Dix Angus RAnch stockton, kAnsAs
Private Treaty Bull Sale
Available beginning March 23, 2015
Information Page Directions to Dix Angus Ranch From Stockton: Travel 9 miles East to Woodston, Turn North on Spruce St/ 28 Road (blacktop road), Travel 5.7 miles, Turn West onto C Road, Travel 1 mile West (rock road), Turn North on 26 Road for 1/4 mile, Dix Angus on left. From US-36 Highway: At Agra Turn South onto CR529, Travel South through Kirwin for 15 miles, Turn West onto C Road, Travel 1 mile West (rock road), Turn North on 26 Road for 1/4 mile, Dix Angus on left. Dix Angus Ranch Bull Guarantee We guarantee that all breeding cattle sold by Dix Angus Ranch are fertile to the best of our knowledge. If at any time during the first breeding season following the sale a bull is injured so as to make them functionally infertile, we will provide you with a satisfactory replacement (if available), or issue you a credit equal to the bull’s purchase price minus the salvage value received for that bull. This guarantee is in addition to the Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association, which also apply. This is not a life insurance policy. We will not replace or give credit for a dead or incapacitated animal resulting from negligence. We would suggest that normal care still needs to be exercised toward these animals and that particularly the yearling bulls not be allowed to get too thin.
Dear Cattlemen Friends, Welcome to Dix Angus Ranch! We would like to invite you to the ranch beginning March 23, 2015 to find your future herd bull. We will also be selling bulls at the Midland Bull Test, Columbus, Montana; Friday April 3, 2015. It is certainly a great time to be a part of the cattle industry. We have put together a great group of bulls that combine all of the things we need as cattlemen. We understand the importance of each trait starting with calving-ease, maternal traits, structure, rapid growth, and carcass merit. These bulls represent the top 50% of our bull calves in their calving groups. Feel free to stop by to visit, or call about any questions you may have; we will be pleased to assist you. Dix Angus Ranch
Jeff, Cody, and Haley
Thank you for your interest in Dix Angus Cattle!
Cody Dix 2595 C Road Stockton, Ks 67669 (785) 476-5168 dixangus@gmail.com
Jeff & Haley Dix (785) 476-5030
American Angus Association® Selection Tools
Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.
Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.
CARCASS The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an age-constant basis.
Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis.
Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
GROWTH Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in firstcalf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.
Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed.
$VALUE INDEXES $Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.
Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to the that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires.
Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for preweaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.
Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves.
Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.
MATERNAL Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction, and the EPD is reported in percentage units.
Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires. Quality Grade ($QG) represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD, which is influenced by carcass marbling scores and ultrasound percent intramuscular fat (% IMF) measurements, contribute to $QG.
Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires.
Yield Grade ($YG) $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield. $G combines both $QG and $YG, and may be the best carcass decision tool for focusing on quality and red meat yield simultaneously.
Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires.
Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.
Mature Height EPD (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires.
Midland Bull Test Bulls
Midland Bull Test Sale
Ref. Sire
SAV Angus Valley 1867
Birth Date: 1/05/11
Friday, April 3, 2015 - 11:00 a.m.
#TC Gridiron 258 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 SAV Madame Pride 3249
Please call me for information on this page of bulls as they will sell at the Midland Bull Test Sale.
#+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #+SAV May 2397 SAV May 7238
Midland Bull Test Facility, Columbus, Montana
Steve & Lindsay Williams 406-321-7046 (Steve Cell) 406-322-5597; 406-332-9044 or fax 406-322-5210 bulls@midlandbulltest.com
WW +57
Milk +22
Tattoo: 1867
#+GAR Grid Maker #TC Blackbird 7049 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV Madame Pride 8264
#Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 #+Leachman Right Time #SAR Prospector May 9124 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
+1.10 +14
CW +48 Marb +.68 RE +.48 FAT +.072
39.33 45.37 27.09 95.52
Reference Sire
DAR Angus Valley O300
Birth Date: 1/16/14 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 +SAV Angus Valley 1867 #+SAV May 2397
#GAR Retail Product #GAR Precision 1680 +Daltons Rita 911 +GAR Ext 4927 +Daltons RITA4296OFHP1200 MF #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 +GAR New Design 1200 CED +7
WW +51
Milk +23
DAR Angus Valley O301
Tattoo: O300 +17956337 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +24 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 Marb SAV May 7238 +.62
Birth Date: 2/27/14 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 +SAV Angus Valley 1867 #+SAV May 2397
RE +.73 FAT +.025
Tattoo: O301 17956333 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +33 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 Marb SAV May 7238 +.83
HCC 1407 New Design 4004 #Bon View New Design 1407 Molitor 4004 Barbell475-9475 HCCCT Burgess K014 #Molitor 5321 Barbell2073-475 #CA Future Direction 5321 Molitor 0423 Barbel 868-2073
44.18 21.89 39.25 80.72
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 82 100 686 100
WW +51
Milk +24
+1.15 +13
RE +.61 FAT +.028
41.20 33.68 41.79 97.07
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 74 95 628 101
DAR Angus Valley O302
Birth Date: 3/05/14 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 +SAV Angus Valley 1867 #+SAV May 2397
Tattoo: O302 17956330 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +30 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 Marb SAV May 7238 +.76
JD Daigger 626 DAR HD Effie G26 F11 J177 Bairds Blackcap Effie Q00
#JD Daigger 901 Yon Witch F53 #AAR Really Windy 1205 Wards Blackcap Effie 3212
Dam of O300
WW +49
Milk +24
RE +.27 FAT +.088
38.61 35.86 27.49 77.92
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 100 672 108
Midland Bull Test Bulls Ref. Sire
Jindra Double Vision
Birth Date: 2/08/10
Tattoo: 730
#Bon View New Design 878 #B/R New Design 036 #Connealy Reflection Bon View Gammer 85 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 #N Bar Emulation EXT Happy Date of Conanga #Hoff Limited Edition S C 594 Hoff Charger S C 242 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 Hoff Boss Lady S C 3V9 Hoff Miss Expo S C 4223 Summitcrest Expo 0E27 GDAR Rachel 4223 CED BW WW Milk YW SC CEM $W $F +12
+1.09 +13
Jindra Double Vision 16748826 CW +63 Marb +.68 RE +.45 FAT -.005
Birth Date: 3/04/14 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision +Hoff Rachel 8312 405
BW -0.3
WW +51
Milk +25
+1.25 +13
RE +.25 FAT +.012
Tattoo: O305 17956256 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 +34 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 Marb Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223 +.94
Gardens Tsunami Green Garden Barbie B3K Green Garden Barbie AB6
#Gardens Wave Green Garden Eileen B87 S1 Gardens Expo Green Garden Barbie 404 S1
WW +54
Milk +22
RE +.48 FAT -.001
39.79 59.90 45.71 119.82
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 82 100 625 100
DAR Double Vision O304
Birth Date: 3/07/14 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision +Hoff Rachel 8312 405
Tattoo: O304 17956254 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 +35 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 Marb Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223 +.49
#KCF Bennett Total #Sitz Alliance 6595 DAR JD BlackcapJ239 C810 J165 Ext of Conanga 6790 JD Blackcap 2810 #SAF Focus of ER JD Blackcap 8810 +13
Birth Date: 3/03/14 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision +Hoff Rachel 8312 405
47.29 48.23 36.10 108.46
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 76 97 637 102
DAR Double Vision O305
Tattoo: O303 17956258 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 +36 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 Marb Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223 +.74
Gardens Tsunami #Gardens Wave Green Garden Barbie B19K Green Garden Eileen B87 S1 Green Garden Barbie 8B4 S1 #Summitcrest Scotch Cap 0B45 Green Garden Barbie 884 S2 +14
Reference Sire
DAR Double Vision O303
54.93 114.43 33.76 139.54
BW -1.0
WW +55
Milk +23
RE +.31 FAT -.004
53.40 58.12 31.01 100.87
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 68 87 652 104
If you are needing any forage harvested, call Jeff (785) 476-5030.
