March 2013
Peace Talk Peace Lutheran Church
THE LION OF JUDAH: THE VICTOR We have a young student at The Lutheran Academy whose name is Tess. She is looking forward to being baptized here at Peace on May 5th. She is a child very blessed in God's Spirit. Her mother Theresa asked her daughter if it would be OK to share a dream that she had told her. She said that was her wish. Theresa wrote in her email this amazing dream. From it we can all take heart in the Lord as we continue on our Lenten journey and see Easter!: "Tess was in Peace Church. Someone evil came in the church. It was the devil. He went up to the Altar and broke the cross in two and threw it to the ground and stomped on it. As he was stomping, the LION from the tribe of Judah sprang forth from the cross. Tess began to scream in excitement as she saw Jesus and yelled, knocking over everything he could on the way out. "HE'S ALIVE! HE'S ALIVE!" The devil ran out He purposely threw over the BAPTISMAL!!! Tess said that you, Miss L. (Academy teacher) and the kids of the Academy and church people ran upstairs When I Survey the Wondrous Cross while she was yelling "HE'S ALIVE!" and everyone on which the Prince of Glory died, started confessing their sins. Tess kept saying to herself, "I have to touch Him. I have to touch Him." My richest gain I count but loss She said that she almost passed out from the LION of JUDAH springing out of the cross and defeating And pour contempt on all my pride. the devil. Then everyone followed the LION downstairs where See, from His head, His hands, his feet a big celebration started! Then Tess said she heard, "It's time to get up my children...." I was in her room Sorrow and love flow mingled down! waking her up for school. :) Did e'er such love and sorrow meet What do you think of that? God is at work in our midst. The unseen is at war and the LION OF THE Or thorns compose so rich a crown. TRIBE OF JUDAH IS THE VICTOR!!!" AMEN! An A p o st o lic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod
We are so very thrilled to have our 11th student join us at "The Laughing Loving Learning Lutheran Academy"! Joseph is an extremly polite 2nd grader and a very sociable young man. He lives only half a block away from the school and is absolutely thrilled to be at the Academy! Please spread the word that we have room for at least a couple more students!
THANK YOU for your support of the Academy by coming to the Chocolate Pancake Breakfast on Feb. 10! We had ticket sales of $330 and we are waiting for word as to how much Thrivent will add to that total! Thank You!
THANK YOU for your contributions to the Food Drive the Academy is sponsoring‌ We will be taking the food to the food bank as a school and then go grocery shopping for more food at Wegmans. The grocers there will teach the students about all the different foods that are important for a healthy body - fit for God's purposes!
LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK COMING UP AFTER EASTER! We will be celebrating Lutheran Schools Week here at Peace on April 7th, but the celebration will continue at Immanuel Lutheran Church on the morning of April 14th. But following the service on the 14th ALL members of both Peace and Immanuel are invited to a GRAND POTLUCK at the Immanuel Church Hall. We hope to have a beautiful turnout and hopefully a bit of a hymn sing over our food! PLAN TO ATTEND!!! After lunch we are hoping to give YOU a tour of the school!
SUPPORT THE ACADEMY!: If you would like to support the mission and ministry of the Academy, PLEASE remember that you can donate to the Academy either in the Sunday offering plate, or simply go to our Academy website at and make a donation with your credit or debit card! IF YOU ARE A THRIVENT MEMBER please assign your "Choice Points" to Peace Lutheran Church and the dollars are automatically assigned to the Academy! Thank you so much!
Please pray for these three amazing members of Immanuel Lutheran Church (Barbara Latniak, Sigi Nerz and Kathy Norris). They left March 1st to participate in this mission trip to Costa Rica, sponsored by MOST Ministries. This team will teach the women quilting and craft skills that they can use to earn income for their families. Each day will begin with sharing a devotion with the women from the church.
