July 2018 Peace Talk

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Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. ~ 1John 5:14

From the Deacon’s Desk Grace, Mercy and Peace to you from God Our Father and Our lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Pslam 23:1 Pslam 22:1

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

There is quite a contrast to these two Psalms. The first identifies and communicates a truth about our Good Shepard and how He provides for us. The second are words spoken from that Good Shepard from the cross as He laid down His life for His sheep. I shall not want. The Lord knows what we need even before we ask and provides what is good for us. Yet by coming to Him in prayer our faith and our relationship with Him grows stronger as we see what we ask for provided.He does not give us everything that we ask for such as the winning numbers of the lottery (nice as we would imagine that to be) but all that He has promised. Even when times are difficult, challenging and lean He brings us through it. My God, My God why have you forsaken me? shows what great love He has for us. For before the foundations of the world, before Adam and Eve were created, God knew to create us would require Him to die to rescue us from sin, death and the devil. He created us anyway. I’m am certain we will never understand fully, this side of Heaven, how great His love for us is. The world so often only offers us snide remarks and sarcasm. This is our experience and we learn to guard against these jibes. I am just as certain we never understand this side of Heaven, how many times He rescued us from danger, guided us back on the narrow path, and carried us. That this was done not by a peer but by the one who created all things and us in His own image is even the more mind boggling. In this world, national leaders accept as a possibility assassination but they are surrounded by others who have pledged to lay down their lives to protect them. In this sinful world such protection is necessary. But Our Lord and Savior, Our King and Shepard chose rather than have others lay down their lives in sacrifice to Him for His preservation while He walked the earth to lay down His life for us. It is the love He first showed us that draws us to follow Him by the power of the Holy Spirit by grace through faith. That faith that teaches us who Our Good Shepherd is. Through His sacrifice He sets us free from those that once oppressed us. Those who caused us to fear. As we remember and celebrate the anniversary of our independence as a nation from an earthly tyrant let us also thank the Lord for His gifts to us as a nation, as disciples, and as individuals and for His all atoning work that He accomplished freeing us and all people from the Tyranny of sin, death, and the devil for and the provisions He continues to give us as our Good Shepherd. In Jesus,

Deacon John Babbitts If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.

News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Awards Night and Graduation Awards and recognition for students, staff, and volunteers, as well as a graduation ceremony for 8th grader Nora B was held on Monday, June 11th at The Lutheran Academy.

The 1st-4th graders sharing a song they learned “Old Man Tucker”

8th grader, Nora B, as she processes in for the graduation ceremony to Pomp & Circumstance.

Teaching Position As we look to grow the school to 35+ students for fall, the board is restructuring the staff and classrooms. The Academy is currently looking to hire a teacher for the 1st-3rd grade classroom. Please help us spread the word about this position. Any interested applicants can submit a resume to info@thelutheranacademyscranton.org.

Rummage Sale August 3 & 4 held at the Lutheran Ministry Center Proceeds from the sale will benefit The Lutheran Academy. Seeking donations of sale items and volunteers to help that weekend. Donations may be dropped off at the LMC between 9:00-noon on July 30, 31 and Aug 1, or by appointment. For more information or to sign up, call the church office at 570-703-0607.


ENROLLMENT IS OPEN We are now taking applications for enrollment for the 2018-19 school year. We ask you to help spread the word about our school and ALL the positive ways we can impact a child’s academic and spiritual life.

Thank you for your support via the Box Top program. Over $260 was raised this year from this initiative. Please continue to collect them. Box Tops are found on almost 200+ items. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. As you can see, these Box Tops can really add up. A collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops. Spread the word and turn them in!

Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at www.thelutheranacademyscranton.org

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"

CHURCH NEWS AND NOTES: + SPECIAL PRAYERS For Frank Schulze who has been in jail over 2 years and is getting closer to a trial date being set. For Beverly Gedrimas recovering from surgery. For Bonnie Cornog who is now home recovering from her surgery. For Ed Smith under treatment for his cancer and for healing from a detatched retina.

