Peace Talk March 2019

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Peace Talk

House of Prayer on Parker and Main

PASTOR’S MESSAGE Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God, Our Father, and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. “And he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne. And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” Revelation 5:7-8 English Standard Version (ESV) In Revelation, there are seven scrolls. Jesus, the Lamb, here is presented with a scroll. The message of the scroll will be revealed to John as a message of encouragement for the church as it faces it’s trials to remain faithful. Remaining faithful means that it must carry out it’s mission to reach everyone with the Good News of the Gospel. That every person will know that Christ died once for all to rescue us from our sin. Death is not the end. Included in the image presented in these verses is the prayers of the saints (that’s you and me) rising before the throne of God like incense. The prayers we pray portrayed as a sweet smelling fragrance before God’s throne. This is how God describes our prayers, a beautiful addition of worship borne to Him by the angels. Jewish tradition viewed the angels as the ones who offered our prayers before the throne. On Saturday night when we conduct the Evening prayer service we chant Psalm 141 as part of our worship. In the second verse David asks God “Let my prayer rise before you as incense,” even as we ask the same of our prayers. So Christ, through John, calls us to faithful service and prayer. and encourages us in our trials! In keeping with Our Lord’s desire for His church we will have a prayer vigil on March 17th, - St. Patrick’s day. To honor the memory of God’s servant Patrick in this way is in keeping with our Lutheran Confessions which state: “Our Confession approves honors to the saints. For here a threefold honor is to be approved. The first is thanksgiving. For we ought to give thanks to God because He has shown examples of mercy; because He has shown that He wishes to save men; because He has given teachers or other gifts to the Church. And these gifts, as they are the greatest, should be amplified, and the saints themselves should be praised, who have faithfully used these gifts, just as Christ praises faithful business-men, Matt. 25:21, 23. The second service is the strengthening of our faith; when we see the denial forgiven Peter, we also are encouraged to believe the more that grace truly superabounds over sin, Rom. 5:20. The third honor is the imitation, first, of faith, then of the other virtues, which every one should imitate according to his calling. These true honors the adversaries do not require. They dispute only concerning invocation, which, even though it would have no danger, nevertheless is not necessary.” Patrick is known for his faithfulness to the mission of the church, for his prayer, and for his knowledge of the scriptures. He converted the Irish people. His prayer or Lorica (Breastplate), that he spoke before entering the mission field, is famous and has been set to music at least twice. He also attested to praying 100 times every day and another 100 times every night while as a slave tending sheep. Finally, His confession is full of references to the scriptures. So please sign up for a time that you can be in prayer at Peace Church during the 24 hours of St. Patrick’s Day! We will have our regular worship services and yes, of course, you can pray at home, but this is a time as a congregation when we can show that we are one body by having God’s house filled with prayers rising before the throne as incense. SDG, Pastor John

If you find yourself unable to attend worship on Sunday, head over to Facebook and during the readings and sermon portion of the service we will go LIVE on “God’s Peace at Parker and Main”Facebook page. Now you can stay connected to God’s word and and Pastor message each and every Sunday. Past Sundays are available now on the “Video” section of the page.

News of The Lutheran Academy! Working in partnership with God's people to raise up a new generation of faithful Christian men and women!

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Thank you to all who supported The Lutheran Academy via the pancake breakfast. With over 25 volunteers and 98 people fed, we raised $780 for the school!

Written by Principal Jan Wells The Lutheran Academy is using a new grammar program this year. What’s so exciting about Shurley Grammar? Why is it the premier grammar program in the nation? Shurley Grammar teaches grammar using a three-pronged approach: jingles that teach information, a question and answer flow that enables students to locate that information, and a writing curriculum that applies these concepts in our students’ own work. For example, students memorize the Sentence Jingle, a catchy chant that reminds them of the five things we need to have a complete sentence: subject, verb, complete sense, capital letter, and an end mark. Similar chants help students find each of the eight parts of speech and the jobs they do in our language.

Happy smiles from some of the many volunteers.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Thank you for your support via the Box Top program. Each Box Top when turned in earns the Academy 10 cents. The collection box is located in the back of the church. Please save your Box Tops for the Academy and turn them in to the box regularly. Thank you.

