Live Wise volume 4 2014

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CONTENTS Falling Into Fall The Stress Of Striving Ideal LifeVision A Major Cause Of Cancer Body Talk Solutions Broken Bones Chin Hair Piece Of Cake


2014 ISSUE 4 This issue Sponsored by:


time is now for a louder voice. Healthcare is a mess in this country. Living with illness, scarcity and negative self talk is destroying peoples lives. It is expensive and discouraging. Our mission is to empower our readers to make wiser choices for themselves on living a life that flourishes. We do this for you. To kick off our 2015 monthly calendar I want to let you know of the Leading Cause of Death in America. It is not the diseases we know so well. We agree with our friends at Life Extension magazine The Leading Cause of Death in the western world is medical ignorance. “While data is regularly published showing what diseases people die with, missing is what CAUSED the disease to manifest in the first place.The unfortunate fact is that Medical Ignorance is the western worlds leading cause of death.” We have been taught to trust our doctors they wont harm us. We have been taught to not question the authority of the medical community - who I believe are well intended and desire truly to be healers. The system has broken. “The main stream media continues to overlook proven methods to prevent, mitigate, or eradicate chronic disorders. The result is too many Americans needlessly suffer and die.” Medical ignorance deprives people of facts about their illness. It deprives people of life saving treatment options. Children are being needlessly medicated, surgeries are the norm and alternative options are scoffed at. Look at the cancer survival rates “despite proclamations by the medical community of progress, cancer continues to inflict an epidemic of disability and death on the American population.” And cancer survival rates are still hovering around the 5 year rate. Our mission is to dispel some of this ignorance so our readers can be empowered to make informed health and wellness choices for themselves. It is cheaper to be well than sick.

I heard a commercial on TV the other day promoting a new pneumonia vaccine for folks over 50. In the commercial it espoused it’s effectiveness and hurriedly sped through the side effects, which sound worse than the symptoms of pneumonia. Then - it encouraged those who had already received a pneumonia vaccine (from a different provider ) should get this vaccine too - because it might help the first vaccine work better. I thought my head would explode. People, wash your hands, stay away from other sick people, take lots of vitamin C, zinc acetate at the first sign of a cold and take steps to restore your autoimmune system instead of just taking more meds. or getting more shots. That’s just common sense. While this is not a diagnosis of your illness nor am I a physician, the information we provide in our journal is evidenced based and backed by good science. Always speak with your physician before starting a new regime for treating an illness. We have to say that - so you can be informed that we (the editorial staff) are not doctors. Watch each issue of 2015 as we uncover the medical ignorance underlying the epidemics in America - the Leading Cause of Death We invite you to share our magazine with your friends and families, Feel free to post on your social media. If there is a subject matter you would like us to explore please email us at Thanks to William Faloon, Life Extension Magazine Sept.,2013


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Regular Contributors: Conni Bower Dr. Robert Low Jeena Nilson Anne du Fontaine Copyright 2010-2014 All rights reserved by Wise Consulting Group No part of this publication may be photocopied, reproduced or transmitted, without written permission of the publisher. Information available within this publication or on our website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in all matters relating to his or her health, and particularly in respect of any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. All content included in this publication is for educational and information purposes. Printed in the United States. 777 north 500 west #104 Provo, Utah 84601


much as I love summer , I really like Fall. The crisp wind whipping up falling leaves, the vibrant colors, sweaters and the harvest of summers bounty. I often reflect hat fall is my favorite time of the year - not to hot - not too cold and forever changing. Fall is unpredictable. It could rain , it could snow, it could be cloudy and gray or sunny and bright. The best part is the food time for homemade soups and breads, fresh veggies and warm ciders. As Fall is ever changing, it prepares for the end of one season and a time of new beginnings - winter. That is our plan here at Live Wise. We have finished another season and are looking forward to 2015 where we will have a vibrant new beginning. For months now, we have been planting the seeds for new content, new relationships, new circulation and a more bountiful audience. Please note the photos from Bainbridge Island, Washington. A stunningly quaint village on a picturesque island in the Puget Sound. 30 mins from Seattle on the ferry, Bainbridge Island is a perfect getaway spot for the holidays. Our photos are courtesy of Lindsey Ramirez who escaped the asphalt jungle of So. Calif to live next to the Grand Forest on the Island with her young family. You can visit her website at


up the mountain I saw him: The man in the red shirt. He rode a black bicycle. He was about 150 meters ahead of me. I intended to catch him. Little did I know what would happen when I did. I was pedaling my bicycle, climbing King’s Mountain Road. It’s one of my favorite bike rides in the Bay Area. It’s a five-mile, two-lane road that winds through redwood forest as it steadily climbs toward the top. This ride challenges me. It pushes me. It can be long, grueling and exhausting. Today it was more challenging than usual. There were several cyclists who passed me. They’d say hello as they rode past me. Their form, streamlined. Their technique, flawless. Their clothes, really bright. I admit I felt a little envious. Not of the bright clothes, but of their ability to pass me. And perhaps that’s why I got so fixated on the man in the red shirt. I first saw him when I came around a bend into a small clearing. He was about 150 meters in front of me-and I was gaining on him. Slowly. He disappeared around a turn and I pedaled hard, hoping to gain ground. When he came back into view, I could see that I was closer, but not as close as I wanted to be. This went on for several minutes. He would go around a turn and when he would come back into my view, he would be just a little closer. I was really pushing hard. My legs were burning. My knees ached. Sweat stung my eyes. I was in pain. But I persevered, struggling to catch him. As I got closer, I could see he was struggling too. Finally, I reached him. I rode up on his left. “Hey,” I said, struggling for breath. His face was red and sweaty. He was working hard. It was clear that he was also struggling physically. He smiled and looked at me. Then he said four words that completely changed my day: “What a beautiful day!” I was caught off guard. I looked up. The sky was a magnificent blue. A few small white clouds were strolling through the sky. Magnificent redwood trees towered majestically all around me. Even birds were singing. He was right. It was a beautiful day. Only I hadn’t noticed it. I’d been so stressed about catching up to him, that I hadn’t realized just

how spectacular this moment was! Continuing to ride, I felt the sunshine on my arms. I felt a slight breeze on my face. I felt how good it felt to be alive, to be using my body, and to be engaged in climbing this mountain. I still felt the pain in my legs, but it felt different. This man’s simple phrase changed my day. He helped me realize how often I get caught up in the struggle to reach a certain goal. I’d fallen into the trap of feeling like I’d only be satisfied when I caught up with the man in the red shirt. But each moment of the climb provides an opportunity to be happy and to find satisfaction in what is present right now.

