus 1405

CCC Waylon 1407

CCC Waylon 1003

CCC Consensus 1417

John Carlson 402-276-6468 17422 340th Ave. • Columbus, NE 68601



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Nebraska Angus Queen Spotlight Nebraska Queen and Agricultural Communicator

Michelle Keyes

This year’s Nebraska Angus Queen, Michelle Keyes, hails from the community of Springfield, NE, which is located just outside of Omaha. Michelle and her two older sisters, Melissa and Jenny are the 5th generation to live on her family farm and the 3rd generation to raise Angus cattle. The Keyes family also consists of parents Kevin and Teresa. Kevin runs the family farm and Teresa works in the Sarpy County election office. Melissa, her oldest sister recently graduated from UNL with a degree in agriculture communications. She currently is head of the Ag in the Classroom for a Northwest Iowa county. Jenny, the middle of the three Keyes girls, is a junior at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, also studying agriculture communications and journalism. Michelle and her family have raised cattle for “as long as she can remember”, so being involved in the Nebraska Jr Angus Association and her family’s membership in the Nebraska Angus Association is a natural fit. However, Michelle’s agricultural production experience isn’t limited to cattle. When she and her sisters were younger, they raised broilers, laying hens and turkeys. They had a commercial poultry dressing building where they dressed the chickens themselves, and they sold farm fresh eggs to local customers. Her parents were also involved in the swine industry as well, prior to Michelle’s birth. All this experience in the agriculture industry is what fuels her passion for agriculture. Animal Science classes are Michelle’s favorite classes in college, and she is also active outside of school. She is a member of the Nebraska Junior Angus Association, currently holding the office of Secretary/Treasurer. She also has membership in the Junior Legion Auxiliary Post 143, the Collegiate Cattlewomen, Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and Agriculture Communica-

tors of Tomorrow. While most of her family attended or graduated from UNL, Michelle is a freshman at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS studying Agriculture Communications and Journalism. She is also considering a second major in Animal Science. Michelle became interested in being Nebraska Angus Queen because of her something her

Mom, Teresa, instilled in her daughters. Teresa always believed her daughters should be “role models” for younger children. Michelle felt that there was no better way be a role model for the younger girls in the Nebraska Jr. Angus Association than to serve as Queen. She strives to do her best and be someone the younger girls can look up to. Michelle literally earned the Nebraska Angus Queen title by participating in the revamped Nebraska Angus Queen contest this past summer. The contest consisted of a prepared speech, a session on queen etiquette, and a group presentation before a panel of judges.

20 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

The girls also attended the queen luncheon along with their Mothers and the judges. The grueling two day Queen contest prepared Michelle well for her responsibilities of Nebraska Angus Queen. Just a few of her jobs include attending all Nebraska Angus show activities such as the Nebraska State Fair, the Junior Winter Show, Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Angus Show and Sale, and the Nebraska Junior Preview Show. As part of the show duties she hands out ribbons and is Nebraska’s representative in show photos. Michelle also attended the National Western Stock Show in Denver this past January, where she assisted Miss American Angus in the show ring. She encourages all future queens to attend the stock show if they have the opportunity to learn more about the Angus breed and queen responsibilities on a national level. Advice that Michelle has for future Nebraska Angus Queen candidates is to prepare yourself well in whatever you do. Be ready to attend as many Angus events as possible. Whether it’s a member’s sale, an Angus show, or even the Angus tour, you will always be welcomed in any situation. These events are also great networking opportunities for the future. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Great experiences are just around the corner if you’re well prepared, and willing to expand your horizons.

Michelle Keyes, (left) Nebraska Angus Queen and Miss America Angus, Madison Butler at the 2015 National Western Stock Show in Denver.

New Sa alle Dat atte e e!!!


Super BULL M Monday!! onda ay!!

WINDMILL MILL M ILL ANGUS R RANCH RANC AN A NCH Raising big, stout twoyear-old bulls for over 60 years!!

Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services



Angus producers competed for top honors during the 2015 National Western Stock Show (NWSS) Angus Carload & Pen Show, Jan. 17 in Denver, Colo. Six carloads and 32 pens-of-three were showcased in the Yards during the 109th NWSS. Arlen Sawyer, Bassett, Neb.; Chad Ellingson, Saint Anthony, N.D.; and Phil Trowbridge, Ghent, N.Y., evaluated the bulls and selected champions. Mohnen Angus, White Lake, S.D., claimed grand champion carload, with 10 January 2014 bulls sired by Mohnen South Dakota 402; S A V Harvestor 0338; Connealy Sandhills 122; and D R Sierra Cut 7404. The group weighed an average of 1,474 pounds and posted an average scrotal circumference of 40.3 centimeters. Krebs Ranch, Gordon, Neb., exhibited the reserve grand champion carload with January and February 2014 bulls sired by Barstow Cash; WK Smooth 2382; CFCC Black Jack 001; Koupals B&B Identity; and K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y. The ten bulls posted an average weight of 1,487 pounds, and an average scrotal circumference of 39.8 centimeters. Krebs Ranch also showcased the grand champion pen of three with January and February 2014 sons of Barstow Cash. The trio posted an average weight of 1,443 pounds and an average scrotal circumference of 41.0 centimeters. The bulls first won early calf champion. Chestnut Angus Farm, Pipestone, Minn., captured the reserve grand champion pen of three after first claiming reserve early calf champion. The January and February 2014 sons of VA First Round and Connealy Final Product posted an average weight of 1,440 pounds and an average scrotal circumference of 39.5 centimeters.

Grand Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Krebs Ranch, Gordon, Neb.

Reserve Grand Champion Carload: Krebs Ranch, Gordon, Neb.


A complete list of winners follows:

24th Annual Production Sale

April 4, 2015

2015 NWSS ANGUS CARLOAD & PEN SHOW DENVER, COLO. Judges: Arlen Sawyer, Bassett, Neb.; Chad Ellingson, Saint Anthony, N.D.; and Phil Trowbridge, Ghent, N.Y.

At the Kraye Sale Facility Mullen, Nebraska

Selling 130 Performance Bred Registered Yearling Angus Bulls Featuring sons of WAR Hero, Apex Windy, South Dakota, Chisum, Upward and more.

Carloads 6 Shown: Grand Champion Carload of Bulls: Mohnen Angus, White Lake, S.D. Reserve Grand Champion Carload of Bulls: Krebs Ranch, Gordon, Neb.

