Peace Talk - October 2012

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October 2012

Peace Talk

Peace Lutheran Church


Reformation All Over Again!

It has been many years since there has been an area-wide Reformation service. It was 2003, to be truthful, when we had such an event last. With the prompting of our worship committee and Music Director Jill Trapane, another invitation was sent out to our LCMS brothers and sisters in Christ in NEPA. We are working hard to make it a truly inspirational service! Some of the specifics:


WHEN: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 7PM WHERE: HERE AT PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH PREACHER: Rev. Kim Bode (Grace Lutheran, Hop Bottom) MUSIC WILL INCLUDE: + STRING ENSEMBLE + BRASS + MASS CHOIR We are asking ALL singers to come to answer the call to make this Sunday extra special! Our rehearsals are as follows: Friday Oct. 19 & 26 - 7-9 P.M. Sunday Oct. 28 - 5:30 P.M. with strings


ON Thursday, Oct 4th, there was quite the beautiful gathering of supporters and alumni of The Lutheran Academy who wanted to show appreciation to Mrs. Angela Scheller for her faithful five years of service to the church and school. She has spent the past month at the Academy showing Ms. Heather Luclanchuk (above right), our NEW teacher, "the ropes" of our unique school. It was extra special to have one of our first students, Laura Hartsgrove, put together a wonderful scrapbook of all kinds of pictures and tributes from the past five years. This special book was presented to her at the farewell reception. Mrs. Scheller shared how much she appreciated the Lutheran Academy family.

An A p o st o lic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod

THE LUTHERAN ACADEMY AND IMMANUEL PRESCHOOL NEWS!!! Why send a child to The Lutheran Academy? How is it different than a public school?

Above is pictured Rachel and Jason, our two first graders at The Lutheran Academy! They were at Miller's Orchard picking out their pumpkins after the tour of the farm!

THE UNDERSTANDING OF HUMAN NATURE The general default Educational philosophy these days is based on the general assumption that every child is innocent as they are growing up and they have the power to "be good" and to make the right choices. The Lutheran Academy knows better! When a student comes to the Lutheran Academy we are thrilled to teach each child what is right and wrong and to be able to think critically about the world through the lens of God's Word. We are able to speak about how we are by nature sinful and unclean, but through Jesus Christ we have the forgiveness of our sins and full redemption! STUDENTS SING FOR FUNERALS! One of the most beautiful ministries of the Academy is that the students sing for the funerals at Immanuel. It has become such a sought after element of the funeral that Pastor Mandile doesn't even have to ask for it. The grieving families ask for it! What a beautiful gift and learning for the kids!

Share the news of the Academy and Preschool! There is still plenty of room for more students!

Mark 10:23-31 (ESV) And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" 24And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." 26And they were exceedingly astonished, and said to him, "Then who can be saved?" 27Jesus looked at them and said, "With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God." 28Peter began to say to him, "See, we have left everything and followed you." 29Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, 30who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life. 31But many who are first will be last, and the last first."

PEACE NEWS AND NOTES BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! OCTOBER 14th will be the celebration of Audrey Russel's Birthday! There will be a BIG cake after church so please count on staying and having some good fellowship!

NEEDS IN THE CHURCH: + New council Secretary to replace Meredith Woolverton as she has moved away. + Van drivers for Sunday morning. + Sunday School teacher/helpers. + Ushers/Greeters! + Volunteers at the Academy! Call 343-9828 for more information!

PRAYER CORNER: Please keep these individuals and concerns in prayer: Mark Herie as he presently struggles in a serious way in the Hospital (CMC - thank you if you visit him!) Al Kriger, Sr., Connie Perry, Margaret Hoffman (health and healing); Anita Holzman as she was recently moved to the Alzheimer care unit at the Jewish Home; Judy Evans, Chris Jones, Joey Schulze, Chris Brown and Robert Herie are in need of work! FOR OUR COUNTRY as we near elections that we might understand and love each other even as we disagree on issues.

Walk Around For Hunger Volunteers from our church are requested to participate on Saturday, Oct. 13th from 9:00 A.M.-Noon in the Walk around for Hunger at Mellow Park in Peckville which is sponsored by Mid Valley Ministerium, Thrivent Local Branch, and local churches. The Lackawanna County Chapter of Thrivent Financial is so generous that they will be contributing $20 to sponsor each walker who attends a Lutheran Church in this county and walks any distance during this event. Proceeds from sponsorships and donations will go toward the Bread Basket of NEPA which supports seven food pantries in Lackawanna County. More information and sponsor sheets are available in the narthex of Peace Lutheran Church in the basket on top of the water cooler. Thank you for uniting together to benefit this worthwhile cause!

ALSO pray for the Price family as they are presently moving in to their new home in Dover, Deleware!

UPCOMING PRESENTATION ON "LUTHER AND THE JEWS" - a presentation by Dr. Bowmann will be Sunday, October 14th at 3pm at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Ash and Taylor St., Scranton. There is a small donation asked for the accompanying dinner and discussion!

WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church WE CONTINUE OUR "THE STORY" ADVENTURES! Our Sunday Schedule is as follows: + 8:15 Worship with Holy Communion + 9:15 Education Hour for Adults and Children + 10:30 Worship Celebration (with Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays/month)

Introducing "THE STORY"! IF YOU DIDN'T GET YOUR SPECIAL EDITION BIBLE YET YOU STILL CAN! You can actually pick YOUR Bible up at church! There are 31 chapters - one chapter for each week for the 31 weeks following Sept. 9th! THIS SPECIAL edition Bible is Chronologically ordered and is intended to give you a fabulous sweep through the (REAL) "Story" of Salvation. The good news is that the parts of the Bible which have a tendency to "bog" a person down (like genealogies) have been excised out for your reading pleasure! The further good news is that all our Bible Studies and Sunday School Lessons and Sermons will have as their subjects the very chapters that everyone will be reading! + Sunday Mornings at 9:20!


+ Wednesday evenings at Julie and Gary Paddock's house in Nicholson! Join us at 7pm at 122 Aspen Lane, just off rt 107 on Lake Sheridan. You can call them at 721-2695 for further directions, or call Pastor if you would like a ride! + Saturdays at 5pm we will be having devotions at the church.

BIBLE STUDY ON SUNDAY Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path! MORNING HAS BEEN VERY WELL RECEIVED! PLEASE COME AND SHARE WITH US! PLEASE WELCOME OUR VISITORS! WE HAVE BEEN HAVING PLENTY LATELY AND WE NEED EVERYONE TO MAKE THEM FEEL COMFORTABLE IN GOD'S HOUSE! PASTOR is also "playing" with a new broadcast technology so that those who cannot come to worship can still join us live on FACEBOOK (at least for the sermon as there are copyright problems in broadcasting the whole service. Look for "God's Peace at Parker and Main" on FB to join us!

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