Live Wise Life issue 3 2014

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CONTENTS • Optimal Peformance • Resilliency • Love, Your Bike • The Museum Is Back • The Truth About Your Omelet • Medication Madness • Breaking Facebook Addiction • All Dressed Up & Fatter Than ever


in the 1980's, triathlon's were in their infancy. My Dad, in his early 60's, started training and competing alongside my younger brother. They would swim, ride bikes and run long distances in the blazing California sun in hopes of personal best, a free T-shirt and perhaps a ribbon heralding their high achievement of finishing such an endurance event. Americans are fond of competition and a significant majority of both men and women - of all ages, are firmly entrenched in an training regime of some kind - searching for optimum performance. While marathons have long been around- since the days of Mt. Olympus, their popularity has exploded and expanded feeding the frenzy of X game activities that all could participate.We have seen distance racing (5K10K) permeate every weekend of the year even in the dead of winter, bike-and-tie races; where two partners would tag team between biking and running with each other for 26 miles. Distance racing has expanded to include ultra marathons that go for 100 miles - over mountain ranges or death valley runs to now we have the MUD races. ( I cant even begin to list the extreme biking races, cliff jumping, parasailing, helicopter skiing or the ninja warrior par course events) Tough Mudders may be the “Ironman” of mud runs - the ultimate test of crazyness and toughness. One participant in a recent race reports, “If there is one thing that characterizes the Tough Mudder, it's teamwork. From the cheers at the starting line to the helping hands of the other participants, camaraderie is the rule of the game. One of my teammates actually insisted that I step on her head so I could reach the arm of a stranger offering to pull me over a wall. “ Some “experts” would say our competitive drive and constant desire for achievement is bad for psychological good health. I

2014 ISSUE 3 This issue Sponsored by:

I NTEG RAT I VE H E ALT H C ENTE R Editor-Publisher Editor in Chief

say - anything in extreme can be dangerous. However, striving for a personal best developing leadership and teamwork, growing a fearless mind, confidence, determination achieving and accomplishing things that are difficult is a plus in my book. People who participate in sporting events tend to have better health and well being. Studies show that children do better in school, that physical activity improves cognitive abilities, attention span, reduces anxiety and stress. Will I ever do a Tough Mudder? Will I ever try the pole vault ? I have no interest in running a marathon? No. I was on a diving team in high school, that was pretty fun. I know how to hurdle (not very well) and do cartwheels. I have been a lazy jogger doing fun runs. I did a bike and tie race for 26 miles once, and it took so long for me to finish that the race directors had taken down the banners and closed up the park. I was proud I completed it, and the feeling of accomplishment was rewarding for me.


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Nancy Low Amelia K. Allen Troy Menlove Jess Low Glenn Anderson

Copyright 2010-2014 All rights reserved by Wise Consulting Group and subsidiary: Western Addiction Association Publishing. No part of this publication may be photocopied, reproduced or transmitted, without written permission of the publisher. Information available within this publication or on our website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in all matters relating to his or her health, and particularly in respect of any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. All content included in this publication is for educational and information purposes.

Source: Michael Busse, Digital Managing Editor

Printed in the United States.

PO BOX 2235 Provo, Utah 84601

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you are like me, you love sports. Most of America loves sports. Sport has become America's secular religion. When I begin to consider what optimal performance is, my mind immediately jumps to the sporting greats, Micheal Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Jerry Rice. These athletes seem to define optimal performance by their physical prowess, gracefully performing their skill sets on their respected field of play. Though optimal performance is the combination of both the mental skills and the physical skills. It has less to do with the physical skills and is heavily reliant on the mental skills. As such, today I will share with you who in my mind is the most mentally skilled, mentally tough, mentally controlled person on the planet. He is not a household name, and “lives in a van down by the river” as coined by the late comedian Chris Farley in his infamous Saturday night live skit - Matt Foley, The Motivational Speaker. You may be laughing thinking how can anyone who “lives in a van down by the river” be the essence of optimal performance. More accurately his van is usually parked in front of a 2,000 foot cliff. To which he is a free soloing to the summit. Free soloing is a form of rock climbing that is extremely dangerous. This is where a climber ascends the face of a cliff with just his shoes and a chalk bag. The climber does not use any ropes or safety gears. Insane!!! Right!!! Let me introduce you to Alex Honnold, whose talents and abilities rival those of the fictitious superhero Spiderman. Considered by most in the rock climbing world as the most advanced, insane, and expert climber on the planet. Alex 27 is the most popular and well-known rock climber in the world. Alex first made his name at age 23 by free soloing the iconic northwest face of half-dome in Yosemite national park. Alex completed the 2000 ft climb in 2 hours and fifty minutes, a climb that takes the most expert climbers with climbing and safety gear a day or two. The CBS prime time network show, 60 Minutes documented the climb and can be viewed online. As impressive as his physical skills are, Alex is a monumental case study for sport psychologists who research the mental aspects of performance. Alex's mental control is the skill that jumps off the page to me. Most elite athletes face two outcomes when performing. Win or Lose. When a free soloist is performing they face two outcomes as well, however these outcomes carries a little more weight then win or lose, because this win or lose is life or death. Clinging to a handhold that is the size of the trim on the top of your door frame hanging off a cliff 1,000 ft in the air screams don't fall. Consider the image above, place