Connealy Final Solution
Ref. Sire
Connealy Final Solution
Birth Date: 2/03/09
Tattoo: 9449
#SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 #Connealy Answer 71 SAV Emulous 8145 Euro Reeka of Conanga 3539 #+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Euro Copa of Conanga 869 #Connealy Danny Boy Este of Conanga 364 Esthera of Conanga 842 CED
Reference Sire
WW +63
Milk +34
#Connealy Timeline Energy of Conanga 4851 #Connealy Front Page 0228 #Estelle of Conanga 5837 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
CW +42 Marb +.39 RE +.97 FAT +.020
55.43 54.79 31.21 93.65
Dix Private Treaty Bulls
O 336
Birth Date: 1/25/14 #Connealy Answer 71 Connealy Final Solution Este of Conanga 364
Tattoo: O336 17973662 #SAV Final Answer 0035 CW Euro Reeka of Conanga 3539 +33 #Connealy Danny Boy Marb Esthera of Conanga 842 +.64
+Pine Coulee Powerhouse W112 #SAV Net Worth 4200 DAR Jilt M705 VF 2031 Blkcp 0046 of 878 DAR CD Jilt GA40 Gardens SST A169 S1 Green Garden Jilt A041 S1 CED +8
O 333
DAR Final Solution O336
WW +51
Milk +26
RE +.58 FAT +.019
DAR Upshot O333
Birth Date: 3/04/14 #Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B #+EXAR Barbara T020
DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Confidence DAR CD Chloe IC22 GB58 K368 Green Garden Blackcap B158 #DAR CD Missy Chloe IC22 #N Bar Prime Time D806 JD Missy Chloe 2422
39.17 44.83 37.21 99.01
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 70 100 617 99
WW +55
CED +9
WW +53
Milk +27
Tattoo: O314 17954781 #SAV Final Answer 0035 CW Euro Reeka of Conanga 3539 +37 #Connealy Danny Boy Marb Esthera of Conanga 842 +.38
Birth Date: 1/22/10
Tattoo: 0562B
#Connealy Lead On Altune of Conange 6104 #Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370
Gardens SST C163 S1 DAR JD Lady H900 Molitor 473 Lady 758-900
#SS Traveler 6807 T510 Green Garden Lady 9162 S1 #Molitor Cardinal #Molitor 381 Lady 350-758
WW +44
Milk +19
RE +.60 FAT +.027
32.98 31.82 36.87 90.41
EF Complement 8088
RE +.80 FAT -.014
Reference Sire
Ref. Sire
#ISU Imaging Q 9111 #GT Expo #+EXAR Barbara T020 Summitcrest Pride 351F LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 #Bon View New Design 1407 Leachman BC 4410 CED BW WW Milk YW SC CEM $W $F $G +10
39.79 51.62 32.91 101.20
EXAR Upshot 0562B
#Connealy Onward #Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
DAR Upshot O321
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 74 99 591 95
Ref. Sire
35.90 55.23 37.83 106.11
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 601 96
DAR Final Solution O314
Tattoo: O321 17954782 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +28 #Isu Imaging Q 9111 Marb LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 +.62
#Hoover Dam #SydGen C C & 7 Summitcrest Blackbird 4Y14 #Erica of Ellston C124 Summitcrest Blackbird OP79 #Hyline Right Time 338 #Summitcrest Blackbird 2G85
Birth Date: 3/05/14 #Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B #+EXAR Barbara T020
Birth Date: 1/21/14 #Connealy Answer 71 Connealy Final Solution Este of Conanga 364
RE +.51 FAT +.027
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 72 94 601 96
O 321
O 314
Tattoo: O333 17954783 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +37 #Isu Imaging Q 9111 Marb LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 +.75
EF Complement 8088
Birth Date: 1/18/08
Tattoo: 8088
#CA Future Direction 5321 #Basin Franchise P142 Basin Chloe 812L
CW +52 Marb +.71 RE +1.19 FAT +.038
#GAR Precision 1680 CA Miss Power Fix 308 #Gardens Expedition Basin Chloe 6198
#BR Midland +EF Everelda Entense 6117 +HF Everelda Entense 869 CED
43.82 62.36 41.20 115.57
WW +64
Milk +20
#Twin Valley Precision E161 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD +BT Everelda Entense 76D YW SC CEM $W $F $G
CW +45 Marb +.75 RE +.50 FAT +.112
54.04 81.13 22.81 109.84
Dix Private Treaty Bulls
O 329
DAR Complement O329
Hoover Dam
Birth Date: 3/10/14 Tattoo: O329 17995815 #Basin Franchise P142 #CA Future Direction 5321 CW EF Complement 8088 Basin Chloe 812L +39 +EF Everelda Entense 6117 #BR Midland Marb +HF Everelda Entense 869 +.82 #Riverbend Mile High 3718 #Bon View New Design 1407 SMR Always Entense 8501 #+GAR Precision 1919 +LHR Always Entense 5516 #B/R Destination 727-928 Masterfare Everelda 1219 CED +11
WW +58
Milk +22
RE +.63 FAT +.062
47.21 50.10 36.46 107.16
Reference Sire
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 81 104 631 101
Ref. Sire
Hoover Dam
Birth Date: 1/25/08
#+SAF Connection #SydGen C C & 7 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 #TC Gridiron 258 #Erica of Ellston C124 Erica of Ellston V65
O329 O 326
CED +9
O 341
DAR Complement O326
Birth Date: 3/02/14 Tattoo: O326 17958634 #Basin Franchise P142 #CA Future Direction 5321 CW EF Complement 8088 Basin Chloe 812L +38 +EF Everelda Entense 6117 #BR Midland Marb +HF Everelda Entense 869 +.62 Salt Creek Bob 7003 +Hoff Insignia 697 224 Summitcrest Primrose 160X Hoff Blackbird SC 244 939 Summitcrest Primrose 171T Summitcrest Pfred 3B18 0J98 Summitcrest Primrose 012R CED +10
WW +54
Milk +25
WW +51
#+GAR Grid Maker #TC Blackbird 7049 #SA Neutron 377 Shottish V047 YW SC CEM $W
Milk +28
CW +29 Marb +.70 RE +1.15 FAT -.043
Tattoo: O341 17995809 #+SAF Connection CW SydGen Forever Lady 4087 +25 #TC Gridiron 258 Marb Erica of Ellston V65 +.56
#+SAV 004 Predominant 4438 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 Dar Pride L539 SAV Emblynette 1182 DAR CD Pride HD31 #+BT Right Time 24J #Daigger Pride 3333
41.59 44.57 26.77 95.66
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 101 588 94
52.35 50.04 50.47 107.58
DAR Hoover Dam O341
Birth Date: 1/23/14 #SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124
RE +.33 FAT +.061
Tattoo: G18
#+SVF Gdar 216 LTD +SAF Royal Queen 5084 #SydGen 1407 Corona 2016 +SAF Forever Lady 8292
WW +52
Milk +23
RE +.65 FAT -.025
39.58 42.63 40.83 90.85
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 76 101 634 100
O 332