NEEDED: MORE DISASTER RELIEF WORKERS! SATURDAY MARCH 16! We will be traveling to New Jersey for the day! We have a great core group scheduled to go (TIM HARSCHE is CLOSING HIS STORE for the day to come with us!), but we are looking for 2 or 3 more to come with us! If Tim can close his store, what can the rest of us put aside for the day? We leave at 6:30 and are back by 9pm! WEEK OF MARCH 17TH! We are looking to pad a team from Iowa who are going to be working in Brooklyn, NY! Minimum of two days work! All skill levels welcome! Below is pictured a recent team to New Jersey!
PLEASE PRAY FOR PASTOR NAVEEN NISCHALL and his family as Pastor Bjornstad is STILL working hard to help them move to Scranton and be a part of our family here at Peace Lutheran. Pastor Nischall's mission work in New Jersey has lost its funding and he is looking for full time work here in Scranton. Please let Pastor Bjornstad know if you can help in finding him (any kind of) work. As the Lord blesses him we hope that we can begin some mission work among the Indian population here in Scranton! At the time of this printing there are still a couple things they are waiting on for the Lord to direct them, but do not be surprised if you see them soon!
WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church WE CONTINUE OUR "THE STORY" ADVENTURES - finally breaking this month into the NEW TESTAMENT! In MARCH we will be reading Chapters 23-27 of our special edition of Scriptures!! Please join us for Bible Studies at 9:30 on Sunday! We need to pray that we don't loose our enthusiasm for God's Word! Keep READING and PRAYING! Our Sunday Schedule is as follows: + 8:15 Worship with Holy Communion + 9:15 Education Hour for Adults and Children + 10:30 Worship Celebration (with Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays/month) LENTEN MIDWEEK SERVICES are held every Wednesday at 10am and 7pm here at Peace!
HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE: Palm Sunday: Brunch starts at 9:15am after the early service! Holy Thursday: Seder Meal begins at 5:30pm! Pot Luck with real lamb served! Great for the Whole Family! Good Friday: 11:30 am begins the Re-enactment of the Crucifixion. We always need participants! please see Beverly Gedrimas if you would like to help. Otherwise please come and observe this very meaningful event. 7pm Tenebrae Service Holy Saturday: 9pm Easter Vigil service - this ancient and beautiful service begins with a fire outside! Ky Betts will be assisting. THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD! 8:15 AND 10:30 (There is a 6:30? service by Pastor Mandile at Evergreen Cemetery)
WE HAVE SOME FOLKS WHO ARE EXCITED ABOUT A MONTHLY COFFEE HOUR DOWNSTAIR AFTER WORSHIP! Our 1st one will be Sunday, March 17th! We are hoping that you will plan on coming down, sharing some good fellowship over coffee and treats! We hope to have special music - AND THE EASTER CHOCOLATES!
RC 17! H
MISC. NOTES: THE BIBLE, an epic 10-hour / five-part docudrama will premiere Sunday, March 3 on HISTORY. From Genesis to Revelation, HISTORY will illuminate the Bible, re-telling the stories as they unfold and revealing new insights into these iconic characters in context of the Bible. This is looking like a wonderful complement to our reading through the scripture this year! Take the time and watch it! It was produced independently by Christians and the History channel was the only network that didn't refuse to show it!
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SENIOR YOUTH ON THEIR WAY TO TX! 1. RESTAURANT CARDS FOR $10! The cards are EXCELLENT deals and well worth their price as you can use them as many times as you like! 2. WONDERFUL POTATO SOUP every Wed. and Sunday! $3.50 container! 3. Find Pastor Bjornstad a wedding photography job - all proceeds go to the trip!!
OUR YOUTH AND ADULT CHOIRS ARE REHEARSING FOR PALM SUNDAY AND EASTER! New voices please! Next rehearsal is March 13th, 7:45!
