Living Aloha Magazine-September/October 2014 Issue

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Solar Spotlight making the shift

Sustainability tastes so good

SHAKA Movement

Mālama Pono Why a YES vote on the GMO Moratorium is crucial

6 (Located in the back)


in this issue:

on the cover 08 MāLAMA PONO 12 SHAKA MOVEMENT 18 SOLAR SPOTLIGHT 26 TASTY Sustainability



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on the GMO Moratorium Vote YES — november 4th

Living Aloha Magazine is devoted to raising awareness about one of the most important elections Maui’s ever had, which is happening on November 4th. The people of Maui are clearly being poisoned by GMOs that are completely illegal in other countries. In fact, we were in Iao Valley shooting the photos for our cover story, and a by-stander from New Zealand, when asked what he thought about GMOs, said it is unlawful to grow them in his country. Given the health risks of GMO consumption and the detriment their cultivation can cause to our health because of all the chemical spraying they are doing, concerned citizens of Maui are seeking a moratorium to be placed on their production here on Maui. This moratorium targets chemical companies, not farmers (like the biotech companies falsely claim). This moratorium will put a pause on the GMO-corn-seed-plus-Roundup-weed-killer package – that’s not farming, that’s a business model based on creating a need for their latest chemicals. Maui Medical Center has been seeing many cases of illness that they can’t explain—that they have never seen before. With that in mind, we feature the SHAKA Movement, a local grassroots organization dedicated to protecting, preserving and improving the state of Hawaii. Submitting a new ordinance to the county requires 5 citizens within the county to represent the proposed new law. We have interviewed these 5 brave citizens who have brought forth the first-ever successful citizens’ initiative in Maui County. Over 20,000 people have shown their support for this movement and SHAKA is growing by the thousands each month.

We thank you for your dedication and service to stand up for the Hawaii State Constitution and protect the keiki and the ‘aina for current and future generations.

Aloha Friends! 4

Living Aloha




Publisher/Editor: Carlos Garcia Operations Manager: Sabrina Harmony Sims Art Director: Robyn Rolfes Graphic Design: Robyn Rolfes Andrea Scholz Sabrina Harmony Sims Cathy Strong Joe Mellone Heidi Erhardt Mark Sheehan

Writers: Sabrina Harmony Sims Denise LaBarre Home Le’amohala Robyn Justo

Photography: David Randall Cadencia Photography Living Aloha Magazine PO Box 790211 • Pala, HI 96779 • 808-419-6147 • Circulation P.A.I.N. Distribution 310-488-1911

Living Aloha Magazine • volume 1 - Issue 5

Published by Living Aloha Magazine PO Box 790211 • Pala, HI 96779 Copyright © 2014 by Living Aloha Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for public or private use, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For subscription or copy inquiries please contact the publisher at 808-419-6147.


to Supporters and Readers

This summer here in paradise has been a good one. We’re grateful that Maui is embracing Living Aloha Magazine. Our advertisers are overjoyed by the response they received to their ads and we are happy to promote healthy local businesses to a health-conscious community. More potential advertisers see the thorough distribution we have set up to best connect the people interested with the services we offer. When you visit one of our advertisers, please let them know that you read about them in Living Aloha; it means so much to us. This issue, we put a spotlight on healthy local businesses, healthful eating habits and sustainability of the self, the home and our home island.

Mahalo nui loa for reading!


—The Living Aloha team


our mission statement and vision Living the Aloha Lifestyle is a way to attain optimum health, peace, love and compassion in yourself so you can spread it to your world. Living Aloha Magazine incorporates all aspects of aloha into our daily lives and features Hawaii as a learning center for how to live aloha. We support the aloha lifestyle through honoring and advocating for all life by elevating consciousness toward healthful living practices that sustain the individual, the community, all animals, and the planet. Our vision is to reflect and promote a compelling aloha culture through this publication creating an outwardly rippling vortex of energy bringing aloha to the wider global community.

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a look at

Personal Sustainability by Denise LaBarre

Sustainability is a hot topic, and rightly so. However it is not a new and radical concept; sustainability simply means aligning ourselves with Nature’s built-in ability to maintain balance. Reflections about sustaining our planetary ecosystem extend to our personal ecosystems as well. That means keeping ourselves in healthy balance and replenishing our life force so we can continue to do our good work and play well throughout our lives. Our socialized directive to constantly buy more, do more, and eat more doesn’t work with our bodies. You can’t just get a new one that is faster, shinier, and with more features—unless you call this “death”. Your body already has impeccable built-in self-repair features (healing) and a feedback system for letting you know what it needs at any moment. You have to let it be part of your management team and give it the right conditions. In other words, lead with your heart and guts as often as with your mind. In our busy, over-full lives, it can be hard to find anything to eliminate as we look for ways to slow down, consume and do


Living Aloha


less. But eliminate and balance we must. Sometimes the hard choice is to not help that organization or not put in that overtime because we need to spend time with our kids. Our kids and loved ones want us to take care of ourselves. They want us to model what good selfcare looks like so they can do it, too. Filling everyone else’s tank without replenishing our own is not sustainable. As my favorite Buddhist proverb says, “The mother of a starving family feeds herself first.“ Bio-diversity is just as critical for us as it is for farming and bees and plants. Eating a variety of clean foods according to the seasons keeps you in touch with the ebb and flow of natural availability. Take time to cook from scratch. Vary your exercise routine. It may be more efficient to exercise exclusively on a treadmill, for example, but that over-trains certain muscles at the expense of others. For the long-haul, you want to mix it up: hiking, surfing, running, or paddling, with non-aerobic exercise like yoga or qui gong.


As you look at your bio-footprint, you may ask yourself the following questions: • A m I replenishing the energy I expend in my work and care giving by spending time in nature, eating good food, and balancing work with play? • D id my week include time for adequate Exercise? Rest? Sleep? Time with loved ones? • D o I see the big picture of my Life? Health? Relationships? • Do I need a change of perspective?

• D o I put myself at the bottom of the list and care for everyone else first? And finally ask, “What adjustments do I need to make next week to balance myself better?” Improvement happens one step at a time. Moving from overwork and over-consumption simply requires an attitude adjustment to where we see less as desirable—because it is generous, appropriate, and ultimately, feels better.