Place yourself on the face of that cliff staring certain death in the face. Your heart begins to race; your palms begin to sweat, your anxiety begins to spike, you begin to have irrational thoughts like what if I fall or how do I get down.

yourself on the face of that cliff staring certain death in the face. Your heart begins to race; your palms begin to sweat, your anxiety begins to spike, you begin to have irrational thoughts like “ what if I fall” of “how do I get down” you begin to cleave to the side of the wall and freeze knowing that if you don't move no harm will come to you. We all experience an array of thoughts and emotions like this. Our thoughts create emotion, those emotions lead to choices, and choices lead to actions and behaviors; as such, the most critical consideration to reach optimal performance is controlling your thoughts. You might be thinking, can we control our thoughts? The answer is yes, absolutely. In fact, I can control your thoughts by the words that are on this page. Just indulge me for one second. Imagine a big, red, ripe, juicy, apple. That was easy. Now think about an orange, round and juicy with little dimples in the peel. Now try this one. I want you to try and not think about a banana, don't see a ripe yellow banana. How many of you saw the banana? You control your

thoughts by choosing the words that create images in your mind. The next question that comes to mind is how in the world does Alex Honnold control his thoughts when one of the glaring outcomes of his performance is falling 1,000 feet to his demise. I will show you. Optimal performance can be summed up with one word. Focus. Focus is a skill. Focus can be learned, developed and controlled. Focus is the most fundamental skill of sport/performance psychology. Focus consists of five skill elements: Confidence, Self-Talk, Anxiety, Present Thinking, and Concentration. I will describe these five skills below and illustrate them using Alex. CONFIDENCE The first skill is confidence. Confidence is the number one contributor to high performance. Confidence is a strong selfassurance that we are good at what we do. It is a belief in ourselves that we “CAN” accomplish what we are trying to accomplish. Sport psychology research on Olympic Athletes shows that they exhibit-

ed high levels of confidence. Where does confidence come from? Legendary psychologist Albert Bandura writes that there are four ways that we build our confidence. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Previous successful experience Modeling Verbal Persuasion Physiological States

We build our confidence from having previous successful experiences. All of us have experienced being successful in some way previously. Unfortunately, society has conditioned us to focus on all of the failures and try to fix them. Modeling is the second way that we build our confidence. What Bandura is describing here is the copy cat. He writes that we build our confidence by finding other successful people and model them. The third and fourth way to build our confidence are also two focus skills. So I will address them as focus skills. Verbal Persuasion is also self talk and physiological states is anxiety.

“The most influential conversation you will have today is with yourself.” – Zig Ziglar

SELF TALK This is where every one of us suffers from symptoms of schizophrenia. Supported by prominent sales Guru and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar who said. “The most influential conversation you will have today is with yourself.” He is right. Self talk is a critical element to optimal performance. It is not just any self-talk, it has to be positive, constructive, and respectful. Phrases like “I am good at what I do” and “I can accomplish that task.” Are the kind of self talk that we need to exhibit both to build our confidence and achieve optimal performance. No person achieves optimal performance by beating themselves up with demeaning phrases like “I suck at this” or “I can't do that.” ANXIETY Bandura calls this physiological states, this is our anxiety or our emotional states. Essentially what that means is that to achieve optimal performance a person must know what their optimal emotional energy level is to perform their best. I call this anxiety because most people can relate to what it feels like to experience elevated anxiety. It would be similar to the experience of standing on the face of a cliff. Essentially how “Pumped up” you are and how “calmed down” you are. For a lineman on the football team, his optimal energy level has to be very high. For a golfer about to make a putt, he is probably not doing the same thing that a lineman is doing. A golfer would need to be very calm and relaxed.

PRESENT THINKING Present thinking is simply choosing to have thoughts that focus on the present and what you can do right now to execute a task. Living in the present moment. Most people will battle thoughts that travel from the past to the future. Future thoughts create fear, worry, anxiousness and doubt. These are the ever plaguing “what if” thoughts that have a negative outcome. Past thoughts create anger, frustration and guilt. CONCENTRATION Concentration is where we direct our attention. And if we want to be great our concentration should be directed on one or two specific tasks that will lead to high performance. Those thoughts also need to be approach minded. Approach minded is essentially what you are trying to accomplish instead of what you are trying to avoid. Our mind can only handle one thought at a time. Now our mind can handle a number of single thoughts back to back to back. We can control and choose the one thought that we direct our attention to.

