October 2013
Peace Talk Peace Lutheran Church
REFORMATION SERVICE COMING OCT. 27, 7pm Last year Peace invited all the area Lutheran congregations to a joint Reformation service and it was a fabulous success! We certainly hope to build on that this year with our 2nd Annual! This year Rev. Otto Baker (assistant pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church, Bethlehem) will be our guest preacher. We are looking to match last year's mass choir as well, so come and join us for special choir rehearsals Oct. 24th at 7pm and Oct. 27 at 5pm. We will be using a service order that would have been something of standard fare during the 16th century's Reformation. And most certainly we will be celebrating our Lutheran heritage and the truths of the Reformation that we are saved by Grace through Faith (not by works) - as we hold scripture to be the Word of God for our lives!
Sept. 28 Pot Roast Dinner was a tremendous Success! Thanks to ALL who helped (and especially our Lord) our first dinner in quite some time here at Peace turned out so well! We were somewhat lacking in leading this event, it turned out beautifully anyway! $1255 was raised and our expenses were $470 - so we raised a significant amount of money for our church (which after the summer really needed a financial boost!) We fed 100 souls and met quite a few neighbors. Mostly we learned again how well we can work together and enjoy each other's company! Thanks Jim Calpin, for making the best pot roast there possbily could be this side of heaven!
An A p o st o lic Mission C o n gregat ion of The Lut heran Church Missouri S y nod
The Lutheran Academy and Immanuel Preschool/Kindergarten Welcome to October The school year is off to a fabulous start at our schools! We will have a visit from Miss Luklanchuk’s cousin, a Scranton Fire Fighter as our kick off for Fire Prevention Week. Next comes a trip to Millers Orchard to learn about organic farming and play in the pumpkins and sunshine. Later in the month Miss Luklanchuk and Mrs. Mandile head for Milwaukee for the Lutheran Education Association’s National Convocation! In addition to all the fun we are kicking off a new program to link our students to you, our congregations. We would like to pair up each of the students with a secret prayer partner to be connected with throughout the school year. Each prayer partner will receive a personal letter from their student. The prayer partner will commit to praying daily for their student and may receive other letters from their student requesting specific prayers. The prayer partner may write back to the student but identity will be kept concealed until our Lutheran Schools Potluck in March, at
which time a revealing will take place! All correspondence will be screened by a teacher or board member to keep this a safe and positive activity for all. If you are interested in taking part in this ministry of prayer, please speak to Pastor or Monica Bjornstad, or fill out the enclosed form and put it in the “Prayer Partner” white shoebox in the entrance of the church and we will contact you. Thanks SO MUCH for your support of our
We have been missing our special time to grow as couples! Come and join us! Calling all married couples in our congregation - and your married friends as well! Amy and Ky Betts will lead us in discussion on Saturday, October 12th from 6-8pm!
WHAT MOST PEOPLE ARE THINKING WHEN THEY SAY "I LOVE YOU?" "The person is thinking: Yeah, I really do love him. But I hope he showers at least once a day." - Michelle, age 9 "Some lovers might be real nervous, so they are glad that they finally got it out and said it. Now they can go eat."
LWML News—September 13-‐15 was a perfect weekend for the LWML ladies from all over the
Eastern District to meet for our Women’s retreat at Camp Pioneer Retreat Center on Lake Erie. We enjoyed singing and the spiritual leadership of our pastoral counselors who led us in Bible studies on the theme
"Flowing Springs into Thirsty Ground" from Psalm 107:33. We were also privileged to hear from Rev. Nathan Esala, translation advisor for the Komba Bible project in Ghana, West Africa. This year was my second time attending the retreat, and it was great! The weather was beautiful, the fellowship wonderful and the worship times uplifting. I would whole-‐heartedly encourage all of our ladies to attend in the future. -‐ Monica Bjornstad OCTOBER 6TH is LWML Sunday and we will have a quarterly LWML Mite Gathering. These mites go to support the many mission projects around the world and in the United States! "LWML" stands for Lutheran Women's Missionary League! You can learn more by going to www.lwml.org
October is an extremely BUSY month here at Peace Lutheran Church! No one can (or is expected to) attend even close to all of the events… but CHOOSE to help out or participate in a couple of them! THE TRUSTEES ARE CALLING ON MEMBERS TO HELP CLEAN UP THE GROUNDS AND CHURCH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 - STARTING AT 9AM!!!! Come for an hour or three! Lots of coffee and a few treats supplied for an engergy boost!!!!
Oct obe our r 20 is Fell next We owsh ip! still n ee spo nso d a r!
FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH IS GOING FABULOUSLY! We would always love to have more kids - AND more adult help! Please give Pastor Bjornstad a call! Thanks to Julie Paddock and Tina Goble we can continue!