Body Whisperer, Denise LaBarre, has a private healing practice on Maui - 808-575-2244. You can learn more body-emotional wisdom in her book, Issues in Your Tissues: Heal Body and Emotion from the Inside Out or go to her website:


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Mālama Pono [Take Good Care]

b y Heidi Erhardt Educator, Activist, Teacher, Mother

Do you care about the children? Do you care about the water you drink and swim in? I do, and I imagine you do. And that’s why I’m writing this article and why I’ve joined the Shaka Movement. This is my story. I am a guest on these islands. I’ve only been here for 15 years, not 15 generations. But I care. Each time I ask what I can do to give back, to give thanks for the incredible blessing it is to live here, I hear, “Work for the `aina and work for the keiki. ” That’s what this movement is about. Our future…

hybridizing not found in Nature. Crossbreeding plants with animals, bacteria, viruses, pharmaceuticals and now deadly pesticides is an experiment agro-chemical companies have been conducting on the American population for decades. The first time I watched the documentary The Future of Food was about ten years ago. At one point the narrator said, I’m a teacher and “The Japanese became a hanai government is mother when watching what I adopted my happens to nephew 10 years American children ago and brought before they allow him to Maui. GMO (Genetically The future my Modified students and child Organisms) into —Hippocrates are inheriting their food supply.” is at risk, and The picture on the we’re seeing the screen showed consequences already. BioTech children playing. That’s when it hit companies rely on large volumes me. I cried. of chemical combinations and

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


Living Aloha



We have become the science experiment for agro-chemical companies… I’m worried and that’s why I support the pre-cautionary principal. We are not asking the BioTech companies to leave—we just want them to prove that our precious children and island are safe before proceeding with more experiments. The GMO moratorium that will be on the ballot this November is just hitting the pause button long enough for proper tests to be made to determine that the mix of chemicals and pesticides they are using is indeed safe. There are many concerns that GMO opposers hold. The focus of this moratorium is based on the concern people have of the MIXING of chemicals and

pesticides. That’s why I call it a science experiment. Each chemical by itself has been approved separately (though glyphosate or round up has been shown to cause breast cancer). The danger we’re facing is that they are mixing these chemicals and pesticides. There is medical and scientific evidence showing bio-residual build up in our soils, and water tests showing 100% contamination and toxicity. That’s for real. That’s inarguably unsafe. The simple truth is I’m scared. I’m watching the schools fill with autistic and special needs children, breast cancer skyrocketing and developing in my most healthy and vibrant friends, heart disease, food allergies and so many disorders on the rise that have been linked, tracked and rising with the introduction and rise of GMO’s into the food supply. Whether or not it’s the chemicals and pesticides or the injecting of DNA from animals, bacteria, viruses and pesticides that is making people sick, it doesn’t matter. We have enough evidence to want to pause temporarily and rethink our choices. When they say they’ve proven it safe, it’s simply not true. The only studies that have proven GMO’s to be safe are experiments paid

for and conducted by Monsanto and the other agro-chemical companies. A chemical company is producing food, doing tests on its food and telling us it’s safe… and we believe them? In keeping with scientific research principals, independent labs have duplicated the research done by the Bio-Techs and found that by continuing the experiments more than a mere 3 months, unacceptable levels of tumors appear on lab animals. I understand there are people that are worried about losing jobs, but one of the things I appreciate most about these islands, the Hawaiian people and the spirit of aloha, is the Hawaiian value of `ohana. “`Ohana means no one gets left behind” said one of my students today. We take care of each other, and Shaka is currently strategizing training, placement and employment programs ahead of time to support the potentially displaced biotech workers. We need to mālama (take care) of each other and these islands and we need everybody’s kokua (help). These are values woven into Hawaiian culture and part of why I’ve made this my home. It’s the tribal way to think 7 generations ahead. And if we want our children and grandchildren to live happy and healthy lives, for the aina to

Living Aloha


be safe enough to farm in and the water safe enough to drink and swim and surf in, we need to take care and move slowly when it comes to overuse of chemicals and pesticides. Monsanto actually has no reason to miss a day of production. I invite them to mālama their workers by using their assets to make a smooth transition back to producing hybrids and using fewer chemicals. Rather than using those assets for publicity campaigns to misinform, scare, coerce or manipulate their workers, our community and the children in our schools, they could transform their company and their image and become heroes instead. It would be a shame to see them launch a lawsuit when that money could be used for the benefit of their workers and safer hybrid seed production. It’s difficult to see people suffer, especially our loved ones. It becomes worse when we know it’s not necessary, that there is a choice involved. Now, more than ever before, what we buy at the grocery store has long lasting effects and quite possibly severe repercussions on our health or our family’s health. Now, more than any other election, it’s important to get registered and vote YES on the GMO Moratorium.





• I n more than 60 countries, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs. • I n January 2012, Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace said GMOs were a “new form of slavery,” and he has spoken out about their danger to the environment and humans. • T he US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health says, “Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors.” Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in GMO crops.

Just a few statistics to support what I’m saying if you still have a doubt or think GMO’s are safe: • A petition, drawn up in 2009 shows over 800 researchers who oppose genetically modified organisms (GMO). • T he U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has announced that genetically engineered (GE) crops and bee and bird-toxic neonicotinoid pesticides will be banned in National Wildlife Refuges. • In May, Vermont became the first U.S. state to pass a mandatory GMO labeling law. It takes effect July 1, 2016. • A district judge in Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula withdrew Monsanto’s permit to plant genetically engineered Roundup-ready soybeans on 625,000 acres of cropland. The judge was convinced by scientific evidence demonstrating that GMO crops pose a major threat to honey production.

I’m no different than any of you reading this article. I want what’s best for my family and friends. I want us to be happy and healthy and live together in a good way. Let’s learn from the 60 countries that have banned GMO’s and the thousands of doctors, researchers and scientists that deem them unsafe. By voting YES on the GMO Moratorium you are simply saying, “pause until you can prove that the particular practices in our fields are safe.”


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our land

is Chief

by Joe Mellone

Many of us are new to the islands, while others have long since rooted in this beautiful land in the middle of the largest of oceans. There is an important lesson to learn here and that is the way of Aloha. Those of us from afar, learned the word Aloha means both hello and goodbye and, while this is true, there is a deeper meaning to why this is. Aloha goes beyond the five poetic letters that harbor together as one and when examined closely and felt within, you realize that Aloha embodies all that is good and pure in our island world and promises that this is also possible in the world as a whole. The word Aloha derives from the Polynesian ancestors who first inhabited the islands and, at its root, means love. Love for all things, and to express love in all we do, to all we meet and to hold in reverence and respect all that we are blessed with. When we say hello or goodbye, we are giving love to one another. This is the essence of “Living Aloha”. Recently, while doing the photo shoot for this cover story in Iao Valley, we had the opportunity to speak with and interview the five citizens of the SHAKA Movement (Sustainable Hawaiian Agriculture for the Keiki and the ‘Aina). The Hawaiian word Keiki meaning children and ‘Aina meaning land. Their website ( states the SHAKA Movement is an advocacy, communications and educational outreach program and hub, where people and organizations come together to work in unison toward sustainable practices to affect a positive change for the environment and for the people of the Hawaiian Islands. The five citizens are Native Hawaiians with direct ancestral connections to the islands and during the interviews, we asked each of them what they believed the meaning of Aloha was and what it was not. In their words this is what they spoke.


Living Aloha



Aloha means love for all things. Living Aloha is our opportunity to practice and make a difference in this world, give of ourselves, from the small plot of Earth you find beneath your feet, to the livelihood that brings life to your family and your community. As we give, we receive—a better planet, a better world.

Alika Atay Ali‘I, Teacher, Indigenous Hawaiian Natural Farmer, Community Servant “For me, it is Aloha ‘Aina. The concept Aloha ‘Aina is giving love back to the land. The land is the Chief. The land is what feeds us. We must take care of the ‘Aina, the land, we ought to give Aloha. I go to work and just last week the boys are with me and we are farming and they had an interesting revelation and said, ‘Uncle we are not working, we are giving Aloha to the Aina.’ ‘Yes,’ I told them, that’s what this is! We were not begrudgingly showing

up and just farming, we are hopefully anxiously showing up ready to give Aloha to the Aina. And where does this connect with GMO? GMOs are hurting and killing our Aina, killing soils, the microbes and we question how soon the water tables will be affected. We need to get all people to understand the shift back and look to the past and shift back to the Aloha Paradigm and practice Aloha ‘Aina, love of the land.”

