“Dollars” & “Sense” Production Sale
Heavy rains on June 29th brought Plum Creek out of itˇs banksˇ ...might be worst flood Larry can remember.
Larry & Anita Lundgren 3633 County Road I, Gove, KS 67736 785-938-4404 ▪ 785-673-9046 ▪ laranch@ruraltel.net www.LundgrenAngusRanch.com Blake & Kirsten Angell 785-410-3750 ▪ blake@lundgrenangusranch.com
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, Welcome to our 2015 annual “Dollars & Sense” production sale. We at LAR continue with the same pursuit and passion for excellence we have had since the beginning of our program. 2015 marks the 20th year since our entry into the registered Angus business. As we look back, we feel so blessed to have met so many new friends in the business and the many, many customers that have become friends and put their trust and faith in our breeding program. We truly appreciate both loyal repeat customers and those who are first time customers of LAR. We THANK YOU all for your past business and look forward to serving your needs for years to come. We pledge to do our best to provide breeding stock that will help make your life easier, more profitable and enjoyable. What an exciting time to be in the cattle business!!! It gives us great pleasure to watch our customers sell reputation quality cattle at market topping prices. Old cows and bulls are selling at great prices and go a long ways towards your purchases of new young replacements, making it a great time to add some new genetics to your program. Young bulls have been in strong demand by progressive cattlemen and women who consider their purchases as an important investment in the future of their programs. As always, calving ease is an integral part of our breeding program. There will be many bulls suitable for heifers. At LAR last year, we did not pull a single calf from our heifers. We feel calving ease is not just about birth weight. Management of feedstuffs and proper exercise go hand in hand with genetics. EPD'S are also very important and we feel should be taken into consideration just as much as birth weights, especially on the embryo transfer calves. We are excited to offer this set of bulls as we believe it is our best set to date. We think you will appreciate the uniformity and natural thickness in this set of bulls from top to bottom. Jim Miller of TMC Feeders has fed and developed our bulls for years and does an excellent job. The coming two year old bulls are currently grazing “grow back” sorghum feed with protein and mineral tubs and are getting plenty of exercise in their development. We are gradually adding a few Red Angus bulls for those who might have a desire for “red” genetics. Blake has past experience with the breed and has many friends and associates along with some of our current customers who have expressed interest in Red Angus genetics. An added feature this year will be video clips of each animal in the sale that can be viewed online prior to sale day. Online bidding through DV AUCTION will also be available for those who cannot attend the sale or prefer to make their purchases in that manner. Look elsewhere in this catalog for further information. We will continue to run our cattle through the ring sale day. Our auctioneer runs a snappy auction so we encourage you to come early, make your selections, and enjoy our tasty beef lunch and fellowship with other progressive cattle people. Upon inspection of the data in this sale book, video presentations, pictures and visual inspection of the cattle, we think you will feel it makes “SENSE” to INVEST YOUR “DOLLARS” in LAR genetics. Thank you again for your loyalty and faith in our breeding program. Larry Lundgren
Blake Angell
Larry: 785-673-9046 ▪ Blake: 785-410-3750 $1$
“Dollars” & “Sense” Production Production Sale ˇDollarsˇ & ˇSenseˇ Sale Friday, February 20, 2015 12:30 PM CST at the Ranch 10 miles S. & 3.5 W. of Gove, KS Sale Offering Includes:
59 Yearling Angus Bulls Ɠ 19 Virgin 2 Year Old Angus Bulls 3 Yearling Red Angus Bulls Ɠ 25 Yearling Angus Heifers AUCTIONEER:
HERD HEALTH: A complete herd health program has been developed by Jerry Lehmann Dr. Randy Norton, Walnut Fork Vet Services of Utica, KS. Lake Ozark, MO The calves received pre-weaning shots and were boost573-474-7230 ered at weaning along with injectable Ivomec. All calves have been PI tested negative. All bulls in the sale will have LIVESTOCK PRESS REPRESENTATIVES: Jeff Mafi, American Angus Association….....816-344-4266 been semen checked and passed a fertility and soundness Rod Swafford, High Plains Journal……..…..620-338-7244 exam. All sale animals will have health certificates and be Andrew Sylvester, Kansas Stockman……....785-456-4352 eligible for interstate shipment. Dr. Paul Ritter, Monument Anne Lampe, Kansas Angus News……..…..620-872-3915 Station Ultrasound of Monument, KS performed the collecBill Angell, Special Assignment…………..….970-396-5594 tion of ultrasound data. Dr. Darrel DeGrofft and Deb Rest of Colorado Genetics, Inc. work with us on the synchroniThis sale will be broadcast live on DVAuction.com, so any zation of all our donor cows and the collection and placebuyer unable to attend the sale can participate by using DV ment of all our embryos. They also assist us with some of our artificial insemination of the main cowherd. Auction (see instructions on opposite page) or by working through any of the above listed representatives. DELIVERY: Videos of all sale animals can be viewed online by visiting Free delivery on 1) all purchases within 100 miles, 2) single purchases over $3,000 or 2 or more bulls within 250 miles, www.dvauction.com or www.LundgrenAngusRanch.com. 3) all bulls over $5,000 within the continental United States. All deliveries will be made prior to April 1. Bring your trailer TERMS AND CONDITIONS: and receive a $25 per head discount on all bulls taken Terms of the sale are cash and settlement must be made home sale day. at close of the sale. Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http://www.angus.org/Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf).
GUARANTEE: Each animal becomes the risk of the buyer as soon as sold. LAR will guarantee all bulls selling for $3,500 or SALE DAY UPDATES: more against breeding injury for the first breeding season. A supplement sheet will be made available on sale day with updated information. All data on supplement sheet, as Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following well as any announcements made sale day, will take prec- the first turnout of said bull. Breeding injury is defined as injury to penis or preputial tear with inability to extend. This edence over information in this sale book. guarantee does NOT cover non breeding injuries resulting Any and all potential carriers of genetic defects have been from accident or gross negligence. If a replacement bull is available, he will be provided or if the buyer prefers, credit tested and results of their status will be available in this toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, sale catalog, on supplement sheet or by announcement. less salvage value of the injured bull, less $10 per day the bull has been in use since first turnout. Please notify us as SALE ORDER: soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the inCattle sell in catalog order unless otherwise announced. jured bull being sold for salvage. Guarantee ends 8/31/15.
lundgren angus ranch $ reference sires
#Connealy Thunder Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 Becka Lee of Conanga 37 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Parka of Conanga 241 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #Beckeys Lia of Conanga 81 CEM MARB REA $W
SAV Bismarck 5682
DOB: 2/01/05
Reg: #+15109865
Tattoo: 5682
#DHD Traveler 6807 #GDAR Blackcap Lady 840 #GAR Precision 1680 +GAR Ext 2104
#Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 0451 SAV Abigale 6062 CED BW WW YW Milk
#AAR New Trend Sky High Blackbird 4119 #Bon View Emulation Ext 473 Circle A Abigale 3008 CEM MARB REA $W
$ $
SAV Brilliance 8077
DOB: 2/24/08
Reg: 16107774
Tattoo: 8077
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
#SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV Blackcap May 5270 #+SAV May 2420 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 7238 CEM MARB REA $W
$ $
kcf bennett absolute
DOB: 3/08/09
Reg: 16430795
Tattoo: W299
#GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124
#+Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050 CED BW WW YW Milk
#N Bar Emulation EXT Wulffs Erica Dianna C116 #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 +Thomas Miss Lucy 1723 CEM MARB REA $W
+.77 +55.90 +82.35
#Sitz Traveler 8180 #SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145
+.95 +65.79 +75.24
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
+1.61 +55.20 +103.95
#GDAR Traveler 044 #+GAR Grid Maker GAR Precision 2536
Tattoo: 0100
#B/R New Design 036 #Bon View Erica 443 #CA Future Direction 5321 #Deena of Conanga 668
Reg: 16761479
#Bon View New Design 208 Connealy Tobin Delia of Conanga 667
Connealy Confidence 0100
DOB: 1/16/10
+.89 +65.88 +126.29
lundgren angus ranch $ reference sires
Tattoo: 224
#+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR NPV Queen 0155 LAR Baron Queen 814 CED BW WW YW Milk
#N Bar Prime Time D806 +Ideal 4465 of 6807 4286 +Connealy Black Baron of SCAR LAR 067 Queen 6374 CEM MARB REA $W
e&b final answer 086
$ $
DOB: 1/08/10
Reg: 16766322
Tattoo: 086
#GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124
#+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 889 +E&B Lady Newsline 642 CED BW WW YW Milk
#GAR Precision 1680 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 #+Lemmon Newsline C804 +E&B Lady Erica 174 CEM MARB REA $W
LT final answer 8917 of ea DOB: 3/18/08
Reg: 16211814
Tattoo: 8917
#GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124
#Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 EA Blackcap 5090 +EA Blackcap 232 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Vermilion Dateline 7078 +RLS Eisa Evergreen 5018 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 Blackcap 147 of McCumber CEM MARB REA $W
e&b 3133 new design 844
DOB: 2/04/08
Reg: 16135128
Tattoo: 844
#VDAR New Trend 315 B/R Blackcap Empress 76 #DHD Traveler 6807 Lady 963 Dividend 404
+E&B 1680 Precision 295 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006 CED BW WW YW Milk
#GAR Precision 1680 E&b 4137 Lady Dominque 794 #CH Stacker 7040 Marcys 90 Ethelda E 69 CEM MARB REA $W
+.36 +39.28 +66.27
#B/R New Design 036 +E&B New Design 3133 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61
+.83 +44.02 +90.25
#Sitz Traveler 8180 #SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145
+.70 +75.08 +86.74
#Sitz Traveler 8180 #SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145
Reg: 17427306
#AAR New Trend SAV Forever Lady 57D #Tehama Band 207 GDAR Miss Wix 749
DOB: 1/25/12
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #+GDAR Game Day 449 #GDAR Miss Wix 474
lar game day 224
+.28 +45.42 +79.70
lundgren angus ranch $ two-year old bulls You will notice a few changes to how we conduct our sale this year starting with the fact that we will be offering the two year old bulls first. We believe this is the stoutest set of 2 year old bulls we have ever raised and felt it was appropriate to kick off our 2015 sale with them. We know virgin 2 year old Angus bulls are a rare and precious commodity and as a result many folks make their way back to LAR each year for our sale because of them. These bulls have been turned out on a field of regrowth sorghum feed where they have been getting lots of exercise. They should be sound footed, mobile and ready for heavy service in your operation. We think you will appreciate the natural thickness and substance this set of bulls offers.