ALLELUIA! PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS FINALLY (AT LONG LAST!) A NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY! Please pick one up and use it to encourage and pray for each other! ++++++++++++++++++++ THE RENOVATION OF THE CHURCH BATHROOMS HAS BEGUN! Don't be surprised at a mess for a while! :) Please speak with Jerry Cornog if you would like to help
with the work so we can keep the price of the renovations down! KY BETTS, one of our church Elder's is at this printing in Poland on an art tour! He and his companions will be interacting and sharing their art with the people of Poland. He has promised a full report when he gets back home! ORGAN FUND DRIVE NEARING COMPLETION! At our council meeting, it was reported by Rick Hellard that last year $11,000+ was given toward the Organ Fund. That would mean that (along with what was given in 2011) we are truly just $3000 shy of the $30,000 we need to replenish our Building Fund (which we borrowed from to pay for the organ in 2011). Let's see if we can finish it off by Easter? If you pledged to the Organ fund but have not yet fulfilled that pledge, please do! IF YOU ARE A THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERAN'S MEMBER, please remember to VOTE in the important referendum to either remain an organization specifically for Lutherans, or expand our base to anyone who is a Christian. +++++++++++++++++++++ A FEW WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMNT FROM THE MIND OF MARILYN! "How neat to know that your life today will be met with God's mercy and love, can be lived under His watchful eye, and result in growth and progress." Commentary on Facebook. Mar.1, by Pastor Craig Bode, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Ft. Pierce, Florida. This day ( and what was left of yesterday) hadn't gone well, by 530 in the morning. So, our Creator "hooked me up" via
Facebook on the computer, with a Christian gal pal who is in Belgium! Her hubby is on a temporary job there, from the U.S. It was 1130am there. We spent about an hour sharing and praying! Then I read what Pastor Craig Bode had written about 1-1/2 hours earlier! Instant encouragement - in fact was there before I needed it! Sharing Jesus via "social media". God is able! Blessings, Marilyn Wright +++++++++++++++++++
LWML NEWS: Coming up on Saturday, May 4th, Peace Lutheran will be hosting the LWML Spring Rally! Plan on helping to host all our NEPA Lutheran women for this special day! The LWML National Convention is scheduled for June 27-30 in Pittsburg! The church van is going! All Passengers are WELCOME! Registration materials are in the LWML magazine at the back of the church! Ever been with 4000 other Christian women singing praise to the Lord? It is VERY inspiring!!!
PRAYERS NEEDED: + Ken Williams has been transferred to Allied Skilled Nursing and is undergoing therapy. He is progressing every day and is looking forward to being at home with his wife Pat again! He is thrilled to testify to the mercy of the Lord and would be glad to see any visitors! + Pastor Al Vomhof, of St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, who is under doctor's care for what might be a return of cancer. + Art Grogan, nephew of Audrey Russell, who is suffering from brain cancer (he has a wife and two small children.) + Our shut ins the Korbans, Trudy Makowski, Anita Holzmann, Mark Herie‌
What Is Easter? Easter is the most important holy day of the Christian faith. The name in the English language (not the religious celebration itself) comes from pagan celebrations of the spring equinox (when day and night balance out). The sun rising in the east was its symbol, hence the name : OE. eostor. The Christian holiday itself is quite different. Its roots are tied to the Jewish Passover, which was the season in which Jesus was executed. Passover (Heb. pesach) is when Jews remember how God liberated them from Egypt. For Christians, Easter marks the discovery of the empty tomb and the return of Jesus from death; it is the liberation of all humans from the consequences of our stubborn refusal and inability to follow God.
What Christians Do on Easter The Easter Service is not some sort of a stand-alone thing. It is part of a series of events that the early Church treated as one worship service. It starts at the Thursday of the Commands (also 'Holy Thursday' or 'Maundy Thursday'), which marks Jesus' commands to serve, to take Holy Communion, and to love as He loved. On that day Jesus was betrayed and arrested. At the end of the Thursday service, the altar (sometimes the whole sanctuary, the halls and entryways) is stripped bare and treated as if preparing for a funeral. That's because it is for a funeral -- Good Friday is the day of Jesus' execution, the first day of Jesus' death. Today, Good Friday services are usually in the early evening, but tradition puts it at mid-afternoon, when the gospels say Christ died. The Catholic tradition has a lengthy Easter Vigil of believers awaiting Christ's return by acts of worship, for Saturday or the early morning hours of Sunday. The empty tomb was discovered at sunrise on Sunday morning, so Christians start celebrating with worship at sunrise, with more worship services throughout the morning. Traditionally, the church uses the Easter services to baptize new adult believers, after using the Lent period for teaching them about the faith.