“This man’s simple phrase changed my day”

THE STRESS OF STRIVING It’s easy to get stressed out when you’re striving toward something. With deadlines to meet and demands at home and at work, it’s easy to get so focused on accomplishing what needs to be done that you can forget about the simple act of being. This results driven mentality adds stress. This is the stress of striving. It’s something that happens to all of us. The stress of striving keeps us from noticing just how enjoyable life can be. The next time you’re working toward a deadline or feeling the pressure to perform, try these little things and see how you feel. BREATHE When you’re stressed, your breath becomes quicker and tighter. Notice your breathing. Feel what it feels like to breathe and see if it slows down a little on its own. LET GO OF PERFECTION What could you do if you weren’t striving toward perfection? How much mental energy would it free up if you could let go of the fear of not attaining your ideal? To be honest, the results of your striving are beyond your control. Put your energy on what your intention is and let the results worry about themselves. EMBRACE THIS MOMENT Pause. Look around. Take a moment to embrace this moment. Here you are! Wow. You’ve never been right here before. You’ve never experienced this moment before, and you never will again. CREATE SPACE FOR GRATITUDE Notice what is good about this moment. Gratitude is a powerful stress-stopper. What little things do you have to be grateful for right now? How is the challenge helping you grow? What unique gifts are you able to use? FOCUS ON PHYSICAL SENSATIONS It’s so easy to let the mind carry you away on a long journey into a cycle of stress and striving. By focusing on physical sensations, you can simplify this moment. You only feel physical sensations right now. You’re not feeling them in the past. You’re not feeling them in the future. You’re feeling them right now. This can help to reduce the mental struggle associated with stress. What red shirt are you chasing? What goals are you striving toward? The next time you’re feeling the stress of striving, try applying these little things one at a time. They can each make a big difference. Josh Wise

JOSH WISE counsels individuals and couples about increasing wellbeing and happiness through mindfulness practices. For the past five years, Josh and his young family have lived in Bali, immersing themselves in the culture and wisdom of the East. Blending Eastern wisdom and Western psychology, Josh shares powerful tools for overcoming anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship concerns. Josh has published two separate collections of guided meditations. Loving Now is a series of guided meditations for couples and 25 Days of Presence is a thorough introduction to mindfulness meditation. His work with mindfulness and relationships has been noted in Mindfulness Magazine and his meditations have been published on Omvana, the number one health and wellness app. He has masters degrees in Psychology and Alternative Education. Josh is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Psychology, exploring the health benefits of self-compassion. He lives with his wife and two young children in Ubud, Bali. You can find his writing and guided meditations at and



does your ideal life look like? Do you know it like the back of your hand? How close are you to living it? If you know more about what you don’t want in your life than what you do, there is a good chance that that is what is showing up for you. If you’ve heard that you attract what you think about but have a hard time changing what you think, you’re not alone. It is difficult to picture the life you want to live when you are in over your head putting out immediate fires and completely immersed in what you don’t want. When I came across Ideal LifeVision as a goal-getting and manifestation tool, the stress levels in my world were off the chart. My mortgage payment hadn’t been current in nearly a decade. I was working a 45-hour a week job, in addition to another part-time job and any side work I could get my hands on. I was too busy to take care of my family, and my kids were wondering if they had a mom. You’d think that for how little time I had I would at least have some cash, but I didn’t have an extra dime. We never went on vacation and never did anything fun. My physical health was beginning to suffer as well. I was struggling to get by on just a couple of hours of sleep a night and was totally exhausted. I was discouraged about the 40 extra pounds I could never shake, and I felt terrible. Then one day the miracle happened! I came across a program designed by Ann Webb called Ideal LifeVision. I decided to give it a shot, mostly out of curiosity. I wondered if it could be as simple as she made it sound to create a life makeover, and I desperately needed one. Desperately. Ideal LifeVision is a system that guides you to discover your purpose, create a clear vision, and reinvent your life with focus and intention. Minute clarity is what makes your life vision unique. It is a detailed declaration of intent/personal mission statement that includes the 5 key areas of your life: • Relationships (family and social) • Spirituality • Health and fitness • Professional and financial life • Emotional and personal development

Your Ideal LifeVision is first created on paper or on a computer in sections and is fine-tuned and tweaked until it feels complete as an expression of the “ideal you.” It includes the motive for wanting to achieve the details of your vision (your “WHY”) and also includes the How, Where, and When (the action plan) of specific goals. It typically runs between 5 and 12 pages typed. Now that’s detail! Your LifeVision is then recorded in your own voice with accelerated learning music in the background, using a program on your computer. It can then be downloaded onto your iPod (or burned to CD) and listened to daily. The process of listening daily to the ideal life you intend to create is incredibly powerful. The accelerated learning music accesses your belief systems at the subconscious level and begins to

rewire your brain from the inside, allowing you to change your thought process and thereby recreate the world that shows up for you on the outside. It literally sets a process in motion that activates and attracts the things you desire into your life. The Ideal LifeVision system puts your “ideal life” on the front burner daily, thus integrating these dreams into your life swiftly and efficiently. By listening to what your “ideal life” looks and feels like daily, you begin taking steps in that direction immediately. Because of the unique recording method and the type of music used, even when daydreaming and not particularly “listening” to your dreams, your subconscious mind still “hears” and responds. Each and every day you are FOCUSING on what you want and the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be narrows. By listening daily to the type of person you are becoming, your beliefs begin to change. These beliefs, which in turn create habits, begin to give way to new beliefs, thus creating new habits. The first obvious requirement to having what you want, is to know what you want. Most people can give you a detailed list of what they DON’T want, but how many people actually articulate in minute detail the things they desire in all areas of their life? I definitely knew what I didn’t want. I knew I didn’t want any more bill collectors to call me on the phone. I knew I had regrets in relationships that I had no idea how to fix. I knew I kept setting the same New Year’s resolution about my weight year after year and never made more than 5 pounds’ progress. I knew we had

been telling our kids we would take them to Disneyland for over 10 years and never even got close to getting there. I knew every time someone asked for something or had a great idea about something we could do, I could give them all the reasons we couldn’t do it. I pretty much had what I didn’t want memorized, and I could recite it in my sleep. Writing my life vision was definitely an exercise in imagination, and a fun one at that! I thought of everything I didn’t want and imagined what it might look like to have something different. What would it look like to have extra money left over at the end of the month? How would my body feel if I awoke with energy and enthusiasm every day feeling rested and alert? What if everyone could just pick up their own stuff and not make a mess? Better yet, what if I had someone to help me with my home management responsibilities so I didn’t have to do everything myself? What about that stack of books I was not getting around to reading? If I could travel, where would I go? How often? After facing my fears that Ideal LifeVision might work great for other peo-