Lutheran Ministry Center Needs There has become a need for a second refrigerator for the kitchen in the LMC. If you have one to donate, please call the office to arrange pickup. If you have a spare Gallon of interior paint (new or good condition) we would appreciate it as we would like to paint the boys bathroom this summer.

Farewell to Pastor Bjornstad and his family On Sunday, June 10th close to 120 church members, area pastors, and friends of the Bjornstad family came to the LMC for an afternoon of fellowship, sharing memories, and saying goodbye to Pastor, Monica and Sarah. Below is a photo of Pastor and Monica with the circuit pastors in attendance and their wives.

+ SOFTBALL TEAM?!? On Sunday, July 8th members and friends of Peace will challenge members and friends of Our Savior Mount Pocono in a friendly game of softball. The game will take place at Covington Park around 12:30. We are still looking for players to join the team, and of course would love a loud cheering section. If you have a Peace Tshirt, we encourage you to wear that for the game. If you need a shirt (or want a new one/different color) we have some left and they are only $5. If possible, make plans to come out that day for the game (to play or cheer) and for a potluck picnic to follow. For more information, call the office between 9:00-noon at 570-703-0607. + Tender Lutheran Caregivers (TLC) group will be meeting after worship on Sunday, July 1st for a time of food and fellowship as they move forward with plans to reach the needs of our congregation. If you have already expressed interest, or now feel the call to be part of this crucial ministry of Peace (many hands make light work after all), please plan to attend on July 1st. If you are unable to attend, let Deacon John or Amy Betts know so they can speak to you about how you would best like to be part of the team.

Looking Ahead to VBS. . . Vacation Bible School at Immanuel Lutheran Church will be held July 16-20 from 5:30-8:00pm. They will begin in the church with opening songs and then go over to their Hall for bible story telling, crafts, and games. All children are invited and encouraged to attend and learn that “God Keeps His Promises!” Vacation Bible School hosted by St Stephen’s Lutheran Church, GANGWAY TO GALILEE, will be held July 30August 3 from 5:00-7:00pm. Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 6 through 12. St Stephen’s is located at 701 W Lackawanna Ave in Olyphant.

We are compiling a scrapbook of photos from the event . If you have any photos that you took you would like to see in the album, please bring them to service or email to Amy at amybetts@yourpeace.org and she will have them printed. -----------------------------------------To reach our vacany pastor directly: Rev. Glen Triplett 260-498-4054 or revtriplett@gmail.com To reach Deacon Babbitts: deacon.babbitts@yourpeace.org Remember you can call the church office to speak with Amy, and to pass along needs or requests to either Pastor or Deacon. Church website: www.yourpeace.org

Vacation Bible School hosted by Peace Lutheran Church, KINGDOM OF THE SON: A PRAYER SAFARI will be held August 13-17 over at the Lutheran Ministry Center. Children will learn The Lord’s Prayer and what it means, while having fun with our Safari themed games, crafts, skits and songs. A light dinner will be served every night at 5:00. Transportation is provided if requested. Our Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 5 through 12. Ages 3 and 4 are welcome only with parent accompaniment. VBS is free to the community so invite friends to come too. Registration forms are on the VBS table and there are still plenty of opportunities for teen and adult volunteers.

email: pastor@yourpeace.org, amybetts@yourpeace.org

LMC: 570-703-0607

2018 High School Graduates

Grace Babbitts

Grace Babbitts graduated from Delaware Valley High School and will be attending Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska this fall. Grace will be a Mathematics for Secondary Education major, with a minor in Music. Grace will be living on campus and is most excited for the opportunity to get to know new people and for starting a new adventure. When asked what she will miss most about Peace while away at college, Grace said the people and my friends. She asks that we ALL pray that she doesn’t get homesick very much and for her overall safety.