READING ACROSS AMERICAGUEST READER February 28th, Lackawanna County Sheriff Mark McAndrew visited the academy and shared a little bit about what he and the entire Sheriff’s department does to protect and serve our community. As part of Read Across America, Sheriff McAndrew read the book Officer Buckle and Gloria to the student body. We are thankful for this special visitor and what was learned from his visit.

Then, students look for those components in supplied sentences using the Question and Answer Flow, a series of questions - whose answers are in the jingles - that help students identify what each word in a sentence is doing. Using complete sentences, rather than memorizing lists of words (like nouns or verbs), assures the students see the job a word is performing. For example, we often teach that football is a noun, a thing. But in the sentence, “The football player threw the ball,” the word football is performing as an adjective, telling what kind of player threw the ball. Just memorizing the word football in a list of nouns would be failing our students in the long run. Finally, right from first grade, students learn to design and check their own writing against these components for excellent sentence, paragraph, and eventually essay structure. Our youngest students learn the formula for writing an expository paragraph. As they grow they master descriptive and persuasive writing techniques, too. In seventh and eighth grades, our students study and practice the structure and style of essay, or opinion, writing. Interested in seeing this in action? Stop by the academy. We’d love to demonstrate what we are learning. Did I mention that one year I took some first graders to a local university to demonstrate this method to their college freshman English class? The university students asked their professor why no one had ever taught them these things. Shurley Grammar really works!

Visit and share the Academy website at anytime at

Pray without ceasing - 1 Thes. 5:17 Remember to ask: "How can I pray for you?"




The adult bible study class (open to those confirmed and older) is studying In His Mighty Power by Jerry Kosberg. It is A booklet for group or individual study which contains 18 chapters that first identifies the enemy of our spiritual battle and then enumerates the weapons believers can use in their spiritual fight. Each chapter ends with a list of questions called "Warriors Aware." It is never too late to join in the study and discussion. Consider coming a little early to church and strengthening yourself for the battlefield of spiritual warfare.

Thanksgiving and Praise to God for His approval for Pastor John Babbitts as an SMP Candidate and for the congregational vote happening on Sunday, March 3rd. For Peace Lutheran Church as we work through the call process. For Frank Schulze as he serves the final months of his prison sentence. We pray for him and his family as they eagerly await his return home. For Beverly Gedrimas as she has completed her chemotherapy treatments and is cancer free. For Bonnie Cornog and Grace Morris as they continues the recovery process. + PRAYER COORDINATOR God tells us His house is to be a house of Prayer. Prayer is such an important part of not only our faith life but our ministry and care for one another. We are looking for someone to volunteer to act as a prayer coordinator. Our prayer coordinator would work to contact those on the prayer list weekly so that our prayers could be more specific and so we can lift up prayers of thanksgiving when the prayers have been answered. If you enjoy talking with people and would be willing to reach out weekly to those on the list and keep us as a congregation updated so we can pray for more specific needs please let Pastor John or Amy know.


Looking Ahead . . . March 17 March 22 April 14 April 15-21 July 15-19 October 5 October 26

Prayer Vigil - plan to sign-up for some time to pray!! Family Night at the LMC 7:00-9:00pm Palm Sunday Egg Bake Breakfast Holy Week Vacation Bible School Blessing of the Animals - Plan to bring your pet! Block Party - come meet the neighbors!

The monthly Family Game Night on Friday, February 22 had 29 in attendance for an evening of BINGO. Special thank you to Jerry Cornog for calling the numbers all night, and for providing an array of lovely prizes. Thank you John Kramer for popping A LOT of popcorn. And for all who brought snacks. We do hope more members of Peace will join in the next family night on Friday, March 29nd. Join in a night full of snacks, fellowship, and a family-friendly movie. Come and be a blessing in the lives of our academy students and get to meet their families.

The Gathering Hall

+ PRAYER VIGIL- March 17th Join us on Sunday, March 17th for a special 24 hour prayer vigil. Please sign up for a time slot to come to the church and pray. We are looking to have at least one person or more at the church at all times through out the day in prayer. We have divided the day into 20 minute blocks of time and are asking people to sign up for at least one 20 min block of time or more. Prayer concerns and suggestions for things to pray about will be provided. Please invite friends!!

