Peace Talk August 2018

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NEWSLETTER August 2018

Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

From the Deacon’s Desk Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. August? Already? Even the kids are asking where the summer has flown. For many summer means boating, vacations, swimming, warm sand at the beach, picnics and lots of fun. Nature can be so inspiring. The mountains in Arizona appear purple silhouetted against the yellow and orange sunset; the blue of the Alaskan glaciers; the flowers in Hawaii or the crystal clear ocean water surrounding Dry Tortugas Island off the Florida Keys. In our own area we can see the soaring bald eagles; the powerful yet silent treading of the black bear and venture into the Atlantic to whale watch. Over time more and more information is becoming available on these and many other natural wonders. Yet more often than not those who study and inform us leave out the important fact that all these things come from God. Psalm 8:9 “O Lord, Our Many forget that we came from God. That our intellect and ability to study these things comes from God. Indeed, it’s like they have Lord, how majestic is your blinders on. They look around and say they can’t see God yet name in all the earth!” they look at a piece of rock and see the signs of a flood. All of nature reminds us of God’s existence. It is also there to remind us how much God loves us and indeed loves all of His creation. Nature is God’s general revelation of himself. Everything mankind sees bears witness through its order and diversity of God’s existence and presence. God’s specific revelation is shown to us in the scriptures. It is there that we learn that God’s love was so great that He didn’t spare His only son for us but rather sent Him to take our sins upon Himself that we would be redeemed and made pure. As you enjoy the remainder of the summer and indeed the rest of the seasons to follow, remember to give thanks to the one who created all things including us. Marvel at the things He called into being by His voice and by His hand and enjoy all the reminders He has given us of His love! In Jesus,

Deacon John Babbitts If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.

News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Enrollment is Open

Rummage Sale

We are now taking applications for enrollment for the 2018-19 school year. We ask you to help spread the word about our school and ALL the positive ways we can impact a child’s academic and spiritual life. Please pray for our staff as they prepare for the year, and for families to be led to our school

OPEN HOUSE Thursday, August 23 2:00-6:00pm Invite families to come and see how The Lutheran Academy can be a blessing for their child(ren)’s education.

The annual rummage sale fundraiser was held on August 3rd and 4th at the Lutheran Ministry Center and all proceeds from the sale benefit the Academy. A special thank you to Jane Borchin and Susan Crosbie for spearheading the sale. We also thank all who donated items to the sale and all who came out to set up, price, work the event, and box up the leftovers. Many hands make light work! Cleaning Day at the LMC and Academy Sunday, August 19th from 3:00-5:00pm Come if you can to get the building ready for the new school year.

Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at

Refelctions on Legacy

By Amy Betts

I have had the wonderful opportunity of watching the experienced lifelong members of our congregation step up faithfully and tirelessly for our Church and our school ministry. Many people don't get this opportunity in their day-to-day work and I am very grateful for it. These wise, mature, lifelong members of our church are leaving behind a legacy for our younger generations. They are showing us what it means to be workers in the church, what it means to be available to the church, and what it means to be faithful to the needs of the church. Jerry Cornog, Rick Hellard, Tom Jones, and Ken Jurgens faithfully tend to the lawn and building needs of Peace. Susan Crosbie, Ramona Brown, Charlotte Hafich, Arlene Jones, Jane Borchin gave tirelessly his past week for the rummage sale and they, along with Lillian Colbert and Paulette Frederickson, tend to the varied needs of the LMC, and Peace all year long. Susan Crosbie, Jane Borchin, and Carsten Bjornstad give MANY hours each week to be faithful volunteers at the Academy, enriching the lives of the students and staff in the mission field of Lutheran Education. If we do not make ourselves present in worship, work days, fundraisers, and all opportunities that we have to support our membership of fellow believers, we are truly missing out on the lessons they are teaching us. We are missing out on observing the legacy and passing it along. I want to thank those hard workers, those men and women who give beyond their years for their time, their effort and energy, and their love for Peace Lutheran Church, the Academy, and each other. May each of us in these younger generations look to them and find a legacy worth carrying on.

