November 2012
Peace Talk
Peace Lutheran Church
NEPA largely spared. Relief Equipment needed for trailer Relief efforts begin! Although there were a few of our families who were without power for quite some days, it seems that congregational our members were spared any major damage or loss from Hurricane Sandy. We praise the Lord that he has spared us, but we realize that he has done so that we can be strong and be a blessing to those who are suffering. God's intention is to always bring salvation and healing and love into the direst of situations. He does that through the hands and feet of His people!
On Saturday, Nov. 3rd, Eastern District President Rev. Chris Wicher authorized the money necessary to purchase a Disaster Relief trailer. MANY THANKS! It will be purchased immediately and customized by Dale Newhart. But we need equipment to fill it now. If you would like to donate (used or new) any of the below, please do!
What was originally scheduled as a NEPA Lutheran Mission Partnership meeting for Sunday, Nov. 4th at 7pm here at Peace has exploded into a "Hurricane Huddle" meeting that should be well attended by many who are eager to be helping in any way they can. Please come and share the joy!
1 Generator (8500 watts min.) 2 chain saws with mixed gas can and chaps and guards. 1 gas power washer 2 five gallon gas tanks 2 Hallogen light stands 2 sum pumps w/50' hoses 2 push vinyl push brooms 2 shovels 1 furniture dolly with straps 5 buckets/sponges/cleaning supplies 2 3' pry bars 4 hammers 1 2' squeegee on a pole 3 6" scrapers on poles 5 large scrub brushes 1 large pruner Goggles Knee pads Sanitation suits?
ONE EXTRA THING THAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR HELP WITH: HOUSING FOR RELIEF WORKERS. The present plan is that Scranton will be something of a "base station" for relief workers coming in from around the Eastern District. We need beds and breakfasts for them as they sleep overnight and push off each morning to work in the disaster zones. At least for right now we don't plan on staying overnight in the disaster zones. We also need folks to make lunches for work crews! The Atlantic District, LCMS, is also asking for clothing donations! Needed especially are: +Underwear +Socks +Warm Winter Clothing +Towels and Blankets BRING THEM HERE TO PEACE CHURCH and they will be transported!
An A p o st o lic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod
THE LUTHERAN ACADEMY AND IMMANUEL PRESCHOOL NEWS!!! Why send a child to The Lutheran Academy? How is it different than a public school?
Class Picture Day was the last week in October and here you can meet Matthew and Tess, brother and sister. Matthew is in fourth grade and Tess is in second grade. Their parents are absolutely thrilled with the opportunities that their children have at the Academy!
THE ART OF MAKING MUSIC - TO THE LORD! One of the VERY real blessing of being a student at The Lutheran Academy is the music education and the arts. Presently EVERY student is learning an instrument and they have time to practice EVERY DAY! Violin, Piano, and Recorder are the mainstays instruments presently, and Pastor Bjornstad tutors them (much to his JOY!) every day! Not only do they play instruments and learn how to read notes, but we SING pretty much constantly! During devotions each day and as we have choir practice. The musical activity that the kids like the BEST, however, is always playing the chimes in our chime choir! Music is such a beautiful part of the Christian's life and it is because our hearts sing that we love to play and sing at The Lutheran Academy! PLEASE KEEP THE DATE: Wed., December 12 is the Academy's annual presentation of the "Festival of Lessons and Carols" at Immanuel Lutheran Church!
Share the news of the Academy and Preschool! There is still plenty of room for more students! Also PLEASE remember the Academy RELY'S on your donations!!!!
PASTOR’S PRAYER FOR OUR CONGREGATIONAL MEMBERS AS WE APPROACH THE ELECTION: That with God’s blessing we can: 1. Calmly and rationally discuss and debate the issues facing our country, recognizing those we disagree with as not our enemies, but our fellow countrymen. We must be humble, realizing WE are not always right! 2. Eliminate ALL slanderous language, false and exaggerated testimony, and haughty innuendo from our conversations. 3. Offer up to God devoted prayers for wisdom and guidance as we consider our own vote. 4. AND FINALLY: Actually vote on Nov. 4!
CELEBRATING GOD'S GOODNESS IN OCTOBER! BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! OCTOBER 14th we celebrated Audrey Russel's 86th Birthday! There was a very BIG cake after church that was shared by all her admirers!!!! (we didn't quite fit 86 candles on it though!)