Lorrin Pang, MD Endocrinologist (Diabetes and Hormones Specialist), Genetic Expert and Medical Researcher, Consultant to WHO, Consultant to the United States Congress, Maui District County Health Officer. He participates and speaks as a private citizen. “I was raised in these lands and Aloha starts with the feeling and respect of these lands and a respect for people who have all came from the same place. When outsiders arrive, they can share it or set up their own dominions, but if they don’t respect the land, they have a hard time relating to them. I have lived overseas and the land was horrid, no rain or respect from the people, but it is possible for people to come together and pray for the land and it will give back. The success comes from a common feeling toward the land. But to come in and change the land to how they think it should behave like in Indiana, I have a hard time relating to these folks. Sometimes people do come here and we expect them to study and have respect for what we do here. For example, several years I lived in Brazil in the northeast where it was very dry and instead of just coming Living Aloha

in and preaching irrigation, we sat with them and listened and studied what they know about rains, what they know about the land. We listen to what they are doing. They are smart and we learn from them. However it is a little arrogant to come into a land and change a system without first sitting with the land and studying and learning from the people who have known the land for so long. Without sitting with the land and learning, we could end up with disasters like along the Mississippi river where cancer rates are off the charts because of the rainwater that has washed the pesticides into the river. Perhaps we would not have the cancer problem here and the ocean would take away and cleanse the water, but first it will go to the reefs where a disaster could happen. People must first sit, look around and learn from the people of the land. Aloha is respect for the land and to learn about the system.” |



Bonnie Marsh, ND Citizen of Haiku Town and a Naturopathic Physician & Registered Nurse “Aloha to me is the breath, the beauty, the sharing, the community, the honoring of the ‘Aina of all beings and especially the little organisms under soil. Aloha is responsibility for speaking up for the ‘Aina, for the Keiki

and all beings and even the smallest little organism. It is very sad the GMO farming is killing, sterilizing and poisoning the little organisms, our land and ultimately all beings”.

Mark Sheehan, Ph.D. Has a BSS in Social Science, M.A. English Lit, U. Wisconsin Ph.D. Education U.C. Berkeley. It is my duty to act to protect our keiki and the aina. “Aloha ‘Aina means the love of the land, the care of the land, the care for the energy, for the vitality of the land and environment that nourishes us and it applies the same way to people. Open hearted expression, loving, and acceptance from heart to heart.

Aloha is caring – to nurture, protect, embrace, give and receive love. That cannot be done with artificial means, with chemicals, but can only be done in a natural organic way. We have to protect the environment, protect people. Poisoning people is not Aloha.

There is no Aloha in risking peoples’ health by contaminating their environment and people with massive amounts of chemicals with unknown impacts, some of which are becoming known and evident day by day.

Poisoning Paradise is the opposite of Aloha. They can’t even allow the disclosure of what is going on because it would freak people out. Perhaps they are addicted to profits. Addiction is not Aloha. Contamination is not Aloha and using courts so people can’t protect themselves is not Aloha.”

Lei’ohu Ryder A spiritual leader, visionary, healer, singer/songwriter, and educator on Maui “Aloha is the breath of spirit that unifies all life as one ohana (family). Whether in human or animal form, it is that compassion, and that love and forgiveness that is authentic to all life. What the GMO is inviting us to do is to be the open hand of Aloha without judgment, separation, but to simply come to the table to express respect and Aloha for what we love.


Living Aloha



We love the land. We love our families and we are here to create balance and peace and a healthy lifestyle. And what’s been happening to our land is one idea of Aloha, the poison that people feel is Aloha because they think it will bring a kind of prosperity, but really we are harming ourselves. Aloha is a spiral in and of itself. It is something that can not be defined but it is something that each one feels and knows.

Even saying love, acceptance, forgiveness, spirit, is one way of expressing Aloha, but Aloha in and of itself is a spiral no more, no less— than you and I and every living thing.

And when we allow Aloha to be that expression in and of itself, there is something that is created and unifies all of us as one tribe and one ohana—so that there will be peace in the land.”

The Genetically Modified Organisms have infiltrated our way of life and our food sources. The GMO foods promise to bring more food to the population—but at what cost to our land, our waters, ourselves, our children and their children? And as Mark Sheehan spoke of how the courts are being used to prevent us from protecting ourselves, we received news on August 25, 2014 where a United States judge in Honolulu deemed the Kauai County law requiring companies to disclose their use of pesticides and genetically modified crops to be invalid. The ruling was in favor of the four GMO seed companies seeking to stop Kauai’s new law from going into effect in October, arguing the ordinance unfairly targets their industry. The fight is not over and the ruling will be appealed in a higher court, but this is not Aloha ‘Aina and certainly not love for the people who rely on the land for nourishment and life.

Living Aloha is a way of life, your life and the more we practice and contribute and do, the closer we come to Living Aloha.

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The upcoming GMO Moratorium vote is our right and what we can do, to take action toward Living Aloha and to fight back against corporations who seek only to profit themselves at the cost of others. Let’s not let profits destroy our futures. As Alika Atay spoke, we must shift back to the Aloha Paradigm. In a letter to the editor published in a recent issue of Maui Weekly written by Autumn Ness, exemplifies how the GMO Moratorium vote is practicing Aloha. The GMO corporations target our tropical paradise, our land and waters by obtaining more open-air experimental crop permits, some of which are illegal, than anywhere else in the United States. The moratorium vote is our Aloha way of regulating these chemical companies and holding them accountable to first sit with the land so that lessons may be learned as to what is being attempted here and to understand both the short term and long term effects of their actions and experimentation. Hawaii is not a laboratory with Bunsen burners, stainless steel sinks and drains into the abyss. Hawaii is the land that provides for the people who reside here, who lovingly live here, raise families and embrace all that we are so fortunate to be blessed with. Together we have the ability to make a difference and to protect and Aloha ‘Aina (love the land). Let us embrace Living Aloha. Alika Atay spoke of an alternative that is best. He said, “We must move away from our distribution methods of ‘farm to table’ and work toward the ways of ‘farm to mouth.’ This is the way of life and Living Aloha.” Living Aloha promises and gives hope for all of us to embrace all that is good and beneficial, but it also provides the foundation for finding ways to reduce the darkening parts of our society. Living Aloha wants for us to find alternate ways to produce quality food that not only gives nutrients to us, the caretakers of this planet, but are sustainable once again as in those early times when the islands were fresh and new. “We must shift back to the Aloha Paradigm.” Living Aloha is the way for us to stand together and do what we can do as individuals, families, groups and peoples and recognize that there are other ways. Each of us can take action and do something to contribute. Aloha is what we are here to give and to contribute to our world, and it’s our heart that we share. Yes, some of us are new to the islands, while others have long since rooted in this beautiful land. It is important that we recognize and understand that Aloha is more than just hello or goodbye, but a way of life. Each and every one of us is responsible and every step and action we take toward Living the Spirit of Aloha will bring us closer to the pristine and beautiful way of life the early Polynesian People embraced.

