ANNOUNCING THE NEPA 2010 MISSION FESTIVAL! The NEPA Mission Festival Committee, headed by Rev. Kim Bode (Grace Lutheran Church, Hop Bottom), is glad to announce details of the 2010 Mission Festival. The festival will be held on Sunday, April 25th at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Wilkes Barre, PA, and be a cooperative effort of all the LCMS congregations in NEPA. Please be excited for this great opportunity to celebrate our mission together in taking real action to reach out to others in the name of Jesus! Mission Festival Proceedings: 3:00 Registration and Opening Devotions. 3:30 Breakout workshops on various mission topics. 5:00 Dinner and Fellowship 6:00 Program that including Rev. Don Hayas, Mission Speaker from Cleveland, OH 7:30 Closing Worship and Praise Please mark your calendars and watch for more information!
New Orleans Mission a beautiful success! From January 2-9, ten volunteers from NEPA Lutheran Congregations (and two from NY congregations, as well as one Presbyterian!) drove all the way to New Orleans and were blessed to work with others from around the nation to rebuild the lives and communities destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. The Lord kept the whole team safe and it was a truly blessed experience for all! Ruth Mueller, one of the participants, shared some of her reflections: "Seeing New Orleans this time made me aware of how “few� people are there now. The people whose home we worked on lived out of town and had to drive in to work or to see their home when we were there. Half the houses in the neighborhood were still in unlivable condition. Seeing the marks left by the flooding way above my head still was indescribable. This was a week when we were able to walk closely with the Lord feeling His spirit and being His hands as we worked with and served others. This is a special kind of peace that passes understanding." Please continue to pray for the people of New Orleans! You can see a video of the trip by going to and search for "New Orleans 2010 Mission"! NEPA LUTHERAN MISSION PARTNERSHIP IS ALL ABOUT: Envisioning and Facilitating current and future LCMS Lutheran Missions in North East Pennsylvania! Check us out at: or call 570-343-9828