December 2012
Peace Talk
Peace Lutheran Church
Due to the grace and power of God in the life of his church and people, five relief missions have been completed so far to Point Pleasant, New Jersey! Pastor Bjornstad is the Eastern District Disaster Relief Coordinator and has been working with local NEPA congregations and interested church members to share the ministry of presence and help and mercy to the community surrounding Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Pastor Schonberg of Point Pleasant. It was a community which spent two weeks without power and who's sea side was completely inundated by Hurricane Sandy. In one month a new disaster relief trailer has be purchased and outfitted with several thousand dollars worth of equipment. It has been customized (except for the coffee pot and microwave!) by Dale Newhart. And we have used it extensively now for 5 relief missions. Volunteers from as far away as Buffalo NY have been helping on our missions in addition to our local congregational members from NEPA. Every week a new email bulletin goes out as to the upcoming mission opportunities. If you would like to be on that mailing, or recieve word otherwise as to the work at hand, please speak with Pastor Bjornstad. Many thanks go out to those who are helping Pastor Bjornstad in important ways to keep the work afloat. A committee has been formed that include Pastor Mandile, Karen Klein, Debbie Hartzell, and Sharon Grizzle, member of Good Shepherd in Point Pleasant. THERE IS PLENTY, PLENTY OF WORK YET TO DO! In fact it has only just started! Our next scheduled missions are Dec. 8th and 28th! Please join us if you are at all able bodied! PLEASE PRAY FOR US if you cannot join us!
An A p o st o lic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod
THE LUTHERAN ACADEMY AND IMMANUEL PRESCHOOL NEWS!!! We are very proud that Mr. Borchin, our Principal, and his wife Jane were awarded the 2012 William T. Schmidt Award for Godly service to the church and community. It was awarded at the Annual Luther Day Dinner that is sponsored by The Association of Lutheran Friends! We appreciate them both for being SO dedicated to starting our school and sustaining it even today!
SPECIAL FIELD TRIP TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SCRANTON! The Lutheran Academy spent two hours at the University of Scranton during which they met international students from Columbia, Japan, and Korea! They learned all about these countries and even learned how to write their name in Korean! Here they are pictured having lunch and taling to the student from Columbia!
Share the news of the Academy and Preschool! There is still plenty of room for more students! Also PLEASE remember the Academy RELY'S on your donations!!!! MISSIONARY QUILTERS NEEDED!!!! MOST Ministries is recruiting team members who are quilters, knitters or sewers for a mission trip to Costa Rica. Please insert the following announcement in your church bulletin, newsletter and post on your website for the weeks of December 9 and December 16. MOST Ministries has a request from the national Lutheran Church in Costa Rica to send a team of sewers as a follow-up to last year’s successful sewing team. The team is 1317 Costa Rica Sewing (March 1-9, 2013). Members of this outreach will teach two groups of Costa Rican women, some of whom are the sole supporters of their families, different sewing, quilting, and knitting techniques which can be used to produce handcrafts that are sources of income for their families.
CELEBRATING GOD'S GOODNESS AT PEACE! THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER THANKS: Thanks to Bonnie Cornog and Beverly Gedrimas for doing a lot of planning and grunt work for the Community/Church Thanksgiving Day Dinner! Thanks also to the Breadbasket of NEPA for donating the turkeys! Thanks also to Monica and the Bjornstad girls for their help cleaning up at the end! The 28 or so folks who shared their thanksgiving had a LOVELY time together!
UPCOMING EVENTS: YOUTH DISCOUNT CARD SALES: Praise the Lord we have FOUR of our youth registered for the national LCMS Youth Gathering next summer! Alison McHale will be our chaperone and we will be traveling with youth from Immanuel and St. Peter's Lutheran churches. Over the next weeks they will be selling $10 coupon cards that are good for a whole year for various restaurants and local businesses! Thanks for your support! PLAN AHEAD: LIFE CONFERENCE in Washington DC. January 25-26! in conjunction with the annual March for Life. This is going to be a wonderful conference with major speakers that will address the issues facing us today concerning LIFE! Go to for more information and the registration forms! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Job 10:12 You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.
Ky Betts Presented his bulletin art at the Luther Day Dinner! Thank you, KY, for being an inspiration to us all!
HANNAH BJORNSTAD has written this year's Children's Pageant and the Sunday School children will be presenting it on Sunday, December 16 during the 10:30 worship! There is still time for your child to find a place in the pageant, so PLEASE come to the rehearsals during Sunday School time at 9:30am!
WE BID FAREWELL AFTER THIS MONTH to the wonderful musical leadership of Mrs. Jill Trapane. Due to a new job offer she just cannot continue serving Peace Lutheran! We wish her well in her continued ministry, and we are working to find a replacement in the new year! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church WE CONTINUE OUR "THE STORY" ADVENTURES! In December we will be reading Chapters 12 and 13 of our special edition of Scriptures before we take a break for Christmas!! Please join us for Bible Studies at 9:30 on Sunday! We need to pray that we don't loose our enthusiasm for God's Word! Keep READING and PRAYING! Our Sunday Schedule is as follows: Thy Word is a lamp unto my + 8:15 Worship with Holy Communion feet and light unto my path! + 9:15 Education Hour for Adults and Children + 10:30 Worship Celebration (with Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays/month)
ADVENT SCHEDULE: Midweek Wed. 10am and 7pm services! Dec. 2: The Story chapter 12 Dec. 5: Advent series 1 - Righteousness Dec. 9: The Story chapter 13 Dec. 12: 7pm Festival of Lessons and Carols at Immanuel Lutheran Church Dec. 16: Advent Series #2 - Purity (with the Children's Pageant!) Dec. 19: Advent Series #3 Compassion Dec. 23: Advent Series #4 Mercy
CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE: Christmas Eve Candle Light at 9pm Christmas Day Holy Communion at 10:30 MAKE AN INVITATION TO YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS WHOM YOU KNOW NEED THE LORD! Christmas is one time when they would be open and willing to accept and invitation!