ple but probably not for me, I did get caught up in the possibilities in my world of make-believe, and it felt good to have hope again - if only my life vision would perform like it had for other people I had talked to. After listening to my recording every day for a few weeks, the first “miracle” showed up. A friend recommended the perfect person/arrangement to help me with my house. Luckily, I recognized the opportunity as the line from my life vision that said, “I have someone help me with my house 3 hours a week, and my bathrooms are sparkly and shiny...” I realized my thinking had changed. The thing that had been impossible a few weeks previously turned out to be no big deal and actually a “no-brainer.” It was so easy that I truly was a little disappointed I hadn’t asked for more hours. That should be simple enough to fix, though; I just rewrote that section, rerecorded, kept listening, and waited...a few more weeks, until my modification also manifested with perfection. That was the beginning of an amazing journey. Within a few months, we took our family on a 10-day trip across the

country that was impossible before Ideal LifeVision. One child who had struggled with reading for years finally started to make significant progress. I started forming new habits. Managing my family became easier and less stressful. Clouds of depression started to lift. I was happier and much, much more fun. The perfect new office for my business showed up, previously considered completely out of reach. Broken relationships started to mend as I changed how I saw people and how I responded to them. I started desiring and acquiring healthier lifestyle habits, and I dropped 40 pounds like a rock. Where before I saw limitation, I began to gain confidence, and I started to have ideas on how to accomplish my goals and desires. What if there really is an alternate universe in which you live a different life, the one you were meant to live, the life where you play big, live your passion, and actually do what you are meant to do? What if all it takes is to decide what that looks like, record it, and listen to it daily? What are you waiting for? Transform your life today with Ideal LifeVision. Becky Rogers



, the ultraviolet portion of sunlight is the most easily eliminated by windows, houses, spectacles, sunglasses, sun lotions, and clothing. And why is that at a bad thing? Because ultraviolet light constitutes one of the most powerful natural medicines the world has ever seen. By the year 1933, researchers found there were over 165 different diseases for which sunlight proved to be a beneficial treatment, including tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes, and almost every type of cancer. To this day, no other treatment has shown such a wide range of benefits as sunlight. The miraculous complete cures of tuberculosis and many other diseases facilitated by doctors in the early twentieth century made headlines at the time. Remarkably, though, the sun's healing rays remained ineffective if the patients wore sunglasses. Sunglasses block out important rays of the light spectrum which the body requires for essential biological functions. Today, for whatever sinister reasons, the population is being bombarded with warnings about sunbathing and the risks of skin cancer. The sun is now considered the main culprit for causing skin cancer, certain cataracts leading to blindness, and aging of the skin. Only those who take the "risk" of exposing themselves to sunlight find that the sun actually makes them feel better, provided they don't use sunglasses, sunscreens or burn their skin. The UV-rays in sunlight actually stimulate the thyroid gland to increase hormone production, which in turn increases the body's basal metabolic rate. This assists both in weight loss and improved

muscle development. Farm animals fatten much faster when kept indoors, and so do people who stay out of the sun. Therefore, if you want to lose weight or increase your muscle tone, expose your body to the sun on a regular basis. Remember, being overweight or obese is major risk factor for developing cancer. Any person who misses out on sunlight becomes weak and suffers mental and physical problems as a result. His vital energy diminishes in due time, which is reflected in his quality of life. The populations in Northern European countries like Norway and Finland, which experience months of darkness every year, have a higher incidence of irritability, fatigue, illness, insomnia, depression, alcoholism, and suicide than those living in the sunny parts of the world. Their skin cancer rates are higher, too. For example, the incidence of melanoma (skin cancer) on the Orkney and Shetland Isles, north of Scotland, is 10 times that of Mediterranean islands. UV light is known to activate an important skin hormone called solitrol. Solitrol influences our immune system and many of our body's regulatory centers, and, in conjunction with the pineal hormone melatonin, causes changes in mood and daily biological rhythms. The hemoglobin in our red blood cells requires ultraviolet (UV) light to bind to the oxygen needed for all cellular functions. Lack of sunlight can, therefore, be held co-responsible for almost any kind of illness, including skin cancer and other forms of cancer. Using sun protection protects only the multi-billion dollar sunscreen and cancer industry but not your skin or your life. Consider these remarkable scientifically proven facts:


“Depriving your eyes of adequate exposure to ultraviolet light can have serious consequences.”

• improves electrocardiogram readings • lowers blood pressure and resting heart rate • improves cardiac output when needed (not contradictory to lower resting heart rate) • reduces cholesterol, if required • increases glycogen stores in the liver • balances blood sugar • enhances energy, endurance, and muscular strength • improves the body's resistance to infections due to an increase of lymphocytes and phagocytic index (the average number of bacteria ingested per leukocyte of the patient's blood) • enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood • increases sex hormones • improves resistance of the skin to infections • raises one's tolerance to stress and reduces depression

On the other hand, there is not a single scientific study which can prove that sunlight itself is responsible for causing skin cancers or other illnesses. There are always other factors present, such as acidosis of the tissues (due to eating an overly acidifying diet consisting of animal proteins, trans fatty acids, and manufactured foods and beverages), most pharmaceutical drugs, an accumulation of heavy metals and harmful chemicals in the tissues, toxic blood, a severely congested liver, an unbalanced lifestyle, and foremost of all, sunglasses and sunscreens. The human body was designed to absorb UV light for very good reasons; otherwise we would have been born with a natural sunscreen for UV light on our skin and in our eyes. One of the

most important reasons is that UV radiation is necessary for normal cell division. A lack of sunlight disrupts normal cell growth, which can lead to cancer. The wearing of sunglasses, including regular UV-reflecting spectacles and contact lenses, is largely responsible for certain degenerative eye diseases, such as macular degeneration. Most people who use sunglasses on a regular basis report continuously weakening eyesight. Depriving your eyes of adequate exposure to ultraviolet light can have serious consequences for your skin and even risk you life. Normally, as soon as the optic nerves of your eyes sense sunlight, your pituitary gland produces hormones that act as boosters for your melanocytes. Melanocytes produce melanin, the pigment that gives skin its natural color and protection against sunburn. When skin is exposed to the sun, melanocytes produce more pigment, causing the skin to tan, or darken, and your melanocytes start producing melanin on overdrive. However, when you wear sunglasses, this process becomes disrupted. Instead of kick-starting the melanocyte production to protect your skin against sunburn, your pituitary glands thinks it is getting dark outside and, thus, it greatly reduces production of melanocyte-stimulating hormones. Subsequently, your skin produces less melanin,