The ladies who worked hard to make the rummage sale a success: Charlotte Hafich, Arlene Jones, Ramona Brown, Susan Crosbie & Jane Borchin. Not pictured is Susan’s friend Ruthanne Howgate of Reading, VT.

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"

CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS For Frank Schulze who awaits the jury selection process in September and trial to begin, after waiting over 2 years in prison. For Beverly Gedrimas as she prepares for surgery to treat her cancer. For Bonnie Cornog who is now home recovering from her surgery. For Jerry Cornog and his doctors in Philadelphia as they prepare for surgery and treatment of his lung cancer.

Lutheran Ministry Center Needs There has become a need for a second refrigerator for the kitchen in the LMC. If you have one to donate, please call the office to arrange pickup.

Vacation Bible School, KINGDOM OF THE SON: A PRAYER SAFARI will be held August 13-17 at the Lutheran Ministry Center. Children will learn The Lord’s Prayer and what it means, while having fun with our Safari themed games, crafts, skits and songs. A light dinner will be served every night at 5:00. Transportation is provided if requested. Our Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 5 through 12. Ages 3 and 4 are welcome only with parent accompaniment. VBS is free to the community so invite friends to come too. Registration forms are on the VBS table and there are still opportunities for teen and adult volunteers. -----------------------------------------To reach our vacancy pastor directly: Rev. Glen Triplett 260-498-4054 or To reach Deacon Babbitts: Remember you can call the church office to speak with Amy, and to pass along needs or requests to either Pastor or Deacon.

Veteran-led Bible Study FOR Veterans The veteran’s study sessions will be held monthly at Peace in the fellowship hall on Saturday August 4th, September 1, October 6 at 9:00am. Light breakfast food will be served and study will be led by Army Veteran Ky Betts (pictured while serving in Baghdad, Iraq). Share this information with veterans you may know and encourage them to attend. Church website:

+ PICNIC AND FAMILY FUN DAY Our July 8th softball game and picnic was such a fun time, we want to do it again but closer to Peace and with even more activities planned. Sunday, August 26th from 12:30-4:30pm Elm Street Park in Dickson City We will begin with a picnic (Mr Kramer will have his grill) so bring a side or dessert to share and your own drinks. We hope to have a soccer game, a softball game, horseshoes and cornhole, plus cards, board games and more. . . If possible, make plans to come out after worship that day for a picnic, lots of games, and plenty of encouraging fellowship time. For more information, call the office at 570-703-0607. + WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY The first person Christ appeared to after His resurrection was Mary Magdalene. She would become His witness and messenger to the disciples. That just shows how important a role women have always had in the church! With this in mind we would like to start a weekly women’s bible study. If you would like to attend a ladies bible study or would be willing to lead one please see Deacon John or Amy. The hope is that we will have the women of Peace, the ladies connected with the Lutheran Academy, friends, family and women from the community come together for learning, fellowship and fun! + PRE-SERVICE MEDITATIONS You are invited and encouraged to come 10-15 min early for worship and enjoy a time of music and meditation. Carsten Bjornstad will be playing a hymn and we have a meditation guide written by Deacon Babbitts. We hope you will come and prepare your heart for worship, while learning and meditating on a hymn and its connection to the scriptures.

Looking Ahead . . . Rally Day- Sunday, September 9th We will head into fall with the return of Sunday School hour for ALL ages at 9:30am. During worship that day we will also bless the staff of The Lutheran Academy, and all our youth who have returned to school for a new year of education.

Ladies Luncheon - Saturday, September 15th The women of Peace Lutheran Church are invited and encouraged to attend a special luncheon to begin at 1:00 pm at the Lutheran Ministry Center. The mothers/grandmothers/guardians of our Academy students are also invited to attend and get to know each other and to get to know the fine women of Peace Lutheran Church. If you would like more information, or to RSVP, please see Amy Betts or Deacon Babbitts, or call the office at 570-703-0607.

Office email:

Phone: 570-703-0607

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