Please register to vote and vote yes for the GMO Moratorium in the election this fall.


If you need a ride to your local polling center, give us a call at 808-419-6147. 16

Living Aloha



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Smart Energy for the Future

by Cathy Strong

In our last issue of Living Aloha, we featured an article on sustainable food sources for Hawaii, (Growing Your Own) pointing out how our state currently imports about 90% of our food. Well, the same goes for our energy sources. Until recently, including ground transportation, we imported about 93% of our energy here in Hawaii! Now, with the increased promotion, advancements and lower cost, Hawaiians jumped on the bandwagon and started installing solar with a passion. So the 93% imported energy dropped to about 90% in just 2 years, which means quite a few homes installed a new self-sustaining energy system. A total of 17,609 solar installations—more than 129 megawatts of capacity—were added to the grids in 2013; that’s a 39 percent solar energy increase since 2012.


Living Aloha



Solar Energy = Surviving Climate Change The United Nation’s new draft-report on Climate Change warns “continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems.” Hawaii is uniquely vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise and ocean acidification caused by fossil fuel emissions. These environmental concerns, coupled with the pressure of rising oil prices, have created a consensus for clean energy in Hawaii. Two statewide polls over the last year showed achieving energy independence through local, clean energy sources is a priority for a majority of Hawaii residents, and that 94% of Hawaii residents support an increase in rooftop solar installations.

Background • Hawaii has the highest electric rates in the nation, at about 35 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), and up to 50 cents per kWh in some places, compared to an average cost of 16 cents per kWh on the mainland

Hawaii now ranks number 2 in the nation with the most cumulative solar electric capacity installed per-capita, according to the Environment America Research & Policy Center. Hawaii now boasts 243 Watts/person of cumulative capacity. With the high cost of electricity in Hawaii, solar energy has reached “grid parity,” making it a cheaper alternative even without any government incentives. Net metering policies, a 30% Federal tax credit and a 35% state income tax incentive help drive solar in Hawaii. Rob Sargent, Director of the Environment America Research & Policy Center points out that some states rank high because they have more sun or because of the high cost of electricity in the marketplace. But on average, Sargent says solar is succeeding in places where people want it to succeed, and have acted on it. The increase in solar is also attributed to the 60 percent drop in cost of installed solar systems since the beginning of 2011. Hawaii has the opportunity to lead the world in the development of a modern, efficient, clean energy grid. But, for the past year, Hawaii Electric Utility Companies (HECO) put the brakes on new solar installations in certain areas of Hawaii.

• Nearly 50% of roofs in Hawaii have either solar hot water or PV • Imported oil provides 70% of fuel for electricity compared to 1% for rest of the U.S., according to the Department of Energy

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Makena Shoreline Solar Project by Haleakala Solar, Inc.

Hawaii first set renewable energy goals in 2001, later making them mandatory and expanding them. In January 2008, the state of Hawaii and the U.S. Department of Energy launched the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative so that businesses, policy makers and citizens could find a way for the island to become energy independent. Revisions made in 2009 required utilities to get 70 percent of their supply from clean energy by 2030, with 40 percent from renewable energy and 30 percent from energy efficiency. Hawaii has also offered tax incentives for solar and wind since 1976. HECO says that solar photovoltaics (PV) installations have grown far faster than their isolated grids can adapt to the intermittent flood of peak time energy. But some solar installation professionals don’t believe that’s what’s going on, saying solar does not flood the grid, unlike baseload coal or nuclear plants. They say the monopoly utility has arbitrarily slowed down residential solar, while building up its own utility solar PV farms. Many are so fed up with HECO slowing down the rooftop solar industry since last September, that many are connecting their PV systems to the grid without permission. 20

Living Aloha



Clean tech in the U.S. has turned political, with attacks by certain lobbyists, legislators, and utilities in several states resulting in minor setbacks (for now) of clean techfriendly policies like net metering and renewable portfolio standards. The battle is on for the clean-tech industry and its allies to fight off efforts by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council and other groups who aim to repeal Renewable Portfolio Standards mandates in some states.

Climate March There’s a growing unrest with the business as usual scenario in energy supplies. On Sunday, September 21 over 700 groups, including religious and secular, environmentalist and social justice, will walk together in a historic march to call for a world with good jobs and clean air and water. The big march takes place in New York City, but there will be satellite locations worldwide and nationwide. Go to for details.

Hawaii Solar Companies Speak Hawaii Energy Smart Tim Johnston, owner of Hawaii Energy Smart, told us many building owners get approval for utility interconnection in as little as four weeks, most are 12 weeks, while some are sent for secondary review. “If they don’t get approved, some people will just go off grid, with a battery back-up system,” Johnston said. Gwen Stromberg, director of sales for Hawaii Energy Smart, says it’s important to put pressure on elected officials to get HECO and the Public Utility Commission (PUC) to change from oil

dominated energy to clean energy. She says even though HECO‘s profits are higher now, they haven’t lowered electric rates. Hawaii Energy Smart offers many financing options for solar, from a 12 month same as cash, no interest loan up to $45 thousand, said Celine Leslie, Hawaii Energy Smart’s office manager. “We advise our customers to put electric monthly savings into paying off the system, and along with the 65% tax credits, people can pay off solar systems in just a few years.” Some of their other financing options include low interest, unsecured loans with different lending criteria. Leslie said she sees two reasons people don’t go solar: complacency, or they don’t understand it. Part of the reason for the misunderstanding, she says, is they may get quotes from four separate companies, and they are so different. “It helps to compare apples to apples.”

Maui Solar Project Emily Sullivan, Operations Manager for Maui Solar Project located in Kahului, told us, “We’ve tripled in size since I’ve been here,” and that is in just under three years. When the grid was closing down, HECO got pressure from the PUC, Hawaii’s agency that oversees utilities and sets policies. solar is cheaper The PUC told than oil, HECO this past March they had even without to upgrade the incentives grid because they claimed some of the areas were saturated with solar interconnections, overloading their circuits.

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Since March, they’ve loosened up some applications, the quickest turn-around being 4 weeks, with an average of 8 weeks. However there are at least 10% of systems that do not get approved at this time. “It’s a wonderful time to get solar,” said Sullivan. “There’s the 30% Federal tax credit now, which expires in 2016. And Hawaii offers a 35% tax credit.” Sullivan advises people to get in touch with the PUC and let them know you want policies that encourage more solar to help make Hawaii more sustainable.