Also Selling 20 Purebred Commercial Yearling Heifers

Pens 32 Shown: Late Calf Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Frey Angus Ranch, Granville, N.D. Reserve Late Calf Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Reid Angus Ranch, Akron, Colo. Early Calf Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Krebs Ranch, Gordon, Neb. Reserve Early Calf Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Chestnut Angus Farm, Pipestone, Minn. Champion Yearling Pen of Three: Werner Angus LLC, Cordova, Ill. Reserve Champion Yearling Pen of Three: Pollard Farms LLC, Waukomis, Okla. Grand Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Krebs Ranch, Gordon, Neb.

Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Three Bulls: Chestnut Angus Farm, Pipestone, Minn.

All Performance Data Available

Family Owned Nebraska Grown

22 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Kraye Angus 35791 Antelope Valley Rd Mullen, NE 69152 John 308-546-2524 Cell 308-546-7309 David 308-546-7015

FR E N Z E N A N G U S & P O L L E D H E R E F O R D S

A nnual P r o d u c t i on S a l e • M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 • 1 : 0 0 p m At t h e F r e n z e n S a l e F a c i l i t y 4 1 / 2 m i . N o r t h o f F u l l e r t o n , N E o n H w y 1 4




CED: +6 BW: +1.0 WW: +63 YW: +103 M:+24 $B: +94.34

CED: +4 BW: +2.3 WW: +57 YW +102 M: +25 $B: +114.67

CED: +5 BW: +2.6 WW: +69 YW: +110 M: +27 $B: +90.26


B20 - LOGIC X RIBEYE CED: +3.4 BW: +1.8 WW: +62 YW: +98 M: +25 CHB$: $31


CED: +8 BW: +1.0 WW: +59 YW: +103 M: +31 $B: +107.77


CED: +9 BW: +1.1 WW: +52 YW: +89 M: +20 $B: +75.15







More Pounds - More Profit ! Why Invest in a Frenzen Bull: • No Creep • Excellent selection • Reasonable selling prices • Free delivery in Nebraska • All bulls are AM, NH & CA Free • All bulls tested negative for PI - BVD • Complete Performance and ultrasound information • The fall bulls ran on grass this summer and fall. They are currently receiving a light ration while running on mature native grass. • The yearling bulls run in large traps to ensure plenty of exercise. • The Frenzen's have been in the seedstock business for over 50 years and have always rigidly culled for fertility, calving ease, performance, soundness and disposition • The yearling bulls are on a high distillers/high roughage ration designed to let the bulls express their genetic potential yet keep them hard muscled, athletic, sound in their feet and joints and increase their longevity. These are not "corn fed" fat bulls.

Check website periodically for additional bull and female pictures!



F re n z e n A n g u s &

P o l le d H er ef o r ds Galen Frenzen Family 50802 N Edgewood Rd. • Fullerton, NE 68638 Galen’s Cell (308) 550-0237 Eric’s Cell (308) 550-0238




Bulls Worth Waiting tiinng FFor! or! or!



Animal Science Arena, UNL East Campus, Lincoln

Saturday, S Saturd Satur atturrda daayyy,, Apri da Apprriil 111 April A 11, 11,, 1:00 1::00 1: 00 pm pm Selling 10 yearling Angus bulls and 30 yearling Red Angus or Angus Composites.

{ All bulls sold are sire identified by DNA. { Data driven program that focuses on EPDs and economic indexes. { First breeding season guarantee and free delivery in Nebraska.

Visit our website at For morre e information or to request request a catalog Matt Spanglerr,, Ph.D. (40 (402) 472-6489

25% of the sale bulls rank in the top 10% of the breed for EPD’s and $Values 20% of the sale bulls rank in the top 1% of the breed in at least one category of the EPD’s and $values Sale Bulls Breed Average Average CED 8.2 5 BW 1.2 1.8 WW 55.4 49 YW 99 86 MILK 27 23 CW 38 30 MARB .52 .49 RE .68 .45 $W 43 36 $F 51 35 $G 33.4 29 $B 102 84

oday. Use T s in g e B e r tu u F Your akes Profit” “Performance M an Angus m ll o H m o fr s ll u B

24 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Marcy Cattle Co.

Herd City: Hay Springs, NE USAuctioneer: Joe Goggins Sale Location: Gordon, NE US Sale Date: 1/22/2015

162 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $1,362,250.00 Average: $8,408.00 105 Commercial Angus Bred Heifers Average $2853

TOP BULL Lot 124 - Marcys 14 Emblazon 10-4 $17,000.00 Buyer: 777 Angus Ranch ND Sire Name: Redland Emblazon 2021 Lot 130 - Marcys 14 Emblazon 65-4 $15,500.00 Buyer: Pearson Land & Cattle NE Sire Name: Redland Emblazon 2021 Lot 86 - Marcys Dash 111 455 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Hebbert Cattle Co. NE Sire Name: Marcys Dash 111 Lot 151 - Marcys Oscar 4156 - $15,000.00 Buyer: M Diamond Angus WY Sire Name: Marcys Oscar 245 Lot 169 - Marcys 14 1I2 16-6 6-4 - $14,500.00 Lot 37 - Marcys Packer 428 - $14,000.00 Buyer: Gerald & Wes Risse SD Sire Name: Connealy Packer 547 Lot 120 - Marcys 14 No Question 143-4 $14,000.00 Buyer: Don Nixon MT Sire Name: Lisco No Question 802 Lot 65 - Marcys 14 Sledgehammer 107-4 $13,500.00 Buyer: Don Nixon MT Sire Name: Baldridge Sledgehammer S621

Mill Bar Angus

Herd City: Hayes Center, NE USAuctioneer: Joe Goggins Sale Location: McCook, NE Sale Mgr: American Angus Hall of Fame Sale Date: 1/23/2015API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

114 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $1,120,050.00 Average: $9,825.00 204 Open Commercial Replacement Angus Replacement Heifers Average: $1991.

TOP BULL Lot 44 - Mill Bar Mashup 8113 - $18,000.00 Buyer: Ruggles Land & Cattle McCook NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 Lot 14 - Mill Bar Due North 8032 - $16,500.00 Buyer: Clifford Ranch Hayes Center NE; Barry Maassen Hershey NE; Reints Cattle Co. Hershey NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 Lot 64 - Mill Bar Thermal Mass 8159 $16,000.00 Buyer: Krab Inc. Paxton NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 Lot 23 - Mill Bar Hickok 8050 - $15,000.00 Buyer: P.J. O'Connor Fairmont NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 Lot 32 - Mill Bar Hickok 8080 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Krab Inc. Paxton NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 Lot 61 - Mill Bar Hickok 8154 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Bart Stromberger Champion NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242 Lot 117 - Mill Bar Hickok 8342 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Mark Farr Cambridge NE Sire Name: Mill Bar Hickok 7242

Sandage Angus Bull Sale

Herd City: Gordon, NE USA Sale Location: Rushville, NE USA Sale Date: 1/24/2015

40 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $331,000 Average: $8,275.00

