Peace Talk - November 2018

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NEWSLETTER November 2018

Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” Ephesians 4:11-12

From the Deacon’s Desk Grace, Mercy, and Peace to you from God, Our Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. The coming New Year turns our thoughts to new beginnings. Just before every new year starts many will make resolutions. I usually make three and keep at least one. The first one is usually for me to learn more Greek and Hebrew vocab. The second resolution is to exercise consistently. The third one, and the one I always keep, is to break one of my resolutions. I hope you’re better at it than I am. At the end of November we come to the close of the Church year. One of the responsibilities of the man serving in the role of Pastor is to equip the saints for ministry. The saints of which Paul writes of course is all of you. So my question is what would you, as an individual like to be better at in your faith life? In what way would you like to grow? What new skill would you like to learn? What new ministry would you like to see started? What gift or talent, interest or skill would you like to share with others? These are questions only you can answer. They may be questions you never considered and have to give some thought into. On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, by the altar, I will be hanging a stocking. In the stocking I ask that you put your answers to these questions. If you don’t want to give your name that’s fine. This desire for growth can be between you and God. The answers in the stocking will help me understand what opportunities I should work on for your growth. Through them God is sure to bless all of us at Peace and all those we meet. May God bless you all as you consider these questions! SDG, John

Status update: Thank you for all your prayers!!! On October 22, I passed my final interview!!! The beginning of December the Seminary Colloquy committee will accept the recommendation of the interviewers and then President Wicher will speak with the congregation on the final steps for my ordination! Thank you again for all your prayers and support almost to the finish line!

If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.

News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Harvest Party Fun

Many ask how they can best support The Lutheran Academy. There are so many ways you can support the mission field of the school. First and foremost is to faithfully attend and give your offerings here at Peace. The church body as a whole supports the Academy through a monthly subsidy as part of the annual budget and YOU play a major role in that. Secondly, consider how your talents may best be used for the good of the school. Do you have an hour or more a week you could come offer at the school either during school hours or in an after-school capacity? Do you have a skill you can with the students? Do you like to organize and want to help with one of the various fundraisers scheduled for the year? Do you like to cook/bake and can donate food for either an upcoming fundraiser, or as part of the school lunch program. Do you like to shop and can provide a much needed school supply? Do you know a lot of people and can help spread the word of upcoming events or about the school in general? How about sponsoring a student or a program? A few families struggle to make full tuition and would greatly appreciate sponsorship of any amount. There is also opportunity to sponsor the physical education, art, music, or after-school programming at the Academy. Call Amy at the office to discuss more. Lastly, pray for our students, pray for their families (some of which express interest in attending worship here at Peace), pray for our staff and volunteers, . . . pray.

Academy Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Dunmore Candy Kitchen Fundraiser The Lutheran Academy is taking orders for Dunmore Candy Kitchen sweets. An order form is located at the back of the church. Orders and money are due by November 12th and candy will be in well before Christmas. What a “sweet” way to support our school. For more information or if you would like an order form for your work friends or place of business, please let Susan Crosbie or Amy Betts know and they can get one to you.

Sunday, November 11th at Peace Lutheran Church Eat in or Take out Noon - 3:00pm $10 adult portion $5 child portion Veterans’ meals are 1/2 price Tickets Available

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Thank you for your support via the Box Top program. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. The fall collection earned the school over $66. We will continue to collect all year, and submit the second round in May. The collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops for the Academy and turn them in to the box regularly. Thank you.

Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"

CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS For Frank Schulze as he serves the final year of his prison sentence. We pray for him and his family as they eagerly await his return home. For Beverly Gedrimas as she continues chemotherapy to treat her cancer. For Bonnie Cornog as she continues her recovery process. + THRIVENT CHOICE POINTS If you are a Thrivent member, you really CAN make a big difference to the Academy by directing your choice points to Peace Lutheran Church. If you don’t have a computer you can simply CALL Thrivent and they will help direct your “choice points” to Peace Lutheran Church. Deacon John used his Captain America shield to illustrate the power it has as both a shield and a weapon in his children’s sermon on Sunday, October 28th. We can find many references to God as our shield in the psalms. That week Psalm 46 began with “God is our refuge and strength . . . “. When using a shield it can give cover and refuge, or be used in moments of strength.

Know someone who can’t make Sunday morning worship because of work, sports, or even just not a morning person? Maybe that someone is you. Please tell them to join us or join us yourself on Saturday’s at 5 p.m. starting on Saturday November 24th. These Saturday services will incude Communion. Following the service we will have a time of food and study. If you plan on staying after service please bring something to share. See you there!