Hawaii Pacific Solar Located in Lahaina, Hawaii Pacific Solar has been focused on schools, says Robert Bloom, the company’s Vice President. “We started the company about six years ago when the recession hit.” Bloom had been a general contractor in


Living Aloha



California for years, where construction services were hit hard by the economy. “We looked for new areas for work and decided we wanted to start with solar in schools.” Bloom says they got some grant money for a Sun Safety program for students and tied it all in with their solar installations. So far they have installed solar at 20 schools in Hawaii. There are 15 schools on Maui that Hawaii Pacific Solar will be solarizing using a 20 year Power Purchase Agreement. “They will all be done by next year,” said Bloom. “We’re the busiest we’ve ever been.” “With lighting upgrades and energy efficiency we can save building owners another 25% of energy use,” said Bloom. On Maui, electricity costs about 37 cents per kWh. Bloom’s advice for a more sustainable Hawaii is to manage your own energy demand. “If we

reduced our demand by 10%, that’s 10% less oil being burned.” Energy efficiency is key. Instead of a 6kw solar system, you might just require 5kw to eliminate your electric bill.

Haleakala Solar Jim Whitcomb, founder of Haleakala Solar, said he started it back in 1977. By 2008 he had 15 employees, which has now grown to 150 employees. “We added jobs because we are diversified, we are putting in a lot of battery systems.” Whitcomb says without batteries solar has a four-year payback and with batteries the payback is eight years. The average system for a home is six kilowatts, for about $24 thousand dollars, before incentives. solar now

costs less than grid electricity in Hawaii

What will it take to get more sustainable energy on the gird? “Continual non-stop pressure on the PUC and our politicians. I think it will take something along the lines of protests,” Whitcomb says. They offer numerous financing programs from Power Purchase Agreements, to all types of loans, and are currently working on one for those with low credit scores. The restricted HECO solar areas include all areas, Whitcomb says, “and their maps are a figment of someone’s imagination; we apply but we don’t get answers.” Regarding the plan HECO is supposed to produce, he says he’ll believe it when he sees it. “They (HECO) never thought solar was going to be this big.”

Ready2Go Solar Power Tony Vidana, owner of Earth Solar Products and manufacturer of the Ready2Go Solar Power Systems, wants to get systems to people who can’t afford their electric bills. “We are registered as the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of our mobile solar power units,” said Vidana. “I’ve worked with retired Navy Seals, retired NASA and emergency responders.” They are also sending them to remote islands including Fanning Island, to provide power to medical clinics. The Ready2Go can operate off of wind, micro hydro, or charged with the grid or a generator. But it works best as a solar generator. “As a solar system it is powerful, deployable and affordable,” says Vidana. “Using the Ready2Go as a solar system in what we call our ‘Freedom Package’ is not just a backup system, it’s a solar system that you live on and can take with you wherever you go—for the rest of your life,” states Vidana. When figuring out the electric rate you are being charged, Vidana makes a good point. While they may tell you the rate is 35cents a kWh, it may actually be closer to 50cents per kWh when you add in taxes. Here’s how to figure your rate: take the total dollar amount you were billed and divide it by the number of kWhs you received. For example, if you were billed $250 and you received 500 kWhs you are paying 50 cents per kWh.

Living Aloha




“If HECO can’t handle saturation from solar energy, let’s be honest about it and say solar is cutting into the bottom line,” Vidana said.

HECO’s Plan About a year ago, HECO started slowing solar approvals so they could study the grid and look at each circuit. The PUC in April of this year told HECO to come up with a viable plan with dates that would move renewable energy forward again. The PUC gave them 120 days to submit details of the plan. And on August 26, 2014, exactly 120 days later, HECO delivered a plan to the PUC. Highlights of the plan, to be achieved by 2030: • More than 65 percent renewable energy • Electric bills reduced by 20 percent • Nearly triple the amount of distributed solar “Our energy environment is changing rapidly and we must change with it to meet our customers’ evolving needs,” said Shelee Kimura, Hawaiian Electric vice president of corporate planning and business development. “These plans are about delivering services that our customers value. That means lower costs, better protection of our environment, and more options to lower their energy costs, including rooftop solar.” Support sustainable growth of rooftop solar. Working closely with the solar industry, the companies are, by 2030, planning to almost triple the amount of distributed solar using fair and equitable plans. A clear, open planning process will let customers and 24

Living Aloha



solar contractors know how much more solar can be added each year. Grid enhancements will make possible increased integration of solar power. And optimized control settings for solar equipment will improve safety and reduce the risk of power outages. Expand use of energy storage systems. Energy storage systems, including batteries, will increase the ability to add renewables by addressing potential disruptions on electric grids caused by variable solar and wind power. Empower customers by developing smart grids. Fully developed smart grids, already being test deployed on Oahu, will help customers monitor and control their energy use, enable more customer service options, make service more reliable, and improve integration of renewable energy. The companies are proposing to complete installation of smart grids in Maui County and on the Big Island by the end of 2017 and on Oahu by the end of 2018. Offer new products and services to customers. Community solar and micro grids will give customers new options for taking advantage of lower-cost renewable energy. Voluntary “demand response” programs will provide customers financial incentives for helping manage the flow of energy on the grid.

Unfortunately, they also included Liquid Natural Gas supplies into their plan. It may be cheaper than importing oil, but requires fracking and pipelines, which can leak into the water supply. Solar plus batteries are a cheaper option and far cleaner to boot. Wind and Geothermal energy sources are another viable option, which were briefly mentioned in their plan. Hawaii’s energy environment is changing more rapidly than anywhere else in the country. Currently, in Hawaii, more than 18 percent of the electricity used by customers for home and business use comes from renewable resources—ahead of the state goal of 15 percent by 2015. “This plan sets us on a path to a future with more affordable, clean, renewable energy,” said Dick Rosenblum, HECO president and CEO. “It’s the start of a conversation that all of us— utilities, regulators and other policymakers, the solar industry, customers and other stakeholders—need to be a part of, as we work together to achieve the energy future we all want for Hawaii.”

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Living Aloha




Who Knew

Sustainability Could Taste So Good? by Home Le’amohala

Vitalized, Invigorated, Virile, and Voluptuous aren’t words that are normally associated with sustainable lifestyle options. Many people tend to think of sustainability as sacrificial, anti-social, boring, and unpopular. But getting more acquainted with the gatherings of thousands of people across the globe is revealing an entirely different image. From Venice Beach to Venice, Italy - Athens, Georgia to Athens, Greece and even Hollywood to Bollywood, revelers are heeding the call to ‘Go Green’ with their food choices. Why? Because it is now becoming common knowledge that eating lower on the food chain not only minimizes our environmental impact, feeds more of the hungry in our world, and improves local, national, and global economies, it also tastes great, promotes outstanding health, and is quickly becoming the new ‘cool’ way to party. When prepared skillfully, a plant based meal can become something that is not only nutritiously superior than any barbeque, dairy fest, or fish fillet, it can taste absolutely fantastic and, rather than leave the diners and partiers bloated and incapacitated, they are energized, exuberant and ready to revel! Add to this that the celebrants are all aware that their choices are contributing to the re-stabilizing of global weather patterns, boosting national productivity levels, relieving significant burdens on our economy, and helping to feed thousands of starving people, they party not just to be ‘cool’ but to recognize that their celebrative and lifestyle food choices are making profoundly positive differences in the world. Don’t believe me? Here are some examples of what I’m talking about— “ There is no question that the choice to become a vegetarian or lower meat consumption is one of the most positive lifestyle changes a person could make in terms of reducing one’s personal impact on the environment.” — Christopher Flavin, President of Worldwatch Institute 26