Considering Alex and the five mental skills that make up the skill of focus. Alex was confident in his ability. He has even said that as his skill level increases the perceived risk of dangerous climbs diminishes because he knows he is skilled enough to make a climb like that easily. Alex did not just walk right up to half dome and climb it. He had been training for years and years, and had successfully completed free solo climbs on a much smaller scale. He had also modeled other great climbers. He had previously ascended the route up half-dome a number of times with ropes and gear prior to doing it without gear. Alex's self-talk during a 3 hour solo climb has to be tremendously positive and focused on specific tasks or skills. His self-talk during that climb is focused on instructing the next move or next hand placement. Alex is very calm while climbing and keeps his energy levels very calm. He controls these energy levels by controlling his breathing and movements. He has slow, controlled breaths and meticulous deliberate movements, and precise decision making as he scales the mountain. Alex also controls his anxiety by choosing the right thoughts. Rarely but at times Alex stops in the middle of his climb because

“I am not afraid, when I am in total control, I know exactly what I am doing, and am totally focused.” — Alex Honnold of thoughts like “oh no, what if I fall.” When this happens he experiences moments of anxiety, but he just stops the thought and refocus on his route. Alex certainly is living in the present moment. He has said that it is living in the present moment that makes what he does so much fun. Just constantly focusing on accomplishing the next task, or climb. Alex does not waste his concentration on thoughts like, “ just don't fall,” or “don't mess up.” These are avoidance minded thoughts. Alex concentrates on what he is trying to do. He is confident in his ability and makes great decisions because he is locked in on the immediate task. Other climbers have described what they

see Alex doing. “He has an uncanny ability to shut off his mind and just perform.” “It is like he was born without the ability to experience human emotion.” “No other climber can focus as he can.” Alex responded to a question about fear, “I am not afraid, when I am in total control, I know exactly what I am doing, and I am totally focused.” When we have high confidence, positive self talk, control anxiety, concentrating on present minded tasks, we will be focused. We will achieve optimal performance with this kind of focus. In the words of prominent sport psychologist Dr. Rick McGuire, “The difference between the good and the great is in their ability to Focus.” Dr. Robert Low, currently assists in delivering sport psychology services to the University of Missouri Athletic Department, is an Adjunct Teaching Professor for the University's College of Education. Specializing in sport, human and organizational performance education. Robert, former NCAA All-American in the polevault lives in Columbia,Mo. with his Wife,Erika and 3 children Sources:

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this formula? It is the metallurgical formula for resiliency. And just as misunderstood as this equation is to those of us non-physicists, so too is the phenomenon commonly regarded as resiliency or toughness. There is no shortage of terms for this “thing” called toughness and for the sake of this discussion resiliency andtoughness will be interchanged. Despite the plethora of nomenclature regarding toughness (grit, resiliency, mental toughness, mental training, hardiness), there is a shortage in understanding its makeup, and even more so in its application to our pursuits of excellence and optimal performance. This article will give you some insight into a key strategy for increasing resiliency in athletic performance as well as your everyday life. Often there is a tendency to reduce toughness down to itself. We just say “get tougher” with no more coaching beyond using the same word. Yet, toughness is an abstract element. We can’t particularly say: “Do this one thing and you’ll be tougher.” Whether as a sport psychologist, or mother of three training for her first halfmarathon, the most difficult element about mental toughness and resiliency is that it is composed of a combination of a number of other elements. This means those of us looking to make advancements in resiliency, are going to have to make an investment in a number of areas. HE JUST HAS TO GET TOUGHER During practice an athlete (male wrestler) of a team I was working with got taken down 4 times in less than 60 seconds, threw his headgear, and sprinted out of the practice room. The coaches, frustrated and angry, shrugged their shoulders and said: “He’ll bounce back.” To which I responded: “Let’s hope not.” The perplexed looks on their faces after my comment represents the general misperception of resiliency and mental toughness. OBJECT RESILIENCY From physics: resiliency speaks to the ability of an object to return back to its original form after impact, stress, or physical change. Certain applied theories and terms circulate: elastic limits, stress-strain curves, tensile toughness, absorption of energy, and fracture points. The point of emphasis for object resiliency however, is that the desired trait within physics is to return back to original form. Related to optimal performance, the pursuit of excel-