TOP BULL Lot 43 - GS Identity 43 - $20,000.00

Sale Reports

Buyer: Mangan Angus Missoula, MT Sire Name: Koupals B & B Identity Lot 421 - GS Tiger 421 - $13,000.00 Buyer: Dunn & Schafer Ranch Harrison, NE Sire Name: WK Tiger 1336 Lot 417 - GS Tiger 417 - $13,000.00 Buyer: Bruce Forney Lakeside, NE Sire Name: WK Tiger 1336 Lot 418 - GS Tiger 418 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Bruce Forney Lakeside, NE Sire Name: WK Tiger 1336 Lot 410 - GS Waylon - $12,500 Buyer: Doug Nelson Gordon, NE Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon Lot 47 - GS Grit - $12,500 Buyer: Lonny Frannsen Amelia, NE Sire Name: EXAR Grit Lot 411 - GS Payweight 411 - $12,000.00 Buyer: Bruce Forney Lakeside, NE Sire Name: MAR Payweight 0585 Lot 422 - GS Tiger 422 - $12,000.00 Buyer: Larry Leisy & Malcolm Nielsen Ellsworth, NE Sire Name: WK Tiger 1336

Martin Angus Ranch Bull Sale Herd City: Keystone, NE USAuctioneer: Joe Goggins Sale Location: Ogallala, NE USAPI Rep: Jay Nordhausen Sale Date: 1/26/2015

10 Older Bulls - 66 Yearling Bulls 76 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $663,244.00 Average: $8,726.00

Sitz Angus Ranch Harrison MT; Flying U Angus Ranch Powell Butte OR; Valli-Hi Angus Ranch Caldwell ID Sire Name: G A R Prophet Lot 32 - Baldridge Abundance A293 $47,500.00 Buyer: DBL, Inc. Fullerton NE Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon W34 Lot 172 - Baldridge Accelerator A088 $31,000.00 Buyer: Signal Bluff Ranch Lewellen NE Sire Name: CB Block Party 156 Lot 12 - Baldridge Abundance A105 $30,000.00 Buyer: Joseph Angus Ranch Winner SD Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon W34 Lot 23 - Baldridge Abundance A211 $30,000.00 Buyer: Signal Bluff Ranch Lewellen NE Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon W34 Lot 166 - Baldridge Accelerator A122 $30,000.00 Buyer: Diamond B Ranch Sutherland NE Sire Name: CB Block Party 156 Lot 66 - Baldridge Alternative A078 $28,000.00 Buyer: Marshall Cattle Co. Burlington CO; Camas Praire Angus Ranch Grangeville IN Sire Name: Baldridge Willie Y34 Lot 16 - Baldridge Abundance A174 $26,000.00 Buyer: Mountain View Angus Morristown TN Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon W34

TOP BULL Lot 51 - Martin Upshot B108 - $13,500.00 Buyer: Adam Jessee Benkelman NE Sire Name: EXAR Upshot 0562B Lot 8 - Martin Broken Bow B26 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Loren & Patty Hendrix Holyoke CO Sire Name: KM Broken Bow 002 Lot 9 - Martin Broken Bow B27 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Linda Smedra Miller NE Sire Name: KM Broken Bow 002 Lot 18 - Martin Broken Bow B33 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Bret & Colleen Bixby Ellsworth NE Sire Name: KM Broken Bow 002 Lot 58 - Martin Upward B95 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Dale Arensdorf Tryon NE Sire Name: Sitz Upward 307R Lot 1 - Martin Broken Bow B38 - $12,000.00 Buyer: Jeffrey Arensdorf Tryon NE Sire Name: KM Broken Bow 002

Mike Sitz Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Herd City: North Platte, NE USAuctioneer: Al Conover Sale Date: 1/31/2015 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

Herd City: Dix, NE USAuctioneer: Lex & Shawn Madden Sale Date: 2/6/2015 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

TOP BULL - 2/3 Interest on all bulls Lot 13 - Baldridge Titan A139 - $100,000.00 Buyer: Triple D Genetics Poplar IL Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon W34 Lot 69 - Baldridge Alternative A091 -$65,000.00 Buyer: Genex Cooperative Shewano WI; Flying U Angus Ranch Powell Butte OR; Valli-Hi Angus Ranch Caldwell ID; Triple B Angus Elizabeth IL Sire Name: Baldridge Willie Y34 Lot 89 - Baldridge Beast Mode B074 $60,000.00 Buyer: Ray Sikes Pritchett CO Sire Name: G A R Prophet Lot 11 - Baldridge Abundance A085 $55,000.00 Buyer: Triple D Genetics Poplar Grove IL Sire Name: Baldridge Waylon W34 Lot 92 - Baldridge Beacon B762 - $50,000.00 Buyer: Accelerated Genetics Baraboo WI;

TOP BULL Lot 1 - McConnell Comrade 3114 - $68,000.00 Buyer: Beaman X6 Ranch CO Sire Name: Connealy Comrade 1385 Lot 16 - McConnell Resource 3427 - $32,500.00 Buyer: Hollingworh Ranch WY Sire Name: S A V Resource 1441 Lot 12 - McConnell Resource 3112 - $23,000.00 Buyer: Monaghan Ranch WY Sire Name: S A V Resource 1441

Baldridge Bros. Angus Bull Sale

26 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

236 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $3,342,940.00 Average: $14,165.00

Herd City: Burwell, NE USAPI Rep: Jay Nordhausen Sale Date: 2/2/2015

74 Total Registered Older Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $706,500.00 Average: $9.547.00

TOP BULL Lot 33 - MSAR Chinook 3055 - $18,000.00 Buyer: JHL Ranch Ashby NE Sire Name: MSAR Chinook 9569 Lot 59 - JJA Game Day 3043 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Joseph Higgins Naper NE Sire Name: GDAR Game Day 449 Lot 72 - MSAR Bextor 3006 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Brandon Bruha Ord NE Sire Name: MSAR Bextor 0131 Lot 62 - JJA Game Day 3253 - $14,500.00 Buyer: JHL Ranch Ashby NE Sire Name: GDAR Game Day 449

McConnell Angus Bull Sale

151 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $1,492,182.00 Average: $9,882.00

Graff Cattle Co./Tumbling T Angus Herd City: Ogallala, NE USAuctioneer: Kyle Schow Sale Date: 2/7/2015 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

29 Total Registered Yearling Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $229,013.00 Average: $7,897.00

TOP BULL Lot 5 - GC Harvestor 4031 - $15,500.00 Buyer: McCracken Land & Cattle Paxton NE Continued on page 28...