LAR 8917 Final Answer 328 DOB: 3/12/13
Reg: 17695432
Tattoo: 328
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LT Final Answer 8917 of EA EA Blackcap 5090
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 +EA Blackcap 232
#Mytty In Focus LAR Blackbird T543 LAR Blackbird 5543 CED BW WW YW Milk
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Bon View New Design 1407 LAR Blackbird 3142 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 87 Adj. 205 643 WR 98 Yr. Wt. 1189
+10 +0.9 +49 +89 +19 +13 +.56 +.30 +33.73 +72.72 What a way to start our 2015 sale! This is a true calving ease bull that will still sire a stout set of calves at weaning time. He is really smooth through his shoulder and yet exhibits lots of natural thickness. He is sure to be a crowd favorite.
Lot 1
LAR Confidence 90A
DOB: 2/01/13
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Lot 2
+LD Kaboom 646 LAR Clovia Pride 8228 TC Clovia Pride 7228 CED BW WW YW Milk +1
Tattoo: 90A
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #TC Rito 416 LAR Princess 345 CEM MARB REA $W +17
Act. BW 64 Adj. 205 723 WR 110 Yr. Wt. 1024
+1.13 +51.90 +97.16
If calving ease is all you are looking for, you have the wrong bull in lot 2. Check out the performance on this guy – from 64 pounds at birth to 723 off the cow! And that’s not all, he also brings a +97.16 $B to the table.
LAR 844 New Design 382
DOB: 3/25/13
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
#TC Aberdeen 759 LAR Princess 1190 LAR Princess 7190 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17709281
Reg: 17685914
Tattoo: 382
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF +LD Eileen 464 #+Woodhill Supreme TC Clovia Pride 9091 CEM MARB REA $W +5
Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 631 WR 96 Yr. Wt. 1193
+.34 +31.50 +79.91
Powerhouse is the first word that comes to mind when evaluating this bull. He is full of meat and muscle and his calves will bring lots of attention at sale time.
Lot 3
lundgren angus ranch $ two-year old bulls
LAR Bextor 329
DOB: 1/26/13
Reg: 17685896
Tattoo: 329
#BAR Ext Traveler 205 #N Bar Emulation EXT #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #BAR Queen Traveler 3015 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy #+GAR Sleep Easy 1009 HHF 917 Lady 975 498
+LD Kaboom 646 #Lar Marcia 9630 LAR Marcia 630 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF +LD Eileen 464 #+DCC Rito Direct 3C3 TC Marcia 5130 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 91 Adj. 205 692 WR 105 Yr. Wt. 1060
+5 +2.4 +48 +78 +25 +10 +.63 +.67 +38.11 +74.09 Here is another bull that will stand out in the pen. You will appreciate this bull’s overall mass and volume. If you want uniform calves with lots of natural shape and style at weaning, here is a good candidate for that.
Lot 4
LAR 844 New Design 3389 DOB: 3/27/13
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
Lot 5
LAR 844 New Design 3199 DOB: 3/20/13
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
TC Patriot 337 LAR Edella 5199 LAR Edella 399 CED BW WW YW Milk +0
Reg: 17685948
#TC Freedom 104 TC Marcia 7154 Baldridge Jolt 25J LAR Edella 914 CEM MARB REA +.26
Act. BW 91 Adj. 205 762 WR 112 Yr. Wt. 1239
One thing you will notice is that these 844 sons will have lots of natural thickness and performance. A half-brother to lot 5 who weaned off the cow at 762 lbs…anyone seeing a trend? Use these 844 sons on cows and you will love the calves.
DOB: 3/09/13
Reg: 17695434
#Bon View New Design 1407 LAR Blackbird 5543 LAR Blackbird 3142 CED BW WW YW Milk +8
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 #Roths Millcreek Unique LAR Blackbird 142 CEM MARB REA +12
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 707 WR 104 Yr. Wt. 1231
A half-brother to lot 1, these 8917 sons bring both calving ease and performance to the table. Notice the weaning weight on this calf of 707. This bull did test positive DD.
Reg: 17685891
Tattoo: 318
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#CA Future Direction 5321 Derry Erica 2074 +River Hills Nevada LAR LAR Barbara 284 CEM MARB REA $W +5
Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 588 WR 89 Yr. Wt. 1125
+.31 +26.96 +68.18
LAR 844 New Design A05
DOB: 3/12/13
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
+.44 +37.35 +69.16
#GT Maximum #Basin Eline Erica 315U #Baldridge Jethro 75J LAR Queen Bee 832 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 97 Adj. 205 765 WR 113 Yr. Wt. 1290
Another 844 son that shows the mark of his sire. Another good candidate for your mature cows.
Tattoo: 343
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 +EA Blackcap 232
DOB: 3/08/13
Derry Future Direction 608P LAR Barbara T184 LAR Barbara 5184 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR 8917 Final Answer 343
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LT Final Answer 8917 of EA EA Blackcap 5090
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
LAR 844 New Design 318
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
+.15 +37.89 +68.54
Tattoo: 3389
-2 +4.4 +56 +90 +24 +1 +.48 +.10 +35.70 +76.87 WOW! You want the best of both worlds…this might be your chance. If you want power and performance, along with some maternal traits then you will have to mark this bull. Maybe as thick made and powerful a bull to come through the LAR sale ring, not to mention he weaned off at 765 lbs. He is also out of one of the most prolific cow families to walk the pastures at LAR.
Tattoo: 3199
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#Basin Max 602C #LAR Queen Bee 6689 LAR Queen Bee 289 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17685956
#Mytty In Focus Lar Pride 905 #LAR Pride 005 CED BW WW YW Milk +2
Reg: 17685929
Tattoo: A05
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006 #SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #TC Stockman 365 #TC Pride 4105 CEM MARB REA +8
Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 652 WR 99 Yr. Wt. 1083
+.19 +35.00 +73.34
This is an 844 son that is a little more moderate than some of his half-brothers, but still brings the muscle and style to the table. Turn out a group of these 844 sons on your mature cows and wait for the neighbors to comment.
lundgren angus ranch $ two-year old bulls
LAR Braxton 302
DOB: 3/29/13
Reg: 17685884
Tattoo: 302
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
Sinclair Extravagant 6X7 Lar Sleep Forever 902 LAR Sleep Forever 702 CED BW WW YW Milk
#N Bar Emulation EXT Sinclair Lady 2P30 8146 #TC Total 410 LAR Sleep Forever 2102 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 736 WR 112 Yr. Wt. 1230
Lot 10
+6 +1.8 +59 +98 +20 +11 +.58 +.39 +41.78 +97.20 Moderate and thick is the only way to describe this bull. Unfortunately his sire was injured and had to be sent to town, but we really like the type and kind of his progeny. With a 98 YW EPD and a nearly 98 $B this bull is quite a unique individual.
LAR Bismarck 350
DOB: 2/14/13
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Lot 11
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Tattoo: 350
Baldridge Bob +Alc Baldridge Evergreen 25F #+GDAR Oscar 711 Miss Stacker K 312 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 80 Adj. 205 605 WR 92 Yr. Wt. 1080
+10 +0.9 +43 +66 +16 +11 +.49 +.42 +35.22 +49.69 If you are looking for longevity in your females, this is the bull for you. This bull is out of a 10 year old cow and the great Bismarck bull, which might be our favorite replacement heifers. Calving ease and moderate frame also come in lot 11.
LAR 8917 Final Answer 380 DOB: 3/06/13
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LT Final Answer 8917 of EA EA Blackcap 5090
Baldridge Jolt 25J LAR Forever Lady 350 Miss Oscar K 550 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17685906
TC Freedom 421 LAR Pride 680 #LAR Pride 080 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17695436
Tattoo: 380
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 +EA Blackcap 232 #TC Freedom 104 TC Barbara 2187 #SAF Focus of ER TC Pride 7180 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 81 Adj. 205 652 WR 96 Yr. Wt. 1181
+9 +1.6 +51 +87 +19 +14 +.45 +.20 +36.38 +68.15 Here is another moderate framed Final Answer grandson. These 8917 sons were very well received in our previous sales.
Lot 12
LAR Confidence 368
DOB: 1/29/13
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 LAR Total Package 744 LAR Mayflower 168 LAR Mayflower 168 CED BW WW YW Milk
Lot 13
Reg: 17685911
Tattoo: 368
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37 #TC Total 410 LAR Lady Ida 944 #N Bar Emulation EXT Bar S Mayflower 2068 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 72 Adj. 205 607 WR 93 Yr. Wt. 1003
+12 +0.1 +46 +82 +25 +15 +.39 +.96 +38.17 +86.95 If you want a sure shot calving ease bull, take a look at this bull. Confidence sired calves come very easy and then get up and go. You will also like the natural thickness of this moderate framed bull.
lundgren angus ranch $ two-year old bulls
LAR Braxton 3518
DOB: 3/20/13
Reg: 17685957
Tattoo: 3518
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
#Bon View New Design 1407 LAR Lady 9518 Msar Lady 1518 CED BW WW YW Milk
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 #Alberda Traveler 416 Msar Lady 930 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 679 WR 103 Yr. Wt. 1214
Reg: 17685883
Tattoo: 27A
#SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 E&b Final Answer 086 SAV Emulous 8145 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 889 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 +E&B Lady Newsline 642 #SAV Final Answer 0035 Lar Erica 027 KM Erica 527 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #+GAR Exaltation 3144 KM Erica 2851 CEM MARB REA
DOB: 4/02/13
Reg: 17685942
Tattoo: 3074
#N Bar Emulation EXT +GAR Scotch Cap 309 KM Sheer Profit 1237 KM Blackbird 2338 CEM MARB REA +10
WR 97 Yr. Wt. 1157
+.33 +32.49 +83.28
Another LAR calving ease specialist.