Tattoo: O332 18001718 #+SAF Connection CW SydGen Forever Lady 4087 +23 #TC Gridiron 258 Marb Erica of Ellston V65 +.58
DAR JD Confidence GB58 #DAR JD Beauty 1F36 Eagle Beauty 536R
Woodhill Confidence Green Garden Blackcap B158 +LCC Cash Machine 3152K Eagle Beauty 2100H
CED +5
O332 5
DAR Hoover Dam O332
Birth Date: 3/10/14 #SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124
WW +54
Milk +25
RE +.51 FAT -.028
40.99 47.77 40.51 87.68
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 88 113 703 113
Dix Private Treaty Bulls
O 324
DAR Hoover Dam O324
Birth Date: 2/28/14 #SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124
Tattoo: O324 17983929 #+SAF Connection CW SydGen Forever Lady 4087 +20 #TC Gridiron 258 Marb Erica of Ellston V65 +.49
#Larks Canyon 74D4 CRD Estelle 5215 CRD Estelle 23
#N Bar Emulation EXT Larks Miss Bando 74A Gardens Transitions A164 S1 Green Garden Estelle 4015 S2
CED +9
BW -0.9
WW +43
Milk +21
8N Upstart 102
RE +.46 FAT +.012
37.38 26.28 33.80 74.29
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 66 85 567 91
Reference Sire
Ref. Sire
8N Upstart 102
Birth Date: 1/07/11
Tattoo: 102X
#Connealy Onward #Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
#Connealy Lead On Altune of Conange 6104 #Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370
CW +48 Marb +.59 RE +.90 FAT +.043
#SAV Final Answer 0035 CCA Blackcap 803 Blu Top Ella Blackcap M054
O306 O 306
CED +14
Tattoo: O306 17958633 #+SAF Connection CW SydGen Forever Lady 4087 +18 #TC Gridiron 258 Marb Erica of Ellston V65 +.76
Gardens Prime Star HB3 Dar Estelle L409 CRD Estelle 5215
#Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Anna FF3 #Larks Canyon 74D4 CRD Estelle 23
CED +9
WW +41
Milk +22
Milk +31
+1.57 +14
CED +10
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 73 97 581 93
64.77 50.73 34.23 109.09
DAR Upstart O310
Tattoo: O310 17954784 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +33 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Marb Blu Top Ella Blackcap M054 +.55
#Hoover Dam #SydGen C C & 7 DAR Flamette M738 #Erica of Ellston C124 DAR CD Flame G950 FC47 J163 DAR CD 1407 G950 DAR CD Flammette FC47
30.49 28.99 44.01 81.37
WW +49
Milk +26
RE +.65 FAT +.015
37.75 44.47 35.56 97.31
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 73 104 600 96
O 308
Tattoo: O308 17995805 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +31 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Marb Blu Top Ella Blackcap M054 +.61
DAR CD 1407 GB47 DAR Blackcap L425 DAR JD Blackcap HF58
#Bon View New Design 1407 #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 Woodhill Confidence JDI Blackcap 5158
DAR Upstart O308
Birth Date: 2/10/14 #Sitz Upward 307R 8N Upstart 102 CCA Blackcap 803
Birth Date: 3/09/14 #Sitz Upward 307R 8N Upstart 102 CCA Blackcap 803
RE +.58 FAT +.010
O 310
DAR Hoover Dam O306
Birth Date: 1/23/14 #SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #GAR Retail Product Thomas Blackcap 4866 YW SC CEM $W $F
WW +47
Milk +23
RE +.53 FAT +.020
34.23 37.80 35.97 94.46
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 82 109 546 88
Dix Private Treaty Bulls
O 350
DAR Upstart O350
Ref. Sire
DAR Hoover Dam M612
Birth Date: 4/04/14 #Sitz Upward 307R 8N Upstart 102 CCA Blackcap 803
Tattoo: O350 17995810 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +30 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Marb Blu Top Ella Blackcap M054 +.80
#SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124
Gardens Prime Star HB3 DAR Lady M659 #CRD Lady 5314
#Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Anna FF3 Gardens SST A169 S1 CRD Lady 3914
#SAV Pioneer 7301 ACF Rita 0005 +CSP Rita R377
CED +11
WW +48
Milk +25
RE +.52 FAT +.042
36.56 41.91 38.82 96.15
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 61 88 587 93
O 362
Tattoo: O362 17995812 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +34 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Marb Blu Top Ella Blackcap M054 +.62
Gardens Prime Star KB20 DAR Irene M653 CRD Irene 5025
#Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Anna FB20 #AAR Really Windy 1205 Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025
WW +50
Milk +25
RE +.61 FAT +.036
CED +11
BW -0.3
WW +43
Milk +22
57.03 52.43 44.16 93.50
#GAR Predestined +HVR Isabel 0838 +Circle S Isabel P4537
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #Bon View New Design 208 LB 6807 Isabel 339
WW +57
Milk +28
+1.18 +11
CW +19 Marb +.86 RE +.50 FAT -.008
55.19 55.60 47.19 89.03
O DAR M612 Hoover Dam O342 342 Birth Date: 4/16/14 Tattoo: O342 18035017
RE +.79 FAT -.014
#Hoover Dam +DAR Hoover Dam M612 ACF Rita 0005
#SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #SAV Pioneer 7301 +CSP Rita R377
Woodhill Confidence DAR JD Estelle HF15 CRD Estelle 5215
#Bon View Bando 598 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 #Larks Canyon 74D4 CRD Estelle 23
33.19 30.88 50.09 92.56
BW -0.6
WW +47
Milk +22
CW +16 Marb +.56 RE +.23 FAT +.010
48.74 33.12 34.42 68.76
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 100 593 94
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 70 94 556 89
O DAR M612 Hoover Dam O359 359 Birth Date: 4/16/14 Tattoo: O359 18035025 #Hoover Dam +DAR Hoover Dam M612 ACF Rita 0005
#SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #SAV Pioneer 7301 +CSP Rita R377
DAR JD Confidence GB58 DAR CD Irene GB58 F925 J144 CRD Irene 5025
Woodhill Confidence Green Garden Blackcap B158 #AAR Really Windy 1205 Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025
CW +24 Marb +.64 RE +.76 FAT -.019
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 74 95 644 102
Tattoo: O313 17958629 #+SAF Connection CW SydGen Forever Lady 4087 +21 #TC Gridiron 258 Marb Erica of Ellston V65 +.85
Gardens Next Wave HE17 #Gardens Wave Dar Elba L452 Green Garden Sidney DE7 S1 DAR JD Elba ContrastB04 J179 #Connealy Contrast Molitor Lady Elba 9040-104
#SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Blackbird 5297 #BR Midland GAR 1407 New Design 522 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
#SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #SAV Pioneer 7301 +CSP Rita R377
DAR Hoover Dam O313
Birth Date: 2/02/14 #SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124
#Hoover Dam +DAR Hoover Dam M612 ACF Rita 0005
38.88 42.27 34.95 98.07
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 62 90 686 108
O 313
Tattoo: M612
#+SAF Connection SydGen Forever LAdy 4087 #TC Gridiron 258 Erica of Ellston V65
O DAR M612 Hoover Dam O357 357 Birth Date: 4/18/14 Tattoo: O357 18035023
DAR Upstart O362
Birth Date: 4/12/14 #Sitz Upward 307R 8N Upstart 102 CCA Blackcap 803
Birth Date: 2/27/12
BW -0.7
WW +52
Milk +24
+1.04 +12
CW +17 Marb +.58 RE +.36 FAT -.017
49.19 41.04 38.96 75.58
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 86 110 670 106
Dix Private Treaty Bulls Ref. Sire
DAR Hoover Dam M613
Birth Date: 2/27/12
Tattoo: M613
#SydGen C C & 7 #Hoover Dam #Erica of Ellston C124 #SAV Pioneer 7301 ACF Rita 0005 +CSP Rita R377 CED +7
WW +55
Milk +27
#+SAF Connection SydGen Forever LAdy 4087 #TC Gridiron 258 Erica of Ellston V65
#SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Blackbird 5297 #BR Midland GAR 1407 New Design 522 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
Connealy Capitalist 028
+17319608 CW +25 Marb +.65 RE +.87 FAT -.002
49.58 50.37 43.98 94.70
Reference Sire
O DAR M613 Hoover Dam O339 339 Birth Date: 4/10/14 Tattoo: O339 17995808 #Hoover Dam +DAR Hoover Dam M613 ACF Rita 0005
#SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #SAV Pioneer 7301 +CSP Rita R377
#Connealy Right Answer 746 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Summitcrest Primrose 1Y10 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 Summitcrest Primrose 0W09 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 Summitcrest Primrose 0T23 CED N/A
WW +63
Milk +25
CW +22 Marb +.63 RE +.61 FAT -.002
Ref. Sire
#SS Objective T510 0T26 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 +BJ Objective 0028 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 +BJ Predestined 7077 #GAR Predestined +BJAF Rita 411 1157 FD CED N/A
WW +56
Milk +27
O 334
CW +25 Marb +.84 RE +.74 FAT -.016 N/A
#GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #BAR Ext Traveler 205 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 Traveler of Conanga #Pretty Pet of Conanga CED BW WW Milk YW SC CEM $W $F $G
O DAR M613 Hoover Dam O338 338 Birth Date: 3/23/14 Tattoo: O338 17995807 #SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #SAV Pioneer 7301 +CSP Rita R377
Tattoo: 028
#Sitz Traveler 8180 #SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 72 96 731 115
#Hoover Dam +DAR Hoover Dam M613 ACF Rita 0005
Connealy Capitalist 028
Birth Date: 1/11/10
CW +26 Marb +.51 RE +1.05 FAT +.101
62.28 60.54 30.36 81.33
DAR Capitalist O334
Birth Date: 2/24/14 Tattoo: O334 17963460 #SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 CW Connealy Capitalist 028 SAV Emulous 8145 +19 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 Marb Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 +.83 Gardens StarTime #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Sidney KE17 Green Garden Ella D258 S1 Green Garden Sidney DE7 S1 Gardens Bonus A37 S1 Green Garden Sidney BE6 S2
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 76 99 662 104
WW +52
Milk +26
+1.05 +12
RE +.68 FAT +.070
47.36 39.47 40.31 80.13
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 74 95 618 99
Ref. Sire
Jindra Double Vision
Jindra Double Vision
Birth Date: 2/08/10
Tattoo: 730
#Bon View New Design 878 #B/R New Design 036 #Connealy Reflection Bon View Gammer 85 Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 #N Bar Emulation EXT Happy Date of Conanga #Hoff Limited Edition S C 594 Hoff Charger S C 242 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 Hoff Boss Lady S C 3V9 Hoff Miss Expo S C 4223 Summitcrest Expo 0E27 GDAR Rachel 4223 CED BW WW Milk YW SC CEM $W $F +12
Reference Sire 8
+1.09 +13
16748826 CW +63 Marb +.68 RE +.45 FAT -.005
54.93 114.43 33.76 139.54
Dix Private Treaty Bulls O 327
DAR Double Vision O327
Birth Date: 3/05/14 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision +Hoff Rachel 8312 405
DAR CD Integrity GC47 #+GAR Integrity #DAR CD Protet GC47 910 J196 Molitor Wn Flamette 608-2047 Green Garden Protet 910 S1 #Gardens EXT 4137 S2 Green Garden Protet 1109 S1 CED +8
WW +56
Milk +23
Ref. Sire
Tattoo: O327 17956255 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 +38 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 Marb Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223 +.50
RE +.30 FAT +.015
44.08 48.13 28.54 97.34
#Bon View New Design 208 Connealy Tobin Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 Becka Lee of Conanga 37 CED +19
BW -2.9
WW +50
Milk +31
Tattoo: 0100
#B/R New Design 036 #Bon View Erica 443 #CA Future Direction 5321 #Deena of Conanga 668
O 335
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Parka of Conanga 241 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #Beckeys Lia of Conanga 81 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
#EXAR 263C VAR Queen Jilt 8098 FSU Queen Jilt 121
Connealy Confidence 0100
Birth Date: 1/16/10
Tattoo: 0027
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 626 100
Ref. Sire
ACF Bismarck 0027
Birth Date: 1/27/10
CW +19 Marb +.33 RE +1.18 FAT +.060
WW +71
#Bon View New Design 1407 Exar June C 3577 #SAF Choice Plus FSU Queen Jill 468 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
Milk +26
CD Mr Confident 5155 #DAR JD Dinah 5155 HB60 J169 DAR CD Dinah HB60
Woodhill Confidence Cody Dix’s Lady 4137EXT 914 #N Bar Prime Time D806 Green Garden Dinah B260 S1
WW +55
Milk +26
BW -0.2
WW +41
Milk +22
O 354
DAR Confidence O311
Birth Date: 1/27/14 Tattoo: O311 17963048 Connealy Tobin #Bon View New Design 208 CW Connealy Confidence 0100 Delia of Conanga 667 +20 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 #Connealy Thunder Marb Becka Lee of Conanga 37 +.41