E. D. ANGUS Clint, Suzy, Ed & Joe Hebbert Ashby, NE 69333 • 308/577-6392


Selling 16 Registered Angus Yearling Bulls


9, 2015 Auctione er: Matt Low e *N ew * L ive Aucti ry on • Lot: 919J - #18015957 Sire: D R Sierra Cut 7404 MGS: Simonson Main Event 8427

Selling sons of: D R Sierra Cut 7404 Baldridge Black Diamond Y209 Connealy Irish 0204 E D Final Product 262 Pictured with Dam: Lot: 912 - #18007859 Sire: Baldridge Black Diamond Y209 MGS: S A V Final Answer

CED +3 BW +3.0 WW +61 YW +106 Milk +24 $W +44.92 $B +87.46

CED +6 BW +2.2 WW +62 YW +107 Milk +22 $W +45.24 $B +102.78 Lot: 214J - #18016102

Lot: 910 - #18007858 Sire: Baldridge Black Diamond Y209 MGS: BC Matrix 4132

Sire: Connealy Irish 0204 MGS: TC Aberdeen 759

Performance & Fertility Tested Bulls No Creep Feed Used In Our Program All Bulls Negative for PI BVD Complete EPD & Ultrasound Data First Breeding Season Guarantee Free Delivery Within 150 Mile Cowherd Johnes Disease Free CED +8 BW +1.0 WW +66 YW +107 Milk +24 $W +55.55 $B +110.64

Check out our website for photo and sale updates after March1st

CED +14 BW -1.0 WW +53 YW +97 Milk +25 $W +45.10 $B +95.48

Visitors are always welcome to view the bulls at the ranch!


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Sire Name: S A V Harvestor 0338 Lot 1 - Tumbling T Resource 4200 - $13,750.00 Buyer: Marty Larsen Whitman NE Sire Name: S A V Resource 1441 Lot 26 - GC High Octane 4067 - $11,250.00 Buyer: Pete Becker Inc. Ashby NE Sire Name: S A V High Octane 1230 Lot 24 - GCHigh Octane 4001 - $11,000.00 Buyer: Pete Becker Inc. Ashby NE Sire Name: S A V High Octane 1230

Carter Family Angus Bull Sale Herd City: Arthur, NE USAuctioneer: Kyle Schow Sale Date: 2/9/2015 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

46 Total Registered Bulls & Sale Total Gross: $350,290.00 Average: $7,615.00

TOP BULL Lot 2 - Carter's Consensus A277 - $14,500.00 Buyer: Krab Inc. Paxton NE Sire Name: Connealy Consensus 7229 Lot 1 - Carter's Consensus A276 - $11,500.00 Buyer: Krab Inc. Paxton NE Sire Name: Connealy Consensus 7229 Lot 5 - Carter's Royal Stockman A279 $10,500.00 Buyer: Walt Collier Dunning NE Sire Name: Visiontopline Royal Stockman Lot 8 - Carters Weigh Up A275 - $10,500.00 Buyer: Walt Collier Dunning NE Sire Name: Plattemere Weigh Up K360 Lot 11 - Carter's In Focus B203 - $10,500.00 Buyer: Troy Dubs Ashby NE Sire Name: Connealy In Focus 4925

Bartos Ranch/Frederick Angus Herd City: Verdigre, NE USAuctioneer: Ty Thompson Sale Date: 2/7/2015 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

95 Total Registered Yearling Bulls Av: $5,655.00 32 Registered Bred Heifers Av: $3,128 86 Commercial Bred Heifers Av: $2,883.00 127 Reported Sale Total Gross: $637,325.00 Average: $5,018.00

TOP BULL Lot 41 - BAR Objective 7125 4059 - $14,000.00 Buyer: Bob Wood Orchard NE Sire Name: G A R Objective 7125 Lot 18 - BAR SAV Angus Valley 4778 $10,000.00 Buyer: Darin Fuelberth Stuart NE Sire Name: S A V Angus Valley 1867 Lot 15 - BAR SAV Angus Valley 4615 -$9,500.00 Buyer: Don Clapper Johnstown NE Sire Name: S A V Angus Valley 1867 Lot 40 - BAR Objective 7125 4058 - $9,500.00 Buyer: Doug Nelson Gordon NE Sire Name: G A R Objective 7125 Lot 88 - Bar 326 4938 - $9,500.00 Buyer: Ty Breithaupt Verdigre NE Sire Name: Bar Sitz Upward 0326 TOP HEIFER Lot 106 - BAR Chloe 188 IF 379 - $3,500.00 Buyer: Marty Miller Valentine NE Sire Name: Mytty In Focus Lot 108 - BAR QuMother 938 B0677 388 $3,500.00 Buyer: Marty Miller Valentine NE Sire Name: Bar Exar Onward 0677BJ Lot 120 - BAR Lass 157BJ 9662 3157 $3,500.00 Buyer: Delmer Styskal Wisner NE Sire Name: Bar Final Answer 9662

Kuck Ranch Bull Sale

Herd City: Bertrand, NE USAuctioneer: Jeff Marshall Sale Location: at Lexington Livestock Market, Lexington, NE USAPI Rep: Jay Nordhausen

Sale Reports

68 Total Registered Yearling Bulls Av: $6,455.00 32 Registered Open Heifers Av: $2,958.00 73 Commercial Bred Heifers Av: $2,016.00 83 Reported Sale Total Gross: $483,310.00 Average: $5,823.00 Sale Date: 2/10/2015

TOP BULL Lot 10 - A&K South Dakota B114 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Gerald Risse Martin SD Sire Name: Mohnen South Dakota 402 Lot 13 - A&K South Dakota B730 - $13,000.00 Buyer: Brian Lennemann Franklin NE Sire Name: Mohnen South Dakota 402 Lot 12 - A&K South Dakota B144 - $12,500.00 Buyer: JH Minor Co. Hyannis NE Sire Name: Mohnen South Dakota 402 Lot 29 - A&K Realist B947 - $11,500.00 Buyer: Flying L Inc. Altanta NE Sire Name: S A V Realist 2846 Lot 55 - A&K Blackshirt B052 - $11,500.00 Buyer: Brian Lennemann Franklin NE Sire Name: S A V Brand Name 9115 TOP HEIFER Lot 77A - A&K Ruby B249 - $4,400.00 Buyer: Trevor Wallace Gentry MO Sire Name: Hoover Dam Lot 77B - A&K Juanadaleen B211 - $3,750.00 Buyer: Trevor Wallace Gentry MO Sire Name: Hoover Dam

Ostrand Angus/Slagle Angus Herd City: Mason City, NE USAuctioneer: Joe Goggins Sale Location: Sargent, NE USAPI Rep: Jay Nordhausen Sale Date: 2/18/2015