LAR 844 New Design A158 DOB: 2/19/13
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
TC Freedom 421 LAR Blackbird 7158 LAR Blackbird 258 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17685967
Tattoo: A158
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#TC Freedom 104 TC Barbara 2187 #TC Stockman 365 E&b 406 Lady Bando 698 CEM MARB REA $W
Reg: 17685975
Tattoo: AA89
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37 #Connealy Danny Boy Endova of Conanga 858 #Mytty In Focus #LAR Queen Bee 6689 CEM MARB REA +13
Act. BW 70 Adj. 205 661 WR 101 Yr. Wt. 1056
+.93 +45.73 +86.82
You can put together several of these Confidence sons and never miss a basketball game! This bull stacks three generations of proven calving ease sires in his pedigree.
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 Act. BW +LD Kaboom 646 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 80 +LD Eileen 464 #Twin Valley Precision E161 Adj. 205 Eileen Heartland Conanga6443 656 #+GAR Exaltation 3144 KM Blackbird 3074 KM Blackbird 3200 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 321
LAR Confidence AA89
DOB: 2/03/13
Connealy Danny 5398 Lar Queen Bee YY89 #Lar Queen Bee WW89 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Kaboom 3074
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Act. BW 68 Adj. 205 644 WR 98 Yr. Wt. 1107
+14 -2.3 +50 +87 +24 +15 +.53 +.60 +43.98 +77.66 The moderate framed and calving ease bulls keep coming in lot 16. This is a half-brother to the high selling bull in our 2014 sale at $8,500.
#Connealy Timeline Energy of Conanga 4851 EGL Target 1148 #Endive of Conanga 6860
Act. BW 60 Adj. 205 705 WR #TC Aberdeen 759 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 99 LAR Ruby 1015 #+TC Blackbird 4034 Yr. Wt. TC Ruby 5015 #Bon View New Design 208 1187 TC Ruby 3041 Here is another calving ease bull that offers lots of performance. This bull is selling as a commercial bull with no papers due to him be positive for the CA genetic defect. However, his natural thickness and confirmation will catch the eye of every cattleman that walks in the pen.
LAR 086 Final Answer 27A DOB: 3/02/13
Commercial Bull
DOB: 1/20/13
#Connealy Danny Boy Connealy Danny 5398 Endova of Conanga 858
+5 +2.5 +46 +83 +24 +7 +.63 +.39 +31.65 +82.75 The only other Braxton son to sell in the 2 year old division. This bull did test positive for DD.
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 626 WR 95 Yr. Wt. 975
+6 +1.9 +45 +69 +20 +10 +.45 +.07 +37.11 +65.89 One final 844 son to finish out a tremendous set of 2 year old bulls.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Confidence 374
DOB: 11/10/13
Reg: +17969082
Tattoo: 374
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
DCC Rito Prime 1I5 #LAR Pride 5120 LAR Pride 305 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 DCC Rita 482 of D806 185 #+Baldridge Notch AC #TC Pride 4105 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 79 Adj. 205 701 WR 94
+9 +0.4 +48 +86 +26 +12 I+.34 I+.82 +47.97 +85.01 Confidence sons were our high selling sire group last year for all the reasons you see in this lead off yearling bull. This is 1 of 4 November born ET flush brothers – you might have trouble picking your favorite. You have to love the mass and muscle shape in this 700 plus pound weaning weight bull. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
Lot 20
Lot 21
LAR Bismarck 4404
DOB: 1/14/14
Reg: +17969088
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
+TC Alliance 333 #TC Blackbird 6136 TC Blackbird 2017 CED BW WW YW Milk +11
LAR Confidence 4550
DOB: 1/08/14
Reg: 17969190
Tattoo: 4550
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#SAV Final Answer 0035 +LAR 080 Pride 2550 #LAR Pride 080 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #SAF Focus of ER TC Pride 7180 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 60 Adj. 205 646 WR 111
+16 -2.3 +57 +95 +29 +18 I+.48 I+.98 +52.22 +84.98 You may be impressed with the EPD profile on this bull, but wait until you see him in person. With a 111 wean ratio out of a first calf heifer, this may be one of the stoutest bulls in the offering. This bull combines top 5% of breed in CED, BW, REA and $W with top 25% growth traits. Here is a herd bull candidate. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
Tattoo: 4404
#Sitz Alliance 6595 #TC Ruby 9095 #TC Foreman 016 TC Blackbird 9117 CEM MARB REA +15
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 610 WR 98
+.46 +47.99 +70.69
Lot 22
The first Bismarck to sell this year and he is an ET out of our top donor cow 6136. You will appreciate the length of body and thickness of this bull, but you will really like the broodiness of his daughters. Lots of maternal value comes in this package. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
LAR Brilliance 413
DOB: 2/12/14
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
Lot 23
E&B 3133 New Design 844 Lar Blackbird 0391 LAR Blackbird 391 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969102
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
Tattoo: 413
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 #+Baldridge Notch AC #LAR Blackbird 952 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 680 WR 107
+5 +1.7 +57 +92 +26 +7 I+.41 I+.48 +46.18 +81.21 The Brilliance sire provides lots of shape and style to his offspring and you will find that here. This is a bull that will produce really attractive calves that will be in high demand come sale time. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Confidence 449
DOB: 1/25/14
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Lot 24
#SAV Final Answer 0035 Lar Edella 1699 LAR Edella 699 CED BW WW YW Milk
DOB: 11/08/13
Reg: +17969084
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
DCC Rito Prime 1I5 #LAR Pride 5120 LAR Pride 305 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 DCC Rita 482 of D806 185 #+Baldridge Notch AC #TC Pride 4105 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 74 Adj. 205 760 WR 102
+11 -0.3 +43 +78 +28 +13 +.42 +.86 +47.52 +86.73 This is a full flush brother to lot 20 out of the 5120 donor cow. With an adjusted weaning weight of 760 this bull has one of the heaviest adjusted weaning weights in the sale. If you are looking for uniformity in a calf crop, take advantage of turning full brothers out together. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
Lot 25 $26$
LAR Game Day 473
DOB: 2/07/14
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
Lot 26 LAR-BK Quanah 438
DOB: 2/13/14
Reg: 17952785
#GAR Predestined +GAR Quanah 687L +GAR Objective 1885
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Parka of Conanga 241 RAB-EGL Blue Moon 4407M RAB MS New Level 698R CEM MARB REA $W +7
Derry Future Direction 608P LAR Heroinmere 873 LAR Heroinmere 473 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969135
Tattoo: 473
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
#CA Future Direction 5321 Derry Erica 2074 Baldridge Jameson 9J #Bar S Heroinmere 5060 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 98 Adj. 205 665 WR 105
+3 +3.4 +55 +92 +21 +4 N/A N/A +34.80 N/A This is the first son to sell out of our herd sire LAR Game Day 224. These 224 sons showed tremendous shape and thickness even as a calf. This is one stout bull. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
Tattoo: 438
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #SS Objective T510 0T26 GAR 1407 New Design 2232
#Connealy Thunder RAB MS Thunder 718X RAB MS Blue Moon 936T CED BW WW YW Milk +2
+17 -3.0 +53 +86 +29 +17 I+.40 I+.94 +52.03 +74.74 If you want calving ease and performance, take a look at this Confidence son. From 64 lbs at birth to 710 lbs off the cow, this bull will sire a powerful set of calves. Out of an exceptional Final Answer daughter, this is a mating that really connected. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest.