CW +14 Marb +.57 RE +.14 FAT +.010
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 695 111
54.17 41.25 30.68 71.22
Woodhill Confidence Green Garden Blackcap B158 #+HSAF Bando 1961 CRD Lily 3196
51.54 39.21 33.94 65.20
Reference Sire
DAR JD Confidence GB58 DAR Lily M743 DAR CD Lily HD96
DAR 0027 Bismarck O335 Tattoo: O335 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121
CW +18 Marb +.64 RE +.59 FAT +.008
61.35 67.88 40.96 85.60
Birth Date: 3/24/14 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 ACF Bismarck 0027 VAR Queen Jill 8098
Connealy Confidence 0100
O 311
RE +.49 FAT +.028
Tattoo: O354 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121
#Connealy Danny Boy DAR JD Pride 1654 GE73 J181 DAR JD Pride GE73
#Connealy Timeline Energy of Conanga 4851 Woodhill Confidence CRD Pride 4292
32.30 25.93 29.46 69.91
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 72 103 514 82
DAR 0027 Bismarck O354
Birth Date: 3/14/14 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 ACF Bismarck 0027 VAR Queen Jill 8098
WW +54
Milk +22
CW +23 Marb +.41 RE +.51 FAT -.010
44.12 55.87 32.95 81.38
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 81 104 583 92
Dix Private Treaty Bulls
O 320
Birth Date: 3/20/14 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 ACF Bismarck 0027 VAR Queen Jill 8098
Tattoo: O320 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121
#KCF Bennett Total DAR HD Jilt H830 Green Garden Jilt 830 S1
#Sitz Alliance 6595 Ext of Conanga 6790 #N Bar Emulation EXT Green Garden Jilt 30 S1
CED +1
O 319
DAR 0027 Bismarck O320
WW +57
Milk +21
CW +24 Marb +.43 RE +.35 FAT +.028
BJ 454 New Day 0033
Birth Date: 9/27/10
Tattoo: 0033
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #B/R New Day 454 B/R Ruby 1224
#AAR New Trend SVF Forever Lady 57D #B/R New Design 323 +HF Ruby 036-951
#GAR Predestined BJ Predestined 8120 +GAR Objective N536
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #SS Objective T510 0T26 GAR Retail Product 512 YW SC CEM $W $F
CED +10
O 325
WW +56
Milk +25
BW -1.4
WW +52
Milk +25
Tattoo: O325 #+Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 #GAR Predestined +GAR Objective N536
BW -1.2
WW +44
Milk +20
44.05 26.37 39.24 67.59
Reference Sire
O 355
18039312 CW +16 Marb +.48 RE +.31 FAT +.016
#+GAR Integrity DAR JD Flammette HFC47 DAR CD Flammette FC47
#Bon View New Design 1407 GAR Precision 1019 Gardens SST A169 S1 Molitor Wn Flamette 608-2047
WW +45
Milk +22
CW +15 Marb +.69 RE +.19 FAT +.024
40.64 29.68 36.67 68.98
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 88 113 674 106
Ref. Sire
CW +8 Marb +.64 RE +.37 FAT +.030
DAR JD Confidence GB58
Birth Date: 3/14/06
Tattoo: GB58
#Bon View Bando 598 Woodhill Confidence Woodhill Erica 854-1167
#Tehama Bando 155 #Bon View Dora 56 #VF Venture Forward Woodhill Erica 497-854
#Gardens Highmark #Summitcrest Scotch Cap 0B45 Green Garden Blackcap B158 Green Garden Pride 6128 S1 Green Garden Blackcap 6155S1 #Gardens Prime Time Green Garden Blackcap 4156S1 CED BW WW Milk YW SC CEM $W $F $G
39.14 30.28 37.93 57.25
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 76 97 543 87
Tattoo: O355 #+Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 #GAR Predestined +GAR Objective N536
DAR 0033 New Day O355
Birth Date: 4/17/14 #B/R New Day 454 BJ 454 New Day 0033 BJ Predestined 8120
48.17 36.33 31.94 66.36
Tattoo: O322 #+Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 #GAR Predestined +GAR Objective N536
+1.20 +12
CW +21 Marb +.76 RE +.46 FAT +.000
#SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 DAR CD Dinah 0035 J134 SAV Emulous 8145 Green Garden Dinah B260 S1 Gardens OB45 9254 S1 Green Garden Dinah 9260 S1 CED
DAR 0033 New Day O322
Birth Date: 3/16/14 #B/R New Day 454 BJ 454 New Day 0033 BJ Predestined 8120
CW +13 Marb +.62 RE +.35 FAT +.000
BJ 454 New Day 0033
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 74 95 673 108
O 322
53.56 34.44 43.61 75.65
#AAR Really Windy 1205 AAR Windy Ridge 362 Bairds Blackcap Effie Q00 AAR Lady Kelton 2170 Wards Blackcap Effie 3212 JR Ambush 0151 CH Blackcap Effie 7525 CED
#Bon View New Design 1407 GAR Precision 1019 #Bon View New Design 208 Cody Dix’s Jilt 2 S1
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 100 644 103
DAR 0033 New Day O325
Birth Date: 3/22/14 #B/R New Day 454 BJ 454 New Day 0033 BJ Predestined 8120
#+GAR Integrity DAR CD Jilt HF03 #CRD Jilt 5103 +8
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 86 110 643 103
Ref. Sire
Tattoo: O319 #+Boyd New Day 8005 B/R Ruby 1224 #GAR Predestined +GAR Objective N536
40.66 42.72 27.81 76.06
DAR 0033 New Day O319
Birth Date: 3/16/14 #B/R New Day 454 BJ 454 New Day 0033 BJ Predestined 8120
CW 18 Marb +.66 RE -.21 FAT -.013
42.96 52.91 34.09 77.81
O 358
Dix Private Treaty Bulls O 356
DAR GB58 Confidence O358
Birth Date: 3/19/14 Tattoo: O358 18035024 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +17 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.57 Gardens SST A169 S1 #CRD Lady 5314 CRD Lady 3914 CED +10
WW +46
Milk +18
#SS Traveler 6807 T510 Green Garden Gina 5269 S1 #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 E&b Lady 4137 Ext 914 SC CEM
RE -.07 FAT +.004
DAR GB58 Confidence O356
Birth Date: 3/27/14 Tattoo: O356 18035022 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +24 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.74 +Pine Coulee Powerhouse W112 #SAV Net Worth 4200 Dar Dinah L424 VF 2031 Blackcap 0046 of 878 DAR CD Dinah HF50 #+GAR Integrity CRD Dinah 5350
36.94 32.17 31.31 67.13
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 76 97 660 104
WW +49
RE -.03 FAT -.006
39.90 39.72 36.81 85.07
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 68 91 584 92
O 348
DAR GB58 Confidence O348
Birth Date: 4/29/14 Tattoo: O348 18035019 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +24 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.68 Summitcrest Tenderline Summitcrest Lucy X021 Summitcrest Lucy U139 CED +9