151 Total Registered Yearling Bulls Av: $7,137.00 49 Registered Open Heifers Av: $2,946.00 200 Reported Sale Total Gross: $1,222,041.00 Average: $6,110.00

TOP BULL Lot 15 - O A Upward 104 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Pass Creek Angus Wyola MT Sire Name: Sitz Upward 307R Lot 24 - O A Upward 1061- 174 - $15,000.00 Buyer: Dewey Peterson Newport NE Sire Name: S A Upward 1061 Lot 56 - S A Upward 1061-314 - $13,000.00 Buyer: Mart McNutt Sutherland NE Sire Name: S A Upward 1061 Lot 80 - S A Power Tool 424 - 2/3 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Matt Kathol Hartington NE Sire Name: PA Power Tool 9108 Lot 107 - O A Sure Shot 904 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Steve Bass Brewster NE Sire Name: MOGCK Sure Shot Lot 21 - O A Upward 144 - 2/3 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Mart McNutt Sutherland NE Sire Name: Sitz Upward 307R Lot 39 - S A Upward 1061-224 - $12,500.00 Buyer: Mart McNutt Sutherland NE Sire Name: S A Upward 1061 Lot 29 - O A In Focus 224 - $12,000.00 Buyer: Blakeman Cattle Merna NE Sire Name: Connealy In Focus 4925 Lot 98 - S A in Focus 4925-484 - $12,000.00 Buyer: Steve Bass Brewster NE Sire Name: Connealy In Focus 4925 Lot 134 - O A Sierra Cut 1204 - $12,000.00 Buyer: Mart McNutt Sutherland NE Sire Name: Connealy Sierra Cut 84B TOP HEIFER Lot 164 - O A Miss Blackbird 44 - $6,250.00 Buyer: Mason Angus Anselmo NE Sire Name: Connealy Impression Lot 174 - O A Quality Blackcap 224 - $5,750.00 Buyer: Ben Johnson Mason City NE Sire Name: Connealy In Focus 4925 Lot 194 - O A Pleasant Mary 864 - $4,000.00 Buyer: Kyle Babcok Long Pine NE Sire Name: TC Romeo 917

28 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic Angus Show & Sale Herd City: Kearney, NE USAuctioneer: Tracy Harl Sale Date: 2/19/2015 API Rep: Jay Nordhausen

22 Total Registered Bulls Av: $6,476.00 14 Total Registered Females Av: $6,514.00 36 Reported Sale Total Gross: $233,688.00 Average: $6,491.00

TOP BULL Lot 1 - HP Final Product 73 - $11,000.00 Buyer: Deric Robbins Sumner NE Sire Name: Connealy Final Product Seller: Hollman Angus Hallam NE Lot 18 - SB Omaha 413 - $10,250.00 Buyer: Mick Peterson Gothenburg NE Sire Name: S A V Brilliance 8077 Seller: Sisco Brothers Cattle Company Syracuse NE Lot 3 - DAR Em's Pioneer 3101 - $10,250.00 Buyer: Gale Angus Cody NE Sire Name: S A V Pioneer 7301 Seller: Dethlefs Angus Ranch North Platte NE TOP OPEN HEIFER Lot 33 - J M C April 410 - $5,750.00 Buyer: Stevenson's Farm Cairo NE Sire Name: S A V Brilliance 8077 Seller: JMC Angus Milford NE TOP BRED HEIFER Lot 27 - SB Maid Rite 304 - $28,000.00 Buyer: Hirschfeld Group Benedict NE Sire Name: Bushs Unbelievable 423 Seller: Sisco Brothers Cattle Company Syracuse NE Lot 28 - Acc Ruth 928 329 - $17,000.00 Buyer: William Gay Steamboat Springs CO Sire Name: S A V First Class 0207 Seller: Jelinek Cattle Company Osceola NE

Krebs Ranch Bull Sale

Herd City: Gordon, NE USAuctioneer: Joe Goggins, Billings, MT Rep: Alan Sears Sale Date: 2/19/2015

29 Coming Two-Yr-Old Angus Bulls Av: $10,679.00 228 Yearling Angus Bulls Av: $10,634.00 30 Yearling SimAngus Bulls Av: $7,475.00 221 Commercial Angus Open Heifers Av: $2,196.00 Lot 51 at $125,000 for was KR Identity 4267, NWSS Pen member, Mar ’14, sired by Koupals B&B Identity. Sold to Twin Mills Angus Ranch, Ansley, NE. Lot 44 at $120,000 was KR Joe Canada 4287, NWSS Carload member, Feb ’14, sired by K Bar D Joe Canada 18Y. Sold to Twin Mills Angus Ranch, Ansley, NE. Lot 35 at $40,000 was KR Cash 4003, NWSS Carload member, Jan ’14, sired by Barstow Cash. Sold to Belvin Angus & Ring Creek Farms, Alberta, Canada. Lot 40 at $40,000 was KR Cash 4019, NWSS Carload member, Jan ’14, sired by Barstow Cash. Sold to Flesch Angus, Shelby, MT. Lot 161 at $32,500 was KR Cash CI 4600, Feb ’14, sired by Barstow Cash. Sold to Dave Lensegrav, Meadow, SD. Lot 39 at $30,000 was KR Black Jack 4043, NWSS Carload member, Jan ’14, sired by CFCC Black Jack 001. Sold to 74-51 Cattle Company, Oklahoma City, OK. Lot 37 at $27,500 was KR Cash 4025, NWSS Carload member, Feb ’14, sired by Barstow Cash. Sold to KOLT Cattle Company, Seward, NE. Lot 162 at $25,000 was KR Cash CI 4602, Feb ’14, sired by Barstow Cash. Sold to Robin Hogberg, Langenburd, SK.

Accelerate Genetics is your source Accelerated ffor or th s Ten X sons! thee be best V A R DISCOVERY 2240 reg#: 17262835 | 014AN0422 TEN X x UPWARD


Discovery is th Discovery thee Ten TTeen X son son th that at cchecks hecks all the the box boxes. es. He He is a correct andd wr writes ssound ound footed footed bull bull that that is co rrect in his structure structure an ites a tremendous andd $B $B.. tr emendous sset et of of numbers numbers – ttop op 11% % for for WW, YW, $W an CED 12 .43

BW .9 .46

WW 77 .35

YW 145 .38

SC 2.17 .50

DOC 19 .37

CEM MILK MARB 12 32 1.46 .17 .24 .35

RE .75 .31


$W 74.95

$F $G $B 100.08 49.35 144.10

A A R TEN GAUGE 1501 reg#: 17049149 | 014AN00425 TEN X x ALLIANCE 2017

TTen en GGauge auge is one one of of th thee fir first st proven proven ssons ons of of Ten TTeen X to to enter enter AI. AI. HHee is a m oderate fframed, ramed, sound-footed sound-footed bbull ull with a big big top top and and moderate sq uare hip. square CED 10 .63