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lence, and personal transformation, I can think of no greater opposition than to endure stress for the sake of physical, emotional, and/or intellectual change, only to return to our original form. As such, I think it is important to distinguish between object resiliency and human resiliency, for our desire should be to reinvent ourselves so that whatever hardship and adverse conditions we persevere through, we emerge a newly transformed version of ourselves. THE KEY TO HUMAN RESILIENCY “He’ll bounce back.” “Let’s hope not!” Through human resiliency, we have the opportunity to re-invent ourselves. In our pursuit of personal excellence through challenge and stress we do not want to return back to original form, because we are looking for adversity to move us forward. Human resiliency allows us to embrace stress and adversity, move forward through it, and emerge a better version of ourselves. If object resiliency were true, and we “bounced back,” our every effort would be for naught. The key to mental toughness and resiliency lies in how we approach adversity; how we move forward in it; and the equation we all wrestle with in some form or function: the mind will always quit before the body. SEGMENTING: A FORMULA FOR RESILIENCY One of the main tenets within psychological resiliency is proper adaptation strategies to adverse conditions, otherwise known to you and me as, fight or flight. In our search for a formula for resiliency it is important to adopt a training mindset in which we are developing trained response to adversity. The most effective and powerful strategy I have seen in my academic and coaching career comes from the United States Military, specifically the U.S. Navy Seals, and it’s called segmenting. Throughout the course of their BUDS week, 7 days of intensely adverse conditions, these soldiers will accumulate 4-5 hours of sleep… for the entire week. They will be called on to endure the most adverse conditions humanly possible and in the end those who remain all give credit to two things: 1) a refusal to give up and 2) the process of segmenting. What we know from the US Navy Seals and what makes total applicable sense to you and me in our daily lives is the ability to compartmentalize and not look at the entire day, but instead to simply just be engaged with the task at hand with the end goal in mind. With our student-athletes we emphasize a segmenting approach to training. If a given practice session has seven segments to it, we

talk to them about simply just being committed to maximum effort and full attention to the present segment. As athletes we cannot allow ourselves to hold back in the 6th segment, simply because we know a 7th segment is coming, or worse yet because we are dreading what might occur in the 7th segment (especially when it is cardiovascular conditioning). Instead of looking at the entire seven segments and becoming overwhelmed at that quantity of exertion and demand, the greater strategy is to invest fully in each segment as its own compartment. Columbia, Missouri has a marathon that is unofficially regarded as the hardest nonmountain marathon in the country. A blasted combination of hills, heat, and humidity in early September, it is popular for being unpopular, easily acknowledged in the fact that it carries an entry fee of $25. And yet it is one of the greatest lessons I have learned in segmenting. It was the first marathon I had ever run and my goal was simple: complete it in under 4 hours. Doing so required a strategy of segmenting. I never saw it as a collection of 6 major hills, 4 in the last 13.1. I never saw it as 26.2 in the dead heat of a Midwestern summer. I broke the race down into segments: first a 5-mile segment; then another 5-mile segment; from there a segment to get to the first 13.1 with a pace check (needed to be under 9 minute pace); then I had calculated points at 15, 17, and 20 mile marks. Along each of these segments I had identified tasks that included hydration, gels, food consumption, and electrolyte ingestion. Even the major hills themselves required segmented strategy. Instead of seeing them as 1/2 mile inclines I simply picked landmarks along the way and segmented out the hill itself. As a result of this segmenting strategy, I finished the course under four hours in my first attempt at that distance. Segmenting provides a digestible segment of effort to exert and keeps our focus in the present, rather than on the collection of adversity to hurdle. Segmenting has allowed me and the athletes I work with, to conquer greater mental hurdles, physical barriers, and self-imposed limitations, than any other mental tool available. And the ubiquitous power of segmenting is that it has as much application to your everyday life as it is does athletic performance. SEGMENTING IN EVERYDAY LIFE I was speaking with a friend who, as an executive in Gallup, carries an exhaustible

schedule. In hovering around the concept of balance we began to talk about how work has a way of infecting all areas of life so that we do not feel as though we have the time to do other things of importance to us. We were both pretty frustrated and dispirited about how we are not able to devote as much to our workouts and relationships, because we give too much to our work. Before I knew it we had shifted to segmenting and were talking about how we could structure ours days as 1-item competitions. Wake-up at 5am: WIN; devotion/meditation: WIN; healthy breakfast: WIN; review notes for keynote address while traveling (instead of playing CandyCrush): WIN; nail keynote address: WIN; conference call with graduate study over dissertation: WIN; read student’s lit review while traveling back: WIN; 25 mile bike ride once home: WIN; prepare dinner with wife: WIN; turn phone off from 6pm9pm: WIN. Wake up and do it again:WIN. Any one of those moments could have been a fracture point for me before applying the strategy of segmenting into my life. But with segmenting I have been able to move forward in adverse, harsh conditions, and have not “bounced back� but, instead, emerged a more fortified version of myself.

I am re-invented each segment of each day into a new person, saying goodbye to the older version, forever. I hope the same for you as your strive to apply segmenting as a strategy for the elusive quest to be tougher and more resilient. Brandon Orr University of Missouri assistant professor in the College of Education. Brandon teaches principles of sport and performance psychology. His applied focus is on mental toughness and resilience as portals to performance enhancement and personal excellence. Brandon is marries and live in Columbia, Missouri.