DISASTER RELIEF CONFERENCE: Pastor Bjornstad attended a conference in St. Louis at the "International Center" LCMS headquarters. The October 8-10 conference was for all District Disaster Relief Coordinators and provided a great foundation for Pastor's current work now directing the disaster relief operations of the Eastern District! God is Good! (It was his first time at the International Center - and he was very impressed!)
YOUTH GATHERED FROM PEACE AND ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN FOR A LOCK-IN and after having a great night of fun participated in a Walk against Hunger that was held in Peckville and sponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Over $2000 was raised for the local food pantries here in Lackawana County! Praise the Lord!
JAMES MCHALE, a member of Dunmore Football Team was featured in the Scranton Times as being a leader in his school in the fight against bullying! Congratulations James! Keep up the good work! HANNAH BJORNSTAD placed first in the district voice competition! MARJA also competed for the first time and was awarded 8th place! Congratulations Hannah and Marja!
Aproximately 60 members of Peace, Grace (Hop Bottom), Immanuel, and St. Peter's Lutheran (Wilkes Barre) all were amazed and thrilled with our Joint Reformation Service on October 28th at 7pm. Pastor Mandile helped lead the historic "Luther's German Mass" liturgy and Pastor Bode had a powerful sermon directing us all to the Stable in Bethlehem and the savior lying in the "Stable Stuff" (there is another "S" word for that.) To know that Savior is to be "Stabled"! We thrilled at the Table of the Lord and heard the Gospel in the choir arrangement of the Reformation hymn "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word" with STRING and organ accompanyment! Ky lifted the worship also with his trumpet playing! We THANK Jill Trapane for her EXCELLENT leadership in the music department! All anyone could say was "Let's have this AGAIN next year!"
REFORMATION THEMES: + FAITH ALONE! + CHRIST ALONE! + GRACE ALONE! + SCRIPTURE ALONE! THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED OUT AT THE CHURCH CLEAN-UP DAY! Especially we need to thank Jerry Cornog for organizing it with Judy Newhart. Dale Newhart was the main force in building the new closet where the old organ blower engine used to be. Also Jim Calpin fixed the vandalized light underneath the three crosses (very frustrating that someone just yanked it out of the ground and broke the conduit piping and destroyed the wiring‌ all for what?) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Job 10:12 You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.
WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church WE CONTINUE OUR "THE STORY" ADVENTURES! In November we are reading Chapters 8-11 of our special edition of Scriptures! Please join us for Bible Studies at 9:30 on Sunday's and 7pm Wednesdays at the Paddocks house in Nicholson! call pastor at 343-9828 if you need a ride or directions! We need to pray that we don't loose our enthusiasm for God's Word! Keep READING! Thy Word is a lamp unto my Our Sunday Schedule is as follows: feet and light unto my path! + 8:15 Worship with Holy Communion + 9:15 Education Hour for Adults and Children + 10:30 Worship Celebration (with Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays/month)
THANKSGIVING WORSHIP: 7pm Wednesday Evening, Nov. 21 with Holy Communion! UPCOMING EVENTS: Men's Retreat hosted by Grace Lutheran Church: Nov. 9-11 in Tunckhannock with lots of fishing and fellowship! More information available! Luther Day Dinner: November 11th at 2pm at The Melting Pot. See Audrey Russell for tickets! We will be awarding Roger and Jane Borchin the William T. Schmidt Award, as well as Sarah Walker the William T. Schmidt (Jr.) Award! YOUTH DISCOUNT CARD SALES: Praise the Lord we have FOUR of our youth registered for the national LCMS Youth Gathering next summer! Alison McHale will be our chaperone and we will be traveling with youth from Immanuel and St. Peter's Lutheran churches. Over the next weeks they will be selling $10 coupon cards that are good for a whole year for various restaurants and local businesses! Thanks for your support! PLAN AHEAD: LIFE CONFERENCE in Washington DC. January 25-26! in conjunction with the annual March for Life. This is going to be a wonderful conference with major speakers that will address the issues facing us today concerning LIFE!
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER, 1pm Thanksgiving Day here at Peace!!! For all those in our church and community who don't have family to celebrate with! Bonnie Cornog and Beverly Gedrimas are planning this dinner. We would love your help and participation! Do you know someone who is alone? Invite them! Let's make this a very special time!