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 Baldridge Jolt 25J LAR Edella 914 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 64 Adj. 205 710 WR 106
Tattoo: 3127
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Tattoo: 449
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
LAR Confidence 3127
Reg: 17969123
Act. BW 98 Adj. 205 739 WR 117
I+.78 +39.62 +127.20
If you want power and performance this is a bull for you. This bull’s dam was purchased out of the RA Brown Ranch dispersal sale in the fall of 2013, and her first calf in Kansas earned a 117 wean ratio. This bull ranks in the top 5% of the breed for WW, YW, MARB and $B. Retaining 1/3 Revenue Sharing Semen Interest. $11$
Lot 27
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Confidence 4489
DOB: 2/13/14
Reg: 17969188
Tattoo: 4489
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#Basin Max 602C #LAR Queen Bee 6689 LAR Queen Bee 289 CED BW WW YW Milk
#GT Maximum #Basin Eline Erica 315U #Baldridge Jethro 75J LAR Queen Bee 832 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 632 WR 100
I+.73 +39.16 +81.74
Lot 28
Take a look at the mass and volume of this bull. His Basin Max 602C dam has posted weaning ratios of 105, yearling ratios of 117 and IMF ratio of 129. You should expect easy fleshing and broody females out of this sire. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
LAR Bismarck 4699
DOB: 2/11/14
Reg: 17969192
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Lot 29
LAR-BK Absolute 496
DOB: 2/21/14
#SAV Final Answer 0035 KCF Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152
#GAR Predestined RAB-GAR MS Predestined 4590X +RAB-GAR MS 1I2 4612S CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17962580
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #+Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
LAR Total Package 744 Lar Edella 0699 LAR Edella 699 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 4699
#TC Total 410 LAR Lady Ida 944 Baldridge Jolt 25J LAR Edella 914 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 665 WR 105
+8 +0.5 +51 +79 +22 +11 +.61 +.62 +49.48 +74.14 Here is another really attractive Bismarck son. You will really appreciate the volume and shape of this calf, not to mention his 105 weaning ratio. A full brother to this calf was born in early January, so if you like this calf you will want to watch for his full brother next year. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
Tattoo: 496
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 RAB-GAR MS Load Up 4870N CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 60 Adj. 205 669 WR 106
+18 -2.4 +62 +108 +23 +17 +1.08 +.59 +63.74 +108.56 It could be herd bull time! Out of one of the featured ABS sires, this calf ranks in the top 12% of the breed in 8 of the 10 EPD’s listed in this catalog. You will appreciate the natural thickness in this moderated framed bull. This may be our favorite cow purchased out of the RA Brown Ranch dispersal sale. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
Lot 30
Lot 31
LAR Confidence 99B
DOB: 1/19/14
Reg: 17969154
Tattoo: 99B
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
Sitz Dash 10277 LAR Edella 99Z Lar Edella 0699 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Sitz Upward 307R +SItz Everelda Entense 2665 LAR Total Package 744 LAR Edella 699 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 74 Adj. 205 658 WR 113
I+1.10 +50.70 +96.30
Here is another outstanding Confidence son that could be the lead off bull in many sales around the country. The dam of this bull is a first calf heifer who looks to be off to a tremendous start in the LAR herd. Couple the 113 weaning ratio and the REA EPD of over 1 and you have a tremendous opportunity here. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Confidence 405
DOB: 1/12/14
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#SAV Final Answer 0035 +LAR 080 Pride 2105 #LAR Pride 080 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37 #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #SAF Focus of ER TC Pride 7180 CEM MARB REA
#Bon View New Design 1407 LAR Clovia Pride 8163 #LAR Clovig Pride 5163 CED BW WW YW Milk
Act. BW 64 Adj. 205 668 WR 115
LAR Confidence 3118
DOB: 11/08/13
Reg: +17969083
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
DCC Rito Prime 1I5 #LAR Pride 5120 LAR Pride 305 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 DCC Rita 482 of D806 185 #+Baldridge Notch AC #TC Pride 4105 CEM MARB REA $W
#SAV 8180 Traveler 004 AVF Blackcap 1297 AVF Brooke 1915 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969181
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Tattoo: 4163
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 #+GAR Expectation 4915 LAR Clovia Pride 263 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 76 Adj. 205 635 WR 100
Reg: 17969186
Lot 34
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Tattoo: 4297
#Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #War Hall of Fame 8023 #+Avf Brooke 099 CEM MARB REA $W
LAR Game Day B52
DOB: 1/29/14
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
Act. BW 81 Adj. 205 620 WR 98
+8 +0.8 +54 +92 +23 +14 I+.43 I+.61 +41.98 +79.63 The one thing you can say about the Bismarck calves is they are very consistent in the type and kind. A full brother sold in last year’s sale to long time repeat customer Wayne Dellere. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 770 WR 104
+8 +1.5 +52 +92 +30 +12 +.55 +.86 +49.56 +102.08 This is the third full ET Confidence son and he was the heaviest adjusted weaning weight calf at 770 lbs. Look at the balanced EPD profile on this calf including a +102 $B and you decide which one you like the best. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
LAR Bismarck 4297
DOB: 1/22/14
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Tattoo: 3118
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
+14 -1.5 +53 +93 +23 +17 I+.67 I+.64 +43.33 +81.15 Here is another really attractive Bismarck son that can be used to breed your top replacement heifers with plans to keep back their daughters as future replacements. The steer calves will command lots of attention sale day as well. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
#TC Total 410 LAR Blackbird 852 LAR Blackbird 152 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969164
Tattoo: B52
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
#Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 Baldridge Jameson 9J LAR Blackbird 710 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 577 WR 91
+6 +0.9 +55 +96 +25 +10 I+.66 I+.61 +42.22 +95.92 Here is another LAR Game Day 224 son with the natural thickness and style that appears to be the norm in his progeny. This is a calf with a very balanced EPD profile all the way across the board. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
LAR 086 Final Answer B36 DOB: 2/02/14
Reg: 18003870
Tattoo: B36
#SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 E&b Final Answer 086 SAV Emulous 8145 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 889 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 +E&B Lady Newsline 642
LAR Bismarck 4163
DOB: 2/09/14
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Tattoo: 405
+15 -1.4 +59 +97 +29 +18 N/A N/A +52.75 N/A The powerful Confidence sons keep coming with another Final Answer first calf heifer bringing this bull into the weaning pens at a 115 wean ratio. These Confidence sons are true calving ease bulls that will add growth and muscling. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
Reg: 17969097
#+Dr J Analyst M250 LAR Blackbird 8136 #TC Blackbird 6136 CED BW WW YW Milk
#BCC Bushwacker 41-93 GAR Precision 706 +TC Alliance 333 TC Blackbird 2017 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 78 Adj. 205 620 WR 98
+10 -1.0 +53 +93 +21 +12 I+.49 I+.61 +41.39 +84.41 If you like them moderate framed and extra thick, take a look at this Final Answer grandson. Take a look at the picture of his sire in the front of the book and you will see where this bull gets it. The sire of this calf produced the high selling bull in our 2014 sale and this calf could match that. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest. $13$
Lot 37
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Braxton BB89
DOB: 3/14/14
Reg: 17969206
Tattoo: BB89
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
#Mytty In Focus #Lar Queen Bee WW89 #LAR Queen Bee 6689 CED BW WW YW Milk
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Basin Max 602C LAR Queen Bee 289 CEM MARB REA
#TC Rito 416 LAR Princess 7190 LAR Princess 345 CED BW WW YW Milk
Lot 40 pictured on recip dam.
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
TC Freedom 421 Lar Princess 915 LAR Princess 315 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 415
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190 #TC Freedom 104 TC Barbara 2187 Baldridge Jolt 25J #Bar S Princess 5115 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 672 WR 106
Reg: 17969196
Tattoo: 4B63
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
#TC Aberdeen 759 LAR Clovia Pride 2Z63 LAR Clovia Pride 8163 CED BW WW YW Milk
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Bon View New Design 1407 #LAR Cloving Pride 5163 CEM MARB REA $W
Reg: +17969086
Tattoo: 3930 Act. BW 91 Adj. 205 688 WR 93
+6 +1.1 +51 +87 +32 +10 +.61 +.83 +53.00 +97.19 This is the last of the 4 full ET brothers, but by no means the last. Take this unique opportunity to put four full brothers together in lots 20, 25, 33 and this bull and see what the neighbors and buyers have to say about your next calf crop. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
LAR Confidence 4344
DOB: 1/25/14
Reg: 17969187
Tattoo: 4344
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#CA Future Direction 5321 KM Heather Bloom 1344 KM Heather Bloom 432 CED BW WW YW Milk
#GAR Precision 1680 CA Miss Power Fix 308 #Hunts Calculator 2720 KM Heather Bloom 2800 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 590 WR 93
+13 -0.5 +41 +72 +27 +15 I+.54 I+1.07 +38.24 +82.18 Here is a Confidence son with a tic more frame, but no less muscle and shape. With Confidence and Future Direction in this bull’s pedigree, you can expect added carcass value for sure.
LAR-BK 8917 Final Answer 442 DOB: 2/21/14
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LT Final Answer 8917 of EA EA Blackcap 5090
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 601 WR 95
LAR Confidence 3930
DOB: 11/07/14
#Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 DCC Rita 482 of D806 185 #+Baldridge Notch AC #TC Pride 4105 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 70 Adj. 205 585 WR 101
+10 +0.2 +51 +92 +29 +12 I+.48 I+.79 +41.83 +89.97 Here is another really stylish Brilliance calf out of a first calf heifer. These Brilliance sons will provide the consist calving ease that many LAR customers are looking for.
DCC Rito Prime 1I5 #LAR Pride 5120 LAR Pride 305 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Brilliance 4B63
DOB: 1/08/14
#+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 #+TC Chloe 2056 #Sitz Alliance 6595 LAR Princess 715 CEM MARB REA $W
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
+4 +3.3 +53 +85 +24 +7 I+.31 I+.28 +37.95 +67.91 The sire of this bull is an Aberdeen son that we used here at LAR, but lost him due to an injury. Another bull with big performance at weaning with a 106 ratio.
Reg: 17969103
Tattoo: B190
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
LAR Braxton 415
DOB: 3/04/14
Reg: 17969203
+9 +0.1 +50 +84 +28 +10 I+.67 I+.40 +44.42 +88.29 Another very attractive 224 son. Not only does the 224 sire offer performance and style, but it comes in a calving ease package.
LAR Game Day B190
DOB: 2/12/14
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 679 WR 107
+3 +2.9 +59 +99 +24 +6 I+.50 I+.24 +40.15 +82.14 This may be the youngest bull in the sale, but you wouldn’t know that to look at him. This bull’s dam is an In Focus daughter out of the dam of lots 5 and 28. Lots of volume and capacity in this high performance, easy fleshing bull that recorded a 107 wean ratio.
LAR In Focus 6105 BK Miss Isabel U42 +PAR Isabel 1942 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17952786
Tattoo: 442
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 +EA Blackcap 232
#Mytty In Focus #LAR Pride 005 +PARB Design Plus 97 #PAR 3 Isabel Stock 942 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 650 WR 103
+7 +2.2 +50 +88 +22 +10 I+.47 I+.37 +34.46 +79.13 This Final Answer grandson has been a standout calf all summer. His dam is one of the donor cows here at LAR.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
BKC Paramount 463
DOB: 2/01/14
Beckton Nebula P P707 Brown Paramount X7879 Brown MS Destination T7664
LJC Mission Statement P27 Brown MS Mission Stmnt Y7763 Brown MS Blue Moon U7738 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 463
LJC Lancer 806 LJC Hannah 106 RAB-EGL Blue Moon 4407M Brown MS Lil Sam P7909 Stay MARB REA HB
Brown Ultimate X7752 Brown MS Ultimate Z7928 Brown MS Pride W7972 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 1691888
Beckton Epic D404 Beckton Belga D483 KR Beckton Julian GG B571 Beckton Kit A517 NP
Beckton Nebula M045 Brown MS Objective U7837 McPhee Pacific Pride 4127 Brown MS In Focus S7551 Stay MARB REA HB
Act. BW 79 Adj. 205 686 WR 100
+River Hills Nevada LAR #Lar Princess 990 LAR Princess 045 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969144
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Reg: 17969163
Tattoo: B51
#SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 E&b Final Answer 086 SAV Emulous 8145 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 889 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 +E&B Lady Newsline 642 Derry Future Direction 608P LAR Georgina 7751 LAR Georgina 403 CED BW WW YW Milk
#CA Future Direction 5321 Derry Erica 2074 #SAF Focus of ER LAR Georgina 251 CEM MARB REA $W
+6 +1.8 +51 +83 +21 +11 I+.48 I+.51 +39.25 +80.53 This is a half-brother to the lot 37 calf and you can really see the resemblance. 086 sons have always been a crowd favorite at LAR.