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which causes it to less protected and thus become damaged. The dramatically increased incidence of skin damage seemingly caused by the sun (but really by wearing sunglasses) is exploited by the sunscreen and cancer industry. The main reason the dermatology industry promotes sunscreen products is because it is heavily funded by sunscreen manufacturers. The pharmaceutical and medical industries never intended to cure diseases. Right from the beginning, it was their intention to make a lot of money by producing drugs and chemicals that would making up new diseases for which they would develop specific drugs and procedures to relieve symptoms but never really eliminate them. In the above example of sunlight, by advertising the dangers of sunlight and promoting the use of sunglasses and sunscreens, the pharma/medical industry made certain the number of skin cancers and numerous other health problems would increase. They then recommended the appropriate treatments to combat these diseases, which in turn will lead to further escalations of these same diseases. These principals of psychological deception are well known to the industry and are applied to almost every so-called disease. The result is that nearly every person in the United States already has or will develop one or several serious illnesses at some stage in their lives. Something as "harmless" as sunglasses or sunscreens has created a health disaster of unimaginable proportions. As the health author web site NaturalNews reported recently, a CDC study shows that 97 percent of Americans are contaminated with an extremely toxic sunscreen chemical called oxybenzone. This chemical is found in nearly 600 sunscreen products, including children's formulas. Most sun-blocking creams and lotions also contain avobenzone for broad-spectrum protection against short- and long-wave UVA rays which are falsely considered to be the main culprits responsible for long-term skin damage. (For details on how blocking out of some or all UV-rays leads to damage of deeper skin tissue, see "Heal Yourself with Sunlight" or Chapter 8 of "Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.") Most sunscreens also contain a cocktail of a dozen or more cancer- promoting fragrance chemicals and numerous petrochemical-derived synthetic substances. Many of these carcinogenic chemicals are readily absorbed through the skin, much to the annoyance of the consumer who has to keep reapplying the "protective"sunscreens. [Sunscreens come in the form pf lotion, cream, oil, ointment, stick, gel/jelly, spray, liquid, and pad.] The producers of these products claim that most of the harmful chemicals becomes degraded in the presence of sunlight and must therefore be safe for the consumer, a claim that is outright false since almost every person in America is contaminated by sunscreen chemicals (according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Avobenzone [butyl- methyoxydibenzoylmethane and oxybenzone particulary penetrate the skin very quickly. Other chemicals found in sunscreens include dixoybenzone, PABA and PABA esters (ethyl dihydroxy propyl PAB, glyceryl PABA, p-

aminobenzoic acid, padimate-O or octyl dimethyl PABA, Cinnamates (cinoxate, ethylhexyl pmethoxycinnamate, octocrylene, octyl methoxycinnamate), Salicylates (ethylhexyl salicylate, homosalate, octyl salicylate), Digalloyl trioleate and Menthyl anthranilate. There is an almost complete lack of any adequate safety testing of these chemicals. Cosmetics contain them, too, and the body absorbs them like a sponge. Many heavily-used chemical sunscreens have a strong free radical generating effect, which is the main reason behind skin cancer. Chemists use such chemicals to start free radical reactions during chemical synthesis. These chemicals are so dangerous that those who handle them in a laboratory must keep them away from their skin. When combined with other chemicals and exposed to ultraviolet light, they then generate the copious amounts of free radicals required to bring about the desired chemical reactions. On your skin, however, such chemical reactions, are everything but desirable. Oxybenzone, for example, which is

“97 percent of all Americans are contaminated with an extremely toxic sunscreen chemical called oxybenzone.� found in 97% of Americans, is activated by ultraviolet light that breaks its double bond to produce two free radical sites. These free radicals then oxidize and damage fats, proteins, and DNA of the cells-the types of damage that occur in skin aging and the development of skin cancers. One major study looked at how sunscreens could increase melanoma risk. Its team of researchers, Garland, Cedric F., et al, found that worldwide, the greatest rise in melanoma has occurred in countries where chemical sunscreens has been heavily promoted by the medical establishment and pharma/chemical industry. Queensland now has more incidences of melanoma per capita than any other place on Earth. The study was published by American Journal of Public Health, Vol.

82, No. 4, April 1992, pp. 614-15. The question why the incidence of skin cancer has increased so dramatically since the massive promotion of sunscreens should have raised a red flag among consumers, but, instead, it made them lather their skin with even more of these deadly chemicals. The mass media (financed largely by drug giants) made certain, the population would not hear about such important studies as the following ones: Dr. Gordon Ainsleigh in California found that the 17% increase in breast cancer observed between 1981 and 1992 may be the result of the pervasive use of sunscreens over the past decade (Ainsleigh, H. Gordon. Beneficial effects of sun exposure on cancer mortality. Preventive Medicine, Vol. 22, February 1993, pp. 132-40).

According to several studies, men who regularly use sunscreens have a higher rate of melanoma, and woman using sunscreens have a higher rate of basal cell carcinoma. (Garland, Cedric F. et al. Effect of sunscreens on UV radiation-induced enhancement of melanoma growth. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 86, No. 10, May 18, 1994, pp. 798-801 :Larsen, H.R. prevent skin cancer because they prevent sunburn, implying that skin cancers are caused by sunburn. But this is more a correlation than a cause-effect relationship. More recent studies done in England and Australia actually found much higher skin cancer rates among people who live mostly indoors compared with those who spend most of their time outdoors. As Drs. Cedric and Frank Garland of the University of California have pointed out, there is no scientific proof that sunscreens protect against melanoma or basal cell carcinoma in humans (Garland, C.F., et al. "Could sunscreens increase melanoma risk?" American Journal of Public Health, 1992; 82(4): 614-615.) According to the Garlands, the increased use of chemical sunscreens is the primary cause of the skin cancer epidemic. A study by Drs. Mike Brown (Kate Law of the Cancer Research Campaign) Philippe Autier (European Institute of Oncology in Milan) reported that children using sunscreen returned from holiday with more skin moles-a possible sign of increased cancer risk. Whether or not sunscreens increase the risk of developing skin cancer, at least there is over-

