The 2010 Mission Festival The 2010 NEPA Mission Festival was held on Sunday, April 25th at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Wilkes Barre, PA. It was a cooperative effort of all the LCMS congregations in NEPA. It was a great opportunity to celebrate our mission together in taking real action to reach out to others in the name of Jesus! Over 70 participants enjoyed workshops led by Roger Borchin (school ministries to families), Rev. Ron Fink (ministering to the Post Modern generation), and Rev. Murray Brindle (witnessing techniques in your every day lives.) Rev. Don Hayas from Cleveland, OH, was our mission speaker and he shared a message on Encouragement. The dinner was absolutely fabulous and an offering toward the work of NEPA Lutheran Mission Partnership was $375. We are grateful to Rev. Kim Bode for heading up the organizing committee and we are so grateful to the Lord for all His blessing of this event! An evaluation meeting was held and plans are already being formulated Stephen and Cheryl Grim and their for our next festival in 2012 which will two boys were in attendance at the include bringing a speaker in from St. Louis - NEPA Mission Festival. we hope the President of the LCMS!
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Next Mission Partnership meeting (recently changed!): 10 am Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010 at Peace Lutheran Church, 2506 N. Main Ave. Scranton We call ALL the mission minded to our three meetings a year. We will be planning and organizing for mission trips and continuing our congregational mission networking. PLEASE JOIN US! If you can't join us in person please join us over a conference phone! Please check out our webpage for updates.
Faith Lutheran Church Members build in Guatemala Praise God that Debi Hartzell, a preschool teacher at Faith Lutheran Church, Easton, and Ken Corey (also of Faith) traveled to Huite, Guatemala with along with a group sponsored by Thrivent Builds (with Habitat for Humanity.) They were there from April 17 - 28, 2010 to help rebuild the lives of those devastated by disasters. Debi writes her reflections below even as she is already signed up to go on another trip, this time with LCMS to Haiti: My very first mission trip, what an experience. All my fears and insecurities about traveling out of the country were put to rest. The trip went smoothly, Habitat was there to meet us at the airport in Guatemala and we were safe and sound. The Lord showed us how blessed we are here Ken on the left and Debi on the right with in the USA and how much our help is needed abroad. I some of the local men helping. am looking forward to many more trips in the future. All you need is a passport, a tetanus shot and the willingness to serve - and off you go. Since this trip, there has been even more devastation in Guatemala. A severe tropical storm and volcano eruptions have crippled and already struggling country. Keep the people of Guatemala in your prayers. A new trip is being planned for February as we speak. This is a great trip for first timers. It is well organized and safe. - Debi Hartzell NEPA LUTHERAN MISSION PARTNERSHIP IS ALL ABOUT: Envisioning and Facilitating current and future LCMS Lutheran Missions in North East Pennsylvania! Check us out at: or call 570-343-9828 In step with the Ablaze! movement of the LCMS