LJC Lancer 806 LJC Hannah 106 Bon View New Design 1407 LCC Sereola LA070 Stay MARB REA HB
Act. BW 78 Adj. 205 647 WR 99
Reg: 17969199
Tattoo: 952B
#Bon VIew New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #Sitz Alliance 6595 LAR Ruby 722 #TC Total 410 LAR Lady Ida 944 #Sitz Alliance 6595 LAR Blackbird 710 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 93 Adj. 205 646 WR 102
LAR-BK Rito 9M25 4788
DOB: 1/29/14
#GAR Predestined +Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred +Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD
Tattoo: 418
-1 +2.9 +56 +91 +21 +8 N/A N/A +38.45 N/A Here is a double bred TC Total calf that has lots of volume and capacity to him. There are several Total daughters roaming the pastures at LAR, including a couple in the donor pen.
Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 626 WR 99
Beckton Nebula M045 Beckton Lana M809 EP 5L Destination 893-6215 Brown MS Julia M7788
LAR 9970 Total 952B
DOB: 2/18/14
LAR Total Package 744 Lar Blackbird 0952 #LAR Blackbird 952 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR 086 Final Answer B51 DOB: 2/04/14
Reg: 1691886
+6 -3.5 +63 +110 +16 +18 +0.92 +0.25 186 54 You will notice that this bull is very closely related to the lot 45 bull and would therefore stand to reason that this bull ranks in the top 30% of the breed for 9 of the 10 traits listed in this sale catalog -what a pair of bulls. We believe the Red Angus breed has a tremendous amount of value in commercial beef production and are making plans to build our herd for the future. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
#TC Total 410 Lar Total 9970 LAR Ruby 970
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 674 WR 106
BKC Paramount 418
DOB: 3/02/14
LJC Mission Statement P27 Brown MS Mission Stmt X7618 LCC Sereola NA449 CED BW WW YW Milk
+10 +0.8 +54 +89 +26 +13 +.56 +.47 +47.04 +66.48 Here is another Bismarck son sure to draw some attention sale day. As you make plans to expand your cow herd, Bismarck daughters would make some tremendous females.
Tattoo: 490
#Bon View New Design 1407 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 #Sitz Alliance 6595 LAR Princess 715 CEM MARB REA $W
Beckton Nebula P P707 Brown Paramount X7879 Brown MS Destination T7664
LAR Bismarck 490
DOB: 1/27/14
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Lot 45
Tattoo: 428
+1 -0.4 +73 +124 +21 +15 +0.61 +0.26 159 52 This bull is sired by the breed leading Beckton Epic R397 K bull of ABS Global and out of a first calf heifer. This is a real performance bull with an adjusted weaning weight of 686 and ranking in the top 6% of the breed for both WW and YW. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
Act. BW 78 Adj. 205 654 WR 101
BKC Classic 428
DOB: 1/20/14
Beckton Epic K F075 Beckton Epic R397 K Beckton Kit F468 JL
Beckton Nebula M045 Beckton Lana M809 EP 5L Destination 893-6215 Brown MS Julia M7788
+10 -4.2 +59 +99 +8 +18 +0.90 +0.44 185 53 This is the first Red Angus bull to sell at LAR and what a way to start. This bull ranks in the top 10% of the breed in 7 of the 10 traits listed in this sale catalog. With a Stayability in the top 2% and a Herdbuilder Index in the top 3% of the breed, this should make an outstanding candidate to sire replacement females. Retaining 1/3 Sharing Semen Interest.
Reg: 1691887
Reg: 17952797
Tattoo: 4788
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 #CA Future Direction 5321 +Rita 1I98 of 2536 Rito 6I6
#TC Total 410 #Bon View New Design 208 RAB MS Total 788Y +TC Erica Eileen 2047 +RAB MS Retail Product 998T #GAR Retail Product RAB MS Load UP - 518N CED BW WW YW Milk CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 688 WR 102
+1 +3.4 +60 +104 +20 +7 I+.73 I+.53 +34.44 +110.75 Here is another performance bull that comes out of another cow purchased out of the RA Brown Ranch dispersal. This bull offers a unique combination of being over 100 for both YW and $B. This bull is a DDC.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Brilliance 4B77
DOB: 1/13/14
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
LT Braxton 9217 LAR Lady Stepahead Z77 Lar Lady Stepahead W77 CED BW WW YW Milk
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Extra Nugget 3014 #Mytty In Focus LAR Lady Stepahead 777 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 70 Adj. 205 566 WR 98
+9 +0.3 +53 +95 +27 +11 I+.44 I+.58 +41.90 +88.30 We used Brilliance quite heavily on our first calf heifers and never touched a single one during calving. The calving ease combined with the performance and style these bulls exhibit at this age provide a really attractive package.
Connealy Danny 5398 LAR Edella 16Z Lar Edella 0616 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969129
Tattoo: 462
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#Connealy Danny Boy Endova of Conanga 858 E&B 3133 New Design 844 LAR Edella 616 CEM MARB REA $W
Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +KM Broken Bow 002 #Summitcrest Princess 0P12 #Basin Max 602C +LAR-BK Miss Isabel Z342 +PAR Isabel 1942 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 18002837
Tattoo: 432
#CF Right Design 1802 Summitcrest Elba 1M17 Basin Ambush 8161 #Summitcrest Princess 2J10
#GT Maximum #Basin Eline 315U +PARB Design Plus 97 #PAR 3 Isabel Stock 942 CEM MARB REA $W
+5 +2.3 +54 +98 +24 +9 I+.56 I+.47 +35.56 +100.68 This bull combines three generations of ABS Global sires. This is the only bull calf out of this sire, but we like the performance spread from 74 lbs at birth to a 106 weaning ratio and a $B over 100.
Reg: +17969087
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Tattoo: 4705 Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 629 WR 100
#Sitz Alliance 6595 #TC Ruby 9095 #TC Foreman 016 TC Blackbird 9117 CEM MARB REA
+10 +0.9 +55 +103 +20 +15 +.55 +.43 +40.24 +84.36 This Bismarck son is a flush brother to lot 22. This pedigree combines two very strong maternal sires in Bismarck and Sitz Alliance. Anyone who sees the donor dam of this bull absolutely loves her volume and fleshing ability. Replacement females a reality with this purchase.
LAR Braxton 4115
DOB: 2/13/14
Reg: 17969178
Tattoo: 4115
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
+River Hills Nevada LAR Lar Eileen 9115 +LAR Eileen 1115 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Bon View New Design 1407 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 #+Baldridge Notch AC TC Eileen 9012 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 649 WR 102
+6 +1.5 +49 +80 +23 +8 I+.47 I+.31 +40.19 +74.97 This Braxton sired calf has a young dam that is doing a nice job at LAR with her first 4 calves averaging 79 lbs at birth and recording 102 weaning, 103 yearling and 104 REA ratios.
LAR Confidence 417
DOB: 2/08/14
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Friend or foe?
LAR Bismarck 4705
DOB: 1/14/14
+TC Alliance 333 #TC Blackbird 6136 TC Blackbird 2017 CED BW WW YW Milk
Act. BW 70 Adj. 205 611 WR 105
+8 +1.2 +54 +94 +27 +10 N/A N/A +47.51 N/A Yet another Brilliance calf out of a first calf heifer that really fits the mold – 70 lbs at birth and weaned off over 600 lbs with a weaning ratio of 105.
Act. BW 74 Adj. 205 616 WR 106
Tattoo: 4227
#SAV Final Answer 0035 EA Blackcap 5090 #Mytty In Focus PAR 4 Blackbird 0827 CEM MARB REA $W
LAR-BK Broken Bow 432
DOB: 1/16/14
Reg: 17952795
LT Final Answer 8917 of EA BK Miss Blackbird Z27 BK Miss Blackbird U827 CED BW WW YW Milk
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Act. BW 64 Adj. 205 585 WR 101
LAR-BK Brilliance 4227
DOB: 1/10/14
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
+14 -1.1 +54 +91 +26 +14 I+.43 I+1.07 +47.02 +91.06 This calf is the result of two generations of proven calving ease sires in Confidence and Connealy Danny. Another LAR bull offering calving ease and growth in a moderate and thick made package.
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
LAR Confidence 462
DOB: 1/18/14
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Tattoo: 4B77
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
Reg: 17969197
#+HSAF Bando 1961 LAR Blackcap817 LAR Blackcap 917 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969105
Tattoo: 417
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#+SAF 598 Bando 5175 +JKS Miss Cheyenne 196 TC Aviator 513 Bar S Blackcap 5047 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 641 WR 101
+7 +1.2 +51 +85 +25 +11 I+.39 I+.85 +42.06 +91.98 If you really like the pattern and style of the Confidence calves, but are interested in a little more frame then this might be just the calf for you.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR-BK 8917 FinalAnswer 4827 DOB: 2/25/14
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 +EA Blackcap 232
#Mytty In Focus BK Miss Blackbird U827 PAR 4 Blackbird 0827 CED BW WW YW Milk
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #+VDAR Lucys Boy PAR 4 Blackbird 827 CEM MARB REA
DOB: 2/25/14
#TC Total 410 +EF Rita 81218 GAR Precision 1391 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17952792
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #Sitz Tradition RLS 8702 +EA Blackcap 232
#Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #GAR Precision 1680 GAR Fame 679 CEM MARB REA $W
Derry Future Direction 608P LAR Barbara T184 LAR Barbara 5184 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969107
+TC Alliance 333 #TC Blackbird 6136 TC Blackbird 2017 CED BW WW YW Milk
#CA Future Direction 5321 Derry Erica 2074 +River Hills Nevada LAR LAR Barbara 284 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 542 WR 85
Reg: 17969156
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
LT Braxton 9217 LAR Princess Z15 Lar Princess 915 CED BW WW YW Milk
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Extra Nugget 3014 TC Freedom 421 LAR Princess 315 CEM MARB REA
Tattoo: B15
+7 +1.9 +55 +92 +28 +9 I+.31 I+.51 +43.73 +77.62 When something works well you should just keep doing it. We believe that you will agree when you evaluate these Brilliance sons that were raised out of our first calf heifers like this calf.