whelming evidence that sunscreens don't prevent skin cancer. In February 1998, epidemiologist Marianne Berwick of Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York presented a careful analysis of data on sunscreen use and skin cancer at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Sunscreens may not protect against skin cancer, including melanoma, she concluded. "We don't really know whether sunscreens prevent skin cancer," said Dr. Berwick. "After examining the available epidemiological data and conducting our own large casecontrol population-based study, we have found no relationship between sunscreen use at any age and the development of melanoma skin cancer," said Dr. Berwick. Although sunscreens do prevent sunburn, Dr. Berwick concluded that sunburn itself is not the direct cause of cancer. She argued that if people develop melanoma, it may be because they are genetically susceptible and likely to develop skin cancer regardless of the amount of sunlight exposure or protection from sunscreen.1 Dr. Berwick objected to the universal blanket advice about using sunscreens during all time spent outdoors. Dr. Berwick's previously conducted research (1996) found no relationship between a history of sunburn and the development of melanoma. The American Academy of Dermatology (ADA), which is largely funded through advertising sunscreen and

skin care products, of course strongly condemned Dr. Berwick's research and called her a "number crunching scientist." I guess that's what scientists do, crunch numbers. Now back to what sunscreens can actually do to you. They may not only be responsible for melanomas, but for many other types of cancer and dysfunctions as well. What's most disturbing is that many commonly used sunscreen chemicals have strong estrogenic actions which may seriously affect sexual development in children and sexual function in adults, and further increase cancer risks. Exposing your body to chemicals that can alter hormonal balance puts your health at great risk, to put it mildly. Of course, the sunscreen industry neglects to inform you that there is not much difference between drinking your sunscreen lotion and lathering it on your skin, except ingesting it would actually cause you much less harm because your digestive system would filter out most of the poison. The skin has no other option than to dump this cocktail of carcinogens right into the circulatory system, and from there, into the liver, kidneys, heart and brain. I will leave it to your imagination what such a chemical assault means for these vital organs. The Vitamin-D Factor Sunglasses and sunscreen agents are among the most health-endangering products that exist because they block absorption of ultraviolet rays which your body needs to produce vitamin D. Besides hindering the essential exposure of your eyes

and skin to the rays of the sun, the use of sunscreens and sunglasses is largely responsible for the chronic vitamin D deficiency that plagues 80% of the American population. Vitamin D- deficiency is associated with depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and almost every other degenerative disorder. "The elderly, who spend little time in the sun and use sunscreen agents frequently, may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency," according to a statement made by the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin D deficiency is strongly associated with bone disease and fracture. Makes you wonder why so many elderly people suffer from bone disorders. New research findings (published in the Archives of Internal Medicine June 9, 2008; 168(11):1174-1180) join a growing body of evidence indicating that an adequate level of vitamin D, which you can obtain by spending an average of 20 minutes in the sun each day (dark-skinned people may need an hour or more), is crucial to maintaining good health. Men who are deficient in vitamin D were found to have more than double the normal risk of suffering a heart attack or dying even after all other possible risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and high levels of blood fat were excluded. In addition, low levels of vitamin D showed an increased of developing diabetes and dying from breast cancer. And yet another new study published by the Archives of Internal Medicine June 23, 2008;168(12):1340-1349, shows that sunshine can cut your risk in half. This is what USA Today reported on June 23, 2008: Having low vitamin D levels has been linked with deaths from heart disease and other causes, adding to growing evidence about the "sunshine" vitamin's role in good health. People with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D were about two times more likely to die from any cause during an eight-year period than those with the highest levels. The link with heart-related deaths was particularly strong in those with low vitamin D levels. The study involved over 3,000 men and women in southwest Germany. Participants were aged 62 on average, and their vitamin D levels were checked in weekly blood tests.

It's estimated that at least 50 percent of older adults worldwide have low vitamin D levels, and a significant number of younger people may also be affected. Low vitamin D levels may result from spending less time outdoors, air pollution and a decline in your skin's ability to produce vitamin D from the sun as you age, the researchers said. You can't be Happy and Healthy without It- The Serotonin Connection Medical researchers are growing increasingly excited about a wonder drug that may significantly reduce your risk of

the major storage site is platelets, which collect serotonin for use in mediating post-injury vasoconstriction. Recent research suggests that serotonin plays an important role in liver regeneration and acts as a mitogen (induces cell division) throughout the body (Wikipedia). Failed induction of cell division is a leading cause of cancer. In addition, recent Italian research conducted at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Monterotondo found that defective signaling of serotonin in the brain may be at the root cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). This makes a lot of sense. Newly born babies who are being kept in dark rooms and rarely get out into the sun are deprived of vitamin D (purposefully not supplied by mother's milk) and produce little or no serotonin. Worldwide, many more babies die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in one year than who die of cancer, heart disease, pneumonia, child abuse, Cystic Fibrosis and Muscular Dystrophy combined. The Italian research shows that the tested mice suffered drops in heart rate and other symptoms of SIDS, and many of the animals died at an early age. Low levels of serotonin in the animals' brainstems, which control heartbeat and breathing, may have caused sudden death, researchers said in the July 4, 2008 issue of Science. Since serotonin in humans controls about the same functions as in mice, researchers believe that the same phenomenon occurs in human infants. The implications of all the existing research conducted on serotonin are widereaching. Any prolonged imbalance of serotonin levels in the body affects the most basic functions in the body. Although, fruits and vegetables contain serotonin, to digest these foods you require a healthy digestive system. The digestive system follows its own schedule, controlled by the serotonin cycle.(See more details in "The Wonders of Our Biological Rhythms," Chapter 5 of Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation.) The serotonin cycle, in turn, follows the circadian rhythm. This makes sunlight to be the most powerful and natural sustainer of life and health. Sunlight is pure medicine, and it's free.