Living Aloha



“ The council on Agricultural Science and Technology says that we could manage to feed ten billion people with the available crop land we have today, using current technology— with the single proviso that the population of the world becomes vegetarian.” — H oward Lyman, Mad Cowboy

“ Forty thousand children die every day from starvation. Those who choose to eat meat and dairy are eating the flesh of those children.” — T hich Nhat Hanh, Avatar

The cost efficiency of supporting animal agribusiness is an inverse scale. The more money we invest into it, the more we need to keep spending in order to rectify the problems it creates. We have begun to recognize that the vast majority of our most common diseases such as Heart Disease, Cancers, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and Erectile Dysfunction are actually symptoms of eating meat and dairy products. The medical industry is rapidly becoming a three trillion dollar a year industry mostly thanks to our patronage of debilitating food options. These food choices not only cost us in health and health care costs, but also in work performance and family dysfunction due to our compromised health and cortisone imbalance. Desertsland based regions of compromised life support ability, and Dead Zones-ocean based regions of severely compromised life support ability, are expanding globally at alarming rates. Both are due largely to the global expansion of Animal Agribusiness practices. The messes that we and our future generations get to clean up due to our present patronage of animal agribusiness, far overshadow any claims of benefit that eating animals supposedly provides. When we come to understand that a habit that we have adopted is actually detrimental to our well being, we have the opportunity to relinquish it. We can replace it with something that is more life affirming and nurturing, for us—and our mo’opuna (progeny). This grants us something that generations of our global work force have been striving for, for millennia-a clear conscience. Healthy lifestyle options that support the welfare of our future generations are the panacea that has eluded countless souls.

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Home Le’amohala is a native of Maui, the Founder of Onipa’a Sustainability Center, and author of ‘The What, Why, and How of Sustainability.’


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Living Aloha



Combining Aloha with politics

Courtney Bruch

by Carlos Garcia

‘Friends of Courtney Bruch’ Proudly Announce Courtney’s Candidacy as Upcountry County Council Member

Courtney Bruch

Courtney Bruch is an esteemed leader in our community, with an emphasis on education regarding local and state political processes.

She is a Maui resident of thirteen years, environmental advocate, director of GMO Free Maui, and a volunteer event coordinator for Upcountry Sustainability. Courtney makes political participation more accessible to those new to the terrain, while tracking and publicizing important issues. Courtney is a gleaming example of how one person can create positive progress with focus, courage, patience, and care. Her consistent activism is an inspiration to her growing community of supporters. When asked about the Shaka Movement’s GMO Moratorium initiative, Bruch said, “I am very proud of the twenty thousand plus residents participating in a historical citizen’s ballot initiative that will be on the November ballot because of the heartfelt effort of over five hundred volunteers. It’s refreshing to see our community unify for the health of our island’s present and future generations”. At the petition’s launch, a county poll showed over 51% of Maui residents in support of a moratorium. This initiative acts to place a moratorium on GMOs until they are proven safe.

With an interest in expanding Maui’s food security, Bruch says, “I am a strong supporter of local, organic agriculture. The Maui School Garden Network, Grow Some Good, and Grow the Change are just a few of the wonderful organizations working with our youth to instill healthy habits and offer creative learning environments to grow nutritious food. It gives me great hope to witness our youth stepping into their power to mālama this ‘aina! Youth are rising to the occasion with the recent founding of the Earth Guardians Hawaii chapter”. We are riding the crest of a massive, beautiful wave that is turning our collective canoe in the right direction! With your support we will win this election. Vote for BRUCH to support grassroots governance.

Your donations are appreciated. Checks can be made to ‘Friends of Courtney Bruch’ PO Box 735, Makawao, HI 96768. If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns that you would like to share please visit us on the web:


Living Aloha




LOCAL HEALTHY BUSINESS By Various Living Aloha staff


Discover some of our aloha-friendly island businesses… Watsu Massage Imagine what it feels like to be immersed in water; how relaxing it is when you lay back and let your eyes gently close in the calming water. Now imagine that feeling of relaxation being enhanced by a trained and talented practitioner who gently and deeply stretches you while swaying you back and forth rhythmically, as you effortlessly breathe out tension from your whole being—now you have an idea of the ways of Watsu. The last time I had a Watsu massage, I was tingling all over as though my chi (life force energy) had been fully activated. In warm waters, a Watsu practitioner cradles you and sways your body in fluid motions. One of the big differences between a Watsu massage and a “normal” massage is, with Watsu, you’re weightless; with Watsu, you’re immersed in water and the stresses of gravity are released from your experience. Your body moves freely in the warm waters. You’re fully supported by the water, which takes weight off your spine and all your vertebrae, allowing you to move in ways impossible on land. To get a sense firsthand of the splendor that is Watsu, go to Kihei


Living Aloha


on the South Side of Maui, and visit Brenda Martin. She can be reached by phone at 808-269-4337. You can also visit her website at

Yoga & Teacher Trainings The benefits offered by a yoga teacher training are many; you deepen your connection to your own personal yoga practice as you dive deep into the art of teaching yoga effectively, while strengthening your voice and your leadership skills. Makawao Yoga offers thorough yoga teacher trainings at the 200 and 500-hour level. Fine-tune your communication skills and gain the necessary tools to begin teaching great yoga classes as you enhance your own practice. Makawao Yoga has two upcoming Yoga Teacher Trainings. Beginning October 5th and running until November 23rd, is a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, which includes a 5-day retreat here on Maui. In the spring, beginning on March 26th and running until April 4th, is a 100-hour immersion course, which is being held in Bali. You may also apply your hours to a 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training certificate.




In addition to their teacher trainings, and the daily yoga classes offered at Makawao Yoga, you can also visit their new studio location in Haiku, called My Studio. My Studio is located in the Aloha Aina Center where Upcountry Fitness used to be. Both My Studio and Makawao Yoga offer new student discounts and a great locals intro rate of $30 for 30 days. You can learn more about their programs by visiting their website at They can be reached by phone at 808-359-2252. Their Makawao studio is located at 1170 Makawao Avenue in Makawao, Maui.

Superfoods in Central Maui Hawaiian Superfoods just changed their menu and now offers a new and tantalizing variety of nutritious fare. The menu has definitely evolved. There is such a scrumptious selection now; it’s even a cut above what they used to offer. Their drinks are all based on pure raw coconut milk, which makes for an exquisite blend, no matter

what the other ingredients are – but they make it spectacular and pack in the superfoods. We tried the Mint Chocolate smoothie, which is coconut milk, cacao (raw chocolate), mint, stevia and essential oil (and asked them to hold the honey to make it fully vegan). It is creamy and delicious, and topped with cacao nibs and a peppermint leaf for a lovely presentation. We also tried a couple of the amazing açaí bowls; the Banana Split and the Strawberry Fields bowls are splendid and come with fruit slices interspersed into a mountain of cold açaí, which sits atop sweetened granola. We also got to sample the Portobello Burger, which is a balsamic glazed masterpiece. It comes wrapped in collard greens and is stuffed with caramelized onions, lettuce, tomato, avocados and arugula and is topped with a creamy jalapeño cashew cheese, vegan aioli and micro greens. It’s sweet and savory and every bit as tasty as it is healthy. We also tried some of their cilantro pesto, dehydrated crackers and their creamy hummus. The cilantro, olive oil, sunflower seed pesto is smooth and flavorful. And the hummus is whole food goodness; they’re not opening cans, they actually soak the raw garbanzo beans. Other items on the menu include a pesto pizza, a burrito wrap, several other açaí bowls, smoothies and elixirs, and a lot of other luscious treats to delight your taste buds and improve your health. As one

customer commented, everything is amazing and much of it is like the culinary experience of a Disneyland ride – towering high with flavors and colors to stimulate and satisfy. You can find their full menu on their website at Hawaiian Superfoods is located at 74 Lono Avenue in Kahului, Maui. They’re hidden; you can find them in the back of the building. They can be reached by phone at 808-757-1501.