O358 O 323
O 343
Birth Date: 3/15/14 Tattoo: O323 18060476 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +27 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.75
CED +12
WW +52
Milk +16
#SS Objective T510 0T26 +GAR Load Up 1314 #N Bar Emulation EXT +Hedgewood Rita 3100 of CC SC CEM
37.49 42.63 39.55 92.69
O 352
CED +10
WW +56
Milk +22
+1.27 +10
RE +.01 FAT -.001
+1.14 +10
36.86 37.54 35.45 83.42
DAR GB58 Confidence O343
WW +46
Milk +21
+1.14 +12
RE -.01 FAT +.021
39.56 30.63 37.53 71.59
DAR GB58 Confidence O352
#+GAR US Premium Beef 4G Evelyn 66 #Evelyn of 4 G 862B CED
47.42 48.13 39.59 83.95
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 68 88 674 108
Birth Date: 4/10/14 Tattoo: O352 18035020 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +24 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.51
Birth Date: 3/19/14 Tattoo: O317 18061831 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +21 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.83 #B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 Summitcrest Pfred 3B18 0J98 Summitcrest Echo 0R20
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 68 87 670 106
DAR GB58 Confidence O317
#GAR Predestined Summitcrest Echo 2X82 Summitcrest Echo 0T19
Gardens Prime Star H152 #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Sophie K269 Green Garden Barbara D152 S1 Green Garden Sophie 1001 #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Sophie C260 S1
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 76 99 622 100
O 317
Birth Date: 4/29/14 Tattoo: O343 18035018 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +16 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.82
RE +.20 FAT -.007
RE +.02 FAT -.003
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 88 114 753 119
DAR GB58 Confidence O323
#GAR Ultimate +Hedgewood Rita 030 +Hedgewood Rita 521
Basin Ambush 8161 Summitcrest Elba 0L93 Summitcrest Roseda Designed Summitcrest Lucy M052
WW +44
Milk +19
#GAR Precision 1680 GAR Ext 2928 #VDAR New Trend 315 #Evelyn of 4 G 521V SC CEM
RE +.17 FAT +.015
29.80 33.37 29.95 77.41
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 72 92 573 90
O 365
Dix Private Treaty Bulls DAR GB58 Confidence O365
Ref. Sire
Birth Date: 3/27/14 Tattoo: O365 18060478 Woodhill Confidence #Bon View Bando 598 CW DAR JD Confidence GB58 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 +10 Green Garden Blkcap B158 #Gardens Highmark Marb Green Garden Blkcap 6155S1 +.54 JDI New Design 208-5902 DAR CD Erica ID08 JD Erica 3308 CED +10
WW +39
#Bon View New Design208 Molitor 411 Lady 773-902 #JD Daigger 901 JD Erica 9306 SC CEM
#Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 #Doris of Conanga 669 Date of Conanga 670B
31.76 34.83 31.46 55.09
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 559 88
Ref. Sire
Tattoo: 1867
#TC Gridiron 258 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 SAV Madame Pride 3249
#+GAR Grid Maker #TC Blackbird 7049 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV Madame Pride 8264
#+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #+SAV May 2397 SAV May 7238 CED +15
O 315
WW +57
Milk +22
+1.10 +13
Woodhill Confidence #DAR CD Dinah GD50 #CRD Dinah 3150
#Bon View Bando 598 Woodhill Erica 854-1167 Gardens OB079 S1 Green Garden Dinah 9150 S1
WW +50
Milk +22
O 361
31.91 30.14 25.72 89.19
DAR Contrast O361
Birth Date: 3/02/14 #Connealy Danny Boy #Connealy Contrast #Doris of Conanga 669
RE +.16 FAT +.036
Tattoo: O361 +17995814 #Connealy Timeline CW Energy of Conanga 4851 +19 #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Marb Date of Conanga 670B +.60
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026 CED
35.04 40.69 27.62 84.77
WW +39
Milk +22
+1.61 +10
RE +.20 FAT +.067
35.39 15.08 27.58 65.85
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 80 100 696 100
Tattoo: O318 17995806 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +26 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 Marb SAV May 7238 +.69
#Bon View New Design 1407 #B/R New Design 036 #CRD Irene 5047 Bon View Pride 664 #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 #Hunts Calculator 2720 Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 +11
DAR Angus Valley O318
Birth Date: 3/03/14 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 +SAV Angus Valley 1867 #+SAV May 2397
Reference Sire
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 92 118 676 108
O 318
DAR Angus Valley O315
39.33 45.37 26.65 96.55
Tattoo: O315 18060475 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +30 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 Marb SAV May 7238 +.56
CW 49 Marb +.67 RE +.50 FAT +.074
Birth Date: 3/12/14 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 +SAV Angus Valley 1867 #+SAV May 2397
#DHD Traveler 6807 +Rita 4B20 of 0FB1 Bando #Sitz Alliance 6595 #Date of Conanga 5680 YW SC CEM $W $F
+.57 RE +.42 FAT +.071
#Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 #+Leachman Right Time #SAR Prospector May 9124 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
#Connealy Dateline CW #Enchants Fortune Conanga6127 35 #Hoff Heartland SC 456 Marb #Dividends Envy of Conanga
Connealy Contrast
SAV Angus Valley 1867
Birth Date: 1/05/11
Tattoo: 5210
#Connealy Timeline #Connealy Danny Boy Energy of Conanga 4851
RE -.14 FAT -.002
Connealy Contrast
Birth Date: 2/02/05
WW +48
Milk +26
+1.17 +12
RE +.33 FAT +.053
38.75 35.63 32.74 83.63
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 663 106
Dix Private Treaty Bulls O 345
DAR Contrast O345
Birth Date: 3/07/14 #Connealy Danny Boy #Connealy Contrast #Doris of Conanga 669
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026 CED +8
WW +39
Milk +22
Ref. Sire
Tattoo: O345 +17995813 #Connealy Timeline CW Energy of Conanga 4851 +19 #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 Marb Date of Conanga 670B +.60
+1.61 +10
Tattoo: 9009