“low levels of vitamin D showed an increased of developing diabetes and dying from breast cancer .� heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases-sunshine. Amazingly, one of nature's best medicines is right outside your doorstep, but many people choose to ignore it. We all know that plants and animals deprived of adequate sunlight become sick. Is it so surprising to find that humans could actually suffer the same fate? After all, the human body was genetically designed to be outdoors most of the time. By contrast, most people in the modernized world spend most of their time indoors. Spending most of the time inside buildings-cut off from the UV light and other healing rays of the sun-creates an enormous challenge for the body, mind and emotions. Ultimately, all hormones in the body are regulated by the circadian rhythm (day and night cycle). The powerful neurotransmitter and intestinal hormone serotonin closely follows the "movement" of the sun in respect to the earth. Peak secretion occurs during noon time when the sun's intensity is the strongest. In the central nervous system, serotonin plays an important role as a neurotransmitter (hormone) in the modulation of anger, depression, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, sexuality, appetite, and metabolism. In the gastrointestinal tract, which contains about 90% of the body's total serotonin, it is responsible for balanced digestive functions. In the blood,

MORE POINTS TO CONSIDER: Plan to avoid unnecessary or prolonged exposure to sunlight, especially during the midday period, but avoid protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Many drugs, such as LIPITOR/Atorvastatin, belladonna, furosemide, quinine, tetracycline, and doxycycline may make your eyes and skin sensitive to sunlight. Medication, stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and adrenaline, and illegal drugs can dilate the pupil, thereby allowing an excessive amount of light to enter the eye. This side effect may lead to the inappropriate use of sunglasses. Highly acid-forming foods, including meat, eggs, cheese, fried foods, and sugar, may also make your eyes and skin prone to sun damage. Accordingly, you may find you can never leave the house without sunglasses. It is a pretty serious condition when the sun becomes so dangerous that you have to hide from it. The net result is, that not getting enough sunlight lowers your vitamin D and serotonin levels and thereby increases your risk of cancer and many other illnesses. Also be aware that most cosmetics now contain UV-blocking chemicals. These include face creams, makeup products, moisturizers, lotions and anti-wrinkle creams. If you feel you absolutely need a sunscreen product because you are unable to avoid the direct midday sun, make sure it has mostly natural ingredients in them, such as Aubrey Organics Active Full Spectrum Sunblock SPF 25. Still, it contains PAPA Ester. Other ingredients include: Titanium Dioxide, Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base, Jojoba Butter, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Shea Butter, Organic Aloe Vera, White Camellia Oil, Lecithin, Canadian Willow herb Extract, Aubrey's Preservative (Citrus Seed Extract, Vitamins A, C and E), Silica, Jasmine Oil. Coconut oil, shea butter or aloe vera, may be sufficient for protection (see also African Black Soap, an African Shea Butter under New Health Products.. If you believe you have already been contaminated with harmful chemicals and heavy metals (from tooth fillings, water and food sources, such as fish), you may benefit greatly from purifying your blood and tissues with MMS, Natural Cellular Defense ( ) and Marine Phytoplankton ( Andreas Moritz originally posted on November 25, 2011



you meet Becky Rodgers, it’s easy to be impressed with her cheerful smile and bright, vibrant eyes. She has a bubbly, smart, effervescent personality. You can't help but get excited when you hear her talk about how much she loves the work she does. Becky is an energy healing practitioner. Energy work falls into that “ alternative” or “holistic” approach to healing. There are many different methods and now with the advent of technology, modalities continue to be developed using bio-techno hardware and software. Wikipedia defines energy healing as: “Energy medicine, energy therapy, energy healing, or spiritual healing is a branch of alternative medicine holding the belief that a healer can channel healing energy into the patient. The different methods are classified as hands-on, hands- off, and distant (or absent) where the patient and healer are in different locations. There are many schools of energy healing.” According to “Energy Medicine utilizes techniques from time-honored traditions such as acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, and qi gong. Flow, balance, and harmony can be noninvasively restored and maintained within an energy system by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin;

by tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects; by focused use of the mind to move specific energies; and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies.” Our bodies are electric. Our bodies and the earth have magnetic fields. Our cells are electric - their very life health depends on energy. When energy is nonexistent in our mitochondria, the brain gray matter shrivels and dies The environment that we live in is ever moving and changing - a system of energy. When we are healthy our brain and body thrives - balancing the flow of our energy fields. When our lives become filled with stress, trauma, illness and injury, conflict with our environment- a healthy system can detox and eliminate those influences. When a person is unhealthy, they can't process those energies. Healers refer to this state of poor health as blockages and imbalances. Energy healing allows for effective, non-invasive means to re-balance the mind, body and spirit, improving the energy body health, wholeness, healing, and balance. With a growing dissatisfaction with American Standard of Medical care, many folks are finding they are not getting better. They struggle with unexplained symptoms; they are over medicated, overweight,


ank the Cowdog imagines himself amazing. He takes himself completely

serious in this delightful series. In one episode he finds chicken feathers and proceeds to investigate a “murder on the ranch.” The old rooster, JT Cluck seems to know something about the

way to train warriors for war

murders as Hank inquires for

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being on our TEAM OF THOSE

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negative aspects of mediocrity.


discipline and provide an oppor-

As the worlds #1 toughest sport-

tunity to learn, kinesthetic aware-

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ness, problem solving, develop

sought out the most elite, pure

creativity and determination.

and complete “systems” to bene-

Gymnastics originated as a

fit the training aptitude and skill

Coach Nilson

435-754-7289 917 W 600 N Logan UT

depressed and filled with anxiety and energy healing practices provides an alternative that is noninvasive, affordable, comforting and apparently it actually works. There are many physicians who advocate energy work and use it in their treatment protocols. So I wanted to know more about Energy Healing and invited Becky to sit down with me and explain more about her work as a certified Body Talk practitioner. I had hoped for a formal sitdown interview, but it was such a fun conversation that I forgot to ask questions - here’s what I learned: Me: What is Body Talk - is it an Oliva Newton John song “ .. . Let's get physical - let me hear your body talk.: I couldn’t resist. Becky: The Body Talk System (TM) is an energy approach www. Which combines western medicine expertise, acupuncture energy, principles of osteopathic and chiropractic with applied kinesiology. It is a surprisingly simple way for the body to restore itself to synchronization. We use neuromuscular biofeedback (muscle testing) to communicate with the body. Me: Becky, who comes to see you for Body Talk work? Becky: Mostly women and even children. Depression

and Anxiety are the common symptoms. But the ailments are as varied as the people. People are not getting better, and their emotional state is so vulnerable and fragile. The beauty of Body Talk is that it is quiet, relaxing, non invasive, no medications are offered up and most people don’t have to bare their souls - describing every detail of their lives and why they are sick. Their body will tell me. Me: Is it affordable and does insurance cover it. Becky: Yes and No. Each practitioner is different in their pricing, and it can range from $50.00 to $150.00 a session. Sometimes a session can be 2 hours. We don’t diagnose an illness or mental health conditions. We are not therapists or medical professionals. We do not recommend any medical procedures or medication. For our clients who are seriously ill, we do of course, make sure that they are under a physicians care and should always consult with their Doctor if they are going to make any changes in what the Physician has prescribed. Me: In your experience with your clients what keeps people from successfully recovering - from whatever is ailing them. Becky: The biggest challenge for people who have been in a chronic condition for a long period is to trust in the process and follow through with lifestyle

“The cell will remember the medication long after the medication has stopped. I would clear that energy block during a session.”

changes that will enhance their healing process. Some have been in suffering for so long they have learned helplessness about getting better and remain as I call it - "unhealable." In energy work, we are instructed that all things have a “memory”. Even medications would have a memory, and certainly your body creates a “memory” about the experience within the cell. The cell will remember the medication long after the medication has stopped. I would clear that energy block during a session.