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Out for a summer ride


Remember me? Your bike. I haven't seen you much lately, and I miss you. How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years? I've lost track. Remember all the fun we used to have? We went everywhere together. Your two legs and my two wheels could take on any-sized hill. Nowhere was too far away when we had each other. Remember the freedom? Remember the fresh air? Those sure were the days.

As you grew up, I saw you less and less. Oh, I know you did your best to stick with me, but occasionally became every-once-in-a-while which turned into rarely. I hate rarely. What happened to those good old days? It's the car, isn't it. Yep, I knew it. Those four wheels and that internal combustion engine. I'm trying not to be jealous, but I just can't compete. Zipping along at 80 mph in cool comfort. I can never give you that. But I can give you something that tin can on wheels never can. You remember. It's what I've always given you. Exercise. Freedom. Fresh air. But, you know, I understand. Really, I do. I know you need to get places. And sometimes you need to get there fast. I get that. But, if you could just spare a few extra minutes, we could go some of those places together. Oh, it's up hill? Yeah, that's hard. You can't quite pedal as hard as you used to? Hmm, that is a problem. You need to go to work everyday? Yeah, I do remember that, now that you

mention it. And your co-workers don't like you getting there sweaty, do they. Hmpf. They can be so demanding sometimes. Irreconcilable differences? Please, no. And don't say it's not me, because I know it's me. I can change, though. Really, I can. You see, I've heard about this new procedure that I can have done. It might even bring us back together. It's called an electric-assist retrofit. Some of my friends have had it done, and it's amazing. You think it's been too long for us to ever get back together? Electric-assist technology can fix that. I know I didn't used to pull my weight in our relationship (though I was carrying more than my fair share). With electric-assist, I could carry you and put in some of the effort. In fact, I'd even be willing to do most of the work at the beginning, just until you feel like you can do more. And won't those co-workers be jealous when you show up with me on your . . . um

. . . well, when we show up together. You, looking all business—not a drop of sweat on you, me looking . . . electric. Oh, and what about the fresh air? You remember the fresh air? We can have that, too. Because, let's face it, the car really isn't that great at helping you get fresh air, much less keeping it fresh. Remember what that inversion-belcher did to the air last winter? Really, I do want you back. I'll do whatever it takes. All you have to do is take me in to the electric bike shop and have them hook me up with a battery and motor. Then we can be together again. Love, Your Bike. P.S. – When you go, make sure to take me with you, OK? I've heard they've got all sorts of new electric bikes in that shop, and I wouldn't want you to get any ideas.


love wild animals. When our children were young and we had few dollars to spend on adventure the first place we would go was the Bean Museum. The kids would race each other to the door and eagerly nudge their way to the bear section as it was always busy - not crowded but busy. After watching the movie in the small wildlife theater we would visit the gift shop for rocks, shells or tiny wild animal toys. It was a regular family night activity - we loved it. Brigham Young University announced that the Monte Bean Life Science Museum was ready to reopen after extensive renovations and expansions. With twenty five new exhibits it will surely once again be a childs favorite place to visit in Provo. Who doesn't like lions, tigers and bears - oh my. The new hours will be Monday through Friday 10:00 -9:00 pm and on Saturdays 10:00 to 5:00 pm. The admission is FREE. More information can be found on the museums website

Photos courtesy of

YOUR OMELET THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR OMELET AFTER eating an omelet at a national restaurant chain I started thinking about why it didn't look like the omelet I made at home and it was tasteless and blah. It never occurred to me it was made with fake eggs. Most restaurants don't use real eggs. I have accepted the fact powdered eggs along with powdered milk are commonly used in cooking and baking - but when REAL eggs are easy and available to use - why use powdered eggs? Powdered eggs have been around for many years. During World War II they became a staple during the food shortages in world war II . The shocking truth is many restaurants use processed commercial eggs (from a carton). This product contains “obesity additives” such as artificial ingredients, chemicals,

preservatives, and even gluten-like fillers and compounds. That's BAD news for anyone trying to lose flab fast, as these ingredients can slow down your weight loss efforts and increase your body's toxicity levels. Even worse, if you are someone consuming a gluten-free diet, eggs are one of those foods you rely on to be gluten-free. That said, almost all of these commercial egg products contain a substantial amount of gluten, so beware. Would you choose powdered if real was available? I doubt it. So next time you are at a restaurant and want an omelet or scrambled eggs - be clear with the server that you would like real eggs - fresh eggs cracked out of the shell not poured out of the carton. If this is a restaurant that does not have REAL eggs, I would not eat anything on that menu.