#Sitz Alliance 6595 #TC Ruby 9095 #TC Foreman 016 TC Blackbird 9117 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 562 WR 90
LAR Brilliance 4214
DOB: 1/12/14
Reg: 17969183
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LAR Barb 2214 +KM Barb 1214 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #B/R New Design 036 KM Barb 84 CEM MARB REA
Tattoo: 4214 Act. BW 62 Adj. 205 595 WR 103
+12 -0.9 +54 +93 +26 +12 I+.43 I+.67 +45.64 +77.58 Some of the first Brilliance calves we evaluated were out of Final Answer bred females and we really liked what we saw. Here is a result of LAR implementing that breeding philosophy. Really nice confirmation and genuine calving ease in this mating.
Act. BW 71 Adj. 205 591 WR 102
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Tattoo: 4734
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
LAR Brilliance B15
DOB: 1/10/14
Reg: +17969089
+3 +1.6 +50 +95 +20 +11 +.65 +.38 +36.41 +81.46 This is the third full ET brother out of the top donor cow 6136. If you purchase lot 22 and 55, you have a chance to put 3 full brothers together here. Uniformity at marketing time may provide as much value as any attribute – full brothers can offer you that trait.
+12 +0.7 +45 +81 +22 +15 I+.46 I+.96 +34.59 +85.71 Another nice moderate framed, powerful Confidence son. These Confidence sons are sure to add muscling to any calf crop.
Tattoo: 418
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
LAR Bismarck 4734
DOB: 1/15/14
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 672 WR 106
LAR Confidence 418
DOB: 2/10/14
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Bull calves benefitting from green grass.
Tattoo: 485
+2 +3.5 +58 +101 +22 +9 I+.60 I+.60 +34.39 +89.31 This 8917 son will pack on the pounds at weaning. This 106 weaning ratio bull with a YW EPD over 100 is out of one of the donor cows at LAR.
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 659 WR 104
LAR-BK 8917 Final Answer 485
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LT Final Answer 8917 of EA EA Blackcap 5090
Tattoo: 4827
+8 +1.9 +52 +91 +22 +10 I+.55 I+.18 +36.64 +69.80 Take a look at another Final Answer grandson that exhibits tremendous shape and muscle. The high selling yearling bull in last year’s LAR sale was a half-brother to this bull out of 8917.
Reg: 17952798
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LT Final Answer 8917 of EA EA Blackcap 5090
LAR Confidence B44
DOB: 1/13/14
Reg: 17969160
Tattoo: B44
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
#SAV Final Answer 0035 LAR Heather Bloom 2344 KM Heather Bloom 1344 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #CA Future Direction 5321 KM Heather Bloom 432 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 60 Adj. 205 585 WR 101
+16 -2.2 +50 +84 +28 +18 I+.49 I+1.06 +47.63 +79.98 Another combination that seems to have worked very well is Confidence and Final Answer. With several of these sons in the sale, you can look to put together some ¾ brothers with calving ease and carcass – take notice of another REA EPD over 1.00 in this calf.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Bextor 4114
DOB: 1/29/14
#BAR Ext Traveler 205 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy
TC Freedom 421 LAR Edella 7114 LAR Edella 3114 CED BW WW YW Milk
#N Bar Emulation EXT #BAR Queen Traveler 3015 #+GAR Sleep Easy 1009 HHF 917 Lazy 975 498
#TC Freedom 104 TC Barbara 2187 Baldridge Jolt 25J #LAR Edella 014 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 78 Adj. 205 643 WR 101
Reg: 17952794
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #+Wulffs Ext 6106 Thomas Miss Lucy 3050
#Connealy Lead On RAB MS Lead On 898Z +RAB MS Bextor 611U CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 498
#Connealy Leadtime Eligence Plus of Conanga #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 +RAB MS Retail Product 770R CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 78 Adj. 205 595 WR 103
Reg: 17969176
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
#Connealy Lead On LAR Ruby 5111 LAR Ruby 919 CED BW WW YW Milk +1.2
Tattoo: 4111
#Connealy Leadtime Eligence Plus of Conanga #Sitz Alliance 6595 TC Ruby 7119 CEM MARB REA $W +11
I+.60 +35.69 +76.86
This Bismarck son comes out of a cow with a very strong production record on her first 8 calves recording a calving interval of 366 days and posts a 102 weaning ratio, 104 yearling ratio, 113 IMF ratio and a 105 REA ratio.
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
#Sitz Alliance 6595 #LAR Lass 410 LAR Lass 139 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969100
#Sitz Traveler 8180 #Sitz Barbaramere Jet 2698 Baldridge Jolt 25J TC Lass 5139 CEM MARB REA $W
Tattoo: 307
#TC Total 410 RAB MS Total 907Z #RAB MS Predestined 663W CED BW WW YW Milk
#Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #GAR Predestined RAB MS Wulffs Ext 687R CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 72 Adj. 205 648 WR 112
+9 +0.3 +60 +102 +24 +13 I+.80 I+.92 +46.17 +112.96 Here is a big time performance bull posting a 112 WR out of a TC Total first calf heifer. This bull’s sire is a featured bull in the RA Brown Ranch program. Another bull reaching the century mark in YW and $B.
LAR 844 New Design 404
DOB: 2/28/14
Gardens Prime Star H03 Lar Forever Lady 0404 LAR Forever Lady 404 CED BW WW YW Milk +2
Reg: 17969096
Tattoo: 404
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Lucy F08 S1 #Bon View New Design 208 +Baldridge Forever Lady M509 CEM MARB REA $W +5
Act. BW 87 Adj. 205 668 WR 105
I+.27 +45.62 +82.30
LAR Bismarck 466
DOB: 2/09/14
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
Act. BW 71 Adj. 205 620 WR 98
Reg: 17952799
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #MCC Miss Focus 134 #Mytty In Focus AG Level Best 5321
+15 -1.5 +44 +72 +28 +16 I+.43 I+.71 +44.48 +77.60 Here is another genuine calving ease Confidence son with a 15 CED and a -1.5 BW EPD.
DOB: 12/28/13
This is the first 844 yearling bull to sale today, but he is not the first 844 son to come through the ring. If you appreciated the power and substance of the several 844 sons in the two year old division, you will appreciate what this bull will grow up to be.
Tattoo: 410
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
LAR-BK Daylite 307
MCC Daybreak MCC DayLite 0005 AG Miss In Focus 7302
LAR Confidence 410
DOB: 1/30/14
Act. BW 68 Adj. 205 609 WR 105
+14 -0.6 +54 +89 +28 +17 I+.45 I+.90 +48.44 +83.66 Confidence and Final Answer combination out of a first calf heifer again in this individual. We hope you appreciate the consistency in these calves as much as we do.
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
Tattoo: B118
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #SAF Focus of ER TC Pride 7180 CEM MARB REA
Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 589 WR 93
Reg: 17969201
#SAV Final Answer 0035 +LAR 080 Pride 2118 #LAR Pride 080 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Bismarck 4111
DOB: 2/08/14
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
DOB: 1/14/14
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
+7 +1.9 +57 +103 +24 +10 I+.78 I+.82 +38.18 +112.38 This is a half-brother to the lot 30 calf out of the ABS featured sire KCF Absolute. Look at the YW and $B EPD’s on this calf both over the 100 mark.
LAR Confidence B118
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
LAR-BK Absolute 498
DOB: 1/01/14
#SAV Final Answer 0035 KCF Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152
Tattoo: 4114
+8 +1.0 +49 +78 +26 +12 I+.49 I+.45 +43.82 +52.73 This is the only Bextor yearling bull in the sale, but this bull would be a half-brother to the lot 4 two year old bull. You can get a feel for what to expect this bull to look like a year from now.
Reg: 17969177
#+HSAF Bando 1961 Lar Barbara 9066 Molitor 810 Barbara 879-119 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969131
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
Tattoo: 466
#+SAF 598 Bando 5175 +JKS Miss Cheyenne 196 LD Royce Onaroll 810 Molitor 8180 Barbara 627-879 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 89 Adj. 205 655 WR 103
+7 +1.5 +55 +92 +23 +11 I+.40 I+.55 +42.26 +80.77 Not all the bulls can sell first, so even this far into the offering you still have the opportunity to buy a Bismarck son with an adjusted weaning weight over 650 lbs and a weaning ratio of 103.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling bulls
LAR Game Day 444
DOB: 2/14/14
Reg: 17969118
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
+LDK Kaboom 6464 Lar Lady Ida 944 LAR Lady Ida 644 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF +LD Eileen 464 #TC Total 410 LAR Lady Ida 944 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 662 WR 104
+8 +0.3 +55 +95 +22 +10 I+.60 I+.57 +41.90 +94.99 This is the last opportunity of the day to buy a son of the new LAR herd sire Game Day 224. This calf provides a very solid EPD profile in a very attractive package. His dam is a favorite here at LAR.
TC Patriot 337 LAR Edella 5116 LAR Edella 3116 CED BW WW YW Milk +11
Reg: 17969104
Tattoo: 416
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37 #TC Freedom 104 TC Marcia 7154 Baldridge Kahuna 39K LAR Edella 016 CEM MARB REA +14
Another Confidence son that can be used on virgin heifers. If you are planning to breed some heifers this year, you have come to the right place to find genuine heifer bulls in volume.