New Member classes will be begin in December. Anyone interested please speak with Deacon John or Amy Betts.

Looking Ahead . . . Sat, November 10th

Community Picnic at Grace Street Park from Noon-4:00pm

Wed, December 12th

Festival of Lessons and Carols 7pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church Christmas Pagaent during the 10:30am Worship Service Christmas Eve Services 5:30pm Family Service 8:00pm Tenebrae Service

Sunday, December 16th Monday, December 24th

NICEA On Sunday’s in which we receive communion, we confess our faith in the words of the Nicene Creed. Archeologists recently found the remains of a church submerged under six to ten feet of water 165 feet from the shoreline. The located church is believed to be the site of the first meeting of the Council of Nicea. In 325 A.D. 318 of the most prominent Christian leaders met here to deal with the teachings of Arius. Arius believed Jesus was divine but created and therefore not equal to God the Father. Among those gathered for the council were Athanasius and Nicholas of Mira (known most commonly today as Santa Claus). The delegates met it is believed for three months ultimately moving from the small church to the palace of Constantine who had called for the meeting. The Teaching of Arius was condemned as heresy as the Council affirmed that Jesus was coeternal and co-equal to the Father begotten not made. If you are interested to learn more of what was found please check out Biblical Archeology Review – Nov/Dec 2018 issue.

2019 is right around the corner!! Please mark these dates on your calendar for next year. March 17 Prayer Vigil - plan to sign-up for some time to pray!! October 5 Blessing of the Animals - Plan to bring your pet! October 26 Block Party - come meet the neighbors! Have a special prayer need? How about a praise? Please share with Amy in the office so it can be included in the bulletin on Sundays.

To reach Deacon Babbitts: 570-409-6323 or Remember you can call the church office to speak with Amy for many of your questions or to RSVP to events, and to pass along needs or requests to either a local Pastor or Deacon Babbitts. Church website:

Office email:

Phone: 570-703-0607

The Gathering Hall

What does it look like when 35,000 teenagers and counselors invade a city? They worship together. They parade down the street. They build homes for the homeless. AAend Rock concerts and dances in the hotels all over the city. This is too much fun to miss!! And it only happens once every three years! Invite friends even if they don’t go to Peace! But we need to know if you’re interested so we can fund raise and try to cover all your costs. Please speak with Mrs. BeAs or Deacon John if you think you would like to go!

at the Lutheran Ministry Center is available for rent various times each month. Rental agreements are available at the back of the church and at the Lutheran Ministry Center. Talk to Amy Betts if you have any questions or would like to reserve the space.

Are you a Computer Wizard or willing to learn how to be one? Peace needs your help!! We need someone who would be willing to spend an hour or two a week updaMng our website. If you would be willing to help us with this please let Amy BeAs or Deacon John know! We can’t wait to see you work your magic!! Most of us have people in our past, that we remember fondly. That adult who was a mentor for us. Who took the extra time to see the diamond in the rough and do their part to polish us. The children of today need those people too. We look at the headlines and the talking heads on the news and shake our heads at what’s happening to our society. If we are content to shake our heads I’m sure the situation will continue to get worse and give us even more opportunities to talk about how much better the world was when we were growing up. The other alternative is to share our knowledge, stories and interests with children. Just an hour of your time will make a huge difference. If you can spare some time to help tutor a student, to assist the academy in the classroom, to teach children how to throw, golf, hit a baseball, or maybe toss a horseshoe. Maybe you have a favorite board or card game you could teach. Already I have so many requests from those who would love to have activities like this available to children it is almost difficult to know where to start. However, it has to start with you. If you can spare any time at all please contact Jan Wells, Amy Betts, or Deacon John and may God bless your day

Midweek Church Family Devotions at Immanuel Lutheran Church Come and join your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for a time of prayer and meditation at Immanuel (238 Reese St, Scranton). Devotions will be led by Pastor Zimmerman weekly on Wednesdays at noon and 7:00 p.m. The Sacrament will be available for those who desire it afterwards.

We are still hoping to begin a Women’s Bible study. Would you be willing to lead one during the day on a weekday? Or would you be willing to co-lead one? We are looking to get a study for the women of Peace the mothers of our academy children and the friends of both together each week. If you’re interested please see Amy Betts or Deacon John.

WHERE 1101 Commerce Blvd, Dickson City PA 18519 WHEN Sat. Nov 10th

FROM 4:00-8:00pm

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