BW .4 .77

WW 67 .67

YW 122 .51

SC 1.23 .61

DOC 20 .44

CEM MILK MARB RE $W 11 23 .69 .17 57.94 .14 .21 .42 .33

$F 85.14

$G $B 30.46 107.65

M A R DOUBLE XL 320 reg#: 17612134 | 014AN00441 TEN X x 338


DDouble ouble XL is a flawless flawless in individual dividual that that is sound sound an andd fluid fluid in his m movements ovements with pplenty lent y of of mi middle, ddle, length length an andd wi width dth with a po wer ful maternal maternal pedigree pedigree to to go go along along with itit.. powerful CED 10 .33

BW .9 .38

WW 60 .30

YW 110 .33

SC 1.29 .41

DOC 11 .31

CEM 9 .16

MILK MARB 24 .80 .23 .33

RE .70 .27

$W 54.06

$F 59.92

$G $B 36.13 124.30

A & B TWENTY X 3149 reg#: 17687564 | 014AN00434 TEN X x 263C


Twent y X was Twenty was oone ne ooff th thee best best Te TTen en X ssons ons ttoo sell sell in 2014. 2014. HHee pputs uts th thee numbers numbers and and th thee pphenotype henot ype ttogether ogether in a vvery ery impressive im pressive package. package. CED 8 .38

BW .9 .44

WW 61 .33

YW 119 .36

SC DOC 1.18 15 .47 .31

CEM 9 .16

MILK MARB 27 .73 .23 .34

RE $W .83 53.22 .28

$F 78.13

$G 38.09

$B 127.98

Call C all yyour our llocal ocal Accelerated Accelerated Genetics Genetics rrepresentative epresentative today! today! JON HERRICK Regional Beef Specialist 308-627-6431

SHA AWN RO OY Y SHAWN ROY District Manager r,, Kansas Manager, 785-737-3107

BULL BARN GENETICS Stapleton 308-587-2348

JUDD HOOS Rushville 308-360-3556

BROCK OLSON Newport 402-340-1454

DENNIS COMER Phillips 308-380-6315

FFocused ocuseed on the tthhe tthi things hings ttha that haat ma matter! atte ttteer!

FRED SMITH McCook 308-737-1006

EPD (INFO AS OF 2/03/2015)

Call for your FREE copy of the 2015 Beef Sire Directory! 1-800-451-9275 | INFO@ACCELGEN.COM | WWW.ACCELGEN.COM

MARCH 2015

2015 Sale & Event Calendar

March 1 – Carlson Cattle Co. Bull Sale @ Fullerton March 2 – Vision Angus Bull Sale @ North Platte March 3 – Jindra Bull Sale @ Creighton March 4 – Hall Ranch 2 Yr Old Bull Sale @ Basset; snow date March 11 March 4 – Lonesome River Ranch Bull Sale @ Anselmo March 6 – Carl Dethlefs & Sons Bull Sale @ Rockville March 7 – Dailey Angus Ranch @ Thedford March 7 – Green Valley Cattle Bull Sale @ Atkinson March 7 – Smith Farms Angus Bull Sale @ Hay Springs March 8 – 4 M Angus Bull Sale @ Blue Hill March 8 – Lienetics Bull Sale @ Beatrice March 9 – Barstow Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Springview March 9 – Nichols & Sons Bull Sale @ Chambers @ Holt Co. Fairgrounds March 10 – Hay Country Bull Sale @ Atkinson with BM Angus, Prairie Angus & SC Cattle New Sale Date March 11 – Priefert Angus, Feller Cattle & Jaegels Angus Bull Sale @ Belleville, KS March 11 – Vin-Mar Angus & Hereford Bull Sale @ Rushville March 12 – ERA Registered Angus 2 Yr. Old Bull Sale @ Ericson March 13 – T-Bone (Brookhouser) Angus Bull Sale @ O’Neill March 13 - Southwest Angus Ass’n Bull Sale @ McCook March 14 – Koberstein Farms Angus Bull Sale @ Ogallala March 17 – Conroy Angus @ Gordon March 18 – Wagonhammer Angus Bull Sale @ O’Neill March 19 – Benoit Angus Bull Sale @ Esbon, KS March 20 – Sellman Ranch Bull Sale @ Crawford March 20 – T 4 Livestock Bull Sale @ Chappell March 21 – Fred Ranch/Seevers Angus Bull Sale @ Burwell March 21 – Gardels Angus Bull Sale @ Kearney March 21 – Gray Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Harrison March 23 – Kasselder/Freouf Bull Sale @ Burwell March 23 – Rishel Angus Next Generation Herd Sire Sale @ North Platte March 24 – Black Velvet Cattle Bull Production Sale @ Mankato, KS March 24 – Frenzen Angus Production Sale @ Frenzen Sale Facility @ Fullerton

March 25 – Nebraska Bull Test Sale @ Broken Bow Livestock March 26 – L Bar L Angus Bull Sale @ Imperial March 27 – Poss Angus Bull Sale @ Ericson March 27 - Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Bull Sale @ McCook March 27 – Smith Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Bassett March 28 – Connealy Angus Bull Sale @ Whitman March 28 – Herbster Angus Farms Bull Sale @ Marysville, KS March 28 - Walters Angus @ Tecumseh March 29 – E D Angus Bull Sale @ Ashby March 31 – Top Gun Cattle Co. Bull Sale @ Smithfield

APRIL 2015

April 2 – A & B Cattle Bull Sale @ Bassett April 3 – Dethlefs Angus Ranch/Treffer Angus Bull Sale @ Loup City April 4 – Kraye Angus Bull Sale @ Mullen April 6 – Windmill Angus Ranch Bull Sale @ Haigler April 7 – Daigger-Orr Angus Bull Sale @ North Platte April 7 – Weers Angus Farm Bull Sale @ Fairbury April 10 – Hollman Angus Influence Bull Sale @ Hallam April 11 - MGM Angus, LTD Bulls by Private Treaty @ Johnson April 11 – University of Nebraska Bull Sale @ Lincoln April 15 – Nebraska Angus Queen Applications - DUE May 15 – Nebraska Annual Directory Ad Space Reservation - DUE

PRIVATE TREATY SALES – for contact information for these members, see our online directory at

Baldridge-Tiedeman Angus Private Treaty Bulls available January 25th @ North Platte Ballagh Cattle Company Registered Angus by Private Treaty @ Burwell Ely Angus Private Treaty Bulls available, also @ SW Neb Angus Ass’n – Roger, Jim & Chet Ely Groth Angus Bulls & Females available Private Treaty – Steve Groth @ Monroe John Angus Farm Private Treaty Bulls @ Miller – Dan & Pam John JMC Angus/Clowser Family Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers available @ Milford, NE Lazy Black Diamond Ranch/Glause Family @ Palmer Macholan Angus Bulls by Private Treaty –

30 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Jim Macholan @ Linwood Sonderup Angus Registered Bred Cows & Bred Heifers Available – Lori Wagner @ Genoa S X 3 Angus Bulls & Heifers by Private Treaty @ Cairo Twin Mills Angus Ranch Bulls & Heifers available – Randy Nelson @ Ansley

Call today to reserve your ad space for the 2015 Member Directory Ad Space due May 15, 2015


Suzy Hebbert, Sect. 308/577-6700

WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS America’s #1 Sale Management Firm as acclaimed by Angus breeders from coast to coast and border to border.