Reg: 17952789
+GAR Quanah 687L #+GAR Predestined RAB-GAR MS Quanah 4617X +GAR Objective 1885 +RAB-GAR MS New Level 4525R #Ironwood New Level +RAB-GAR Load UP 4758M CED BW WW YW Milk CEM MARB REA $W +6
Reg: 17969152
#Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 #Connealy Thunder Becka Lee of Conanga 37
Connealy Danny 5398 LAR Blackbird 91Z Lar Blackbird 0391 CED BW WW YW Milk
#Connealy Danny Boy Endova of Conanga 858 E&B 3133 New Design 844 LAR Blackbird 391 CEM MARB REA $W
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 #Connealy Lead On LAR Lady Stepahead 811 CEM MARB REA $W +11
Act. BW 81 Adj. 205 628 WR 99
I+.36 +42.54 +87.58
LAR-BK Ten X 423
DOB: 2/04/14
Reg: 17952783
Tattoo: 423
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 SAV Adaptor 2213 +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B
#B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 RAB-GAR Load Up 4049J RAB MS Primetime 817K CEM MARB REA $W +9
Act. BW 73 Adj. 205 557 WR 88
I+.56 +39.20 +131.34
LAR 844 New Design 450
DOB: 2/15/14
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689
Act. BW 68 Adj. 205 559 WR 96
Tattoo: 4977
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
#GAR Predestined +RAB Predestined 225U RAB MS Load UP - 518N CED BW WW YW Milk
+13 -0.6 +51 +85 +25 +13 I+.46 I+1.05 +44.75 +91.45 The final chance to buy a Confidence son today. Another bull with two generations of calving ease sires out of a first calf heifer. No need to miss any of the ball games next year if you take this bull home.
Reg: 17969194
This bull is sired by one of the hottest bulls in the Angus breed today. This moderate framed bull has the highest $B of any bull in the sale.
Tattoo: 91B
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
LAR Braxton 4977
DOB: 2/18/14
#Mytty In Focus Lar Lady Stepahead W77 LAR Lady Stepahead 777 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Confidence 91B
DOB: 1/16/14
#Mytty In Focus AAR Ten X 7008 SA #AAR Lady Kelton 5551
Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 600 WR 95
I+.62 +42.63 +121.30
+9 +0.3 +60 +96 +24 +10 N/A N/A +49.65 N/A The performance bulls keep coming with this Braxton son. This bull grew from 76 lbs at birth to almost 700 lbs off the cow. If you are selling calves at weaning, here is a good candidate to provide increased pounds on sale day.
This bull may be way down in the sale order, but he posts a strong EPD profile and is sired by the ABS bull PA Safeguard 021.
#Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 +River Hills Nevada LAR #LAR Heroinmere 181 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 76 Adj. 205 689 WR 109
This Braxton son is out of a very attractive In Focus x Connealy Lead On bred cow that has an incredible record including 90 birth ratio, 107 weaning ratio, 109 yearling ratio and 106 REA ratio.
Tattoo: 461
#+GAR New Design 5050 #B/R New Design 036 PA Safeguard 021 GAR Precision 706 #+PA Lorna Marshall 2905-730 #+Woodhill Foresight Petes 2905 Dateline Marshall
Tattoo: 4082
#SAV Final Answer 0035 Lar Heroinmere 082 LAR Heroinmere 881 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR-BK Safeguard 461
DOB: 2/13/14
Reg: 17969174
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 553 WR 92
DOB: 2/14/14
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
I+.89 +43.82 +84.32
LAR Braxton 4082
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
LAR Confidence 416
DOB: 1/22/14
Connealy Tobin Connealy Confidence 0100 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Tattoo: 444
Baldridge Jolt 25J LAR Forever Lady 350 Miss Oscar K 550 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969124
Tattoo: 450
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
Baldridge Bob +Alc Baldridge Evergreen 25F #+GDAR Oscar 711 Miss Stacker K 312 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 86 Adj. 205 624 WR 98
+1 +3.7 +47 +70 +17 +1 I+.37 I+.04 +31.40 +56.32 He may be the last bull in the sale, but that’s only because one of them has to be. If you liked the muscling and power of the 844 sons in the two year old division, here is your chance to get a younger version.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling heifers
LAR Edella 4199
DOB: 3/15/14
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
Gardens Prime Star H03 LAR Edella Y99 LAR Edella 5199 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969182
Tattoo: 4199
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
#Gardens Prime Time Green Garden Lucy F08 S1 TC Patriot 337 LAR Edella 399 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 624 WR 102
-1 +4.4 +53 +92 +26 +5 I+.73 I+.46 +31.45 +84.67 What an outstanding heifer to start this year’s offering. Tremendous volume and style to this first heifer to sell out of our herd sire LAR Game Day 224. If we were going to keep one more heifer this would have been the one!
Lot 82
LAR Ruby 400
DOB: 2/13/14
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
Lot 83
Tattoo: 400
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
#+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 #+TC Chloe 2056 TC Supreme 0138 TC Ruby 0209 YW Milk CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 66 Adj. 205 608 WR 99
+12 -1.3 +57 +97 +24 +13 N/A N/A +47.14 N/A Another 224 daughter that is the largest spread heifer in the sale from -1.3 birth to almost 100 at a year. We are keeping quite a few of these 224 daughters ourselves and are really excited about their potential – here is a chance for you to get one for yourself.
LAR Blackbird B34
DOB: 1/16/14
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
#TC Rito 416 Lar Ruby 1200 TC Ruby 6200 CED BW WW
Reg: 17969094
Gardens Prime Star H03 LAR Blackbird 2434 LAR Blackbird 434 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969157
Tattoo: B34
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
#Gardens Prime Time Green Garden Lucy F08 S1 #Bon View New Design 208 LAR Blackbird 258 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 51 Adj. 205 497 WR 94
+12 -0.8 +48 +85 +27 +14 I+.71 I+.51 +41.81 +85.64 A nice Brilliance daughter out of a first calf heifer. Our first Brilliance daughters are calving now and have the look of some tremendous females for the future. The grand dam of this cow is still walking the pastures of LAR at 11 years old.
Lot 84
LAR Erica B54
DOB: 1/11/14
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
Lar Total Impact 0136 LAR Erica Z54 Lar Erica 9854 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969165
Tattoo: B54
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
#TC Total 416 #TC Blackbird 6136 +River Hills Nevada LAR Molitor 381 Erica 501-854 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 70 Adj. 205 487 WR 92
+4 +1.7 +52 +94 +24 +9 I+.43 I+.67 +36.84 +87.68 This Brilliance daughter is out of a first calf heifer sired by the $14,000 LAR Total Impact bull that sold through this sale ring in 2011. The dam of Total Impact is our top donor cow at LAR, so this female is bred to be a good one.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling heifers
LAR Marcia 430
DOB: 1/12/14
Reg: 17969113
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
LT Braxton 9217 LAR Marcia Z30 #Lar Marcia 9630 CED BW WW YW Milk +0
Tattoo: 430 Act. BW 82 Adj. 205 548 WR 103
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Extra Nugget 3014 +LD Kaboom 646 LAR Marcia 630 CEM MARB REA +6
I+.67 +34.58 +91.28
This Brilliance heifer was also a strong candidate to stay at LAR. Lots of performance in this female with her ranking in the top 25% of the breed for both weaning and yearling.
Reg: 17969189
#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062
#Bon View New Design 1407 LAR Lady 9518 Msar Lady 1518 CED BW WW YW Milk
#B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 #Alberda Traveler 416 Msar Lady 930 CEM MARB REA
Reg: 17969204
I+.62 +36.95 +69.92
Tattoo: B192
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Lucy F08 S1 #Bon View New Design 878 LAR Blackbird 192 CEM MARB REA $W
DOB: 3/03/14
Reg: 17969125
Act. BW 70 Adj. 205 600 WR 103
Lot 88
Tattoo: 454
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Vave 1190
#Bon View New Design 1407 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 #Gardens Ext Emac 381 Molitor MX Erica 8355 CEM MARB REA $W
+2 +2.9 +49 +83 +22 +7 Another attractive female with a weaning ratio of 108.
Act. BW 80 Adj. 205 594 WR 103
We love our SAV Bismarck daughters and here is an example of why. This female has the look of a brood cow and could be a real standout female in any herd.
LAR Erica 454
+River Hills Nevada LAR Lar Erica 9854 Molitor 381 Erica 501-854 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 4518
#+GAR Grid Maker #+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Abigale 0451
+8 +0.6 +50 +81 +24 +11 N/A N/A +43.14 N/A Here is a female that will get lots of attention on sale day. She is a really deep bodied and broody female that should make a great cow.
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
DOB: 2/13/14
LAR Blackbird B192
DOB: 3/01/14
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 Gardens Prime Star H03 LAR Blackbird 0192 LAR Blackbird 6192 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Lady 4518
#+GAR Exaltation 3144 KM Erica 527 KM Erica 2851 CED BW WW YW Milk
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 +LD Kaboom 646 LAR Clovia Pride 8228 TC Clovia Pride 7228 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17969141
Tattoo: 482
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF +LD Eileen 464 #+Woodhill Supreme TC Clovia Pride 9091 CEM MARB REA $W
Reg: 17969111
Tattoo: 427
#N Bar Emulation EXT +GAR Scotch Cap 309 KM Traveler 469 KM Erica 1248 CEM MARB REA
Adj. 205 602 WR 104
+5 +0.5 +47 +87 +19 +8 I+.43 I+.39 +32.56 +90.91 This is a real performance heifer. Her dam has 6 weaning ratio of 110 and 6 yearling ratio of 106. A full sister sold last year to Greg Beougher of Stockton.
LAR Clovia Pride 482
DOB: 2/27/14
LAR Erica 427
DOB: 2/23/14
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 +LD Kaboom 646 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 +LD Eileen 464 #Twin Valley Precision E161 Act. BW Eileen Heartland Conanga6443 80
Act. BW 88 Adj. 205 599 WR 108
I+.47 +33.44 +78.39
Act. BW 92 Adj. 205 624 WR 108
-2 +4.0 +54 +84 +17 +4 I+.39 I+.32 +32.91 +79.95 Another performance female in this heifer with an adjusted weaning weight over 600 and a resulting weaning ratio of 108.