Eco Friendly Home Care After being in research and development for nearly five years, a multi-use, aromatherapeutic cleaning product, which is Earth-friendly, is now available. It is formulated to work as a disinfectant, degreaser and glass cleaner, also capable of shining hard-to-gloss surfaces such as granite and stainless steel with ease of application and without leaving residue, streaks or slip. Made entirely of Non-GMO, organic ingredients and with VEGAN certification, the detergent, phosphate and synthetic-free, Habitat All Surface Spray & Shine™ is 100% biodegradable, making it safe for the Hawaiian coastline and other ecologically sensitive areas. While bringing families complete peace of mind knowing their homes are being cleaned

Living Aloha


without toxic chemicals, Habitat’s formula disinfects naturally. Using a complex blend of pure plant essential oils known for their anti-microbial, antiinfectious, antiviral, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties with a mood enhancing, layered scent that includes citrus, spice and herbal notes. Habitat All Surface Spray & Shine™ addresses environmental impact on all levels of manufacturing beyond its eco-conscious ingredient list by using previously recycled and future recyclable, non-plastic packaging and labeling material derived from corn versus petrochemicals. Most notably ‘green’ impact however, is the immediate reduction of carbon footprint as you need only purchase a single product instead of a host of several, separately packaged, plastic bottles attempting to secure all the attributes and benefits already in Habitat’s all-inclusive and technical formula. ONE product, ONE hundred percent natural, in ONE container, now that’s ‘future thinking clean’™ … you can visit their website at, or reach Leslie Hart at 808-269-4259. Maui has many amazing companies to do business with—

so support our local friends!





Wellness & Healthy Living Directory




Maui Yoga & Kickboxing 115 E Lipoa St #202 Kihei, HI 96753 808-463-8811

Brina Yoga Private Classes Community Classes

Kihei Community Yoga

Maui Wellness Center/ 808-463-5856

1847 S. Kihei Rd. #103 Kihei, HI 96753 808-269-2794

Maui Yoga Shala

Maui Yoga Path

Ananda Sanctuary in Haiku

381 Baldwin Ave Paia, HI 96779 808-283-4123

2960 S. Kihei Rd. in Kihei 808-874-5545

Maui Beach Yoga

Kirtan in Kula

Call for location 808-385-6466

860 Holopuni Rd. Kula, HI mantras-music-dinner 6pm every Sunday 808-646-0207


Bikram Yoga

Maya Yoga in Huelo 808-268-9426

Wisdom Flow Yoga Jennifer Lynn

Makawao Yoga 1170 Makawao Ave, Unit 1 Makawao, HI 96768 808-359-2252


Living Aloha

Body Alive Yoga 1995 Main St., 2nd Floor Wailuku, HI 96793 808-987-1928 BODYWORK • MASSAGE, CHIROPRACTIC • ReiKI, ACUPUNCTURE • ROLFING UPCOUNTRY

Healing Catalyst Denise LaBarre 808-575-2244

Temple of Peace Healing Sanctuary – Colonics, Hydrotherapy & Spa 808-575-5220

Hanne Johanna Holland, LMT 808-280-2949

Ho’omana Spa Maui 808-573-8256

Hands of Light Coreena 808-268-6807

Heavenly Pivot Acupuncture Naya Cheung Rice 808-633-1753

Sarah Thompson Intuitive Healing Maui (808) 250-8452

Deborah Dove Massage



Maui Mobile Reiki Energy Spa

Island Spirit Yoga

Reiki Sessions & Training - Bill Cox


Bikram Yoga Kahului 251 Lalo St. Suite A2 Kahului, HI 96732 808-872-2402



Hale Ho’ola Haleakala Maui Bodyworks/ Syntropy Neuromuscular Integration

845 Waine’e Street #204 Lahaina, HI 96761 840 Wainee St. Lahaina, HI 96761 808-667-2111


Anahata Yoga Annette Davidsson



Enlighten Up Massage and Sound Table Adrian Blackhurst 808-463-5856

The Maui School of Therapeutic Massage 808-572-1888


Watsu and Massage Brenda M. Martin 808-269-4337

Brian Bodyworks & Chiropractic 808-633-6223

Dr. Michael Pierner Chiropractic Care 808-875-4357

Shalandra Abbey Reiki Master, Author

Richard Sargent, D.C.Chiropractor




Kapalua Spa 808-665-8282

Maui Massage & Wellness 808-669-4500

Zensations Spa 808-669-0100

Complete Chiropractic & Massage R. Charles Lewis 808-283-4322

Galan Sports Chiropractic & Massage 808-344-5066

Healing Hands Chiropractic of Maui Anthony Jayswal, D.C. 808-662-4476


Doucette Chriropractic & Kinesiology

Ocean LightForce Chiropractic Maui



VanQuaethem Chiropractic 808-667-7700

Len Jacoby, L.Ac Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Herbs 808-662-4808

Reiki with Jenna 408-621-4102

Reiki Maui HI Patricia Gould 808-281-9001

Dr. Nancy Lins, N.D. Naturopathic Physician 808-667-9554

Bowenwork Maui Jennifer Carey 808-269-3498

Wailuku Health Center Andrew M. Janssen, DC Chiropractor

Spa Luna Massage 808-575-2440


Jeffrey A. Tice, L.Ac Acupuncture

Erin L. Elster, DC Chiropractor



Karine Villemure Massage Therapy and Clinical Skin Care 808-298-9512

Maui Aromatouch Jan Harmon 808-298-1262

Sabai Massage Therapy

Maui Therapeutic Massage Dean Nicklaw



Roth Chiropractic

Green Ti Boutique and Massage


Hale Malu – Karine Villemure



Joanne Green Therapeutic Massage

Chatterbox Boutiki


Living Aloha







Quan Yin Family Health

Wellness & Healthy Living Directory

The Maui School of Therapeutic Massage



I’ao Acupuncture & Spa Christine Asuncion, L.Ac

Maui Academy of Healing Arts




Spa Luna Massage School

Malama Healing Arts Center-Massage Therapy & School 808-579-8525

Sabai Massage School 808-463-7734

Ho’omana Spa Maui

Living Aloha


Lahaina Cross Fit Megan Hildebrand

The Gym Maui

Valley Isle Fitness Center

810 Kokomo Rd. Haiku, HI 96708 808-575-7334

41 E. Lipoa St. Kihei, HI 96753 808-874-2844

In Home Personal Trainer Functionalty / Core Training Marco

Reps-Training Center

Anytime Fitness 3390 Old Haleakala Hwy Pukalani – 808-633-6463


219 Kupuohi St. Lahaina, HI 96761 808-446-6007

Upcountry Fitness

808-879-4266 34

850 Haliimaile Rd. Makawao, HI 96768 808-281-6925




Crossfit State of Mind

300 Ohukai, B 202 - Kihei 808-891-8108



Crossfit UpCountry


161 Wailea Ike Pl. Wailea, HI 96753 808-875-1066 WEST SIDE

Body in Balance 142 Kupuohi St. Building # F2 Lahaina, HI 96761 808-661-1116

219 Kupuohi St. Lahaina, HI 96761 808-286-9422

Team Beachbody Laura T. Pelayo 808-298-6288

Kapalua Spa Thomas Ockerman 808-665-8282 CENTRAL MAUI

24 Hour Fitness 150 Hana Hwy. – Kahului 808-877-7474

Maui Jewell Fitness 65 W. Ka’ahumanu Ave., Unit 10 Kahului, HI 96732 808-214-2929