While many restaurants make their omelets and scrambled eggs with obesityboosting processed egg product, they would have real eggs in stock. When inquiring about ingredients, most waitresses will tell you what you want to hear. Be specific and say you must have real eggs and not eggs from a carton. Instead of asking “Do you use real eggs?” Most people will just say yes without really knowing what they are talking about. One trick is to tell them you have an allergy and must have real eggs, not eggs from a that case you're sure to get fresh eggs 100% of the time :-) For better food choices, leave the powdered eggs, powdered milk, powdered cheese,powdered everything in your food storage for the end of the world. Eat real eggs. Staff


ank the Cowdog imagines himself amazing. He takes himself completely

serious in this delightful series. In one episode he finds chicken feathers and proceeds to investigate a “murder on the ranch.” The old rooster, JT Cluck seems to know something about the

way to train warriors for war

murders as Hank inquires for

along with intellectual study. It

information. IN his drawn out

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manner, Cluck says “the killer is

could not be developed without

.... Laziness! The killer is ---

complete development of the

levels of our athletes. Those

don’t care! The killer is....” At

whole person, physical, mental,

systems include : Genesis Pure,

which point, Hank tells JT to be

spiritual and health in well

unsurpassed concentrated nutri-

quiet - that was not the informa-

being. To develop the optimum

tion, Kimber Academy -, vertical

tion Hank was after.

physical prowess necessary for

education learning. Our karate

Altius is all about optimum per-

success without training the

classes are superior in develop-

formance. Achievement and

mind and character as well, left

ing strength, discipline and self

accomplishment are built with a

the person incomplete in their

confidence. For Mom’s and

fearless mind - not laziness and

well-being - they were unable to

Dads, the peripheral exercise

not I don’t care. We are intense

flourish and became outcasts

classes bring balance to the

in our training of the mind and

and nare-do-wells

whole family.

the body, battling against exter-

Under our roof, we provide the

The killer IS - laziness, the

nal and internal interferences that

tools for optimum performance

killer IS- don’t care. At Altius we

create cracks in the foundations

that each athlete can pursue indi-

care-deeply. Together with you,

of success. We fight against

vidual prowess with purpose and

we will win the war for optimum

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Peter R. Breggin , a psychiatrist has exposed the truth about medications used to treat depression. In his book ,"Medication Madness" He exposes the dangers of these mood altering drugs. He has studied medications and their adverse effects for years culminating in a groundbreaking book exposing these drugs for what they are. With every passing day more Americans are prescribed medications for depression, anxiety, PTSD and other symptomatology that is not working for them and is leading to dangerous side effects and in some cases even death. Often tragically, well-meaning Doctors who are successful and knowledgeable but don't know what else to do for their depressed patient, they continue to prescribe harmful drugs without a second thought. And in spite of recent warnings issued by the FDA highlighting the dangers of anti-depressants, the numbers of prescriptions being written are not declining. For decades, Mr. Breggin has studied

the link between anti-depressants and violent crimes. The subject of mental health complications is becoming more and more commonplace in shootings and work place violence - the interesting thing is the common thread is not the illness itself but the medications prescribed for the illness management. "The anti-depressants cause violence and they cause suicide, and they do it in all age groups. We have studies in all age

groups. There is just no doubt about it." Dr. Breggin said. The FDA approval process is faulty in and of itself with no proof as to long-term side effects or without evidence that these drugs work any better than a placebo. The pharmaceutical industry is now a billion dollar industry. Anti-depressants are among the most widely prescribed medication after high cholesterol management drugs, high blood pressure

drugs and narcotic pain relievers. Dr. Breggin cites examples of violence that he says can be blamed on these medications. "An engineer who was given Paxil probably to help with smoking., maybe some tension, certainly not for any mental disorder," he described. "And within a couple of doses he drowned his two children and himself in the bathtub." There is always an underlying cause of depression symptoms. An example of an underlying cause may be a traumatic event, death in the family, a chronic ongoing illness, geneticchemical imbalances that get worse. When things happen, the tendency is to blame the underlying cause for the violent event. Dr. Breggin disagrees and says that the medication makes the underlying conditions worse, especially in young people. "If a child who is already angry and upset and withdrawn starts to feel agitated, anxious, hostility starts to increase, aggressivity starts to increase, the kid has no idea it's a drug effect," Depression medications are highly addictive and withdrawal symptoms can be serious. They can prevent the

brain from producing the proper levels of neurotransmitter chemicals or impact the work of hormones, making conditions worse. If you or someone you love want to stop using depression medication, it's important to taper your dosage slowly and seek the advice of a physician before doing so. The patient should be aware that even small dosing changes can cause an increase in side effects. There are natural effective methods of treating depression symptoms through supplements, meditation, change in diet, exercise, stop smoking or abusing alcohol. Many who suffer from depression could have a genetic polymorphism that is now known to contribute to depressive conditions and can be managed and improved by adding Methyl Folate and Methyl B12 to their daily routine. One of these gene polymorphism's is known as the MTHFR gene. Learn to know your triggers and seek professional help if you are considering suicide - it may be your medication tat is making you sick. Staff Source: Medication Madness, Dr. Peter Breggin, MD

“The anti-depressants cause violence and they cause suicide, and they do it in all age groups.”