PALM SUNDAY BREAKFAST The youth going to the National Youth Gathering this summer are hosting an egg bake breakfast on Palm Sunday - April 14th. Free will offering will be collected for this VERY delicious breakfast! Enjoy another yummy way to support the youth of our congregation. Church website:

at the Lutheran Ministry Center is available for rent various times each month. Right now we have three Saturdays available in February. Rental agreements are available at the back of the church and at the Lutheran Ministry Center. Talk to Amy Betts if you have any questions or would like to reserve the space. Please help us spread the word to those in the community you may know looking for a meeting or event location. Have a special prayer need? How about a praise? Please share with Amy in the office so it can be included in the bulletin on Sundays.

Office email:

Phone: 570-703-0607

March Birthdays Lillian Colbert Amy Betts Julian Vaccaro Kobe Sauter Jessi Black Susan Crosbie John Kramer Kyle Ward Doug Roberts

Baptism Birthdays 5 8 8 16 16 23 24 25 28

Lillian Colbert


Join Tammy McClure and Isabelle Kramer on Thursdays at 6:00pm for a People of the Book Hymn Sing at Gardens at Green Ridge. They will be singing from the Sing Joyfully with the residents of the nursing home.

Stay Up With Jesus

Thank him for His blessings by adorning His altar. We can all think of a blessing God has bestowed upon us and we can remember and celebrate. . . birthday, baptism birthday, wedding anniversary, praise of good health, etc. A flower sponor poster hangs in the narthex. Consider when you might offer God praise through flowers in 2019. To order call McCarthy’s Flowers at 570-507-9441 or 570-343-1179 and ask to speak with Carol. Or you can stop by the 1001 N. Main Ave, Scranton store and order from there! YOU will order and pay directly for the flowers you want to sponsor. McCarthy’s will take care of the delivery on that Saturday.

After the Last Supper, Jesus was arrested, tried, condemned, and crucified. While praying in the garden he kept returning to find the disciples asleep. "Could you not watch with me one hour?" Jesus asked them. On Maundy Thursday, April 18th, join us at the Lutheran Ministry Center as we pull an all nighter to trying to do better than the original twelve. You will be arrested, fingerprinted, charged, judged, and condemned. If your not up for an all nighter, sign up to help process the long line of criminals that come to receive justice! It will start immediately following the 7pm service at Peace, and will end as we bring the cross to the 9 a.m. Good Friday Service at Peace.

Saturday Service is in full swing. We are pleased to have an average of 10 per week in attendance. If you know someone who can’t make Sunday morning worship or maybe that someone is you. Please join us on Saturday’s at 5 p.m. These Saturday services include Communion. Following the service is an optional a time of food and fellowship. Susan Crosbie has prepared may wonderful suppers and coordinated for others when she is out of town. Please consider staying after service for supper and if you can, bringing something to share. See you there!

Happenings at Immanuel: Midweek Lenten Services Ash Wednesday:Noon and 7:30pm Services The remaining Wednesdays in Lent, Midweek Services will be held at Noon and 7:00pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church Winter Game Nights You are invited to winter game nights at Immanuel.They are scheduled for the final Saturday of March and April. Next one is March 23rd at 5pm. All are welcome for some fellowship and fun.

Now we’re not trying to get you in trouble with Mom by spoiling your lunch. And we’re not trying to sugar up the children before they head home. We would like to fortify ourselves (after those long prayers pastor says) before we head home and have some time to socialize. Sooooooooooo if you would be willing to set up or to bring a dessert to share, please sign up in the Narthex for a particular week to help out! No need to go downstairs, join us in the Narthex after service to eat, drink, and talk!!

To reach Pastor Babbitts: 570-409-6323 or Remember you can call the church office to speak with Amy for many of your questions or to RSVP to events, and to pass along needs or requests to Pastor Babbitts.

Books of the New Testament Words to find:

Gospels Epistles Check Chapter 2 verse 1 to find these hidden books ______ Now a;er Jesus

______You therefore, my

______ And again He

______But as for

______And it came

______Therefore we must

______On the Third

______To the angel

______When the Day

______My brethren, do

______Therefore you are

______My liNle children

______And I, brethren

______Therefore laying aside

______But I determined

______ But there were

_____ Then a;er fourteen _____And you He ______Therefore if there ______For I want ______For you yourselves ______Now brethren, concerning

These books you will find by looking at chapter 1 verse 2. ______because of truth ______beloved I pray ______ mercy, peace and ______To beloved Apphia

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