Me: What about scars that people have? Becky: Almost everyone has a scar from something. Old injuries or from a new surgery. It’s not that we believe that scars themselves cause other health conditions, but we believe that scars block the energy flow within the body. Scarring can, in fact, restrict blood flow, circulation, lymph health and nerve supply in the area of the scar. Remember, body talk doesn't diagnose or treat specific ailments - but through the body talk system and

clinical experiences - it has been shown that once their overall systems are balanced - clients have shown significant improvements. I love what I do. And body talk is a process that I can teach people to do themselves and help their family members. That process is the Access program and can empower people to be in charge of their health using energy based techniques.

Becky and I talked for a couple of hours, and I came away from the conversation with a wealth of information. If you are interested in more information about energy healing, I recommend the resources below. The Body Talk System was created by Dr. John Veltheim, an Australian Chiropractor, acupuncturist, philosopher and author. Becky Rodgers is a certified Body Talk practitioner practicing in Utah County. http://energyhealingpractices. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD.




September 21, 2013, I was driving back from a business meeting about 45 minutes away. It was about 8:30 at night. It was the very day of the fall solstice, so the sunset was in a slight turmoil. It was also pretty windy, so I wasn’t going very fast, abou 45 or 50. There I was, hunkered down behind my motorcycle windshield to lessen the push of the wind. I never follow anything or anyone when I am on my motorcycle-seriously, the car ahead of you could swerve to miss an armadillo, and you could hit it and die! Let be all the stuff people drop, from boxes to ramps! So, I was leading the pack, and traffic was fairly heavy on Valley View. Not only by surprise, but totally alarmed, about 15 feet ahead of me, just at the edge of my headlights, I see… “wow, what a large animal… BOAT!!!” BAM!!! The boat was a camouflage boat (figures!) and was alone, sideways, no trailer in sight. It was as if someone could climb in and toss out a line and start fishing right there. The nose of the boat was almost in the weeds, and there was no place to go. By “no place to go”-I mean that this particular stretch of road has swampland, dropoffs, bridges and barbed wire for fairly the entire length of the two lane highway. I am convinced that if I had been in my van I would have rolled and involved at least 7 or 10 cars. Now those kinds of crashes are always creepy out there on the highway and affect a lot of families! I am very grateful that I did not do that, and I am grateful that I did not die. Accidents happen, but I still had angry resentments to work thro ugh. Many times in life I have wondered what the words on my lips will be as I exit this life. Will I go rolling and tumbling- like the Littlest Angel did-

right up to the feet of God’s throne, perhaps with inappropriate words spewing from my mouth? Well, after this adventure I might know! As I was continuing to move forward, having left my motorcycle at dead stop, I was saying out loud, “This cannot even be real. Just tell me right now that this is not even happening! Seriously?!” I found myself next on my hands and knees. I knew I should get off the road. I was shortly going to be somebody’s road bump; I was doing a combination of crawling, dragging and rolling towards what were weeds by the side of the road. I was saying and praying intensely, aloud, “Please help me get off the road; I need to get off the road, please help me.” Instantly there was a lady there, she said her name was Kim, and she was

a first responder and could she help me? I answered her, “You betcha, thank you very much. Please help me get off the road?” She helped me drag the last about 3 feet. HOLY MOSES MALONE-next several people rolled me from my stomach, which I was quite content to lie there on, onto my back. Now that was some serious pain right there, and I was thinking, “I wonder if that was a very good idea, after all, what if my back is whacked out? Gadfreys, I am not going to appreciate being a quadriplegic!” A beautiful young woman with pretty silver necklaces knelt by me and took my hand and said she was driving behind me and watched me hit the boat. I thanked her for not running over me, and I asked her what she saw. She said I went rolling in the air and came down on the ground still rolling.

Now, I am going to give credit to all the years of gymnastics training, karate training, and whatever Angels on the scene were doing to spot me through that. I had her call my Husband and tell him I was going to the hospital. An EMT happened to stop, he knelt down and was holding my head. Almost in the next breath a cop was there who said his name was Corey I thought. I asked him if he knew Ty, my son in law, and he said he did. I think I was trying to make it look like I had some good sense left so they wouldn’t freak out or something? I shut my eyes and started just trying to breathe decently so I wouldn’t cry (I hate crying, it makes your eyes sting and your nose run!) . I heard a voice and felt someone else take my hand, and she started talking to me. I said, “McMurdie?!” because I recognized the voice. She said, “Close enough.” I then felt like everything would be ok. Logan Regional couldn’t help me because they don’t have the equipment to deal with what would be a major bleed possibility. So I rode an ambulance to McKay Dee, about an hour away. I wasn’t operated on for another five days. My pelvis on the right side was in several pieces, and the joint was crushed. At one point in that waiting period, they decided they were going to move me a bit. Even though I begged them not to, they thought they knew better than I did, so they gathered about six people to do it “very carefully”. YEAH RIGHT!! My Husband later said, “I didn’t know she was capable of that volume.” That is hilarious, as I am not quiet. They cut me open and puzzled me back together with a plate, and lots of screws and a bolt in my spine and I began the process of mending. It was a long winter. My husband was still recovering from a broken neck; my Mother passed away, and I was confined to my bed. Many weeks had passed before I was able to transition to a wheelchair. Boy, was I cranky and frustrated. I graduated to a cane and walker after months and tried to keep a halfway decent attitude. Truthfully, my hand and shoulder got so sore from pressing hard on the cane in my determination to be free of the