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BREAKING THE FACEBOOK ADDICTION TRENDS are showing the obsession to Facebook has some serious consequences. The good with the bad if you will. It is clear that social media has a fun side and has connected people who would not otherwise found each other but it has also proven to have a negative side. Social media has rapidly taken over many people's social lives, impacting their self-esteem, social skills and emotional health. Time spent browsing social media by employees is considered wasteful and impacts productivity. Some sources indicate that social media is making for socially awkward people. Cyber bullying has found an unpleasant ally on Facebook and other social media sites. Never mind, how annoying are selfies anyway! Many people have innocent intentions when they join Facebook. They hope to be more connected to their children and families. It can be fun for a while. You check in, make a post, see what others are doing,see who added you as a friend, and who ‘likes” you. Some will argue that Facebook is a “Godsend” for baby boomers who want a second chance at life (hook up with old flames), stay at home moms (who dont have anything to do ?) folks who live in rural communities who are lonely. After a few weeks of following, adding friends, liking posts, playing candy crush - anxiousness will soon follow when you can't log in. You might feel left out of the activities. If you weren't able to click a “like” or comment on the latest baby pictures or trip to Mexico. Well, perhaps they would know. You would then be on the outside of the Facebook circle of influ-

ence. More and more time is spent checking and checking posts. You rationalize that your obsession isn't as bad as many folks but you feel guilty spending so much time scrolling through updates. Soon - you are not motivated to do much else, you check in several times a day, you are addicted. Facebook is entertainment. It serves no real purpose. A woman who was fired from her job because of her Facebook addiction admits “ It brought zero pleasure, zero meaning to my life and yet I was addicted. It had to end. It wasn't enough to just “log out”. I had to delete my account.” Maybe it's the endless political arguments, maybe it was a post by a childhood friend from over 40 years ago (now an old guy) posting new born pictures of his latest grandchild. That's fine - right? What will be the end point for you? Palo Alto, California is home to Facebook. Their humble beginnings starting out in a ratty old building on California Ave., in the heart of Silicon Valley. Now the company has expanded to a “monument to themselves” campus on the eastside of town towards the shoreline. Old time residents might argue, the town they cherished has fallen to the seduction of the IPO. New-timers see it as a boon to the local economy. A whole new world. Facebook is a technology-service platform called “social media” that really provides nothing of substance, nothing that we couldn't live without. Like many tech companies it appears to be horrifically overvalued and borders on a predator-like voyeur peering into our bedroom windows. And social scientists fail to see how it improves a person's life.

The ingenuity and entrepreneur spirit that is required to create and build a business is remarkable and should be applauded and encouraged. But much like Heroin, the pleasure wears off and the slave-hold takes over. Can you ever turn back? Facebook now has one million active advertisers - companies or organizations that have advertised on the social network at least once in the last 28 days. In April 2013, “that there were two billion connections between local businesses and people in the site's social graph, and in an average week, local business pages get more than 645 million views and 13 million comments. “ Good for those business's. Many people will eagerly admit they don't buy anything off Facebook. Many users are annoyed by the intrusive advertising, the invites, the games and the “do you want to log in with Facebook” prompts. “ These intrusions, for that's what they are, with non-information and banalities that people wouldn't even dare mention in an actual face-to-face -- “Can I just let you know that I've got a corn on my big toe? Er, no. -- are the reason I've logged off the social media site Facebook and will not be returning until such time the conversation wises up, which seemingly will be never. (The teens are logging off for good, too, in their millions, aghast at the prospect of being cyber-friended by their parents.) Wiliam J. Furney, Huffington Post Facebook is among one of the most addicting (and therefore concerning) social networks. Nearly a quarter of Facebook users check their accounts five times or more per day. This addiction to social media and technology is definitely very concerning for society as a whole; how will we be able to effec-

tively communicate in person. “Addictive use of the Internet is a new phenomenon which many practitioners are unaware of and, subsequently, unprepared to treat. Use of Facebook is often a legitimate way of social networking, so abstinence may not be seen as a practical intervention thus it is recommended that there be moderation and controlled use.” Lynlee Howard-Payne, a psychology lecturer reports. “Last Friday, I had three clients in my office with Facebook problems,” said Paula Pile, a marriage and family therapist in Greensboro, North Carolina. “It's turned into a compulsion -- a compulsion to dissociate from your real world and go live in the Facebook world.” You know you're a Facebook addict when ... 1. You cant get through one day without checking your status 2. You spend more than an hour a day on Facebook 3. You become obsessed with old loves 4. You ignore work in favor of Facebook But what is it all about - what are we addicted to? Perhaps its the idea we have a voice, we can promote ourselves, we can huff and puff, we can even be hostile, argumentative and exciting, it's risky. We like it. The chemicals in our brain reinforce that feeling - we are hooked . Try going a day without Facebook. If you find it causes you a lot of stress and anxiety, you really need to get some help. Much like being separated from your cell phone - technology has a grip on our brains. Staff