Schedule your sale today!

Tom Burke 816/853-2697

Kurt Schaff 816/520-6447

Jeremy Haag 816/516-1309


3 - DHT Angus Online Embryo Auction, hosted by Angus Live (Ava, MO) 3 - Jindra Angus 15th Annual Production Sale, Clarkson, NE, sale at Creighton, NE 5 - Pasture View Angus Bull Sale, Dunlap, IL, sale at Valentine Livestock, Valentine, NE 6 - Maymont Angus Bull & Female Sale, Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, VA 7 - Buford Ranches 7th Annual Spring Angus Bull Sale, Welch, OK 7 - Double R Bar Ranch Angus Bull Sale, Plymouth, IN 7 - Wood Angus Farm Production Sale, Willow Spring, NC 10 - Nebraska Angus Breeders Online Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Kearney, NE) 12 - Leonard Newman Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Carmel, IN) 12 - McCurry Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Burrton, KS 14 - Sunnyhill Angus 25th Annual Production Sale, Fairview, IL 14 - Tennessee Agribition Angus Sale, Lebanon, TN 14 - SF Farms 14th Annual Performance-Tested Angus Bull Sale, Garnett, KS 15 - April Valley Farm Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Leavenworth, KS, sale at St. Joseph, MO 16 - Lindell Angus Production Sale, Leonardville, KS 16 - TLC Vetsch Angus Ranch Sale, Linton, ND 17 - Quirk Land and Cattle Sale, Hastings, NE 17 - Siebring Angus Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Gilman, IL) 18 - Minnesota Angus Breeders Sale, at Olmsted County Fairgrounds, Rochester, MN 19 - DBL/Pinehurst Angus Bull & Female Sale, at Bullodge, Fullerton, NE 19 - Quaker Hill Farms Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Louisa, VA) 20 - TL Ranch Angus Sale, Monticello, MO 21 - 44th Annual Carolina Angus Breeders Futurity, at Garrison Livestock Sale Arena, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 21 - East Tennessee Angus Association 97th Annual Sale, at University of TN, Knoxville, TN 21 - Molitor Angus Farm 36th Anniversary Sale, Zenda, KS 21 - Musgrave Angus 20th Annual Sale, Griggsville, IL 21 - Smith Angus & Hereford Annual Production Sale, Wadley, GA 22 - LC Land and Cattle Online Bull Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Noble, OK) 22 - York Farms Annual Angus Sale, Palestine, IL 23 - Conley Cattle Co. & Penner Ranch Performance Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Sulphur, OK 23 - Iron Mountain Performance-Tested Angus Bull Sale, Belle Fourche, SD 23 - MM Cattle Company Online Show Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Bowdon, GA) 24-Mar Double Diamond Angus Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Chrisman, IL) 25 - Wildcat Creek Ranch Online Angus and Red Angus Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Peabody, KS) 26 - Glasoe Angus Production Sale, Wildrose, ND, sale at Sitting Bull Livestock Auction, Williston, ND 26 - Hurlbut Cattle Co. Angus Bull & Female Sale, held at Glacial Lakes Livestock, Watertown, SD 27 - NE Breeders Online Embryo Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Kearney, NE) 27 - Pennsylvania's Finest Female Sale Volume XXII, at Livestock Evaluation Center, Furnace, PA 27 - Miller's Prairie View Angus Production Sale, Gridley, IL 28 - Kramer Farms Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Farina, IL 28 - Sauk Valley Angus Bull Sale, Rock Falls, IL

28 - White Farm Angus Production Sale, Lexington, KY 28 - Whitestone Pasture Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Aldie, VA 29 - Hardy Angus Ranch Cattleman's Kind Annual Bull and Female Sale, Woodward, OK 29 - Leary Brothers Angus Sale, Caledonia, MN 30 - Maifeld/O'Neill Angus Bull Sale, Centerville, IA 30 - Womack Cattle Enterprises Online Female Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Pembroke, KY) 31 - Dameron Angus Online Show Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Lexington, IL)


1 - 2J Angus Annual Bull & Female Sale, Dunlap, IA 1 - Top Line Farms Online Show Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Tremont, IL) 2 - Springlake Angus & Guests Angus Sale, Creighton, NE 4 - Angus Opportunity 26th Anniversary Sale, at Buckner & Jeffries Angus Farm, Canmer, KY 4 - Grassy Valley Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Greeneville, TN 6 - Brockmere Farms 21st Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale, Brookfield, MO, sale at New Cambria, MO 7 - DHT Angus Online Embryo Auction, hosted by Angus Live (Ava, MO) 7 - Joe Hammell's Freeburg Ridge Angus PerformanceTested Bull Sale, Caledonia, MN 10 - Christensen Angus Production Sale, Okarche, OK 11 - Blubaugh Angus Ranch Pride of the Pasture Sale, Tonakawa, OK 12 - Champion Hill Angus Production Sale, Bidwell, OH 12 - Northern Indiana Angus Breeders Sale, Logansport, IN 13 - Platinum Alliance Angus Sale, James E Ward Agricultural Center, Lebanon, TN 14 - Mark Davis Family Online Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Shelbyville, TN) 15 - Ponca Creek Cattle Angus Sale, Bonesteel, SD 15 - Wilson Cattle Company Online Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Cloverdale, IN) 16 - Katie Colin Farm Online Production Sale, hosted by Angus Live (Cartersville, GA) 18 - Georgia Genetics Annual Production Sale, hosted by Britt Angus, Hartwell, GA 18 - Wisconsin Angus Breeders Futurity Sale, at Jackson County Fairgrounds, Black River Falls, WI 21 - Diamond J Angus Sale, Mandan, ND 24 - McKean Brothers Performance-Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale, Mercer, PA 25 - Wild Wind Angus Sale, Fisherville, VA, sale at Harrisonburg, VA 26 - Quintin Smith Family & Guests Angus Sale, Lebanon, TN