Maui Family YMCA 250 Kanaloa Ave. Kahului, HI 96732 808-242-9007

Curves 180 Wakea Ave., #1 Kahului, HI 96732 808-877-7222

Cross Fit RFM 1790 Mill St. Wailuku, HI 96793 808-298-5604

Gold’s Gym-Wailuku 871 Kolu St., # 103 Wailuku, HI 96793 808-242-5773

Maui Sports Conditioning 530 E. Uahi Way Wailuku, HI 96703 808-357-1303


Mana Foods 49 Baldwin Ave. – Paia 808-579-8078

Hawaiian Moons 2411 South Kihei Road Kihei 808-875-4356

Alive & Well 340 Hana Hwy. – Kahului 808-877-4950

Farmers Market 3636 Lower Honoapiilani Lahaina, HI 96761 808-669-7004

Down To Earth Market 305 Dairy Rd Kahului, HI 96732 808-877-2661

Whole Foods Market 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave. Kahului, HI 96732 808-872-3310


Choice Health Bar 1087 Limahana Pl. Lahaina, HI 96761 808-661-7711

On the road to Hana - mile 27.5 808-248-4876 VEGAN & VEGETARIAN CHEFS • CATERING

Down To Earth Market 305 Dairy Rd Kahului, HI 96732 808-877-2661

Body Temple Gourmet Brook Le’amohala & Ava Raw Vegan Chef & Instructor 808-250-6578

Indian Vegan Catering


Manju - 808-281-0571

12 Market St. Wailuku, HI 96793 808-866-4312

Angel Green - Certified Gourmet & Pastry Raw Vegan Chef & Instructor

Maui Kombucha


810 Kokomo Rd #136 Haiku, HI 96708 808-575-5233

Jessica Qsar - Health Supportive Chef & Wellness Coach



810 Kokomo Rd. Haiku 96708 808-575-5320,

Coreena-Raw Foods Chef 808-573-9087

Farmers Market 3636 Lower Honoapiilani Rd. Lahaina, HI 96761 808-669-7004

Living Aloha

Coconut Glen’s Ice Cream Vegan Ice Cream


Macrobiotic HawaiiOahu Chef Leslie Ashburn





Wellness & Healthy Living Directory

Lumeria Maui Retreat Center


Leilani Farm Sanctuary 260 East Kuiaha Road in Haiku 808-298-8544

1813 Baldwin Ave Makawao, HI 855-579-8877

Banyan Tree House B & B 3265 Baldwin Ave. - Makawao 808-572-9021

Eco Dogs & Cats

BooBoo Zoo East Maui Animal Refuge

Maui Wellness Center/

Ananda Sanctuary in Haiku


25 Maluaina Place in Haiku 808-572-8308

Hale Akua Garden Farm

West Maui Animal Clinic 232 Lahainaluna Rd. 808-662-0099

Pacific Primate Sanctuary 808-572-8089 MAUI RETREAT CENTERS

Heart Path Journeys 470 Kaluanui Rd. Makawao, HI 808-243-7284

Temple of Tantra

Kahului Farmers Market

1371 Malaihi Rd in Wailuku 808-244-4921

Saturdays: 7 AM to 1 PM 310 W Ka’ahumanu Ave. Kahului 808-244-3100


Kihei Farmers Market

Island Fresh Delivery 808-664-1129

Makawao Farmers Market

Kula Fields Produce Delivery

Wednesdays: 10 AM to 5 PM 3654 Baldwin Ave. - Makawao


110 Door of Faith Rd. in Huelo 808-572-9300

Maui Grocery Service

Palms at Wailea


3200 Wailea Alanui Dr. Kihei, HI 96753 888-901-4521

The Original Makawao Farmers Market



Wednesdays: 9 AM to 2 PM Pookela Church - 200 Olinda Rd. 808-419-1570

Hana Highway in Kipahulu 808-248-7071

Upcountry Farmers Market

Ala Kukui

Kulamlu Town Center 55 Kiopaa St. in Pukalani

4224 Hana Hwy in Hana 808-248-7841


Saturdays: 8:30 AM to 11 AM 95 Lipoa St.– Kihei 808-357-4564

Honokowai Farmers Market Mon/Wed/Fri 7 AM to 11 AM 3636 Lower Honoapi’ilani Lahaina 808-669-7004

Hana Fresh Farmers Market Mondays: 3 PM to 6 PM Thursdays: 11 AM to 3 PM 4590 Hana Highway in Hana

Napili Farmers Market Wednesdays: 8 to 11 AM 4900 Honapiilani Hwy-Napili 808-633-5060

LMT# 12045

Brenda M. Martin

(808) 269-4337

convenient Kihei location

WatSu, or WATer ShiatSU, is at its simplest explanation a floating massage. The therapist moves your body through the warm water stretching muscles & opening energy pathways to achieve deep relaxation. It is an experience unlike any other massage you have ever received. 36

Living Aloha





superfood smoothies kale salads vegan soups acai bowls fresh juices health elixirs living foods


1087 Limahana Place (808) 661-7711

First Anniversary! Special Events And Gifts All Month Long

Located on the mountain side of the highway in Lahaina, next to Westside Vibes and Taco Bell

(808) 891-1114


Living Aloha





Outdoor Market & Indoor Health Food Store Where healthy living meets local aloha

Local & Organic Produce Delicious Fruit Juices & Smoothies Maui’s First Acai Bar Fresh Salad & Hot Food Bar Great Selection of Vitamins & Supplements Island Made Jewelry & Cosmetics

808-669-7004 Open 7am-7pm 7 days a week Outdoor market Mon, Wed & Fri 7-11am

Mahalo! For supporting local farmers and making us Best of Maui Winners 4 years in a row!

3636 L. Honoapiilani Rd, Lahaina, HI 96761

across from Mana Foods above Café Des Amis

42 baldwin ave • 808-280-4231

advertise with us… Our distribution of over 12,000 printed copies every two months— directly targets the health-conscious community on Maui. This is 3 Times more copies than any

other health publication on Maui… BOOK your ad sPace NOW! for a similar cost. or call 808-419-6147 38

Living Aloha



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