that is. Is your salad dressing sabotaging your salad? Have you stopped in front of the salad dressing isle in bewilderment at which dressing to choose? Joel of Bio Trust gives reasons why your salad dressing is making you fat and sick and why you should never trust your store-bought salad dressing to be “good” for you. In fact, Joel and many other health experts will attest that these products are flat out horrible for you - including “all-natural” ones. 1. Pick up any salad dressing bottle and you'll likely see canola oil, soybean oil, and/or vegetable oil as the main ingredients. These oils are extremely processed, rich in inflammation-promoting Omega-6 fatty acids, and often times contain trans fats that aren't disclosed on the label due to how processed they are. “All-natural” salad dressing found in the refrigerated section aren't much different. You'll still see these oils as the base of nearly all of those brands as well. Why? They're cheap! Also, don't be fooled by labels that claim “Made with Extra Virgin Olive Oil”. Sure, they'll point that out on the front of the label because it sounds good and leads you to believe that it's an extra virgin olive oil based dressing. Instead, that only means that there is at least a drop of extra

virgin olive oil in the bottle, and often times that's all it has. Flip the label over and you'll see the same vegetable oils listed first and extra virgin olive oil way down on the list of ingredients. Unethical? Yes. Healthy? No. 2. More often than not, in addition to cheap, potentially harmful oils, store bought salad dressing is also loaded with

sugar to boot. Even worse, it often comes in the form of high fructose corn syrup (the absolute worst form of sugar available). Just check the label. 3. To round of the trifecta of horrid ingredients contained in traditional salad dressings we have the long list of artificial additives and preservatives that often plague these products. If you're looking to avoid artificial chemicals in your food, simply put, you won't have much luck with store bought salad dressing. This is a great List of reasons to avoid store bought super processed salad dressing. At our home, Italian is the favorite and it is easy to make and will store easily in the refrigerated. All it takes is extra virgin Olive Oil , white vinegar and a packet of Italian seasoning mix. Shake and enjoy. A FANCIER RECIPE IS THIS: In a jar, mix one part extra virgin olive oil to two parts red wine vinegar. For example, if you use 1⁄4 cup olive oil, use 1⁄2 cup (double the amount) of red wine vinegar. Add a few shakes of parsley, oregano, and black pepper to taste. This stores nicely in the fridge for several weeks. Homemade salad dressings contain zero added sodium, zero added sugar, no artificial preservatives, no xanthium gum, no coloring or additives. It is heart healthy (mono-saturated fat) you have approximate 14 grams of fat per couple of tablespoons. The biggest offender in the oil category is Canola Oil. This oil is cheap to produce but is anything but healthy for you. Not only should you avoid this product as a cooking oil or a as a salad dressing but as you browse ingredient in your grocery items don't buy products cooked in canola oil. While misinformation about evidenced based negative attributes of canola oil continues to abound in the medical community. The defense for canola oil is founded by the premise that if the FDA approves it’s use - it must be healthy. Even the esteemed Mayo Clinic deflects away the controversy without substance. Sadly our physician community whom we raise up as the ultimate authorities appear to be nothing but dupes for the pharma/food industry and the FDA. Here’s why Canola Oil and other types has more detriments than it does benefits. The processing of canola oil and oxidation of the polyunsaturated component of canola oil, is what makes it unhealthy for human consumption. While canola Oil is mostly mono-saturated fat, its the approximately 30% polyunsaturated component of the oil is highly unstable under heat, light, and pressure, and this heavily oxidizes the polyunsaturates which increases free radicals in your body. Canola oils are highly inflammatory in your body when ingested, potentially contributing to heart disease, weight gain, and other degenerative diseases. It is typically extracted and refined using high heat, pressure, and petroleum solvents such as hexane. Most canola oil undergoes a process of caustic refining, degumming,

bleaching, and deodorization, all using high heat and questionable chemicals. (extra virgin olive oil is cold pressed) Your best choices for oils are: •Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) - for lower temperature cooking or used as a healthy salad dressing oil •Udo's Choice Oil Blend- NEVER use this for cooking as it has a higher polyunsaturated fat content (therefore heat destroys the benefits of this oil, and increases it's inflammatory properties), but it is a cold processed blend of healthy oils that mixes well with olive oil for salad dressings. •Virgin coconut oil- great for all temperatures of cooking due to its super high stability under heat. A great source of healthy saturated fatsin the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), one of which is Lauric Acid, which helps support the immune system and is lacking in most western diets. •Organic grass-fed butter- use a mix of grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and a small bit of olive oil for cooking. Grassfedbutter is a great source of the healthy fat, CLA, which has even been shown in studies to have muscle building and fat burning properties. Grass-fed butter also has a much healthier omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than standard butter at your grocery store. Try Kerrygold Irish butter . Staff


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