AJ Hackenberg

AJ Hackenberg graduated from Lakeland Jr/Sr High School and will be attending Keystone College this fall. AJ is currently Undecided on his major, but is leaning towards Criminal Psychology. He will live on campus. When asked what he is most looking forward to as a freshman, he is very excited about continuing his athletic career as well as his academic career. He will be playing Lacrosse for the Keystone Giants. He will miss helping out at Vacation Bible School this summer, and asks that as he begins this new adventure of further education we pray for his academic and athletic success. A special blessing over our graduates will take place on Sunday, July 8th during the worship service.

VBS Donations As we prepare for Vacation Bible School (VBS), there is a need for some supplies and if you are able to donate any items it would help our budget tremendously.

Craft Items: Toilet paper tubes Scotch tape Zebra Print Napkins (dollar store) Yarn/string ¼ inch wooden dowels Brown pipe cleaners Green acrylic paint Plaster of Paris Plastic or silk greenery/leaves Brown felt Spring type wooden clothespin Plastic spoons 9 ounce plastic cups (preferably green) Medium sized wiggle eye Old newspaper Paintbrushes (1 inch or smaller) Clear contact paper Colored construction paper Paper towel tubes Assorted pipe cleaners Sandwich sized Ziploc bags Snack sized Ziploc bags Costumes and Decor all of which will be returned: Safari themed stuffed animals for decorating Safari themed plants Baskets/barrels Safari themed decorations Safari themed costumes Zebra costume Elephant costume Lion costume Giraffe costume Hippo costume Food items: Breadsticks with cheese dip Nutella Gold fish crackers Graham crackers Oreos (plain) Junior mints Chocolate coins Small stick pretzels Regular marshmallows Chocolate covered graham crackers Select a size paper towels Donations can be brought to Peace on Sundays, or you can stop by the Lutheran Ministry Center between 9:00am-noon Monday through Friday and Amy will be happy to collect them. Veteran-led Bible Study FOR Veterans Over the summer the meeting/ study session will be held at Peace in the fellowship hall Saturday, July 7th and August 4th at 9:00am. Light breakfast food will be served and study will be led by Army Veteran Ky Betts (pictured while serving in Baghdad, Iraq). Share this information with veterans you may know and encourage them to attend.

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:45-10:45am Why are we here? Many of ask this question at some point in our lives. At this time in the life of our congregation it is an important question for us to explore. What is the reason the church exists? What is the power of prayer? Where does one find peace? What is the harvest? How do the answers affect how we are the church? Join us this Summer as we explore some of these questions in a very conversational style of Bible Study. This is a great opportunity for us to talk, share our personal thoughts and experiences and apply God’s word to our lives and our ministry as a congregation. It begins at 9:45 a.m. and will last one hour. It will be followed by music from Carsten to prepare us for our worship service. if you are unable to make the 11 am service this is a great opportunity to still spend some time learning from God’s word every Sunday before going about your day. See you there!!

Pictured above are Pastor Bjornstad, Susan Crosbie, Carsten Bjornstad, Ed Klees, Jane Borchin, Drew Klees, and David Schultz at the burial of Peace member Alfred Klees.

LWML Convention Wrap Up On June 1-3, 7 ladies from Peace Lutheran Church attended the Eastern District LWML Convention in Niagra Falls. Susan Crosbie and Aurora Pajuelo took 5 of our teens for the convention. The ladies participated in a service project (cleaning at a food pantry) when they arrived. Then the weekend was full of bible study, food and fellowship, speakers, and a beautiful worship service on Sunday to end the convention. Upon returning to Peace, all the ladies shared they had a wonderful experience. We pray they were renewed spiritually and will attend again, and be joined by more of the women of Peace.

The Peace ladies as they headed off to the LWML convention in Niagra Falls: The young ladies from Peace were Nora Betts, Alexandra and Aurora Pajuelo, Sarah Bjornstad, Grace Babbitts, joined by a fellow teen musician to sing and play for the Sunday worship. Isabelle Kramer, Susan Crosbie.

In their off time, the girls visited the Falls, enjoying one of God’s majestic gifts.

SUMMER HOURS Beginning June 3rd, we will have one worship service at 11:00am. No Sunday School over the summer. We will return to two services and Sunday School on Rally Day, September 9th.

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