#Connealy Onward #Sitz Upward 307R Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
RE +.20 FAT +.067
Tokach Update 9009
Birth Date: 2/01/09
#Vermilion Dateline 7078 Tokach Black Lady 4100 #Tokach Black Lady 0737
35.39 15.08 27.58 65.85
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 74 100 614 100
WW +66
O 344
Milk +31
#Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370 #Connealy Dateline #Vermilion Blackbird 5044 #Sitz Traveler 8180 #Tokach Black Lady 8584 YW SC CEM $W $F
SAV Pioneer 7301
Birth Date: 2/27/07
Tattoo: 7301
#Sitz Traveler 8180 #SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145
#+Boyd New Day 8005 SAV Blackbird 5297 SAV Blackbird 1082 CED +3
WW +61
O 351
Milk +29
#GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124 #AAR New Trend SVF Forever Lady 57D #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV Blackbird 4036 YW SC CEM $W $F
Tattoo: O344 +17999498 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +28 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Marb #Tokach Black Lady 0737 +.53
WW +49
Milk +27
Milk +28
+1.78 +11
O 366
Tattoo: O366 +18064440 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +28 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Marb #Tokach Black Lady 0737 +.53
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026
47.51 31.92 28.90 73.34
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 100 655 100
DAR Update O366
Birth Date: 1/12/14 #Sitz Upward 307R Tokach Update 9009 Tokach Black Lady 4100
RE +.56 FAT +.066
47.17 38.50 27.27 81.62
CW 39 Marb +.39 RE +1.10 FAT +.081
Tattoo: O351 +17999294 #Sitz Traveler 8180 CW SAV Emulous 8145 +22 #+Boyd New Day 8005 Marb SAV Blackbird 1082 +.50
68.56 57.24 26.53 91.05
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026 CED
RE +.21 FAT +.040
DAR Pioneer O351
Birth Date: 2/26/14 #SAV Final Answer 0035 #SAV Pioneer 7301 SAV Blackbird 5297
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 100 707 100
Reference Sire
Ref. Sire
52.94 64.18 24.38 97.22
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026 CED
CW +52 Marb +.42 RE +.44 FAT +.017
DAR Update O344
Birth Date: 3/05/14 #Sitz Upward 307R Tokach Update 9009 Tokach Black Lady 4100
SAV Pioneer 7301
+1.77 +12
WW +51
Milk +28
+1.79 +11
RE +.21 FAT +.040
47.17 38.50 27.27 81.62
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio
Dix Private Treaty Bulls
O 360
DAR Update O360
Birth Date: 3/08/14 #Sitz Upward 307R Tokach Update 9009 Tokach Black Lady 4100
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026 CED +6
WW +51
Milk +28
Gardens Prime Star KB20
Tattoo: O360 +17999496 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +27 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Marb #Tokach Black Lady 0737 +.52
+1.78 +11
RE +.21 FAT +.035
46.84 38.50 27.77 80.36
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 88 100 680 100
Reference Sire
Ref. Sire
Gardens Prime Star KB20
Birth Date: 2/06/09
#N Bar Prime Time D806 #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Jilt C242 S1
Tattoo: KB20
#Gardens Prime Time N Bar Miss Emulous A404 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 Green Garden Jilt 9242 S1
#Gardens Wave Green Garden Anna FB20 Green Garden Anna 8B5 S1 CED +8
O364 O 364
Tattoo: O364 +17999497 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +27 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Marb #Tokach Black Lady 0737 +.52
#Hunts Calculator 2720 GDAR 711 Computer #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 RR 1148 Ida 720A Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026 +6
WW +51
Milk +28
+1.78 +11
Milk +17
31.49 37.59 48.20 104.47
DAR KB20 Prime Star O328
#Bon View New Design 878 #B/R New Design 036 DAR JD Dinah IE50 Bon View Gammer 85 CRD Dinah 4150 Gardens SST A169 S1 Green Garden Dinah 9150 S1
RE +.21 FAT +.035
Birth Date: 3/26/14 Tattoo: O328 18039313 #Gardens Prime Star #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Gardens Prime Star KB20 Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 +22 Green Garden Anna FB20 #Gardens Wave Marb Green Garden Anna 8B5 S1 +.89
DAR Update O364
Birth Date: 3/03/14 #Sitz Upward 307R Tokach Update 9009 Tokach Black Lady 4100
O 328
#Gardens Highmark Green Garden Lady 6255 S2 #Summitcrest Scotch Cap 0B45 Green Garden Anna 6B5 S1 YW SC CEM $W $F $G
CW +24 Marb +1.29 RE +.67 FAT +.074
CED +8
WW +42
Milk +19
RE +.30 FAT +.048
33.95 28.40 39.00 83.05
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 82 105 660 106
46.84 38.50 27.77 80.36
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 100 645 100
O 363
DAR KB20 Prime Star O363
Birth Date: 3/16/14 Tattoo: O363 18035026 #Gardens Prime Star #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Gardens Prime Star KB20 Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 +24 Green Garden Anna FB20 #Gardens Wave Marb Green Garden Anna 8B5 S1 +.71 #Larks Canyon 74D4 DAR JD Queen Pat I905 WK Queen Pat 9205 CED +12
WW +39
Milk +18
#N Bar Emulation EXT Larks Miss Bando 74A #Connealy Dateline WK Queen Pat 3207 SC CEM
RE +.33 FAT +.050
33.00 24.07 34.09 80.94
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 68 87 606 96
Dix Private Treaty Bulls Ref. Sire
Birth Date: 9/06/07
#N Bar Prime Time D806 #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Jilt C242 S1
Tattoo: HB3
#Gardens Prime Time N Bar Miss Emulous A404 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 Green Garden Jilt 9242 S1
#Stevenson Benchmark N190 #CA Future Direction 5321 Green Garden Anna FF3 Stevenson Elga L706 Green Garden Anna DB59 S1 Gardens Bonus A37 S1 #Green Garden Anna BB20 S1 CED BW WW Milk YW SC CEM $W $F $G +13
O 340
CW +8 Marb +1.32 RE +.14 FAT +.068
JDI New Design 208-5902 DAR JD Jilt IF03 #CRD Jilt 5103
#Bon View New Design 208 Molitor 411 Lady 773-902 #Bon View New Design 208 Cody Dix’s Jilt 2 S1
WW +38
Milk +25
11.23 41.89 51.96
CED +12
WW +44
Milk +31
Milk +20
+1.00 +12
34.60 14.41 41.97 60.18
Commercial Bull