wheelchair! My hands were so strained that playing the piano became difficult and not fun nor satisfying like it should have been. One of my granddaughters told her mama that she thought I hated the grandkids. It was so hard to chase them and keep them safe when I was in charge that I guessed my pain and frustration and fear easily showed through to a child. Oooooops! Then seven months later, they cut me open, took out all the screws and the plate, but not the bolt in my spine. They sawed off the top of my femur and hammered and screwed in some joint hardware so I can now walk again. The doctors didn’t want to take out the bolt-ever, but I needed it out! You see, 17 days before the wreck I was organizing a karate tournament, where I was also to serve as a judge. Three months prior to the accident, I was in a tap dance in a 50-year anniversary celebration of my childhood dance studio! In the spring, I had been my daughter’s partner for a 20 unit Black Belt test. CLEARLY I was not going to put up with being handicapped. I talked a friend into helping me rehabilitate, and I have followed his direction, well, pretty darn wellnot perfectl y! < /span> That was the hard part. Now I will tell you both the easy part AND THE MIRACLE of it. My family owns an Olympic Gymnastics Gym, and we use Genesis Pure products for the performance enhancing benefits. I had been casually using the nutritional product since 2007. I had experienced the benefits prior to my accident and knew that if I were to heal quickly and properly I would need

to focus on my nutritional health not just taking pharmaceutical poisons. I reasoned that if the product was the very best in the world for enhancing sports performance, sustaining wellness through nutrition-then that was what I was going to give my body to help it heal. After all, I may only have one chance to mend this damage. I was completely resistant to using pain medication. While I am not a masochistic pain lover, I didn't want to create a bio-chemical conundrum that would interfere with the mending of my bones. I worried taking synthetic pharmaceuticals would create toxins I couldn' t eliminate, and there is the addiction concern. However, I knewI would need to use them. I also knew that the correct balance of nutrients would mend my bones and help me cleanse toxins. Genesis Pure has a mantra of Cleanse- Balance and Build, and that is exactly what I was going to do. I never imagined I would be a walking testimonial - but then again I am blessed to be walking. During my recovery, I created my protocol for recovery using Genesis Pure products. Those products included Organic Sulfur, Daily Build, GoYin, Hydration, PRO- ARGENINE, Energy drink, Coral Calcium and Liquid Cleanse. I would advocate this process for anyone wanting to restore their health and wellness. Of course, you should always consult with your physician before starting any nutritional protocol as even the best nutrients in the world can create an adverse affect when combined with some medications. I am happy to report I am riding the roads again and gleefully able to do handstands (carefully). For more information on Genesis Pure products, please click this link and visit my home page. Jeena Nilson, Wife, Mom of 6, grandmother of 12 lives not quietly in Cache Valley, Utah. Karate Black Belt, former gymnastics coach, USU College Club, Partner owner Altius Gymnastics, Owner Logan Chapter Kimber Academy, Political activist, Genesis Pure IBO-Gold, motorcycle mama, Utah State University, BA, MS



of women are driven to distraction obsessed with plucking the one (or more) annoying chin hair tat has cropped up out of no-where. Leg hair is not stiff and prickly with a root so deep it must start in China - that it hurts when you pluck it out. And they tend to be black (or gray) and witch-like. So maybe witches have chin hairs not because they are ugly, wizards of the forest, casting spells on innocent passer-by’s - but they are in menopause. IT'S HORMONES LADIES. THAT'S ALL - HORMONES. Women who reach menopause sometimes notice an undesirable phenomenon--increased facial hair growth. This is normal and not a cause for concern. However, many women view this as a cosmetic problem and seek to remove the unwanted hair. Hormonal changes are responsible for the new mustache- and chin-area hairs. Dr. Oz reports that it can be an unwelcome change for menopausal women, because of hormone changes. About 30 percent of women report unwanted hair on the face as they experience hormone changes later in life. The culprit is too much testosterone. It can also be a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome or by the loss of estrogen after menopause, which accelerates hair growth. Excess hair is generally a harmless condition, but you can treat it a number of ways, including bleaching, plucking, laser

therapy, or electrolysis. If you're going to wax any part of your body, ask to have room-temperature wax. Hot wax; the cooler kind will do less damage as the wax rips the hair and follicle from our skin. You should wait if you are taking steroidal medications like Accutane if you are considering waxing- it can rip your fragile skin. For many women, they will experience improvement when they lose weight as that will reduce estrogen dominance or the storing of testosterone in fat cells. "Estrogen affects every body organ system, including skin. Estrogen receptors appear to be most abundant around the face, genital area lower limbs. That means these areas are most vulnerable to reduced amounts of circulating estrogen, reports the Dermatological Society. Thus, skin conditions involving these areas, such as unwanted hair, are more common in peri- and post-menopausal women than in their younger counterparts. Having more hair than desired is more common in women who do not use hormone replacement therapy." So what do you do. Some women have a serious imbalance that will result in the onslaught of great furriness. Talk to your doctor about testing your levels of testosterone. In menopause, it isn't that you need more estrogen, but more likely that you should add progesterone to balance your hormone deficiencies. Staff



37 years of loving to decorate & bake cakes I still have that one great go to recipe that everyone loves & every last bite disappears. Grapefruit Cake. It's delicious. It melts in your mouth and no one has ever been able to distinguish what the flavor is. It has a smooth citrus flavor that blends heavenly with the luscious cream cheese grapefruit frosting. THE HISTORY OF THIS RECIPE It was served in the famous "Brown Derby" restaurant in Hollywood, California. It was prepared & served with grapefruit sections in center of cake. I've found this makes a puddled center so I' ve excluded the grapefruit sections in cake. This recipe has been requested in almost every wedding cake I've ever. Enjoy!

• Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

GRAPEFRUIT CAKE For a simply perfect every time cake, I use a "Betty Crocker" white cake mix. Simply replace the water in recipe with white grapefruit juice. (Always purchase glass or plastic container (never metal) for grapefruit juice.) follow directions on mix & bake according to pan size of choice. *note: if you bake your cakes at at lower temp of 325 degrees your cakes will bake more evenly & you won't have the high center. GRAPEFRUIT FROSTING 1 2lb. Bag of powdered sugar. 1 1/2 pkg. cream cheese, softened. 1 stick of butter. (Not margarine) Grapefruit juice

Blend cream cheese & butter until whipped smoothly. Slowly add grapefruit juice alternately with powdered sugar until desired consistency. So not add too much liquid. This icing is stable enough to use to pipe borders but not great for fancier decorated cakes. This is dessert that everyone will love. For wedding cakes I use buttercream decorator icing & use the cream cheese icing in between layers. Works well & still tastes amazing. Enjoy. Connie Bower

• Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Disease

• Depression

• Hypothyroidism

• Chronic Fatigue

• I.V. Therapy

• Fibromyalgia

• Low Libido

• Hyperthyroidism

• Lyme Disease • Weight Loss

Dr. Andrew Peterson, DO 877-366-1247

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