2 - North Carolina 32nd Annual Spring Fever Sale & Heifer Futurity, Chinqua-Penn Plantation, Upper Piedmont Research Station, Reidsville, NC 2 - Tennessee River Music Angus & Hereford Production Sale, Fort Payne, AL 5 - DHT Angus Online Embryo Auction, hosted by Angus Live (Ava, MO) 9 - 80th Annual New York State Angus Association Sale, at New Penn Farm, Truxton, NY 12 - Majestic Meadows Online Heifer Sale, hosted by Angus Live (West Friendship, MD) 17 - Heuchert Willow Creek Angus Production Sale, Hensel, ND, sale at Devils Lake, ND 23/24 - Atlantic National Angus Show, Timonium, MD

WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS - Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660 - Phone: 816.532.0811 - Fax: 816-532-8851 E-mail: -

~A~ A&B Cattle Co ..............................BC ABS Global ......................................2 Accelerated Genetics ....................29 Angus Hall of Fame ......................31 ~B~ Black Velvet Cattle ..........................3 ~C~ Carlson Cattle Co...........................18 ~D~ Daigger-Orr Angus ..........................8 Dethlefs Angus Ranch ....................5 ~E~ E.D. Angus......................................27 ~F~ Frenzen Angus ..............................23 Freof/Kasselder Angus....................8 ~G~ Gardels Angus ................................7

Advertisers Index ~H~ Herbster Angus Farms ..........36,IBC Hollman Angus ..............................24 ~K~ Kasselder Angus..............................8 Kester Herefords..............................8 Kraye Angus ..................................22 ~L~ L Bar L Angus ................................17 ~M~ MGM Angus LTD ............................27 ~N~ Nebraska Bull Test ..........................9 ~P~ Poss Angus ......................................1 ~R~ Rishel Angus ..................................19

~S~ Schurtop Ranch ............................11 Smith Angus Ranch ......................13 Sonderup Angus ............................17 ~T~ Top Gun Angus ..............................15 Treffer Angus Ranch........................5 ~U~ UNL Bull Sale ................................24 ~V~ Vitalix ............................................IFC ~W~ Wagonhammer Ranches ..............25 Walters Angus ................................35 Weers Angus ..................................24 Windmill Angus..............................21

“thats the way we’ve always done it” just isn’t good enough anymore... When

CALL ME! Steve Dorran -Auctioneer 5703 Red Bridge Dr Timnath, CO 80547 403-540-9498

32 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News


Since 1950

“Dutch” & Marian Dethlefs

“Where Quality Counts”

31310 Imperial Rd • Ravenna, NE 68869 Ph. 308/452-4147

Craig & Laurie Dethlefs 13947 W. Power Rd • North Platte, NE 69101 308/368-7660

Lazy Black Diamond Ranch Registered Angus Since 1951

Purebred & Commercial Angus Office 308/483-5100 John & Laurie Widdowson Lodgepole, NE 69149 15175 U.S. Hwy. 30 John’s E-mail: Cell 308/390-5697

Bred for fertility, calving ease, maternal, disposition, growth, carcass, and conformation.

Select bulls at Private Treaty anytime. For details contact Kevin at (308) 894-8735 or (308) 750-9055 Glause Family 379 Hwy. 92 • Palmer, NE 68864

FRENZEN ANGUS “More Pounds - More Profit”

Annual Production Sale - March 24, 2015 Females & Club Calves for Sale Private Treaty

Galen Frenzen • (308) 536-2069 Cell: (308)550-0237 50802 N. Edgewood Rd. Fullerton, NE 68638 Eric's Cell: (308) 550-0238

“The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids”


P.O. Box 581 • Sutherland, NE 69165 Phone (308) 386-4857 • Mobile (308-539-6195

Jerry & Gary Dethlefs Annual Production Sale 1st Friday in March 78009 S. River Rd. - Rockville, NE 68871 - 308/372-3200

ce Tested Performan valuated & Carcass ECattle Angus

Mick Cox & Family 73786 Ave. 356 • Hayes Center, NE Phone (308) 286-3416 • Cell (308) 340-4332 E-Mail: Nebraska Angus Association News • January/February 2015 • 33

Tim & Kim Marlatt

Tim & Kim Marlatt 40204 7070 130 US TrailHwy 20 Wood NE 69221. Gordon,Lake, NE 69343 (308) Phone:282-1726 402-967-3423 Cell: 308-360-1601

Twin Mills Angus Ranch Registered and Commercial Angus Cattle Richard and Randy Nelson 1 3/4 miles West and 3/4 mile South of Ansley, NE 68814

Canyon, SAF Strategy, SydGenContractor, Bullet, SydGen Mandate, Herd Sires – Connealy Herd Sires: SAVDeep Prosperity, Connealy SydGen Concrete, SanSAV Dan Triple Threat (DarkConnealy Red Charolais)Deep Mandate,Connealy SAV Platinum, Republic, A.I. Sires – Net Worth, CAR Duke, Final(Dark Answer, Red Sitz Upward 307R Bull) Canyon, Triple Threat Charolais

~ Visitors Always Welcome ~ ~ Private Treaty Cattle For Sale ~

Phone: (308) 935-1139

Â˜Â˜Ă•>Â?ĂŠ->Â?iʹÊ >Â˜Ă•>ÀÞÊ£Ç]ĂŠĂ“䣣ĂŠUĂŠ-iÂ?Â?ˆ˜}\ĂŠÂŁĂˆäĂŠ Ă•Â?Â?ĂƒĂŠÂąĂŠxäĂŠ Ă€i`ĂŠ iˆviĂ€Ăƒ Annual Production Sale December 2015

“Breeding for the Performance Minded Cattleman�


Jay Wolf Family, Owners

402/395-2178 Box 548 • Albion, NE 68620

The Total Performance Brand Email: Myron Benes, Sales 402/395-6962 • Cell: 402/649-2719

Benoit Angus

BULL SALE ~ MARCH 19, 2015

“Third Thursday in Marchâ€? Everett & Bonnie Benoit 621 Hwy 61 • Esbon, KS 66941 (785) 725-3231 • (888) 870-2855 Chad Benoit • (785) 725-3005 Doug & Michelle Benoit • (785) 725-6211

Sonderup Angus

Bulls, Heifers, and Embryos for Sale Private Treaty

31155 State Highway 22 • Genoa, Nebraska 68640

Lori Wagner 308/536-2975 cell308/550-0349

Fort Worth, TX 1-800-422-2117 Lemoyne Dailey PO Box 152 Thedford, NE 69166 34 • January/February 2015 • Nebraska Angus Association News

Home: 308-645-2712 Cell: 402-760-2727

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