DAR JD Confidence GB58 DAR JD Jilt IF03 GB58 K352 DAR JD Jilt IF03
Woodhill Confidence Green Garden Blackcap B158 JDI New Design 208-5902 #CRD Jilt 5103
N 942
WW +39
Milk +18
DAR Confidence N942
Birth Date: 3/09/13 Tattoo: N942 +17645440 Connealy Tobin #Bon View New Design 208 CW Connealy Confidence 0100 Delia of Conanga 667 +31 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 #Connealy Thunder Marb Becka Lee of Conanga 37 +.64
RE +.94 FAT +.021
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio
DAR Confidence N941
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #GAR Precision 1680 GAR Prime Time 2409
Tattoo: 0347 #N Bar Prime Time D806 Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 #Stevenson Benchmark N190 Green Garden Anna DB59 S1
Birth Date: 3/02/13 Tattoo: N941 +17645439 Connealy Tobin #Bon View New Design 208 CW Connealy Confidence 0100 Delia of Conanga 667 +20 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 #Connealy Thunder Marb Becka Lee of Conanga 37 +.45 #GAR Predestined +BJ Predestined 186S +GAR Precision G103
RE +.11 FAT +.037
Birth Date: #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star HB3 Green Garden Anna FF3
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 788 124
N 941
#Bon View New Design 208 Green Garden Protet 910 S1 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 Green Garden Estelle 116
O 347
RE +.07 FAT +.032
CD New Design 208-5910 DAR JD Estelle IE17 CRD Estelle 4116 +10
DAR HB3 Prime Star O340
Tattoo: O353 17995811 #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 +8 #Stevenson Benchmark N190 Marb Green Garden Anna DB59 S1 +.95
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 84 108 623 98
Tattoo: O340 18034009 #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 +4 #Stevenson Benchmark N190 Marb Green Garden Anna DB59 S1 +.91
DAR HB3 Prime Star O353
Birth Date: 4/12/14 #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star HB3 Green Garden Anna FF3
29.25 19.35 45.49 69.56
Birth Date: 3/22/14 #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star HB3 Green Garden Anna FF3
O 353
Gardens Prime Star HB3
#GAR Predestined +BJ Predestined 186S +GAR Precision G103
45.70 31.82 36.62 77.71
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 70 ET 462 ET 838 ET 2.27 60 11.4 97 .17 81
WW +44
Milk +31
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #GAR Precision 1680 GAR Prime Time 2409 SC CEM
RE +1.01 FAT +.030
45.70 31.82 41.36 99.62
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 ET 626 ET 1128 ET 4.03 106 13.7 117 .23 110
BJ Predestined 186S
Reference Dam 15
Dix Private Treaty Two-Year Old Bulls
N 929
Birth Date: 5/07/13 #Sitz Upward 307R 8N Upstart 102 CCA Blackcap 803
Tattoo: N929 17640980 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +34 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Marb Blu Top Ella Blackcap M054 +.56
Summitcrest Complete 4U75 #Summitcrest Complete 1P55 Summitcrest Blackcap 2Y01 Summitcrest Aim 1N36 Summitcrest Blackcap 0T69 #KCF Bennett Coalition SCC #Summitcrest Blackcap 2L66 CED +12
N 824
DAR Upstart N929
BW -1.5
WW +58
Milk +30
+1.38 +14
DAR K027 Bismarck N824
Birth Date: 4/19/13 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 ACF Bismarck 0027 VAR Queen Jill 8098
RE +.61 FAT +.018
Tattoo: N824 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121
Gardens Prime Star H152 #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Sophie K269 Green Garden Barbara D152 S1 Green Garden Sophie 1001 #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Sophie C260 S1
50.83 50.10 34.95 98.65
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 66 91 685 113 1176 108 2.90 N/A 11.2 N/A .16 N/A
WW +61
Milk +25
CW +15 Marb +.81 RE +.40 FAT +.033
51.33 45.03 41.25 76.54
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 101 714 117 1178 108 5.74 100 10.5 100 .24 100
N 949
Commercial Bull
Birth Date: 1/31/13
Tattoo: N949
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 88 110 650 105 1125 104 4.40 N/A 11.2 N/A .25 N/A
N929 N 915
DAR Pioneer N915
Birth Date: 3/04/13 #SAV Final Answer 0035 #SAV Pioneer 7301 SAV Blackbird 5297
Tattoo: N915 #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #+Boyd New Day 8005 SAV Blackbird 1082
#Connealy Contrast DAR JD Elba IFD04 5210 K354 DAR JD Lady Elba IFD04
#Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #N Bar Prime Time D806 #JDI Lady Elba 5304
CED +8
WW +49
Milk +24
17640970 CW +33 Marb +.55 RE +.69 FAT +.083
36.45 42.88 27.82 89.87
Actual BW Adj. WW Adj. YW Adj IMF Adj. REA Adj. RIF BW Ratio WW Ratio YW Ratio IMF Ratio REA Ratio RIF Ratio 78 102 582 96 1120 101 4.16 90 12.1 107 .28 108
We would like to thank John and Bonnie Slocombe, BJ Angus Genetics, Manhattan, KS; for allowing us to take part in their 14th Annual Production Sale.
Upstart & X-Treme 2731 in the offseason
Look for future progeny from these donor cows! Riverbend Rita X677
CED +0 BW +2.5 W +55 YW +97 Milk +33 $W 43.63 $B 112.06
Summitcrest Complete 1P55 x GAR Precision 1680
Riverbend Lady U959
Deer Valley Miss Rita 3292
CED +13 BW +1.4 W +51 YW +93 Milk +22 $W 49.58 $B 87.37
EXAR Upshot 0562B x CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 CED +14 BW +0.0 W +47 YW +75 Milk +16 $W 46.15 $B 91.14
OCC Emblazon 854E x Wulffs Ext 6106
SandPoint Blackcap Lady 3013
CED +8 BW +0.4 W +70 YW +128 Milk +21 $W 60.85 $B 122.37
AAR Ten X 7008 SA x Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon
Check out these exciting Herd Sires! 8N Upstart 102
CED +15 BW -2.4 W +55 YW +102 Milk +31 $W 59.72 $B 108.49
Upstart is our proven calving ease sire. He produces light birthweight calves that are vigorous and have rapid early growth. His 50K scored put him in the top 1% for Heifer Progency.
BJ Program 2201
CED +13 BW -0.1 W +58 YW +103 Milk +30 $W 53.79 $B 97.78
Program 2201 was purchased at the 2014 BJ Angus sale. He was ued on our heifers in his first season and we are very optimistic about what 2201 will bring to our herd.
Cody Dix 2595 C Road Stockton, Ks 67669