What Easter is not Easter is not the celebration of the Easter Bunny, a character who seems to have multiplied like, well, a rabbit, in today's era when some folks would rather worship inclusiveness than the real God. Easter is not the US celebration of the end of income tax season, as much as that is a great reason to celebrate (most years it doesn't time together as well as it did in 2001). Easter is not just a good excuse for a spring break from school, nor is it just a good time to start the baseball season. Easter is not about the Easter Egg, though the Egg is a cherished Christian tradition, especially in Eastern Europe. The egg is a symbol of new life that awaits its time to burst its shell and come out. Easter is not the celebration of the spring equinox, even though that's where the name came from. It is, however, common in Christian circles to use the coming of spring as an analogy to the resurrection of Christ. In winter, most plants die off and many animals go into hibernation or reduce their activity levels; it seems like death has taken over. When spring comes, the plants turn green and give leaves and bloom flowers, the insects return, and the animals arouse, as if new life has sprung from the dead. (That's why white lilies are a popular Easter gift.) Christianity started in the northern hemisphere, so the timing of Passover/Easter matched the coming of spring, making a powerfully visible analogy. But it is just that : an analogy, saying that one thing is like another. Analogies can only be pushed so far before they become untrue, because the two things are alike but not the same. For those in the southern hemisphere, like Australia, southern Africa, Chile, or Argentina, it is fall, and autumn's march toward winter has begun. Autumn makes for an analogy that is well-suited to the introspection and awareness of death found in Lent and Holy Week, which come before Easter. There's also an untruth in the very nature of the spring analogy. It infers that resurrection from death is part of some vast natural cyclical system -- nature's recycling. You live, you die, you live again. (And you die again, and this world keeps circling through life and death.) Christians believe that death is real, and that it's hell to have to go through it even once. The 'natural' thing is that death is final. Your body's atoms get recycled, but that which made you 'you' is ended. Worse, what you learn during Lent is that this is just and right and necessary. The reason you die is that you're not good enough or whole enough to live forever. If not for death, there would be no end to the wrongs you have done or the lies you have lived. If death is our just and 'natural' end, then what is Resurrection Sunday about? Simply this : the One who made it all loves us so much that losing us is a divine challenge. God hates losing us so much that God had to be with us, even to die as we die, so that God and us can once again live in love toward each other. So much that God had to make a way for us to be alive forever, with God, in a new beginning in a new Kingdom, without the wrongs and the lies and the fears. When Jesus was killed He couldn't stay dead, for if He did, so did we. Thank God for loving us that much!
Empty Tomb. Big Deal... Thus, an empty tomb. By doing that, God's not saying, "See? I did it, now you try". God's also not saying, "Now you'll live and not suffer and die". God is saying, "You'll decay and die. But I've made it so that's not the last word. Death can't stop you from being with me and from living as I meant you to be. Please accept my invitation to the Kingdom." This RSVP does you no good if you put it in the trash can (though God keeps sending it to you, even more stubbornly than a direct-mail marketer). It does noone any good if you go around telling people that the banquet's actually being held at the house of the goddess of Self, or of the god of Technology, or at the Power and Control Room, or at the Cuddly Bear School of Fuzzy Spirituality. They'll go there and miss the party at God's mansion complex. The big deal is not that God could overcome and transcend death. It figures that the Almighty could do that if such a being would think it worth bothering to do. The big deal is that : • • • • •
the Almighty actually did do that, and did it so we could live on; Jesus did it while treating death full-on for what it really is; after death we are being led by God into something much better, much more life-full than what we now have; and hints and glimpses of this grand new life can be seen and lived in our current world.
This really is a big deal! That is what the empty tomb means, and why it's cause for such joy. by Robert
Longman - more at