OVERNIGHT LOCKIN to take place here at Peace October 11-12! We are going to go to a football game to watch James McHale and Timothy Hackenberg play against each other! Then we will do the BANANA CRAM and Bible Study and help clean up the church in the morning!
WORSHIP AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at Peace Lutheran Church October we have THREE baptisms scheduled Praise the Lord - and Pastor's sermon focus will be on what it means to be a "Lutheran" Christian. Our worship services are at 8:15 am and 10:30 am Sundays, with Sunday School and Bible Study at 9:30am! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us! NEW ADULT BIBLE STUDY LEADERS for Sunday Mornings! Elders Ky Betts and This is Ky Bett's bulletin cover Chuck Mercer, along with Church Council President Chad Tyk will take turns leading illustration for September 29. Many Bible Study! (Pastor will be downstairs with the youth.) Come and share the faith recent Sunday lections (readings) have with your fellow pilgrims on the way to heaven! to do with the Christian privilege of YES! SUNDAY SCHOOL IS IMPORTANT! We have children who should/can be in sharing with the poor.. Sunday School but are NOT! Make the invitation! Volunteer to teach! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Life is too short to sell God short! ON OCTOBER 13 we will visit the nursing home during worship!!!!!
NEWS AND NOTES: KEN JURGENS donated a laptop to the church office for Pastor Bjornstad to use. It is a WONDERFUL computer and it is much appreciated! WE ARE THANKFUL TO GOD for His provision of a new roof through our insurance. There was a lot of wind damage that was costing us a lot of leaking. It was also extremely disappointing to find out that the former roofing job 10 years ago was done so poorly. One whole section of the roof had three layers underneath the top layer of shingles‌ layers that had been contracted to be taken off!!!
+ For the ministry of the Gospel that is being accomplished in Pastor Brian Nichols in the church he is serving as a vacancy pastor, as well as his every day work as a Hospice Chaplain! + For our Shut In's Elwood and Edith Korban, Marilyn Wright and Trudy Makowski, Mark Herie.
CONGREGATIONAL VOTER'S MEETING IS COMING UP IN NOVEMBER! Please speak with Chad Tyke, our President, if there are issues you believe need addressing. As well, we WILL be having elections this year and we DO need your earnest and willing participation in the leadership of our congregation. Look for the opportunity to stand up and be counted! :) CONFIRMATION CLASS has begun and Pastor is so very excited about it! You can pray for the spiritual growth of Kerilyn Pon, Kobe Sauter, Joel Kriger, Andrew Harsche, and AJ Hackenberg! We are having a GREAT time together!
PLEASE PRAY: + For our Academy and the Immanuel Preschool - that all our children would be well equipped to lead a Godly life in service to our fellow man!
THE HOUSE ACROSS THE STREET from the Parsonage is for sale and there is the idea that the church to purchase it! The trustees have toured the house and with some mofification it might be a very good place for two of our members to live who are in great need of housing. Please share your thoughts on such an endeavor with council members. No action could take place on such a project without full congregational approval of the members!
Adella Decker was going through the receipe box that her mother Anita Holzman had made and she found this recipie that she got from Freda Monske (d. 2005?) We remember these saints of the Lord and we wonder WHEN are we going to make these cookies again? It is coming up on Christmas! Anyone want to get together in the church basement and experience good old fashioned blessings of fellowship and laughter? PERHAPS WELSH COOKIES DON'T HAVE TO BE A MEMORY… MAYBE THEY CAN ACTUALLY MELT IN OUR MOUTHS THIS CHRISTMAS!!!!
Highly recommended by Jerry Cornog: GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN HOP BOTTOM, PA has extended an ivitation to all the men of our congregation to join them in their annual Men's Retreat over the days of Oct. 11, 12, 13! The topic: ‘Whom are you living for?” -What is Life? -What is the Church? -What is worship? -Where do we go from here? Registration is $20 for all youth under 18. For adults, we ask only for a freewill donation. (We are suggesting $40 just to defray our costs). The retreat is on the shores of the Susquehanna River and there is LOTS of fishing this weekend, as well as beautiful fellowship and Bible Study! Please give a phone call as soon as you can, so that we can plan on your attendance. 570 289-4468!
MARTIN LUTHER QUOTES: “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess” “All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired, although not in the hour or in the measure, or the very thing which they ask. Yet they will obtain something greater and more glorious than they had dared to ask.” “Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God” “I more fear what is within me than what comes from without” “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say”
WE PRAY for the children of The Lutheran Academy such as Emily, here pictured on her first day of class. She is in 3rd grade and is a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church. She absolutely LOVES going to school!
is welcome to come with questions!
Caroline, an expert in religions and cults, will explore the teachings and religion of Islam and its implications on our lives today as Christians. Everyone
Peace Lutheran Church, Scranton, PA
6:30 pm
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Guest Speaker Carolyn Chaffers Presents on