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling heifers
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 #GAR Predestined LAR Edella 814 #LAR Edella 014 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: B14
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006 #B/R New Design 036 #+GAR Ext 4206 TC Aviator 513 Bar S Edella 5114 CEM MARB REA
Reg: 17969168
Tattoo: B84
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
#TC Aberdeen 759 LAR Barbara Z84 LAR Barbara 884 CED BW WW YW Milk
#CRA Bextor 8782 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #TC Total 410 LAR Barbara 284 CEM MARB REA $W
Reg: 17969175
Tattoo: 4110
#GAR Retail Product LAR Blackbird 5510 LAR Blackbird 210 CED BW WW YW Milk +7
#GAR Precision 1680 +GAR Ext 4927 #Schurrtop Supreme TC Blackbird 4100 CEM MARB REA +10
Adj. 205 551 WR 95
I+.46 +29.93 +86.71
If you are looking to add some longevity take a look at this female. Her dam is 10 years old and has never missed producing calves with 105 weaning ratio and 107 yearling ratio.
#CA Future Direction 5321 Derry Erica 2074 Baldridge Jameson 9J #Bar S Heroinmere 5060 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 593 WR 102
LAR Pride 447
DOB: 2/08/14
Reg: 17969121
Tattoo: 447
#+Boyd New Day 8005 #GDAR Miss Wix 474 #+Sinclair Net Present Value LAR Baron Queen 814
#BAR Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy #SAF Focus of ER TC Pride 7180 CEM MARB REA $W
Act. BW 64 Adj. 205 534 WR 87
+13 -0.3 +51 +87 +26 +14 I+.63 I+.54 +43.78 +77.58 Here is another 224 daughter out of a young female that is an ET heifer out of the famed LAR Pride 080 donor cow. She walked the pastures of LAR for 14 years and left her mark behind with many daughters in production.
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 +LD Kaboom 646 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 +LD Eileen 464 #Twin Valley Precision E161 Act. BW Eileen Heartland Conanga6443 76
Act. BW 83 Adj. 205 563 WR 102
Tattoo: B73
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 +LAR 080 Pride 1584 #LAR Pride 080 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Kaboom 4110
DOB: 2/14/14
Reg: 18011182
#+GDAR Game Day 449 LAR Game Day 224 LAR NPV Queen 0155
Act. BW 58 Adj. 205 516 WR 97
#TC Freedom 104 TC Barbara 2187 #TC Stockman 365 E&b 406 Lady Bando 698 CEM MARB REA $W
+1 +3.7 +52 +88 +17 +5 N/A N/A +28.93 Another Braxton daughter with a real feminine, brood cow look to her.
+10 -0.2 +54 +95 +29 +11 I+.42 I+.84 +45.06 +91.16 Check out this Brilliance heifer’s EPD profile. The grand dam of this female is about to enter our donor program.
Tattoo: B158
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
LAR Heroinmere B73
DOB: 3/06/14
Derry Future Direction 608P Lar Heroinmere 973 LAR Heroinmere 473 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Barbara B84
DOB: 1/29/14
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
Act. BW 95 Adj. 205 622 WR 107
Reg: 17969202
+5 +2.2 +50 +79 +20 +9 I+.42 I+.19 +38.02 +72.73 Put some of these 844 daughters together for a set of uniform and powerful young females.
-7 +5.7 +51 +76 +26 +1 I+.70 I+.24 +32.55 +79.36 If you like them big and stout, this is the heifer for you. Lots of power and performance in this heifer. She is a DD carrier.
Reg: 17969155
LAR Blackbird B158
DOB: 2/18/14
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 TC Freedom 421 LAR Blackbird 7158 LAR Blackbird 258 CED BW WW YW Milk
LAR Edella B14
DOB: 2/10/14
LAR Blackbird B58
DOB: 2/28/14
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 #Connealy Danny Boy LAR Blackbird 0358 LAR Blackbird 358 CED BW WW YW Milk +0
Another good patterned 844 daughter.
Reg: 17969166
Tattoo: B58
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
#Connealy Timeline Energy of Conanga 4851 #+Baldridge Notch AC E&b 406 Lady Bando 698 CEM MARB REA $W +1
N/A +25.82
Act. BW 90 Adj. 205 523 WR 90
lundgren angus ranch $ yearling heifers
LAR Barbara 456
DOB: 3/14/14
Reg: 17969126
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
#Mytty In Focus Lar Barbara 956 LAR Barbara 456 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 456
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 +E&b 8019 Supreme 079 LAR Barbara 084 CEM MARB REA $W
LAR Clovia Pride 463
DOB: 3/05/14
Reg: 17969130
Reg: 17969173
#TC Rito 416 Lar Ruby 0111 LAR Ruby 5111 CED BW WW YW Milk
#+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 #+TC Chloe 2056 #Connealy Lead On LAR Ruby 919 CEM MARB REA $W
+5 +1.9 +49 +86 +22 +8 I+.51 I+.40 +35.07 +92.33 Here is another heifer that has a great deal of potential ahead of her.
Reg: 17969106
#TC Total 410 Lar Blackbird 9391 LAR Blackbird 391 CED BW WW YW Milk +1.8
Tattoo: 433 Act. BW 76 Adj. 205 465 WR 84
LAR Lass 4939
DOB: 2/13/14
Reg: 17969193
#+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 #+SAV May 2420
LAR Total Package 744 Lar Lass 939 LAR Lass 139 CED BW WW YW Milk
#TC Total 410 LAR Lady Ida 944 Baldridge Jolt 25J TC Lass 5139 CEM MARB REA
+8 +0.7 +42 Another Brilliance heifer.
Tattoo: 419
#Bon View New Design 208 +TC Erica Eileen 2047 #+Baldridge North A C #LAR Blackbird 952 CEM MARB REA $W
#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 TC Patriot 337 LAR Edella 399 CEM MARB REA
#+SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Brilliance 8077 SAV Blackcap May 5270
LAR Blackbird 419
DOB: 4/30/14
#SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180 E&b Final Answer 086 SAV Emulous 8145 E&B Lady 1023 Precision 889 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 +E&B Lady Newsline 642
Reg: 17969114
#B/R New Design 036 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 +E&B 1680 Precision 295 +E&B Lady Stacker 1006
+5 +1.5 +43 +77 +24 +7 I+.44 I+.18 +33.75 +77.02 844 and In Focus combination in this female should make for a good cow.
Act. BW 80 Adj. 205 550 WR 95
LAR Edella 433
DOB: 3/07/14
+E&B New Design 3133 E&B 3133 New Design 844 E&B Lady 295 Precision 689 #Mytty In Focus LAR Edella T199 LAR Edella 5199 CED BW WW YW Milk
Tattoo: 111B
#CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 #+TC Blackbird 4034 #Nichols Extra H6 LT Nugget Valve 1190
LAR Ruby 111B
DOB: 2/28/14
#TC Aberdeen 759 LT Braxton 9217 LT Extra Nugget 3014
+4 +1.5 +42 +76 +11 +6 I+.49 I+.23 +22.97 +82.95 This heifer comes out of a cow that will turn 13 years old this year. Here is a female that could be a producing female in your herd for a long time to come.
Act. BW 66 Adj. 205 522 WR 85
+8 -0.1 +46 +91 +26 +11 I+1.02 I+.63 +33.97 +117.50 This heifer is out of the ABS featured sire PA Safeguard and a female that we purchased out of the RA Brown Ranch dispersal. A real nice EPD profile on this female including a top 5% $B.
Adj. 205 576 WR 99
#Bon View Bando 598 +SVF Blackbird 1620 #+VDAR Lucys Boy TC Clova Pride 6101 CEM MARB REA
Tattoo: 460
#GAR Predestined #B/R New Design 036 RAB-GAR MS Predestined 4648Y #+GAR Ext 4206 +RAB-GAR MS Lead ON 4652S #Connealy Lead On +RAB-GAR MS T510-4765M CED BW WW YW Milk CEM MARB REA $W
Tattoo: 463
#Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF #Jauer 353 Traveler 589 27 +LD Kaboom 646 Pleasanta of Conanga 736 +LD Eileen 464 #Twin Valley Precision E161 Act. BW Eileen Heartland Conanga6443 83 #+Baldridge Notch AC LAR Clovia Pride 263 LAR Clovia Pride 936 CED BW WW YW Milk
Reg: 17952788
#+GAR New Design 5050 #B/R New Design 036 PA Safeguard 021 GAR Precision 706 #+PA Lorna Marshall 2905-730 #+Woodhill Foresight Petes 2905 Dateline Marshall
Act. BW 84 Adj. 205 575 WR 99
+4 +3.3 +49 +88 +21 +7 I+.44 I+.35 +28.75 +83.48 Here is a moderate framed female that is out of an In Focus daughter.
BK Miss Predestined 460
DOB: 2/20/14
Act. BW 94 Adj. 205 615 WR 111
I+.66 +41.57 +93.50
If you want moderate framed females, then 086 daughters is just what the doctor ordered. She may be last in the sale, but she posted the largest weaning ratio of any heifer in the sale at 111.
Tattoo: 4939 Act. BW 80 Adj. 205 478 WR 87
I+.52 +35.06 +72.86
Your marketing options are determined long before you head for the weaning pensˇ
Have you considered if your calves are Natural? Blake works for the Meyer Natural Angus program and has feed yards that are looking for high quality Angus cattle like those sired by LAR bulls. If you are interested in learning more about this option, contact him at: 785-410-3750 Ć“ blake@lundgrenangusranch.com
PRESORTED First-Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID LivestockDirect Permit No. 29
3633 County Road I Gove, KS 67736 www.LundgrenAngusRanch.com
It makes “Sense” to invest YOUR “Dollars” in LAR Genetics!
LOT ??
LOT ??